No Bookmarks Exist.
We got one minute till start time. 00:00:00
I did. 00:00:12
In here. 00:00:16
That's downstairs. We have a remove camera. 00:00:19
People that may have wanted to be here but we're unable to, yes. 00:00:22
Because we set up a space down there. 00:00:26
I'm assuming that you guys are. 00:00:33
Are doing all this for the plane Commission meeting. 00:00:35
Starts at 6:00. 00:00:37
OK, so you're just you just. 00:00:39
We're the warm up app, is that credit OK? 00:00:41
Yeah, it goes more than perfect. 00:00:44
Yes. 00:01:18
Let's. 00:01:20
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to welcome all of you to tonight's Board of Zoning Appeals meeting. It is Monday 00:01:27
evening, February 10th, 2025. 00:01:32
For anyone that is here this evening for any meeting other than. 00:01:38
Board of Zoning Appeals. 00:01:42
You're welcome to state public meetings so. 00:01:44
I said to someone earlier we were apparently the warm up apps for the next meeting. 00:01:47
That will take place at 6:00, but we're going to call this meeting to order and we'll begin with roll call. 00:01:50
Here. 00:01:56
Here. 00:01:57
Here here. 00:01:58
Here. 00:02:01
OK. We have a full board. I would like to just inform the public. 00:02:03
Just as a matter of information that because the elevator is out in the building. 00:02:08
We do have a remote camera set up downstairs. 00:02:13
And we have. 00:02:17
We've done that for anyone who might not be able to climb the stairs to participate. 00:02:19
And so as we go through our meeting and I assume and that subsequent meeting. 00:02:24
Anyone who's unable to climb the stairs and would like to participate or welcome to join us from down there and we will give them 00:02:28
a chance to be. 00:02:31
During the comments section of the meeting, so. 00:02:36
Moving on. 00:02:39
We have. 00:02:40
We have completed roll call. We have a full board. 00:02:42
Tonight, umm. 00:02:44
We have minutes of both our December and January meetings. 00:02:46
At our January meeting. 00:02:51
Our December meetings were not prepared. 00:02:54
And distributed. 00:02:56
By that time, so we're going to we're going to review and approve both of those. 00:02:57
Christy, do we need to do those as two separate approvals? 00:03:01
Yes, please. OK, that we can discuss. 00:03:04
OK, so we'll begin with the December 9th. 00:03:06
Minutes of our Board of Zoning appeals, those have been circulated. 00:03:10
And so. 00:03:14
I would entertain any comments, changes or corrections to those. 00:03:15
I move, we accept them as written. 00:03:21
OK, we have a motion. Do we have a 2nd, 2nd? 00:03:23
We have a motion and a second. 00:03:26
All those in favor signify by saying aye. 00:03:28
Any opposed like son? 00:03:30
The December minutes are passed and. 00:03:32
As presented next is the minute are the minutes of our January 13th, 2025. 00:03:35
Meeting those also have been circulated for review and I would entertain any comments, corrections or. 00:03:41
Additions OK on page 4. 00:03:47
And it would be where Mr. Highkemper made a comment. 00:03:50
Second from the bottom. 00:03:53
And we were talking about the original. 00:03:55
When we set up the things for the farm down there. 00:03:59
And it says not real familiar with archery when he was approved before. 00:04:02
He thought it was shooting. 00:04:06
Thinking they specified shooting would be a projectile or bullet exposed and that bill says necessarily a firearm. 00:04:08
And I think we need to check that. I'm pretty sure I said not necessarily a firearm. 00:04:16
So I think not needs to be put in there to check the. 00:04:22
Check the audio on. 00:04:25
Page 4, the 4th page. I believe it's the fourth page. It is the fourth page. 00:04:30
It's the January. 00:04:35
So the 4th page it would be the. 00:04:38
3rd. 00:04:42
Comment section up from the bottom. 00:04:43
Beginning with Mr. High Temper. 00:04:44
In bold. 00:04:46
Where it says necessarily a farm arm, I think that was not necessarily a farm arm. 00:04:50
Firearm because we were talking about the possibility of archery. 00:04:55
And it was still shooting. 00:04:58
OK. OK. Thank you with that. 00:05:01
There are no further I'll move that we accept them. 00:05:04
Accept them with that change. 00:05:07
Any other? 00:05:10
Well, let's we have a motion. Do we have a second? 00:05:11
