No Bookmarks Exist.
That meeting with this morning, we're a minute late, if you please. 00:00:00
Stand and join with Pledge of Allegiance and we'll kick off our joint meeting here today. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the 00:00:06
United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for 00:00:11
all. 00:00:17
All right, if you want to do a roll call for the minutes, I think you can see who is here and who is not. So look for a motion to 00:00:24
approve the minutes from the 10/22/2024. 00:00:30
Motion approved. 00:00:37
All right, a motion and 2nd all in favor, aye. All right, John has a hard stop at 10:30 and he's going to be present for the ARP 00:00:39
allocation discussion, so we're going to move that to #1. 00:00:45
And. 00:00:53
Looking at these others, John, is there anything else you'd like to move up after that if we? Yeah, OK. 00:00:55
Yeah. I think some of those are placeholders and there's probably some new information on. 00:01:00
Some probably, if we have time, if you're still here. 00:01:06
John will want to go to five because I think that's a little bit of simple needs. 00:01:08
We might end up doing a reverse order today. 00:01:12
All right, so ARP allocations. 00:01:14
I did not put that on the agenda, but someone requested it. 00:01:19
I did. 00:01:22
So I'd just like to know how much is not committed at this point and then what the thoughts of the commissioners are as options 00:01:24
for the uncommitted funds. So that we and, and, and the reason that I'm asking this is that we don't get to, you know, December 00:01:31
15th or December 20th. And then you guys decide this, this is the four ways we'd like to spend the money and then we request more 00:01:39
information and then. 00:01:46
You know, we're just down to the last minute trying to make these decisions. I think that it's part of the financial plan that we 00:01:54
have to put together for the future and we need to understand what those are as a council. 00:02:02
That that's my thinking. If that's wrong, I'm more than happy to. 00:02:10
To hear about Denise, I'll comment on that. 00:02:15
I agree with your concern and I'm not sure how much is unallocated. I know there is 600,000 we've identified for broadband, but 00:02:18
beyond that I'm not for sure. 00:02:23
And I talked with mainstream yesterday and with the holdup with the bead program is not in Annapolis, it's not the not the 00:02:29
vendors, it's the FCC. They're waiting to validate the last amount of last addresses. And once they do that, then then the deed 00:02:36
will be will be will be assigned. So we're we're still hoping that that they'll make an assignment. But having said what you said 00:02:44
and I agree with you. 00:02:51
Our last Commission meeting is on the 17th. But I think what we need to do is we need to talk about to allocate that. I still want 00:03:00
to keep that money for BEAD. But if we, if time runs out and the FCC, NTIA, they don't do their due diligence, then to me, you 00:03:07
know, we don't want to lose it. It needs to be reallocated someplace else. So I would like to, again, I don't know what the total 00:03:14
amount is. It's not been, it's not been allocated yet. But you know, there's 600,000. 00:03:21
From Bead. And I'll be willing to, you know, talk about if it doesn't go there, where do we put it? 00:03:28
It's got to be used, otherwise we lose it. 00:03:35
Facing my comment. 00:03:38
I'll let you take care of. 00:03:40
Right now, unallocated to my knowledge is like one point, 4,000,807 pages. I thought it was 1.8 million. I think it's 1.4 we've 00:03:44
got down here. That's the number in my head. I asked just the other day, 800 thousand of which. 00:03:51
Has been committed to the building, at least to the extent that it was. 00:03:59
Part of our discussion with our bonding agents that this money was in there and so that's. 00:04:05
OK, so can somebody just called on right now and find out exactly how much? I mean 400,000 is a lot of money. We need to 00:04:12
understand this at 1.8 or is it 1.4? 00:04:17
If somebody. 00:04:23
And allocated. 00:04:25
Oh, you know what it is. 00:04:28
The Building 600 that had been originally discussed for broadband. 00:04:30
What is it 800 for the building and 600? 00:04:35
I will tell you the commissioners have had discussions back and forth, back and forth about broadband versus roads. And I will 00:04:40
also tell you that most recently Don came before us. I believe it's a little bit before or after the election and told us that. 00:04:46
He's recommending that that 600,000 be allocated for the Bridge 51 project because he's afraid that when our match comes due to 00:04:54
keep us on schedule next summer for breaking ground on that, that that's a $3000 will be. 00:05:01
Necessary. 00:05:09
So again, if that verifies through dawn, then my thinking is the 800,000, you just go to the building because that's been part of 00:05:10
our our math with our bonding agents and that and the 600,000 in my opinion, would need to shift from broadband to the bridge. 00:05:19
Because, you know, I realized that broadband is important, but. 00:05:28
Part of my thinking is that we're subsidizing an industry by doing that, but the other thing is just the sheer usage, the number 00:05:33
of people who cross that bridge probably in half a day. 00:05:37
Far exceeds the number of people impacted by the broad. Did you have a number? 00:05:42
$821,800 OK, So if Don is here, then I know where the 800 and the 600 were? 00:05:48
Allocated in our mind, in our discussions, but I don't know where that residual is. I suspect people escaping me at the moment 00:05:59
because I didn't realize this was going to be on the agenda until this morning. I understand. 00:06:05
I have a couple things I'd like to see the math on the 800,000, how that was baked into the Chase building bond or ban. I'm sorry, 00:06:12
I don't, I don't really understand that. And I I just need to understand if, if it if that's where it's at and I believe it is. I 00:06:19
just like to understand. Do you recall if it was formally baked in, so to speak, or part of the informal discussions with regards 00:06:26
to collateral, if you will, that we had? 00:06:33
That we were going to be able to. It required less borrowing #1 because we had. 00:06:41
Well, now, but now we have a whole new stream of revenue that we don't have to. 00:06:46
Have 800,000 set back if that if it really was collateral. 00:06:53
I'm not sure that's even an informal term. Yeah, yeah. The 800,000 wasn't involved in the transaction that. 00:07:00
Had that I'm aware of. 00:07:08
But we had it calculated our thoughts for remodeling, OK, OK. So ongoing operating expenses and basically had a roof need or HVAC 00:07:12
need. So it was. 00:07:17
Basically help us to. 00:07:23
It's not really a part of the band calculation, it's more of. 00:07:26
Yeah, yeah. OK. OK. So. 00:07:31
It wasn't part of the 800,000 you want to set us. How are we going to obligate that? I guess that's my question. 00:07:38
It has to be contractually obligated. How are you going to contractually obligate that? 00:07:45
By the end of the year. 00:07:51
I believe that's right. 00:07:53
Do you know you guys know? 00:07:56
And how so how are you going to contractually obligate that it was going to be obligated into? 00:08:01
Property acquisition for Bridge 51 and then once we got reimbursement through that. 00:08:06
From the state. 00:08:11
Be able to use it as we want. 00:08:13
Because we had, we had one large chunk of. 00:08:19
Property. 00:08:22
That we needed to acquire. OK, so now I'm down to, I need to see the numbers of how we're going to. 00:08:24
Yeah, I don't have those of how we're going to get to the amount that we need that we project that we might need for Bridge 51 00:08:32
now. Now I need to see that because now I understand the 800,000. 00:08:39
Is remodeling and I might be OK with that. 00:08:48
I don't have it for you today and I won't. I don't have any means to get it for you today. Like I said, I. 00:08:51
This is why I wanted to have these discussions before we get to the end of the year and then all of a sudden we don't have. 00:08:56
What we need. I don't have what I need to vote for this. I might be perfectly OK with both of these things. I don't know. And it 00:09:05
seems like we've got another 400,000 out there. 00:09:11
That that we. 00:09:17
Got a placeholder for yet so. 00:09:20
And again, we might. 00:09:23
The two placeholders I talked about were the ones that have been most present in my mind for the last. 00:09:25
OK, six months. So is there any way Don can just pop down here and talk to you? 00:09:30
I don't know if he's not in the office. 00:09:37
What can can we request that we get some kind of working paper on? 00:09:38
What is unallocated and the and that? 00:09:47
Maybe couple options that are out there on the table for the for the. 00:09:50
Suzanne just asked Don to give us a review on that. I. 00:09:58
