No Bookmarks Exist.
We will call the Monday, December 30th, 2024 Council meeting to order. Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:12
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:19
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:25
All right, let the record show we have 5 members here, so we have reached quorum for today. 00:00:32
Now your heads with me as I pray. Father God, we thank you for this opportunity to come together. 00:00:39
We thank you for the country that we live in, that we're allowed to do this. 00:00:46
We thank you for a great 2024 and we ask for an even better 2025. We ask for your guidance and direction. We ask for health 00:00:51
overall, members of this council and our county employees be with our. 00:00:59
Police officers, firemen, first responders, EMS. 00:01:09
We ask that you just be with them while they're on duty and off duty. 00:01:14
We asked for. 00:01:19
Blessings over everyone here and keep us safe in Jesus name, Amen. 00:01:21
All right, we have a. 00:01:27
We have a few things to add to the agenda. Actually it's 11 item for under Diana for some additional transfers, so. 00:01:30
Anyone who makes a motion for the agenda please add will be at the end. 00:01:43
New business 3A looks like. 00:01:49
The movie approved the agenda, including. 00:01:55
Item. 00:01:59
New business number 33. 00:02:02
Alright, we have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion on the agenda? 00:02:06
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:02:12
That carries. 00:02:15
Mr. Don Law, you are up. 00:02:25
Sorry. Oh. 00:02:28
Oh yeah, approval minutes from Sorry Don's. 00:02:30
It was moving too fast on me. Approval of minutes from December 10th meeting. 00:02:34
So move second. 00:02:39
Motion a second for approval of those minutes. Any discussion on those? 00:02:42
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:02:47
Anyone from the public? 00:02:51
Non Europe. 00:02:53
Good afternoon, Don Law, Director of Operations. First item I have is a request for an encumbrance from the Edit Fund 1112 forty 00:02:57
4008. 00:03:02
Capital improvements it's to for a contract with Upton Pry for the ML Rice building of 23,044 Seven. 00:03:08
2nd. 00:03:19
I have a motion a second for 1A. 00:03:20
Any questions for Don? 00:03:23
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:03:27
Carries. 00:03:30
Request additional preparation where this is finalizing our ARP funding and the movements that were done at your regular meeting. 00:03:32
There are still some a couple additional amendments that had to take place in that fund. We're asking for additional appropriation 00:03:39
of 58,000 three 4072 cents in open sense road construction. 00:03:45
And in bridge 5100 and $66,118.94. 00:03:52
I'm over. 00:04:00
2nd. 00:04:03
Motion and a second for one. 00:04:04
Discussion, I do have a question. So the balance and that looks like it's 356, but we're appropriating 244. Is there a balance 00:04:06
left in that ARPA account there shouldn't be at the end of after these? 00:04:14
Requested actions there shouldn't. They should all be. It is a should, it will all be appropriated. 00:04:22
This is combined with ones we've already done, yes. 00:04:28
And then not OK. 00:04:33
OK, OK, Thank you. Our commissioners goal would be the. 00:04:36
I think as yours is, they have all the money appropriate. 00:04:40
Any further discussion? 00:04:46
All in favor of 1B say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:04:49
C is a transfer. These are projects have been completed and. 00:04:53
Paddings had leftover residual funds the transferring out of election machines $1910.00 Jury system 6000 Floyd Knobs water 94,000 00:04:59
five 7853 lost revenue FTR system 55125 dollars election docket $729.16 and then that should. 00:05:12
Then be transferred to bridge 5100 and 3742 dollars and 69 seconds. 00:05:25
2nd. 00:05:35
I have a motion and a second for 1C. 00:05:36
Any discussion? 00:05:39
I do have one more question. 00:05:41
It's my understanding that the Bridge 51 is a matching. There's a matching funds there. When those matching funds come back in, 00:05:44
where would they go to? We got to pay it up front, right? And we're using the ARPA monies to pay it up front. 00:05:53
At the last meeting, I explained that because of a different a supplement that was sent by the US Treasury, the guidance regarding 00:06:03
the the federal fund projects. 00:06:08
There was supplanting and some supplementing and the commissioners decided to move do these different actions with Bridge 51 and 00:06:14
Old Benson's Road Hill. 00:06:20
The slide. 00:06:27
In order to make sure that come 2026 you wouldn't be paying back potentially the Bridge 51 project. 00:06:28
So. 00:06:35
At the end of the day. 00:06:37
Go ahead. At the end of the day, there will not be any ARPA funds used for Bridge 51. That's why we're making these. That's why 00:06:39
we're, that's why we're making these movements. 00:06:45
In the fire is to reimburse we're. 00:06:52
We're in the process of reimbursing. 00:06:54
ARPA back the funds that were spent. 00:06:57
And using 9162 County Road and Bridge bond funds. 00:07:02
Four Bridge. Bridge 50. 00:07:07
We're in the process of doing that. Is that something that's coming? Yeah, we're doing the last part. 00:07:13
Today, because we just appropriated 166 and a 103200, those lines right now are in the red. So we are, we are, we're getting those 00:07:19
back to zero. You had already spent the money on those. We spent the money on that for the right of way acquisition and one of 00:07:27
those right away acquisitions was over $800,000 because it's a full taking of property. 00:07:36
We're we're a million. 00:07:47
Into and rival acquisitions for this project. 00:07:49
But we had funds. 00:07:53
And that's just employee county. No, that's both. We have the commissioners are responsible for bridge, all bridges. 00:07:55
Whether they go, whether they're insert. 00:08:05
I can get, I can really confuse you or I can really confuse you on East West NS statue on who's responsible. 00:08:08
But for the most part. 00:08:17
County commissioners in this situation are responsible for land acquisition on both sides. 00:08:19
I'm sure you've said it before, I just, but that's, that's part of that's part that's the part of the statutory responsibilities 00:08:28
of the commissioners when it comes to bridges is that they have. 00:08:33
There's two, there's two directional east West type or east north for county's boarding certain size and county's board and other 00:08:39
sides and I'm now totally boards you with that because that's simple, but no, it's county government, but the process being is 00:08:46
what we're doing today is cleaning up. 00:08:52
The bridge 51 so that the county would not have any liabilities for ARP funds being paid back. 00:09:01
On something that during the state border accounts or federal audit says that's a question. 00:09:09
These, these actions allow us to fully utilize all our funds without getting into trouble in the future because what we're doing 00:09:15
is we're trading out those. So at the bottom, at the end of the day, what are we using the ARPA funds for if we're not using it 00:09:20
for Bridge 51? 00:09:25
Rd. 00:09:33
Slide project going up the hill. 00:09:34
As as the majority of that and the 808 hundred thousand for the building. 00:09:38
For the building project. 00:09:43
So this is just magical numbers so. 00:09:44
We're using it for the old Vintage Rd. project. Is that a matching project? Local project? So you're you're matching money? 00:09:50
You're we have an 8020 match. 00:10:02
Right, right. That's what I was. That was my original question. Yes. When that comes back, that will all be put into. 00:10:06
90 Probably 9130 or 9162, so that will be used for the part of the local match for construction. 00:10:15
Because we still have to match the we have a $5,000,000 cost estimate. 00:10:23
Right now. 00:10:29
So we have at least have have to have $1,000,000. 00:10:32
Ready in September to provide to end I as a local management. 00:10:35
OK. 00:10:43
So the monies are going back into the same project. 00:10:44
All right. Any further discussion on one? 00:10:50
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:10:54
1C carries. 00:10:57
These are transfer from the County Road bridge projects. That's our bond project. 00:11:00
That's from Incense of Hill Rd. slide of 100. 00:11:07
$4972.44 to Bridge 51. 00:11:10
So move. 00:11:18
2nd. 00:11:21
Have a motion and 2nd for 1D. So you know I have another question. 00:11:22
This is just circling back around, connecting the dots, get everything in place. I understand. 00:11:28
And I'm sorry, I wasn't at the last meeting and was at a place where I could not. 00:11:34
Have called in but and so I'm. We're probably backtracking just for me. 00:11:38
I'm here all day. Well, thank you, Don. I appreciate that. 00:11:44
We're decreasing, you just told me we're going to use it for the Ovensons Rd. slide, but we're decreasing that amount and we're 00:11:49
increasing the 51 seems backwards to me, different fund. 00:11:55
So this N 8903 which is American Rescue Plan. 00:12:03
The county spent $1.2 million. 00:12:08
In Bridge 50. 00:12:11
To reimburse all that money, we took money out of 9162, which is our bond. 00:12:13
And so. 00:12:20
We still had when we did our preparation at your meeting, first meeting in December. 00:12:23
We had $1.1 million. 00:12:29
This this this. 00:12:32
1100 and 4972. 00:12:33
Has to be transferred so then that can be reimbursed. Go back over to AARP funds. 00:12:38
I think Danny sort of answered the question. This is in the County Road bridges, so you're. 00:12:45
OK. 00:12:54
OK. 00:12:57
Maybe I'll speak with you after the meeting and so I can get things straight in my head. I'm going to give you the same 00:12:58
