No Bookmarks Exist.
Yeah. 00:00:02
All right. We're going to call the meeting to order Don and be down here in a minute. 00:00:08
So Trisha won't do a roll call. Vote A roll call here. 00:00:11
Here. 00:00:20
Here. 00:00:22
All right, let Director show we do have a quorum. We have three members present and our board attorney, Justin, which is also 00:00:25
here. So before Don gets in, we'll run through a couple of quick things. We have the approval of the minutes and one claim. We 00:00:32
have minutes from May 10th and April 30th. So I'd like to have a motion to approve both the April 30th and May 10th meeting 00:00:40
minutes along with the claim from Young Lynn Anderson Craft in the amount of $2787.50. 00:00:47
Make a motion to approve the minutes. 00:00:55
2nd. 00:00:59
I was fair to say aye aye. 00:01:01
Motion carries. Would you also like a motion to approve the claim? You'd miss me if I didn't do it. Oh, so moved motion by Jeff to 00:01:03
approve the claim. Is there a second? 00:01:10
Can you second? 00:01:17
Do we need all three votes to to make this? We may need all three. 00:01:21
All in favor say aye aye. Motion carries. 00:01:26
Yeah, it's hard crowd, Yes. Came on a good day. 00:01:30
Yeah, no doubt. 00:01:35
Okay, we're going to go ahead and ask if there's any public comment. I think these two gentlemen are here for something on the 00:01:37
agenda, so we'll skip that. Don't say don't sit down. You're you're up. 00:01:42
For your information, is the. 00:01:49
The different funds that. 00:01:52
Are available to the redevelopment Commissioner have redevelopment that's for your information. 00:01:56
Purposes later on in the agenda. 00:02:02
We'll have a, I think there's a Make My Move renewal contract and. 00:02:05
I can give you more information, but currently we have 6 movers out of our initial 10 the average. 00:02:11
Salaries a little over 107th. 00:02:18
$1000 per person. We have nine in the pipeline so far that have accepted offers in three that two of you will be getting emails 00:02:21
about. 00:02:26
Later today, they just came in this morning. So and I have sent out an e-mail to reach out and I've talked to a couple folks about 00:02:33
either coming in or having some type of conversation and they seem open to that. So, so 6 movers active and then nine that have 00:02:41
nine that have accepted and that will be that have accepted the move to the county at different. 00:02:49
Some are in, some will be in June, July, OK, some are in October. So, so we're at 15, we're at 15, OK. Is that our threshold? Our 00:02:59
our threshold was 10 and so we're beyond that and so. 00:03:07
We have an opportunity to extend. Do you want me to kind of go and take that might as well item and just go ahead with it. So Make 00:03:18
My move has sent a renewal contract. The Lilly funds are no longer available. 00:03:25
Their total contract is 124,000. 00:03:32
The IEDC grant is 114,000. 00:03:37
So there's $10,000, there's $10,000 gap for funding their contract versus. 00:03:45
Is there any opportunity to go back and talk to Mike Tyson about that? 00:03:56
I like it. 00:03:59
See if there's any way they can move or is it? Is it just? 00:04:01
Off that price or is that just that's it? That's what they're 124? Yeah. I mean their their contract amount also includes well the 00:04:05
grant amount includes the ability to pay for partial a portion of my salary as well. So the total project is like he's got 229,000 00:04:13
there. 00:04:21
But that includes salary and. 00:04:29
And they make my move. The 50 that includes their 124 and that includes that 124. 00:04:33
So. 00:04:39
I look at it as it's 124. It's really 180 in terms of total and you're getting 114 back. You had 80 in last year, you got 96,000 00:04:42
back. We actually got more than in the grant money than what we expended. So we're actually on the plus side of that. 00:04:52
But I think that the item for me that would make me say, hey, I think this is an opportunity to that we should rule out the board 00:05:02
should really look at it the return on the investment. 00:05:08
The return on investment is if all not if the 9 folks and so you have those those two that's a payroll over $1.6 million annually. 00:05:14
So for $60,000 investment in local and local incentives. 00:05:23
Your, your return is, I mean, no, your, your return's like $26 for every dollar you spend on your. 00:05:33
Our contract is expired, right. So we need to decide if we're going to yeah, our contract you have to I think two options. You can 00:05:41
just have the contract expire, finish out who you have offered and accepted and and leave the program. 00:05:49
Or the 2nd would be just to the second be to move with the 10 movers. 00:05:58
And go forward with that. I will say what he was explaining, I think and. 00:06:04
What Ryan was explaining is we're seeing that because I think I sent you 3 yesterday. Yeah, I've got like I said three in the 00:06:11
inbox today that may time frame of people, kids are getting out of school, people are looking to move, is getting it's getting 00:06:18
active so. 00:06:24
So this point on. 00:06:32
Their total contract and it's an. 00:06:34
How long is it? One year? One year? So one $24,000 contract, right? 00:06:37
100 where you will be out, we're eligible for $114,000 grant. So our initial commitment is. 00:06:43
10,000. 00:06:51
10,000 and then the 25, the $5000 incentive per remover, so OK. 00:06:53
Do we have the $114,000 grant or we're anticipating that we're getting it, It's part of the program, so I mean. 00:07:00
Yes, I when we signed, signed the contract and signed the grant agreement. 00:07:09
I just didn't wanna get herself unless some liability where we're anticipating that and then it didn't come through. So yeah, no, 00:07:16
my, how how it's been explained to me is that the monies are there and it's. 00:07:22
It is the grant. 00:07:28
The grant agreement and that gets submitted at the same time. 00:07:30
So it's a $60,000 commitment because 10 movers 5050 plus the 10 short. 00:07:34
But the contract is not contingent on getting the grant right like the grants not mentioned in their contract. 00:07:42
