No Bookmarks Exist.
Put another 50 in the last week. 00:00:00
My reasons as to why I think they're appropriate and then have at. 00:00:03
To order the Floyd County Council organizational meeting for 2025. 00:00:07
January 14th, 5:30 PM. My name is Diana Topping, employee, County Auditor. If I could have all rise to the Pledge of Allegiance, 00:00:13
please. 00:00:17
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. 00:00:24
To the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:28
We have a full roll minus. 00:00:44
One council person this evening, I believe his flight is landing as we speak. Mr. Millies, he does have the ability to port in if 00:00:47
he gets connected and we're waiting to hear from him whether or not he'll be able to make it in. We do have the 1st order of 00:00:53
business this evening, which is the election of the County Council President. 00:00:59
Just for a point of order, we will take each nomination vote for them as is. 00:01:06
If the first nomination passes, then we won't be moving forward past that and we will be voting by roll. 00:01:13
And so at this time, I'll nominate Deal Danny short for President. 00:01:20
Nomination in the second for Danny Short, so we will take vote by roll. 00:01:29
Council person Freiberger. 00:01:34
No. 00:01:37
Council person Sarkison. 00:01:40
Yes. 00:01:44
Yes. 00:01:45
No, and I want to explain myself I. 00:01:47
Cannot support Danny because of the vote that he made for the increased taxes at the at the end of last year I think. 00:01:52
It was. 00:02:03
Irresponsible. And it was three times or nearly three times what we needed to do. 00:02:07
Put on our our constituents. 00:02:16
The answer the the function now. 00:02:20
Yes. 00:02:25
That carries congratulations, Council person Short, you are President for the year 2025. 00:02:29
Thank you at this time. Thank you at this time, we will accept nominations for. 00:02:35
Vice president of County Council. 00:02:41
I would like to nominate Dale Bagshaw. 00:02:44
I'll second it. 00:02:49
We have a motion, a second Mr. Property. 00:02:51
No, Mr. Sarkinson, I'm like, yes, yes. 00:02:53
No, for the same reason. 00:02:58
Tony yes. 00:03:01
That carries congratulations, Mr. Bagshaw being Vice President. 00:03:03
Our next item of business is council attorney and contract agreement. 00:03:09
Steven has expressed his desire to serve again. 00:03:15
Does anybody have any questions over what he has sent us or questions for him I. 00:03:19
I'm still accept the contract. 00:03:25
I'll second. 00:03:28
Any questions or anything for Steven? 00:03:31
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:03:34
Welcome back. 00:03:39
Right now we're on to boards and committee appointments. 00:03:50
I know I've talked to a lot of you, or as Denise has expressed her. 00:03:54
Committee. 00:04:02
Wishes over e-mail so I I have. 00:04:04
Model list we can go through and if there's any. 00:04:07
Dissension. We can. We can vote on those. 00:04:12
I did not get a chance to talk to Mr. Piercy about the. 00:04:17
Alcohol beverage board, but he has, you know, maintained that board for several years, so. 00:04:21
If anybody has anybody other than Carl Pearcy. 00:04:30
To place. 00:04:33
Nominate Mr. Pearcy second. 00:04:35
I have a motion to 2nd Mr. Pearcy. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:04:38
That carries. 00:04:42
Solid waste board this was. 00:04:44
Last year. 00:04:48
I believe Mr. Bagshaw has expressed a desire to serve on there. Is there anybody else that? 00:04:50
Has a desire to serve on that board. 00:04:56
Nominate Mr. Bagshaw. 00:05:00
I'll second. 00:05:02
Motion a second All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:05:04
Carries. 00:05:08
Community corrections I served on last year. I am more than happy to continue that and someone can join me if they would like or 00:05:09
if there's anybody else that wants to. 00:05:15
Serve in that area. 00:05:22
Nominate Mr. Short second. 00:05:25
Anybody else want to join or? 00:05:28
Anybody's welcome to sit in there, so all in favor of me serving for community corrections say aye aye. 00:05:31