explanation. I'm not. I'm not going to ask for an explanation. I'm going to ask for a spreadsheet, obviously, that shows me the 00:13:04
balance in these accounts for each of those projects. 00:13:10
Can you just do that for me? 00:13:17
I can try, I'll do my best. 00:13:19
Yes, I would be happy to provide you with a line. 00:13:22
Budget because all of these movements are going to happen inside of our financial system. 00:13:26
OK. And I can send you a line budget that will it's titled by the project and shows you how much money wound up in that line 00:13:30
that's. 00:13:34
Perfect that I think that will just help me be clear about what is where. 00:13:38
OK. Thank you. Thank you. 00:13:43
And one day, we're going to learn how to do that ourselves. 00:13:48
Yes, ma'am. That's awesome. I'm ready. 00:13:51
Yeah, all right. Anymore discussion on 1D. 00:13:55
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:14:01
1D carries. 00:14:05
A request for transfer from 1176, which is motor vehicle highway unrestricted. 00:14:08
Decreases in Longevity $850 Gas $82.40. 00:14:16
To increase miscellaneous supplies $932.40 So moved second motion in a second for one East. 00:14:21
Questions. 00:14:29
All in favor of 1E say aye. Any opposed? 00:14:34
One also carries. 00:14:39
Request for additional preparation for app. 00:14:41
I have 1176, it's reimbursement back to 1173. Earlier in the year the State Board of accounts put together and required us to put 00:14:44
together compliance policy for reimbursing restricted and unrestricted funds and uses. This just reimburses the Levins will 00:14:50
reimburse 1173 fund. 00:14:57
From 1176. 00:15:05
For wages for truck driver. 00:15:08
Check it. I have a motion and a second for one. 00:15:14
Any further discussion? 00:15:18
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:15:21
1F is approved G decrease in software it $850 to software purchase 850. 00:15:25
2nd. 00:15:36
Motion a second for 1G. 00:15:37
Any discussion? 00:15:40
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:15:43
Age is this still regarding the reimbursement of truck driver or labor or wages? This is from the storm water fund ones a transfer 00:15:46
of 58,000 from capital project drainage to reimbursement. 00:15:53
So move what's happening? 00:16:03
For H and I8I is the still for that. That's one 25,000. 00:16:05
Except for H and I or just H. 00:16:11
Sky page. 00:16:14
I just described age. So I was the reimbursement part of it eyes, the eyes of reimbursement as well. So. 00:16:16
Second H and I, we have a motion to 2nd. 00:16:30
Any discussion questions for Don? 00:16:36
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:16:40
Those two carry Jay is for reimbursement from the 11-12 edit fund for 25,000, that's also for sure. 00:16:44
2nd. 00:16:53
We have a motion in a second for one J. 00:16:57
Any questions or discussion? 00:17:00
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:17:04
Kay is a request from the Statewide 911 Fund 1220 two $1630.70 for Davis Towers. 00:17:08
Move to approve 1K. 00:17:19
Second motion and a second for 1K. 00:17:22
That sounds like batteries. 00:17:27
That battery back up. 00:17:29
You don't know that's that's usually about the e-mail. 00:17:32
Any discussion for 1K? 00:17:37
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:17:42
That's perfect. 00:17:45
OK. L is additional appropriate additional appropriation for the Southern Indiana tourism proceeds, that's a pass through bond 00:17:47
that the county has as the fiscal agent for the tourism Bureau. 00:17:55
And that is for bond payment? 00:18:03
The town of Clarksville and then the county so. 00:18:06
The county's portion of that grant, which was the most. 00:18:11
Nova Park Whistle Stop. 00:18:14
So that's a total appropriation 135 thousand 96853. 00:18:16
Some of. 00:18:24
I'll second it with the question. You have a motion a second. Go ahead, clutch them. 00:18:28
Tell me why we're paying Clarksville. 00:18:34
This is a pass. The tourism Bureau has a grant program and as part of the grant program they asked municipalities to be the fiscal 00:18:36
agent. It's a pass through grant, but as physical agent we get a. 00:18:44
I believe this was several years ago about a 10. 00:18:54
10% bonus on our grant. So we were a grant recipient from the tourism Bureau and we took on the responsibility of being the pass 00:18:58
through agent so. 00:19:04
This fund has paid out. 00:19:10
To the city of Jeffersonville. I believe the city in Albany, Clarksville is one that has not. 00:19:12
Appropriated or requested or claimed their funds yet so that. 00:19:21
This is funds generated through tourism revenue from hotel tax. They have different calls. I think they're just about in the 00:19:24
middle of one right now, so. 00:19:30
So how are we going, We're going to be the fiscal agent forever or just another bonds complete and then and I believe we're in 00:19:36
year 2 or 3, it's a 10 year bond. 00:19:42
So I think this is the end of year. 00:19:49
So primarily what what our responsibility is, is to send a letter to the tourism Bureau to send us a check. 00:19:54
Deposit that check, turn around and appropriate funds for the bond, and then pay. 00:20:01
And we got 20,000 additional grand finance. 00:20:09
Clarksville's amount is. 00:20:14
Higher because they have more. 00:20:16
They received a high they they had not drawn their finances and that's two years worth on their. 00:20:18
Any further discussion? 00:20:25
All in favor of 1L say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:20:28
Hey M, these are transfers. 00:20:34
Transferring out of the Innovation bond $500 to deferred comp Capital improvements 2000 to increase deferred comp by 2000. 00:20:37
Utilities $496.11 for telephone 400. 00:20:43
96. 00:20:51
Motion to approve MNO. 00:20:54
And P. 00:20:59
Thank you, Sir. 00:21:02
We have motion in a second for MNO and P. 00:21:04
Any discussion on those items? 00:21:09
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:21:14
That carries. 00:21:17
Q is a request for an DE obligate $219.53. 00:21:20
$538. 00:21:25
Form open soon as Rd. slide and that is in the County Road and bridge. 00:21:27
And the reason for that? 00:21:32
Is so that. 00:21:34
Part of moving these funds around to make sure that AARP funds are secure. There wasn't. 00:21:36
And basically it was $219. It was going to be shown as a. 00:21:44
Appropriation that just needed to go back. 00:21:50
And as cash. 00:21:53
Us to approve. 00:21:58
Cute second now look at 219 dollars 219,000 we have a motion and a second for one Q. 00:21:59
Any discussion? 00:22:10
Other than what I'm looking at here and what you said, $219,538, there we go for the record. 00:22:11
Unappropriate. 00:22:20
Any discussion? 00:22:22
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:22:24
That carries and then the last car. 00:22:28
Is a request for transfer 1173 motor vehicle Highway restricted? 00:22:34
From truck driver or laborers to paving and that is paying off the final retainage for our 2024. 00:22:40
2nd. 00:22:50
And a second for one R Any further discussion? 00:22:53
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:22:58
All right. Thank you. 00:23:03
Are you leaving the room? I just. 00:23:09
I just want to say thank you. I know your retirement. 00:23:11
At the end of the year, so. 00:23:16
On behalf of myself and. 00:23:19
I know you're going to be around. 00:23:21
But thank you. Thank you for your service to the county. Thank you for putting up with all my questions and always answering them. 00:23:28
Umm, thank you. 00:23:37
Thanks. 00:23:45
Thank you, Don. 00:23:46
We won't use all the alphabet here today. 00:23:48
But no, just real quick, I'ma let Dan speak, but just real quick, you know, we did, you all probably know this, we can't get more 00:23:52
privately, but we gave Don, made him one of our honorary sheriff's policy members. Just so you know, for all his service he's done 00:23:58
in the county, I worked with him for 12 years as a commissioner when he first started and all his service and time he does for the 00:24:04
Floyd County, we gave him an honorary sheriff policy award member basically. So just so you know, so that's awesome. 00:24:10
Thanks for doing that. 00:24:17
Welcome. Thank you. 00:24:20
The first one is just a transfer to cover our overtime shortage in the jail lid fund. 00:24:25
We tried to be as fiscally responsible as we can with that particular fund. 00:24:31
And we just ended up a little short in the overtime. 00:24:37
Move to approve 2 a second. 00:24:42
Motion a second for 2A. 00:24:44
I have a question. 00:24:47
Are we? 00:24:48
Now, we're still in the red here, right? 00:24:52
Cash balance wise? 00:24:56
What do you mean cash balance wise versus what? 00:24:58
Well, it. 00:25:03
It would have to go back to a conversation during the budget hearing process back in 23 for 2024. 00:25:05
What we saw was I. 00:25:12
I can't remember who I was there, but I remember a little bit about the conversation. 00:25:15
It was shared that the jail lit estimated revenue was not going to support at that time the. 00:25:19
Appropriations that were blessed during the budget adoption process. We had a lot of pending items that are additional revenue 00:25:28
sources for the jail lit fund. 00:25:34
Most of those came true. Most of those did hit, which is why we only, if you recall back in July, I think Baker Tilly projected 00:25:40
about $800,000 deficit to the cash balance in the jail lid fund. 00:25:46
We did our, we did our the best we could to be fiscally responsible. And I think if you remember, I project it's going to be about 00:25:53
100,000. 00:25:57
So in saying that what we what we were able to identify as recently as November of 23 DLC allowed the sheriff to bill for any DLC 00:26:01