Right. I doubt it is. 00:07:49
I think we would if we. 00:07:53
If I would suggest we make it contingent upon. 00:07:57
That we agree. 00:08:01
To enter a contract with them contingent upon us receiving the the grant, IEDC grant. Yeah, I had a couple of edits. I was looking 00:08:04
back at our previous contract to see what we revised. 00:08:09
I mean, one thing was just. 00:08:15
I mean a 5% penalty on the $124,000 if it's 15 days late, well that's not how we so that that was just one thing, but there was a 00:08:17
couple things that I would take out. So maybe can I suggest I'd entertain a motion to enter into a contract with it is called Make 00:08:25
My move, the actual company with Make My Move in the amount of $124,000 contingent upon our attorneys review and acceptance of the 00:08:32
document. 00:08:40
And contingent upon us securing the $114,000 IEDC grant. 00:08:49
And does it need to be signed outside the meeting till out to be signed outside the meeting? 00:08:57
That'd be my motion, all right. I'm looking for a motion to that effect. 00:09:01
So moved second. 00:09:06
Most about Jeff's second bath. 00:09:08
Brad, did you get all that, Teresa, is that good? 00:09:10
Is it? Is that 15? Is that? 00:09:14
Any kind of limit statutorily or discretionary, or we can go more than that. We don't want to go more than that. We could go more. 00:09:17
What's the mechanics on that? 15 for the the number of movies. 00:09:22
The incentive package was $5000 per per mover, so we had an extra 5 per mover we didn't want to. 00:09:30
We didn't want to open ourselves up to too much exposure. Now what I will from my conversations with him and a conversation with 00:09:44
someone who picked Noble's goal. 00:09:48
On the ARC, the competition for the communities Noblesville, they started with 15. 00:09:52
Per Ryan Cox, he said I'm not Ryan Cox. 00:10:00
Ryan Pie, he's they, they have moved that in Noblesville up to 25 and Evansville is up to their number from 10 to 20. 00:10:03
I think 10s manageable. 00:10:13
Yeah, for us, I mean, if, because right now you have. 00:10:16
You have nine, you have six moved four or you need four more to get the, the initial 10. You've got 9, you've got another seven 00:10:22
that's been offered. So and and like I said, there's three out there that's more than likely you'll offer today. So you'll be up 00:10:28
to 10 offers. 00:10:34
And that's for a year. It's a year, yeah. So they drop off. 00:10:42
Well, they would stay. They would like if all nine said they want to move. 00:10:47
Well, we're taking them. I mean, you're going to have some attrition for people. We've had a couple people who have accepted 00:10:53
offers, offers and then they've had a couple of personal issues. 00:10:58
We just said once you're ready, come back and we'll work with you on getting you back into the. 00:11:04
Pipeline, so there's a couple of folks I'm not counting and that that number. So if if the total number is 20, we're at six, we've 00:11:09
got nine and we've got. 00:11:15
7:00 to 10:00. 00:11:20
House aware of, you know. 00:11:22
I think that that shows that there's an interest. 00:11:24
And getting through the getting through the 20. I'm going to ask a dumb question. If our original threshold was ten and we got up 00:11:27
to 15. 00:11:31
How did how are we going to fund it? How are we going to afford? Yeah, that was going to be my next. We're five. We could. 00:11:36
Possibly be five over if all nine move. 00:11:44
But. 00:11:48
By approving this. 00:11:48
We'll be using five of those 10. So we have, OK, that's what I was getting at is like this approval is like, oh, where we're going 00:11:51
to. We'll go into our threshold for the next year. We will. Yeah. All right. 00:11:58
Yeah, let's make sure that didn't happen. Yep. 00:12:05
Gotcha. Any other comments? 00:12:09
All in favor say aye aye. Motion carries. 00:12:12
All right, Don, All right, moving on into 6. 00:12:16
Yeah. 00:12:23
Just real quick Nova Park innovation we're we've got an IDC grant to this areas of. 00:12:25
I would apply for an IDC grant for a series of. 00:12:32
One week events were partnering with IUS just to have. 00:12:36
Folks out to the to park so. 00:12:43
We've got the 4th. 00:12:47
4th week of each month. 00:12:49
We're planning to have a speaker, an entrepreneurial type of workshop and then a public. 00:12:51
Facing event I don't know park so and they're going to be in the areas of space artificial intelligence, sustainability and then 00:12:59
just kind of food and and food and beverage. Have you picked up day It's 4th. You said fourth week of July 22nd the week of August 00:13:08
26th September 23rd October 21st. That may be that may be need to be. 00:13:17
Looked at if the election board wants to use Noble Park and then the Global Entrepreneur Week is November 25th. 00:13:26
Are you doing it on a certain day or Mondays are going to be the speaker series that was going to be at IU SE, so we're going to 00:13:38
have a panel discussion on a specific item. 00:13:43
Then Thursday is going to be more of a workshop for entrepreneurs focusing on financing, how folks can get financing. So we're 00:13:50
going to be bringing in folks from venture capital and state capital type of programs and commercial lenders. But it'll be hosted 00:13:57
at Nova Park. That one will be hosted at Nova Park on Thursdays, on Thursday. 00:14:04
OK. And the Saturday is a as public kind of hands on? 00:14:11
An opportunity just to kind of see some of the technology bring some folks who are startups out kind of like. 00:14:17
Late, we're going to invite the lady from Good Maps. 00:14:26
Just have them present on the campus. So just some programming that we're we're pushing. Will it be a press release on that the 00:14:30
paper or one SI or whatever? Yeah, we're we're Alan Howie's working with us on getting them pull together marketplace. 00:14:38
Perfect, that'd be neat. 00:14:46
OK. 00:14:49
So the the next is really a discussion on economic development agreement. 00:14:52
With the Tunnel Hill project. 00:14:58
The. 00:15:03
Just to give you an overview, we've we've kind of went back and forth on some proposal. 00:15:05