Opposed that carries. 00:05:38
Jim was on plane Commission last year and has expressed a desire to continue there. 00:05:41
2nd. 00:05:46
Any questions for Jim? Anybody else all in favor of Jim for Planning Commission say aye aye. Any opposed that carries? 00:05:48
Soil and water. 00:05:56
Dale was last year and. 00:05:58
I believe wants to serve again this year. 00:06:02
Is that correct? Dale, nominate Dale or Soil and Water? 00:06:05
2nd we have a motion in a second for Dale. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed that carries? 00:06:10
Appeals Committee. 00:06:18
Salary appeals. 00:06:20
That is typically been a. 00:06:23
President and Vice President. 00:06:26
And at times we've had three on there, so I. 00:06:30
Tony, did you say you were interested in that? Yes, I did OK. 00:06:37
Look, if we can, we'll we'll do this one all at once, so. 00:06:43
It'd be myself and Dale and Tony. If everybody is OK, I'll nominate those 3. 00:06:48
I'll second. We have a motion a second for those three all in favor say aye aye. Any opposed that carries. 00:06:56
David Riley for Peter Boa I did not speak with him. I did you did have some communication with him. He's willing to serve and at 00:07:04
this time, Mr. President, I will nominate David Riley. We have a motion and 2nd for David Riley for Peter Boa. All in favor say 00:07:11
aye aye. Any opposed that carries we we have no library appointments this year. 00:07:19
Youth Shelter. 00:07:28
Denise was on that last year. 00:07:29
I nominate Denise Council for shelter second. 00:07:33
We have a motion and 2nd for Denise for the first youth shelter appointment. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:07:37
That carries, Mr. President, I'd like to withdraw my name from that. 00:07:44
The second one, OK. 00:07:48
Like to nominate Matt, he's not really here to defend himself or speak, but he's going to need to be on some things, and I think 00:07:51
that's a second. 00:07:54
We have a motion, a second for Matt Mills for youth shelter. All in favor say aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:07:59
That carries. 00:08:06
River Hills. 00:08:08
Denise, I was on that last year. I only went to one meeting. I'm willing to do that again and try to get to more meetings, but. 00:08:11
It's very informative, but there's really no action. 00:08:21
Right there, so. 00:08:24
It it is informative and if you want me to stay out, well either way. 00:08:28
Does anybody else want to be on that? I would accept that nomination. 00:08:33
I'll nominate Dale second. OK, well, we have a motion a second for Dale for River Hills. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed 00:08:38
that carried EMA, Tony served last year and I believe you would like to serve again. That's correct. I'll second motion a second 00:08:46
for Tony for Emergency Management. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed that carries. 00:08:54
Parks and Rec, We have 11 member Mr. Clink who served and he's. 00:09:03
Willing and ready to serve again. 00:09:10
2nd, I have a motion a second for Scott Clean. All in favor say aye. 00:09:15
Aye, any opposed? 00:09:20
That carries. 00:09:22
Bill White for BCA. 00:09:24
Unknown they Bill White. 00:09:28
Second, have a motion a second for Mr. Bill White for BCA. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed that carries. 00:09:29
Now it's bargaining. We've got a. 00:09:39
We're going to have dispatch and finishing up the road department. 00:09:43
This year I believe. 00:09:48
And this is really. 00:09:53
Would like to have. 00:09:57
Two people I'm willing to serve. Again, this will be commissioner lead, but with a lot of input from. 00:09:58
Council. 00:10:08
That was most of that was me and. 00:10:11
Connie last year so. 00:10:14
I'd be willing to serve on that. 00:10:17
I'll nominate. 00:10:21
Danny and Dale. 00:10:22
All the marketing committees. 00:10:24
So we haven't is there a second? Second we have a motion a second for. 00:10:26
Me and Dale for all bargaining positions that will be Rd. apt. 00:10:31