I'll second, do we have any other? 00:05:13
Comments or. 00:05:16
Edits to the minutes, seeing none, all those in favor. 00:05:18
Of them. 00:05:21
Approved Subject to the one modification signify by saying aye. 00:05:23
Any opposed like son? 00:05:29
The January minutes. 00:05:31
Are approved. I abstained since I wasn't at the January meeting. OK, let the minutes reflect this. Mr. Beagle Hauser abstained 00:05:32
from voting on those since he was not there. 00:05:37
OK, next. 00:05:42
Item on our agenda, we'll move into old business and. 00:05:43
The. 00:05:47
The agenda item one FC-12-24 dash. 00:05:49
53 is a development standard variance and I believe Nick Creevy is going to come and share the Staffs perspective. 00:05:53
This petition is for 2580 Old Woodson's Road. 00:06:01
The request is for development standards variance for building within 50 feet of a steep slope at a section 801 E of the zoning 00:06:07
ordinance. 00:06:12
The district is agricultural, residential and. 00:06:17
Steep slope over. 00:06:20
The applicant is requesting the building extension to the home, including a deck that is within 50 feet of a rich arm. 00:06:23
To find this over. 00:06:31
Grade of over 33%. 00:06:33
The proposed addition will be. 00:06:36
Approximately. 00:06:38
1250 square feet. 00:06:39
Onto the rear. 00:06:42
Of the existing home. 00:06:43
The location of the addition will be on steep slope that. 00:06:45
Greater than 20%. 00:06:48
Afraid and further to the rear, and N is the location of the ridgeline. 00:06:50
As mentioned, 33% greater greater. 00:06:57
At about 700. 00:07:00
If you want to do. 00:07:02
Adjacent properties are AR to the South. 00:07:04
With a single family dwelling present. 00:07:07
And north and West are non developable right away into the east is undeveloped AR on sleep so. 00:07:10
The applicant has provided a survey showing the property lines. 00:07:18
Based on possession line established by a fence line. 00:07:22
As best evidence of the original property line. 00:07:25
The approval will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare. 00:07:30
Community The applicant has provided a geotechnical report indicating the stability of. 00:07:35
Ground conditions for the construction. 00:07:40
There are developments down, there are no developments downhill. 00:07:43
Project area. 00:07:47
The use and value of the area adjacent to the property. 00:07:50
The variance will not be affected and substantially adverse manner. 00:07:54
The addition is anticipated to increase the value of the property and therefore have positive effects on neighboring properties. 00:07:58
The addition will not create nuisances or obstructions to light, air, sound or other physical features. 00:08:05
The strict application of the terms of the zoning ordinance will not result. 00:08:11
Will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property. 00:08:18
As the home was constructed prior to the prohibition of the. 00:08:22
Development near ridgelines restrictions. 00:08:26
The property does not have. 00:08:30
Other suitable building areas that would not also require a vari. 00:08:32
The variance is not in global structure that is near an air. 00:08:37
Regulated by Indian. 00:08:40
Code 8.110. 00:08:42
Staff Recommendations. 00:08:45
Would be to follow the recommendations of the geotechnical report. 00:08:47
Dated October 10th, 2024. 00:08:51
Provided engineers report on the construction activities. 00:08:54
And for the owner to. 00:08:59
Provide uh. 00:09:00
Hold to hold to agree to hold harmless the county and Planning Commission. 00:09:02
With that language to be approved by staff. 00:09:08
And our legal. 00:09:11
That is all for the staffers. 00:09:17
OK. Any questions for Nick? 00:09:19
Regarding his his step report. 00:09:21
Now, did you say it will result or will not result? Practical difficult. 00:09:24
If the strict application of the. 00:09:29
Zoning ordinance will result in crack. 00:09:33
OK. 00:09:36
Any other questions for Nick? 00:09:40
OK. Thank you, Nick. 00:09:42
OK. Have you heard from the staffer to move into? 00:09:45
The open comments section, but we're going to begin with the applicants. 00:09:48
Is the applicant or representative applicant there? 00:09:52
Please come forward, state your name and address for the record. 00:09:55