The developer would like to have a commitment. 00:15:12
The redevelopment is going to. 00:15:16
Water, sewer and make improvements to the road on the intersection as they market their property. 00:15:18
I think natural gas is another item, but that's so far out right into the ether whether or not that'll be feasible. 00:15:27
There's a there is a conversation is going to be had with Center Point later this week. 00:15:36
But wanted to kind of get either an opportunity to have an executive session to talk a little bit more about this. I think we need 00:15:43
to, that's the commercial development on the corner. 00:15:49
Tunnel Hill. So we just need to look at it. 00:15:55
Talk about it, and I think an executive session would be. 00:16:00
Visible, yeah. 00:16:03
You should. How quickly do we need to do that? 00:16:05
I know that I know that. My understanding is that they're. 00:16:10
Folks who are marketing the site actually went out to like a conference this week trying to recruit folks so. 00:16:13
We have some budget numbers together that like. 00:16:22
I know Georgetown's provided him a sewer number that we're supposed to provide it a water number. 00:16:25
We'd have to look at the road, Sir. Sooner. And water. 00:16:31
My memory is about 600,000 right? 00:16:35
300, about 300 each to extend water and sewer out to the side. 00:16:38
The fourth leg there at the intersection is right at about 1,000,001. 00:16:42
To get that. 00:16:50
So it's about 1.81 point, let's say 1.71 point 8 million. 00:16:51
The. 00:16:58
National what? What what I said to him was. 00:17:00
Doing it as a pass through bond. 00:17:07
And that was something that he was not interested in pursuing. So I think the question for the board is what do you want to commit 00:17:10
to? What do you want to commit to as it's tied back to how much investment and tax and TIFF is going to be generated by the 00:17:16
project? 00:17:22
Right. I think that's that's that would be the kind of the. 00:17:29
Now depending on what they're going to bring out commercially to that side. 00:17:34
I would drive the level of. 00:17:40
Participation. Probably an executive session Thursday again. 00:17:42
Whose day? 00:17:47
Said that they would drive commercial to that area. The developer, you mean? Yeah. 00:17:49
That's OK if it's OK. 00:17:56
I think if we could schedule an executive session that would be better. When do you think we need to do that? 00:18:00
Once whatever, I guess we need to check with the others, but what's the initial thoughts on? 00:18:05
I mean, I get, I don't know if we can wait to our next meeting, but. 00:18:15
Probably not. Yeah, I was gonna say there I'm. 00:18:19
After. 00:18:23
What's late next week? Look like everybody. 00:18:24
The 3030 first is is groundbreaking for red wire, yeah. 00:18:29
What about the the 29th or 30th one of those? 00:18:35
Either either of those 29th, 29th, better. 00:18:42
What time? 00:18:46
I'm wide open that whole day. 00:18:48
And I know what this retired guy, but yeah, I'm not open in the morning that day, but I can do that. Well, is the 30th better for 00:18:50
you? 30th, I'm open in the morning. 00:18:55
I'm gonna do it. I can do 10:00 AM on a Thursday. 00:19:02
No, I can't. 00:19:07
Oh, OK, he can't. Can you do? Can you do the afternoon the 29th? 00:19:09
Yes, for some, depending on what time what what works. 00:19:15
That right now I'm totally wide open. 00:19:20
Two o'clock 13333 work OK, three work for you. 00:19:23
I will know. I will know after today. We are we. The County Council has a. 00:19:29
Meeting scheduled in this room at 3:00 on that day for appropriations for EMS contract, Kyle that we may be moving that meeting 00:19:37
up, but we're having a joint meeting tonight. OK, if we move that up, we may not have the 29th and I may be open so well let's 00:19:43
let's do three on the 29th and let us know tentative we can. 00:19:49
We wouldn't know. You'd know tonight, wouldn't you? I would know tonight, yes. 00:19:56
So 29th at 3:00 PM. 00:20:01
OK. Is that tentatively? 00:20:03
OK. 00:20:11
All right. 00:20:18
OK, if you're ready for the last item on the agenda in your packet should be a. 00:20:21
A draft declaratory resolution and schedule. 00:20:28
For Galena Commons. 00:20:33
That includes the legal descriptions and. 00:20:39
Of the proposed. 00:20:44
Outstanding. 00:20:48
Did you say the schedule was when they're done? It should be. 00:20:50
We were copying it. 00:20:57
Probably go to the back. 00:21:01
Yeah, I'm looking at. Maybe I skipped over. 00:21:04
There's legal description. 00:21:08
No, there's a schedule. Are you looking for a schedule? Yeah, schedule isn't in there. I can provide that. You just you can 00:21:11
verbalize. Yeah, I saw, I saw the draft of the schedule. I mean, I if, if you're the, the process would be, if you decided to 00:21:19
choose, go ahead with the declaratory resolution today, which would be #5 the next steps will be then going to the Planning 00:21:27
Commission in June, the county commissioners and their June 18th meeting, if I'm not mistaken. 00:21:35
There is a added step, which would be the Economic Development Commission. 00:21:45
Which the county does have 1:00. We'd have to see where that stands with a board with the commissioners, and I'm working on 00:21:52
figuring out who's still on that board. 00:21:56
Does that. Who's that board made-up of? I don't know right now it was. 00:22:02
It was John. 00:22:08
Was a gentleman who was the principal out at. 00:22:10
Lanesville. 00:22:16
Oh yeah, and. 00:22:18
I don't know if it's the same gentleman I thought was Steve Roberts, who's also on redevelopment. 00:22:20
There's a three. 00:22:26
But I'm double checking to see if they've been reappointed. 00:22:27
Where their appointments are, I think the council had one and we, we appointed the gentleman that was a retired principal. Yeah. 00:22:31
And I don't know if there's terms on it. We disappointed him and we haven't done anything since then. That's it's, it was, it was 00:22:38
pre COVID when we created that. So that's why I wanted to do some investigation to see if they're current and make sure that it's 00:22:45