inmates who are after sentenced, they are continued to be housed in our jail until they are transported to their resident 00:26:09
facility. 00:26:17
So that generated a significant number, our significant value. However, just recently we became aware through the Indiana 00:26:26
Sheriff's Association that IDLC has apparently run short on funds. So they quit paying us. We've reached out to them significant 00:26:35
number of times, but we have an estimate of about $124,000 that they owe us for #1 housing those inmates and for. 00:26:44
Transporting federal inmates to. 00:26:55
Facilities. 00:26:58
Which are all allowable expense revenues to be? 00:26:59
Refunded. 00:27:04
Excuse me, back into the jail, live from. 00:27:06
So we're 180. 00:27:08
$3000 short. I believe in the fund. This says 178. 00:27:11
179,000 if you're rounding, OK, OK. So roughly in that number, if you take the 124 payable plus the 40, yeah, we ended up, oh, 00:27:15
that's just in the same, that's a further discussion item down on how we're going to rectify that. 00:27:23
Just to clarify, these two transfers are specific to zeroing out and or bringing above 0 lines within the fund has nothing to do 00:27:34
with the cash balance in the fund. This is so easy. close out the fund for the fiscal year. If you don't use line transfers, we 00:27:39
can't close out the funds. 00:27:45
Think we can't have a negative balance in this? 00:27:51
Transfers, clean up those lines. Got you. This is within the fun. Yes ma'am. 00:27:57
So these two transfers, all they do is clean up the lines within the fund. 00:28:09
To do with the fund balance itself, OK. 00:28:13
OK. 00:28:15
So OK. 00:28:16
I'm I'm there now we have a motion. We hit a motion second. OK, any further discussion? 00:28:18
All in favor of a say aye. 00:28:25
Hi, any opposed? 00:28:28
That zeroes that one out. 00:28:31
Item B is the same thing. It was a. 00:28:35
Computer supplies and then the telephone is really our air cards that are. 00:28:37
In the officers vehicles, it's just the price increases and we didn't budget for it. We had some additional funds available in our 00:28:42
computer supplies which we kept in advance and so that we could apply to this particular item for the overrun, again zeroing out 00:28:48
the negative line balance in the air card line. 00:28:54
Motion to Approve to be Motion and 2nd for to be any questions. 00:29:03
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:29:10
That carries. 00:29:13
Now the jail deficits. 00:29:14
Do we need to talk about D before we talk about C? Because that is that going to be they're they're yeah, they're going to be 00:29:18
working together. Just just get into it. Well, if I may, there was never a budget set for the workers compensation in the jail lit 00:29:23
fund. 00:29:28
I'm not sure. Previously, I think it all been handled in the benefits fund. And so wherever it was managed from what we didn't pay 00:29:35
for last year, what we had excess funds in 2023 I guess. 00:29:42
So we were able to incorporate that payment in 23, so. 00:29:48
Either did a last minute or it was right at the first of the year. 00:29:54
And we haven't accounted for this in the 25 budget either. No, Sir, we have not. 00:29:59
So everybody knows going forward. 00:30:05
Just to read onto the record, we're to add on to the workers comp. 00:30:09
In a total because I'm looking I'm. 00:30:14
Right now, and we do have the Treasurer's office watching for that, hopefully open it today or tomorrow. If it does, it lowers the 00:30:17
amount by about $124,000 which would be great. 00:30:22
But as of right now, if you add in the $80,000 for workers comp, the total is 260-7450 and $0.10. 00:30:27
267 Four. 00:30:42
And $0.10, so 267450.10. OK, I'm going to do D first because that makes sense to me. 00:30:45
So I'm going to make a motion to approve the additional appropriation of 80 thousand 2/16/80 for workman's comp out of the fund 00:30:53
12:33. 00:30:59
Oh. 00:31:06
But. 00:31:09
If we just put it in 1233, then we'll approve, approve the whole amount, right? Am I doing this backwards? OK. 00:31:10
Deficit in the fund. Fund can't end in the negative and they haven't paid the workers comp. So there's two ways to do this. We 00:31:20
just pay it out of the workmen's comp. 00:31:25
Out of the General the general fund in the workmen's comp line. 00:31:30
#2 We appropriated into the 12:33 and then pay from the general fund into the 12:30 and then appropriate. 00:31:35
Yeah, it is. I like putting it into the 12:33 because. 00:31:44
I think we should go ahead and put on the agenda item for for January. Oh, do we know what we should? 00:31:50
We can appropriate an amount, though we're gonna have to. We're gonna have to talk about jail let for 2025 anyway because it's 00:31:58
it's a deficit. It's already going in. 00:32:03
And so I I have some thoughts about all that, but. 00:32:09
Your preference, because you've got to do it. 00:32:14
Yep, would be for the council to appropriate the amount needed to cover both and allow me to proceed it into the second. 00:32:18
Runs on the same colitis. 00:32:27
OK, it's documented that way. Yeah, that would be my preference. So where do you want to you want to pay the workman's comp out of 00:32:29
the? 00:32:32
General fund, in the general fund, OK. 00:32:35
Paid to the Sheriff's Department to cover the deficit 1233 in the workforce I'm good and then there's and then there's two 00:32:39
qualifiers with that OK, this is considered. 00:32:44
Alone, at least for most of this. 00:32:49
You know or till you get, you know 124. 00:32:53
Right. And then there's the discussion of we're in the same situation next year. 00:32:56
For what we're talking about now. 00:33:02
Obviously we have. 00:33:05
Different options next year. 00:33:07
But there needs to be. 00:33:10
Some long term discussion on gel lit. 00:33:12
Moving forward so. 00:33:15
So. 00:33:19
Not to pun it again here, but. 00:33:20
So, so I mean, it's going to, it's going to come back up for. 00:33:24
You know the more permanent fix you know right now. 00:33:33
We're considering this shoring up to get us to get us where we can closeout these lines. 00:33:36
So, umm. 00:33:43
Does everybody understand? 00:33:47
The situation there. 00:33:49
So yes, I do. 00:33:51
We can take a motion for C&D for the full amount. 00:33:54
Or yes, which would be I'll just make that motion. I'll make a motion for. 00:34:00
2C and D appropriation of $267,450.10. 00:34:06
2nd. 00:34:12
From to pay into cash the deficit for the 12:33 and the workers yes out of county general and two yeah. 00:34:16
That was lined OK. 00:34:26
Can we? Don't we need to appropriate it in? 00:34:29
Tablet. No, we need to appropriate it. 00:34:33
Balance deficit. The lines are already appropriated and overspent. All it does is bring the cash balance up to 0. 00:34:37
Do we have a second? We have a motion and a second. So that makes sense to you? Yes, ma'am. 00:34:44
OK, I'm a little confused. 00:34:49
Because. 00:34:52
Help me here, Diana. So. 00:34:53
You're creating the line. 00:34:57
So what we're gonna do? 00:34:59
I don't think that. 00:35:01
So they're appropriating and approving. 00:35:04
$267,450.10 What that does is it covers the current deficit and of course if the payment comes in, we will lessen it accordingly 00:35:07
and we'll inform you all that that has happened. 00:35:13
And then it also covers the workman's comp bill. We're not going to create a line in here. We're literally just going to create a 00:35:23
claim that pays on behalf of the Sheriff's Department into workers comp. 00:35:27
It's all the 12:33. 00:35:32
We're going to deposit. 00:35:38
180 something. 00:35:45
Yeah, the balance that currently exists into the jail net fund. 00:35:48
So 80,000. 00:35:52
121680 is going to go directly into Workforce. 00:35:54
The difference? We're going to jail it, which will bring it up to 0. 00:35:58
From county General. 00:36:02
Yes, and I will make sure that you have a copy of everything. 00:36:05
We'll figure out how we're going to pay it back after the first year. 00:36:09
And also I think there's some discussion coming down the Pike concerning some of the new lit funds that would be available for use 00:36:14
for law enforcement and safety. 00:36:18
So this is this is a stopgap measure. 00:36:22
This is to get us through the next day and a half. Understand? Yeah. And then we're going to revisit. 00:36:26
And make long term plans. I understand that I wasn't real sure exactly how the flow of the. 00:36:33
How the funds were going? 00:36:40
Didn't seem to. I couldn't connect that. 00:36:42
So OK. 00:36:45
I appreciate it. Thank you. 00:36:48
There's a limit. Is there any further discussion? 00:36:51
All right, all in favor of 2C and D say aye. 00:36:57
Aye, any opposed? 00:37:02
Carries, thank you. 00:37:04
I'll make a motion for 3A as advertised. 00:37:11
Motion a second for 3A. 00:37:16
Any discussion? 00:37:18
Anything you feel like you need to tell us because they look like that entire agenda item is quite literally line transfers that 00:37:21
are part of the approved budget, but they just cross. 00:37:26
Categories, that's all they do. So when you talk about the $0.16. 00:37:31
Real life listen, the last payroll of the year posted, sometimes it takes a line -1 cent and there might only be one person saying 00:37:35
there might only be one person paid out of that fund. So you got to pull it from a supply line. 00:37:41
And that crosses categories and we do things as right as we possibly can. 00:37:48
All right, we're having a great time. Any further discussion on a? 00:37:53
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:37:59
That carries. 00:38:03