At the commissioners meeting on Tuesday. 00:10:01
Please. All right. Any other discussion on that? 00:10:05
OK. On the Ameriprobe contract, we are coming up on the end of Year 1. 00:10:13
And Maripro contract contacted me to see whether or not we were OK to drop the chase car because that's what was originally in 00:10:19
their part of the contract is moving into 2025. 00:10:24
Their chase car would go away, so um. 00:10:31
I contacted. 00:10:36
The president of the Highlander Fire Protection District. 00:10:39
And he told me that. 00:10:42
They felt like they were good to go. In reviewing the contract that we had, I believe we were supposed to get some sort of notice 00:10:44
in writing when Highlander was fully staffed and ready to go and we've not really received that yet. So the question is do we have 00:10:50
a comfort level in this transition at this point in time? There was some unforeseen circumstances with Highlander Fire Protection 00:10:57
District with regards to change of personnel at the top. 00:11:03
So I might lean upon. 00:11:10
You guys to to reach out to them again or I'm willing to do that but. 00:11:15
You know part of the contract is the High Under Fire Protection Board shall notify the Floyd County Commissioners in writing when 00:11:20
the Highlander Fire Protection District is properly staffed and certified to take over EMS services. 00:11:26
We've never received such written notification at this point in time, so we probably need to. 00:11:32
Again before we drop this chase car. 00:11:38
To make sure that they are fully staffed and ready to go and I'm checking now because getting into the meeting of. 00:11:42
OK. So to keep that chase car would would be very expensive. 00:11:50
Addition of the estimate that they're giving me right now would be at $82,000 for the year. 00:11:56
13 Almost $14,000 per month. 00:12:02
So I literally just received that information while we're speaking. 00:12:08
So I'm not sure quite how to digest. And you, did you reach out in writing to anybody? 00:12:11
I've reached out via e-mail, the e-mail and nobody. 00:12:18
Informal. 00:12:23
Yes, we should be ready to go, but I think for something of this magnitude we need to get, I think it needs to be something in 00:12:25
right that's a contractual obligation. 00:12:28
Yeah. So is it not appropriate for you to just go back and say? 00:12:32
You know, we really would like something in writing. Could you please? That's what I'll do. 00:12:38
We got our lawyer here. I think I think it'd be best if we just requested that the board. 00:12:44
Pass a resolution that they're ready to take that on. 00:12:52
And send us the resolution. 00:12:58
We're going to be. 00:13:02
Following the contract and using your advice, would you mind reaching out to him? 00:13:03
Sure. 00:13:09
If you don't have his contact information, you believe the president of the board would be most appropriate as the chief. 00:13:11
The attorney for the board. 00:13:16
Perfect. Well, that's always between attorney to attorney then. Yeah. So see, I learned. 00:13:18
I'll, I'll lean upon you to do that then. OK, let me ask a question. So we're just saying that we get a resolution. 00:13:25
From the board and that's it. I mean that that's all we need is that right, OK. 00:13:32
Just so we don't have to go back so well. 00:13:36
Document. 00:13:39
What? OK, can I bring up something else with regard to Ameripro? 00:13:40
I had a situation just recently. 00:13:46
Where I had to call the ambulance and the mayor pro showed up. I'm in Georgetown. 00:13:50
The I got a $2500 bill. 00:13:56
For that. 00:13:59
I guess. 00:14:02
The insurance didn't cover it. The insurance wasn't. 00:14:05
In, in, in network, network. Thank you and network. 00:14:10
I didn't know I was going to bring this up today so. 00:14:15
But my. 00:14:20
My thoughts about this are not so much that I had to pay the 2500, it's that we have part of the county paying 2500 for to call an 00:14:22
ambulance in the other part of the county not paying. 00:14:30
To get it, get ambulance service, how do we rectify something like that? Well, the first thing, number one, I think that's beyond 00:14:38
the scope of this meeting. 00:14:42
Yeah #2 I've welcomed brief comments on yeah, I think you might want to review the, the schedule that was submitted by Maripro and 00:14:46
making sure they're they're billing in accordance to what was submitted into their contract. 00:14:54
It's not that contract. And what does that say? I don't know. It should spell out how much you somebody's to be built for service. 00:15:01
I mean they there's they have their rates attached to it. I mean that's so you think this is appropriate? I'm not saying it's 00:15:06
appropriate. 00:15:11
I'm saying that you should probably review and see if, if, if they are billing you and your insurance, that is the appropriate 00:15:16
amount. I don't doubt that one bit. I don't doubt that one bit. It's not, I'm not, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is 00:15:21
that we got part of the county paying for ambulance and. 00:15:26
Part of the county that's not. 00:15:32
They'll pay for ambulance. You're gonna have that as long as you have a split. 00:15:35
Model. 00:15:40
Highlander chooses not to. 00:15:42
Budget bill. 00:15:45
Anything over what insurance pays? 00:15:47
But Ameripro charges anything over what insurance doesn't pay. 00:15:50
I also believe there's some legislation coming down from the state that changes in the first year and the way that they bill as 00:15:55
well, yeah. 00:15:58
I mean, unfortunately you don't know whether an ambulance is in network when you don't check to see that when you. 00:16:01
Call because I've had, I've heard one other concern. I've heard, I've heard a couple other, you've got a couple other, but they're 00:16:08
not doing anything that's not outside of the boundary of the. I understand they have the right to do the budget billing and. 00:16:14
By doing that, we were able to keep the subsidy that we pay them down because they have the the option to do that. 00:16:20
Is it the best thing for the county in the long run? 00:16:29
Know and I think that's why Jason's working as he is for county based EMS. 00:16:32
Other people are still exploring fire based emails, I said. That's the part that goes beyond the scope. 00:16:39
OK, now, but that's a reality of if you, I'm not sure everybody in the county understands that. 00:16:44
This kind, this is kind of what's going on here. 00:16:51
Please let me ask you. I always thought that if they transported, they charged. If they just show up, they transported. OK, That's 00:16:54
good. I thought. I just thought they showed up OK. I'm good. I feel better about that. 00:17:01
If they send this resolution, say they're up to stuff and they're not, in fact, that's enough. February, what's our recourse? 00:17:14
Based on the contract, nothing. 00:17:24
There's, we can't hold them accountable based on the contract we signed with them. I guess what I'm saying is they can say they're 00:17:26
ready to go, but. 00:17:30
In reality, are they ready? Oh, we don't know, I guess. I think at this point in time they've been, to my knowledge, they've been 00:17:34
fulfilling their end of the contract. 00:17:38
2024 performing on par with what they should have said. The question is that they're ready for the step up or not. 00:17:42
And the reality is you probably won't know that until January 2nd. You know, once you've had a couple runs and you're stretched 00:17:48
this way and that way. 00:17:52
I mean our recourse. 00:17:56
If we find out that they're not as as a board to. 00:17:58
Continue to ensure safety. 00:18:02
Is to pay for the premium of continuing to have the Chase car. We don't have to decide that to them. 00:18:04
But that's what it would be. 00:18:10
Looking like if it turns out that there's a gap or a shortfall. 00:18:12
You know, one other thing while we're on the topic, and I found this in their contract as well as it wasn't too long ago that we 00:18:16
discussed the runs that that are being done for the corner and the way that those are being built. And if you look at Article 5 in 00:18:22
the contract with Highlander, it talks about how they transport these persons. 00:18:29
For the coroner's office, actually it says Highlander Fire Protection District shall not charge. 00:18:37
To transport inmates of the Floyd County Jail or county firefighters, deceased persons for the coroner's office and or law 00:18:43
enforcement personnel injured in the line of duty. So says in the contract that they should be doing some of these transports and 00:18:48
I'd like to know if they are or they aren't. 00:18:53
Yeah, I have no knowledge of that. 00:19:01
I would think that that would be within the. 00:19:03
The boundaries of their district, right? 00:19:06
Well, it says for Floyd County, so. 00:19:09
I mean, I don't know. I guess that's up to the attorneys to. 00:19:11
Yeah, Decipher. Yeah. 00:19:15
But definitely within their history, yeah. 00:19:18