been so it goes to plan Commission. 00:22:52
Then, then the commissioners and then the Economic Development Commission and then it goes to County Council. 00:23:01
OK. And then it goes, which would probably be in July, July and then we'll come back here for your July 16th. 00:23:08
For a conformatory resolution. 00:23:16
And public hearing. 00:23:20
I mean, that's probably the most aggressive timeline we can get. 00:23:21
Right. Yeah, pretty much. 00:23:25
OK. 00:23:27
So what do we need today? So our intention is. 00:23:28
They have the confirmatory resolution at our July 16th meeting. That would be the that would be the schedule if everything goes 00:23:32
according. So we need to, we need to entertain a motion to approve resolution #2024 Dash 05. 00:23:39
Resolution of the Floyd County Redevelopment Commission declaring an area in Floyd County, Indiana is an economic development area 00:23:48
and approving an economic development plan for the area. 00:23:53
We're not going to read the rest of it unless you guys want us to read. 00:23:59
Done. 00:24:03
I mean, unless you guys need to see anything different on that, I'd love to. If they're here, I'd love that, OK. 00:24:09
Let's. 00:24:17
Go ahead, Go ahead. Come on up. 00:24:18
I guess got. 00:24:22
Project so you guys can see it, love you seeing it, but I'll send you a copy of it again. There you go. 00:24:27
Thank you. Good deal. So in front of you got excited our site plan, it shows a 7300 square foot retail building in the front. 00:24:38
24 multifamily buildings, 24 unit multifamily building in the back, parking and stuff around it. You can see a curb cut on Hwy. 00:24:48
150. You can see a connection to the coffee crossing site on the it'd be playing right per se and the detention basin and back. So 00:24:55
really got parking around there. Got some. 00:25:01
Typical stuff on a site clinic and most of you guys have seen in the past page two, it's just a. 00:25:08
Black and white of the retail building, 7300 square foot. Obviously you can see storefront on the front kind of an elevated 00:25:16
signature corner entrance there. We did that by design so we could attract a commercial user that would want to kind of prominent 00:25:22
location there at the corner. 00:25:27
Page 3 is our multifamily building. This is a. 00:25:34
Obviously modern contemporary building that has part exciting brick veneer. 00:25:39
Hardy Panels. 00:25:46
Balconies, things of that nature. This is a built product that has a breezeway, 2 breezeways that connects units together, things 00:25:49
like that. So other than that, that's kind of what this looks, this project looks and feels like from a from a design perspective. 00:25:57
Yeah, So similar, similar to what we saw. Yeah. Seen what you seen. So yeah, very similar what you saw. We just asked things 00:26:06
advanced. We tweak it as we go. Right, right, right. So this potential water basin here, this this here, that's going to be a 00:26:14
grassy area. That's a grass detention basin. Yes. It's not a retention, it's a detention basin. Would that be, would you, could it 00:26:21
serve a dual purpose as fence that in and make it a dog park type thing? 00:26:28
I know it sounds like a silly question. No, you're good. People that love their pets and they're gonna want to ask that question. 00:27:06
No, you're good. We want to be friendly to it. We, we we like people that have pets. Yeah. 00:27:11
So anyway, oh, it looks great. Obviously you gotta there's they gotta get in dots approval for the cut on actually we got yeah, we 00:27:18
actually have we I mean, that's not perspective and everybody's which this is handy because you come out at a light, you know they 00:27:24
can they can come across and come out of the light too. 00:27:31
Bob, so you know this, we are fully we are fully permitted. No, that's great. That's a big hurdle. That's a big hurdle to get 00:27:40
past. Yes, it's a it's sometimes like wrestling. 00:27:45
For sure. 00:27:52
OK, anything else for me? 00:27:53
No, we just need a motion to approve resolution. I was just attorneys not here on the resolution to make sure he's good with it. 00:27:56
Did you not prepare the resolution? I didn't. I looked at the resolution at one point, but that was. 00:28:04
Before we had the plan and the plat and the legal description. 00:28:10
I've seen that, but it is here now and we we've done prepared it and it's with the resolution. 00:28:14
Yeah, good. Yeah, Yeah. I'll take a look at it after the meeting, I'm sure. 00:28:23
We have anything you can revise, amend it, OK. 00:28:28
This just gets the process started. 00:28:31
OK. I'll make a motion to approve Resolution 2024, Dash 05 second. 00:28:34
Any other discussion? 00:28:40
So if we do need to amend it, Justin's not a problem. 00:28:41
It's just it's a declaratory resolution. If you need to amend it, it'll. 00:28:44
You know, I mean, it's going to the next step, if you will. It'll hold up that step if we do, but we'll know it, OK? 00:28:48
Do we need to make a anything in the motion that allows you to make some changes but make sure it's not substantial changes? 00:28:54
I'd rather I looked at the resolution and like I said, I just didn't see the plan that's with it. 00:29:03
OK. I think if you want to approve it. 00:29:11
If you guys have looked at it, I'm comfortable with it, but just I'm with, I'm with bread. I want to, I want you to earn your 00:29:14
money. 00:29:18
Okay, I'm good. All right. All those in favor say aye, aye. Motion carries. All right, Theresa, do you have like all the originals 00:29:24
for us to sign or do you want me OK? 00:29:30
So I can pull them out of that. 00:29:35
We don't have anything else on the agenda unless you guys have it. 00:29:37
Anything before? 00:29:42
Otherwise, we'll entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved second by Brad, pause. 00:29:46
All right. Thank you, gentlemen. 00:29:54
Best of luck when you go to playing Commission. 00:29:57
Do we need to go to that dawn? Any reason? 00:30:00
Do we need to? 00:30:02
Yeah, Council will go to but we would love to see you. 00:30:05
Absolutely. 00:30:09
OK, Yeah. 00:30:11
No, you have. 00:30:14
