No Bookmarks Exist.
Finally organized. | 00:00:06 | |
But they kept getting back in, you know, they go down 1820 points and they cut it back to 12 and they got it back to 9. You know, | 00:00:13 | |
I just couldn't ever get over that last month. | 00:00:16 | |
Text somebody, can I see it on 150? Is somebody building a new house correct kind of on your also the neighborhood? Yeah, that's | 00:00:44 | |
right. | 00:00:47 | |
Brad Williams. I know him. | 00:00:51 | |
He's a paint business. I didn't know there were any empty lots available. Lots left back there. | 00:00:56 | |
Been trying to sell that for years. So it's all floodplain. Oh really? Yeah, whole lot. I mean, the the curve is in the flood and | 00:01:01 | |
he built it up, you know, he's out of it, but it's a whole lot, you know? | 00:01:09 | |
So Jesse Blue bought it. Jesse Blue sold it. | 00:01:17 | |
All right, it is time to call the November Planning Commission meeting to order if we could stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. | 00:01:22 | |
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, | 00:01:34 | |
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:01:40 | |
Roll call please. | 00:01:49 | |
Here. | 00:01:51 | |
Here. | 00:01:53 | |
Here. | 00:01:56 | |
Here. | 00:01:58 | |
Yeah, here. | 00:01:59 | |
Here right, so it sounds like we have a form. | 00:02:05 | |
So we can go ahead and move forward minutes from the August meeting. | 00:02:10 | |
Does anyone have any additions or corrections to those minutes? | 00:02:15 | |
Motion to approve. | 00:02:19 | |
Have a motion to have a second. | 00:02:20 | |
Second motion. Second, all those in favor signify by saying aye, aye, all those opposed. | 00:02:22 | |
Motion passes, minutes are approved. We have no old business, Nick. We do have some new business and that is the 2025 meeting | 00:02:29 | |
schedule. | 00:02:34 | |
Yeah, we just have a few administrative items tonight. The first big the schedule. I did confer with the County Council to make | 00:02:40 | |
sure we didn't have any. | 00:02:44 | |
Conflicts on these dates. | 00:02:50 | |
The BCA approved these earlier tonight so they are OK with them. | 00:02:52 | |
You will find this satisfactory. | 00:02:58 | |
Obviously if there's conflicts in the future, we could change it. | 00:03:04 | |
To set the schedule, we'd like that. | 00:03:08 | |
You need us to make that. | 00:03:14 | |
We have anybody have questions about the media schedule that was sent out? | 00:03:16 | |
You have a motion to approve the meeting scheduled for 2025. So moved. | 00:03:24 | |
Have a motion. Have a second. | 00:03:27 | |
I'll second it. Have a second All those in favor of approving the 2025 meeting schedule signify by saying aye, aye, all those | 00:03:30 | |
opposed. | 00:03:33 | |
Meeting schedule is approved. | 00:03:38 | |
All right. It looks like our next agenda item is the Argus here August TRC approvals for Red Wire. | 00:03:41 | |
Yeah, this is just an update of the activities of the TRC. | 00:03:49 | |
In August, which was. | 00:03:53 | |
Last time we actually had a meeting. | 00:03:55 | |
They approve the red wire development plan, that is. | 00:03:58 | |
Red wire facility at the Nova Park. | 00:04:01 | |
I believe I included the notice. | 00:04:04 | |
The letter of approval which had the conditions they have met. | 00:04:09 | |
And our tour with their their project. | 00:04:13 | |
There is no item action item for, this is just. | 00:04:17 | |
Update of the TRC. | 00:04:22 | |
Actions. | 00:04:24 | |
Any questions for Nick about what he sent out? | 00:04:27 | |
All right. Looks like we're going to be on the last item, which is the discussion on the wellhead. Yeah, So we had planned to have | 00:04:31 | |
Edwardsville Water here to provide some. | 00:04:36 | |
Background information Additional. | 00:04:42 | |
Reasoning for the wall and protection area that they were. | 00:04:44 | |
Proposing. | 00:04:49 | |
Their operator notified me that he wasn't going to be able to do. | 00:04:51 | |
Personal issues come up in the. | 00:04:56 | |
In interim period, so I don't actually have any additional information since something that. | 00:04:58 | |
They need to be leading on the reasonable reasoning and rationale. | 00:05:07 | |
I would propose to kind of. | 00:05:12 | |
Further this along outside of the. | 00:05:16 | |
Blank creation that perhaps we could form a subcommittee to work with them. | 00:05:18 | |
And determine to get the information together that's needed. | 00:05:23 | |
Before we bring it back to the Planning Commission, so if if the. | 00:05:28 | |
Ford finds that reasonable. | 00:05:32 | |
I would ask that to be formed maybe 2:00 to 3:00 or maybe three to four people. | 00:05:35 | |
To volunteer for that. | 00:05:41 | |
It would still be. | 00:05:43 | |
