No Bookmarks Exist.
At this time, I'd like to call to order the February 10th the Floyd County Planning Commission. At this time, we'd like to stand | 00:00:13 | |
and honor our flag, please. | 00:00:17 | |
United States of America. | 00:00:23 | |
And to Republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:26 | |
OK, at this time I'd like to have a roll call. | 00:00:36 | |
Here. | 00:00:39 | |
Present. | 00:00:44 | |
Yeah. | 00:00:46 | |
Here. | 00:00:47 | |
Here. | 00:00:50 | |
Here. | 00:00:51 | |
Here. | 00:00:53 | |
Alrighty, one shorter board member. That's eight of us, correct? | 00:00:55 | |
All right. | 00:00:58 | |
At this time. | 00:01:01 | |
We'd like to have the minutes of the December. | 00:01:03 | |
Fruit. I'm going to take a look at those and make a motion. | 00:01:07 | |
I make a motion that we approve the December Planning Commission. | 00:01:15 | |
Minutes. All right. Thank you. I have a. | 00:01:18 | |
Motion any second. | 00:01:21 | |
Awesome. Go ahead. | 00:01:24 | |
I got a second, but John any. | 00:01:25 | |
Conversation. | 00:01:27 | |
Discussion. | 00:01:29 | |
At that time, we take a motion all in favor. | 00:01:30 | |
Aye, those opposed likewise. Thank you. Approved. Thank you. | 00:01:33 | |
All righty. We have no old business. Is that correct, Nick? | 00:01:36 | |
OK, this time we'd like to agenda number item number one, we have have to have the election of officers. | 00:01:42 | |
And at this time, we need some recommendation emotions. | 00:01:49 | |
I nominate Mr. Hunter for the president. | 00:01:54 | |
All right, we got a motion for president. We need a second. | 00:01:57 | |
Second. All right, we've got a second all in favor. | 00:02:00 | |
Aye, those opposed likewise. Thank you. | 00:02:03 | |
All right, now we need somebody for Vice President. | 00:02:06 | |
Needed somebody to. | 00:02:09 | |
Volunteer piece. | 00:02:11 | |
For a motion or a motion, there you go. Make somebody make a motion. That'll work. | 00:02:16 | |
Frank, are you willing to do it? | 00:02:22 | |
Take care. All right, so somebody needs to make a motion for Frank. | 00:02:26 | |
I'll make a motion, Frank. | 00:02:29 | |
For vice president. | 00:02:31 | |
All right, we have a motion a second all any discussion? | 00:02:33 | |
All in favor signify by. | 00:02:37 | |
Those opposed likewise. All right. Thanks. Thanks a lot. | 00:02:39 | |
All right. Next thing is the plant review committee. | 00:02:42 | |
Right now I've show that's Larry. | 00:02:46 | |
Chris Welch, Gina. | 00:02:48 | |
John Brankworth and myself as everybody still willing to serve. | 00:02:50 | |
I am OK Larry is John. | 00:02:54 | |
Gina and we called Chris and I'm willing to do that. So that takes care of that, OK? | 00:02:58 | |
All right. Next Adam is the Adam agenda item number two, FC-01. | 00:03:03 | |
Hold on. So you guys need to vote on that. | 00:03:08 | |
On which someone on the plant review, so I'm sorry, we need a vote on the plant review. So I need a motion to accept those 5 | 00:03:10 | |
members. | 00:03:13 | |
Make a motion. All right, we have a motion. I need a second. | 00:03:18 | |
All right, all in favor signify by. | 00:03:22 | |
Likewise opposed. Thank you all right now. | 00:03:24 | |
All right. Now we're going to go to agenda item number 2. | 00:03:29 | |
FC-01-25-01, Administrative Subdivision. | 00:03:32 | |
Nick will give us his staff report. | 00:03:37 | |
This is an. | 00:03:40 | |
Minor subdivision application for four lot subdivision. The petitioner is ASB LLC. The zoning district is agricultural | 00:03:41 | |
residential. | 00:03:45 | |
They are requesting A4 lot subdivision with frontage on Nippleton Road. | 00:03:50 | |
The property currently has a home and two barns on it. | 00:03:54 | |
There is an identified floodway and floodway fringe on the South and. | 00:03:58 | |
Side of the property. | 00:04:01 | |
The plaque committee for this was cancelled due to a lack of quorum. | 00:04:03 | |
Staff comments is that the plat as submitted does comply with lot size standards. Lots are minimum of two acres with 100 foot. | 00:04:07 | |
Road frontage plate I submitted does comply with streets. | 00:04:15 | |
Standards There are no new streets provided. The plat as submitted does comply with easement standards with conditions. | 00:04:19 | |
Stated below, the driveway easements are needed. | 00:04:25 | |
For every two lots, one driveway easement is required. | 00:04:30 | |
Unless that requirement is waived by the. | 00:04:34 | |
Flat as submitted does comply with the block standards. There are no blocks proposed. | 00:04:38 | |
The plat as submitted does provide St. improvements as required. Again, no streets proposed. | 00:04:44 | |
The plat, as submitted does comply with Water Supply Standards Board and tri-county Regional Water has provided a service letter | 00:04:51 | |
for the new lots. | 00:04:55 | |
3 inch inch line is available for service. | 00:04:59 | |
This line is not adequate to provide Fire Protection. | 00:05:02 | |
The plot as submitted is suitable for sewage and wastewater containment because they have soil provided soil testing. | 00:05:07 | |
And has been completed by the Floyd County Health Department. | 00:05:14 | |
Reviewed in by the Floyd County Health Department and provided septic system requirements for suitable systems. | 00:05:19 | |
Staff Recommendations. | 00:05:26 | |
Would be to require joint driveways. | 00:05:28 | |
In easements to be added to the plat for lots. | 00:05:31 | |
I believe we said it was one and two, unless that is waived by the Planning Commission. | 00:05:37 | |
Add note on. | 00:05:42 | |
Flat that prior to development, the Owner shall consult with Highlander Fire Protection District. | 00:05:44 | |
On driveway placement. | 00:05:50 | |
All right. That's our staff reporting by having questions for Nick at this time on the board. | 00:05:53 | |
None. All righty. Thank you, Nick. | 00:06:01 | |
OK, at this time we'd like to call the applicant to come. | 00:06:04 | |
Forward and presenter. | 00:06:06 | |
Good evening. State your name and address. Yes, Sir. Brad Benson with ASB 720 Rolling Creek. | 00:06:10 | |
Drive the Ste. 106 in New Albany. | 00:06:16 | |
I know you all have blacks in your file there, but I've got a couple bigger ones if anyone would like. | 00:06:19 | |
You want to walk on. | 00:06:24 | |
Not a problem. | 00:06:25 | |
Yes, please. | 00:06:29 | |
So the staff report pretty much. | 00:06:41 | |
Pretty clear on what it is. It's a 20 acre parcel located at 688. | 00:06:44 | |
0 Mapleton Rd. | 00:06:48 | |
It is a R. | 00:06:50 | |
The tracks are. | 00:06:51 | |
For Track 1 is five acres, Track 2 is five acres, Track 3 is 2 acres. | 00:06:53 | |
Track 3 is the one with the house on it that will remain. | 00:06:59 | |
Track 4 is the 8 acre parcel. | 00:07:02 | |
He's correct on the ordinance allows for. | 00:07:06 | |
A minimum of two acre lots, so it applies with that. The road frontage is 100 square or 100 feet. | 00:07:09 | |
So we could play with that. | 00:07:15 | |
One element that he did say that. | 00:07:16 | |
It does not meet. | 00:07:18 | |
The board has. | 00:07:20 | |
So the Commission has the ability to. | 00:07:22 | |
Waive the right for an access easement between these lots. | 00:07:24 | |
We would ask that that be waived for all four parcels. | 00:07:28 | |
Track 3 already has a house on it. Our goal with this is that we're not. There's no plans for this right now. We're going to let | 00:07:33 | |
it sit. | 00:07:36 | |
May list it and sell it and let somebody out. | 00:07:40 | |
Build a house on it. We are home builder so hopefully it's us. | 00:07:42 | |
We may end up holding. | 00:07:45 | |
Family member, but right now there's no plans. | 00:07:47 | |
So with these big, Big Lots, we're hoping that you know you're. | 00:07:51 | |
State style houses big, lots big. | 00:07:55 | |
You know, big entrance in there. | 00:07:58 | |
If the Commission were to require a. | 00:08:00 | |
The access easement. | 00:08:03 | |
I would ask that it only be on. | 00:08:05 | |
Lots 1 and 2. | 00:08:07 | |
Those are the two bigger ones on the. | 00:08:09 | |
If you're looking at the fly on the bottom side. | 00:08:11 | |
It's only because lot 3 already has a drive. | 00:08:14 | |
Lot 4 would then be a separate drive as well. | 00:08:17 | |
If that is not an option and Commission would require the. | 00:08:21 | |
Access easements on all of them. | 00:08:26 | |
Then I would ask that the approval tonight be conditioned upon us supplying those. | 00:08:28 | |
I believe it's 50 feet wide along those property lines. | 00:08:33 | |
And we'll submit that proper paperwork. | 00:08:37 | |
For Nick for approval. | 00:08:39 | |
So just to clarify real quick on the excess easements. | 00:08:40 | |
Are they are they not using the road frontage to access their properties or will they need to go across the other tracks? No they | 00:08:46 | |
will. They all have proper Rd. frontage along Naples and road. So our hope would be that we would have drives off of Napleton. | 00:08:52 | |
That would not be able to. | 00:08:58 | |
Access easement will not be needed. | 00:09:00 | |
So you still got these the site provisions for one for #1 Yes, there is. So the minimum is 100 feet and. | 00:09:04 | |
There's 100 on all. | 00:09:13 | |
Yeah. | 00:09:18 | |
Fall from there and Associates, 301 E Chestnut St. Court in Indiana. | 00:09:21 | |
Your administrative subdivision requirements have have a have a requirement for joint driveways for every two lots. That's what | 00:09:24 | |
Mr. Benson is describing. | 00:09:28 | |
I understand the limit the need is to limit access to county roads. | 00:09:34 | |
But when you have Big Lots like this, especially one that has an existing House of drive, it makes it difficult to Co locate those | 00:09:38 | |
drives. | 00:09:42 | |
And even though the ordinance requires it, it still creates a maintenance problem. | 00:09:46 | |
Because you have two homeowners fighting over. | 00:09:49 | |
Who's going to maintain that joint driveway? | 00:09:51 | |
It's it's in my opinion to everyone's best interest to separate those travelers. | 00:09:53 | |
OK. Any other questions? | 00:10:00 | |
None. | 00:10:05 | |
All right. At this time, we'd like to open up to anybody that like to speak in favor of this project. | 00:10:06 | |
Come forward now. State your name and your address for the record. | 00:10:13 | |
See that there's none stepping forward. | 00:10:19 | |
Now we open up to those who want to oppose. Are you come in favor, Sir? | 00:10:21 | |
OK, OK. Well. | 00:10:26 | |
Yeah, anybody wants coming against it, coming forward. | 00:10:28 | |
State your name and your address for the record please. | 00:10:31 | |
James White. | 00:10:38 | |
Everybody got that gotcha. | 00:10:39 | |
OK, I live at 314 Tuscany Drive. | 00:10:41 | |
And if they open all that up there and that's going to open our street up to. | 00:10:44 | |
Them coming more traffic down through there, right? | 00:10:50 | |
Sir, I think you're about the wrong. You're on the wrong project. Sir, this is on Napleton Road. | 00:10:53 | |
I'm sorry. | 00:10:57 | |
You're in the right church, Wrong Pew. | 00:10:59 | |
All right, so. | 00:11:05 | |
You he got a jump on you guys. | 00:11:09 | |
All right, at this time everybody will speak in opposition. | 00:11:13 | |
To the administrative subdivision. | 00:11:17 | |
On naval Tarot come forward, state your name and address. | 00:11:20 | |
Mike Gatton. I live at 6975 Napleton Rd. | 00:11:24 | |
And my property overlooks this property. | 00:11:27 | |
And. | 00:11:31 | |
The traffic is already bad due to Cutter Smith woodworking. | 00:11:32 | |
Huber's all that and to divide this out and put four more houses on there. | 00:11:36 | |
Just opens it up for more development and. | 00:11:42 | |
There's a second. | 00:11:44 | |
Lot that is not involved in this to the left of it and it's going to open that up for more development. | 00:11:45 | |
We moved out there to be in the county. I've lived there 23 years. We don't want to be in the city. | 00:11:52 | |
The traffic, The busing. | 00:11:56 | |
School buses, things like that. | 00:11:58 | |
The trucks it's already bad enough we. | 00:12:01 | |
Preferred the county to state county. | 00:12:03 | |
That's why we're there. | 00:12:06 | |
Thank you. | 00:12:09 | |
Have some more time for anybody else to come forward. State your name and address for the record. | 00:12:14 | |
And take the films. | 00:12:20 | |
And I live at 7200 Mableton Rd. | 00:12:22 | |
Our property also looks through. | 00:12:25 | |
Mr. loops backyard. | 00:12:27 | |
Over to this property. | 00:12:29 | |
Like he said, the traffic is already so terrible. We have. | 00:12:31 | |
Multiple wrecks with semis on. | 00:12:35 | |
Our Rd. every year that drive off the roads hit trees. | 00:12:37 | |
It is. | 00:12:42 | |
So busy. | 00:12:43 | |
Adding this is. | 00:12:44 | |
Taking away all of our country, all of our farmland. | 00:12:46 | |
I I had somebody build a house behind me a couple years ago and I now have no deer in my yard. I mean like there's literally no | 00:12:50 | |