I'll do it. It's probably OK. 00:30:18
I'm just going to. 00:30:23
Yeah, yeah. 00:30:25
About the plan. 00:30:28
Do you have my contact list? 00:30:34
Once it once it starts approaching this step to get to the County Council. 00:30:37
The heavy paper. 00:30:44
I'll tell you who you need to work. 00:30:47
And get with them and see what they. 00:30:57
Yeah, I was looking at everything. I sent you another e-mail. 00:31:00
The rest of the stuff but. 00:31:03
No, I don't think the resolution, but I don't think I ever saw the plane. 00:31:11
You'll you'll fill out the date. 00:31:18
There's a couple in a couple of people that's going to be. I just haven't looked at it in the. 00:31:20
That might be a little bit of a challenge to explain to it. Explain that to him. 00:31:26
I guess, I mean, I don't see any wrecks. Alright, you have a good one. 00:31:34
Sorry I was late. The traffic is. 00:31:38
I'm sure it's a new good one to look at. I'll I'll look at it when I get back to my desk. 00:31:41
Yeah, but no. OK. 00:31:44
All right. 00:31:48
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Three of them. 00:31:51
All right. 00:31:56
You're welcome. 00:31:59
Yeah. 00:32:06
Probably need to spend some time on. Yeah, they'll notice that's not just. 00:32:07
They don't. I don't remember. 00:32:16
I know I was. 00:32:19
Getting on it. 00:32:22
So they've already, they've already talked about that. 00:32:26
Something do that. But Greg and I had talked and I thought Greg and I and I have an e-mail from him and I thought we were on it. 00:32:29
Yeah, yeah, he was just talking about that's right for right now. 00:32:34
But Kevin still, I know he's gone, so we can deal with Kevin stuff because it probably was. There may be other subjective things. 00:32:41
My issues are. 00:32:50
Good. 00:32:53
I'm sure they will. 00:32:55
All right, we're starting to hear, starting to do a little something. 00:33:00
Yeah. 00:33:09
There's always something right, So. 00:33:11
To me, it's we have those. 00:33:14
Well, we have our. 00:33:17
Well. 00:33:21
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Yeah. 00:00:02
All right. We're going to call the meeting to order Don and be down here in a minute. 00:00:08
So Trisha won't do a roll call. Vote A roll call here. 00:00:11
Here. 00:00:20
Here. 00:00:22
All right, let Director show we do have a quorum. We have three members present and our board attorney, Justin, which is also 00:00:25
here. So before Don gets in, we'll run through a couple of quick things. We have the approval of the minutes and one claim. We 00:00:32
have minutes from May 10th and April 30th. So I'd like to have a motion to approve both the April 30th and May 10th meeting 00:00:40
minutes along with the claim from Young Lynn Anderson Craft in the amount of $2787.50. 00:00:47
Make a motion to approve the minutes. 00:00:55
2nd. 00:00:59
I was fair to say aye aye. 00:01:01
Motion carries. Would you also like a motion to approve the claim? You'd miss me if I didn't do it. Oh, so moved motion by Jeff to 00:01:03
approve the claim. Is there a second? 00:01:10
Can you second? 00:01:17
Do we need all three votes to to make this? We may need all three. 00:01:21
All in favor say aye aye. Motion carries. 00:01:26
Yeah, it's hard crowd, Yes. Came on a good day. 00:01:30
Yeah, no doubt. 00:01:35
Okay, we're going to go ahead and ask if there's any public comment. I think these two gentlemen are here for something on the 00:01:37
agenda, so we'll skip that. Don't say don't sit down. You're you're up. 00:01:42
For your information, is the. 00:01:49
The different funds that. 00:01:52
Are available to the redevelopment Commissioner have redevelopment that's for your information. 00:01:56
Purposes later on in the agenda. 00:02:02
We'll have a, I think there's a Make My Move renewal contract and. 00:02:05
I can give you more information, but currently we have 6 movers out of our initial 10 the average. 00:02:11
Salaries a little over 107th. 00:02:18
$1000 per person. We have nine in the pipeline so far that have accepted offers in three that two of you will be getting emails 00:02:21
about. 00:02:26
Later today, they just came in this morning. So and I have sent out an e-mail to reach out and I've talked to a couple folks about 00:02:33
either coming in or having some type of conversation and they seem open to that. So, so 6 movers active and then nine that have 00:02:41
nine that have accepted and that will be that have accepted the move to the county at different. 00:02:49
Some are in, some will be in June, July, OK, some are in October. So, so we're at 15, we're at 15, OK. Is that our threshold? Our 00:02:59
our threshold was 10 and so we're beyond that and so. 00:03:07
We have an opportunity to extend. Do you want me to kind of go and take that might as well item and just go ahead with it. So Make 00:03:18
My move has sent a renewal contract. The Lilly funds are no longer available. 00:03:25
Their total contract is 124,000. 00:03:32
The IEDC grant is 114,000. 00:03:37
So there's $10,000, there's $10,000 gap for funding their contract versus. 00:03:45
Is there any opportunity to go back and talk to Mike Tyson about that? 00:03:56
I like it. 00:03:59
See if there's any way they can move or is it? Is it just? 00:04:01
Off that price or is that just that's it? That's what they're 124? Yeah. I mean their their contract amount also includes well the 00:04:05
grant amount includes the ability to pay for partial a portion of my salary as well. So the total project is like he's got 229,000 00:04:13
there. 00:04:21
But that includes salary and. 00:04:29
And they make my move. The 50 that includes their 124 and that includes that 124. 00:04:33
So. 00:04:39
I look at it as it's 124. It's really 180 in terms of total and you're getting 114 back. You had 80 in last year, you got 96,000 00:04:42
back. We actually got more than in the grant money than what we expended. So we're actually on the plus side of that. 00:04:52
But I think that the item for me that would make me say, hey, I think this is an opportunity to that we should rule out the board 00:05:02
should really look at it the return on the investment. 00:05:08