Them providing the information, presenting it to the subcommittee. | 00:05:46 | |
And then the subcommittee. | 00:05:51 | |
And that presenting their findings to the full board. So what you need is just someone to sit with them and help. | 00:05:53 | |
Yeah. So I did do research into this and these wellhead protection plans are required for these water companies. Part of that is | 00:06:00 | |
they're supposed to be working with locals for that. | 00:06:06 | |
I asked them to write that information. | 00:06:12 | |
So instead of bringing this to the board and tabling it or not having nothing. | 00:06:18 | |
Which, you know, I would like to just have the subcommittee that can. | 00:06:23 | |
Deal with it and. | 00:06:28 | |
Have their findings presented. | 00:06:30 | |
Instead of dealing with the. | 00:06:32 | |
Having them come back as soon as. Anybody have an interest in helping work with Evansville ON? | 00:06:34 | |
Their wellhead protection. | 00:06:40 | |
Stuff, Nick, when's our next meeting? | 00:06:42 | |
December 9th. | 00:06:46 | |
Is there any way maybe we can table it until the December 9th meeting? Because we have several members that aren't here that might | 00:06:48 | |
have interest in serving on the subcommittee, so that might be the better option. | 00:06:53 | |
I have a motion to table like yeah table that so we're. | 00:06:58 | |
We can just bring it up and table it a a creation of this. Yeah, yeah, I'll make that a motion. I have a motion to table accretion | 00:07:02 | |
of the subcommittee about a second. | 00:07:06 | |
Now, second, have a second all those in favor of cabling the creation of a subcommittee for the welfare protection signify by | 00:07:12 | |
saying aye, aye, all those opposed. | 00:07:16 | |
All right. Motion passes. Anything else, Nick? That's all I have, unless you all have some questions for me. | 00:07:21 | |
Don't have questions, but if you have an interest in serving as a vice chair, I will not be vice chair next year. See, Nick, you | 00:07:27 | |
want to be vice chair? | 00:07:30 | |
All right, nothing else from the board. | 00:07:35 | |
Do I have a motion to adjourn? Have a motion have second, Second. | 00:07:37 | |
All those in favor of adjourning the meeting signify by saying aye aye, all those opposed. | 00:07:41 | |
Motion or motion passes. | 00:07:47 | |
You're walking. | 00:07:50 |
* you need to log in to manage your favorites
* use Ctrl+F (Cmd+F on Mac) to search in document
* use Ctrl+F (Cmd+F on Mac) to search in document
Finally organized. | 00:00:06 | |
But they kept getting back in, you know, they go down 1820 points and they cut it back to 12 and they got it back to 9. You know, | 00:00:13 | |
I just couldn't ever get over that last month. | 00:00:16 | |
Text somebody, can I see it on 150? Is somebody building a new house correct kind of on your also the neighborhood? Yeah, that's | 00:00:44 | |
right. | 00:00:47 | |
Brad Williams. I know him. | 00:00:51 | |
He's a paint business. I didn't know there were any empty lots available. Lots left back there. | 00:00:56 | |
Been trying to sell that for years. So it's all floodplain. Oh really? Yeah, whole lot. I mean, the the curve is in the flood and | 00:01:01 | |
he built it up, you know, he's out of it, but it's a whole lot, you know? | 00:01:09 | |
So Jesse Blue bought it. Jesse Blue sold it. | 00:01:17 | |
All right, it is time to call the November Planning Commission meeting to order if we could stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. | 00:01:22 | |
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, | 00:01:34 | |
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:01:40 | |
Roll call please. | 00:01:49 | |
Here. | 00:01:51 | |
Here. | 00:01:53 | |
Here. | 00:01:56 | |
Here. | 00:01:58 | |
Yeah, here. | 00:01:59 | |
Here right, so it sounds like we have a form. | 00:02:05 | |
So we can go ahead and move forward minutes from the August meeting. | 00:02:10 | |
Does anyone have any additions or corrections to those minutes? | 00:02:15 | |
Motion to approve. | 00:02:19 | |
Have a motion to have a second. | 00:02:20 | |
Second motion. Second, all those in favor signify by saying aye, aye, all those opposed. | 00:02:22 | |
Motion passes, minutes are approved. We have no old business, Nick. We do have some new business and that is the 2025 meeting | 00:02:29 | |
schedule. | 00:02:34 | |
Yeah, we just have a few administrative items tonight. The first big the schedule. I did confer with the County Council to make | 00:02:40 | |
sure we didn't have any. | 00:02:44 | |
Conflicts on these dates. | 00:02:50 | |
The BCA approved these earlier tonight so they are OK with them. | 00:02:52 | |
You will find this satisfactory. | 00:02:58 | |
Obviously if there's conflicts in the future, we could change it. | 00:03:04 | |
To set the schedule, we'd like that. | 00:03:08 | |