wildlife except for comedies. If anybody knows about my coyote issue, but. | 00:12:56 | |
There is. | 00:13:01 | |
Like nothing coming in our property more because everybody's building and scaring them out and. | 00:13:02 | |
That's why we moved there. We moved to begin the country. We have farm animals. | 00:13:07 | |
And dogs and. | 00:13:11 | |
Horses and goats, and that's what we moved there for and. | 00:13:13 | |
I mean you all all moved out there for the same reason. I know where most of you live and you move to those areas for. | 00:13:16 | |
That in. | 00:13:22 | |
You're turning it around. There's another piece of land. | 00:13:23 | |
I know the same person bought on Ableton road and if you all approve this. | 00:13:26 | |
It's just gonna turn around and get approved for him as well, and that's. | 00:13:30 | |
Down by the cows. | 00:13:33 | |
So like, that's our landmarks. We turn at the cows you go to. | 00:13:35 | |
This farm and that farm and you're just turning it away. | 00:13:39 | |
Everybody asked me every day. | 00:13:43 | |
Do you know anybody that has 5 acres for sale? | 00:13:44 | |
No, because somebody buys it and puts a whole bunch of houses on it. | 00:13:47 | |
That's not what we want. | 00:13:51 | |
So just consider that. | 00:13:52 | |
Thank you. | 00:13:54 | |
Good evening, Troy Durham. | 00:14:03 | |
7222 Napleton Rd. | 00:14:05 | |
I'm also as a crow flies less than a mile from this development potential development. | 00:14:07 | |
I don't chagrin anybody for China. | 00:14:12 | |
Exercise their free enterprise and do business as they see fit. They have the freedom to do it. | 00:14:14 | |
My two cents as much like these other people who spoke. | 00:14:20 | |
It's too crowded on the road. It's too busy. | 00:14:24 | |
And uh, uh. | 00:14:26 | |
To be frank. | 00:14:28 | |
I don't like the discomfort I already have fearing for my. | 00:14:29 | |
Home and those within it from vehicle. | 00:14:33 | |
Thanks. We've had semis in our front yard. | 00:14:36 | |
In the past. | 00:14:38 | |
And I just think it's too much on the road. | 00:14:41 | |
Too much development. | 00:14:43 | |
This would maybe be a domino. | 00:14:44 | |
Of continuing the domino effect of what's already happened with the. | 00:14:46 | |
Development further out to the county. | 00:14:50 | |
I don't wish to see it. | 00:14:52 | |
For my $0.02. | 00:14:54 | |
And where I lived. | 00:14:56 | |
And chose to live. | 00:14:57 | |
For rural reasons. | 00:14:59 | |
There's something. | 00:15:00 | |
Alluring to being out in the country. | 00:15:01 | |
And I think that would be spoiled. | 00:15:03 | |
Thank you very much. Thank you. | 00:15:05 | |
Anybody else? | 00:15:08 | |
All right, at this time we get. | 00:15:12 | |
Nobody else in opposition. We open the floor back to the petitioner to rebut. | 00:15:15 | |
Anything that was discussed. | 00:15:19 | |
Thank you. I'll make it short here. The only thing I would like to point out is we are this is administrative flat. | 00:15:23 | |
We comply with the ordinance. The only issue would be the access easement. | 00:15:29 | |
I said I would ask that you waive that right here because of what we're trying to do with this. | 00:15:34 | |
We are not looking to divide this property. It is an AR which is a. | 00:15:39 | |
Two acre lot minimum. | 00:15:42 | |
So hypothetically we get coming forth with a plat for 9 acres in that zone. | 00:15:44 | |
We're not looking to do that. | 00:15:49 | |
Worth looking just for four. | 00:15:50 | |
They're Big Lots, A2 acre. The smallest one is one with the house on it. They'll remain. | 00:15:52 | |
And then the 55 naked SO. | 00:15:57 | |
All right. Thank you. | 00:15:59 | |
At this point where we looking for a ballot? | 00:16:03 | |
I have a ballot. | 00:16:07 | |
Subdivision named Ableton Place DACA. | 00:16:08 | |
FC 01/25/01. | 00:16:11 | |
After careful review, the fact committee finds that one. | 00:16:15 | |
Plant as submitted does comply with the lot size standards. | 00:16:18 | |
Because the new lights are all a minimum of two acres with more than 100. | 00:16:22 | |
Foot of Rd. frontage #2. | 00:16:26 | |
The plan has submitted does comply with the street design standards. | 00:16:29 | |
Because no streets, no new streets are proposed. | 00:16:33 | |
#3. | 00:16:36 | |
The plan has submitted does comply with the easement standards because with the conditions below, driveway easements. | 00:16:37 | |
Or required. | 00:16:43 | |
#4 the plat as submitted does comply with the block standards. | 00:16:45 | |
Because there are no blocks required or proposed. | 00:16:48 | |
#5 the plat as submitted does. | 00:16:52 | |
Provide St. and. | 00:16:55 | |
Improvements as required by the ordinance. There are no new streets provided. | 00:16:56 | |
Number six, the Plat as submitted does comply with the water supply standards because. | 00:17:01 | |
Board and Tri Water Regional. | 00:17:06 | |
Water has provided a service letter for the new. | 00:17:09 | |
Lots. A three inch line is available for service. Note this line is not adequate for bad Fire Protection. | 00:17:13 | |
#7 the plat as submitted is suitable. | 00:17:19 | |
Pursuage and wastewater contain. | 00:17:21 | |
Containment because soil testing has been completed. | 00:17:24 | |
And Floyd County Health Department has provided septic system requirements for suitable systems. | 00:17:27 | |
The plant is accepted upon completion of the following condition at a joint driveway and easement to the plat for Lots 1 and 2. | 00:17:33 | |
Adding note to the plat. | 00:17:40 | |
That states the following. Prior to development, the owners shall consult the Highlander Fire Protection District for Fire | 00:17:41 | |
Protection requirements. | 00:17:45 | |
Due to the lack of adequate water supply. | 00:17:48 | |
Decision the Floyd County Planning Commission hereby grants the. | 00:17:51 | |
Primary approval. | 00:17:55 | |
For this administrative subdivision at the meeting held on the 10th of February, 2025. | 00:17:56 | |
That completes my ballot. | 00:18:02 | |
All right, we have a ballot. We're looking for a second. | 00:18:04 | |
I'll second. We have a second. | 00:18:09 | |
All in favor signify any discussion. Any discussion. | 00:18:11 | |
Any discussion? | 00:18:15 | |
All in favor signify by aye aye, those opposed likewise. | 00:18:17 | |
It passes. Thank you. | 00:18:22 | |
Did they sign down? | 00:18:31 | |
OK, at this time we like to move to Well, first of all, we want to ask the petitioner. | 00:18:34 | |
If they're OK with us putting. | 00:18:40 | |
Agenda items 3 through 6 and hearing them at the same time. | 00:18:43 | |
Mr. Craft, you OK with that? | 00:18:47 | |
All right. | 00:18:50 | |
Yes, separate ballots on everyone. Yes, Sir. | 00:18:52 | |
OK. OK. At this time, we'd like to ask Nick Creeby. | 00:18:55 | |
I'm a non voting member but I'll be recused recusing myself for the rest of the meeting. All right, thank you. | 00:19:00 | |
At this time, they could give a staff report. | 00:19:09 | |
So this is for docket items number FCO 1/25/02. | 00:19:13 | |
CO125. | 00:19:18 | |
Three FC 24. | 00:19:20 | |
504. | 00:19:23 | |
In FC. | 00:19:27 | |
1/25/05. | 00:19:31 | |
Petitioner Here's the Thing Group LLC. The location is 5031 through 5053 Old Vincent's Road. | 00:19:38 | |
The requests are for a zoning map amendment. | 00:19:45 | |
A major subdivision. | 00:19:50 | |
A PUD map amendment. | 00:19:53 | |
In detailed development. | 00:19:56 | |
They are all pertaining to the same project. | 00:19:59 | |
The current zoning is for general commercial. | 00:20:03 | |
Underlying zoning request is for multi family and then a multi family PUD. | 00:20:07 | |
The petitioner is seeking a planned unit development for mixed-use, multi family residential and commercial use. | 00:20:13 | |
This proposal will consolidate 4 parcels into two building lots, 3 points 64 and 2.334 acres. | 00:20:19 | |
The lots will be separated by through St. known as Knobs Landing Blvd. | 00:20:28 | |
Connecting Tuscany Drive in Trevor Rd. | 00:20:33 | |
Lot 1 will front will Vincennes Road and is the larger lot and will include two building. | 00:20:36 | |
Two buildings, A mixed-use commercial multifamily building. Building 1. | 00:20:42 | |
In a separate standalone commercial. | 00:20:46 | |
Retail building with drive through. | 00:20:49 | |
Which is proposed bank building 3 threes. | 00:20:51 | |
Lot 2 will have a single multi family building. | 00:20:54 | |
In a building 2. | 00:20:58 | |
Building 1 at the north of the property in the fronting Old Vincennes Rd. | 00:21:00 | |
Will be a three story structure with the ground floor area of 25,092 square feet. | 00:21:05 | |
The building will include 7717 square foot of commercial retail space. | 00:21:11 | |
Clubhouse leasing office. | 00:21:17 | |
And 59 multifamily units, 21 of those will be two-bedroom, 38 one bedroom. | 00:21:19 | |
Building 3 at the east side of the property will be near the corner of Shriver and Old Vincent's. | 00:21:26 | |
It will be a thirty 3600 square foot retail building with drive through that is the proposed bank. | 00:21:31 | |
Building 2, located at the South of the property on Lot 2, will be a three story multi family structure with ground floor area of | 00:21:40 | |
23,679 square feet and 66 units. | 00:21:46 | |
The property will also have. | 00:21:52 | |
Pool and outdoor recreation games area. | 00:21:54 | |
Neat foot masonry wall. | 00:21:57 | |
We'll buffer the residents on the West side of the development. | 00:22:00 | |
Villas of Floyd's knives. | 00:22:03 | |
Adjoining properties to the West. | 00:22:05 | |
Is the residential urban zone subdivision buildings of Floyd's Knobs to northwest across Tuscany. Dr. is a vacant general | 00:22:07 | |
commercial property. | 00:22:12 | |
Across Old Vincennes Road to the north is undeveloped general commercial. | 00:22:16 | |
To the northeast is Highlander Point development. | 00:22:20 | |
General commercial zoned. | 00:22:23 | |
The East Across River Rd. is general commercial. | 00:22:26 | |
To the South is residentially urban zone property with two acre single family lot. | 00:22:29 | |
In small section of the Highland subdivision. | 00:22:34 | |
Which is residential urban. | 00:22:37 | |
The current base zone for the proposal is general commercial. | 00:22:39 | |
Commercial. | 00:22:43 | |
Part of Floyd County Zoning Ordinance Section 7.04 GA Base Commercial Zone may not designate more than 30% of the proposed | 00:22:44 | |
development per square footage for residential. | 00:22:49 | |
Therefore the applicant is requesting the base zone be changed to multi family. | 00:22:55 | |
A traffic impact study was conducted for the proposal and determined that the intersections impacted by the development. | 00:23:01 | |
Will continue to work at an acceptable level of service. | 00:23:07 | |
Technical Review Committee was held on December 18th, 2024 for this development. | 00:23:17 | |
Summary report was attached to your staff report. | 00:23:23 | |
The technical review committee provides. | 00:23:27 | |
Recommendations to the Planning Commission. | 00:23:30 | |
On that. | 00:23:33 | |
Are the utility providers. | 00:23:34 | |
Public Safety. Sheriff Fire. | 00:23:37 | |
School. | 00:23:40 | |
As well as county staff, storm water engineering and planning. | 00:23:42 | |
The reason? Staff finds that the rezoning of the subject property is consistent with the Floyd County Comprehensive Plan. | 00:23:47 | |
Because the Floyd County Comprehensive Plan identifies the area as a commercial growth area. | 00:23:54 | |
Proposed. | 00:23:59 | |
The mixed-use featuring a commercial element yours to the frontage. | 00:24:00 | |
Additionally, rezoning is consistent with smart growth principles identified in the plan. Specifically mixed land uses compact | 00:24:04 | |
building design. | 00:24:08 | |
Creating a range of housing opportunities, directing development towards existing communities and preferring. | 00:24:12 | |
And thus preserving open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas. | 00:24:18 | |
As this is an infill development. | 00:24:23 | |
The rezoning of the subject property is consistent with the. | 00:24:27 | |
Conditions of the character of the current structures in the. | 00:24:30 | |
And uses in the area. | 00:24:34 | |
Because the commercial use is in the front of the lot are consistent with the original general commercial zoning. | 00:24:36 | |
The multifamily uses our appropriate transitional uses between general commercial and urban residential uses. | 00:24:42 | |
Voting facade materials are brick and Hardy board. | 00:24:48 | |
The structures are within the height limits of the zoning ordinance. And there are. | 00:24:52 | |
There is another three story building in the vicinity that is the Chase Bank. | 00:24:56 | |
The rezoning of the subject property is necessary for the most desirable use of. | 00:25:01 | |
The land because. | 00:25:06 | |
The rezoning follows smart growth principles already noted. | 00:25:08 | |
It has also provided. | 00:25:12 | |