Right. 00:19:22
Or they may be getting all the calls for the. 00:19:23
Deceased all right, so I just want to put that error on the. 00:19:27
Pin in the map on that so that. 00:19:30
As that approaches, so we'll hear back from. 00:19:34
Griffin hopefully short order we can as soon as we hear back. 00:19:37
That at a commissioners meeting and then bring that forward. 00:19:41
All right, well, let's just keep going in reverse order then. 00:19:46
If there are other comments on that, so the Floyd County Health Department building purchase. 00:19:51
Any updates on that? 00:19:56
We're still in the executive session. 00:19:58
Part of the case. And so that would be something that would be reserved for executive session if we were to have one at this 00:20:02
point. 00:20:06
But the timetable has not been disrupted. 00:20:11
It probably has at this point. 00:20:16
And that be something that address in the executive session. 00:20:18
Yeah. All right. 00:20:23
Anybody else? 00:20:25
I'll just expand with it within in state vague. 00:20:27
Timetable has been disrupted, but won't affect the moving out the time period that we have for switch over. OK. So we're still on 00:20:30
track. 00:20:36
We're not on the original track, but we're on a track. 00:20:43
Are we heading to the same destination? 00:20:46
Yes. 00:20:48
Just taking the long way home. 00:20:51
So we're we're still on track to the same destination, just off to the side a little bit. So we can talk afterwards if anybody 00:20:54
wants more details. 00:20:59
We'll have our own recession. 00:21:05
OK. 00:21:07
On the building authority budget. 00:21:11
We met with Aaron Combs. 00:21:15
And then an administrative meeting, I think we're I think we're OK on that at this point, correct. Unless I've heard some things 00:21:18
this last meeting, I think everybody's. 00:21:21
OK, with where we are and it's basically? 00:21:26
Budget neutral. We didn't need to put anymore, We didn't need to appropriate any more money into the budget. 00:21:29
I think we do. 00:21:37
I think what they're saying is what what was passed in our budget is, is good. 00:21:39
Right. Yeah. 00:21:44
OK. 00:21:46
So maybe we need to get Aaron to send us a revised budget. 00:21:47
Of course, you should be aware that. 00:21:54
It's been on the table that there's going to be about $1,000,000 annually in terms of expenses to keep that building going. 00:21:57
So the additional appropriation. 00:22:07
Aspect of what their additional needs are are going to be on the table so. 00:22:11
I wouldn't suggest that you. 00:22:17
Take their budget as to the bank that nothing's going to happen in this next year beyond the budget because we know that it is, 00:22:20
but it will be in additional appropriation territory as opposed to budgetary if we if we exclude the capital needs. 00:22:28
From it, are we fully budgeted? 00:22:39
For the building authority is my question, because if we're not. 00:22:42
We probably need to know that so that when the payments come due that we technically we are I I think what Mr. Fox is saying is 00:22:47
there's gonna be things come up that we're gonna have to address because we've taken. 00:22:54
The capital money out, and somewhere along the way, there's likely to be. 00:23:02
A need for for that to be revisited. 00:23:07
But to keep everything clean. 00:23:11
The budget will be in as we passed it and then we will address issues. 00:23:13
As they hopefully do not come up and apparently that'll be at more than what they originally put in their budget. 00:23:20
That's all hypothetical though in it. 00:23:26
It is, it is and, and that's. 00:23:28
We do not have a revised budget from the building authority, excluding capital that matches what we have in our budget, if that's 00:23:32
OK with everybody. 00:23:37
That serves OK. 00:23:51
Which kind of segues into the Judicial Center update. 00:23:57
They have a team coming down December 4th. 00:24:02
To look through the county building again and kind of glean the last part of the information they need to decide whether a phase 00:24:05
build out is doable. 00:24:08
Versus a takedown and build up. 00:24:13
And so my hope is that somewhere in February, March. 00:24:17
The board will be able to decide whether or not that's the pathway to go, and if not. 00:24:23
Then I think we're looking at. 00:24:29
Try to supply. 00:24:32
$1,000,000 a year, kind of. 00:24:34
Is what I've been hearing the number thrown around for the next 10 years with building 40 says that they would need in order to. 00:24:37
Keep that building afloat. It would not be a remodel. It would not be a redo. It would basically be maintenance. Maintenance, 00:24:43
patches, that type of thing. 00:24:48
So, umm. 00:24:53
Just keep that in mind that that basically is on schedule with regards to. 00:24:55
Information gathering and. 00:25:01
Schematics and things like that. I haven't seen anything schematic, so right now the big decision on that is whether or not a 00:25:03
phase build out is possible. 00:25:06
Or not. 00:25:11
The the Chase building, we closed on that last Friday. 00:25:14
I don't know if there's really any much else to say. It went according to plan, correct? 00:25:19
When according to plan. 00:25:27
This point in time where in the stage of. 00:25:29
Transitioning. 00:25:35
Right now, in fact, I spoke to Susanna this morning and she's taking care of changing the utilities for the building. 00:25:37
As where as well as working through the process of. 00:25:44
The vendors that are taking care of different aspects of the building. 00:25:50
And making sure that we have a point person for the tenants of the building to call us. 00:25:55
If there is anything that needs to be done in terms of maintenance or whatever with regards to the building, so as a landlord we 00:26:02
we need to be ready to go and ready to take care of and respond to anything that we have with regards to that building. The other 00:26:09
aspect is the transition in the building. We were burning off some leases. We know what sort of spaces are coming due and so the 00:26:17
Commission. 00:26:24
Will be working in terms of the transition. 00:26:32
Going through what we have to do statutorily and practically in order to get the offices that are going to be moving over there. 00:26:36
Into that space. Get that worked out. 00:26:46
Everything's been kind of a blur. I can't. Do we have the funds in place for receiving? 00:26:48
Rent at this point in time or is that we do we set up line item with regards to that. So as the rents come in they'll go right 00:26:54
into that line item and that's the maintenance fund as well, correct? 00:27:00
Which is by design. To take care of that building, Susanna has stepped up. 00:27:10
Admirably, she's been that point person right now for utilities and tenants and. 00:27:14
In my mind, she's going to be the lead on managing that building for the foreseeable future. 00:27:20
It was, it was a good day of embarrassing over there. So it's it's nice. I think projections are that. 00:27:27
Late March 2025, second third floors will be vacated to the remodeling again. 00:27:36
And spoke with architects yesterday. They're getting those plans together right now in regards to. 00:27:43
How long that bill that will take, so hopefully we'll have. 00:27:51
People moved over there. 00:27:55
I'm ready to go by. 00:27:57
Certainly this time next year. 00:28:00
Is there any thought process been put in place about signage? 00:28:04
Yeah. It's not a brand new logo or what's going on. So you've been present some of those meetings, so signages on the agenda, but 00:28:09
it's kind of a low on the priority list. But our building representative is talking with local contractors who do signage with 00:28:17
regards to some design and then. 00:28:24
Placement It's my understanding that Chase has rights to the. 00:28:33
North and South facades on that building with regard to signage. 00:28:37
That leaves the east and the West for us to to put signage up on so. 00:28:43
Yeah, my hope would be that in the not too distant future, you'll be able to see some signage coming over. 00:28:48
Bridge day and night. And also get the flagpole up there working again. I forget get into the details. That's been an empty 00:28:54
flagpole up there for a long time. 00:28:58
So. 00:29:03
It continues to come along. 00:29:05
There's anything else to say, but Susanna, do you have any? 00:29:09
You say things seem to be smooth from your end on on things. 00:29:12
Am I missing anything on that Rick? 00:29:15
So. 00:29:20
Yeah, you can submit in the signage logos to. 00:29:22
To the committee and we'll look at logo for about 200 years. 00:29:27
How Long's the county been accounting? 00:29:32
1819. 00:29:35
So 200 years, it's a pretty good logo to me. 00:29:36
Change, that's what we want. To make it more odd. Maybe you can go take the medallion down from the county building and hoist it. 00:29:40
Jason, I'll give you a hand. 00:29:47
Would probably be. 00:29:51