B is a cleanup item. It's quite literally just the additional appropriation for monies that have already been spent for the grant 00:38:04
awards that were done. 00:38:09
There was just some information lost in translation. 00:38:16
Between I think J Rack and my office and we kind of put the cart before the horse, so we're putting the horse back in front. 00:38:19
Motion to approve Second. 00:38:27
Have a motion and a second for B. Any further discussion? 00:38:30
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:38:35
B carries. 00:38:39
See, a maintenance agreement was paid early. 00:38:41
So we're just putting some monies back there. 00:38:44
So moved When they don't tell us that it has to be 2025, we process it in 2024. 00:38:49
Motion. We have a motion a second for item C Any questions? 00:38:56
All in favor say aye aye. 00:39:02
Hi. Hi. Any opposed? 00:39:04
OK, Carries. 00:39:07
Same thing, a maintenance agreement was paid early. 00:39:10
Move to approve item D. 00:39:16
Second motion a second for item D Any questions? 00:39:19
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:39:25
And this is the last time you'll see this fund ever, as long as I have anything to say about it. So who knows, that could change 00:39:28
in a couple years. So we're just shoring up a. 00:39:35
Non revenue 9002 money pit. 00:39:42
Motion to approve 3 E Thank God it's gone. 00:39:46
End of an era. Second, we have a motion and a second for three E Any discussion? 00:39:51
Was this figure right about what we were? 00:39:59
Counting on. 00:40:02
Yeah, Yeah, it was right about. No, I'll hold it now. That's not what was budgeted. I thought we were significantly more than that 00:40:03
because half of that amount got paid with your. 00:40:10
That the spend rate. 00:40:18
You guys have always used the spin rate to help shore up the 9002. It cuts the costs in half and now the spin rate has been moved 00:40:21
to a receipt. We started tracking this about mid year but I think the the budgeted line item for healthcare expense was oh it's 00:40:27
still got $1,000,000 in it huh. The budgeted line item still has $1,000,000 but this is what I. 00:40:34
So that fund balance, keep in mind that fund balance is not a real fund balance this that this fund. 00:40:42
Has no money in it. It is not a revenue. I understand. I understand all that. 00:40:48
But the 3.158, this is not what we expected. 00:40:52
At the when we budgeted it. 00:40:57
I guess expected when this covers this isn't just healthcare. 00:40:59
I understand that. OK. I'm very confused then because seven, $7,000,000 is pretty average for this county right now and this is 00:41:03
about this is a little less than half of that and the spin rate covers the other portion. But what didn't we have? 00:41:10
I need to look at the the line items. 00:41:18
I thought there was a large budget. 00:41:21
Surplus. 00:41:27
In the healthcare line item and you're talking about like non reverting fund that has nothing to do with the 9002? Yes ma'am. 00:41:29
I'll go back. It could be. 00:41:39
You can. I mean you because there's no such thing as number plus. And then I'm 002. It runs in the red all year long. I know. 00:41:41
I know because it's fake money. 00:41:48
Yeah, what is it's a non revenue fund. OK. Well, I'm glad this. 00:41:50
We don't have to ask those questions ever again. Any further discussions on E? 00:41:56
All in favor say aye aye. 00:42:03
Any opposed? 00:42:05
OK, so F. 00:42:09
In fact, it is not an agreement paid early. It is because we wound up having to pay Harris a little bit more than we anticipated 00:42:11
due to the delay in getting Lao financials on board. 00:42:18
So Lao Financials was supposed to start in July. They did not start until October, which made our October lots of fun. 00:42:25
But so we do need an additional appropriation in the human resources. 00:42:35
Budget for $765 just to. 00:42:41
Just to make up that difference and 0 out that line. 00:42:46
Move to approve item F. 00:42:50
2nd we have a motion and a second for 3F. 00:42:53
Any discussion? 00:42:57
All in favor say aye aye. And then there's my additional items. 00:43:00
Yeah, sorry. I'm. 00:43:06
It's been a very long couple weeks, my apologies. I'm a little bit slack happy today. 00:43:08
My additional items again, they're just, I processed the credit card billing payment through our our system this morning and it it 00:43:15
knocked some lines negative. So I had to do some additional line transfers. So no additional appropriations, just line transfers 00:43:20
crossing categories. 00:43:24
Motion to approve the additional clean up. 00:43:30
Is that would that be 3B? 00:43:34
It'd probably be 3G if I had to guess Date. 00:43:37
G. 00:43:43
We have a motion a second for 3G. 00:43:48
Any further discussion? 00:43:53
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:43:56
Thank you very much. 00:44:00
Right now we have. 00:44:03
Transfer ordinance for a. 00:44:05
I'll need to add to this. 00:44:13
So candy in here. 00:44:16
Include include 3G into the 4A. 00:44:20
Motion. 00:44:30
Motion to approve. 00:44:34
The ordinance with the additional changes that Gloria just mentioned. 00:44:37
Second, can we have a motion and a second for for a line transfers? 00:44:44
With the addition of 3G added into the ordinance, any discussion? 00:44:49
So on this ordinance. 00:44:54
I'm looking at it. 00:45:01
Basically unappropriating those lines. 00:45:05
So I I think I understand the top part, the general fund. 00:45:11
About Can you tell me about the ARPA and the? 00:45:17
Those are all the line transfers that you heard that all of them. You put them all on here. 00:45:21
Got got it. OK, now I'm with you. I didn't know if this was more or just OK. 00:45:27
Gotcha. I am I understand now. 00:45:35
And 3G balances. 00:45:38
Any further discussion? 00:45:40
All in favor for a say aye? Any opposed? 00:45:43
That carries. 00:45:47
Then we have the revision of our meetings for next year. 00:45:49
And. 00:45:54
Has kind of your deadline has kind of good. 00:45:59
So we were almost as. 00:46:03
Almost didn't get our appropriations. 00:46:07
Because they they're getting more strict. 00:46:10
What is the deadline for advertising in the base? 00:46:14
But I have to get it to the tribute. 00:46:17
At least 2 1/2 days before the advertisement. Oh wow. 00:46:22
And that's statutory. The 10 days, that's statutory. 00:46:29
Yeah, they they're really cracking down. They used to be okay. 00:46:35
Yeah. 00:46:41
OK. 00:46:45
And this is just for. 00:46:47
Appropriations not for basic. 00:46:50
Just appropriations. 00:46:53
Yes. 00:46:57
Anybody wanna make a motion on 4B? 00:47:04
So move. 00:47:07
2nd. 00:47:09
Motion a second for 4B. Any further questions? 00:47:10
Gloria. 00:47:15
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:47:17
I have a question. 00:47:23
So I'm looking at the fund balance. 00:47:25
And the general fund ended. 00:47:29
The year, I think this is pretty close to year end, although there's some things that are going to happen. 00:47:32
Here not significant. 00:47:37
Over $7,000,000. 00:47:41
One looks like right now. 00:47:45
That's not at all what we. 00:47:49
Have been thinking what's going to happen. 00:47:53
What can anybody explain the? 00:47:56
Why the? 00:47:59
I mean it remember you have to subtract 3.1 million from that for the shore up. 00:48:02
490020 that's what it is. That's what it is. I'm thinking it's 3 point, OK. 00:48:07
So you got 7.4, Subtract 3.1. Now you're at. 00:48:13
3.3. 00:48:18
4.3, you know, 3 1/4, yeah. 00:48:21
4 million and then and I think the medical expenses are the other thing. So there we are. We're going to end the year somewhere 00:48:24
around $4 million. 00:48:30
Financial reports so everyone can see what the balance is ended with. 00:48:37
But it looks like it's going to be somewhere around $4 million. 00:48:43
Which is about what we expected. 00:48:46
Think so. 00:48:51
In the projection. 00:48:52
We started off around 3 and it was improving as we went along, but yeah. 00:48:56
OK. 00:49:02
OK, I'll go any further with my thoughts there. 00:49:04
OK, umm. 00:49:08
Yeah, started your 3 second. 00:49:09
Yeah, I I seen that. So we pretty much are going to end where we started. 00:49:12
We stayed within our receipts for the year. 00:49:18
Kudos to us, honestly. 00:49:21
They did excellent this year. They were very, very fiscal and savvy. They searched high and low for. 00:49:25
Wheels they do not know. 00:49:32
We didn't have to ask for very many additional appropriations we needed this year at all. They all stayed within their budgets for 00:49:36
the most part. It was kudos to your department as they did an excellent this year. 00:49:40
It really did. 00:49:47
And they must have done a really good job budgeting, I mean. 00:49:48
That's what you're saying if they did a really good job budgeting so hopefully for 2025. 00:49:52
Would be the same. 00:49:58
I would just just for fun. 00:50:04
This is what politicians say. Look at all we did and we have. 00:50:07
Balanced budget. 00:50:12
That's a good tagline. You know, it sounds good. We have a balance budget. 00:50:15
Oh, and also, I just like to say a few things up. Just a word about the passing Mr. Carr, former President Jimmy Carter. 00:50:19
I just like to say that we should all aspire to. 00:50:26
Be somewhat like him, and as far as his he had a. 00:50:30
A deep faith, a deep conviction, and he was a great humanitarian and we should all aspire to be better human beings as he was. 00:50:34
And the same condolences to his family. 00:50:43
A lot of the service. 00:50:46
Anybody from the public wish to speak? 00:50:51
Any council members have anything else to say? 00:50:55
I will entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved Sagitt. 00:51:02
We adjourned. We'll see you. 00:51:06
25. 00:51:08
