No Bookmarks Exist.
Digging dirt on that new apartment complex out there by the coffee shop on 150. | 00:00:00 | |
By Napleton. | 00:00:06 | |
When was that supposed to start up? | 00:00:07 | |
Don't go no wait on your claim to approve it. | 00:00:13 | |
OK. This is the thing that statutory we need to do. | 00:00:17 | |
As part of the agenda, we have all we need now, OK? | 00:00:20 | |
All right. Thank you. | 00:00:26 | |
OK, let's call to order. | 00:00:36 | |
The June 18th, 2024 meeting of the Floyd County Redevelopment Commission. | 00:00:38 | |
Teresa, roll call. | 00:00:46 | |
Here. | 00:00:50 | |
Here. | 00:00:52 | |
Here here. | 00:00:54 | |
Here. | 00:00:58 | |
All right. | 00:01:00 | |
Let's move on to approval of minutes and claims. Does everybody have a chance to take a look at the minutes motion to approve the? | 00:01:02 | |
The minutes? Is there a second? | 00:01:08 | |
2nd. | 00:01:11 | |
Any discussion? | 00:01:14 | |
All in favor say aye. | 00:01:17 | |
Maybe let me be more specific. We have two sets of minutes, a motion to approve the May 10th minutes and also the May, I believe | 00:01:20 | |
it's the 21st minutes. | 00:01:26 | |
Yes, that's my motion. | 00:01:32 | |
And this who seconded that? | 00:01:36 | |
Did you, Jeff? Was that you, Jeff, you still you're good with that motion as amended. | 00:01:40 | |
OK, very good. All in favor say aye. Aye. All opposed. Same sign. OK, motion carries. | 00:01:44 | |
Don you want to talk about? | 00:01:52 | |
Do we have any claims? | 00:01:57 | |
I didn't see it. No claims. OK. | 00:02:00 | |
Just for your for your information, is the. | 00:02:04 | |
Funds for each. | 00:02:08 | |
A funds report and the budget staff should be in your packet. | 00:02:13 | |
I would go to remember E real quickly just to give you an update. As far as to make my move, I believe I sent a. | 00:02:16 | |
They now have some additional benchmarks and what items on their websites for data. So we provided that we have 14 offers, 11 | 00:02:26 | |
acceptances and eight moves so far. | 00:02:32 | |
Good. | 00:02:40 | |
That's all I have, unless you have any questions. | 00:02:42 | |
OK. | 00:02:49 | |
Thank you, Don. | 00:02:50 | |
Is there any public comment? | 00:02:52 | |
Good morning. | 00:02:59 | |
Secondly, there is a continual failure to update the agenda and minutes in a timely and consistent manner. | 00:03:30 | |
This practice undermines the principles of transparency and accountability that are fundamental to effective governance. Access to | 00:03:36 | |
current agendas and accurate minutes is crucial for the public to stay informed about the Commission's activities and decisions. I | 00:03:41 | |
request that the Commission establish and adhere to a clear schedule for updating these documents and make them readily available | 00:03:46 | |
to the public well in advance of each meeting. | 00:03:51 | |
Addressing these issues is essential to maintaining public trust and ensuring that all community members have a fair opportunity | 00:03:57 | |
to engage in the redevelopment process. I appreciate your attention to these matters and look forward to seeing improvements in | 00:04:03 | |
the accessibility and transparency of your meetings. What was your name, ma'am? Amanda Miles, Georgetown. | 00:04:09 | |
OK, Thank you. But also too, I'd like to note that this is being recorded. Is that correct, Teresa? | 00:04:15 | |
Yeah. So people can always watch the meetings. And I understand your concern. I'm just saying watch the meetings, but they're not | 00:04:21 | |
able to participate. And I understand. Yeah, I understand. I just wanna let you know that. Yeah. | 00:04:26 | |
All right. Thank you. | 00:04:30 | |
OK, um. | 00:04:33 | |
New business. | 00:04:36 | |
Justin, this was the resolution we just were just talking about just now. | 00:04:39 | |
So yes, the resolution that I just circulated around is the annual resolution. | 00:04:43 | |
That we have to approve. It's similar to the one we approved last year. | 00:04:51 | |
And. | 00:04:56 | |
It's similar to the one we approved last year. | 00:04:59 | |
Saying there's no excess funds and we've provided. | 00:05:02 | |
Notice to the following taxing districts done prepared it. You can say if there's any other changes, but I don't think there's any | 00:05:07 | |
other changes from the previous. | 00:05:11 | |
And what's the resolution number on this going to be? Is it? | 00:05:15 | |
6. | 00:05:25 | |
06. | 00:05:26 | |
I guess the only recommendation I would make is when you read this. | 00:05:31 | |
If someone was going through the list of resolutions, it's like it's very generic. | 00:05:35 | |
Resolution of the redevelopation, I think maybe we need to put an error addressing no excess tip funds or something like that. | 00:05:41 | |
That would be my recommendation. | 00:05:48 | |
Change the title of the yes. | 00:05:51 | |
No excess, yeah. | 00:05:55 | |
No excess assessed value. That's actually what you give up. It's kind of an awful way to do it, but no excess assessed value is | 00:06:01 | |
probably what I'd call it. | 00:06:04 | |
Yeah, that we've got, you know, otherwise you read it and it's like. | 00:06:09 | |
What is it? | 00:06:13 | |
So I'll make a recommendation. We approve with the with the change of adding. | 00:06:18 | |
Resolution of the Floyd County Commission. | 00:06:23 | |
Floyd County. | 00:06:26 | |
What? No. | 00:06:30 | |
Excess assessed value Resolution number 20246. Yes, that'll be by Teresa. Did you get that? | 00:06:32 | |
OK, that would be my motion. | 00:06:40 | |
Is there a second? | 00:06:45 | |
Any discussion? | 00:06:47 | |
All in favor, aye aye. Opposed. | 00:06:51 | |
All right, motion carries. | 00:06:54 | |
Yeah. | 00:07:01 | |
Brad. | 00:07:03 | |
OK, the strand US150 study contract amendment. | 00:07:07 | |
Anything you want to add about that? | 00:07:12 | |
This is part of the project is on US 115. Regarding addition, there was an additional request from Indi for modeling for the. | 00:07:18 | |
For the. | 00:07:27 | |
Traffic flow from the from the possible development. | 00:07:30 | |
And so that increased the their dollar amount on that contract to provide the items. | 00:07:35 | |
That NDOT was requested which was more modeling, 150 more modeling involvements and road and Schreiber Rd. | 00:07:41 | |
And that amount was 11,500. | 00:07:50 | |
Don't worry about the 1:50 we talking about. | 00:07:55 | |
We're talking on US 1:15 we're talking. | 00:07:59 | |
Approximately where? | 00:08:04 | |
Kent Whittens property is right behind you. | 00:08:07 | |
You have the JC store. | 00:08:11 | |
OK. There's a lot of work going on 150 there. | 00:08:14 | |
Yes, this was this was regarding a potential cut in the limited access. | 00:08:18 | |
So are you looking for a motion to approve that? | 00:08:30 | |
Amendment, yes. OK. | 00:08:33 | |
What was the amount done 11/5? | 00:08:40 | |
The total total project goes from 44,500 to 56,000. | 00:08:44 | |
So it was 44 five and then and total projects is what again 6056 thousand 56,000. OK, good. OK, yeah. | 00:09:00 | |
That's good. | 00:09:10 | |
Make a motion to approve the Strand US150 contract amendment. | 00:09:13 | |
Is there a second? | 00:09:20 | |
I'll second with. | 00:09:22 | |
The notion that's $11,500 increase or change? | 00:09:23 | |
OK, right seconds. Any discussion? | 00:09:28 | |
Good. All in favor say aye aye. | 00:09:32 | |
Opposed. | 00:09:35 | |
OK. | 00:09:39 | |
Public hearing on the bond 5 building, 5 bond financing and this resolution. | 00:09:41 | |
You'll need to. | 00:09:47 | |
Recess your your current meeting and go into a public hearing. | 00:09:50 | |