Additional housing identified as needed in the Purdue Housing Report the county had completed in 2020. | 00:25:14 | |
It is mixed-use infill in commercial growth area. | 00:25:20 | |
The rezoning of the subject property will not be interest to the values of other properties in the area because. | 00:25:24 | |
Commercial uses are consistent with the neighborhood commercial zoning. | 00:25:30 | |
Excuse me? | 00:25:34 | |
The general commercial zoning. | 00:25:35 | |
Inappropriate adjacent and residential urban zoning. | 00:25:38 | |
And uses the addition of the multifamily component. | 00:25:41 | |
Will support local business customer base. The development will increase the value of the lots itself and expected that positive | 00:25:44 | |
impacts on neighboring commercial lots. | 00:25:48 | |
Buffer yard. | 00:25:53 | |
Along adjacent residential lots is provided on the West. Additional buffering is recommended for the properties on the South. | 00:25:54 | |
The rezoning of the subject property will support responsible growth and development in the area. | 00:26:03 | |
Because rezoning follows the objectives of small smart growth outlined in the Floyd County Comprehensive Plan. | 00:26:08 | |
Higher development is directed towards existing infrastructure. | 00:26:15 | |
Provider letters indicate ability to serve and the development is identified. Commercial growth area. | 00:26:18 | |
It is an infill development staff has favorable recommendations for the reason. | 00:26:24 | |
Written commitments recommended would be buffer yard 2 standards met. | 00:26:30 | |
For all adjoining residents. | 00:26:34 | |
Drainage will meet Floyd County stormwater standards as approved by the Stormwater Board. | 00:26:37 | |
And if phased, lot 1 will be developed first in a schedule for completion of the project will be provided. | 00:26:43 | |
Onto the subdivision application. | 00:26:51 | |
I will not repeat the. | 00:26:54 | |
Outline of the. | 00:26:58 | |
Project. | 00:26:59 | |
On staff review, the Petitioner has provided compliant preliminary plan for the project, including preliminary plat. Petitioner | 00:27:01 | |
has provided certification that all drainage and environmental requirements will be complied with and that there are no known | 00:27:06 | |
outstanding issues concerning IDAM. | 00:27:11 | |
Geotechnical report is not required for the property and staff. The traffic study has been completed by strained associates. | 00:27:17 | |
In the phase one environmental is not required. | 00:27:25 | |
Lots meet the size and frontage standards of the zoning ordinance. | 00:27:28 | |
General, commercial and multifamily districts. | 00:27:31 | |
Knobs Landing Blvd. is proposed as a through St. between Tuscany and Schreiber Rd. Dimensions and layout. | 00:27:35 | |
Subdivision control ordinance requirements. | 00:27:43 | |
Multiple entrances from Schreiber Rd. Knobs Landing Blvd. in Tuscany Dr. is provided. | 00:27:46 | |
Sidewalks are provided. | 00:27:52 | |
Certification to meet county drainage and stormwater standards have been provided final approval of the drainage plan. | 00:27:54 | |
Will be required prior to secondary approval. | 00:28:01 | |
The petitioner has provided willingness to serve. Letters from Floyd Knobs Water, Georgetown. | 00:28:05 | |
Township Fire Protection District, Harrison RC, New Albany Wastewater Charter and AT&T. | 00:28:09 | |
The wastewater will be provided by New Albany Storm Water. | 00:28:16 | |
Our wastewater is not. | 00:28:19 | |
Staff recommendations are just that, the. | 00:28:21 | |
Final approval of drains stormwater plans be required prior to secondary improvement. | 00:28:24 | |
For the PUD application. | 00:28:30 | |
I'll go over the PUD process. | 00:28:32 | |
So part. | 00:28:34 | |
Planned unit development is a design special district that can be pursued by an applicant. The purpose of the planned unit | 00:28:36 | |
development is to courage the flexibility to develop or redevelop land in an effort to promote appropriate uses. | 00:28:42 | |
Maintain unique character features such as natural or historic resources. | 00:28:49 | |
Promote innovative design concepts. | 00:28:53 | |
It is also designed to facilitate the economies of scale in relationship to infrastructure, public services, encouraging field | 00:28:56 | |
development. | 00:28:59 | |
PUD process. | 00:29:03 | |
Petitioner meets with staff. | 00:29:05 | |
For a conceptual step. | 00:29:07 | |
Sketch playing and playing conference, which they did on. | 00:29:09 | |
October 23rd, 2024. | 00:29:13 | |
Petitioner then submits a detailed development plan for review. | 00:29:16 | |
And submits a PUD application for Employment Commission. | 00:29:19 | |
The Plan Commission can then. | 00:29:23 | |
Provide umm. | 00:29:25 | |
A recommendation to the county commissioners. | 00:29:26 | |
In a favor favorable recommendation. | 00:29:29 | |
An unfavorable recommendation or no recommendation? | 00:29:32 | |
The county commissioners will then review the rezoning petition within 90 days and may approve or disapprove the request. Upon | 00:29:36 | |
approval, the property is officially resumed. | 00:29:41 | |
The PUD will then return to the Planning Commission for secondary approval. | 00:29:46 | |
Of the detailed development plan. | 00:29:50 | |
No additional public hearing will be required. | 00:29:52 | |
Safra views of the pod. | 00:29:56 | |
But very significantly from the zoning. | 00:29:58 | |
In subdivision control ordinances in a few areas. | 00:30:01 | |
1st. | 00:30:08 | |
It is unclear the minimum. | 00:30:09 | |
Unit size of the units. | 00:30:10 | |
We have an 800 square foot. | 00:30:13 | |
Minimum. So I would just like. | 00:30:15 | |
The applicant provide that information. | 00:30:17 | |
Density. They're requesting approximately 20.9 dwellings per acre. | 00:30:20 | |
Our multi family standard is. | 00:30:25 | |
Currently 8 is the allowed maximum. | 00:30:28 | |
We do have several developments in the county. | 00:30:31 | |
That have. | 00:30:34 | |
19 to 20, that's not built. | 00:30:35 | |
And Gateway villages has about 15. | 00:30:39 | |
Dwelling units breaker. | 00:30:41 | |
Parking 2 1/2 spaces are required per dwelling unit. | 00:30:44 | |
They have provided 1.8 for lot 1 and 1.92 for lot 2. | 00:30:48 | |
And then the buffer yard. | 00:30:55 | |
South side of the property. | 00:30:56 | |
Would require. | 00:30:59 | |
Buffer Yard 2 standards. | 00:31:00 | |
The proposed land in the in. | 00:31:03 | |
Land uses in the PUD are. | 00:31:06 | |
Are not in conflict with the spirit and intent. | 00:31:08 | |
Of the comprehensive plan, surrounding land uses and zoning districts. | 00:31:11 | |
The comprehensive plan. | 00:31:16 | |
It shows that the area is a commercial growth area. High density should be directed towards adequate infrastructure and public | 00:31:18 | |
services. | 00:31:21 | |
Proposal can be served by all utility providers without expansion. | 00:31:24 | |
In multi family style density should consider mixed land uses which is studs. | 00:31:29 | |
Zoning and surrounding land uses. The proposal is currently in the general commercial district with residential urban. | 00:31:34 | |
General commercial adjacent. | 00:31:40 | |
The proposed blood does provide adequate public service, light, air traffic control, open and more common. | 00:31:43 | |
Space and recreation. | 00:31:49 | |
The proposal does include adequate services, as evidenced. | 00:31:52 | |
Service provider letters. | 00:31:55 | |
Proposal includes reasonable traffic circulation plan. | 00:31:58 | |
Traffic impact study has been conducted. | 00:32:01 | |
And the proposal provides recreational space in the form of a pool and outdoor games area. There's also green space within the | 00:32:04 | |
development. | 00:32:07 | |
The proposed PUD is compatible with adjacent properties and surrounding neighborhood. | 00:32:12 | |
Commercial use is consistent with general commercial uses in the Highlander point in the zoning of adjacent properties, | 00:32:17 | |
multifamily residential. | 00:32:21 | |
Is appropriate with mixed uses and should be buffered from adjacent. | 00:32:24 | |
Residential uses. | 00:32:29 | |
The proposed BUD will not interfere with the use or diminish the value of adjacent properties. | 00:32:31 | |
In surrounding neighborhood. | 00:32:35 | |
Improvements on the land are expected to have positive impacts on neighboring property values. | 00:32:37 | |
Mixed retail, commercial and multi family will not diminish the use of neighborhood properties with adequate public services | 00:32:42 | |
provided. | 00:32:46 | |
Appropriate offering is required to adjourn. | 00:32:50 | |
Residential properties. | 00:32:53 | |
HUD will not diminish the level of service for roadway systems in the vicinity. | 00:32:55 | |
As the traffic impact study. | 00:33:00 | |
Concluded. | 00:33:03 | |
The proposed PUD can be immediately and adequately served by the existing public facilities and services. | 00:33:05 | |
As evidenced by the. | 00:33:11 | |
Service letters. | 00:33:13 | |
The proposed POD does preserve natural and historic. | 00:33:15 | |
Resources to every extent possible. The existing cycles of single family structure used as a commercial office. | 00:33:18 | |
The site will be cleared and new plantings consistent with the zoning ordinance Landscaping will be installed. | 00:33:24 | |
There are no known historic resources on the site. | 00:33:30 | |
Proposed PUD will not be interest to the health, safety and general welfare. The proposed plot is consistent with planning | 00:33:35 | |
documents for this area. Adequate public infrastructure is available. | 00:33:40 | |
For the development as our public services. | 00:33:46 | |
Drainage will be approved by County Stormwater consistent with their requirements. Staff recommendations are favorable | 00:33:49 | |
recommendation with the following commitments and conditions. | 00:33:53 | |
Written commitments will be phased. Phase one will be Lot 1 funding or Vincents Road and the schedule for completion of all phases | 00:33:59 | |
will be provided. | 00:34:03 | |
To the Planning Commission. | 00:34:07 | |
Prior to secondary approval. | 00:34:08 | |
Provide additional screening of dumpster on lot 1 between dumpster and roadway. | 00:34:11 | |
Provide light at entrance locations where there are none and meet Buffer Yard 2 standards for adjoining residential use to the | 00:34:16 | |
South. | 00:34:20 | |
That is the staff report for these 4. | 00:34:24 | |
Applications. | 00:34:27 | |
All righty. Thanks, Nick. Any any questions on the board? | 00:34:30 | |
You have a question. | 00:34:34 | |
Nick, you indicated. | 00:34:36 | |
There that strange associates conducted a traffic study for the project and then an acceptable. | 00:34:37 | |
Loss or level of service was was found. Those law studies typically indicate like a grade between A and F Do you have any idea | 00:34:42 | |
what the grade was for the particular project? | 00:34:47 | |
B i.e. and beyond. | 00:34:53 | |
The the level of service indicated. | 00:34:57 | |
Which is. | 00:35:01 | |
Deemed acceptable as the current level of service. | 00:35:03 | |
So any other? | 00:35:09 | |
Any other questions? | 00:35:11 | |
For Nick. | 00:35:14 | |
And they if. | 00:35:16 | |
We had a TRC on this right, a technical review committee. | 00:35:17 | |
Can we explain just a little bit to the board? | 00:35:20 | |
What came out of that meeting? What's the purpose of that meeting? Yes, the tier the plans provided to the TRC were. | 00:35:24 | |
A little bit different than what we finally have here. | 00:35:30 | |
The alignment of the site had the bank on the opposite side on Tuscany Drive. | 00:35:34 | |
Dumpster was located closer to the roadway on Knox Landing or Knox Landing Blvd. | 00:35:42 | |
There were more multifamily units. | 00:35:48 | |
So the parking. | 00:35:51 | |
Ratios were. | 00:35:53 | |
Less. | 00:35:55 | |
And there was number buffer yard. | 00:35:59 | |
For the residential. | 00:36:00 | |
Properties to the West. So they didn't make all those modifications for this final application, OK. | 00:36:02 | |
All righty. | 00:36:11 | |
So they've already adjusted. | 00:36:14 | |
The original application, is that correct? | 00:36:16 | |
At the TRC. | 00:36:19 | |
Thank you. | 00:36:21 | |
Are any other questions for Nick? | 00:36:22 | |
OK. At this point, let me go through just a little bit of a housekeeping here. | 00:36:24 | |
Because of the sensitivity of this project and the number of. | 00:36:29 | |
Agenda items we have. | 00:36:34 | |
We're going to increase the time that we allow. | 00:36:36 | |
For the applicant to present his. | 00:36:38 | |
Project and then we're going to double the times. | 00:36:43 | |
That we have for people to speak in favor, to speak in opposition, and then we will then give the applicant 5 minutes to rebut | 00:36:46 | |
anything that was so said. So just let the board know that that's what we're going to do because of the. | 00:36:52 | |
The sensitivity of this project so. | 00:36:58 | |
If the applicant would like to come forward, state his name and address. | 00:37:01 | |
