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Mr. Seabrook opened the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call. Present: Steve Bush, Mark Seabrook, Charles Freiberger. Also Present: Scott Clark, Auditor; Rick Fox, Attorney; Jim Wathen, County Council President; John Schellenberger, County Council; Sandy Duley, Commissioner’s Administrative Assistant Old Business: | |
Rick Fox – Draw up an agreement to share GIS information with the City – still working on | |
Community Corrections – Board Appointments – Mr. Bush requested this to be tabled. Agreement to allow testing monitor and blow into to know if they have had any alcoholic beverages no expense -Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. New Business 1. | |
Finish appointments (RH Regional Planning Commission) - tabled Appointment to Weights & Measures (Mr. Ingram’s resignation effective 2/3/14) – three applicants resumes in hand and schedule interviews | |
Rexann Farris – Cars for Probation – Question and proper procedure 1995 Crown Vic that need to go – County has title – list to Rick Fox 2. | |
Operations Report: 1. Floyd County Ordinance – Cost Saving Program for Highway Department (FCO – 2014-I) - tabled 2. Letter to Proceed Edwardsville Water - Old Vincennes Rd – Table present review a. Dustin White – Extension tax sale property – 40 properties disposition in 2014 – deadline for redeeming continue process Motion: continue process, Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush. 3. Receipt of the Jan. Report of the FC Treasurer, Ms. Linda Berger - Mr. Seabrook acknowledged 4. Receipt of the Dec. & Jan Reports of the NA-FC Library Board of Trustees - Mr. Seabrook acknowledged. 5. Approval of the Feb. 18th Commissioners Minutes - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. 6. Approval of Payrolls & Claims – Mr. Clark stated he reviewed and there were no unusual or extraordinary items. Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. 4:15 Stormwater Chuck Freiberger– road department did a nice job with the ice and snow. Mark Seabrook– echo Chuck the Road Department did a nice job Rick Fox– voting in Floyds Knobs - Mount St. Francis did not work out. Wesley Chaple will be the site for early the Saturday before and Tues & Thursday 4-7 Court Case - David Camm – Scott Clark sent out a very detailed report, saved money but there is $220,000.00 outstanding claims. Greg Reger contract continue subject to Co Council allocating funds for that. Motion: Contract pending approval of funding from Council., Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. Motion passed unanimously. Scott Clark applying tax rates 2013-2014 roll numbers to Treasurers office tax bills to go out on time. Chris Moore – Storm Water revision of the rate table approved at the last meeting ask that they approve and sign outside of a Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush. Public Comment: Mr. Mann – Announced on camera. In paper last week an add that the County is borrowing 4.2 millions for the road department asked for explanation Don Lopp explained that this is for the 2010 approved bond, public hearing next week at Council meeting. Jeff Ramsey – thank you to Terry Herthel Floyd County employees did a fantastic job. Wanda Kehrer – The County Road Department doing a great job. Motion: 6:26 pm, Action: Adjourn, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: MARK SEABROOK, PRESIDENT __ STEVE BUSH, MEMBER ATTEST: CHARLES FREIBERGER, MEMBER SCOTT L. CLARK, AUDITOR, FLOYD COUNTY |
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