This is a public hearing that you had last month. | 00:09:54 | |
The only change was at the time it was a $6 million cap. | 00:09:58 | |
The funding came back or draft term sheets came back and the actual project cost is now 6.16, which requires a re advertising of | 00:10:03 | |
public hearing and re off of the, the, the approval of the resolution after public hearing. If it's so true that if you so choose. | 00:10:11 | |
And then also the commissioners have their similar action that they did last month as well. | 00:10:20 | |
Like I said. | 00:10:29 | |
Primary reason it was when we did our initial term sheet was without some of the interest rate increases and the requirement of | 00:10:30 | |
some additional capitalized interest that is required for the term. | 00:10:37 | |
Of the bond, No, no, the payments are still the same. The funding for the payments are still the same, which is the lease payment. | 00:10:45 | |
And then that is backed by the red wire chip as well. So I believe you have to do to recess your meeting and then go into public. | 00:10:54 | |
Mr. Chair. Mr. Chairman, I make a motion to recess the regular meeting and open up the public hearing for bond, the Building 5 | 00:11:02 | |
bond financing second. | 00:11:10 | |
All favor aye opposed. OK, we're in recess now. Public hearing for. | 00:11:19 | |
The foreign financing resolution. | 00:11:26 | |
Any comments from the public about that? | 00:11:29 | |
Not hearing any. | 00:11:36 | |
Do we need to then recess the public hearing and go back to? | 00:11:37 | |
Close the public hearing and bring back into session your revenue. So just for formality, I'll make a motion to close the public | 00:11:43 | |
hearing and reconvene the regular meeting. I'll 2nd. | 00:11:47 | |
OK, Brad makes the motion and John seconds. | 00:11:53 | |
Any discussion? | 00:11:56 | |
All in favor say aye aye opposed. | 00:11:58 | |
OK. | 00:12:01 | |
The public hearing is closed and now you have the right here resolution I think 07 should be that you should have. | 00:12:03 | |
For the bond financing? | 00:12:10 | |
OK, we have that here. | 00:12:14 | |
Yes. | 00:12:16 | |
Yeah, you should. | 00:12:18 | |
The one that looks like this. | 00:12:20 | |
OK. Which of these two parts? | 00:12:22 | |
So that'll be resolution 2024. | 00:12:30 | |
07. | 00:12:34 | |
OK. | 00:12:36 | |
It's got 6 main 350. | 00:12:39 | |
Yeah, I was going to say that's the only difference is there is a little cushion in there, if you will, of the authorizing amount. | 00:12:41 | |
I think I didn't draft this resolution, but but the 6.16 came back, they put in 6.3, so you don't have to do this again. | 00:12:47 | |
Is that correct? On yes, that's from Brad Bingham Barnes and former 6.36.35 S 6,350,000 on page two, Section 1 not to exceed | 00:12:53 | |
6,350,000. | 00:13:00 | |
And you're OK with this resolution? Yes. | 00:13:09 | |
Motion to Approve Resolution 2024. | 00:13:14 | |
Are we doing 07/07? I think. | 00:13:18 | |
I don't know, does it matter? | 00:13:21 | |
2024 Dash 07. | 00:13:25 | |
Makes the motion. Is there a second, second, second by John? All in favor? Say aye. Opposed. | 00:13:27 | |
Motion passes. | 00:13:35 | |
Now a discussion about the. | 00:13:38 | |
Commercial lease agreement donated. What do we need to? | 00:13:41 | |
Is this like we have a copy of it here, the lease and I would defer probably a little bit to Justin in the sense my understanding | 00:13:44 | |
from the the tenant was there was? | 00:13:50 | |
The language, they wanted the language a little bit more specific regarding the lease terms over the second lease rate or the | 00:13:57 | |
second term the lease. | 00:14:01 | |
17 So the economic development agreement that. | 00:14:07 | |
Outside council had done and prepared with the tenant in formulating this had some option terms that were a little. | 00:14:12 | |
We clarified it in this lease of how the option terms work. And if you want to look at the specific change, it's paragraph two, | 00:14:22 | |
page 2, the second paragraph for that. So lots of twos I just said there, but additional option term, that's the language that was | 00:14:26 | |
added essentially I. | 00:14:31 | |
The. | 00:14:37 | |
They can extend the term for an additional five year term at the option of the tenant. | 00:14:39 | |
So it's essentially just that clarifying that how that option term works. | 00:14:49 | |
And they've, they've reviewed, I don't know that they've given us final approval or did they? | 00:14:54 | |
They did OK. | 00:15:00 | |
That's essentially. | 00:15:06 | |
That's that's the change. | 00:15:09 | |
So Don, you're looking for a motion, a motion to approve this lease as as amended and and to be fair, just for the record. | 00:15:11 | |
We've already approved the lease. You gave Bob at the time authority to sign and finalize the lease outside of the meeting. But | 00:15:20 | |
because we're meeting and for clarity and transparency, we're just reapproving again. I think Bob probably had authority are ready | 00:15:27 | |
to tweak this if you will, because we we had approved it in a substantially final form. But this body gave Bob the authority to to | 00:15:35 | |
finalize it and we did and there was some back and forth on that. So that's why we're bringing it back, OK. | 00:15:42 | |
I'd ask for a motion to approve reapprove this amended lease. | 00:15:50 | |
With the the president signing outside the meeting, OK. | 00:15:55 | |
You can. I mean, you don't need to. | 00:16:05 | |
Yeah, I mean, it doesn't help that we've talked about the abstention doesn't resolve anything but. | 00:16:07 | |
I think it's practically something that you can do. I mean, you know. | 00:16:14 | |
Did you make a motion, John? | 00:16:21 | |
You've had some discussion and I don't know what you want is there. I don't think there's a motion on the floor, is there I can | 00:16:23 | |
make a motion that we approve the commercial 5. | 00:16:27 | |
The Building 5 commercial lease, mammoth dispute, I guess the final agreement. | 00:16:32 | |
With the with the president being able to sign this outside of the meeting. | 00:16:38 | |
That's fine. | 00:16:44 | |
Is there a second? | 00:16:45 | |
2nd. | 00:16:47 | |
Seconded by Jeff. | 00:16:49 | |
Any discussion? Further discussion? | 00:16:51 | |
OK, all favor aye opposed and I'm going to I'm not staying when an abstention. | 00:16:54 | |
All right. | 00:17:02 | |
Let's get this thing signed. Let's get this thing signed. | 00:17:03 | |
Would you like to give us an update on the Edwardsville School project? | 00:17:07 | |
Give you a quick update on three items. First line, the traffic signalization on State Road 62 is complete. That signal is up and | 00:17:11 | |
functioning and was functioning about a week or 10 days ago. They got that completed. So that project is in final stages of close | 00:17:16 | |
out. | 00:17:22 | |
The next item is Mac and public improvements that is ongoing. They have a schedule of getting the completion of the public portion | 00:17:29 | |
of that project. | 00:17:33 | |
Which is part of our build operate transfer. Their day is still November of 24. So later this year they'll be completing their | 00:17:38 | |
component of the of the project which is a. | 00:17:44 | |
Stormwater Rd. Sanitary sewer. | 00:17:52 | |
One item. | 00:17:55 | |
Just for your action they will be they have they're in need of about 4004 thousand ton of soil. | 00:17:57 | |
We have to take about 60 ton of soil off the red wire site. | 00:18:09 | |
And so we're actually to, since you own both that side or in contract with Mac would be to just have that action of allowing that | 00:18:16 | |