And anything with dispatcher corrections. 00:10:37
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:10:40
That carries. 00:10:43
A redevelopment, I believe, Mr. Mccrae MCC. 00:10:47
Would like to stay on. I have an interest in this one. 00:10:51
Brad would like to be on that as well if but we can, we have to have one. 00:10:56
One from the Council. 00:11:05
And. 00:11:07
Person I would nominate Brad. 00:11:09
And I don't know, too loud? 00:11:14
I would nominate Brad as the layperson. 00:11:17
For the Redevelopment Commission. 00:11:20
I'll second. 00:11:23
So we have a motion and a second for Brad Striegel for the community member for redevelopment. All in favor say aye. Any opposed 00:11:24
aye. 00:11:29
That carries. 00:11:36
For our appointment, I would like to serve on that. 00:11:38
If there's anybody else that would like to speak now not we'll take nominations. 00:11:44
Nominate Danny, short for. 00:11:48
County Council second. 00:11:50
We have motion a second all in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:11:53
Carries umm. 00:11:57
All right, we are down to. 00:11:59
Legacy Foundation. 00:12:02
Mr. Millies did express an interest in this. 00:12:04
Dale, you run it last year. 00:12:08
I didn't relinquish. OK. I would like to nominate Matt Millis for Legacy Foundation Board. I'll second it. 00:12:11
Motion a second for Matt for Legacy. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:12:17
That carries Bill White is our. 00:12:23
Community member and. 00:12:28
He's willing to serve again on that. 00:12:30
Nominate Bill White for Legacy Foundation Late Person. 00:12:33
I'll second. 00:12:37
All in favor of Bill White say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:12:40
Carries. 00:12:44
J Rack, Denise would like to stay on that. I'd like to nominate Mr. Conkle second. We have a motion and 2nd for Denise for J Rack. 00:12:46
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed that carries? 00:12:53
Shawn Carruthers served for the city Economic Development Commission. 00:13:00
I did not speak to him but I'm assuming he's. 00:13:06
Willing to stay? 00:13:10
I nominate Sean Carters. 00:13:12
I'll second it. 00:13:14
We have a motion, a second for Sean. I guess if he's, if he needs relinquish, we can come back and appoint somebody. 00:13:15
In in the spot all in favor of Sean say aye any opposed that carries. 00:13:22
Community Foundation, we're going to, if you have resumes, get them in. We're going to talk about that some more in our joint 00:13:28
meeting on Friday. 00:13:32
I've got some ideas, not necessarily on. 00:13:37
Who but how to handle it? 00:13:41
A little differently, I I honestly do not have any names. Everyone that I've asked has thought about it and then called back and 00:13:44
declined so. 00:13:50
I don't know what same same situation. So we'll talk about that some more on Friday. We have no action on health department 00:13:59
Community Action of Southern Indiana. 00:14:03
What is that? 00:14:09
That was actually. I was appointed. We had a. 00:14:10
Gentleman from that board, Yeah, ask us to. 00:14:14
Participate. I volunteered. 00:14:17
As you, Denise, I think I made a couple of meetings. I would like to withdraw and I'm not sure we even need a position on that. 00:14:19
It's another observation board. You just said you have no input, you have no vote. It's just so I was just going to make a 00:14:28
nomination. 00:14:32
Like to nominate Mr. Sockerson? 00:14:38
I was gonna second that. 00:14:41
The only one that hadn't been appointed to anything. I'll. I'll accept that. Yeah. Alright. Thank you. 00:14:44
All right. We have a nomination for Sam. Thank you. 00:14:52
You're very welcome. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:14:57
That passes. 00:15:03
And for the animal control, we have no action this year. 00:15:04
That concludes the committees and board appointments. 00:15:08
I'll accept the motion to adjourn. So moved. Second, we are adjourned until 6:00 PM. 00:15:13
All right. No, we did that one. 00:15:25