Hello, my name is Brent Sprigler. 00:10:00
Reside, 2580. Vincent's. 00:10:02
I've been there since. 00:10:06
2001. 00:10:08
And. 00:10:09
I just want to add on the. 00:10:11
Back in my house and part of its in steep slope. 00:10:12
So that's why I'm here to seek a variance for. 00:10:15
Permit. 00:10:19
Gotcha. Anything else we need to know about? 00:10:21
That Nick hasn't already covered. 00:10:24
Thank you for being here. Any questions? I do have a question. 00:10:29
The the foundation for the new addition. 00:10:32
It what type of foundation will that be? 00:10:35
Will be a poured. 00:10:39
So the actual what makes up the difference in the slope will be concrete. Concrete OK. 00:10:41
Now the new petition there that will not be much past the. 00:10:48
Present deck, is that correct? That's right. OK, except maybe that one corner is a small amount. We understand. 00:10:54
Is there going to be a deck added to the outside then? I was planning on it. Yes. Go out 10 feet. 00:11:00
From the house ring from the house out 10 four feet with the deck. 00:11:05
And will that extend further than the existing one then or? 00:11:12
Original deck is about 10 feet past that. 00:11:17
OK. 00:11:22
So. So is it going further than? 00:11:27
In other words, what's your show on the extent of the where you're going on the steep slope? 00:11:30
You're going another 10 foot further than where the house is shown where the deck is going to be the house. 00:11:34
And from the tech on out. 00:11:39
It's going to be another deck. 00:11:41
Plan on another deck out 10 feet out from the. 00:11:42
The house. 00:11:45
Go ahead. 00:11:48
Yeah. 00:11:48
That is what his application. 00:11:51
Application is showing as well as well as the geotechnical report shows. 00:11:53
The additional. 00:11:58
Including the tax, OK. 00:11:59
OK, that's what I didn't understand. 00:12:01
Yes, it wasn't really marked out on here. So that's. 00:12:03
Trying to clarify that's how come the test toes were further out than what the deck was. OK. 00:12:06
Understand. Thank you. 00:12:12
Yep. Thanks. Any any other questions for Mr. Sprigal, Raleigh too? 00:12:13
OK. See you now. Thank you. 00:12:21
OK. 00:12:24
Now we will open this up for comment from the public. 00:12:25
Is there anyone here? 00:12:28
That would like to speak in favor of this request this evening. 00:12:30
If so, please come forward, state your name and address for the record. 00:12:34
OK, seeing none, we will close that section. 00:12:41
And we will move to anyone. 00:12:44
Here this evening. 00:12:46
To speak in opposition to this request. 00:12:48
If so, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. 00:12:52
If I did forget that. 00:12:57
We have to make. 00:12:59
Create an opportunity for the folks who may be downstairs to speak. 00:13:01
Based on what I see on my screen, I don't see anyone down there. 00:13:05
Sherry Sherry's should be down there if we can just ask her to confirm that no one's down there to speak. 00:13:09
Cherry, are you down there? 00:13:14
Yeah, OK. There's no one here. OK, thank you. Share. 00:13:18
OK, so moving right along I had I had opened the floor to anyone to speak who may. 00:13:26
Want to speak in opposition to this? 00:13:31
And I don't see anyone here. 00:13:33
Coming forward to speak in opposition, so we will close that section of the meeting. 00:13:35
And at this point, I would entertain a ballot. Do we have a ballot? 00:13:40
I do. 00:13:44
Docket FC12-24-53. 00:13:45
Petitioner Brent Sprigler. 00:13:49
After cover review, the board finds that approval of the variance will not be injurious. 00:13:50
To the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community, because the applicant has provided a geotechnical 00:13:55
report indicating the suitability. 00:13:59
Of ground conditions for the construction. 00:14:04
#2. 00:14:06
The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance. 00:14:07
Will not be affected. 00:14:11
In a substantially adverse manner because the addition. 00:14:14
Is anticipated to increase the value of the property and therefore have positive impacts on neighboring properties. 00:14:17
The addition will not create a nuisance or obstruction to light, air, sound, or other physical features. 00:14:23
#3 the strict application, the terms of the zoning ordinance. 00:14:30
Will result. 00:14:33