soil be taken off site for that project. There'll be an accounting of that of that soil then that should have a reduction not only | 00:18:24 | |
in the map contract but also in the shower contract. | 00:18:32 | |
So you need a motion to allow. | 00:18:45 | |
4000 tons of dirt from red wire to be transferred to there is there Is there a charge on that dawn or is it just material? | 00:18:48 | |
What that would be, they have a rate in their build operator transfer, so it'll be that same rate. Instead of tracking that in | 00:19:01 | |
from an off site that's paying for that soil, we're just paying. We would pay for the tracking but not the soil. And then also | 00:19:07 | |
Shireman has to dispose of. | 00:19:13 | |
A significant amount of soil as well so. | 00:19:20 | |
Make a motion, We allow 4000. | 00:19:23 | |
Tons. Is that 4000? Well, what I heard is they needed 4000 tons, but you had 60 tons or some amount. So I don't know the numbers | 00:19:27 | |
and I don't know that that's necessary for the motion, but. | 00:19:33 | |
Its fourth out. Its 4010 for For Mac, Sharman has sixty that they have to move so that they'll still have to move. Instead of | 00:19:39 | |
moving 60, they'll be moving 56. | 00:19:46 | |
So it's they need. | 00:19:55 | |
They need 4000 times but the chairman has 60,000 tons. | 00:19:57 | |
Oh, 60,000 tons. | 00:20:02 | |
OK. That's the that's makes more sense. Yeah. | 00:20:06 | |
OK, OK. | 00:20:08 | |
I'm just just curious, So when they move this dirt, I mean do they scoop it up and weigh it to keep track of the tonnage or | 00:20:12 | |
something where they just say we need we need some dirt. How many tractor trailers is about? | 00:20:18 | |
Have a certain amount of. | 00:20:23 | |
Capacity. | 00:20:26 | |
My cubic feet and then they. | 00:20:27 | |
So it's truckload and they'll just calculate about truckload only, only a beam I suppose. You know, I'm just trying to think the | 00:20:30 | |
point of inventory right? You know the. | 00:20:34 | |
One of the motion is you're making a motion to authorize the transfer of soil from one site to the other and for the resulting | 00:20:39 | |
accounting or. | 00:20:44 | |
Contraction with. | 00:20:50 | |
Seems to be reduction, reduction, yeah, of contracts, yeah. | 00:20:54 | |
So why don't you put that into a form of emotion? Justin said it so well. | 00:20:58 | |
But you were generic again. Yeah, Yeah. So you're making a motion to permit the transfer of? | 00:21:03 | |
Of soil from the red red wire site to the. | 00:21:09 | |
Edwardsville. | 00:21:15 | |
School School site. | 00:21:17 | |
With the resulting reduction in the contract and accounting. | 00:21:19 | |
Any amount of around 4000 tons. | 00:21:22 | |
Yes, OK, that's that's so moved. | 00:21:26 | |
Give me second. | 00:21:32 | |
John makes the motion. Jeff, seconds. | 00:21:35 | |
Any further discussion? | 00:21:37 | |
All right, all in favor. Indicate by saying aye. Opposed. | 00:21:41 | |
Motion carries Item 3 is a I'll be meeting this afternoon with Chad and Corey Sprigler regarding the building and also getting an | 00:21:45 | |
update regarding transfer and also the conditions of the of the roof before and the decking before. So that meeting is just it's | 00:21:52 | |
just informational is going to be at 2:30 today. | 00:21:59 | |
On site. | 00:22:06 | |
And the Innovation Expo, Noble Park, just very quickly, unofficially, we will be receiving in July. | 00:22:10 | |
Funding through IDC for an Expo series of at Nova Park and with Indiana University Southeast that included speakers panel | 00:22:19 | |
regarding topics of sustainability, space, and. | 00:22:26 | |
AI, Artificial intelligence. | 00:22:36 | |
So we're working with. | 00:22:39 | |
Austin at Redmoire to have the folks who were involved with the bio printing of the. | 00:22:43 | |
Cardiac tissue to be part of the panel. | 00:22:51 | |
We've reached out to. | 00:22:54 | |
NDOT and Purdue University. | 00:22:58 | |
Purdue is doing a roadway that will actually charge EV vehicles. | 00:23:01 | |
As they drive across so have reached out to El Tap to hopefully get those skit folks scheduled and we're still working on some | 00:23:07 | |
folks for artificial intelligence with, with IU with the IU system. So besides that we'll also have a public event we're hoping to | 00:23:15 | |
coordinate that with destination Georgetown Labor Day event have reached out and had a preliminary conversation with them so. | 00:23:22 | |
More scheduling and information is worth coming and put this together, but and then also we're gonna have 3 events. | 00:23:31 | |
For entrepreneurs in terms of. | 00:23:40 | |
More of a classroom type of event dealing with patents and financing. | 00:23:43 | |
And other items. So pulling that all together, it's right here for and hold this fall. | 00:23:48 | |
Let's see it on. | 00:23:55 | |
All right. | 00:23:57 | |
Real quick sidebar is for what it's worth, the other day I attended one of the sessions from the Parks Department. | 00:23:59 | |
One possession that Nova Park, you know they're in the in the building. | 00:24:06 | |
Very nice event, learned quite a bit. That room is like really echoey. | 00:24:10 | |
And when when there was quite a few people in there and people were kind of visiting and talking, that made it difficult to kind | 00:24:15 | |
of hear a presentation as well as people kind of talking amongst themselves. And I didn't know if that's something that. | 00:24:22 | |
We can take a look at seeing how we can. | 00:24:30 | |
Do some baffles or something. Yeah, yeah, Acoustic panels of some sort. I never really noticed that until an official gathering | 00:24:33 | |
over there. Is that the larger room? | 00:24:38 | |
On the IT would be, yeah, the room on the right, yes. Not the one that has the table in the middle. That's the other room. | 00:24:44 | |
OK, the doors, the glass doors weren't open. | 00:24:52 | |
Yeah, just a thought. We'll take a look at it and see what we can do. | 00:24:57 | |
Kanye sparked my interest. I'm not, I'm not saying you need to completely tell me exactly how this works, but you mentioned | 00:25:02 | |
something about charging electric cars as they go across the road or a bridge or something. How, how does that work? Again, that | 00:25:08 | |
that's why we've had the panel, because I don't know how it works. It's like your phone, like the Qi charger on your phone. It's | 00:25:13 | |
an induction. | 00:25:19 | |
Reduction charging that how much charge do you get? Just go and zip across a miles worth of road or well, that's Purdue. Purdue | 00:25:25 | |
has this. It's actually opposite more St. and West Lafayette with N dot that they're going to create this mile, mile and a half of | 00:25:34 | |
roadway and then do do actually what I'm saying those on ground test to see they've kind of proven it theoretically and now | 00:25:44 | |
they're they're actually to the point where they're going to see sounds expensive. How how how that actually will be done. | 00:25:53 | |
It's it's my hope that we get those folks. I've reached out to them and reached out to him dot here last week because. | 00:26:05 | |
Like I said, it's it's safe to walk on. | 00:26:11 | |
What's yes, I believe so. We've got a pacemaker or something. | 00:26:15 | |
Like making that assumption and I really don't know but. | 00:26:21 | |
Pays that electric bill. | 00:26:25 | |
I I don't believe it's char actually. I don't believe there's actually an electronic charge. I think it's all based on. | 00:26:29 | |
Connecticut. | 00:26:38 | |
How I could be totally totally wrong? | 00:26:40 | |