We appreciate it. | 00:37:05 | |
For the record, John Craft with the law firm of Young Lind Anderson Kraft, 126 W Spring Street in New Albany. | 00:37:14 | |
Appearing on behalf of the applicant. | 00:37:21 | |
Along with the engineer which would be Jason Copper White with Paul Primavera and Associates. | 00:37:23 | |
Jackson Theneman is with me as well from Phenomenon. | 00:37:28 | |
Group LLC. | 00:37:32 | |
And then likewise Daniel Moriarty. | 00:37:34 | |
Who has designed the? | 00:37:36 | |
Project from the standpoint of the architectural piece of that. | 00:37:38 | |
So ultimately. | 00:37:42 | |
Four of us will present. | 00:37:44 | |
I'll cover first of all, as indicated, there are four items before you this evening. | 00:37:47 | |
Two of which are rezoning. | 00:37:51 | |
Which means ultimately, those two rezoning issues come to you for a recommendation. | 00:37:53 | |
Not an approval tonight, but merely. | 00:37:59 | |
A request as it relates to those zoning requirements. | 00:38:02 | |
Going forward to the county commissioners with a favorable. | 00:38:06 | |
And unfavorable or no recommendation at all. | 00:38:09 | |
Under those two elements, and again, we'll talk a little bit about each one, but under each of those elements. | 00:38:13 | |
You have to pay due consideration and these are the same considerations the commissioners will look at in order to make a | 00:38:20 | |
determination. | 00:38:23 | |
On the passage of these two ordinances. | 00:38:27 | |
Primarily, Indiana Code 3674603 covers those five elements. | 00:38:30 | |
Those five elements deal with the Comprehensive Plan and. | 00:38:35 | |
You'll hear on a. | 00:38:38 | |
PowerPoint, you'll hear Mr. Copper Weight go through those issues with regards to compliance with the current comprehensive plan. | 00:38:41 | |
Current conditions and character of current structures and uses in each district. | 00:38:48 | |
The most desirable use for which land in each district is adapted. | 00:38:53 | |
Conservation of property values throughout the jurisdiction. | 00:38:57 | |
And responsible development and growth. | 00:39:01 | |
You've probably heard a number of items covered by Mr. Creepy when he spoke. | 00:39:03 | |
Pertaining to the staff report. | 00:39:07 | |
And this is a growth area in the county? | 00:39:09 | |
Certainly, again, Mr. Copper weight will cover that more fully. | 00:39:12 | |
The piece as it relates to. | 00:39:16 | |
The change from GC, which if you look at the current zoning ordinance in Floyd County, there are 91. | 00:39:18 | |
Uses that could be put there as a matter of right. | 00:39:27 | |
Including, uh. | 00:39:30 | |
Big box commercial. | 00:39:31 | |
Including smaller units, but it is a GC in their actual 91 uses that could be put there as a matter of right. | 00:39:32 | |
One of the things that you'll hear this evening is when Mr. Feenman looked at this project. | 00:39:40 | |
He looked at it from the standpoint of dealing with. | 00:39:45 | |
Walkability. | 00:39:49 | |
Specifically, individuals as well as commercial uses don't want to go in an area now just where they're putting a commercial use. | 00:39:51 | |
They want the possibility of residents that can use that commercial area and also look at the possibility of walking to and from | 00:39:58 | |
their residence to those commercial uses. | 00:40:04 | |
When we look at the issue from a GC to the MF. | 00:40:10 | |
The multifamily. | 00:40:14 | |
Under the terms of a normal change of zoning. | 00:40:16 | |
When taking it to an MF that would allow any type of. | 00:40:19 | |
Multifamily use on this property. | 00:40:23 | |
Provided it meets the development standards of the multifamily. | 00:40:26 | |
But the other piece of the rezoning request this evening? | 00:40:29 | |
Is taking that multifamily to a PUD. | 00:40:33 | |
And the purpose of a PUD first and foremost is to deal with mixed uses. | 00:40:36 | |
On a given property. | 00:40:41 | |
But most importantly to you as well as the county commissioners as well as the community. | 00:40:43 | |
When you take a. | 00:40:48 | |
Change to an MF that allows, as long as it meets the requirements, to go as deep and as dense as you desire to do on this 6 plus | 00:40:50 | |
acres. | 00:40:54 | |
But with the change to a planned unit development district. | 00:40:59 | |
What it requires, and you heard Mr. Creevy, again go through the process because the process is one of those that if both zoning | 00:41:04 | |
changes are forwarded to the commissioners with favorable recommendations and again the commissioners passed those. | 00:41:11 | |
That ultimately. | 00:41:19 | |
The PUD must then return to you as the Plan Commission for secondary review. | 00:41:20 | |
So it's not a matter that we're getting a blank check. | 00:41:26 | |
For a change to multifamily and do what we desire to do. | 00:41:29 | |
The project itself. And that's the 4th element you'll see this evening. | 00:41:33 | |
Is the development plan. | 00:41:37 | |
But under the terms of a planned unit development district. | 00:41:39 | |
It is established by way of ordinance. So ultimately. | 00:41:42 | |
Commissioners pass that ordinance. | 00:41:45 | |
They will then adopt specific. | 00:41:48 | |
Definitions of what you may do. | 00:41:50 | |
Much again as indicated. | 00:41:53 | |
We went to the. | 00:41:55 | |
Technical Review Committee on December 18th and walk through this project in order to make certain that what we would do and what | 00:41:57 | |
the development plan would cover would be in order that we can move forward with it. | 00:42:03 | |
So it's not a matter that by granting an MF. | 00:42:08 | |
In that instance, it's a matter of granting an MF with a planned unit development district. | 00:42:12 | |
It will then designate exactly what can be put on that parcel. | 00:42:17 | |
That will then be brought back to you as the Plan Commission for secondary review. | 00:42:21 | |
Once that secondary review is granted. | 00:42:26 | |
Then from that standpoint, what you end up with is a situation of having to abide. | 00:42:30 | |
By that plan that you see in front of you. | 00:42:36 | |
If that is the secondary approval plan. | 00:42:39 | |
And as a result of that, it allows you as well as the commissioners the ability. | 00:42:41 | |
To determine what planned documentation. | 00:42:47 | |
And you heard Mr. Creedy's report, some of those elements of what needs to be provided. | 00:42:50 | |
In order to move this forward. | 00:42:55 | |
Provided. | 00:42:57 | |
It changes from MF. | 00:42:58 | |
To the PUD. | 00:43:00 | |
Those two come together. | 00:43:02 | |
And again, those would be adopted by way of an ordinance by the county commissioners. | 00:43:03 | |
The other two pieces of it. | 00:43:08 | |
Provided. | 00:43:10 | |
Those two zoning changes come forward. Those other two pieces then become ministerial in nature. | 00:43:12 | |
And that is the subdivision. | 00:43:19 | |
And as long as the subdivision meets the requirements of the subdivision control ordinance. And again when listening to the report | 00:43:21 | |
of Mr. Privy, and I'm sure you've read it. | 00:43:26 | |
Specifically, uh. | 00:43:31 | |
We meet those requirements if in fact those two zoning changes come about. | 00:43:32 | |
The other piece of it. | 00:43:37 | |
Would be the development. | 00:43:39 | |
And once again, provided that development plan meets all of the elements as to setbacks and otherwise for this zoning district. | 00:43:40 | |
With the planned unit development district. | 00:43:48 | |
Then likewise, that is a ministerial action as well. | 00:43:51 | |
We're here this evening asking specifically that these 4 dockets. | 00:43:55 | |
Be approved. | 00:43:59 | |
Two of which were asking for favorable recommendation. | 00:44:00 | |
To the county commissioners. | 00:44:04 | |
Certainly your recommendation is what the county commissioners are going to listen to. | 00:44:05 | |
The county commissioners do not have to follow your recommendation. | 00:44:10 | |
But certainly from the standpoint it in my experience over 40 plus years. | 00:44:14 | |
Most times and most often, they will follow that recommendation. So we're here this evening asking for favorable recommendation | 00:44:19 | |
on. | 00:44:23 | |
The zoning change from. | 00:44:27 | |
Our two MF from. | 00:44:30 | |
The GC as well as asking that MF be limited by way of a PUD. | 00:44:33 | |
And ask that that likewise be forwarded. | 00:44:39 | |
With a favorable recommendation. | 00:44:42 | |
I'm gonna call on. | 00:44:44 | |
Jason to go through the elements with regards to the plan itself and touch on those elements under the comprehensive plan you | 00:44:46 | |
should have in front of you. If not, it'll be on the screen a power. | 00:44:51 | |
PowerPoint presentation regarding that. Thank you. | 00:44:57 | |
All right. Thank you. How are we doing on time? | 00:45:01 | |
How much? | 00:45:08 | |
Two, he had 20. He had total 20 minutes. | 00:45:09 | |
12. | 00:45:13 | |
He got 1212 minutes. I'll try to be quick. | 00:45:15 | |
There you go. | 00:45:18 | |
Good evening, Jason Copper. Wait again with Paul from Avera and Associates. | 00:45:19 | |
I'll try not to repeat anything. | 00:45:22 | |
Mr. Creeby said, or Mr. Kraft said, though there are probably slides that you repeat that information. | 00:45:24 | |
I'll try to gloss over those if I can. | 00:45:28 | |
Again, this is knobs landing mixed-use development. | 00:45:30 | |
Located at 5031 through 50. | 00:45:33 | |
53 Old Vincennes Rd. | 00:45:35 | |
The next slide, that's the aerial of the site. | 00:45:38 | |
I don't know that anyone's actually showing you that when they were talking, but it's the southwest quadrant of the intersection | 00:45:41 | |
of Shriver Rd. | 00:45:43 | |
And open sense you can see to the West as villas of Floyd Knobs. | 00:45:46 | |
To the South as a single family residence and the Highlands that's still developing NE is Highlander Point. | 00:45:50 | |
Just to the east of this Planning Commission may remember. | 00:45:56 | |
You've approved a bank development plan at that site. | 00:45:59 | |
Don't know when that will be developed, but it's coming. | 00:46:02 | |
This is the zoning map for the area. The red is general commercial GC. | 00:46:04 | |
The orange is residential urban. | 00:46:08 | |
Are you? | 00:46:10 | |
These are the four applications that have been talked about already. | 00:46:12 | |
This is an artist rendering that Mister Moriarty prepared for the site. | 00:46:17 | |
You can see. | 00:46:21 | |
Prize and help you, but there are two buildings on the north lot. | 00:46:23 | |
One building on the South with some amenities together on the north lot. | 00:46:26 | |
This is the. | 00:46:31 | |
My engineering version of his color rendering which shows a little bit more detail. It has turned 90°. Apologize for that. | 00:46:32 | |
But again, it's just a little bit more detailed. | 00:46:40 | |
So it is 6.4 acres. It will be. | 00:46:43 | |
The plan is to divide it into two lots. | 00:46:46 | |
Mr. Creepy went through the particulars. Just to highlight those, Building 1 is 7717 square foot of ground floor retail. | 00:46:49 | |
With a leasing office, clubhouse. | 00:46:57 | |
59 multifamily dwelling units, 21 of which are two-bedroom, 38 of which are one bedroom. | 00:46:58 | |
Google and other outdoor amenities are proposed there. | 00:47:03 | |
Building 2 is 66 multifamily dwelling units, 24 two-bedroom and 42 one bedroom. This that's on the South lot and building 3 is a | 00:47:06 | |
3600 square foot. | 00:47:11 | |
Bank Retail. | 00:47:15 | |
With a drive through. | 00:47:17 | |
These are the zoning. | 00:47:20 | |
Change characteristics that Mister Kraft talked about earlier. | 00:47:22 | |
So I took excerpts from your comprehensive plan that I that I felt showed that this site. | 00:47:28 | |
Met the requirements. | 00:47:33 | |
As Mr. Creeby said, smart growth, it's kind of buzzword throughout your comprehensive plan. | 00:47:35 | |
Smart Growth is a planning theory designed toward the efficient use of land, resources and existing urban infrastructure. | 00:47:40 | |
And your in your comp plan list. | 00:47:45 | |
10 smart growth principles, of which we probably meet 8. | 00:47:48 | |
Mixed land uses where appropriate. | 00:47:52 | |
Take advantage of compact building design. | 00:47:54 | |
Create a range of housing opportunities throughout the jurisdiction. | 00:47:56 | |
Create walkable communities. You'll see the pedestrian infrastructure we're proposing. | 00:47:59 | |
Preserve open space. Now you could say this is not preserving open space. | 00:48:06 | |
But what this does is it brings people to a developed area where there is infrastructure that allows remaining properties to the | 00:48:09 | |
county to remain. | 00:48:13 | |
To remain open and undeveloped. | 00:48:17 | |
Strengthen development Development toward existing communities. | 00:48:20 | |
Again at Highlander Point. | 00:48:23 | |
We're at Highlander Point. | 00:48:25 | |
And then? | 00:48:28 | |
Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration. | 00:48:30 | |
You have a very interactive process, as you know with TRC meetings. | 00:48:33 | |
We took that TRC meeting and those comments from that TRC meeting to heart. | 00:48:36 | |
And made very significant changes to the plan. | 00:48:40 | |
The original proposal was, I think, about 156 multifamily dwellings, dwelling units. | 00:48:43 | |
And a comparable number of retail. | 00:48:48 | |
The developer shrunk that to 125, split the bank out, per TRC comments. | 00:48:51 | |
Added the buffering we'll talk about. | 00:48:55 | |
So he's listening is the point. He's listening and adapting. | 00:48:58 | |
Theme places to live a lot again, a lot of those. | 00:49:02 | |
Objectives from the goals meet this this project. I can give you copies of this. | 00:49:07 | |
When we're finished. | 00:49:12 | |
Promoting locally grown and owned. | 00:49:13 | |
It is anticipated that a lot of these retail establishments will be local businesses, locally owned businesses. | 00:49:16 | |
We're thinking the bank is going to be a relatively small regional bank. | 00:49:22 | |
Not a necessarily a National Bank. | 00:49:26 | |
Then your comp plan says direct hire residential developments toward areas of the proximity to adequate infrastructure and public | 00:49:30 | |
services. | 00:49:33 | |
Where appropriate, higher density. | 00:49:36 | |
Patio homes. Multi family development should be directed toward established urban areas based on proximity to existing services | 00:49:38 | |
and density. | 00:49:42 | |
Multi family development should be limited to area to areas where they're again access to commercial. | 00:49:45 | |
Surrounded by utilities. | 00:49:51 | |
The comp plan designates the Highlander Point as a commercial growth area. | 00:49:54 | |
Everyone realizes that. | 00:49:58 | |
A commercial should be. | 00:50:01 | |
Targeted toward Highlander. The Highlander Point corridor specifically says that. | 00:50:02 | |
This is the Georgetown Township excerpt from the comp plan. | 00:50:07 | |
That that. | 00:50:11 | |
Dark dark box in the upper right hand corner is the location of this. | 00:50:12 | |
The comp plan for Georgetown mostly focuses on the Edwardsville. | 00:50:16 | |
Gateway and the Edwardsville Interchange because this site really is more closely related to the Lafayette Township. The east | 00:50:20 | |
boundary of This site is Lafayette Township. | 00:50:25 | |
So this is the Lafayette Township map. | 00:50:30 | |
Map with the box showing the area again. It shows that as an intense development area by your comp plan. | 00:50:32 | |
Future land use in Georgetown Township would be directed toward existing infrastructure. That's a theme throughout your comp plan. | 00:50:40 | |
I'll try and skip that. | 00:50:44 | |
Commercial again at. | 00:50:49 | |
And this is average for Gateway for Georgetown? | 00:50:50 | |
Same language in Lafayette even says similar to Georgetown. | 00:50:53 | |
And then future commercial will be located at Hallander Point. | 00:50:57 | |
Properties already zoned commercial, but we are. | 00:51:00 | |
Continuing to implement. | 00:51:03 | |
Commercial element. | 00:51:04 | |
This project. | 00:51:06 | |
Current conditions and structures. | 00:51:07 | |
Again, there there is quite a bit of development happening and that has happened around this area. | 00:51:09 | |
You have Highlander Point Commercial. | 00:51:14 | |
District East. | 00:51:16 | |
You have additional commercial just east of this with the gas station. | 00:51:17 | |
Williamsburg Station, the bank that's coming in. | 00:51:21 | |
This project, as Nick said, would. | 00:51:25 | |
It's a nice transition from. | 00:51:28 | |
Commercial. Intense commercial. | 00:51:30 | |
Through higher density residential to lower density, even though it's still your residential urban. | 00:51:31 | |
Zoning. | 00:51:37 | |
And then this is a rendering of the building which you've seen in the package. | 00:51:38 | |
It is a very similar to what you see right across the street. | 00:51:42 | |
So the subdivision it is 2 commercial lots. | 00:51:49 | |
Would be a new road connecting the stub and villas of Floyd Knobs to Schreiber. | 00:51:51 | |
And if the MF and PUD MF are approved, the subdivision would meet all your requirements. | 00:51:56 | |
John talked about what a PUD means. | 00:52:06 | |
So the PUD in this particular case also. | 00:52:09 | |
Satisfies the development plan. I'll mention that later, but keep in mind when I'm talking about these PUD plans, I'm also talking | 00:52:12 | |
about the development plan. | 00:52:15 | |
Again, this is the engineering. | 00:52:19 | |
Site plan to support the development plan and the PUD. | 00:52:21 | |
It does feature the three buildings. | 00:52:25 | |
Also, it features the amenities. There's a swimming pool plan on lot 1. | 00:52:27 | |
There's an outdoor kitchen and outdoor seating and the outdoor games area that Mister Creeby mentioned earlier. | 00:52:32 | |
As well as open space to the West. | 00:52:37 | |
That those facilities are intended to serve both. | 00:52:40 | |
Both Watts in the neighborhood. | 00:52:44 | |
Same parameters I listed earlier. | 00:52:47 | |
There are two entrances from Lot 11 onto the proposed road and one on to Tuscany. | 00:52:50 | |
There are three interests from Lot 2, one on to Shriver and two onto the proposed roadway. | 00:52:55 | |
There are pedestrian walks and crossings throughout the site. | 00:53:00 | |
One interesting feature of the site is that is that once the traffic signal is installed at Schreiber. | 00:53:02 | |
That has pedestrian crosswalks included as part of the project. | 00:53:09 | |
You'll be able to walk from villas of Floyd Knobs or the Highlands all the way to anywhere you want to go in Highlander Point. | 00:53:12 | |
It's going to, it's going to facilitate pedestrian access for that whole region. | 00:53:18 | |
Again, the amenities on Lot 1. | 00:53:23 | |
Parking. | 00:53:26 | |
Lot 1. We've allocated 50 spaces for the proposed retail bank. | 00:53:28 | |
That leaves 1100. | 00:53:33 | |
111 spaces for the multifamily which is 1.88. | 00:53:35 | |
Spaces per dwelling unit. | 00:53:38 | |
127 spaces on Lot 2. | 00:53:40 | |
Which? | 00:53:43 | |
Yields 1.92 spaces per dwelling unit. | 00:53:44 | |
Mr. Creeby mentioned that your ordinance requires 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit. It makes no distinction as to whether they're one | 00:53:47 | |
bedroom or two-bedroom. | 00:53:51 | |
I personally believe that's overparked. | 00:53:55 | |
I did pick up the. | 00:53:58 | |
Institute of Traffic Engineers Parking generation manual. | 00:54:00 | |
They indicate that retail is. | 00:54:03 | |
5.45 spaces per 1000 square foot of retail, which would be 6 about 62 spaces required. | 00:54:07 | |
One bedroom units are 1.38 spaces per unit. | 00:54:13 | |
And a two-bedroom unit is 2.08 spaces per unit. | 00:54:17 | |
Using a total requirement per ITE. | 00:54:19 | |
About 265 and we're providing 288. | 00:54:22 | |
And I can give you copies of this. | 00:54:26 | |
After the presentation. | 00:54:27 | |
Lot area. | 00:54:30 | |
So lot 1. | 00:54:31 | |
The the pool and the recreation area to me should be included in open space. | 00:54:33 | |
If you don't include it in open space. | 00:54:37 | |
Or if you we have 68.8% impervious area. | 00:54:40 | |
If you do include it as open space, we have 61.5. | 00:54:44 | |
The MF ordinance require it allows 65. | 00:54:48 | |
Lot 2 we have a 71.5. | 00:54:52 | |
Making an overall of 69.85. | 00:54:55 | |
Or if you exclude the right out the recreation area is 65.4 so very close to what MF? | 00:54:58 | |
Would otherwise allow. | 00:55:04 | |
We do have significant landscaping and as Mr. Crete. | 00:55:06 | |
We do meet the ordinance as far as plantings along the roadways. | 00:55:09 | |
Parking lot screening and parking islands with plantings. | 00:55:13 | |
And then we did add the buffer along the West side for bills of fluid knobs. | 00:55:17 | |
With a wall that is concrete. | 00:55:22 | |
With plantings behind it, which is specified as a type 2 buffer. | 00:55:24 | |
We did not do that along. | 00:55:28 | |
The South Side. | 00:55:30 | |
I spoke with Mr. Tieneman after we received Mr. Kibe staff report. He is willing to do that but he would like to make a change. | 00:55:32 | |
Previously, the wall was planned to be brick on both sides. | 00:55:39 | |
He spent a lot of time in Florida lately and they have products there that would be concrete walls with stucco. | 00:55:42 | |
On either side that are still very attractive. | 00:55:48 | |
And so. | 00:55:51 | |
He would extend this wall to be 300 feet. | 00:55:52 | |
Along the South line. | 00:55:54 | |
There's a Creek that runs from that wider island there. | 00:55:56 | |
We can. Once you get past that Creek, it really doesn't make sense to buffer that area. So he would extend the buffer the wall. | 00:55:59 | |
That extra 300 feet with the plantings and that would then meet the requirements of type 2. | 00:56:05 | |
That that about 70 foot stretch. | 00:56:10 | |
On the east side of the Creek would not, but we still have the plantings there. | 00:56:12 | |
And you can see that's the front yard of the neighbor. | 00:56:16 | |
It should be less intrusive to him at that area. | 00:56:20 | |
The lighting plan meets the standards of the ordinance. No no fixture is taller than 20 feet and it's all down lighting. | 00:56:24 | |
These are the proposed lighting fixtures. | 00:56:31 | |
Just so we're showing a unified. | 00:56:33 | |
Design The sign plan meets the requirements of the ordinance. There are two monument signs, one at Tuscany and one at Knox Lane | 00:56:35 | |
Knox Landing Blvd. at Schreiber. | 00:56:41 | |
And all the building signage would comply with the existing sign against. | 00:56:46 | |
Ordinance the building facades. It's an attractive building. It meets the state requirements of the Highlander Point Overlay | 00:56:50 | |
District. | 00:56:53 | |
Brick, stone and Hardy. | 00:56:57 | |
You've seen that. | 00:56:59 | |
This is a blow up of the building 1. | 00:57:01 | |
Rendering This is a blow up of the Building 2 rendering which is on the South lot. | 00:57:04 | |
And this is the the bank with building one in the background. | 00:57:08 | |
OK. So common concerns that we hear always traffic. I know you've heard it from the audience today. | 00:57:15 | |
I'm not sure how many people are aware, but the county is planning to install a traffic signal at Shriver and Old Vincennes. | 00:57:20 | |
That has been in the plan. They're also upgrading Open Olden Sins. | 00:57:27 | |
The traffic study indicates that. | 00:57:30 | |
The intersections as proposed in the design year for original traffic study will also operate an acceptable level. | 00:57:33 | |
With additional traffic from this proposed development. | 00:57:38 | |
Drainage Fluke County is the most stringent drainage requirements in the region. | 00:57:41 | |
We anticipate stormwater and underground detention facilities circled there in the light blue. | 00:57:46 | |
That that wider island that you saw is the discharge town. | 00:57:52 | |
And then the county had commissioned a study for this whole area back in 2021. | 00:57:56 | |
That showed if development continued in accordance with your stormwater ordinance, that things will get better overtime. | 00:58:01 | |
Questions. | 00:58:09 | |
OK, you didn't do bad. You missed about 15 seconds. Sorry about that. | 00:58:11 | |
I do have a question OK, any that's why any questions for Mr. | 00:58:15 | |
I'm a little unclear on your on your wall. | 00:58:20 | |
On your wall. | 00:58:23 | |
Are you leaving Brick at Tuscany? | 00:58:25 | |
Are you switching it wanting to switch it all to the stucco wall? | 00:58:27 | |
He would request that we could switch it all to the stucco wall. | 00:58:32 | |
Because of the additional length. | 00:58:35 | |
That's a request. | 00:58:37 | |
So when you're you're saying 300 feet. | 00:58:38 | |
This is the additional approximately 300 feet. | 00:58:41 | |
Cortana. | 00:58:46 | |
That's the landscape plan. This is the 300 feet you're talking about, correct? | 00:58:48 | |
It's it's this. | 00:58:52 | |
It's this area here. | 00:58:53 | |
Just that's that's turned, yes, just short of that wider island there. | 00:58:56 | |
You do show. | 00:59:03 | |
60 foot of a vinyl fence. | 00:59:06 | |
Oh. | 00:59:09 | |
That's for parking lot screening. | 00:59:10 | |
Your ordinance requires a three foot understand why is it there? | 00:59:13 | |
I'm just wondering if we should make it. | 00:59:18 | |
Match the rest of the ball. | 00:59:20 | |
Question something? | 00:59:23 | |
Instead of final, maybe 60 feet. | 00:59:26 | |
I, I'm going to, I'm going to step out on a limb and say, well, that's. | 00:59:29 | |
I just think it ought to match I guess. | 00:59:34 | |
No problem. | 00:59:36 | |
My first meeting SO. | 00:59:39 | |
Indulge me, what were you talking about the fence parking lot then? | 00:59:44 | |
There. | 00:59:49 | |
There's a little piece of fence right here. | 00:59:51 | |