In practical difficulties in the use of the property because the home was constructed prior to the prohibition. 00:14:35
Of development near Ridgelands. 00:14:41
Property does not have other suitable building. 00:14:42
Areas that could be used for expansion of the home without requiring a variance. 00:14:45
#4 the variance. 00:14:51
Does not involve a structure that is near an airstrip and regulated under Indiana Code 8. 00:14:53
2110. 00:14:59
The Board of Zoning here back. 00:15:05
Grants the petitioner. 00:15:06
Variance at the meeting held on the 10th of February 2025. 00:15:09
Approved by the Board is subject to completion of the following conditions. 00:15:13
Follow the recommendations as D of technical. 00:15:17
Report dated October 10th, 2024. 00:15:20
The foundation design and construction shall be reviewed and approved by licensed engineer. 00:15:23
The engineer shall inspect the excavation and the construction of the foundation. 00:15:28
And provide an engineer's report. 00:15:32
On the construction activities. 00:15:34
#2 the applicant will sign. 00:15:36
A hold and harmless agreement for. 00:15:39
Portfolio for the county. 00:15:41
That completes my ballot. 00:15:44
OK, we have a ballot. Do we have a second? 00:15:46
I'll second. 00:15:48
Ballot in a second. Any other comments or questions before we vote? 00:15:49
Seeing none, all those in favor of the request. 00:15:55
Or signify by saying aye. 00:15:58
Any opposed like sign? 00:16:00
The request is passed. 00:16:02
Congratulations. 00:16:05
OK, so. 00:16:07
We will. Is there any other old business to come before us this evening? 00:16:09
See. No see no additional old business. We'll move into new business. 00:16:14
The agenda. 00:16:19
Reflects nothing. 00:16:20
To come before us this morning. No new items. 00:16:21
Is there any other business to come before the board? 00:16:25
I move, we adjourn. 00:16:29
We have a motion to adjourn. 00:16:30
I'll second we will. 00:16:31
We have a motion. 00:16:34
Second, yes, all those in favor signify by saying aye. 00:16:37
Opposed like son. 00:16:39
We are adjourned. 00:16:41
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Name Document type
FC-12-24-53 - Brent Sprigler - DSV General Document
We got one minute till start time. 00:00:00
I did. 00:00:12
In here. 00:00:16
That's downstairs. We have a remove camera. 00:00:19
People that may have wanted to be here but we're unable to, yes. 00:00:22
Because we set up a space down there. 00:00:26
I'm assuming that you guys are. 00:00:33
Are doing all this for the plane Commission meeting. 00:00:35
Starts at 6:00. 00:00:37
OK, so you're just you just. 00:00:39
We're the warm up app, is that credit OK? 00:00:41
Yeah, it goes more than perfect. 00:00:44
Yes. 00:01:18
Let's. 00:01:20
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to welcome all of you to tonight's Board of Zoning Appeals meeting. It is Monday 00:01:27
evening, February 10th, 2025. 00:01:32
For anyone that is here this evening for any meeting other than. 00:01:38
Board of Zoning Appeals. 00:01:42
You're welcome to state public meetings so. 00:01:44
I said to someone earlier we were apparently the warm up apps for the next meeting. 00:01:47
That will take place at 6:00, but we're going to call this meeting to order and we'll begin with roll call. 00:01:50
Here. 00:01:56
Here. 00:01:57
Here here. 00:01:58
Here. 00:02:01
OK. We have a full board. I would like to just inform the public. 00:02:03
Just as a matter of information that because the elevator is out in the building. 00:02:08
We do have a remote camera set up downstairs. 00:02:13
And we have. 00:02:17
We've done that for anyone who might not be able to climb the stairs to participate. 00:02:19
And so as we go through our meeting and I assume and that subsequent meeting. 00:02:24
Anyone who's unable to climb the stairs and would like to participate or welcome to join us from down there and we will give them 00:02:28
a chance to be. 00:02:31
During the comments section of the meeting, so. 00:02:36
Moving on. 00:02:39
We have. 00:02:40
We have completed roll call. We have a full board. 00:02:42
Tonight, umm. 00:02:44
We have minutes of both our December and January meetings. 00:02:46
At our January meeting. 00:02:51
Our December meetings were not prepared. 00:02:54
And distributed. 00:02:56