With that, but that's what they're that they've gotten to the point where they're actually doing a test out and out on West | 00:26:44 | |
Lafayette so. | 00:26:48 | |
That's why I thought, hey, that would be kind of very interesting and practical to. | 00:26:54 | |
Have these folks come down and actually explain and answer questions fairly well? I mean, you keep going. | 00:26:58 | |
When did you say the target date was for that panel? | 00:27:07 | |
Is the first one is in July, that's the space panel. I think that's in the end of July. We're looking at the end of August. Those | 00:27:11 | |
would be at IU SE just because we're hoping for a larger crowd than what Noble Park can provide. So we've we've also got we've | 00:27:20 | |
also reached out through 1 Southern Indiana to Ford and the EV. | 00:27:29 | |
Battery plant down in Elizabeth. | 00:27:38 | |
That's them to be possible part of the panel as well. | 00:27:41 | |
Will they be emailed out? Posted on the website? | 00:27:45 | |
It'll be we, we part of that funding through the grant is for marketing. So we'll be Mark, we'll be marketing that side. | 00:27:49 | |
All right. Thanks Don. Project Canales, just to give you an update, met with the developer regarding a pass through. | 00:27:58 | |
Projects similar to Galena Commons they are. | 00:28:10 | |
Evaluating that and that would be for water and their water sewer and. | 00:28:16 | |
Potential natural gas Giving an update just on natural gas. I spoke with Center Point yesterday. | 00:28:21 | |
They're going to recalculate a couple of of. | 00:28:33 | |
The what they're requesting is local match. | 00:28:39 | |
They did say they would be one or sent a letter of support to the county for our for the ready 2.0 application. | 00:28:42 | |
You know, did briefly talk to them about possibility of of a. | 00:28:51 | |
Some type of there's a new may not be totally new, but statutorily there's some potential zones that they can create. | 00:28:58 | |
Infrastructure including water, I think it's water, sewer, broadband and natural gas. So we're investigating that as well. So just | 00:29:07 | |
to give you an idea about that, so. | 00:29:13 | |
All right. And Speaking of clean of Commons. | 00:29:22 | |
Just need some action on the. | 00:29:27 | |
Galena Commons with the Galena tiff. | 00:29:29 | |
That's the other that's in your packet here as well. | 00:29:31 | |
I think that's just the amendments that. | 00:29:35 | |
Yes. So we actually approved. I was going to ask you this Don, I think I'm saying this right. We we approved this May 21st, 2024 | 00:29:39 | |
is, is a resolution 2024 Dash 05. | 00:29:46 | |
And there's just some amendments to the economic development plan attached to the resolution. This is creating the TIF district, | 00:29:54 | |
the allocation area. In fact, the reason I say that too for two reasons. One, to just Orient you that we have approved this in | 00:30:01 | |
May, it's in the minutes and exhibit A&B on the one that you have hard copy circulated aren't there, but they're the same | 00:30:08 | |
exhibits. Those have not changed. So you'd be approving this. | 00:30:16 | |
Amended economic development plan again, there were just some changes internally that we cleaned up. | 00:30:24 | |
But you would use those same exhibit A&B. So the property that's in there, the map basically A&B is a map in the descriptions of | 00:30:30 | |
the property. You know, still we're not contemplating taking any property. It's just an allocation area like normal with the same | 00:30:36 | |
mat and Platts that we already approved in resolution 2024 O 5, just some updated language in the in the actual plan that's | 00:30:42 | |
attached to the resolution. | 00:30:48 | |
Which yeah, I think you got the clean up the cleanup versions if you will. | 00:30:56 | |
There's mud on that one, right? | 00:31:04 | |
You understand the, understand the. | 00:31:06 | |
So you, yeah, I mean, if you need. | 00:31:09 | |
You have to make certain findings and conclusions. You have to update a plan. | 00:31:12 | |
And the resolution has those findings that this is going to be beneficial to the to the area and the findings that are in the | 00:31:16 | |
resolution, the plan, it does still say draft if that's what you're pointing to, economic development plan, you could strike that | 00:31:22 | |
I suppose. But and the red line version you had were both changes before the last meeting and after. So it's a combined changes. | 00:31:27 | |
Those aren't just the last changes. | 00:31:33 | |
So make a. | 00:31:44 | |
Make a motion to approve the Floyd County Redevelopment Commission economic development plan for the Evansville Galena Commons I. | 00:31:46 | |
TIF, economic development area. | 00:31:57 | |
Motion made by Brad. Is there a second? | 00:32:02 | |
I'm sorry Eversville was strike so. | 00:32:04 | |
Let me restate that Floyd County Floyd County Redevelopment Commission economic development plan for Galena Commons. | 00:32:08 | |
TIF, economic development area. | 00:32:16 | |
Yeah. And the motion is for the resolution. The resolution has the plan. | 00:32:20 | |
It's an amended plan to it so. | 00:32:24 | |
I think that's how you want to do it. I don't really, it doesn't matter to me. You've approved the resolution. I don't think that | 00:32:26 | |
changed, but you have it listed here on as 20/24/08. It's probably clean to just reapprove your resolution because you haven't | 00:32:33 | |
taken that anywhere. So when we take it, it'll be clean. So it's the, it's the resolution, not the plan or it does? Well, the | 00:32:39 | |
resolution has the plan attached to it as incorporated. So I would make the motion, I would suggest the motion to be made. | 00:32:46 | |
To approve the 2024 Dash 08 resolution declaring an area economic development area with the related updated plan that's attached. | 00:32:53 | |
So I'll strike my previous motion, new motion for. | 00:33:00 | |
The resolution of 2024 Dash 08 that includes the Economic Development Plan or the Galena Commons TIF area. | 00:33:09 | |
It's second motion me by Brad, seconded by John. Any discussion? | 00:33:18 | |
All in favor indicate by saying aye, aye opposed. | 00:33:24 | |
Motion here. | 00:33:28 | |
OK, entertain a motion to adjourn. | 00:33:30 | |
I got one thing one. | 00:33:34 | |
Hey, Don. | 00:33:38 | |
You know you send e-mail out about the. | 00:33:40 | |
Eli Grant. | 00:33:43 | |
So it sounds as though Israel might be one of the 8, Is that right? Yeah. Oh, yes. On the Regional Development Authority has their | 00:33:45 | |
meeting on Friday. | 00:33:51 | |
The county had submitted the energy of schools as part of they have a Lilly component to that which is 250 million. | 00:33:57 | |
We submitted as a regional project. There were 16 total projects. | 00:34:07 | |
Some of those arts, there was two components. It was an art. There was a blight renovation. | 00:34:14 | |
My understanding out of 16 projects, there's 8. | 00:34:22 | |
That's going to be submitted to IEDC. I believe they're going to meet this week with IDC on those eight and. | 00:34:25 | |
The Edwardsville Project School 6 out of 16 years. | 00:34:33 | |
Good news. It's good news. Yeah, Yeah. | 00:34:38 | |
That's great. | 00:34:42 | |
Make a motion to adjourn. We really want to get out of here, don't you? No, I'm happy to sit here freezing and shivering like | 00:34:44 | |
everybody else. You can call Bob, get him on a Zoom call. Motion to adjourn. | 00:34:49 | |
All right. Just a second, second. | 00:34:55 | |
Motion made by John, seconded by Jeff. All in favor say aye aye. We are adjourned. | 00:34:59 | |
Don't leave, you got signs. | 00:35:04 | |
What are we? Oh yeah. | 00:35:06 |
