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FLOYD CIRCUIT COURT – Judge Orth ADDITIONAL   Additional Appropriation for Circuit, Superior Court No. 1, Superior Court No. 2, and Magistrate to purchase updated and new FRT Court Reporting Equipment (7303 – Riverboat) Fund Dept Type Line Line Name  Amount          Requested 7303 000 1000 01 Purchase FTR Court Reporting Equipment $15,000.00 Total $15,000.00   Motion:Action: Approve, Moved by Dana Fendley, Seconded by Brad Streigel.  Motion passed unanimously.       5.
FLOYD COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT – John Schellenberger ADDITIONAL  Six Month fund distribution Trust Budget Fund Dept Type Line Line Name              Amount                                   Requested       4009 000  4000    01 Contract Staff $10,926.00         Supplies (Office & Clinical) $ 5,010.26           Rent, Utilities, Services,                   $ 1,026.00                             Total $16,962.29     Motion:Action: Approve, Moved by John Schellenberger, Seconded by Dana Fendley.  Motion passed unanimously.     6.
FLOYD COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS – Karen Bell REQUEST Request Council Approval to transfer funds within the Floyd County Community Corrections’ accounts.  These transfer requests were submitted and approved by the Advisory Board on 04/21/14, and the IDOC on 04/23/14.  The request involves transfer from the Project Income Account and IDOC Grant Account. TRANSFER (9102 – PROJECT INCOME) Decrease: 9102 000 3000 03 Repair and Maint.  $                       8,000.00 Increase: 9102 000 3000 07 Lease of Equipment  $                       8,000.00   TRANSFER  (9102 – PROJECT INCOME) Decrease: 9102 000 1000 10 FICA  $                       3,500.00 Increase: 1121 001 1000 10 FICA  $                       3,500.00                 TRANSFER  (9102 – PROJECT INCOME) Decrease: 9102 000 1000 14 Insurance  $                     23,000.00 Increase: 1121 001 1000 12 Insurance  $                     23,000.00   TRANSFER  (1121 – COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS ADULT) Decrease: 1121 001 2000 02 Motor Vehicle Supplies  $                       2,100.00 Increase: 1121 001 1000 10 FICA  $                       2,100.00                 TRANSFER  (1121 – COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS ADULT) Decrease: 1121 001 1000 15 Workers Comp  $                       2,800.00 Increase: 1121 001 1000 10 FICA  $                       2,800.00   Motion: Action: Approve all five transfers, Moved by Tom Pickett, Seconded by Lana Aebersold. Motion passed unanimously.     7.
AUDITOR’S OFFICE – Scott Clark REQUEST Request to move appropriations from Riverboat to Health Insurance Non-Reverting. TRANSFER (7303 RIVERBOAT) Decrease: 7303 Riverboat  $                     25,000.00 Increase: 5213 Health Insurance  $                     25,000.00   Motion: Action: Approve, Moved by Dana Fendley, Seconded by Brad Streigel.  Motion passed unanimously.     OTHER     Dana asked if anything that was appropriated and denied can be paid from what was unappropriated.   Jim spoke with Don Lopp regarding the denial for Local Road & Street, this should be OK, they think it is a technical error.   John stated that the total of the denied appropriations is $148,000 and with what we approved tonight we still have to find another $94,000+ for the others.   Dana – Open Door fund raiser has been cancelled   Lana – need good fund raiser for the youth shelter because these children do not have families that support these fund raisers and the Youth Shelter’s funding comes from donations and grants.   Dana – Election Day – she was an inspector, was not a total disaster but it needs some work   Tom Pickett – asked about the properties that have been considered for sale.   Jim stated there was a possible presentation regarding the North Annex with an idea from Bob Lane but it changed because Mr. Lane wanted all 17 acres it would not go forward   Brad Striegel stated this Council needs to meet with Commissioners to get them on board with the sale of any properties
Hiring of seasonal help:  Motion:  Action: Approve, Moved by Dana Fendley, Seconded by Brad Streigel. Motion passed unanimously.   4.
PUBLIC   Dale Bagshaw spoke to the election he was in and out in 10 minutes.  If people wanted to vote they would have made sure they knew where the vote centers were.   Motion: 6:51, Action: Adjourn, Moved by Brad Streigel, Seconded by Tom Pickett. Motion passed unanimously.
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