By that time, so we're going to we're going to review and approve both of those. 00:02:57
Christy, do we need to do those as two separate approvals? 00:03:01
Yes, please. OK, that we can discuss. 00:03:04
OK, so we'll begin with the December 9th. 00:03:06
Minutes of our Board of Zoning appeals, those have been circulated. 00:03:10
And so. 00:03:14
I would entertain any comments, changes or corrections to those. 00:03:15
I move, we accept them as written. 00:03:21
OK, we have a motion. Do we have a 2nd, 2nd? 00:03:23
We have a motion and a second. 00:03:26
All those in favor signify by saying aye. 00:03:28
Any opposed like son? 00:03:30
The December minutes are passed and. 00:03:32
As presented next is the minute are the minutes of our January 13th, 2025. 00:03:35
Meeting those also have been circulated for review and I would entertain any comments, corrections or. 00:03:41
Additions OK on page 4. 00:03:47
And it would be where Mr. Highkemper made a comment. 00:03:50
Second from the bottom. 00:03:53
And we were talking about the original. 00:03:55
When we set up the things for the farm down there. 00:03:59
And it says not real familiar with archery when he was approved before. 00:04:02
He thought it was shooting. 00:04:06
Thinking they specified shooting would be a projectile or bullet exposed and that bill says necessarily a firearm. 00:04:08
And I think we need to check that. I'm pretty sure I said not necessarily a firearm. 00:04:16
So I think not needs to be put in there to check the. 00:04:22
Check the audio on. 00:04:25
Page 4, the 4th page. I believe it's the fourth page. It is the fourth page. 00:04:30
It's the January. 00:04:35
So the 4th page it would be the. 00:04:38
3rd. 00:04:42
Comment section up from the bottom. 00:04:43
Beginning with Mr. High Temper. 00:04:44
In bold. 00:04:46
Where it says necessarily a farm arm, I think that was not necessarily a farm arm. 00:04:50
Firearm because we were talking about the possibility of archery. 00:04:55
And it was still shooting. 00:04:58
OK. OK. Thank you with that. 00:05:01
There are no further I'll move that we accept them. 00:05:04
Accept them with that change. 00:05:07
Any other? 00:05:10
Well, let's we have a motion. Do we have a second? 00:05:11
I'll second, do we have any other? 00:05:13
Comments or. 00:05:16
Edits to the minutes, seeing none, all those in favor. 00:05:18
Of them. 00:05:21
Approved Subject to the one modification signify by saying aye. 00:05:23
Any opposed like son? 00:05:29
The January minutes. 00:05:31
Are approved. I abstained since I wasn't at the January meeting. OK, let the minutes reflect this. Mr. Beagle Hauser abstained 00:05:32
from voting on those since he was not there. 00:05:37
OK, next. 00:05:42
Item on our agenda, we'll move into old business and. 00:05:43
The. 00:05:47
The agenda item one FC-12-24 dash. 00:05:49
53 is a development standard variance and I believe Nick Creevy is going to come and share the Staffs perspective. 00:05:53
This petition is for 2580 Old Woodson's Road. 00:06:01
The request is for development standards variance for building within 50 feet of a steep slope at a section 801 E of the zoning 00:06:07
ordinance. 00:06:12
The district is agricultural, residential and. 00:06:17
Steep slope over. 00:06:20
The applicant is requesting the building extension to the home, including a deck that is within 50 feet of a rich arm. 00:06:23
To find this over. 00:06:31
Grade of over 33%. 00:06:33
The proposed addition will be. 00:06:36
Approximately. 00:06:38
1250 square feet. 00:06:39
Onto the rear. 00:06:42
Of the existing home. 00:06:43
The location of the addition will be on steep slope that. 00:06:45
Greater than 20%. 00:06:48
Afraid and further to the rear, and N is the location of the ridgeline. 00:06:50
As mentioned, 33% greater greater. 00:06:57
At about 700. 00:07:00
If you want to do. 00:07:02
Adjacent properties are AR to the South. 00:07:04
With a single family dwelling present. 00:07:07
And north and West are non developable right away into the east is undeveloped AR on sleep so. 00:07:10
The applicant has provided a survey showing the property lines. 00:07:18
Based on possession line established by a fence line. 00:07:22
As best evidence of the original property line. 00:07:25
The approval will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare. 00:07:30