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Digging dirt on that new apartment complex out there by the coffee shop on 150. | 00:00:00 | |
By Napleton. | 00:00:06 | |
When was that supposed to start up? | 00:00:07 | |
Don't go no wait on your claim to approve it. | 00:00:13 | |
OK. This is the thing that statutory we need to do. | 00:00:17 | |
As part of the agenda, we have all we need now, OK? | 00:00:20 | |
All right. Thank you. | 00:00:26 | |
OK, let's call to order. | 00:00:36 | |
The June 18th, 2024 meeting of the Floyd County Redevelopment Commission. | 00:00:38 | |
Teresa, roll call. | 00:00:46 | |
Here. | 00:00:50 | |
Here. | 00:00:52 | |
Here here. | 00:00:54 | |
Here. | 00:00:58 | |
All right. | 00:01:00 | |
Let's move on to approval of minutes and claims. Does everybody have a chance to take a look at the minutes motion to approve the? | 00:01:02 | |
The minutes? Is there a second? | 00:01:08 | |
2nd. | 00:01:11 | |
Any discussion? | 00:01:14 | |
All in favor say aye. | 00:01:17 | |
Maybe let me be more specific. We have two sets of minutes, a motion to approve the May 10th minutes and also the May, I believe | 00:01:20 | |
it's the 21st minutes. | 00:01:26 | |
Yes, that's my motion. | 00:01:32 | |
And this who seconded that? | 00:01:36 | |
Did you, Jeff? Was that you, Jeff, you still you're good with that motion as amended. | 00:01:40 | |
OK, very good. All in favor say aye. Aye. All opposed. Same sign. OK, motion carries. | 00:01:44 | |
Don you want to talk about? | 00:01:52 | |
Do we have any claims? | 00:01:57 | |
I didn't see it. No claims. OK. | 00:02:00 | |
Just for your for your information, is the. | 00:02:04 | |
Funds for each. | 00:02:08 | |
A funds report and the budget staff should be in your packet. | 00:02:13 | |
I would go to remember E real quickly just to give you an update. As far as to make my move, I believe I sent a. | 00:02:16 | |
They now have some additional benchmarks and what items on their websites for data. So we provided that we have 14 offers, 11 | 00:02:26 | |
acceptances and eight moves so far. | 00:02:32 | |
Good. | 00:02:40 | |
That's all I have, unless you have any questions. | 00:02:42 | |
OK. | 00:02:49 | |
Thank you, Don. | 00:02:50 | |
Is there any public comment? | 00:02:52 | |
Good morning. | 00:02:59 | |
Secondly, there is a continual failure to update the agenda and minutes in a timely and consistent manner. | 00:03:30 | |
This practice undermines the principles of transparency and accountability that are fundamental to effective governance. Access to | 00:03:36 | |
current agendas and accurate minutes is crucial for the public to stay informed about the Commission's activities and decisions. I | 00:03:41 | |
request that the Commission establish and adhere to a clear schedule for updating these documents and make them readily available | 00:03:46 | |
to the public well in advance of each meeting. | 00:03:51 | |
Addressing these issues is essential to maintaining public trust and ensuring that all community members have a fair opportunity | 00:03:57 | |
to engage in the redevelopment process. I appreciate your attention to these matters and look forward to seeing improvements in | 00:04:03 | |
the accessibility and transparency of your meetings. What was your name, ma'am? Amanda Miles, Georgetown. | 00:04:09 | |
OK, Thank you. But also too, I'd like to note that this is being recorded. Is that correct, Teresa? | 00:04:15 | |
Yeah. So people can always watch the meetings. And I understand your concern. I'm just saying watch the meetings, but they're not | 00:04:21 | |
able to participate. And I understand. Yeah, I understand. I just wanna let you know that. Yeah. | 00:04:26 | |
All right. Thank you. | 00:04:30 | |
OK, um. | 00:04:33 | |
New business. | 00:04:36 | |
Justin, this was the resolution we just were just talking about just now. | 00:04:39 | |
So yes, the resolution that I just circulated around is the annual resolution. | 00:04:43 | |
That we have to approve. It's similar to the one we approved last year. | 00:04:51 | |
And. | 00:04:56 | |
It's similar to the one we approved last year. | 00:04:59 | |
Saying there's no excess funds and we've provided. | 00:05:02 | |
Notice to the following taxing districts done prepared it. You can say if there's any other changes, but I don't think there's any | 00:05:07 | |
other changes from the previous. | 00:05:11 | |
And what's the resolution number on this going to be? Is it? | 00:05:15 | |
6. | 00:05:25 | |
06. | 00:05:26 | |
I guess the only recommendation I would make is when you read this. | 00:05:31 | |
If someone was going through the list of resolutions, it's like it's very generic. | 00:05:35 | |
Resolution of the redevelopation, I think maybe we need to put an error addressing no excess tip funds or something like that. | 00:05:41 | |
That would be my recommendation. | 00:05:48 | |
Change the title of the yes. | 00:05:51 | |
No excess, yeah. | 00:05:55 | |
No excess assessed value. That's actually what you give up. It's kind of an awful way to do it, but no excess assessed value is | 00:06:01 | |
probably what I'd call it. | 00:06:04 | |
Yeah, that we've got, you know, otherwise you read it and it's like. | 00:06:09 | |
What is it? | 00:06:13 | |
So I'll make a recommendation. We approve with the with the change of adding. | 00:06:18 | |
Resolution of the Floyd County Commission. | 00:06:23 | |
Floyd County. | 00:06:26 | |
What? No. | 00:06:30 | |
Excess assessed value Resolution number 20246. Yes, that'll be by Teresa. Did you get that? | 00:06:32 | |
OK, that would be my motion. | 00:06:40 | |
Is there a second? | 00:06:45 | |
Any discussion? | 00:06:47 | |
All in favor, aye aye. Opposed. | 00:06:51 | |
All right, motion carries. | 00:06:54 | |
Yeah. | 00:07:01 | |
Brad. | 00:07:03 | |
OK, the strand US150 study contract amendment. | 00:07:07 | |
Anything you want to add about that? | 00:07:12 | |
This is part of the project is on US 115. Regarding addition, there was an additional request from Indi for modeling for the. | 00:07:18 | |
For the. | 00:07:27 | |
Traffic flow from the from the possible development. | 00:07:30 | |
And so that increased the their dollar amount on that contract to provide the items. | 00:07:35 | |
That NDOT was requested which was more modeling, 150 more modeling involvements and road and Schreiber Rd. | 00:07:41 | |
And that amount was 11,500. | 00:07:50 | |
Don't worry about the 1:50 we talking about. | 00:07:55 | |
We're talking on US 1:15 we're talking. | 00:07:59 | |
Approximately where? | 00:08:04 | |
Kent Whittens property is right behind you. | 00:08:07 | |
You have the JC store. | 00:08:11 | |
OK. There's a lot of work going on 150 there. | 00:08:14 | |
Yes, this was this was regarding a potential cut in the limited access. | 00:08:18 | |
So are you looking for a motion to approve that? | 00:08:30 | |
Amendment, yes. OK. | 00:08:33 | |
What was the amount done 11/5? | 00:08:40 | |
The total total project goes from 44,500 to 56,000. | 00:08:44 | |
So it was 44 five and then and total projects is what again 6056 thousand 56,000. OK, good. OK, yeah. | 00:09:00 | |
That's good. | 00:09:10 | |
Make a motion to approve the Strand US150 contract amendment. | 00:09:13 | |
Is there a second? | 00:09:20 | |
I'll second with. | 00:09:22 | |
The notion that's $11,500 increase or change? | 00:09:23 | |
OK, right seconds. Any discussion? | 00:09:28 | |
Good. All in favor say aye aye. | 00:09:32 | |
Opposed. | 00:09:35 | |
OK. | 00:09:39 | |
Public hearing on the bond 5 building, 5 bond financing and this resolution. | 00:09:41 | |
You'll need to. | 00:09:47 | |
Recess your your current meeting and go into a public hearing. | 00:09:50 | |