$5000. 00:29:52
Anyway, in all seriousness, there has been thought to it as well as I think, I think we probably need to look early next year with 00:29:56
regards to to just naming of our buildings. We have somebody in the portfolio. There's some confusion. 00:30:01
Accurate calls pay the Pineview Government Center, where's the City of Pine View and that type of thing. So it may be a good idea 00:30:08
to rename this. 00:30:12
Building as well. I mean, right now the working name that we have in the office is the Floyd County Government Administration 00:30:17
Building. I don't know what the acronym for that spells. We'll have to make sure that that's not honoring, you know. 00:30:23
And so anyway, it's good, it's been busier. If you look at the health department building that's. 00:30:31
Still imminent. 00:30:37
And then the Chase Bill, we've kind of put some cracks in the ice on this big log jam and. 00:30:39
Next year is going to bring more clarity to it. 00:30:44
So Chase has a long term lease? 00:30:47
Yeah, five years. Oh, it's five. And they could go beyond that. 00:30:50
Sorry, 332 and they're paying roughly 100,000 a year. 00:30:56
Roughly covers the interest on the van. 00:31:02
So I think we're in good shape on that. 00:31:06
I've got a couple of loose items. We had a very short notice. S&P. 00:31:09
Bond rating meeting on Wednesday and. 00:31:15
Everybody really kind of rallied to do that. We had a very short week because veteran's day, but. 00:31:19
Diana gets the MVP award for her testimony at that, in my opinion. And then I was there as a bench warmer and then Danny was there 00:31:23
and Steve was there. 00:31:29
And Don was there. 00:31:35
And Gloria was there, and then Tim Berry from Crow was there. Am I missing anybody? 00:31:37
And then on their end, we had about an hour of Q&A. They submitted roughly 30 questions to us. 00:31:43
And I think it went better than expected. 00:31:50
So we'll see how those. 00:31:53
OK already. 00:31:57
Did you meet with pro or something Crow? 00:32:05
And this is related to the. 00:32:10
Bond rating that we are going to. OK, yeah. So what triggered it evidently was the state audit and some internal controls that had 00:32:12
not been ironed out and they from what I understand began a decade ago and there are plans. 00:32:21
In place to. 00:32:30
Correct those and overcome those so. 00:32:32
Diana. 00:32:39
Yeah. 00:32:43
It's on. It's on. It was on. 00:32:46
The majority of the findings that have existed over the last decade have actually been corrected. The Auditor's office was the 00:32:55
recipient of a partial finding this year that was specific to the AFR and just some. 00:33:00
Incorrectly entered information or submitted information that we were able to correct throughout our audit this year. So the 00:33:07
current AFR for the fiscal year of 2023 is actually accurate. One of the biggest ones had to do with our capital assets and the 00:33:13
lack of inventory and valuation, which we corrected earlier this year and we were able to adjust on the AFR after the original 00:33:19
submission. 00:33:25
I will say that we are already in the process of updating for 2024, so that when I go to submit the AFR next year, our capital 00:33:32
assets are once again updated to reflect the current accurate evaluation for the county. So we are on top of that I. 00:33:39
And any additional missing pieces are being corrected and they weren't aware of some of the new revenue streams as well. So there 00:33:48
was a lot of information that was provided and I think it went very well. Yeah. So we're currently at an A rating. Is that 00:33:53
correct? I believe so. I don't know how long it takes to hear back from them. 00:33:59
I think it'll be fairly quickly. 00:34:06
After Steve and I met with him yesterday, he did advise that he'd have the remainder of the information that had been requested to 00:34:09
SNP no later than Monday. So I believe that they'll be able to review all of it at that point and any follow up questions should 00:34:13
be fairly quickly forthcoming so. 00:34:18
So anyway, I was really impressed with. 00:34:24
The job that was done by everybody who presented it. 00:34:27
I think it. 00:34:30
Another attaboy for the. 00:34:33
Park that was opened up on Tuesday. 00:34:35
It already is a very nice facility and will continue to grow and expand and it was very well attended there were. 00:34:39
I would say probably. 00:34:48
Steve, you, you count people that are 90, maybe 50 people there. 00:34:50
Yeah, so get out there and walk and help. 00:34:55
Breaking the trails. The only business I have left is that I'm going to ask Susanna and Gloria to just kind of keep the 2025 joint 00:35:00
meetings. 00:35:05
Roughly the same date. So we'll send those out by e-mail, give everybody plenty of notice with regards to. So are we keeping the 00:35:13
23rd definite? Are we keeping it as a placeholder? I was OK with the 23rd but. 00:35:21
That's our last meeting. Is that a that's a 4:00, right? 00:35:31
I think we're going to we're going to need to do something about the Arthur monies unless we get them appropriated in our 00:35:35
December. 00:35:39
And it needs to be a meeting so that we can do appropriations if we need to. 00:35:46
Unless we get them appropriated in our regular December meeting. Oh we do have the other meeting though scheduled. 00:35:52
OK. I'll try to have the, I mean, Suzanne, I don't see any reason why we can't have a formal recommendation. 00:36:02
From the Commissioners at our next meeting. 00:36:09
So we can put that on there and just have Don rundown where we are and everything. You OK with that, Jason? Yeah, absolutely. 00:36:12
Well, that's the earliest opportunities next Tuesday for us and we'll have our recommendation at that point. 00:36:17
Any comments from? 00:36:26
I think I did that earlier. Yeah, we do. Yeah, that's right. 00:36:29
No worries. Yeah, chances you odds were you were correct on that because I usually forget that muscle memory. Yeah, that's right. 00:36:32
Any comment from public officials who might be with us today or any members of the public, Any closing comments from anyone? I 00:36:39
just, I have two questions. One questions. 00:36:46
Yes. 00:36:54
One you said. 00:36:57
If we don't go forward with the build out. 00:37:00
We're going to do $1,000,000 for the next 10 years. 00:37:03
My question is if. 00:37:07
That's the route we're going to go. Why did we push purchase the Chase building if we're going to be leaving the building as is 00:37:09
and just doing some maintenance number that I'll answer that because that was never my first choice, OK. And I don't think it's 00:37:15
practical. And the quote $1,000,000 a year for 10 years came through the building, right? That was the building authority. 00:37:21
No, I just wanted to make sure that that's right. 00:37:29
Then the second question is, we have that building in Georgetown. 00:37:36
The old school. 00:37:42
Is that still out? Is it hours now? Is it in the works or do we know? 00:37:44
Edwardsville, The old Edwards School, Edwardsville, Georgetown, whatever. 00:37:54
OK, but it's still coming to us. 00:38:01
Correct my understanding yes, but I was also under the impression that they did do some roof work last week. There were plans for 00:38:04
a Community Center or something like that. 00:38:08
You're asking because you think it might fulfill a need or? I was just curious. You said something about the Regional Park or 00:38:14
whatever it's called and. 00:38:18
That's right there in that general area. 00:38:23
So I just was curious, are we still taking that building? What are we doing with it? My understanding, yes, OK, that's not been on 00:38:25
our desk for discussion for a long time. It seems like the plans on that have not been altered. But I had a patient of mine who 00:38:31
told me that they saw some roofers out there doing some work for it. And so that's an indication to be that things are still 00:38:37
moving forward with that. You may not be about to get an update on it according to the paper. 00:38:43
According to the paper, they're supposed to transfer the sprig. We're supposed to transfer that building to it. 00:38:51
County. 00:38:56
Short percentage pretty quickly, I think next month or two. 00:38:57
OK. 00:39:07
And what was, what is the plan for that building? Community Center, Community Center for Georgia, for Evansville, Georgia. There 00:39:08
may be another office in there as well. 00:39:11
Well, any questions you can come my way. That would be executive stuff and now it will we'll talk. 00:39:20
I'm not trying to withhold information. I'm just it's not appropriate to put out right now. So for Danny, I want to have a crystal 00:39:27
ball and just, I mean, I've been advised not to, so I'm not going to. 00:39:34
Any other comments? 00:39:41
All right. Look for a motion to adjourn. So moved. All right, thank you. 00:39:44
Have a good Thanksgiving. 00:39:47