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We will call the Monday, December 30th, 2024 Council meeting to order. Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:12
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:19
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:25
All right, let the record show we have 5 members here, so we have reached quorum for today. 00:00:32
Now your heads with me as I pray. Father God, we thank you for this opportunity to come together. 00:00:39
We thank you for the country that we live in, that we're allowed to do this. 00:00:46
We thank you for a great 2024 and we ask for an even better 2025. We ask for your guidance and direction. We ask for health 00:00:51
overall, members of this council and our county employees be with our. 00:00:59
Police officers, firemen, first responders, EMS. 00:01:09
We ask that you just be with them while they're on duty and off duty. 00:01:14
We asked for. 00:01:19
Blessings over everyone here and keep us safe in Jesus name, Amen. 00:01:21
All right, we have a. 00:01:27
We have a few things to add to the agenda. Actually it's 11 item for under Diana for some additional transfers, so. 00:01:30
Anyone who makes a motion for the agenda please add will be at the end. 00:01:43
New business 3A looks like. 00:01:49
The movie approved the agenda, including. 00:01:55
Item. 00:01:59
New business number 33. 00:02:02
Alright, we have a motion and a second. Is there any discussion on the agenda? 00:02:06
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:02:12
That carries. 00:02:15
Mr. Don Law, you are up. 00:02:25
Sorry. Oh. 00:02:28
Oh yeah, approval minutes from Sorry Don's. 00:02:30
It was moving too fast on me. Approval of minutes from December 10th meeting. 00:02:34
So move second. 00:02:39
Motion a second for approval of those minutes. Any discussion on those? 00:02:42
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:02:47
Anyone from the public? 00:02:51
Non Europe. 00:02:53
Good afternoon, Don Law, Director of Operations. First item I have is a request for an encumbrance from the Edit Fund 1112 forty 00:02:57
4008. 00:03:02
Capital improvements it's to for a contract with Upton Pry for the ML Rice building of 23,044 Seven. 00:03:08
2nd. 00:03:19
I have a motion a second for 1A. 00:03:20
Any questions for Don? 00:03:23
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:03:27
Carries. 00:03:30
Request additional preparation where this is finalizing our ARP funding and the movements that were done at your regular meeting. 00:03:32
There are still some a couple additional amendments that had to take place in that fund. We're asking for additional appropriation 00:03:39
of 58,000 three 4072 cents in open sense road construction. 00:03:45
And in bridge 5100 and $66,118.94. 00:03:52
I'm over. 00:04:00
2nd. 00:04:03
Motion and a second for one. 00:04:04
Discussion, I do have a question. So the balance and that looks like it's 356, but we're appropriating 244. Is there a balance 00:04:06
left in that ARPA account there shouldn't be at the end of after these? 00:04:14
Requested actions there shouldn't. They should all be. It is a should, it will all be appropriated. 00:04:22
This is combined with ones we've already done, yes. 00:04:28
And then not OK. 00:04:33
OK, OK, Thank you. Our commissioners goal would be the. 00:04:36
I think as yours is, they have all the money appropriate. 00:04:40
Any further discussion? 00:04:46
All in favor of 1B say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:04:49
C is a transfer. These are projects have been completed and. 00:04:53
Paddings had leftover residual funds the transferring out of election machines $1910.00 Jury system 6000 Floyd Knobs water 94,000 00:04:59
five 7853 lost revenue FTR system 55125 dollars election docket $729.16 and then that should. 00:05:12
Then be transferred to bridge 5100 and 3742 dollars and 69 seconds. 00:05:25
2nd. 00:05:35
I have a motion and a second for 1C. 00:05:36
Any discussion? 00:05:39
I do have one more question. 00:05:41
It's my understanding that the Bridge 51 is a matching. There's a matching funds there. When those matching funds come back in, 00:05:44
where would they go to? We got to pay it up front, right? And we're using the ARPA monies to pay it up front. 00:05:53
At the last meeting, I explained that because of a different a supplement that was sent by the US Treasury, the guidance regarding 00:06:03
the the federal fund projects. 00:06:08
There was supplanting and some supplementing and the commissioners decided to move do these different actions with Bridge 51 and 00:06:14
Old Benson's Road Hill. 00:06:20
The slide. 00:06:27
In order to make sure that come 2026 you wouldn't be paying back potentially the Bridge 51 project. 00:06:28
So. 00:06:35
At the end of the day. 00:06:37
Go ahead. At the end of the day, there will not be any ARPA funds used for Bridge 51. That's why we're making these. That's why 00:06:39
we're, that's why we're making these movements. 00:06:45
In the fire is to reimburse we're. 00:06:52
We're in the process of reimbursing. 00:06:54
ARPA back the funds that were spent. 00:06:57
And using 9162 County Road and Bridge bond funds. 00:07:02
Four Bridge. Bridge 50. 00:07:07
We're in the process of doing that. Is that something that's coming? Yeah, we're doing the last part. 00:07:13
Today, because we just appropriated 166 and a 103200, those lines right now are in the red. So we are, we are, we're getting those 00:07:19
back to zero. You had already spent the money on those. We spent the money on that for the right of way acquisition and one of 00:07:27
those right away acquisitions was over $800,000 because it's a full taking of property. 00:07:36
We're we're a million. 00:07:47
Into and rival acquisitions for this project. 00:07:49
But we had funds. 00:07:53
And that's just employee county. No, that's both. We have the commissioners are responsible for bridge, all bridges. 00:07:55
Whether they go, whether they're insert. 00:08:05
I can get, I can really confuse you or I can really confuse you on East West NS statue on who's responsible. 00:08:08
But for the most part. 00:08:17
County commissioners in this situation are responsible for land acquisition on both sides. 00:08:19
I'm sure you've said it before, I just, but that's, that's part of that's part that's the part of the statutory responsibilities 00:08:28
of the commissioners when it comes to bridges is that they have. 00:08:33
There's two, there's two directional east West type or east north for county's boarding certain size and county's board and other 00:08:39
sides and I'm now totally boards you with that because that's simple, but no, it's county government, but the process being is 00:08:46
what we're doing today is cleaning up. 00:08:52
The bridge 51 so that the county would not have any liabilities for ARP funds being paid back. 00:09:01
On something that during the state border accounts or federal audit says that's a question. 00:09:09
These, these actions allow us to fully utilize all our funds without getting into trouble in the future because what we're doing 00:09:15
is we're trading out those. So at the bottom, at the end of the day, what are we using the ARPA funds for if we're not using it 00:09:20
for Bridge 51? 00:09:25
Rd. 00:09:33
Slide project going up the hill. 00:09:34
As as the majority of that and the 808 hundred thousand for the building. 00:09:38
For the building project. 00:09:43
So this is just magical numbers so. 00:09:44
We're using it for the old Vintage Rd. project. Is that a matching project? Local project? So you're you're matching money? 00:09:50
You're we have an 8020 match. 00:10:02
Right, right. That's what I was. That was my original question. Yes. When that comes back, that will all be put into. 00:10:06
90 Probably 9130 or 9162, so that will be used for the part of the local match for construction. 00:10:15
Because we still have to match the we have a $5,000,000 cost estimate. 00:10:23
Right now. 00:10:29
So we have at least have have to have $1,000,000. 00:10:32
Ready in September to provide to end I as a local management. 00:10:35
OK. 00:10:43
So the monies are going back into the same project. 00:10:44
All right. Any further discussion on one? 00:10:50
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:10:54
1C carries. 00:10:57
These are transfer from the County Road bridge projects. That's our bond project. 00:11:00
That's from Incense of Hill Rd. slide of 100. 00:11:07
$4972.44 to Bridge 51. 00:11:10
So move. 00:11:18
2nd. 00:11:21
Have a motion and 2nd for 1D. So you know I have another question. 00:11:22
This is just circling back around, connecting the dots, get everything in place. I understand. 00:11:28
And I'm sorry, I wasn't at the last meeting and was at a place where I could not. 00:11:34
Have called in but and so I'm. We're probably backtracking just for me. 00:11:38
I'm here all day. Well, thank you, Don. I appreciate that. 00:11:44
We're decreasing, you just told me we're going to use it for the Ovensons Rd. slide, but we're decreasing that amount and we're 00:11:49
increasing the 51 seems backwards to me, different fund. 00:11:55
So this N 8903 which is American Rescue Plan. 00:12:03
The county spent $1.2 million. 00:12:08
In Bridge 50. 00:12:11
To reimburse all that money, we took money out of 9162, which is our bond. 00:12:13
And so. 00:12:20
We still had when we did our preparation at your meeting, first meeting in December. 00:12:23
We had $1.1 million. 00:12:29
This this this. 00:12:32
1100 and 4972. 00:12:33
Has to be transferred so then that can be reimbursed. Go back over to AARP funds. 00:12:38
I think Danny sort of answered the question. This is in the County Road bridges, so you're. 00:12:45
OK. 00:12:54
OK. 00:12:57
Maybe I'll speak with you after the meeting and so I can get things straight in my head. I'm going to give you the same 00:12:58