The return on investment is if all not if the 9 folks and so you have those those two that's a payroll over $1.6 million annually. 00:05:14
So for $60,000 investment in local and local incentives. 00:05:23
Your, your return is, I mean, no, your, your return's like $26 for every dollar you spend on your. 00:05:33
Our contract is expired, right. So we need to decide if we're going to yeah, our contract you have to I think two options. You can 00:05:41
just have the contract expire, finish out who you have offered and accepted and and leave the program. 00:05:49
Or the 2nd would be just to the second be to move with the 10 movers. 00:05:58
And go forward with that. I will say what he was explaining, I think and. 00:06:04
What Ryan was explaining is we're seeing that because I think I sent you 3 yesterday. Yeah, I've got like I said three in the 00:06:11
inbox today that may time frame of people, kids are getting out of school, people are looking to move, is getting it's getting 00:06:18
active so. 00:06:24
So this point on. 00:06:32
Their total contract and it's an. 00:06:34
How long is it? One year? One year? So one $24,000 contract, right? 00:06:37
100 where you will be out, we're eligible for $114,000 grant. So our initial commitment is. 00:06:43
10,000. 00:06:51
10,000 and then the 25, the $5000 incentive per remover, so OK. 00:06:53
Do we have the $114,000 grant or we're anticipating that we're getting it, It's part of the program, so I mean. 00:07:00
Yes, I when we signed, signed the contract and signed the grant agreement. 00:07:09
I just didn't wanna get herself unless some liability where we're anticipating that and then it didn't come through. So yeah, no, 00:07:16
my, how how it's been explained to me is that the monies are there and it's. 00:07:22
It is the grant. 00:07:28
The grant agreement and that gets submitted at the same time. 00:07:30
So it's a $60,000 commitment because 10 movers 5050 plus the 10 short. 00:07:34
But the contract is not contingent on getting the grant right like the grants not mentioned in their contract. 00:07:42
Right. I doubt it is. 00:07:49
I think we would if we. 00:07:53
If I would suggest we make it contingent upon. 00:07:57
That we agree. 00:08:01
To enter a contract with them contingent upon us receiving the the grant, IEDC grant. Yeah, I had a couple of edits. I was looking 00:08:04
back at our previous contract to see what we revised. 00:08:09
I mean, one thing was just. 00:08:15
I mean a 5% penalty on the $124,000 if it's 15 days late, well that's not how we so that that was just one thing, but there was a 00:08:17
couple things that I would take out. So maybe can I suggest I'd entertain a motion to enter into a contract with it is called Make 00:08:25
My move, the actual company with Make My Move in the amount of $124,000 contingent upon our attorneys review and acceptance of the 00:08:32
document. 00:08:40
And contingent upon us securing the $114,000 IEDC grant. 00:08:49
And does it need to be signed outside the meeting till out to be signed outside the meeting? 00:08:57
That'd be my motion, all right. I'm looking for a motion to that effect. 00:09:01
So moved second. 00:09:06
Most about Jeff's second bath. 00:09:08
Brad, did you get all that, Teresa, is that good? 00:09:10
Is it? Is that 15? Is that? 00:09:14
Any kind of limit statutorily or discretionary, or we can go more than that. We don't want to go more than that. We could go more. 00:09:17
What's the mechanics on that? 15 for the the number of movies. 00:09:22
The incentive package was $5000 per per mover, so we had an extra 5 per mover we didn't want to. 00:09:30
We didn't want to open ourselves up to too much exposure. Now what I will from my conversations with him and a conversation with 00:09:44
someone who picked Noble's goal. 00:09:48
On the ARC, the competition for the communities Noblesville, they started with 15. 00:09:52
Per Ryan Cox, he said I'm not Ryan Cox. 00:10:00
Ryan Pie, he's they, they have moved that in Noblesville up to 25 and Evansville is up to their number from 10 to 20. 00:10:03
I think 10s manageable. 00:10:13
Yeah, for us, I mean, if, because right now you have. 00:10:16
You have nine, you have six moved four or you need four more to get the, the initial 10. You've got 9, you've got another seven 00:10:22
that's been offered. So and and like I said, there's three out there that's more than likely you'll offer today. So you'll be up 00:10:28
to 10 offers. 00:10:34
And that's for a year. It's a year, yeah. So they drop off. 00:10:42
Well, they would stay. They would like if all nine said they want to move. 00:10:47
Well, we're taking them. I mean, you're going to have some attrition for people. We've had a couple people who have accepted 00:10:53
offers, offers and then they've had a couple of personal issues. 00:10:58
We just said once you're ready, come back and we'll work with you on getting you back into the. 00:11:04
Pipeline, so there's a couple of folks I'm not counting and that that number. So if if the total number is 20, we're at six, we've 00:11:09
got nine and we've got. 00:11:15
7:00 to 10:00. 00:11:20
House aware of, you know. 00:11:22
I think that that shows that there's an interest. 00:11:24
And getting through the getting through the 20. I'm going to ask a dumb question. If our original threshold was ten and we got up 00:11:27
to 15. 00:11:31
How did how are we going to fund it? How are we going to afford? Yeah, that was going to be my next. We're five. We could. 00:11:36
Possibly be five over if all nine move. 00:11:44
But. 00:11:48
By approving this. 00:11:48
We'll be using five of those 10. So we have, OK, that's what I was getting at is like this approval is like, oh, where we're going 00:11:51
to. We'll go into our threshold for the next year. We will. Yeah. All right. 00:11:58
Yeah, let's make sure that didn't happen. Yep. 00:12:05
Gotcha. Any other comments? 00:12:09
All in favor say aye aye. Motion carries. 00:12:12
All right, Don, All right, moving on into 6. 00:12:16
Yeah. 00:12:23
Just real quick Nova Park innovation we're we've got an IDC grant to this areas of. 00:12:25
I would apply for an IDC grant for a series of. 00:12:32
