June 17, 2014
Mr. Seabrook opened the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call.
Present: Steve Bush, Mark Seabrook, Charles Freiberger.
Also Present: Scott Clark, Auditor; Rick Fox, Attorney; Jim Wathen, County Council President; John Schellenberger, County Council; Sandy Duley, Commissioner’s Administrative Assistant
Welcome Boy Scout Troop 25 from Georgetown
Old Business:
Rick Fox – Draw up an agreement to share GIS information with the City – In Progress
FCR 2014 – V Resolution regarding Huncilman Reorganization
Chris Moore - FCO 2014 – VIII Stormwater Contracts with Property Owners
New Business
1. Operations Report: Don Lopp
Five Mile Lane Bridge Update
Bridge Closed on 5 mile lane. Looking at a replacement. Replacement $85,000. Heritage to work on an estimate and to present an updated schedule
Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.
Edwardsville Master Plan Project Updates
Contract with TSI Paving. Lowest bidder $696414.33.
Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.
Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.
Groundbreaking July 1, 2014.
Bridge 80 Inter-Local Agreement and Update
Harrison/Floyd project Part of FEMA. Harrison taking care of part of the road. Finalizing the permits.
Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.
Redevelopment Commission – TIF District
Declaratory resolution Economic Development area. Planning commission is step 2. Enhancing economic opportunity. Step 3 is a resolution is that it complies to the comprehensive plan. (tonight) Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.
Motion passed unanimously.
Tax Sale Properties Update
SRI coming for a live auction at 10am on June 18. All properties are currently vacant.
2014 Paving Projects
$200000.00 for paving projects
Signing of Fenwood Plat
Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.
Motion passed unanimously.
Harrison/Floyd sharing the Riverboat revenues
Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.
Motion passed unanimously.
2. Approval of the June 3rd Commissioners Minutes
Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.
Motion passed unanimously.
3. Approval of Payrolls & Claims Mr. Clark stated he reviewed and there were no unusual or extraordinary items. Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.
Motion passed unanimously.
Chuck Fr appreciated the boy scouts for attending
Mr Bush appreciated the boy scouts for attending
Mr Seabrook thanked everyone for coming
PJ Moore Comment on the
J John Reynolds… Opportunity to analyze the operations of Floyd County. Leaving a pricing and operational package with Mr. Fox.
Motion: , Action: Adjourn, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.
Motion passed unanimously.
6:14 adjourned