This is a public hearing that you had last month. | 00:09:54 | |
The only change was at the time it was a $6 million cap. | 00:09:58 | |
The funding came back or draft term sheets came back and the actual project cost is now 6.16, which requires a re advertising of | 00:10:03 | |
public hearing and re off of the, the, the approval of the resolution after public hearing. If it's so true that if you so choose. | 00:10:11 | |
And then also the commissioners have their similar action that they did last month as well. | 00:10:20 | |
Like I said. | 00:10:29 | |
Primary reason it was when we did our initial term sheet was without some of the interest rate increases and the requirement of | 00:10:30 | |
some additional capitalized interest that is required for the term. | 00:10:37 | |
Of the bond, No, no, the payments are still the same. The funding for the payments are still the same, which is the lease payment. | 00:10:45 | |
And then that is backed by the red wire chip as well. So I believe you have to do to recess your meeting and then go into public. | 00:10:54 | |
Mr. Chair. Mr. Chairman, I make a motion to recess the regular meeting and open up the public hearing for bond, the Building 5 | 00:11:02 | |
bond financing second. | 00:11:10 | |
All favor aye opposed. OK, we're in recess now. Public hearing for. | 00:11:19 | |
The foreign financing resolution. | 00:11:26 | |
Any comments from the public about that? | 00:11:29 | |
Not hearing any. | 00:11:36 | |
Do we need to then recess the public hearing and go back to? | 00:11:37 | |
Close the public hearing and bring back into session your revenue. So just for formality, I'll make a motion to close the public | 00:11:43 | |
hearing and reconvene the regular meeting. I'll 2nd. | 00:11:47 | |
OK, Brad makes the motion and John seconds. | 00:11:53 | |
Any discussion? | 00:11:56 | |
All in favor say aye aye opposed. | 00:11:58 | |
OK. | 00:12:01 | |
The public hearing is closed and now you have the right here resolution I think 07 should be that you should have. | 00:12:03 | |
For the bond financing? | 00:12:10 | |
OK, we have that here. | 00:12:14 | |
Yes. | 00:12:16 | |
Yeah, you should. | 00:12:18 | |
The one that looks like this. | 00:12:20 | |
OK. Which of these two parts? | 00:12:22 | |
So that'll be resolution 2024. | 00:12:30 | |
07. | 00:12:34 | |
OK. | 00:12:36 | |
It's got 6 main 350. | 00:12:39 | |
Yeah, I was going to say that's the only difference is there is a little cushion in there, if you will, of the authorizing amount. | 00:12:41 | |
I think I didn't draft this resolution, but but the 6.16 came back, they put in 6.3, so you don't have to do this again. | 00:12:47 | |
Is that correct? On yes, that's from Brad Bingham Barnes and former 6.36.35 S 6,350,000 on page two, Section 1 not to exceed | 00:12:53 | |
6,350,000. | 00:13:00 | |
And you're OK with this resolution? Yes. | 00:13:09 | |
Motion to Approve Resolution 2024. | 00:13:14 | |
Are we doing 07/07? I think. | 00:13:18 | |
I don't know, does it matter? | 00:13:21 | |
2024 Dash 07. | 00:13:25 | |
Makes the motion. Is there a second, second, second by John? All in favor? Say aye. Opposed. | 00:13:27 | |
Motion passes. | 00:13:35 | |
Now a discussion about the. | 00:13:38 | |
Commercial lease agreement donated. What do we need to? | 00:13:41 | |
Is this like we have a copy of it here, the lease and I would defer probably a little bit to Justin in the sense my understanding | 00:13:44 | |
from the the tenant was there was? | 00:13:50 | |
The language, they wanted the language a little bit more specific regarding the lease terms over the second lease rate or the | 00:13:57 | |
second term the lease. | 00:14:01 | |
17 So the economic development agreement that. | 00:14:07 | |
Outside council had done and prepared with the tenant in formulating this had some option terms that were a little. | 00:14:12 | |
We clarified it in this lease of how the option terms work. And if you want to look at the specific change, it's paragraph two, | 00:14:22 | |
page 2, the second paragraph for that. So lots of twos I just said there, but additional option term, that's the language that was | 00:14:26 | |
added essentially I. | 00:14:31 | |
The. | 00:14:37 | |
They can extend the term for an additional five year term at the option of the tenant. | 00:14:39 | |
So it's essentially just that clarifying that how that option term works. | 00:14:49 | |
And they've, they've reviewed, I don't know that they've given us final approval or did they? | 00:14:54 | |
They did OK. | 00:15:00 | |
That's essentially. | 00:15:06 | |
That's that's the change. | 00:15:09 | |
So Don, you're looking for a motion, a motion to approve this lease as as amended and and to be fair, just for the record. | 00:15:11 | |
We've already approved the lease. You gave Bob at the time authority to sign and finalize the lease outside of the meeting. But | 00:15:20 | |
because we're meeting and for clarity and transparency, we're just reapproving again. I think Bob probably had authority are ready | 00:15:27 | |
to tweak this if you will, because we we had approved it in a substantially final form. But this body gave Bob the authority to to | 00:15:35 | |
finalize it and we did and there was some back and forth on that. So that's why we're bringing it back, OK. | 00:15:42 | |
I'd ask for a motion to approve reapprove this amended lease. | 00:15:50 | |
With the the president signing outside the meeting, OK. | 00:15:55 | |
You can. I mean, you don't need to. | 00:16:05 | |
Yeah, I mean, it doesn't help that we've talked about the abstention doesn't resolve anything but. | 00:16:07 | |
I think it's practically something that you can do. I mean, you know. | 00:16:14 | |
Did you make a motion, John? | 00:16:21 | |
You've had some discussion and I don't know what you want is there. I don't think there's a motion on the floor, is there I can | 00:16:23 | |
make a motion that we approve the commercial 5. | 00:16:27 | |
The Building 5 commercial lease, mammoth dispute, I guess the final agreement. | 00:16:32 | |
With the with the president being able to sign this outside of the meeting. | 00:16:38 | |
That's fine. | 00:16:44 | |
Is there a second? | 00:16:45 | |
2nd. | 00:16:47 | |
Seconded by Jeff. | 00:16:49 | |
Any discussion? Further discussion? | 00:16:51 | |
OK, all favor aye opposed and I'm going to I'm not staying when an abstention. | 00:16:54 | |
All right. | 00:17:02 | |
Let's get this thing signed. Let's get this thing signed. | 00:17:03 | |
Would you like to give us an update on the Edwardsville School project? | 00:17:07 | |
Give you a quick update on three items. First line, the traffic signalization on State Road 62 is complete. That signal is up and | 00:17:11 | |
functioning and was functioning about a week or 10 days ago. They got that completed. So that project is in final stages of close | 00:17:16 | |
out. | 00:17:22 | |
The next item is Mac and public improvements that is ongoing. They have a schedule of getting the completion of the public portion | 00:17:29 | |
of that project. | 00:17:33 | |
Which is part of our build operate transfer. Their day is still November of 24. So later this year they'll be completing their | 00:17:38 | |
component of the of the project which is a. | 00:17:44 | |
Stormwater Rd. Sanitary sewer. | 00:17:52 | |
One item. | 00:17:55 | |
Just for your action they will be they have they're in need of about 4004 thousand ton of soil. | 00:17:57 | |
We have to take about 60 ton of soil off the red wire site. | 00:18:09 | |
And so we're actually to, since you own both that side or in contract with Mac would be to just have that action of allowing that | 00:18:16 | |