That's supposed to be final. | 00:59:54 | |
You're in the part of our ordinance says you've got to screen the parking lot. | 00:59:56 | |
Correct. The ordinance requires any parking that faces a street or a neighbor has to be screened with three foot tall shrubs. | 00:59:59 | |
Over 3 foot tall fence. | 01:00:06 | |
So we can't fit shrubs in that area because it's tied up to the right of way. | 01:00:08 | |
So I was proposing a fence. | 01:00:11 | |
Battle. If it has to be a wall, I don't. | 01:00:13 | |
I think that's a yeah. | 01:00:16 | |
Yeah, understood. | 01:00:18 | |
Yeah, this may be a question for the developer, but in terms of the. | 01:00:20 | |
Target renter. | 01:00:24 | |
Are we looking at Class A facilities or what kind of amenities, what kind of people are we targeting? | 01:00:26 | |
To inhabit the buildings, what he's told me is granite countertops, you know, very nice facilities. I think he's targeting the | 01:00:31 | |
minimum rent to be 1500. | 01:00:35 | |
For a one bedroom. | 01:00:40 | |
Well, give me a. | 01:00:42 | |
All right. Anybody else? | 01:00:46 | |
I do have one question, the Connector Rd. that's that is proposed, will there be parking allowed on that road? No. OK. Will you | 01:00:51 | |
make sure that that's. | 01:00:56 | |
Either signage or somehow. | 01:01:01 | |
Make sure that doesn't happen because I could see that. | 01:01:03 | |
In advance I could get. | 01:01:06 | |
Crowded. | 01:01:08 | |
All right, go ahead next. | 01:01:10 | |
That will be a county. | 01:01:14 | |
Road County. | 01:01:15 | |
Oh, it's Canada. | 01:01:17 | |
They will. They'll. | 01:01:19 | |
It'll be dedicated to the county after it's called, so it's dedicated to the county. | 01:01:21 | |
OK, All right. Makes it so we'll let Frank make that decision. | 01:01:26 | |
No. | 01:01:33 | |
Oh, I meant to start out. | 01:01:35 | |
And say that. | 01:01:40 | |
I appreciate all the changes that were made, I think. | 01:01:42 | |
Several of the comments came from me about. | 01:01:47 | |
Moving the bank and. | 01:01:49 | |
All of that and I think it's a much improved plan over what was originally presented, so. | 01:01:50 | |
You reduce the number of apartments, you move the bank. | 01:01:57 | |
So I do like to plan much better than was originally submitted. | 01:02:01 | |
Great. Thank you. | 01:02:05 | |
All right. At this time, what we'd like to do. | 01:02:07 | |
And and just I'd like for everybody just be respectful. | 01:02:10 | |
And kind of hold your comments down, if you will. | 01:02:13 | |
We're going to we're going to open up 20 minute session. | 01:02:16 | |
For anybody that like to speak in favor of this project, come forward in favor. | 01:02:19 | |
In favor. | 01:02:24 | |
OK, state your name. | 01:02:26 | |
I'd like to thank them for all the wonderful. I need your name and address, I'm sorry. | 01:02:30 | |
OK. | 01:02:35 | |
And I have an 8047 Schreiber Rd. | 01:02:36 | |
But I am speaking in favor of this project. I respect the wonderful things he has provided our community. | 01:02:39 | |
So I will say thank you for that, but. | 01:02:47 | |
You know, we don't always build wonderful things. I'm gonna support something that's not so wonderful because I can think of. | 01:02:50 | |
1019 people you know since. | 01:02:56 | |
Friday night. | 01:02:59 | |
That think this is a bad idea. | 01:03:00 | |
So I think he'll need a little support. | 01:03:02 | |
I'll say that the idea that they didn't have enough room to put shrubbery behind the fence, it's laughable. | 01:03:04 | |
The idea that. | 01:03:10 | |
You know pedestrians will be playing in a roundabout. | 01:03:11 | |
That's going to be built in the future. | 01:03:15 | |
Is asinine. | 01:03:17 | |
I mean, I know you all might have agendas or might have your minds made-up, but this is a bad idea. This does not. | 01:03:19 | |
I don't know if you read the same comprehensive plan that I did the same, you know, Highlander point. | 01:03:26 | |
Gateway plan that I read, but I guess it's up for interpretation. | 01:03:32 | |
This is zoning change. | 01:03:36 | |
I don't believe. | 01:03:38 | |
That that zoning change fits the vision that you had been outlaid. | 01:03:39 | |
That I read about. | 01:03:43 | |
I can say that. | 01:03:45 | |
When I read about the Highlander point plan. | 01:03:46 | |
It was unfavorable to have multifamily housing in that area. That was the least. | 01:03:49 | |
The least liked proposal. | 01:03:53 | |
So what's changed? | 01:03:55 | |
We don't need the destination. | 01:03:57 | |
You know, if you have pedestrians, it's going to be even more chaos. | 01:04:00 | |
And it's already bad and terrible traffic. | 01:04:04 | |
I like this area. This is a great area. I think we are going to be. | 01:04:07 | |
Value is by allowing this to go through. | 01:04:10 | |
So I implore you, please. | 01:04:13 | |
Don't. | 01:04:16 | |
Don't let this happen. | 01:04:17 | |
This is a nice place. We should have nice places. People should aspire to be in nice places. We want to encourage home ownership, | 01:04:20 | |
not rental. OK, I'm going to cut you. Cut you off. | 01:04:25 | |
I think you've taken. | 01:04:30 | |
More in an opposition side than a favorable side, so. | 01:04:32 | |
But we'll. | 01:04:35 | |
We'll let you come back up and take the time away from the opposition if you want to. I'm just trying to be fair here. | 01:04:36 | |
Thank you very much. | 01:04:42 | |
This is in favor. | 01:04:43 | |
Please. | 01:04:44 | |
More than in the favor. | 01:04:45 | |
I'm saying your name and your address. Brian's are sweet. OK, I live in the house South. | 01:04:47 | |
If you bring the picture back up, just tell us your address please. | 01:04:54 | |
It's 5007 over in Saints Row, its original house. Go ahead. | 01:04:57 | |
Main road was my driveway. | 01:05:02 | |
OK. | 01:05:05 | |
If she can get rid of the thing up there. | 01:05:06 | |
You just go ahead with your comments please. What I'm trying to do is. | 01:05:10 | |
You're changing the. | 01:05:14 | |
The Creek you're putting. | 01:05:15 | |
660 inch pipes in. | 01:05:18 | |
It's going to come down to my driveway, which is a 24 inch. I'm going to have to stop you too. It sounds like you're in | 01:05:22 | |
opposition. | 01:05:25 | |
No, no, no, I'm not in opposition. | 01:05:28 | |
Get this on the record. | 01:05:31 | |
Why the engineers people were here and the developers. Do you have some positive to say about this project? I'm just trying to get | 01:05:33 | |
you to let me tell you what I need to do because I'm the guy on the side that's going to be effective. OK, I'm going to ask you to | 01:05:39 | |
come up when the opposition time comes up, if you don't mind, Sir. | 01:05:45 | |
You're talking, I'm just trying to explain to me what. | 01:05:51 | |
I want you to put in. | 01:05:55 | |
For the engineers to do, it's not going to be a. | 01:05:57 | |
You know, either would. | 01:06:00 | |
Yeah, it's just trying to tell you. Do you have something to say in favor of this petition? | 01:06:01 | |
Is the question yes or no? | 01:06:07 | |
If you do, say it. | 01:06:10 | |
I'm Either way, you need to sit down, Sir. Thank you very much for your time. | 01:06:11 | |
Winner, Let me one more. | 01:06:16 | |
Officer, would you please remove this man from this meeting? | 01:06:18 | |
All because I live next door. | 01:06:25 | |
I asked you to sit down three times, Sir. I'm sorry. | 01:06:28 | |
All right, one more, one more time. | 01:06:34 | |
Is there anybody that has anything that they like to say in favor of this project? Please come forward. | 01:06:36 | |
In favor. | 01:06:42 | |
Please umm. | 01:06:44 | |
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a process and please respect it. | 01:06:47 | |
We're just, we're doing a job up here. If we're trying to do our job, please let us do it. That's all I ask you. | 01:06:50 | |
We're going to give everybody the same respect. | 01:06:56 | |
That's all I ask you to do. | 01:06:58 | |
Anybody else in favor of this, please step forward. | 01:07:00 | |
OK. Is there any Sherry? | 01:07:03 | |
We got we got an off site location because. | 01:07:07 | |
Our elevator is broke down. Sherry, would you come forward and tell us whether we have somebody there once I speak in favor of | 01:07:11 | |
this? | 01:07:14 | |
No, you do not. OK. Thank you, Sherry. Appreciate. | 01:07:19 | |
OK at this time. | 01:07:23 | |
If you will start the. | 01:07:26 | |
Go ahead. Laram, Sarah. | 01:07:27 | |
I will. I will. | 01:07:31 | |
At this time we start the timer for the opposition And what I asked. | 01:07:32 | |
Hold on. | 01:07:37 | |
Please give us a minute here. | 01:07:37 | |
What I ask you to do is. | 01:07:40 | |
For the for the courtesy of people that want to speak. | 01:07:42 | |
If somebody already brought something up about. | 01:07:45 | |
The traffic. | 01:07:47 | |
Are something that drainage or something that? | 01:07:49 | |
Please don't repeat it, save room for somebody has something new to say but. | 01:07:51 | |
At that point this gentleman. | 01:07:55 | |
Right here, if you will. | 01:07:57 | |
Remember, there's people behind you, so give us give them time, please. And we do just so that everybody's on the same page. We do | 01:07:59 | |
have a time limit. It's 20 minutes. | 01:08:03 | |
That is for everyone that wishes to speak in opposition so. | 01:08:07 | |
It's 10 minutes normally on our PER. | 01:08:12 | |
For our requirements. | 01:08:15 | |
Well I think what they see is so on the screen it does say 10. That is because it only allows her to do 10. So when it hits 10 she | 01:08:17 | |
will reset it for another 10 so. | 01:08:21 | |
That is for everyone, not for each person. Yeah, we will get back to 20. It's just thank you. | 01:08:26 | |
My name is Bill Emerson. I live at 339 Custody Drive in the village of Floyd's Knobs. | 01:08:33 | |
We bought our. | 01:08:39 | |
Lot in 2020 and. | 01:08:40 | |
Don theme and build up. | 01:08:43 | |
House quality house that we wanted. | 01:08:44 | |
During our meeting with Mr. Theme and we asked what he would be building on the adjacent property. | 01:08:47 | |
Which we're talking about today. | 01:08:53 | |
He said. | 01:08:55 | |
Build a medical services building along old business ends and might build a senior community with possible assisted living | 01:08:57 | |
community. | 01:09:00 | |
On the rest of the acreage? | 01:09:04 | |
That sounded good to us. | 01:09:06 | |
We love living the village of Floyd's Knobs. | 01:09:08 | |
Walk me to our location for the convenience of having amenities that we wanted nearby. | 01:09:11 | |
I would much rather the Don Theman build what he suggested to us. | 01:09:17 | |
Rather than the. | 01:09:22 | |
I do not support the project as presented tonight. | 01:09:25 | |
I would really like to see. | 01:09:29 | |
Mr. Thieneman. | 01:09:32 | |
Complete the villas. | 01:09:33 | |
Rather than us having to continue to live in the construction. | 01:09:35 | |
Zone site. They're in Phillips. | 01:09:39 | |
I like the houses he builds, he does a great job. | 01:09:44 | |
But if you drove up into the villas or you drove over to the other. | 01:09:47 | |
Project over in Georgetown. | 01:09:51 | |
It's an unfinished project. | 01:09:53 | |
And and those of us who live there. | 01:09:55 | |
Are really held hostage? | 01:09:58 | |
By an unfinished project where we can't have our own homeowners association until Dawn finishes the project. | 01:10:00 | |
I really wish you all would put something in. | 01:10:07 | |
And your bylaws or whatever if a project is started. | 01:10:10 | |
Then it needs to be finished at some particular point. | 01:10:15 | |
Our development was not that large that it couldn't be finished. | 01:10:19 | |
And the and the other piece of that is. | 01:10:23 | |
The walkability. | 01:10:25 | |
We have sidewalks once our house is built. | 01:10:27 | |
But we have large amounts of space in our in our. | 01:10:31 | |
On Tuscany. On Milan. | 01:10:34 | |
That we have to walk in the street. | 01:10:36 | |
So it's a walkability neighborhood. | 01:10:38 | |
But Don hasn't finished the sidewalks. | 01:10:41 | |
That are that need to be finished they cross the line across Tuscany so anyway. | 01:10:45 | |
I do not agree with Mr. Cooperates to comment about. | 01:10:52 | |
This states that the rezoning would not be injurious to the value of the profit in the area. | 01:10:56 | |
Come on, when did you ever put apartments next to? | 01:11:02 | |
Houses and never lowered the property. | 01:11:06 | |
And I'd say the same thing there. | 01:11:09 | |
You put apartments next to houses, you lower the property. | 01:11:11 | |
I'm grateful that the original location of the bank. | 01:11:16 | |
Has been moved. I'm glad that the project is not as large as it once was. I appreciate that. | 01:11:19 | |
The change in the fence. | 01:11:27 | |
I want the masonry brick fence. | 01:11:29 | |
I'm with the masonry. | 01:11:32 | |
I don't want the stucco fence. I've seen them. Nice. | 01:11:35 | |
But what? | 01:11:39 | |
We have is. | 01:11:40 | |
I want the brick fence. | 01:11:42 | |