One week events were partnering with IUS just to have. 00:12:36
Folks out to the to park so. 00:12:43
We've got the 4th. 00:12:47
4th week of each month. 00:12:49
We're planning to have a speaker, an entrepreneurial type of workshop and then a public. 00:12:51
Facing event I don't know park so and they're going to be in the areas of space artificial intelligence, sustainability and then 00:12:59
just kind of food and and food and beverage. Have you picked up day It's 4th. You said fourth week of July 22nd the week of August 00:13:08
26th September 23rd October 21st. That may be that may be need to be. 00:13:17
Looked at if the election board wants to use Noble Park and then the Global Entrepreneur Week is November 25th. 00:13:26
Are you doing it on a certain day or Mondays are going to be the speaker series that was going to be at IU SE, so we're going to 00:13:38
have a panel discussion on a specific item. 00:13:43
Then Thursday is going to be more of a workshop for entrepreneurs focusing on financing, how folks can get financing. So we're 00:13:50
going to be bringing in folks from venture capital and state capital type of programs and commercial lenders. But it'll be hosted 00:13:57
at Nova Park. That one will be hosted at Nova Park on Thursdays, on Thursday. 00:14:04
OK. And the Saturday is a as public kind of hands on? 00:14:11
An opportunity just to kind of see some of the technology bring some folks who are startups out kind of like. 00:14:17
Late, we're going to invite the lady from Good Maps. 00:14:26
Just have them present on the campus. So just some programming that we're we're pushing. Will it be a press release on that the 00:14:30
paper or one SI or whatever? Yeah, we're we're Alan Howie's working with us on getting them pull together marketplace. 00:14:38
Perfect, that'd be neat. 00:14:46
OK. 00:14:49
So the the next is really a discussion on economic development agreement. 00:14:52
With the Tunnel Hill project. 00:14:58
The. 00:15:03
Just to give you an overview, we've we've kind of went back and forth on some proposal. 00:15:05
The developer would like to have a commitment. 00:15:12
The redevelopment is going to. 00:15:16
Water, sewer and make improvements to the road on the intersection as they market their property. 00:15:18
I think natural gas is another item, but that's so far out right into the ether whether or not that'll be feasible. 00:15:27
There's a there is a conversation is going to be had with Center Point later this week. 00:15:36
But wanted to kind of get either an opportunity to have an executive session to talk a little bit more about this. I think we need 00:15:43
to, that's the commercial development on the corner. 00:15:49
Tunnel Hill. So we just need to look at it. 00:15:55
Talk about it, and I think an executive session would be. 00:16:00
Visible, yeah. 00:16:03
You should. How quickly do we need to do that? 00:16:05
I know that I know that. My understanding is that they're. 00:16:10
Folks who are marketing the site actually went out to like a conference this week trying to recruit folks so. 00:16:13
We have some budget numbers together that like. 00:16:22
I know Georgetown's provided him a sewer number that we're supposed to provide it a water number. 00:16:25
We'd have to look at the road, Sir. Sooner. And water. 00:16:31
My memory is about 600,000 right? 00:16:35
300, about 300 each to extend water and sewer out to the side. 00:16:38
The fourth leg there at the intersection is right at about 1,000,001. 00:16:42
To get that. 00:16:50
So it's about 1.81 point, let's say 1.71 point 8 million. 00:16:51
The. 00:16:58
National what? What what I said to him was. 00:17:00
Doing it as a pass through bond. 00:17:07
And that was something that he was not interested in pursuing. So I think the question for the board is what do you want to commit 00:17:10
to? What do you want to commit to as it's tied back to how much investment and tax and TIFF is going to be generated by the 00:17:16
project? 00:17:22
Right. I think that's that's that would be the kind of the. 00:17:29
Now depending on what they're going to bring out commercially to that side. 00:17:34
I would drive the level of. 00:17:40
Participation. Probably an executive session Thursday again. 00:17:42
Whose day? 00:17:47
Said that they would drive commercial to that area. The developer, you mean? Yeah. 00:17:49
That's OK if it's OK. 00:17:56
I think if we could schedule an executive session that would be better. When do you think we need to do that? 00:18:00
Once whatever, I guess we need to check with the others, but what's the initial thoughts on? 00:18:05
I mean, I get, I don't know if we can wait to our next meeting, but. 00:18:15
Probably not. Yeah, I was gonna say there I'm. 00:18:19
After. 00:18:23
What's late next week? Look like everybody. 00:18:24
The 3030 first is is groundbreaking for red wire, yeah. 00:18:29
What about the the 29th or 30th one of those? 00:18:35
Either either of those 29th, 29th, better. 00:18:42
What time? 00:18:46
I'm wide open that whole day. 00:18:48
And I know what this retired guy, but yeah, I'm not open in the morning that day, but I can do that. Well, is the 30th better for 00:18:50
you? 30th, I'm open in the morning. 00:18:55
I'm gonna do it. I can do 10:00 AM on a Thursday. 00:19:02
No, I can't. 00:19:07
Oh, OK, he can't. Can you do? Can you do the afternoon the 29th? 00:19:09
Yes, for some, depending on what time what what works. 00:19:15
That right now I'm totally wide open. 00:19:20
Two o'clock 13333 work OK, three work for you. 00:19:23
I will know. I will know after today. We are we. The County Council has a. 00:19:29
Meeting scheduled in this room at 3:00 on that day for appropriations for EMS contract, Kyle that we may be moving that meeting 00:19:37
up, but we're having a joint meeting tonight. OK, if we move that up, we may not have the 29th and I may be open so well let's 00:19:43
let's do three on the 29th and let us know tentative we can. 00:19:49
We wouldn't know. You'd know tonight, wouldn't you? I would know tonight, yes. 00:19:56
So 29th at 3:00 PM. 00:20:01
OK. Is that tentatively? 00:20:03
OK. 00:20:11
All right. 00:20:18