soil be taken off site for that project. There'll be an accounting of that of that soil then that should have a reduction not only | 00:18:24 | |
in the map contract but also in the shower contract. | 00:18:32 | |
So you need a motion to allow. | 00:18:45 | |
4000 tons of dirt from red wire to be transferred to there is there Is there a charge on that dawn or is it just material? | 00:18:48 | |
What that would be, they have a rate in their build operator transfer, so it'll be that same rate. Instead of tracking that in | 00:19:01 | |
from an off site that's paying for that soil, we're just paying. We would pay for the tracking but not the soil. And then also | 00:19:07 | |
Shireman has to dispose of. | 00:19:13 | |
A significant amount of soil as well so. | 00:19:20 | |
Make a motion, We allow 4000. | 00:19:23 | |
Tons. Is that 4000? Well, what I heard is they needed 4000 tons, but you had 60 tons or some amount. So I don't know the numbers | 00:19:27 | |
and I don't know that that's necessary for the motion, but. | 00:19:33 | |
Its fourth out. Its 4010 for For Mac, Sharman has sixty that they have to move so that they'll still have to move. Instead of | 00:19:39 | |
moving 60, they'll be moving 56. | 00:19:46 | |
So it's they need. | 00:19:55 | |
They need 4000 times but the chairman has 60,000 tons. | 00:19:57 | |
Oh, 60,000 tons. | 00:20:02 | |
OK. That's the that's makes more sense. Yeah. | 00:20:06 | |
OK, OK. | 00:20:08 | |
I'm just just curious, So when they move this dirt, I mean do they scoop it up and weigh it to keep track of the tonnage or | 00:20:12 | |
something where they just say we need we need some dirt. How many tractor trailers is about? | 00:20:18 | |
Have a certain amount of. | 00:20:23 | |
Capacity. | 00:20:26 | |
My cubic feet and then they. | 00:20:27 | |
So it's truckload and they'll just calculate about truckload only, only a beam I suppose. You know, I'm just trying to think the | 00:20:30 | |
point of inventory right? You know the. | 00:20:34 | |
One of the motion is you're making a motion to authorize the transfer of soil from one site to the other and for the resulting | 00:20:39 | |
accounting or. | 00:20:44 | |
Contraction with. | 00:20:50 | |
Seems to be reduction, reduction, yeah, of contracts, yeah. | 00:20:54 | |
So why don't you put that into a form of emotion? Justin said it so well. | 00:20:58 | |
But you were generic again. Yeah, Yeah. So you're making a motion to permit the transfer of? | 00:21:03 | |
Of soil from the red red wire site to the. | 00:21:09 | |
Edwardsville. | 00:21:15 | |
School School site. | 00:21:17 | |
With the resulting reduction in the contract and accounting. | 00:21:19 | |
Any amount of around 4000 tons. | 00:21:22 | |
Yes, OK, that's that's so moved. | 00:21:26 | |
Give me second. | 00:21:32 | |
John makes the motion. Jeff, seconds. | 00:21:35 | |
Any further discussion? | 00:21:37 | |
All right, all in favor. Indicate by saying aye. Opposed. | 00:21:41 | |
Motion carries Item 3 is a I'll be meeting this afternoon with Chad and Corey Sprigler regarding the building and also getting an | 00:21:45 | |
update regarding transfer and also the conditions of the of the roof before and the decking before. So that meeting is just it's | 00:21:52 | |
just informational is going to be at 2:30 today. | 00:21:59 | |
On site. | 00:22:06 | |
And the Innovation Expo, Noble Park, just very quickly, unofficially, we will be receiving in July. | 00:22:10 | |
Funding through IDC for an Expo series of at Nova Park and with Indiana University Southeast that included speakers panel | 00:22:19 | |
regarding topics of sustainability, space, and. | 00:22:26 | |
AI, Artificial intelligence. | 00:22:36 | |
So we're working with. | 00:22:39 | |
Austin at Redmoire to have the folks who were involved with the bio printing of the. | 00:22:43 | |
Cardiac tissue to be part of the panel. | 00:22:51 | |
We've reached out to. | 00:22:54 | |
NDOT and Purdue University. | 00:22:58 | |
Purdue is doing a roadway that will actually charge EV vehicles. | 00:23:01 | |
As they drive across so have reached out to El Tap to hopefully get those skit folks scheduled and we're still working on some | 00:23:07 | |
folks for artificial intelligence with, with IU with the IU system. So besides that we'll also have a public event we're hoping to | 00:23:15 | |
coordinate that with destination Georgetown Labor Day event have reached out and had a preliminary conversation with them so. | 00:23:22 | |
More scheduling and information is worth coming and put this together, but and then also we're gonna have 3 events. | 00:23:31 | |
For entrepreneurs in terms of. | 00:23:40 | |
More of a classroom type of event dealing with patents and financing. | 00:23:43 | |
And other items. So pulling that all together, it's right here for and hold this fall. | 00:23:48 | |
Let's see it on. | 00:23:55 | |
All right. | 00:23:57 | |
Real quick sidebar is for what it's worth, the other day I attended one of the sessions from the Parks Department. | 00:23:59 | |
One possession that Nova Park, you know they're in the in the building. | 00:24:06 | |
Very nice event, learned quite a bit. That room is like really echoey. | 00:24:10 | |
And when when there was quite a few people in there and people were kind of visiting and talking, that made it difficult to kind | 00:24:15 | |
of hear a presentation as well as people kind of talking amongst themselves. And I didn't know if that's something that. | 00:24:22 | |
We can take a look at seeing how we can. | 00:24:30 | |
Do some baffles or something. Yeah, yeah, Acoustic panels of some sort. I never really noticed that until an official gathering | 00:24:33 | |
over there. Is that the larger room? | 00:24:38 | |
On the IT would be, yeah, the room on the right, yes. Not the one that has the table in the middle. That's the other room. | 00:24:44 | |
OK, the doors, the glass doors weren't open. | 00:24:52 | |
Yeah, just a thought. We'll take a look at it and see what we can do. | 00:24:57 | |
Kanye sparked my interest. I'm not, I'm not saying you need to completely tell me exactly how this works, but you mentioned | 00:25:02 | |
something about charging electric cars as they go across the road or a bridge or something. How, how does that work? Again, that | 00:25:08 | |
that's why we've had the panel, because I don't know how it works. It's like your phone, like the Qi charger on your phone. It's | 00:25:13 | |
an induction. | 00:25:19 | |
Reduction charging that how much charge do you get? Just go and zip across a miles worth of road or well, that's Purdue. Purdue | 00:25:25 | |
has this. It's actually opposite more St. and West Lafayette with N dot that they're going to create this mile, mile and a half of | 00:25:34 | |
roadway and then do do actually what I'm saying those on ground test to see they've kind of proven it theoretically and now | 00:25:44 | |
they're they're actually to the point where they're going to see sounds expensive. How how how that actually will be done. | 00:25:53 | |
It's it's my hope that we get those folks. I've reached out to them and reached out to him dot here last week because. | 00:26:05 | |
Like I said, it's it's safe to walk on. | 00:26:11 | |
What's yes, I believe so. We've got a pacemaker or something. | 00:26:15 | |
Like making that assumption and I really don't know but. | 00:26:21 | |
Pays that electric bill. | 00:26:25 | |
I I don't believe it's char actually. I don't believe there's actually an electronic charge. I think it's all based on. | 00:26:29 | |
Connecticut. | 00:26:38 | |
How I could be totally totally wrong? | 00:26:40 | |