explanation. I'm not. I'm not going to ask for an explanation. I'm going to ask for a spreadsheet, obviously, that shows me the 00:13:04
balance in these accounts for each of those projects. 00:13:10
Can you just do that for me? 00:13:17
I can try, I'll do my best. 00:13:19
Yes, I would be happy to provide you with a line. 00:13:22
Budget because all of these movements are going to happen inside of our financial system. 00:13:26
OK. And I can send you a line budget that will it's titled by the project and shows you how much money wound up in that line 00:13:30
that's. 00:13:34
Perfect that I think that will just help me be clear about what is where. 00:13:38
OK. Thank you. Thank you. 00:13:43
And one day, we're going to learn how to do that ourselves. 00:13:48
Yes, ma'am. That's awesome. I'm ready. 00:13:51
Yeah, all right. Anymore discussion on 1D. 00:13:55
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:14:01
1D carries. 00:14:05
A request for transfer from 1176, which is motor vehicle highway unrestricted. 00:14:08
Decreases in Longevity $850 Gas $82.40. 00:14:16
To increase miscellaneous supplies $932.40 So moved second motion in a second for one East. 00:14:21
Questions. 00:14:29
All in favor of 1E say aye. Any opposed? 00:14:34
One also carries. 00:14:39
Request for additional preparation for app. 00:14:41
I have 1176, it's reimbursement back to 1173. Earlier in the year the State Board of accounts put together and required us to put 00:14:44
together compliance policy for reimbursing restricted and unrestricted funds and uses. This just reimburses the Levins will 00:14:50
reimburse 1173 fund. 00:14:57
From 1176. 00:15:05
For wages for truck driver. 00:15:08
Check it. I have a motion and a second for one. 00:15:14
Any further discussion? 00:15:18
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:15:21
1F is approved G decrease in software it $850 to software purchase 850. 00:15:25
2nd. 00:15:36
Motion a second for 1G. 00:15:37
Any discussion? 00:15:40
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:15:43
Age is this still regarding the reimbursement of truck driver or labor or wages? This is from the storm water fund ones a transfer 00:15:46
of 58,000 from capital project drainage to reimbursement. 00:15:53
So move what's happening? 00:16:03
For H and I8I is the still for that. That's one 25,000. 00:16:05
Except for H and I or just H. 00:16:11
Sky page. 00:16:14
I just described age. So I was the reimbursement part of it eyes, the eyes of reimbursement as well. So. 00:16:16
Second H and I, we have a motion to 2nd. 00:16:30
Any discussion questions for Don? 00:16:36
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:16:40
Those two carry Jay is for reimbursement from the 11-12 edit fund for 25,000, that's also for sure. 00:16:44
2nd. 00:16:53
We have a motion in a second for one J. 00:16:57
Any questions or discussion? 00:17:00
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:17:04
Kay is a request from the Statewide 911 Fund 1220 two $1630.70 for Davis Towers. 00:17:08
Move to approve 1K. 00:17:19
Second motion and a second for 1K. 00:17:22
That sounds like batteries. 00:17:27
That battery back up. 00:17:29
You don't know that's that's usually about the e-mail. 00:17:32
Any discussion for 1K? 00:17:37
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:17:42
That's perfect. 00:17:45
OK. L is additional appropriate additional appropriation for the Southern Indiana tourism proceeds, that's a pass through bond 00:17:47
that the county has as the fiscal agent for the tourism Bureau. 00:17:55
And that is for bond payment? 00:18:03
The town of Clarksville and then the county so. 00:18:06
The county's portion of that grant, which was the most. 00:18:11
Nova Park Whistle Stop. 00:18:14
So that's a total appropriation 135 thousand 96853. 00:18:16
Some of. 00:18:24
I'll second it with the question. You have a motion a second. Go ahead, clutch them. 00:18:28
Tell me why we're paying Clarksville. 00:18:34
This is a pass. The tourism Bureau has a grant program and as part of the grant program they asked municipalities to be the fiscal 00:18:36
agent. It's a pass through grant, but as physical agent we get a. 00:18:44
I believe this was several years ago about a 10. 00:18:54
10% bonus on our grant. So we were a grant recipient from the tourism Bureau and we took on the responsibility of being the pass 00:18:58
through agent so. 00:19:04
This fund has paid out. 00:19:10
To the city of Jeffersonville. I believe the city in Albany, Clarksville is one that has not. 00:19:12
Appropriated or requested or claimed their funds yet so that. 00:19:21
This is funds generated through tourism revenue from hotel tax. They have different calls. I think they're just about in the 00:19:24
middle of one right now, so. 00:19:30
So how are we going, We're going to be the fiscal agent forever or just another bonds complete and then and I believe we're in 00:19:36
year 2 or 3, it's a 10 year bond. 00:19:42
So I think this is the end of year. 00:19:49
So primarily what what our responsibility is, is to send a letter to the tourism Bureau to send us a check. 00:19:54
Deposit that check, turn around and appropriate funds for the bond, and then pay. 00:20:01
And we got 20,000 additional grand finance. 00:20:09
Clarksville's amount is. 00:20:14
Higher because they have more. 00:20:16
They received a high they they had not drawn their finances and that's two years worth on their. 00:20:18
Any further discussion? 00:20:25
All in favor of 1L say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:20:28
Hey M, these are transfers. 00:20:34
Transferring out of the Innovation bond $500 to deferred comp Capital improvements 2000 to increase deferred comp by 2000. 00:20:37
Utilities $496.11 for telephone 400. 00:20:43
96. 00:20:51
Motion to approve MNO. 00:20:54
And P. 00:20:59
Thank you, Sir. 00:21:02
We have motion in a second for MNO and P. 00:21:04
Any discussion on those items? 00:21:09
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:21:14
That carries. 00:21:17
Q is a request for an DE obligate $219.53. 00:21:20
$538. 00:21:25
Form open soon as Rd. slide and that is in the County Road and bridge. 00:21:27
And the reason for that? 00:21:32
Is so that. 00:21:34
Part of moving these funds around to make sure that AARP funds are secure. There wasn't. 00:21:36
And basically it was $219. It was going to be shown as a. 00:21:44
Appropriation that just needed to go back. 00:21:50
And as cash. 00:21:53
Us to approve. 00:21:58
Cute second now look at 219 dollars 219,000 we have a motion and a second for one Q. 00:21:59
Any discussion? 00:22:10
Other than what I'm looking at here and what you said, $219,538, there we go for the record. 00:22:11
Unappropriate. 00:22:20
Any discussion? 00:22:22
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:22:24
That carries and then the last car. 00:22:28
Is a request for transfer 1173 motor vehicle Highway restricted? 00:22:34
From truck driver or laborers to paving and that is paying off the final retainage for our 2024. 00:22:40
2nd. 00:22:50
And a second for one R Any further discussion? 00:22:53
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:22:58
All right. Thank you. 00:23:03
Are you leaving the room? I just. 00:23:09
I just want to say thank you. I know your retirement. 00:23:11
At the end of the year, so. 00:23:16
On behalf of myself and. 00:23:19
I know you're going to be around. 00:23:21
But thank you. Thank you for your service to the county. Thank you for putting up with all my questions and always answering them. 00:23:28
Umm, thank you. 00:23:37
Thanks. 00:23:45
Thank you, Don. 00:23:46
We won't use all the alphabet here today. 00:23:48
But no, just real quick, I'ma let Dan speak, but just real quick, you know, we did, you all probably know this, we can't get more 00:23:52
privately, but we gave Don, made him one of our honorary sheriff's policy members. Just so you know, for all his service he's done 00:23:58
in the county, I worked with him for 12 years as a commissioner when he first started and all his service and time he does for the 00:24:04
Floyd County, we gave him an honorary sheriff policy award member basically. So just so you know, so that's awesome. 00:24:10
Thanks for doing that. 00:24:17
Welcome. Thank you. 00:24:20
The first one is just a transfer to cover our overtime shortage in the jail lid fund. 00:24:25
We tried to be as fiscally responsible as we can with that particular fund. 00:24:31
And we just ended up a little short in the overtime. 00:24:37
Move to approve 2 a second. 00:24:42
Motion a second for 2A. 00:24:44
I have a question. 00:24:47
Are we? 00:24:48
Now, we're still in the red here, right? 00:24:52
Cash balance wise? 00:24:56
What do you mean cash balance wise versus what? 00:24:58
Well, it. 00:25:03
It would have to go back to a conversation during the budget hearing process back in 23 for 2024. 00:25:05
What we saw was I. 00:25:12
I can't remember who I was there, but I remember a little bit about the conversation. 00:25:15
It was shared that the jail lit estimated revenue was not going to support at that time the. 00:25:19
Appropriations that were blessed during the budget adoption process. We had a lot of pending items that are additional revenue 00:25:28
sources for the jail lit fund. 00:25:34
Most of those came true. Most of those did hit, which is why we only, if you recall back in July, I think Baker Tilly projected 00:25:40
about $800,000 deficit to the cash balance in the jail lid fund. 00:25:46
We did our, we did our the best we could to be fiscally responsible. And I think if you remember, I project it's going to be about 00:25:53
100,000. 00:25:57
So in saying that what we what we were able to identify as recently as November of 23 DLC allowed the sheriff to bill for any DLC 00:26:01