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That meeting with this morning, we're a minute late, if you please. 00:00:00
Stand and join with Pledge of Allegiance and we'll kick off our joint meeting here today. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the 00:00:06
United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for 00:00:11
all. 00:00:17
All right, if you want to do a roll call for the minutes, I think you can see who is here and who is not. So look for a motion to 00:00:24
approve the minutes from the 10/22/2024. 00:00:30
Motion approved. 00:00:37
All right, a motion and 2nd all in favor, aye. All right, John has a hard stop at 10:30 and he's going to be present for the ARP 00:00:39
allocation discussion, so we're going to move that to #1. 00:00:45
And. 00:00:53
Looking at these others, John, is there anything else you'd like to move up after that if we? Yeah, OK. 00:00:55
Yeah. I think some of those are placeholders and there's probably some new information on. 00:01:00
Some probably, if we have time, if you're still here. 00:01:06
John will want to go to five because I think that's a little bit of simple needs. 00:01:08
We might end up doing a reverse order today. 00:01:12
All right, so ARP allocations. 00:01:14
I did not put that on the agenda, but someone requested it. 00:01:19
I did. 00:01:22
So I'd just like to know how much is not committed at this point and then what the thoughts of the commissioners are as options 00:01:24
for the uncommitted funds. So that we and, and, and the reason that I'm asking this is that we don't get to, you know, December 00:01:31
15th or December 20th. And then you guys decide this, this is the four ways we'd like to spend the money and then we request more 00:01:39
information and then. 00:01:46
You know, we're just down to the last minute trying to make these decisions. I think that it's part of the financial plan that we 00:01:54
have to put together for the future and we need to understand what those are as a council. 00:02:02
That that's my thinking. If that's wrong, I'm more than happy to. 00:02:10
To hear about Denise, I'll comment on that. 00:02:15
I agree with your concern and I'm not sure how much is unallocated. I know there is 600,000 we've identified for broadband, but 00:02:18
beyond that I'm not for sure. 00:02:23
And I talked with mainstream yesterday and with the holdup with the bead program is not in Annapolis, it's not the not the 00:02:29
vendors, it's the FCC. They're waiting to validate the last amount of last addresses. And once they do that, then then the deed 00:02:36
will be will be will be assigned. So we're we're still hoping that that they'll make an assignment. But having said what you said 00:02:44
and I agree with you. 00:02:51
Our last Commission meeting is on the 17th. But I think what we need to do is we need to talk about to allocate that. I still want 00:03:00
to keep that money for BEAD. But if we, if time runs out and the FCC, NTIA, they don't do their due diligence, then to me, you 00:03:07
know, we don't want to lose it. It needs to be reallocated someplace else. So I would like to, again, I don't know what the total 00:03:14
amount is. It's not been, it's not been allocated yet. But you know, there's 600,000. 00:03:21
From Bead. And I'll be willing to, you know, talk about if it doesn't go there, where do we put it? 00:03:28
It's got to be used, otherwise we lose it. 00:03:35
Facing my comment. 00:03:38
I'll let you take care of. 00:03:40
Right now, unallocated to my knowledge is like one point, 4,000,807 pages. I thought it was 1.8 million. I think it's 1.4 we've 00:03:44
got down here. That's the number in my head. I asked just the other day, 800 thousand of which. 00:03:51
Has been committed to the building, at least to the extent that it was. 00:03:59
Part of our discussion with our bonding agents that this money was in there and so that's. 00:04:05
OK, so can somebody just called on right now and find out exactly how much? I mean 400,000 is a lot of money. We need to 00:04:12
understand this at 1.8 or is it 1.4? 00:04:17
If somebody. 00:04:23
And allocated. 00:04:25
Oh, you know what it is. 00:04:28
The Building 600 that had been originally discussed for broadband. 00:04:30
What is it 800 for the building and 600? 00:04:35
I will tell you the commissioners have had discussions back and forth, back and forth about broadband versus roads. And I will 00:04:40
also tell you that most recently Don came before us. I believe it's a little bit before or after the election and told us that. 00:04:46
He's recommending that that 600,000 be allocated for the Bridge 51 project because he's afraid that when our match comes due to 00:04:54
keep us on schedule next summer for breaking ground on that, that that's a $3000 will be. 00:05:01
Necessary. 00:05:09
So again, if that verifies through dawn, then my thinking is the 800,000, you just go to the building because that's been part of 00:05:10
our our math with our bonding agents and that and the 600,000 in my opinion, would need to shift from broadband to the bridge. 00:05:19
Because, you know, I realized that broadband is important, but. 00:05:28
Part of my thinking is that we're subsidizing an industry by doing that, but the other thing is just the sheer usage, the number 00:05:33
of people who cross that bridge probably in half a day. 00:05:37
Far exceeds the number of people impacted by the broad. Did you have a number? 00:05:42
$821,800 OK, So if Don is here, then I know where the 800 and the 600 were? 00:05:48
Allocated in our mind, in our discussions, but I don't know where that residual is. I suspect people escaping me at the moment 00:05:59
because I didn't realize this was going to be on the agenda until this morning. I understand. 00:06:05
I have a couple things I'd like to see the math on the 800,000, how that was baked into the Chase building bond or ban. I'm sorry, 00:06:12
I don't, I don't really understand that. And I I just need to understand if, if it if that's where it's at and I believe it is. I 00:06:19
just like to understand. Do you recall if it was formally baked in, so to speak, or part of the informal discussions with regards 00:06:26
to collateral, if you will, that we had? 00:06:33
That we were going to be able to. It required less borrowing #1 because we had. 00:06:41
Well, now, but now we have a whole new stream of revenue that we don't have to. 00:06:46
Have 800,000 set back if that if it really was collateral. 00:06:53
I'm not sure that's even an informal term. Yeah, yeah. The 800,000 wasn't involved in the transaction that. 00:07:00
Had that I'm aware of. 00:07:08
But we had it calculated our thoughts for remodeling, OK, OK. So ongoing operating expenses and basically had a roof need or HVAC 00:07:12
need. So it was. 00:07:17
Basically help us to. 00:07:23
It's not really a part of the band calculation, it's more of. 00:07:26
Yeah, yeah. OK. OK. So. 00:07:31
It wasn't part of the 800,000 you want to set us. How are we going to obligate that? I guess that's my question. 00:07:38
It has to be contractually obligated. How are you going to contractually obligate that? 00:07:45
By the end of the year. 00:07:51
I believe that's right. 00:07:53
Do you know you guys know? 00:07:56
And how so how are you going to contractually obligate that it was going to be obligated into? 00:08:01
Property acquisition for Bridge 51 and then once we got reimbursement through that. 00:08:06
From the state. 00:08:11
Be able to use it as we want. 00:08:13
Because we had, we had one large chunk of. 00:08:19
Property. 00:08:22
That we needed to acquire. OK, so now I'm down to, I need to see the numbers of how we're going to. 00:08:24
Yeah, I don't have those of how we're going to get to the amount that we need that we project that we might need for Bridge 51 00:08:32
now. Now I need to see that because now I understand the 800,000. 00:08:39
Is remodeling and I might be OK with that. 00:08:48
I don't have it for you today and I won't. I don't have any means to get it for you today. Like I said, I. 00:08:51
This is why I wanted to have these discussions before we get to the end of the year and then all of a sudden we don't have. 00:08:56
What we need. I don't have what I need to vote for this. I might be perfectly OK with both of these things. I don't know. And it 00:09:05
seems like we've got another 400,000 out there. 00:09:11
That that we. 00:09:17
Got a placeholder for yet so. 00:09:20
And again, we might. 00:09:23
The two placeholders I talked about were the ones that have been most present in my mind for the last. 00:09:25
OK, six months. So is there any way Don can just pop down here and talk to you? 00:09:30
I don't know if he's not in the office. 00:09:37
What can can we request that we get some kind of working paper on? 00:09:38
What is unallocated and the and that? 00:09:47
Maybe couple options that are out there on the table for the for the. 00:09:50
Suzanne just asked Don to give us a review on that. I. 00:09:58
At the commissioners meeting on Tuesday. 00:10:01