With that, but that's what they're that they've gotten to the point where they're actually doing a test out and out on West | 00:26:44 | |
Lafayette so. | 00:26:48 | |
That's why I thought, hey, that would be kind of very interesting and practical to. | 00:26:54 | |
Have these folks come down and actually explain and answer questions fairly well? I mean, you keep going. | 00:26:58 | |
When did you say the target date was for that panel? | 00:27:07 | |
Is the first one is in July, that's the space panel. I think that's in the end of July. We're looking at the end of August. Those | 00:27:11 | |
would be at IU SE just because we're hoping for a larger crowd than what Noble Park can provide. So we've we've also got we've | 00:27:20 | |
also reached out through 1 Southern Indiana to Ford and the EV. | 00:27:29 | |
Battery plant down in Elizabeth. | 00:27:38 | |
That's them to be possible part of the panel as well. | 00:27:41 | |
Will they be emailed out? Posted on the website? | 00:27:45 | |
It'll be we, we part of that funding through the grant is for marketing. So we'll be Mark, we'll be marketing that side. | 00:27:49 | |
All right. Thanks Don. Project Canales, just to give you an update, met with the developer regarding a pass through. | 00:27:58 | |
Projects similar to Galena Commons they are. | 00:28:10 | |
Evaluating that and that would be for water and their water sewer and. | 00:28:16 | |
Potential natural gas Giving an update just on natural gas. I spoke with Center Point yesterday. | 00:28:21 | |
They're going to recalculate a couple of of. | 00:28:33 | |
The what they're requesting is local match. | 00:28:39 | |
They did say they would be one or sent a letter of support to the county for our for the ready 2.0 application. | 00:28:42 | |
You know, did briefly talk to them about possibility of of a. | 00:28:51 | |
Some type of there's a new may not be totally new, but statutorily there's some potential zones that they can create. | 00:28:58 | |
Infrastructure including water, I think it's water, sewer, broadband and natural gas. So we're investigating that as well. So just | 00:29:07 | |
to give you an idea about that, so. | 00:29:13 | |
All right. And Speaking of clean of Commons. | 00:29:22 | |
Just need some action on the. | 00:29:27 | |
Galena Commons with the Galena tiff. | 00:29:29 | |
That's the other that's in your packet here as well. | 00:29:31 | |
I think that's just the amendments that. | 00:29:35 | |
Yes. So we actually approved. I was going to ask you this Don, I think I'm saying this right. We we approved this May 21st, 2024 | 00:29:39 | |
is, is a resolution 2024 Dash 05. | 00:29:46 | |
And there's just some amendments to the economic development plan attached to the resolution. This is creating the TIF district, | 00:29:54 | |
the allocation area. In fact, the reason I say that too for two reasons. One, to just Orient you that we have approved this in | 00:30:01 | |
May, it's in the minutes and exhibit A&B on the one that you have hard copy circulated aren't there, but they're the same | 00:30:08 | |
exhibits. Those have not changed. So you'd be approving this. | 00:30:16 | |
Amended economic development plan again, there were just some changes internally that we cleaned up. | 00:30:24 | |
But you would use those same exhibit A&B. So the property that's in there, the map basically A&B is a map in the descriptions of | 00:30:30 | |
the property. You know, still we're not contemplating taking any property. It's just an allocation area like normal with the same | 00:30:36 | |
mat and Platts that we already approved in resolution 2024 O 5, just some updated language in the in the actual plan that's | 00:30:42 | |
attached to the resolution. | 00:30:48 | |
Which yeah, I think you got the clean up the cleanup versions if you will. | 00:30:56 | |
There's mud on that one, right? | 00:31:04 | |
You understand the, understand the. | 00:31:06 | |
So you, yeah, I mean, if you need. | 00:31:09 | |
You have to make certain findings and conclusions. You have to update a plan. | 00:31:12 | |
And the resolution has those findings that this is going to be beneficial to the to the area and the findings that are in the | 00:31:16 | |
resolution, the plan, it does still say draft if that's what you're pointing to, economic development plan, you could strike that | 00:31:22 | |
I suppose. But and the red line version you had were both changes before the last meeting and after. So it's a combined changes. | 00:31:27 | |
Those aren't just the last changes. | 00:31:33 | |
So make a. | 00:31:44 | |
Make a motion to approve the Floyd County Redevelopment Commission economic development plan for the Evansville Galena Commons I. | 00:31:46 | |
TIF, economic development area. | 00:31:57 | |
Motion made by Brad. Is there a second? | 00:32:02 | |
I'm sorry Eversville was strike so. | 00:32:04 | |
Let me restate that Floyd County Floyd County Redevelopment Commission economic development plan for Galena Commons. | 00:32:08 | |
TIF, economic development area. | 00:32:16 | |
Yeah. And the motion is for the resolution. The resolution has the plan. | 00:32:20 | |
It's an amended plan to it so. | 00:32:24 | |
I think that's how you want to do it. I don't really, it doesn't matter to me. You've approved the resolution. I don't think that | 00:32:26 | |
changed, but you have it listed here on as 20/24/08. It's probably clean to just reapprove your resolution because you haven't | 00:32:33 | |
taken that anywhere. So when we take it, it'll be clean. So it's the, it's the resolution, not the plan or it does? Well, the | 00:32:39 | |
resolution has the plan attached to it as incorporated. So I would make the motion, I would suggest the motion to be made. | 00:32:46 | |
To approve the 2024 Dash 08 resolution declaring an area economic development area with the related updated plan that's attached. | 00:32:53 | |
So I'll strike my previous motion, new motion for. | 00:33:00 | |
The resolution of 2024 Dash 08 that includes the Economic Development Plan or the Galena Commons TIF area. | 00:33:09 | |
It's second motion me by Brad, seconded by John. Any discussion? | 00:33:18 | |
All in favor indicate by saying aye, aye opposed. | 00:33:24 | |
Motion here. | 00:33:28 | |
OK, entertain a motion to adjourn. | 00:33:30 | |
I got one thing one. | 00:33:34 | |
Hey, Don. | 00:33:38 | |
You know you send e-mail out about the. | 00:33:40 | |
Eli Grant. | 00:33:43 | |
So it sounds as though Israel might be one of the 8, Is that right? Yeah. Oh, yes. On the Regional Development Authority has their | 00:33:45 | |
meeting on Friday. | 00:33:51 | |
The county had submitted the energy of schools as part of they have a Lilly component to that which is 250 million. | 00:33:57 | |
We submitted as a regional project. There were 16 total projects. | 00:34:07 | |
Some of those arts, there was two components. It was an art. There was a blight renovation. | 00:34:14 | |
My understanding out of 16 projects, there's 8. | 00:34:22 | |
That's going to be submitted to IEDC. I believe they're going to meet this week with IDC on those eight and. | 00:34:25 | |
The Edwardsville Project School 6 out of 16 years. | 00:34:33 | |
Good news. It's good news. Yeah, Yeah. | 00:34:38 | |
That's great. | 00:34:42 | |
Make a motion to adjourn. We really want to get out of here, don't you? No, I'm happy to sit here freezing and shivering like | 00:34:44 | |
everybody else. You can call Bob, get him on a Zoom call. Motion to adjourn. | 00:34:49 | |
All right. Just a second, second. | 00:34:55 | |
Motion made by John, seconded by Jeff. All in favor say aye aye. We are adjourned. | 00:34:59 | |
Don't leave, you got signs. | 00:35:04 | |
What are we? Oh yeah. | 00:35:06 |