My biggest concern about the project. | 01:11:46 | |
Is. | 01:11:49 | |
The dumpsters. | 01:11:50 | |
One of them is right there at the entrance to Tuscany Drive. | 01:11:52 | |
Right by very first house on the left on Tuscany. | 01:11:56 | |
You've got a you've got a 24 foot dumpster corral. | 01:12:01 | |
And then right behind the winnings house back there on the second building be built. | 01:12:05 | |
Also is a large dumpster corral right behind those homes? | 01:12:10 | |
I don't want I don't know how often they pick up those dumpsters and apartments, whether that's once a week or. | 01:12:16 | |
Three times a week. | 01:12:21 | |
I just I don't want the. | 01:12:23 | |
This put the dumpsters. | 01:12:25 | |
Does your way? | 01:12:27 | |
Sir, you have to talk to us. You can't talk to anybody. I'm sorry. | 01:12:32 | |
Move the dumpsters. | 01:12:42 | |
Move the dump. | 01:12:44 | |
And if you move the dumpsters. | 01:12:45 | |
I can. I can probably live with it. | 01:12:47 | |
That I don't like where the dumpsters are at all for the people in the village of Floyd's Knobs. | 01:12:49 | |
So anyway, I would encourage you to make those changes before you vote tonight. | 01:12:57 | |
All right. Thank you, Bill. | 01:13:01 | |
All right, come forward. State your name and address for us, Sir. | 01:13:03 | |
10th Interest Property owner .740 N Luther Rd. I cannot think of anything that would cause more problems. | 01:13:06 | |
On old Vincennes Rd. in the traffic flow then this project right here. | 01:13:13 | |
It is time for the people to speak up. | 01:13:18 | |
We have a nightmare there, we all know it. | 01:13:20 | |
We all know it, the change in zoning. | 01:13:24 | |
Is wrong. | 01:13:26 | |
Is wrong. Saying pedestrian traffic can crossover Vincent's road is crazy. | 01:13:28 | |
Somebody's gonna die. | 01:13:33 | |
I drive that bus through there twice a day and it is a nightmare. | 01:13:35 | |
Now I need that. | 01:13:39 | |
Were certified letters. | 01:13:40 | |
Sent out for this yet? | 01:13:42 | |
For affected property owners in here. | 01:13:44 | |
No, we're just OK. | 01:13:46 | |
You want that? You want me to answer that? | 01:13:48 | |
Yeah, go ahead. OK. Have they been sent out? | 01:13:50 | |
Yes, they have. | 01:13:53 | |
Yes. | 01:13:55 | |
Just us. | 01:13:57 | |
Personally, pardon me, was there a list? The reason I ask is this in the past? | 01:13:59 | |
You see, they were sent out. I can take the past 10 years. | 01:14:04 | |
I was always included because if you go too deep on that. | 01:14:07 | |
Especially because of the drainage problem. | 01:14:11 | |
I want to see. | 01:14:14 | |
Really tough drainage plan. | 01:14:16 | |
I want to see it. | 01:14:19 | |
You held it up. | 01:14:21 | |
On the on the. | 01:14:22 | |
Project before over there. | 01:14:25 | |
The Highlands. | 01:14:27 | |
And this here, I catch 8, I catch 90% of this. You all know that everybody knows. | 01:14:29 | |
But I don't want to see a change in zoning here. | 01:14:34 | |
We have enough problems on Old Vincent's Road. | 01:14:37 | |
Here's a great example very quickly. | 01:14:41 | |
22 Prosser buses leave Floyd Central at. | 01:14:44 | |
7:30. | 01:14:48 | |
In the morning. | 01:14:50 | |
They have to fight to get the OH Vincent Rd. They have to fight to get 150 interchange. By the time they get them through | 01:14:52 | |
Charlestown Road and down to Prosser, it's time to bring them home. Education is slipping in this county because of them. | 01:14:59 | |
Things like that. Right now I asked for a. | 01:15:06 | |
Negative. | 01:15:09 | |
Recommendation for this? | 01:15:11 | |
No more traffic. | 01:15:12 | |
No more building in that area. | 01:15:15 | |
Thank you, Mr. | 01:15:16 | |
Your name and address please. | 01:15:21 | |
Names Andrew Gromac. I live at 8042 Tribal Rd. in the islands UMM. | 01:15:23 | |
Evening Commission Board, Real quick, I have a question for you. I just moved here from Arizona in August. | 01:15:28 | |
Are you guys elected officials? | 01:15:34 | |
Or just how does that work? Everybody at this table is appointed except. | 01:15:36 | |
Point on this board. | 01:15:42 | |
On this board is appointed OK, OK, so you're not this general right here you want to buy the he's appointed. | 01:15:43 | |
OK. Yes, Sir. Well, the reason I bring that up is. | 01:15:49 | |
As of. | 01:15:51 | |
Just before this meeting, if you go to, there is 1017 signatures. | 01:15:52 | |
From this area that are opposed to this development plan. | 01:15:58 | |
Coming from Arizona, where I live is the 4th largest metropolitan area in the United States right now. | 01:16:04 | |
I moved in an area that was. | 01:16:09 | |
Semi rural. | 01:16:11 | |
And watch apartment buildings go up around my my house year after year after year. Over 15 years went from non. | 01:16:12 | |
No crime at all. | 01:16:20 | |
To prime rampant throughout my area. | 01:16:21 | |
The average rent in my neighborhood in the Highlands, I'd have to say is anywhere from. | 01:16:25 | |
Mortgage is 2500 to mine is just a little over 3000. | 01:16:30 | |
When you're putting. | 01:16:34 | |
Apartments up here. | 01:16:36 | |
These people don't have any skin in the game. They don't own the area that will own their apartments. They don't have any | 01:16:38 | |
incentive to take care of the area. | 01:16:41 | |
So besides the traffic, that's already been discussed. | 01:16:45 | |
And everything else. | 01:16:48 | |
I'm politely asking. | 01:16:49 | |
The board to vote nay on this as well. | 01:16:51 | |
I'm telling you guys that. | 01:16:54 | |
The Knobs area moved in here because it's rural enough. | 01:16:55 | |
Where it's semi big city but not big city. You start doing this, the domino effect is going to happen and I promise you guys | 01:16:58 | |
you're not going to like the outcome. | 01:17:02 | |
Thank you. Thank you, Sir. | 01:17:05 | |
Restate your name and address for the address. | 01:17:11 | |
It's a good thing we're all here right now, because we'd all be stuck at the light at 1:50 for another 5 or 6 more turns if we | 01:17:15 | |
were all heading home right now. | 01:17:20 | |
I don't trust a word that the theemans say. If anybody knows what has happened, up it. | 01:17:25 | |
Heritage Springs neighborhood that he was able to swindle a Dollar General and duplexes. | 01:17:30 | |
After his plans already went through. | 01:17:35 | |
I know the neighborhood. | 01:17:38 | |
Residents tried to fight him on that and somehow he had wording that. | 01:17:39 | |
Was able to get through and so that. | 01:17:43 | |
Didn't workout well for them. | 01:17:45 | |
I have more concern with my schools. | 01:17:47 | |
My kids and I have all gone through Naomi Blue County Schools. We had the largest middle school in the state of Indiana, which is | 01:17:50 | |
not a record I would like to hold. | 01:17:54 | |
Because it's way too many kids. | 01:17:59 | |
There's not a cap size on classrooms in the state of Indiana, which is also a problem to me because I'm pretty sure the fire | 01:18:02 | |
department should have one. | 01:18:05 | |
But you putting in all of these? | 01:18:10 | |
Residential apartments is going to just. | 01:18:12 | |
Ruin. I asked. | 01:18:16 | |
Ruin the class sizes for one. I mean, the teachers are already capped, they can't handle anymore. | 01:18:18 | |
The kids can't get through lunch lines. | 01:18:23 | |
Because they are in the longest lunch line ever, they can't sit there and eat. Your kids will come home and tell you that they | 01:18:25 | |
didn't get to eat lunch today because the line was so long. The buses are so full. | 01:18:31 | |
You've been into JC or tried to get something at the pharmacy. You're in a 40 minute line trying to cash out. | 01:18:38 | |
And get your prescriptions picked up because the grocery store can't handle the population that's already there. | 01:18:44 | |
So it's not just about the traffic, it's about the schools, it's about the community that we've tried to keep. | 01:18:50 | |
And businesses maybe would be OK in that space. | 01:18:57 | |
But that many apartments is just a ridiculous amount of people moving into our area. | 01:19:01 | |
And you can say you did a traffic study. | 01:19:07 | |
I don't believe it at all. | 01:19:10 | |
And then there's word that you're not going to let they're going to change the traffic pattern to where you can't go straight | 01:19:11 | |
across Walgreens. | 01:19:15 | |
Across 150 that they're going to change it to turn and go up. | 01:19:20 | |
To your girls Rd. up to 1 old Vincennes the other way and have to try. | 01:19:23 | |
Turn around. That makes no sense, but I heard that today from Qatar construction people. | 01:19:27 | |
So. | 01:19:32 | |
Obviously not in favor of this and I think more. | 01:19:34 | |
My kids school. | 01:19:37 | |
Than anything at this point. | 01:19:38 | |
Thank you. Thank you, Taylor. | 01:19:40 | |
I am speaking in the proper time now. My name is Aaron Jones, 8047 Trevor Rd. | 01:19:47 | |
There are individuals that approach me that have been unable to sign this petition for one reason or another, whether they do not | 01:19:53 | |
have. | 01:19:56 | |
This dude or did not want to, but similar number here. | 01:19:59 | |
So I just want to state that. | 01:20:02 | |
But I'll say that. | 01:20:04 | |
From where I where I moved from? | 01:20:05 | |
We are very familiar with this issue. | 01:20:07 | |
I worked very hard to be here. | 01:20:09 | |
I did my research. I looked at the zoning. I looked at hydrology. I looked at traffic studies. I studied. | 01:20:12 | |
I believed in this community. | 01:20:18 | |
I truly did. I wanted to be here. I chose to be here. | 01:20:19 | |
I worked my **** off to be. | 01:20:22 | |
So my family would happen. | 01:20:24 | |
Access to better opportunities than I did. | 01:20:25 | |
Coming from Jefferson County, they built. | 01:20:28 | |
This low income, luxury whatever apartments everywhere around me within the South end of Louisville. | 01:20:30 | |
And you can see how well that's going for them. | 01:20:35 | |
And how the problems that they have. And I ask you, do you want to be like Louisville? I have faith in you all. | 01:20:37 | |
I feel like we can be better than Louisville. I'm not saying we are better, I'm just saying that. | 01:20:43 | |
Our government. | 01:20:46 | |
Can work better than rules because we can all see how the government is working. We do not want to be like Louisville. I am a | 01:20:47 | |
refugee. | 01:20:50 | |
I literally. | 01:20:54 | |
Don't want to be back right where I was. | 01:20:55 | |
And once this goes through, it's gonna set precedent work to keep happening and we do not want to devalue our area, whether that | 01:20:58 | |
be New Albany here there. | 01:21:02 | |
We have something beautiful that works. We can make it work. | 01:21:06 | |
But if we. | 01:21:10 | |
Changing areas that don't need changing. | 01:21:11 | |
In ways that. | 01:21:13 | |
We don't support. | 01:21:14 | |
It doesn't make sense. | 01:21:15 | |
He could put this anywhere. This is 6 acres. There are other parcels. | 01:21:17 | |
And this is zoned. | 01:21:21 | |
In a way that does not support this. | 01:21:23 | |
So. | 01:21:25 | |
I don't know why this is an argument. | 01:21:26 | |
I know he has every right. I think I believe in the free market. I only tell him he can't tell what he wants to. | 01:21:28 | |
But I believe in the zoning. That's why I bought my house. | 01:21:32 | |
It's commercial. I don't have to worry about this. | 01:21:35 | |
But now I'm in the same boat. | 01:21:38 | |
That's just. | 01:21:40 | |
I'm sorry that is. | 01:21:41 | |
It is sickening to me. | 01:21:43 | |
I'm Scott Sugar, I live at 6378 old Vincennes Rd. | 01:21:52 | |
I retired up here from the Army as a engineer officer. | 01:21:57 | |
I am going to touch on a little bit of what some of the other people. | 01:22:01 | |
And spoke about. | 01:22:04 | |
But really what I'm going to do is I'm going to ask some questions that I think every. | 01:22:06 | |
One for the traffic study. | 01:22:11 | |
Everyone that drives that area goes through those intersections. | 01:22:13 | |
At 1:50 no Vincents. | 01:22:16 | |
They know what chaos it is at certain times of day. | 01:22:18 | |
For a lot of people it is a stressful. | 01:22:21 | |
Event just going through. | 01:22:23 | |
That intersection. | 01:22:25 | |
Making it past Highlander Point headed down to the school. | 01:22:27 | |
The other thing I want everybody. | 01:22:30 | |
School buses go through there every day. | 01:22:32 | |
And. | 01:22:37 | |
Everybody who has a student down there at Highland Hills. | 01:22:39 | |
Or at Void Central. | 01:22:42 | |
Every day we get calls about the school bus situation. | 01:22:44 | |
Routes canceled. | 01:22:48 | |
This and. | 01:22:49 | |
And it's usually two to three a day, honestly. | 01:22:50 | |
So that's one challenge. | 01:22:52 | |
And this will impact. | 01:22:54 | |
The challenges that. | 01:22:56 | |
The Floyd County school system has. | 01:22:58 | |
With uh. | 01:23:00 | |
School traffic, School bus traffic, getting kids to school sometimes. | 01:23:01 | |