Community The applicant has provided a geotechnical report indicating the stability of. 00:07:35
Ground conditions for the construction. 00:07:40
There are developments down, there are no developments downhill. 00:07:43
Project area. 00:07:47
The use and value of the area adjacent to the property. 00:07:50
The variance will not be affected and substantially adverse manner. 00:07:54
The addition is anticipated to increase the value of the property and therefore have positive effects on neighboring properties. 00:07:58
The addition will not create nuisances or obstructions to light, air, sound or other physical features. 00:08:05
The strict application of the terms of the zoning ordinance will not result. 00:08:11
Will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property. 00:08:18
As the home was constructed prior to the prohibition of the. 00:08:22
Development near ridgelines restrictions. 00:08:26
The property does not have. 00:08:30
Other suitable building areas that would not also require a vari. 00:08:32
The variance is not in global structure that is near an air. 00:08:37
Regulated by Indian. 00:08:40
Code 8.110. 00:08:42
Staff Recommendations. 00:08:45
Would be to follow the recommendations of the geotechnical report. 00:08:47
Dated October 10th, 2024. 00:08:51
Provided engineers report on the construction activities. 00:08:54
And for the owner to. 00:08:59
Provide uh. 00:09:00
Hold to hold to agree to hold harmless the county and Planning Commission. 00:09:02
With that language to be approved by staff. 00:09:08
And our legal. 00:09:11
That is all for the staffers. 00:09:17
OK. Any questions for Nick? 00:09:19
Regarding his his step report. 00:09:21
Now, did you say it will result or will not result? Practical difficult. 00:09:24
If the strict application of the. 00:09:29
Zoning ordinance will result in crack. 00:09:33
OK. 00:09:36
Any other questions for Nick? 00:09:40
OK. Thank you, Nick. 00:09:42
OK. Have you heard from the staffer to move into? 00:09:45
The open comments section, but we're going to begin with the applicants. 00:09:48
Is the applicant or representative applicant there? 00:09:52
Please come forward, state your name and address for the record. 00:09:55
Hello, my name is Brent Sprigler. 00:10:00
Reside, 2580. Vincent's. 00:10:02
I've been there since. 00:10:06
2001. 00:10:08
And. 00:10:09
I just want to add on the. 00:10:11
Back in my house and part of its in steep slope. 00:10:12
So that's why I'm here to seek a variance for. 00:10:15
Permit. 00:10:19
Gotcha. Anything else we need to know about? 00:10:21
That Nick hasn't already covered. 00:10:24
Thank you for being here. Any questions? I do have a question. 00:10:29
The the foundation for the new addition. 00:10:32
It what type of foundation will that be? 00:10:35
Will be a poured. 00:10:39
So the actual what makes up the difference in the slope will be concrete. Concrete OK. 00:10:41
Now the new petition there that will not be much past the. 00:10:48
Present deck, is that correct? That's right. OK, except maybe that one corner is a small amount. We understand. 00:10:54
Is there going to be a deck added to the outside then? I was planning on it. Yes. Go out 10 feet. 00:11:00
From the house ring from the house out 10 four feet with the deck. 00:11:05
And will that extend further than the existing one then or? 00:11:12
Original deck is about 10 feet past that. 00:11:17
OK. 00:11:22
So. So is it going further than? 00:11:27
In other words, what's your show on the extent of the where you're going on the steep slope? 00:11:30
You're going another 10 foot further than where the house is shown where the deck is going to be the house. 00:11:34
And from the tech on out. 00:11:39
It's going to be another deck. 00:11:41
Plan on another deck out 10 feet out from the. 00:11:42
The house. 00:11:45
Go ahead. 00:11:48
Yeah. 00:11:48
That is what his application. 00:11:51
Application is showing as well as well as the geotechnical report shows. 00:11:53
The additional. 00:11:58
Including the tax, OK. 00:11:59
OK, that's what I didn't understand. 00:12:01
Yes, it wasn't really marked out on here. So that's. 00:12:03
Trying to clarify that's how come the test toes were further out than what the deck was. OK. 00:12:06
Understand. Thank you. 00:12:12
Yep. Thanks. Any any other questions for Mr. Sprigal, Raleigh too? 00:12:13
OK. See you now. Thank you. 00:12:21