Please. All right. Any other discussion on that? 00:10:05
OK. On the Ameriprobe contract, we are coming up on the end of Year 1. 00:10:13
And Maripro contract contacted me to see whether or not we were OK to drop the chase car because that's what was originally in 00:10:19
their part of the contract is moving into 2025. 00:10:24
Their chase car would go away, so um. 00:10:31
I contacted. 00:10:36
The president of the Highlander Fire Protection District. 00:10:39
And he told me that. 00:10:42
They felt like they were good to go. In reviewing the contract that we had, I believe we were supposed to get some sort of notice 00:10:44
in writing when Highlander was fully staffed and ready to go and we've not really received that yet. So the question is do we have 00:10:50
a comfort level in this transition at this point in time? There was some unforeseen circumstances with Highlander Fire Protection 00:10:57
District with regards to change of personnel at the top. 00:11:03
So I might lean upon. 00:11:10
You guys to to reach out to them again or I'm willing to do that but. 00:11:15
You know part of the contract is the High Under Fire Protection Board shall notify the Floyd County Commissioners in writing when 00:11:20
the Highlander Fire Protection District is properly staffed and certified to take over EMS services. 00:11:26
We've never received such written notification at this point in time, so we probably need to. 00:11:32
Again before we drop this chase car. 00:11:38
To make sure that they are fully staffed and ready to go and I'm checking now because getting into the meeting of. 00:11:42
OK. So to keep that chase car would would be very expensive. 00:11:50
Addition of the estimate that they're giving me right now would be at $82,000 for the year. 00:11:56
13 Almost $14,000 per month. 00:12:02
So I literally just received that information while we're speaking. 00:12:08
So I'm not sure quite how to digest. And you, did you reach out in writing to anybody? 00:12:11
I've reached out via e-mail, the e-mail and nobody. 00:12:18
Informal. 00:12:23
Yes, we should be ready to go, but I think for something of this magnitude we need to get, I think it needs to be something in 00:12:25
right that's a contractual obligation. 00:12:28
Yeah. So is it not appropriate for you to just go back and say? 00:12:32
You know, we really would like something in writing. Could you please? That's what I'll do. 00:12:38
We got our lawyer here. I think I think it'd be best if we just requested that the board. 00:12:44
Pass a resolution that they're ready to take that on. 00:12:52
And send us the resolution. 00:12:58
We're going to be. 00:13:02
Following the contract and using your advice, would you mind reaching out to him? 00:13:03
Sure. 00:13:09
If you don't have his contact information, you believe the president of the board would be most appropriate as the chief. 00:13:11
The attorney for the board. 00:13:16
Perfect. Well, that's always between attorney to attorney then. Yeah. So see, I learned. 00:13:18
I'll, I'll lean upon you to do that then. OK, let me ask a question. So we're just saying that we get a resolution. 00:13:25
From the board and that's it. I mean that that's all we need is that right, OK. 00:13:32
Just so we don't have to go back so well. 00:13:36
Document. 00:13:39
What? OK, can I bring up something else with regard to Ameripro? 00:13:40
I had a situation just recently. 00:13:46
Where I had to call the ambulance and the mayor pro showed up. I'm in Georgetown. 00:13:50
The I got a $2500 bill. 00:13:56
For that. 00:13:59
I guess. 00:14:02
The insurance didn't cover it. The insurance wasn't. 00:14:05
In, in, in network, network. Thank you and network. 00:14:10
I didn't know I was going to bring this up today so. 00:14:15
But my. 00:14:20
My thoughts about this are not so much that I had to pay the 2500, it's that we have part of the county paying 2500 for to call an 00:14:22
ambulance in the other part of the county not paying. 00:14:30
To get it, get ambulance service, how do we rectify something like that? Well, the first thing, number one, I think that's beyond 00:14:38
the scope of this meeting. 00:14:42
Yeah #2 I've welcomed brief comments on yeah, I think you might want to review the, the schedule that was submitted by Maripro and 00:14:46
making sure they're they're billing in accordance to what was submitted into their contract. 00:14:54
It's not that contract. And what does that say? I don't know. It should spell out how much you somebody's to be built for service. 00:15:01
I mean they there's they have their rates attached to it. I mean that's so you think this is appropriate? I'm not saying it's 00:15:06
appropriate. 00:15:11
I'm saying that you should probably review and see if, if, if they are billing you and your insurance, that is the appropriate 00:15:16
amount. I don't doubt that one bit. I don't doubt that one bit. It's not, I'm not, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is 00:15:21
that we got part of the county paying for ambulance and. 00:15:26
Part of the county that's not. 00:15:32
They'll pay for ambulance. You're gonna have that as long as you have a split. 00:15:35
Model. 00:15:40
Highlander chooses not to. 00:15:42
Budget bill. 00:15:45
Anything over what insurance pays? 00:15:47
But Ameripro charges anything over what insurance doesn't pay. 00:15:50
I also believe there's some legislation coming down from the state that changes in the first year and the way that they bill as 00:15:55
well, yeah. 00:15:58
I mean, unfortunately you don't know whether an ambulance is in network when you don't check to see that when you. 00:16:01
Call because I've had, I've heard one other concern. I've heard, I've heard a couple other, you've got a couple other, but they're 00:16:08
not doing anything that's not outside of the boundary of the. I understand they have the right to do the budget billing and. 00:16:14
By doing that, we were able to keep the subsidy that we pay them down because they have the the option to do that. 00:16:20
Is it the best thing for the county in the long run? 00:16:29
Know and I think that's why Jason's working as he is for county based EMS. 00:16:32
Other people are still exploring fire based emails, I said. That's the part that goes beyond the scope. 00:16:39
OK, now, but that's a reality of if you, I'm not sure everybody in the county understands that. 00:16:44
This kind, this is kind of what's going on here. 00:16:51
Please let me ask you. I always thought that if they transported, they charged. If they just show up, they transported. OK, That's 00:16:54
good. I thought. I just thought they showed up OK. I'm good. I feel better about that. 00:17:01
If they send this resolution, say they're up to stuff and they're not, in fact, that's enough. February, what's our recourse? 00:17:14
Based on the contract, nothing. 00:17:24
There's, we can't hold them accountable based on the contract we signed with them. I guess what I'm saying is they can say they're 00:17:26
ready to go, but. 00:17:30
In reality, are they ready? Oh, we don't know, I guess. I think at this point in time they've been, to my knowledge, they've been 00:17:34
fulfilling their end of the contract. 00:17:38
2024 performing on par with what they should have said. The question is that they're ready for the step up or not. 00:17:42
And the reality is you probably won't know that until January 2nd. You know, once you've had a couple runs and you're stretched 00:17:48
this way and that way. 00:17:52
I mean our recourse. 00:17:56
If we find out that they're not as as a board to. 00:17:58
Continue to ensure safety. 00:18:02
Is to pay for the premium of continuing to have the Chase car. We don't have to decide that to them. 00:18:04
But that's what it would be. 00:18:10
Looking like if it turns out that there's a gap or a shortfall. 00:18:12
You know, one other thing while we're on the topic, and I found this in their contract as well as it wasn't too long ago that we 00:18:16
discussed the runs that that are being done for the corner and the way that those are being built. And if you look at Article 5 in 00:18:22
the contract with Highlander, it talks about how they transport these persons. 00:18:29
For the coroner's office, actually it says Highlander Fire Protection District shall not charge. 00:18:37
To transport inmates of the Floyd County Jail or county firefighters, deceased persons for the coroner's office and or law 00:18:43
enforcement personnel injured in the line of duty. So says in the contract that they should be doing some of these transports and 00:18:48
I'd like to know if they are or they aren't. 00:18:53
Yeah, I have no knowledge of that. 00:19:01
I would think that that would be within the. 00:19:03
The boundaries of their district, right? 00:19:06
Well, it says for Floyd County, so. 00:19:09
I mean, I don't know. I guess that's up to the attorneys to. 00:19:11
Yeah, Decipher. Yeah. 00:19:15
But definitely within their history, yeah. 00:19:18