It's a safety concern. | 01:23:05 | |
The question I have is with that traffic study. | 01:23:07 | |
Did they account in that traffic study for all the other construction that's going to be going on? | 01:23:10 | |
Up just north of. | 01:23:15 | |
The JC. | 01:23:17 | |
Because. | 01:23:21 | |
You put this in, it's already going to overtax. | 01:23:23 | |
A stressful area right there. | 01:23:27 | |
That intersection. | 01:23:29 | |
Put even more construction in if there's already plans. | 01:23:30 | |
Multi Housing. | 01:23:34 | |
North of the JC? What kind of impact? | 01:23:36 | |
And a half of that intersection. | 01:23:38 | |
When we put the stop light in there. | 01:23:41 | |
That's already going to happen. | 01:23:44 | |
Act regardless of where you put this, intersect this. | 01:23:46 | |
Complex in there or not, it's already going to change the dynamic of that in the flow. | 01:23:49 | |
Off that intersection area and it's going to make more challenge to get through. | 01:23:54 | |
I think it's a bad idea. | 01:23:59 | |
To put. | 01:24:02 | |
This specific. | 01:24:03 | |
The housing. | 01:24:07 | |
And have this many people in this area. | 01:24:09 | |
Just simply because it's. | 01:24:13 | |
Challenges it's going to have on those intersections. | 01:24:14 | |
And I know. | 01:24:18 | |
You know, we all look at growth in the area. | 01:24:19 | |
We know what's coming. | 01:24:21 | |
But we've got to fix the plan for it. | 01:24:23 | |
I don't think that this meets the test as far as effectively. | 01:24:26 | |
That's just my thank you. | 01:24:32 | |
My name is Clyde Harrelson. I live off of Buck Creek, so I'm a. | 01:24:39 | |
Couple miles from the place. | 01:24:42 | |
But I shot that area. I shot the bank. | 01:24:44 | |
Why do we need apartments in an area? | 01:24:47 | |
That has no apartments in it whatsoever. | 01:24:50 | |
And my main complaint that you all could use or the main complaint you could use is the parking. | 01:24:52 | |
Who has 1.8 vehicles in a home? | 01:24:57 | |
They're going to have two-bedroom apartments in there, 45 of them. | 01:25:00 | |
They'll have at least two cars, if not 3. | 01:25:04 | |
We went from three cars to two. | 01:25:07 | |
Just recently, but prior to that, we've always had three vehicles in our family. | 01:25:09 | |
And I think for no other reason, the parking. | 01:25:13 | |
Should turn this down if they put in a bank where there's a. | 01:25:16 | |
Three banks across the street. | 01:25:19 | |
Why do we need another bank here? | 01:25:21 | |
They're just they don't want to make the parking. | 01:25:24 | |
Fit that place because they're not going to make as much money. | 01:25:26 | |
But if they need to drop that another 50. | 01:25:30 | |
Units just to make the parking fee. | 01:25:33 | |
Clyde, sorry, before you leave, what's your address please? | 01:25:36 | |
4059 Tanglewood Dr. | 01:25:39 | |
South of Buck Creek. | 01:25:41 | |
All right. Thank you. Glad. | 01:25:43 | |
OK, great. Ladies first. | 01:25:46 | |
Theresa Temple, 3 to 5 Tuscany Drive. | 01:25:49 | |
Boys knobs. | 01:25:52 | |
You turn down Don's. | 01:25:55 | |
Approval for apartment staff in 2014, did you not? | 01:25:57 | |
And he offered. | 01:26:00 | |
To build our homes. | 01:26:02 | |
55 and older. | 01:26:03 | |
Didn't workout. | 01:26:05 | |
Now it's all families, which is fine. | 01:26:06 | |
They're supposed to be single family dwellings. Ends up being. | 01:26:08 | |
One family that has three families living in it. | 01:26:12 | |
And then the drainage. | 01:26:15 | |
Back behind where you got. | 01:26:16 | |
The 301 start with 301. | 01:26:19 | |
All the way down past where Donnie lives because he lives in our subdivision. | 01:26:22 | |
All that drainage back there, their yards are all wet all the time. | 01:26:26 | |
They're never, they're never dry. | 01:26:30 | |
Florence Hampton had to pick up. | 01:26:32 | |
All her flips. | 01:26:34 | |
Stuff in the backyard because it wouldn't have them and stick or grow. | 01:26:36 | |
Anyway, you're turning down in 2014 for apartments. | 01:26:39 | |
Turning down again, I like Donnie. | 01:26:41 | |
He builds a really good homes. | 01:26:44 | |
In our subdivision. | 01:26:46 | |
And he hasn't finished what he needs to do. | 01:26:48 | |
And we know that the grocery store will have a small JC store if you all well know. | 01:26:50 | |
Now it can't. It can't accommodate all these people. | 01:26:55 | |
You know. | 01:26:58 | |
Make a strip mall like he promised. He said he was going to do our a medical stability or something to that effect. But apartments | 01:26:59 | |
are only going to cause more crime. You know, one of the things the Floyd County Sheriff's told me. | 01:27:04 | |
That our subdivision was one of the safest subdivisions. | 01:27:09 | |
Because Tuscany draft. | 01:27:13 | |
Was one way in and one way out. | 01:27:14 | |
Do you not agree with that? | 01:27:17 | |
And now you're getting. | 01:27:19 | |
All these intersections. | 01:27:20 | |
Criminals are coming across the bridge. | 01:27:22 | |
Coming in all of our subdivisions. | 01:27:24 | |
Because they've got all these little exits to go through. | 01:27:26 | |
Yeah, I'm not right. | 01:27:29 | |
I mean, it's true. | 01:27:31 | |
And we've had several cars broken into even in our subject. | 01:27:32 | |
Donnie's head stuff stolen from his subdivision, but. | 01:27:35 | |
You know, you just can't keep building all this. | 01:27:39 | |
Apartments and it's just gonna bring our. | 01:27:41 | |
Our values down. | 01:27:44 | |
And we don't want to. We just don't want it. | 01:27:45 | |
All right. Thank you. | 01:27:47 | |
We got we got a minute left. Go ahead, Sir. | 01:27:52 | |
My name is Spencer Worth and I live at 8040 Schriever. | 01:27:54 | |
You don't have to. | 01:27:57 | |
Forgive me for my quick talk, my quick speaking. | 01:27:58 | |
I agree with many of the points brought up by those behind me. | 01:28:01 | |
But one thing that I feel like hasn't been brought up is, or at least expounded upon, is the parking. | 01:28:04 | |
So if if the parking is not enough is not 2 1/2 per unit which my wife and I. | 01:28:09 | |
Have never had less than two cars. | 01:28:15 | |
Since we've been married. | 01:28:17 | |
Where are these industry cars going to go? | 01:28:18 | |
They're gonna be parking in these neighborhoods next door. | 01:28:20 | |
And people are that we don't know people who ties the community. | 01:28:22 | |
Are we walking through our neighborhoods back and forth? | 01:28:26 | |
And we have no recourse whatsoever. | 01:28:28 | |
Thank you. | 01:28:30 | |
Thank you. | 01:28:31 | |
All right, that closes this this portion if the applicant would like to come up. | 01:28:34 | |
And rebut what was spoken about. | 01:28:39 | |
You've got 5 minutes. | 01:28:44 | |
I'll speak very quickly. Just a couple things to deal with. I'm sorry, just a second. | 01:28:47 | |
Make sure nobody. | 01:28:53 | |
Yeah, we got opened up for down. Sorry. We just need to make sure to wait downstairs because the elevators out. | 01:28:54 | |
Do we have anybody downstairs? | 01:29:00 | |
In opposition? No, Sir. All right. Thank you. No, Sir. | 01:29:02 | |
Now you go. Thank you. Very, very quickly, a couple things that Mister Emerson brought up and I think it's important to address 1 | 01:29:06 | |
primarily deals with. | 01:29:11 | |
The issue pertaining to. | 01:29:17 | |
Sidewalks, things of that nature and homeowners association keep in mind under the terms of the restrictive covenants with govern | 01:29:19 | |
that. | 01:29:23 | |
Homeowners association is not going to be formed till the last light sells. That's in their restrictions. The other piece of it | 01:29:28 | |
tends to be there is a non remonstrance clause in each of their subdivision restrictions specifically indicates that they would | 01:29:32 | |
not. | 01:29:37 | |
Opposed any type of development that Mister Athena would do on adjacent property. | 01:29:42 | |
Please let let him speak. It's unclear. | 01:29:51 | |
And there is a non remonstrance clause in that and they all took title subject to that. | 01:29:53 | |
A couple other items I think are important. Dealing with one gentleman that said he just moved up there, he moved into the | 01:29:58 | |
Highlands, which is the brand new subdivision, residential and he wanted rural. So again, I take a little exception to that. | 01:30:05 | |
The other piece that I think is important is. | 01:30:12 | |
The wide Shriver Road and the issue with regards to the traffic study. | 01:30:15 | |
It was done, and Mr. Copper Weight will probably talk about this as well, but it was done in anticipation of all of those. | 01:30:19 | |
Existing. | 01:30:26 | |
Developments as well as those that are already on the books as well as looking at this. So it's not a matter that they forgot | 01:30:28 | |
something. All of those developments were taken into consideration when they did that. | 01:30:34 | |
I'll let Jason speak on several of the other issues, but again, keep in mind that the restrictive governance primarily deal with | 01:30:40 | |
when that homeowners association is turned over and likewise when the sidewalks are finished when all of them lots of. | 01:30:46 | |
I do want to hit on the traffic study. Number one. It used to be that the developer would hire a traffic engineer to do the | 01:30:55 | |
traffic study. That is no longer the case. It is the county that hires the traffic engineer. So the developer has no influence | 01:31:00 | |
over the over the traffic study or the traffic engineer. | 01:31:05 | |
When they did their study at that I reviewed they did take into account all of the. | 01:31:11 | |
There's Gray woods just to the north of Highlander Point. There's a there was a patio home. | 01:31:15 | |
There were some proposals that were across Open Sins Rd. | 01:31:21 | |
There were some other things going on in the air. They took all that into account. | 01:31:25 | |
And of course, the traffic study reflects that the light is in place. | 01:31:28 | |
The lights not in place today. | 01:31:31 | |
We acknowledge that there are traffic issues there today. | 01:31:33 | |
But when the county finishes constructing that light, it's going to be a whole lot better, and the traffic study shows that. | 01:31:36 | |
Regarding drainage, I touched on that already. | 01:31:45 | |
Again, you have the most strict drainage ordinance in the region. | 01:31:48 | |
I think that's it, unless you have any questions. | 01:31:52 | |
Oh, wait, one more thing. I'm sorry. | 01:31:57 | |
Under the general commercial zone, your maximum impervious area is 70%. | 01:31:59 | |
Under the MF at 65%. | 01:32:04 | |
Under our PUD plan, it is less than 70%. | 01:32:06 | |
So we're going to be better on drainage just as a baseline. | 01:32:09 | |
Yeah, last individual be Daniel Moriarty. Daniel did the. | 01:32:13 | |
Project the design on it. Likewise, he's going to address some of the issues pertaining to the very same project that he's done | 01:32:18 | |
throughout Indianapolis area as well as other parts of the state. | 01:32:23 | |
State your name and address please. | 01:32:28 | |
3628. | 01:32:30 | |
Place in Carmel. | 01:32:32 | |
And obviously I'm not local so I can't speak to traffic issues and things are going on but. | 01:32:33 | |
I will say they do a lot of these projects around the. | 01:32:39 | |
Right bargains, though. | 01:32:41 | |
Westville. | 01:32:42 | |
South Bend, Fort Wayne, Bluffton. | 01:32:44 | |
All all around the state. | 01:32:47 | |
Always the same issues. | 01:32:49 | |
But the things I consistently see. | 01:32:50 | |
Number ones, we said traffic. | 01:32:53 | |
This there's. | 01:32:55 | |
Things are gonna happen. | 01:32:56 | |
This ground, regardless of what happens, time, right, something is going to be built by right. | 01:32:57 | |
That's not going to stop the traffic. | 01:33:02 | |
No matter what it is, it's gonna. | 01:33:04 | |
So if there's traffic issues in the area. | 01:33:06 | |
Those who are not my opinion, not the responsibility of this landowner to solve the. | 01:33:08 | |
For the county. | 01:33:14 | |
I mean that this developed something happening on this property. | 01:33:15 | |
Is something that. | 01:33:19 | |
Just. | 01:33:21 | |
Regardless of what it is, they're still going to be, it sounds like. | 01:33:22 | |
I'm not here for everybody. The issues. | 01:33:25 | |
So that was one thing. Secondly, I've got six kids, all six of living apartments. | 01:33:28 | |
Only once been arrested. | 01:33:32 | |
He lives at home with me right now. | 01:33:33 | |
So, umm. | 01:33:35 | |
There's no. | 01:33:36 | |
Evidence, at least in it. | 01:33:37 | |
Brand new development. This is a very high quality development and again I was working with a lot of people around the state. | 01:33:39 | |
The one thing about that the ambulance has been very refreshing. | 01:33:45 | |
There's a level of quality that they brought to this development. | 01:33:48 | |
Is very much higher. | 01:33:51 | |
Than what I hear from. | 01:33:52 | |
Every other builder on the state. | 01:33:54 |