Pine View Government Center

May 7, 2014

6:05 PM


Mr. Seabrook opened the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call.

Present: Steve Bush, Mark Seabrook, Charles Freiberger.


Also Present:  Scott Clark, Auditor; Rick Fox, Attorney; Jim Wathen, County Council President; John Schellenberger, County Council; Sandy Duley, Commissioner’s Administrative Assistant


Old Business:


1.                  Rick Fox – Draw up an agreement to share GIS information with the City – In Progress – had initial meeting – follow up in a


2.                  Appointment to Weights & Measures (Mr. Ingram’s resignation effective 2/3/14) - Motion: to appoint Mr. Steven Ingram, Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles FreibergerMotion passed unanimously.


3.                  Request for retiring Officers to retain their weapon – May 20th – Mr. Fox advised that this has been set for the May 20th meeting.


New Business


1.         Request from Sheriff Mills to withdraw his request for Ordinance in reference to public access records – no action


2.         Scott Clark - Non-Reverting Fund - Illegal Settlement - Post July 1, 2013. – Mr. Clark requested this item to be tabled.


3.         Assessor – Trish Byrd – Bid Opening for Cyclical Reassessment – Trish Byrd three bids received –

            Nexus Group – $226,865.00 annual fee for services

            Tyler Technologies - $674,158.00

            Ad Velorum - $873,750.00

All are for a four year cycle.  Motion: take under advisement, Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. Motion passed unanimously.        


4.         George Mouser – Regarding FCO 2014-VI – Carole Lamb – 6411 Phillip Schmidt Road, suggested revisions to the FCO 214-VI was submitted.  Mr. Fox asked why establish a district versus the Commissioners passing an ordinance; what is the advantage.  Mr. Seabrook did not like the possibility of fees being required with establishing a sewer district as Allen County has set up.  Preservation Act or district definition differences.  George Mouser also spoke to this matter and requested the Board consider what was submitted by him.  He had been approached by the Commissioners to set up a district.  The concern of the possibility of residents being force onto sewers was discussed.  The proposed district ordinance was reviewed.  Mr. Mouser read the Indiana Code that pertains this also.  Work sessions was also suggested   Mr. Bush asked if the proposed ordinance by Ms. Lamb would address Mr. Mouser’s concerns.  Mr. Seabrook stated Mr. Mouser would have to give a little.  Mr. Freiberger stated the Health Department should be included in any committee on this matter.  Mr. Fox reviewed what he was asked to do, he sent State Statute and other information to Mr. Mouser; his research was reviewed.  The ordinance states that if someone has an operational system they will not be infringed upon to hook onto sewers.  Joseph Moore stated he believed Ms. Lamb’s suggestions could be accepted; committees, changes could be addressed later.  Mr. Moore stated sooner something is done the better.  Motion: FCO 2014- VI as submitted by Carole Lamb, Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

Motion passed unanimously.



5.         FCO 2014–VI  -  On-Site Sewage System Preservation Act - Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

Motion passed unanimously.



6.         Jim Silliman of JTL – Bid Awarding for Edwardsville-Galena Rd Connector Project - 696414.33


7.         Operations Report:  


§     Contracts – DeBra Kuemple – include 3 package rooftop units $6312 Motion: Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush. Motion passed unanimously.  ETC Proliance as soon as he receives the contract he will get to Mr. Fox for his review and bring back to the next meeting  - & Crocodile Cutters - Motion:  Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.


§     Request for space at Reisz Building - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.  Motion passed unanimously.


§     Awarding of Bid – Duncan Station Way Project


§     Agreement for Relocation of Water Line for Duncan Station Way Project - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.  Motion passed unanimously.


§     Report on Edwardsville Spring Clean-Up – 80 volunteers; $2200 in sponsorships.


§     Support Letter for The Nature Conservancy – Bicentennial Trust Program - Motion:  Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.  Motion passed unanimously.


§     Bridge 80 Update - appriaMotion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.  Motion passed unanimously.


§     Tunnel Hill Rd Extension – railroad has required preliminary review  Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

§     Motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Gibson equipment loan Motion:  Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

Motion passed unanimously.


AT & T tower special exception needed signature Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

Motion passed unanimously.


Development agreement for chester cove - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.

Motion passed unanimously.



8.         Jill Saegesser – FCR 2014-IV Authorizing Application Submission & Local Match Commitment & signing of Citizen Participation Report - $66,900 Grant match by Aqua Indiana  $267, 613 total grant amount.  Motion: Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

Motion passed unanimously.


9.         Joseph Moore, George Mouser & Dale Mann – Regarding Access to Public Records – Joseph Moore gave out a 2 page document that he reviewed.  The Commissioners asked what jurisdiction do they have over Sheriff Mills


10.       Signature for Tax Sale Support Services Addendum for FC Treasurer – Mr. Seabrook read - Motion:  Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.  Motion passed unanimously.


11.       Receipt of the Mar. Report of the FC Clerk, Ms. Christy Eurton - Mr. Seabrook acknowledged


12.       Receipt of the Mar. 17th minutes of the NA-FC Public Library Board of Trustees - Mr. Seabrook acknowledged


13.       Approval of the April 15th   Commissioners Minutes - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

Motion passed unanimously.



14.       Approval of Payrolls & Claims - Mr. Clark stated he reviewed and there were no unusual or extraordinary items. Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

Motion passed unanimously.



15.       Attest that the only item discussed in the 5:00 Executive Session was Litigation - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

Motion passed unanimously.



Mr. Freiberger thanked all volunteers with the Edwardsville Clean-up; thanked Jill


Mr. Bush heard both good and bad on the vote centers


Mr. Seabrook


Mr. Fox – items for Storm Water Board 2 agreements adopt Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

Motion passed unanimously.

 Maintenance quote Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.

Motion passed unanimously.

Ordinance - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

Motion passed unanimously.

Election Board – report on the election and how everything went yesterday.


Mr. Clark – FMLA 6/1-8/24 4/23 Motion:  Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.

Motion passed unanimously.



Motion: 7:40, Action: Adjourn, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.







4:30 Stormwater


5:00 Executive Session





MARK SEABROOK, PRESIDENT                                                    