Right. 00:19:22
Or they may be getting all the calls for the. 00:19:23
Deceased all right, so I just want to put that error on the. 00:19:27
Pin in the map on that so that. 00:19:30
As that approaches, so we'll hear back from. 00:19:34
Griffin hopefully short order we can as soon as we hear back. 00:19:37
That at a commissioners meeting and then bring that forward. 00:19:41
All right, well, let's just keep going in reverse order then. 00:19:46
If there are other comments on that, so the Floyd County Health Department building purchase. 00:19:51
Any updates on that? 00:19:56
We're still in the executive session. 00:19:58
Part of the case. And so that would be something that would be reserved for executive session if we were to have one at this 00:20:02
point. 00:20:06
But the timetable has not been disrupted. 00:20:11
It probably has at this point. 00:20:16
And that be something that address in the executive session. 00:20:18
Yeah. All right. 00:20:23
Anybody else? 00:20:25
I'll just expand with it within in state vague. 00:20:27
Timetable has been disrupted, but won't affect the moving out the time period that we have for switch over. OK. So we're still on 00:20:30
track. 00:20:36
We're not on the original track, but we're on a track. 00:20:43
Are we heading to the same destination? 00:20:46
Yes. 00:20:48
Just taking the long way home. 00:20:51
So we're we're still on track to the same destination, just off to the side a little bit. So we can talk afterwards if anybody 00:20:54
wants more details. 00:20:59
We'll have our own recession. 00:21:05
OK. 00:21:07
On the building authority budget. 00:21:11
We met with Aaron Combs. 00:21:15
And then an administrative meeting, I think we're I think we're OK on that at this point, correct. Unless I've heard some things 00:21:18
this last meeting, I think everybody's. 00:21:21
OK, with where we are and it's basically? 00:21:26
Budget neutral. We didn't need to put anymore, We didn't need to appropriate any more money into the budget. 00:21:29
I think we do. 00:21:37
I think what they're saying is what what was passed in our budget is, is good. 00:21:39
Right. Yeah. 00:21:44
OK. 00:21:46
So maybe we need to get Aaron to send us a revised budget. 00:21:47
Of course, you should be aware that. 00:21:54
It's been on the table that there's going to be about $1,000,000 annually in terms of expenses to keep that building going. 00:21:57
So the additional appropriation. 00:22:07
Aspect of what their additional needs are are going to be on the table so. 00:22:11
I wouldn't suggest that you. 00:22:17
Take their budget as to the bank that nothing's going to happen in this next year beyond the budget because we know that it is, 00:22:20
but it will be in additional appropriation territory as opposed to budgetary if we if we exclude the capital needs. 00:22:28
From it, are we fully budgeted? 00:22:39
For the building authority is my question, because if we're not. 00:22:42
We probably need to know that so that when the payments come due that we technically we are I I think what Mr. Fox is saying is 00:22:47
there's gonna be things come up that we're gonna have to address because we've taken. 00:22:54
The capital money out, and somewhere along the way, there's likely to be. 00:23:02
A need for for that to be revisited. 00:23:07
But to keep everything clean. 00:23:11
The budget will be in as we passed it and then we will address issues. 00:23:13
As they hopefully do not come up and apparently that'll be at more than what they originally put in their budget. 00:23:20
That's all hypothetical though in it. 00:23:26
It is, it is and, and that's. 00:23:28
We do not have a revised budget from the building authority, excluding capital that matches what we have in our budget, if that's 00:23:32
OK with everybody. 00:23:37
That serves OK. 00:23:51
Which kind of segues into the Judicial Center update. 00:23:57
They have a team coming down December 4th. 00:24:02
To look through the county building again and kind of glean the last part of the information they need to decide whether a phase 00:24:05
build out is doable. 00:24:08
Versus a takedown and build up. 00:24:13
And so my hope is that somewhere in February, March. 00:24:17
The board will be able to decide whether or not that's the pathway to go, and if not. 00:24:23
Then I think we're looking at. 00:24:29
Try to supply. 00:24:32
$1,000,000 a year, kind of. 00:24:34
Is what I've been hearing the number thrown around for the next 10 years with building 40 says that they would need in order to. 00:24:37
Keep that building afloat. It would not be a remodel. It would not be a redo. It would basically be maintenance. Maintenance, 00:24:43
patches, that type of thing. 00:24:48
So, umm. 00:24:53
Just keep that in mind that that basically is on schedule with regards to. 00:24:55
Information gathering and. 00:25:01
Schematics and things like that. I haven't seen anything schematic, so right now the big decision on that is whether or not a 00:25:03
phase build out is possible. 00:25:06
Or not. 00:25:11
The the Chase building, we closed on that last Friday. 00:25:14
I don't know if there's really any much else to say. It went according to plan, correct? 00:25:19
When according to plan. 00:25:27
This point in time where in the stage of. 00:25:29
Transitioning. 00:25:35
Right now, in fact, I spoke to Susanna this morning and she's taking care of changing the utilities for the building. 00:25:37
As where as well as working through the process of. 00:25:44
The vendors that are taking care of different aspects of the building. 00:25:50
And making sure that we have a point person for the tenants of the building to call us. 00:25:55
If there is anything that needs to be done in terms of maintenance or whatever with regards to the building, so as a landlord we 00:26:02
we need to be ready to go and ready to take care of and respond to anything that we have with regards to that building. The other 00:26:09
aspect is the transition in the building. We were burning off some leases. We know what sort of spaces are coming due and so the 00:26:17
Commission. 00:26:24
Will be working in terms of the transition. 00:26:32
Going through what we have to do statutorily and practically in order to get the offices that are going to be moving over there. 00:26:36
Into that space. Get that worked out. 00:26:46
Everything's been kind of a blur. I can't. Do we have the funds in place for receiving? 00:26:48
Rent at this point in time or is that we do we set up line item with regards to that. So as the rents come in they'll go right 00:26:54
into that line item and that's the maintenance fund as well, correct? 00:27:00
Which is by design. To take care of that building, Susanna has stepped up. 00:27:10
Admirably, she's been that point person right now for utilities and tenants and. 00:27:14
In my mind, she's going to be the lead on managing that building for the foreseeable future. 00:27:20
It was, it was a good day of embarrassing over there. So it's it's nice. I think projections are that. 00:27:27
Late March 2025, second third floors will be vacated to the remodeling again. 00:27:36
And spoke with architects yesterday. They're getting those plans together right now in regards to. 00:27:43
How long that bill that will take, so hopefully we'll have. 00:27:51
People moved over there. 00:27:55
I'm ready to go by. 00:27:57
Certainly this time next year. 00:28:00
Is there any thought process been put in place about signage? 00:28:04
Yeah. It's not a brand new logo or what's going on. So you've been present some of those meetings, so signages on the agenda, but 00:28:09
it's kind of a low on the priority list. But our building representative is talking with local contractors who do signage with 00:28:17
regards to some design and then. 00:28:24
Placement It's my understanding that Chase has rights to the. 00:28:33
North and South facades on that building with regard to signage. 00:28:37
That leaves the east and the West for us to to put signage up on so. 00:28:43
Yeah, my hope would be that in the not too distant future, you'll be able to see some signage coming over. 00:28:48
Bridge day and night. And also get the flagpole up there working again. I forget get into the details. That's been an empty 00:28:54
flagpole up there for a long time. 00:28:58
So. 00:29:03
It continues to come along. 00:29:05
There's anything else to say, but Susanna, do you have any? 00:29:09
You say things seem to be smooth from your end on on things. 00:29:12
Am I missing anything on that Rick? 00:29:15
So. 00:29:20
Yeah, you can submit in the signage logos to. 00:29:22
To the committee and we'll look at logo for about 200 years. 00:29:27
How Long's the county been accounting? 00:29:32
1819. 00:29:35
So 200 years, it's a pretty good logo to me. 00:29:36
Change, that's what we want. To make it more odd. Maybe you can go take the medallion down from the county building and hoist it. 00:29:40
Jason, I'll give you a hand. 00:29:47
Would probably be. 00:29:51