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Put another 50 in the last week. 00:00:00
My reasons as to why I think they're appropriate and then have at. 00:00:03
To order the Floyd County Council organizational meeting for 2025. 00:00:07
January 14th, 5:30 PM. My name is Diana Topping, employee, County Auditor. If I could have all rise to the Pledge of Allegiance, 00:00:13
please. 00:00:17
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. 00:00:24
To the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:28
We have a full roll minus. 00:00:44
One council person this evening, I believe his flight is landing as we speak. Mr. Millies, he does have the ability to port in if 00:00:47
he gets connected and we're waiting to hear from him whether or not he'll be able to make it in. We do have the 1st order of 00:00:53
business this evening, which is the election of the County Council President. 00:00:59
Just for a point of order, we will take each nomination vote for them as is. 00:01:06
If the first nomination passes, then we won't be moving forward past that and we will be voting by roll. 00:01:13
And so at this time, I'll nominate Deal Danny short for President. 00:01:20
Nomination in the second for Danny Short, so we will take vote by roll. 00:01:29
Council person Freiberger. 00:01:34
No. 00:01:37
Council person Sarkison. 00:01:40
Yes. 00:01:44
Yes. 00:01:45
No, and I want to explain myself I. 00:01:47
Cannot support Danny because of the vote that he made for the increased taxes at the at the end of last year I think. 00:01:52
It was. 00:02:03
Irresponsible. And it was three times or nearly three times what we needed to do. 00:02:07
Put on our our constituents. 00:02:16
The answer the the function now. 00:02:20
Yes. 00:02:25
That carries congratulations, Council person Short, you are President for the year 2025. 00:02:29
Thank you at this time. Thank you at this time, we will accept nominations for. 00:02:35
Vice president of County Council. 00:02:41
I would like to nominate Dale Bagshaw. 00:02:44
I'll second it. 00:02:49
We have a motion, a second Mr. Property. 00:02:51
No, Mr. Sarkinson, I'm like, yes, yes. 00:02:53
No, for the same reason. 00:02:58
Tony yes. 00:03:01
That carries congratulations, Mr. Bagshaw being Vice President. 00:03:03
Our next item of business is council attorney and contract agreement. 00:03:09
Steven has expressed his desire to serve again. 00:03:15
Does anybody have any questions over what he has sent us or questions for him I. 00:03:19
I'm still accept the contract. 00:03:25
I'll second. 00:03:28
Any questions or anything for Steven? 00:03:31
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:03:34
Welcome back. 00:03:39
Right now we're on to boards and committee appointments. 00:03:50
I know I've talked to a lot of you, or as Denise has expressed her. 00:03:54
Committee. 00:04:02
Wishes over e-mail so I I have. 00:04:04
Model list we can go through and if there's any. 00:04:07
Dissension. We can. We can vote on those. 00:04:12
I did not get a chance to talk to Mr. Piercy about the. 00:04:17
Alcohol beverage board, but he has, you know, maintained that board for several years, so. 00:04:21
If anybody has anybody other than Carl Pearcy. 00:04:30
To place. 00:04:33
Nominate Mr. Pearcy second. 00:04:35
I have a motion to 2nd Mr. Pearcy. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:04:38
That carries. 00:04:42
Solid waste board this was. 00:04:44
Last year. 00:04:48
I believe Mr. Bagshaw has expressed a desire to serve on there. Is there anybody else that? 00:04:50
Has a desire to serve on that board. 00:04:56
Nominate Mr. Bagshaw. 00:05:00
I'll second. 00:05:02
Motion a second All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:05:04
Carries. 00:05:08
Community corrections I served on last year. I am more than happy to continue that and someone can join me if they would like or 00:05:09
if there's anybody else that wants to. 00:05:15
Serve in that area. 00:05:22
Nominate Mr. Short second. 00:05:25
Anybody else want to join or? 00:05:28
Anybody's welcome to sit in there, so all in favor of me serving for community corrections say aye aye. 00:05:31