You need us to make that. | 00:03:14 | |
We have anybody have questions about the media schedule that was sent out? | 00:03:16 | |
You have a motion to approve the meeting scheduled for 2025. So moved. | 00:03:24 | |
Have a motion. Have a second. | 00:03:27 | |
I'll second it. Have a second All those in favor of approving the 2025 meeting schedule signify by saying aye, aye, all those | 00:03:30 | |
opposed. | 00:03:33 | |
Meeting schedule is approved. | 00:03:38 | |
All right. It looks like our next agenda item is the Argus here August TRC approvals for Red Wire. | 00:03:41 | |
Yeah, this is just an update of the activities of the TRC. | 00:03:49 | |
In August, which was. | 00:03:53 | |
Last time we actually had a meeting. | 00:03:55 | |
They approve the red wire development plan, that is. | 00:03:58 | |
Red wire facility at the Nova Park. | 00:04:01 | |
I believe I included the notice. | 00:04:04 | |
The letter of approval which had the conditions they have met. | 00:04:09 | |
And our tour with their their project. | 00:04:13 | |
There is no item action item for, this is just. | 00:04:17 | |
Update of the TRC. | 00:04:22 | |
Actions. | 00:04:24 | |
Any questions for Nick about what he sent out? | 00:04:27 | |
All right. Looks like we're going to be on the last item, which is the discussion on the wellhead. Yeah, So we had planned to have | 00:04:31 | |
Edwardsville Water here to provide some. | 00:04:36 | |
Background information Additional. | 00:04:42 | |
Reasoning for the wall and protection area that they were. | 00:04:44 | |
Proposing. | 00:04:49 | |
Their operator notified me that he wasn't going to be able to do. | 00:04:51 | |
Personal issues come up in the. | 00:04:56 | |
In interim period, so I don't actually have any additional information since something that. | 00:04:58 | |
They need to be leading on the reasonable reasoning and rationale. | 00:05:07 | |
I would propose to kind of. | 00:05:12 | |
Further this along outside of the. | 00:05:16 | |
Blank creation that perhaps we could form a subcommittee to work with them. | 00:05:18 | |
And determine to get the information together that's needed. | 00:05:23 | |
Before we bring it back to the Planning Commission, so if if the. | 00:05:28 | |
Ford finds that reasonable. | 00:05:32 | |
I would ask that to be formed maybe 2:00 to 3:00 or maybe three to four people. | 00:05:35 | |
To volunteer for that. | 00:05:41 | |
It would still be. | 00:05:43 | |
Them providing the information, presenting it to the subcommittee. | 00:05:46 | |
And then the subcommittee. | 00:05:51 | |
And that presenting their findings to the full board. So what you need is just someone to sit with them and help. | 00:05:53 | |
Yeah. So I did do research into this and these wellhead protection plans are required for these water companies. Part of that is | 00:06:00 | |
they're supposed to be working with locals for that. | 00:06:06 | |
I asked them to write that information. | 00:06:12 | |
So instead of bringing this to the board and tabling it or not having nothing. | 00:06:18 | |
Which, you know, I would like to just have the subcommittee that can. | 00:06:23 | |
Deal with it and. | 00:06:28 | |
Have their findings presented. | 00:06:30 | |
Instead of dealing with the. | 00:06:32 | |
Having them come back as soon as. Anybody have an interest in helping work with Evansville ON? | 00:06:34 | |
Their wellhead protection. | 00:06:40 | |
Stuff, Nick, when's our next meeting? | 00:06:42 | |
December 9th. | 00:06:46 | |
Is there any way maybe we can table it until the December 9th meeting? Because we have several members that aren't here that might | 00:06:48 | |
have interest in serving on the subcommittee, so that might be the better option. | 00:06:53 | |
I have a motion to table like yeah table that so we're. | 00:06:58 | |
We can just bring it up and table it a a creation of this. Yeah, yeah, I'll make that a motion. I have a motion to table accretion | 00:07:02 | |
of the subcommittee about a second. | 00:07:06 | |
Now, second, have a second all those in favor of cabling the creation of a subcommittee for the welfare protection signify by | 00:07:12 | |
saying aye, aye, all those opposed. | 00:07:16 | |
All right. Motion passes. Anything else, Nick? That's all I have, unless you all have some questions for me. | 00:07:21 | |
Don't have questions, but if you have an interest in serving as a vice chair, I will not be vice chair next year. See, Nick, you | 00:07:27 | |
want to be vice chair? | 00:07:30 | |
All right, nothing else from the board. | 00:07:35 | |
Do I have a motion to adjourn? Have a motion have second, Second. | 00:07:37 | |
All those in favor of adjourning the meeting signify by saying aye aye, all those opposed. | 00:07:41 | |
Motion or motion passes. | 00:07:47 | |
You're walking. | 00:07:50 |