OK. 00:12:24
Now we will open this up for comment from the public. 00:12:25
Is there anyone here? 00:12:28
That would like to speak in favor of this request this evening. 00:12:30
If so, please come forward, state your name and address for the record. 00:12:34
OK, seeing none, we will close that section. 00:12:41
And we will move to anyone. 00:12:44
Here this evening. 00:12:46
To speak in opposition to this request. 00:12:48
If so, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. 00:12:52
If I did forget that. 00:12:57
We have to make. 00:12:59
Create an opportunity for the folks who may be downstairs to speak. 00:13:01
Based on what I see on my screen, I don't see anyone down there. 00:13:05
Sherry Sherry's should be down there if we can just ask her to confirm that no one's down there to speak. 00:13:09
Cherry, are you down there? 00:13:14
Yeah, OK. There's no one here. OK, thank you. Share. 00:13:18
OK, so moving right along I had I had opened the floor to anyone to speak who may. 00:13:26
Want to speak in opposition to this? 00:13:31
And I don't see anyone here. 00:13:33
Coming forward to speak in opposition, so we will close that section of the meeting. 00:13:35
And at this point, I would entertain a ballot. Do we have a ballot? 00:13:40
I do. 00:13:44
Docket FC12-24-53. 00:13:45
Petitioner Brent Sprigler. 00:13:49
After cover review, the board finds that approval of the variance will not be injurious. 00:13:50
To the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community, because the applicant has provided a geotechnical 00:13:55
report indicating the suitability. 00:13:59
Of ground conditions for the construction. 00:14:04
#2. 00:14:06
The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance. 00:14:07
Will not be affected. 00:14:11
In a substantially adverse manner because the addition. 00:14:14
Is anticipated to increase the value of the property and therefore have positive impacts on neighboring properties. 00:14:17
The addition will not create a nuisance or obstruction to light, air, sound, or other physical features. 00:14:23
#3 the strict application, the terms of the zoning ordinance. 00:14:30
Will result. 00:14:33
In practical difficulties in the use of the property because the home was constructed prior to the prohibition. 00:14:35
Of development near Ridgelands. 00:14:41
Property does not have other suitable building. 00:14:42
Areas that could be used for expansion of the home without requiring a variance. 00:14:45
#4 the variance. 00:14:51
Does not involve a structure that is near an airstrip and regulated under Indiana Code 8. 00:14:53
2110. 00:14:59
The Board of Zoning here back. 00:15:05
Grants the petitioner. 00:15:06
Variance at the meeting held on the 10th of February 2025. 00:15:09
Approved by the Board is subject to completion of the following conditions. 00:15:13
Follow the recommendations as D of technical. 00:15:17
Report dated October 10th, 2024. 00:15:20
The foundation design and construction shall be reviewed and approved by licensed engineer. 00:15:23
The engineer shall inspect the excavation and the construction of the foundation. 00:15:28
And provide an engineer's report. 00:15:32
On the construction activities. 00:15:34
#2 the applicant will sign. 00:15:36
A hold and harmless agreement for. 00:15:39
Portfolio for the county. 00:15:41
That completes my ballot. 00:15:44
OK, we have a ballot. Do we have a second? 00:15:46
I'll second. 00:15:48
Ballot in a second. Any other comments or questions before we vote? 00:15:49
Seeing none, all those in favor of the request. 00:15:55
Or signify by saying aye. 00:15:58
Any opposed like sign? 00:16:00
The request is passed. 00:16:02
Congratulations. 00:16:05
OK, so. 00:16:07
We will. Is there any other old business to come before us this evening? 00:16:09
See. No see no additional old business. We'll move into new business. 00:16:14
The agenda. 00:16:19
Reflects nothing. 00:16:20
To come before us this morning. No new items. 00:16:21
Is there any other business to come before the board? 00:16:25
I move, we adjourn. 00:16:29
We have a motion to adjourn. 00:16:30
I'll second we will. 00:16:31
We have a motion. 00:16:34
Second, yes, all those in favor signify by saying aye. 00:16:37
Opposed like son. 00:16:39
We are adjourned. 00:16:41
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