inmates who are after sentenced, they are continued to be housed in our jail until they are transported to their resident 00:26:09
facility. 00:26:17
So that generated a significant number, our significant value. However, just recently we became aware through the Indiana 00:26:26
Sheriff's Association that IDLC has apparently run short on funds. So they quit paying us. We've reached out to them significant 00:26:35
number of times, but we have an estimate of about $124,000 that they owe us for #1 housing those inmates and for. 00:26:44
Transporting federal inmates to. 00:26:55
Facilities. 00:26:58
Which are all allowable expense revenues to be? 00:26:59
Refunded. 00:27:04
Excuse me, back into the jail, live from. 00:27:06
So we're 180. 00:27:08
$3000 short. I believe in the fund. This says 178. 00:27:11
179,000 if you're rounding, OK, OK. So roughly in that number, if you take the 124 payable plus the 40, yeah, we ended up, oh, 00:27:15
that's just in the same, that's a further discussion item down on how we're going to rectify that. 00:27:23
Just to clarify, these two transfers are specific to zeroing out and or bringing above 0 lines within the fund has nothing to do 00:27:34
with the cash balance in the fund. This is so easy. close out the fund for the fiscal year. If you don't use line transfers, we 00:27:39
can't close out the funds. 00:27:45
Think we can't have a negative balance in this? 00:27:51
Transfers, clean up those lines. Got you. This is within the fun. Yes ma'am. 00:27:57
So these two transfers, all they do is clean up the lines within the fund. 00:28:09
To do with the fund balance itself, OK. 00:28:13
OK. 00:28:15
So OK. 00:28:16
I'm I'm there now we have a motion. We hit a motion second. OK, any further discussion? 00:28:18
All in favor of a say aye. 00:28:25
Hi, any opposed? 00:28:28
That zeroes that one out. 00:28:31
Item B is the same thing. It was a. 00:28:35
Computer supplies and then the telephone is really our air cards that are. 00:28:37
In the officers vehicles, it's just the price increases and we didn't budget for it. We had some additional funds available in our 00:28:42
computer supplies which we kept in advance and so that we could apply to this particular item for the overrun, again zeroing out 00:28:48
the negative line balance in the air card line. 00:28:54
Motion to Approve to be Motion and 2nd for to be any questions. 00:29:03
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:29:10
That carries. 00:29:13
Now the jail deficits. 00:29:14
Do we need to talk about D before we talk about C? Because that is that going to be they're they're yeah, they're going to be 00:29:18
working together. Just just get into it. Well, if I may, there was never a budget set for the workers compensation in the jail lit 00:29:23
fund. 00:29:28
I'm not sure. Previously, I think it all been handled in the benefits fund. And so wherever it was managed from what we didn't pay 00:29:35
for last year, what we had excess funds in 2023 I guess. 00:29:42
So we were able to incorporate that payment in 23, so. 00:29:48
Either did a last minute or it was right at the first of the year. 00:29:54
And we haven't accounted for this in the 25 budget either. No, Sir, we have not. 00:29:59
So everybody knows going forward. 00:30:05
Just to read onto the record, we're to add on to the workers comp. 00:30:09
In a total because I'm looking I'm. 00:30:14
Right now, and we do have the Treasurer's office watching for that, hopefully open it today or tomorrow. If it does, it lowers the 00:30:17
amount by about $124,000 which would be great. 00:30:22
But as of right now, if you add in the $80,000 for workers comp, the total is 260-7450 and $0.10. 00:30:27
267 Four. 00:30:42
And $0.10, so 267450.10. OK, I'm going to do D first because that makes sense to me. 00:30:45
So I'm going to make a motion to approve the additional appropriation of 80 thousand 2/16/80 for workman's comp out of the fund 00:30:53
12:33. 00:30:59
Oh. 00:31:06
But. 00:31:09
If we just put it in 1233, then we'll approve, approve the whole amount, right? Am I doing this backwards? OK. 00:31:10
Deficit in the fund. Fund can't end in the negative and they haven't paid the workers comp. So there's two ways to do this. We 00:31:20
just pay it out of the workmen's comp. 00:31:25
Out of the General the general fund in the workmen's comp line. 00:31:30
#2 We appropriated into the 12:33 and then pay from the general fund into the 12:30 and then appropriate. 00:31:35
Yeah, it is. I like putting it into the 12:33 because. 00:31:44
I think we should go ahead and put on the agenda item for for January. Oh, do we know what we should? 00:31:50
We can appropriate an amount, though we're gonna have to. We're gonna have to talk about jail let for 2025 anyway because it's 00:31:58
it's a deficit. It's already going in. 00:32:03
And so I I have some thoughts about all that, but. 00:32:09
Your preference, because you've got to do it. 00:32:14
Yep, would be for the council to appropriate the amount needed to cover both and allow me to proceed it into the second. 00:32:18
Runs on the same colitis. 00:32:27
OK, it's documented that way. Yeah, that would be my preference. So where do you want to you want to pay the workman's comp out of 00:32:29
the? 00:32:32
General fund, in the general fund, OK. 00:32:35
Paid to the Sheriff's Department to cover the deficit 1233 in the workforce I'm good and then there's and then there's two 00:32:39
qualifiers with that OK, this is considered. 00:32:44
Alone, at least for most of this. 00:32:49
You know or till you get, you know 124. 00:32:53
Right. And then there's the discussion of we're in the same situation next year. 00:32:56
For what we're talking about now. 00:33:02
Obviously we have. 00:33:05
Different options next year. 00:33:07
But there needs to be. 00:33:10
Some long term discussion on gel lit. 00:33:12
Moving forward so. 00:33:15
So. 00:33:19
Not to pun it again here, but. 00:33:20
So, so I mean, it's going to, it's going to come back up for. 00:33:24
You know the more permanent fix you know right now. 00:33:33
We're considering this shoring up to get us to get us where we can closeout these lines. 00:33:36
So, umm. 00:33:43
Does everybody understand? 00:33:47
The situation there. 00:33:49
So yes, I do. 00:33:51
We can take a motion for C&D for the full amount. 00:33:54
Or yes, which would be I'll just make that motion. I'll make a motion for. 00:34:00
2C and D appropriation of $267,450.10. 00:34:06
2nd. 00:34:12
From to pay into cash the deficit for the 12:33 and the workers yes out of county general and two yeah. 00:34:16
That was lined OK. 00:34:26
Can we? Don't we need to appropriate it in? 00:34:29
Tablet. No, we need to appropriate it. 00:34:33
Balance deficit. The lines are already appropriated and overspent. All it does is bring the cash balance up to 0. 00:34:37
Do we have a second? We have a motion and a second. So that makes sense to you? Yes, ma'am. 00:34:44
OK, I'm a little confused. 00:34:49
Because. 00:34:52
Help me here, Diana. So. 00:34:53
You're creating the line. 00:34:57
So what we're gonna do? 00:34:59
I don't think that. 00:35:01
So they're appropriating and approving. 00:35:04
$267,450.10 What that does is it covers the current deficit and of course if the payment comes in, we will lessen it accordingly 00:35:07
and we'll inform you all that that has happened. 00:35:13
And then it also covers the workman's comp bill. We're not going to create a line in here. We're literally just going to create a 00:35:23
claim that pays on behalf of the Sheriff's Department into workers comp. 00:35:27
It's all the 12:33. 00:35:32
We're going to deposit. 00:35:38
180 something. 00:35:45
Yeah, the balance that currently exists into the jail net fund. 00:35:48
So 80,000. 00:35:52
121680 is going to go directly into Workforce. 00:35:54
The difference? We're going to jail it, which will bring it up to 0. 00:35:58
From county General. 00:36:02
Yes, and I will make sure that you have a copy of everything. 00:36:05
We'll figure out how we're going to pay it back after the first year. 00:36:09
And also I think there's some discussion coming down the Pike concerning some of the new lit funds that would be available for use 00:36:14
for law enforcement and safety. 00:36:18
So this is this is a stopgap measure. 00:36:22
This is to get us through the next day and a half. Understand? Yeah. And then we're going to revisit. 00:36:26
And make long term plans. I understand that I wasn't real sure exactly how the flow of the. 00:36:33
How the funds were going? 00:36:40
Didn't seem to. I couldn't connect that. 00:36:42
So OK. 00:36:45
I appreciate it. Thank you. 00:36:48
There's a limit. Is there any further discussion? 00:36:51
All right, all in favor of 2C and D say aye. 00:36:57
Aye, any opposed? 00:37:02
Carries, thank you. 00:37:04
I'll make a motion for 3A as advertised. 00:37:11
Motion a second for 3A. 00:37:16
Any discussion? 00:37:18
Anything you feel like you need to tell us because they look like that entire agenda item is quite literally line transfers that 00:37:21
are part of the approved budget, but they just cross. 00:37:26
Categories, that's all they do. So when you talk about the $0.16. 00:37:31
Real life listen, the last payroll of the year posted, sometimes it takes a line -1 cent and there might only be one person saying 00:37:35
there might only be one person paid out of that fund. So you got to pull it from a supply line. 00:37:41
And that crosses categories and we do things as right as we possibly can. 00:37:48
All right, we're having a great time. Any further discussion on a? 00:37:53
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:37:59
That carries. 00:38:03
B is a cleanup item. It's quite literally just the additional appropriation for monies that have already been spent for the grant 00:38:04