$5000. 00:29:52
Anyway, in all seriousness, there has been thought to it as well as I think, I think we probably need to look early next year with 00:29:56
regards to to just naming of our buildings. We have somebody in the portfolio. There's some confusion. 00:30:01
Accurate calls pay the Pineview Government Center, where's the City of Pine View and that type of thing. So it may be a good idea 00:30:08
to rename this. 00:30:12
Building as well. I mean, right now the working name that we have in the office is the Floyd County Government Administration 00:30:17
Building. I don't know what the acronym for that spells. We'll have to make sure that that's not honoring, you know. 00:30:23
And so anyway, it's good, it's been busier. If you look at the health department building that's. 00:30:31
Still imminent. 00:30:37
And then the Chase Bill, we've kind of put some cracks in the ice on this big log jam and. 00:30:39
Next year is going to bring more clarity to it. 00:30:44
So Chase has a long term lease? 00:30:47
Yeah, five years. Oh, it's five. And they could go beyond that. 00:30:50
Sorry, 332 and they're paying roughly 100,000 a year. 00:30:56
Roughly covers the interest on the van. 00:31:02
So I think we're in good shape on that. 00:31:06
I've got a couple of loose items. We had a very short notice. S&P. 00:31:09
Bond rating meeting on Wednesday and. 00:31:15
Everybody really kind of rallied to do that. We had a very short week because veteran's day, but. 00:31:19
Diana gets the MVP award for her testimony at that, in my opinion. And then I was there as a bench warmer and then Danny was there 00:31:23
and Steve was there. 00:31:29
And Don was there. 00:31:35
And Gloria was there, and then Tim Berry from Crow was there. Am I missing anybody? 00:31:37
And then on their end, we had about an hour of Q&A. They submitted roughly 30 questions to us. 00:31:43
And I think it went better than expected. 00:31:50
So we'll see how those. 00:31:53
OK already. 00:31:57
Did you meet with pro or something Crow? 00:32:05
And this is related to the. 00:32:10
Bond rating that we are going to. OK, yeah. So what triggered it evidently was the state audit and some internal controls that had 00:32:12
not been ironed out and they from what I understand began a decade ago and there are plans. 00:32:21
In place to. 00:32:30
Correct those and overcome those so. 00:32:32
Diana. 00:32:39
Yeah. 00:32:43
It's on. It's on. It was on. 00:32:46
The majority of the findings that have existed over the last decade have actually been corrected. The Auditor's office was the 00:32:55
recipient of a partial finding this year that was specific to the AFR and just some. 00:33:00
Incorrectly entered information or submitted information that we were able to correct throughout our audit this year. So the 00:33:07
current AFR for the fiscal year of 2023 is actually accurate. One of the biggest ones had to do with our capital assets and the 00:33:13
lack of inventory and valuation, which we corrected earlier this year and we were able to adjust on the AFR after the original 00:33:19
submission. 00:33:25
I will say that we are already in the process of updating for 2024, so that when I go to submit the AFR next year, our capital 00:33:32
assets are once again updated to reflect the current accurate evaluation for the county. So we are on top of that I. 00:33:39
And any additional missing pieces are being corrected and they weren't aware of some of the new revenue streams as well. So there 00:33:48
was a lot of information that was provided and I think it went very well. Yeah. So we're currently at an A rating. Is that 00:33:53
correct? I believe so. I don't know how long it takes to hear back from them. 00:33:59
I think it'll be fairly quickly. 00:34:06
After Steve and I met with him yesterday, he did advise that he'd have the remainder of the information that had been requested to 00:34:09
SNP no later than Monday. So I believe that they'll be able to review all of it at that point and any follow up questions should 00:34:13
be fairly quickly forthcoming so. 00:34:18
So anyway, I was really impressed with. 00:34:24
The job that was done by everybody who presented it. 00:34:27
I think it. 00:34:30
Another attaboy for the. 00:34:33
Park that was opened up on Tuesday. 00:34:35
It already is a very nice facility and will continue to grow and expand and it was very well attended there were. 00:34:39
I would say probably. 00:34:48
Steve, you, you count people that are 90, maybe 50 people there. 00:34:50
Yeah, so get out there and walk and help. 00:34:55
Breaking the trails. The only business I have left is that I'm going to ask Susanna and Gloria to just kind of keep the 2025 joint 00:35:00
meetings. 00:35:05
Roughly the same date. So we'll send those out by e-mail, give everybody plenty of notice with regards to. So are we keeping the 00:35:13
23rd definite? Are we keeping it as a placeholder? I was OK with the 23rd but. 00:35:21
That's our last meeting. Is that a that's a 4:00, right? 00:35:31
I think we're going to we're going to need to do something about the Arthur monies unless we get them appropriated in our 00:35:35
December. 00:35:39
And it needs to be a meeting so that we can do appropriations if we need to. 00:35:46
Unless we get them appropriated in our regular December meeting. Oh we do have the other meeting though scheduled. 00:35:52
OK. I'll try to have the, I mean, Suzanne, I don't see any reason why we can't have a formal recommendation. 00:36:02
From the Commissioners at our next meeting. 00:36:09
So we can put that on there and just have Don rundown where we are and everything. You OK with that, Jason? Yeah, absolutely. 00:36:12
Well, that's the earliest opportunities next Tuesday for us and we'll have our recommendation at that point. 00:36:17
Any comments from? 00:36:26
I think I did that earlier. Yeah, we do. Yeah, that's right. 00:36:29
No worries. Yeah, chances you odds were you were correct on that because I usually forget that muscle memory. Yeah, that's right. 00:36:32
Any comment from public officials who might be with us today or any members of the public, Any closing comments from anyone? I 00:36:39
just, I have two questions. One questions. 00:36:46
Yes. 00:36:54
One you said. 00:36:57
If we don't go forward with the build out. 00:37:00
We're going to do $1,000,000 for the next 10 years. 00:37:03
My question is if. 00:37:07
That's the route we're going to go. Why did we push purchase the Chase building if we're going to be leaving the building as is 00:37:09
and just doing some maintenance number that I'll answer that because that was never my first choice, OK. And I don't think it's 00:37:15
practical. And the quote $1,000,000 a year for 10 years came through the building, right? That was the building authority. 00:37:21
No, I just wanted to make sure that that's right. 00:37:29
Then the second question is, we have that building in Georgetown. 00:37:36
The old school. 00:37:42
Is that still out? Is it hours now? Is it in the works or do we know? 00:37:44
Edwardsville, The old Edwards School, Edwardsville, Georgetown, whatever. 00:37:54
OK, but it's still coming to us. 00:38:01
Correct my understanding yes, but I was also under the impression that they did do some roof work last week. There were plans for 00:38:04
a Community Center or something like that. 00:38:08
You're asking because you think it might fulfill a need or? I was just curious. You said something about the Regional Park or 00:38:14
whatever it's called and. 00:38:18
That's right there in that general area. 00:38:23
So I just was curious, are we still taking that building? What are we doing with it? My understanding, yes, OK, that's not been on 00:38:25
our desk for discussion for a long time. It seems like the plans on that have not been altered. But I had a patient of mine who 00:38:31
told me that they saw some roofers out there doing some work for it. And so that's an indication to be that things are still 00:38:37
moving forward with that. You may not be about to get an update on it according to the paper. 00:38:43
According to the paper, they're supposed to transfer the sprig. We're supposed to transfer that building to it. 00:38:51
County. 00:38:56
Short percentage pretty quickly, I think next month or two. 00:38:57
OK. 00:39:07
And what was, what is the plan for that building? Community Center, Community Center for Georgia, for Evansville, Georgia. There 00:39:08
may be another office in there as well. 00:39:11
Well, any questions you can come my way. That would be executive stuff and now it will we'll talk. 00:39:20
I'm not trying to withhold information. I'm just it's not appropriate to put out right now. So for Danny, I want to have a crystal 00:39:27
ball and just, I mean, I've been advised not to, so I'm not going to. 00:39:34
Any other comments? 00:39:41
All right. Look for a motion to adjourn. So moved. All right, thank you. 00:39:44
Have a good Thanksgiving. 00:39:47
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