Opposed that carries. 00:05:38
Jim was on plane Commission last year and has expressed a desire to continue there. 00:05:41
2nd. 00:05:46
Any questions for Jim? Anybody else all in favor of Jim for Planning Commission say aye aye. Any opposed that carries? 00:05:48
Soil and water. 00:05:56
Dale was last year and. 00:05:58
I believe wants to serve again this year. 00:06:02
Is that correct? Dale, nominate Dale or Soil and Water? 00:06:05
2nd we have a motion in a second for Dale. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed that carries? 00:06:10
Appeals Committee. 00:06:18
Salary appeals. 00:06:20
That is typically been a. 00:06:23
President and Vice President. 00:06:26
And at times we've had three on there, so I. 00:06:30
Tony, did you say you were interested in that? Yes, I did OK. 00:06:37
Look, if we can, we'll we'll do this one all at once, so. 00:06:43
It'd be myself and Dale and Tony. If everybody is OK, I'll nominate those 3. 00:06:48
I'll second. We have a motion a second for those three all in favor say aye aye. Any opposed that carries. 00:06:56
David Riley for Peter Boa I did not speak with him. I did you did have some communication with him. He's willing to serve and at 00:07:04
this time, Mr. President, I will nominate David Riley. We have a motion and 2nd for David Riley for Peter Boa. All in favor say 00:07:11
aye aye. Any opposed that carries we we have no library appointments this year. 00:07:19
Youth Shelter. 00:07:28
Denise was on that last year. 00:07:29
I nominate Denise Council for shelter second. 00:07:33
We have a motion and 2nd for Denise for the first youth shelter appointment. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:07:37
That carries, Mr. President, I'd like to withdraw my name from that. 00:07:44
The second one, OK. 00:07:48
Like to nominate Matt, he's not really here to defend himself or speak, but he's going to need to be on some things, and I think 00:07:51
that's a second. 00:07:54
We have a motion, a second for Matt Mills for youth shelter. All in favor say aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:07:59
That carries. 00:08:06
River Hills. 00:08:08
Denise, I was on that last year. I only went to one meeting. I'm willing to do that again and try to get to more meetings, but. 00:08:11
It's very informative, but there's really no action. 00:08:21
Right there, so. 00:08:24
It it is informative and if you want me to stay out, well either way. 00:08:28
Does anybody else want to be on that? I would accept that nomination. 00:08:33
I'll nominate Dale second. OK, well, we have a motion a second for Dale for River Hills. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed 00:08:38
that carried EMA, Tony served last year and I believe you would like to serve again. That's correct. I'll second motion a second 00:08:46
for Tony for Emergency Management. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed that carries. 00:08:54
Parks and Rec, We have 11 member Mr. Clink who served and he's. 00:09:03
Willing and ready to serve again. 00:09:10
2nd, I have a motion a second for Scott Clean. All in favor say aye. 00:09:15
Aye, any opposed? 00:09:20
That carries. 00:09:22
Bill White for BCA. 00:09:24
Unknown they Bill White. 00:09:28
Second, have a motion a second for Mr. Bill White for BCA. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed that carries. 00:09:29
Now it's bargaining. We've got a. 00:09:39
We're going to have dispatch and finishing up the road department. 00:09:43
This year I believe. 00:09:48
And this is really. 00:09:53
Would like to have. 00:09:57
Two people I'm willing to serve. Again, this will be commissioner lead, but with a lot of input from. 00:09:58
Council. 00:10:08
That was most of that was me and. 00:10:11
Connie last year so. 00:10:14
I'd be willing to serve on that. 00:10:17
I'll nominate. 00:10:21
Danny and Dale. 00:10:22
All the marketing committees. 00:10:24
So we haven't is there a second? Second we have a motion a second for. 00:10:26
Me and Dale for all bargaining positions that will be Rd. apt. 00:10:31
