Pineview Government Center
May 20, 2014
6:02 PM
Mr. Seabrook opened the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call.
Present: Steve Bush, Mark Seabrook, Charles Freiberger.
Also Present: Scott Clark, Auditor; Rick Fox, Attorney; Jim Wathen, County Council President; John Schellenberger, County Council; Brad Streigel, County Council; Sandy Duley, Commissioner’s Administrative Assistant
Old Business:
Rick Fox – Draw up an agreement to share GIS information with the City – In Progress Mr. Fox trying to draw up an agreement with the City
New Business
1. Scott Ham of Silver Creek Water – 16” water line on Grant Line Rd (from the RR to Fairview Knob) – 16” water main 1200’ asking permission to go into county right of way grantline road existing 8” main all permits will be obtained Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. Motion passed unanimously.
2. FCO 2014 – VII – Ordinance to Allow Retiring Officer to Retain Weapon – Mr. Seabrook read - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Scott Clark - Non-Reverting Fund - Illegal Settlement - Post July 1, 2013. - Tabled
4. Assessor – Trish Byrd – Bid Awarding for Cyclical Reassessment – three bid Tyler Technologies award bid to Mr. Fox reviewed proposal & contracts Motion: for Tyler Technologies, Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Karen Bell – Monitoring Agreement – contract with sober link portable breath analyzer Motion: Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush. Motion passed unanimously.
6. Nick Roberts – Perfection Group Presentation - tabled
7. Operations Report: - Teresa Plaiss
Bridge 66 Engineering – professional service agreement for repairs late summerMotion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush. Motion passed unanimously.
INDOT Contracts – Project Charlestown multi use Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. Motion passed unanimously.
Edwardsville Galena Road Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush. Motion passed unanimously.
8. FCR 2014 – V Resolution regarding Huncilman Reorganization - tabled
9. Receipt of the April Report of the FC Veterans Service Officer, Mr. Glen Hammack - Mr. Seabrook acknowledged
10. Approval of the May 7th Commissioners Minutes – Tabled for correction
11. Approval of Payrolls & Claims- Mr. Clark stated he reviewed and there were no unusual or extraordinary items. Tabled
Mr. Freiberger thanked everyone for coming
Mr. Bush thanked everyone for coming
Mr. Seabrook thanked everyone for coming
Mr. Fox – Letter of agreement Motion: Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.
Motion passed unanimously.
Carole Lamb – Ordinance that was approved & signed does it do what was wanted; do we need to set up Board; Mr. Seabrook stated he did not believe it was a finished product.
Brad Streigel - Asked if Mr. Wathen had gotten ahold of the Commissioners Mr. Fox stated there would be no executive session on June 3rd because to discuss the selling of property has to be in an open meeting. Mr. Fox suggested joint work session on 6/17 5:00.
4:30 Solidwaste
Motion: 6:24, Action: Adjourn, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.
Motion passed unanimously.