awards that were done. 00:38:09
There was just some information lost in translation. 00:38:16
Between I think J Rack and my office and we kind of put the cart before the horse, so we're putting the horse back in front. 00:38:19
Motion to approve Second. 00:38:27
Have a motion and a second for B. Any further discussion? 00:38:30
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:38:35
B carries. 00:38:39
See, a maintenance agreement was paid early. 00:38:41
So we're just putting some monies back there. 00:38:44
So moved When they don't tell us that it has to be 2025, we process it in 2024. 00:38:49
Motion. We have a motion a second for item C Any questions? 00:38:56
All in favor say aye aye. 00:39:02
Hi. Hi. Any opposed? 00:39:04
OK, Carries. 00:39:07
Same thing, a maintenance agreement was paid early. 00:39:10
Move to approve item D. 00:39:16
Second motion a second for item D Any questions? 00:39:19
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:39:25
And this is the last time you'll see this fund ever, as long as I have anything to say about it. So who knows, that could change 00:39:28
in a couple years. So we're just shoring up a. 00:39:35
Non revenue 9002 money pit. 00:39:42
Motion to approve 3 E Thank God it's gone. 00:39:46
End of an era. Second, we have a motion and a second for three E Any discussion? 00:39:51
Was this figure right about what we were? 00:39:59
Counting on. 00:40:02
Yeah, Yeah, it was right about. No, I'll hold it now. That's not what was budgeted. I thought we were significantly more than that 00:40:03
because half of that amount got paid with your. 00:40:10
That the spend rate. 00:40:18
You guys have always used the spin rate to help shore up the 9002. It cuts the costs in half and now the spin rate has been moved 00:40:21
to a receipt. We started tracking this about mid year but I think the the budgeted line item for healthcare expense was oh it's 00:40:27
still got $1,000,000 in it huh. The budgeted line item still has $1,000,000 but this is what I. 00:40:34
So that fund balance, keep in mind that fund balance is not a real fund balance this that this fund. 00:40:42
Has no money in it. It is not a revenue. I understand. I understand all that. 00:40:48
But the 3.158, this is not what we expected. 00:40:52
At the when we budgeted it. 00:40:57
I guess expected when this covers this isn't just healthcare. 00:40:59
I understand that. OK. I'm very confused then because seven, $7,000,000 is pretty average for this county right now and this is 00:41:03
about this is a little less than half of that and the spin rate covers the other portion. But what didn't we have? 00:41:10
I need to look at the the line items. 00:41:18
I thought there was a large budget. 00:41:21
Surplus. 00:41:27
In the healthcare line item and you're talking about like non reverting fund that has nothing to do with the 9002? Yes ma'am. 00:41:29
I'll go back. It could be. 00:41:39
You can. I mean you because there's no such thing as number plus. And then I'm 002. It runs in the red all year long. I know. 00:41:41
I know because it's fake money. 00:41:48
Yeah, what is it's a non revenue fund. OK. Well, I'm glad this. 00:41:50
We don't have to ask those questions ever again. Any further discussions on E? 00:41:56
All in favor say aye aye. 00:42:03
Any opposed? 00:42:05
OK, so F. 00:42:09
In fact, it is not an agreement paid early. It is because we wound up having to pay Harris a little bit more than we anticipated 00:42:11
due to the delay in getting Lao financials on board. 00:42:18
So Lao Financials was supposed to start in July. They did not start until October, which made our October lots of fun. 00:42:25
But so we do need an additional appropriation in the human resources. 00:42:35
Budget for $765 just to. 00:42:41
Just to make up that difference and 0 out that line. 00:42:46
Move to approve item F. 00:42:50
2nd we have a motion and a second for 3F. 00:42:53
Any discussion? 00:42:57
All in favor say aye aye. And then there's my additional items. 00:43:00
Yeah, sorry. I'm. 00:43:06
It's been a very long couple weeks, my apologies. I'm a little bit slack happy today. 00:43:08
My additional items again, they're just, I processed the credit card billing payment through our our system this morning and it it 00:43:15
knocked some lines negative. So I had to do some additional line transfers. So no additional appropriations, just line transfers 00:43:20
crossing categories. 00:43:24
Motion to approve the additional clean up. 00:43:30
Is that would that be 3B? 00:43:34
It'd probably be 3G if I had to guess Date. 00:43:37
G. 00:43:43
We have a motion a second for 3G. 00:43:48
Any further discussion? 00:43:53
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:43:56
Thank you very much. 00:44:00
Right now we have. 00:44:03
Transfer ordinance for a. 00:44:05
I'll need to add to this. 00:44:13
So candy in here. 00:44:16
Include include 3G into the 4A. 00:44:20
Motion. 00:44:30
Motion to approve. 00:44:34
The ordinance with the additional changes that Gloria just mentioned. 00:44:37
Second, can we have a motion and a second for for a line transfers? 00:44:44
With the addition of 3G added into the ordinance, any discussion? 00:44:49
So on this ordinance. 00:44:54
I'm looking at it. 00:45:01
Basically unappropriating those lines. 00:45:05
So I I think I understand the top part, the general fund. 00:45:11
About Can you tell me about the ARPA and the? 00:45:17
Those are all the line transfers that you heard that all of them. You put them all on here. 00:45:21
Got got it. OK, now I'm with you. I didn't know if this was more or just OK. 00:45:27
Gotcha. I am I understand now. 00:45:35
And 3G balances. 00:45:38
Any further discussion? 00:45:40
All in favor for a say aye? Any opposed? 00:45:43
That carries. 00:45:47
Then we have the revision of our meetings for next year. 00:45:49
And. 00:45:54
Has kind of your deadline has kind of good. 00:45:59
So we were almost as. 00:46:03
Almost didn't get our appropriations. 00:46:07
Because they they're getting more strict. 00:46:10
What is the deadline for advertising in the base? 00:46:14
But I have to get it to the tribute. 00:46:17
At least 2 1/2 days before the advertisement. Oh wow. 00:46:22
And that's statutory. The 10 days, that's statutory. 00:46:29
Yeah, they they're really cracking down. They used to be okay. 00:46:35
Yeah. 00:46:41
OK. 00:46:45
And this is just for. 00:46:47
Appropriations not for basic. 00:46:50
Just appropriations. 00:46:53
Yes. 00:46:57
Anybody wanna make a motion on 4B? 00:47:04
So move. 00:47:07
2nd. 00:47:09
Motion a second for 4B. Any further questions? 00:47:10
Gloria. 00:47:15
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:47:17
I have a question. 00:47:23
So I'm looking at the fund balance. 00:47:25
And the general fund ended. 00:47:29
The year, I think this is pretty close to year end, although there's some things that are going to happen. 00:47:32
Here not significant. 00:47:37
Over $7,000,000. 00:47:41
One looks like right now. 00:47:45
That's not at all what we. 00:47:49
Have been thinking what's going to happen. 00:47:53
What can anybody explain the? 00:47:56
Why the? 00:47:59
I mean it remember you have to subtract 3.1 million from that for the shore up. 00:48:02
490020 that's what it is. That's what it is. I'm thinking it's 3 point, OK. 00:48:07
So you got 7.4, Subtract 3.1. Now you're at. 00:48:13
3.3. 00:48:18
4.3, you know, 3 1/4, yeah. 00:48:21
4 million and then and I think the medical expenses are the other thing. So there we are. We're going to end the year somewhere 00:48:24
around $4 million. 00:48:30
Financial reports so everyone can see what the balance is ended with. 00:48:37
But it looks like it's going to be somewhere around $4 million. 00:48:43
Which is about what we expected. 00:48:46
Think so. 00:48:51
In the projection. 00:48:52
We started off around 3 and it was improving as we went along, but yeah. 00:48:56
OK. 00:49:02
OK, I'll go any further with my thoughts there. 00:49:04
OK, umm. 00:49:08
Yeah, started your 3 second. 00:49:09
Yeah, I I seen that. So we pretty much are going to end where we started. 00:49:12
We stayed within our receipts for the year. 00:49:18
Kudos to us, honestly. 00:49:21
They did excellent this year. They were very, very fiscal and savvy. They searched high and low for. 00:49:25
Wheels they do not know. 00:49:32
We didn't have to ask for very many additional appropriations we needed this year at all. They all stayed within their budgets for 00:49:36
the most part. It was kudos to your department as they did an excellent this year. 00:49:40
It really did. 00:49:47
And they must have done a really good job budgeting, I mean. 00:49:48
That's what you're saying if they did a really good job budgeting so hopefully for 2025. 00:49:52
Would be the same. 00:49:58
I would just just for fun. 00:50:04
This is what politicians say. Look at all we did and we have. 00:50:07
Balanced budget. 00:50:12
That's a good tagline. You know, it sounds good. We have a balance budget. 00:50:15
Oh, and also, I just like to say a few things up. Just a word about the passing Mr. Carr, former President Jimmy Carter. 00:50:19
I just like to say that we should all aspire to. 00:50:26
Be somewhat like him, and as far as his he had a. 00:50:30
A deep faith, a deep conviction, and he was a great humanitarian and we should all aspire to be better human beings as he was. 00:50:34
And the same condolences to his family. 00:50:43
A lot of the service. 00:50:46
Anybody from the public wish to speak? 00:50:51
Any council members have anything else to say? 00:50:55
I will entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved Sagitt. 00:51:02
We adjourned. We'll see you. 00:51:06
25. 00:51:08
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