And anything with dispatcher corrections. 00:10:37
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:10:40
That carries. 00:10:43
A redevelopment, I believe, Mr. Mccrae MCC. 00:10:47
Would like to stay on. I have an interest in this one. 00:10:51
Brad would like to be on that as well if but we can, we have to have one. 00:10:56
One from the Council. 00:11:05
And. 00:11:07
Person I would nominate Brad. 00:11:09
And I don't know, too loud? 00:11:14
I would nominate Brad as the layperson. 00:11:17
For the Redevelopment Commission. 00:11:20
I'll second. 00:11:23
So we have a motion and a second for Brad Striegel for the community member for redevelopment. All in favor say aye. Any opposed 00:11:24
aye. 00:11:29
That carries. 00:11:36
For our appointment, I would like to serve on that. 00:11:38
If there's anybody else that would like to speak now not we'll take nominations. 00:11:44
Nominate Danny, short for. 00:11:48
County Council second. 00:11:50
We have motion a second all in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:11:53
Carries umm. 00:11:57
All right, we are down to. 00:11:59
Legacy Foundation. 00:12:02
Mr. Millies did express an interest in this. 00:12:04
Dale, you run it last year. 00:12:08
I didn't relinquish. OK. I would like to nominate Matt Millis for Legacy Foundation Board. I'll second it. 00:12:11
Motion a second for Matt for Legacy. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:12:17
That carries Bill White is our. 00:12:23
Community member and. 00:12:28
He's willing to serve again on that. 00:12:30
Nominate Bill White for Legacy Foundation Late Person. 00:12:33
I'll second. 00:12:37
All in favor of Bill White say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:12:40
Carries. 00:12:44
J Rack, Denise would like to stay on that. I'd like to nominate Mr. Conkle second. We have a motion and 2nd for Denise for J Rack. 00:12:46
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed that carries? 00:12:53
Shawn Carruthers served for the city Economic Development Commission. 00:13:00
I did not speak to him but I'm assuming he's. 00:13:06
Willing to stay? 00:13:10
I nominate Sean Carters. 00:13:12
I'll second it. 00:13:14
We have a motion, a second for Sean. I guess if he's, if he needs relinquish, we can come back and appoint somebody. 00:13:15
In in the spot all in favor of Sean say aye any opposed that carries. 00:13:22
Community Foundation, we're going to, if you have resumes, get them in. We're going to talk about that some more in our joint 00:13:28
meeting on Friday. 00:13:32
I've got some ideas, not necessarily on. 00:13:37
Who but how to handle it? 00:13:41
A little differently, I I honestly do not have any names. Everyone that I've asked has thought about it and then called back and 00:13:44
declined so. 00:13:50
I don't know what same same situation. So we'll talk about that some more on Friday. We have no action on health department 00:13:59
Community Action of Southern Indiana. 00:14:03
What is that? 00:14:09
That was actually. I was appointed. We had a. 00:14:10
Gentleman from that board, Yeah, ask us to. 00:14:14
Participate. I volunteered. 00:14:17
As you, Denise, I think I made a couple of meetings. I would like to withdraw and I'm not sure we even need a position on that. 00:14:19
It's another observation board. You just said you have no input, you have no vote. It's just so I was just going to make a 00:14:28
nomination. 00:14:32
Like to nominate Mr. Sockerson? 00:14:38
I was gonna second that. 00:14:41
The only one that hadn't been appointed to anything. I'll. I'll accept that. Yeah. Alright. Thank you. 00:14:44
All right. We have a nomination for Sam. Thank you. 00:14:52
You're very welcome. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:14:57
That passes. 00:15:03
And for the animal control, we have no action this year. 00:15:04
That concludes the committees and board appointments. 00:15:08
I'll accept the motion to adjourn. So moved. Second, we are adjourned until 6:00 PM. 00:15:13
All right. No, we did that one. 00:15:25
scroll up