OK, if you're ready for the last item on the agenda in your packet should be a. 00:20:21
A draft declaratory resolution and schedule. 00:20:28
For Galena Commons. 00:20:33
That includes the legal descriptions and. 00:20:39
Of the proposed. 00:20:44
Outstanding. 00:20:48
Did you say the schedule was when they're done? It should be. 00:20:50
We were copying it. 00:20:57
Probably go to the back. 00:21:01
Yeah, I'm looking at. Maybe I skipped over. 00:21:04
There's legal description. 00:21:08
No, there's a schedule. Are you looking for a schedule? Yeah, schedule isn't in there. I can provide that. You just you can 00:21:11
verbalize. Yeah, I saw, I saw the draft of the schedule. I mean, I if, if you're the, the process would be, if you decided to 00:21:19
choose, go ahead with the declaratory resolution today, which would be #5 the next steps will be then going to the Planning 00:21:27
Commission in June, the county commissioners and their June 18th meeting, if I'm not mistaken. 00:21:35
There is a added step, which would be the Economic Development Commission. 00:21:45
Which the county does have 1:00. We'd have to see where that stands with a board with the commissioners, and I'm working on 00:21:52
figuring out who's still on that board. 00:21:56
Does that. Who's that board made-up of? I don't know right now it was. 00:22:02
It was John. 00:22:08
Was a gentleman who was the principal out at. 00:22:10
Lanesville. 00:22:16
Oh yeah, and. 00:22:18
I don't know if it's the same gentleman I thought was Steve Roberts, who's also on redevelopment. 00:22:20
There's a three. 00:22:26
But I'm double checking to see if they've been reappointed. 00:22:27
Where their appointments are, I think the council had one and we, we appointed the gentleman that was a retired principal. Yeah. 00:22:31
And I don't know if there's terms on it. We disappointed him and we haven't done anything since then. That's it's, it was, it was 00:22:38
pre COVID when we created that. So that's why I wanted to do some investigation to see if they're current and make sure that it's 00:22:45
been so it goes to plan Commission. 00:22:52
Then, then the commissioners and then the Economic Development Commission and then it goes to County Council. 00:23:01
OK. And then it goes, which would probably be in July, July and then we'll come back here for your July 16th. 00:23:08
For a conformatory resolution. 00:23:16
And public hearing. 00:23:20
I mean, that's probably the most aggressive timeline we can get. 00:23:21
Right. Yeah, pretty much. 00:23:25
OK. 00:23:27
So what do we need today? So our intention is. 00:23:28
They have the confirmatory resolution at our July 16th meeting. That would be the that would be the schedule if everything goes 00:23:32
according. So we need to, we need to entertain a motion to approve resolution #2024 Dash 05. 00:23:39
Resolution of the Floyd County Redevelopment Commission declaring an area in Floyd County, Indiana is an economic development area 00:23:48
and approving an economic development plan for the area. 00:23:53
We're not going to read the rest of it unless you guys want us to read. 00:23:59
Done. 00:24:03
I mean, unless you guys need to see anything different on that, I'd love to. If they're here, I'd love that, OK. 00:24:09
Let's. 00:24:17
Go ahead, Go ahead. Come on up. 00:24:18
I guess got. 00:24:22
Project so you guys can see it, love you seeing it, but I'll send you a copy of it again. There you go. 00:24:27
Thank you. Good deal. So in front of you got excited our site plan, it shows a 7300 square foot retail building in the front. 00:24:38
24 multifamily buildings, 24 unit multifamily building in the back, parking and stuff around it. You can see a curb cut on Hwy. 00:24:48
150. You can see a connection to the coffee crossing site on the it'd be playing right per se and the detention basin and back. So 00:24:55
really got parking around there. Got some. 00:25:01
Typical stuff on a site clinic and most of you guys have seen in the past page two, it's just a. 00:25:08
Black and white of the retail building, 7300 square foot. Obviously you can see storefront on the front kind of an elevated 00:25:16
signature corner entrance there. We did that by design so we could attract a commercial user that would want to kind of prominent 00:25:22
location there at the corner. 00:25:27
Page 3 is our multifamily building. This is a. 00:25:34
Obviously modern contemporary building that has part exciting brick veneer. 00:25:39
Hardy Panels. 00:25:46
Balconies, things of that nature. This is a built product that has a breezeway, 2 breezeways that connects units together, things 00:25:49
like that. So other than that, that's kind of what this looks, this project looks and feels like from a from a design perspective. 00:25:57
Yeah, So similar, similar to what we saw. Yeah. Seen what you seen. So yeah, very similar what you saw. We just asked things 00:26:06
advanced. We tweak it as we go. Right, right, right. So this potential water basin here, this this here, that's going to be a 00:26:14
grassy area. That's a grass detention basin. Yes. It's not a retention, it's a detention basin. Would that be, would you, could it 00:26:21
serve a dual purpose as fence that in and make it a dog park type thing? 00:26:28
I know it sounds like a silly question. No, you're good. People that love their pets and they're gonna want to ask that question. 00:27:06
No, you're good. We want to be friendly to it. We, we we like people that have pets. Yeah. 00:27:11
So anyway, oh, it looks great. Obviously you gotta there's they gotta get in dots approval for the cut on actually we got yeah, we 00:27:18
actually have we I mean, that's not perspective and everybody's which this is handy because you come out at a light, you know they 00:27:24
can they can come across and come out of the light too. 00:27:31
Bob, so you know this, we are fully we are fully permitted. No, that's great. That's a big hurdle. That's a big hurdle to get 00:27:40
past. Yes, it's a it's sometimes like wrestling. 00:27:45
For sure. 00:27:52
OK, anything else for me? 00:27:53
No, we just need a motion to approve resolution. I was just attorneys not here on the resolution to make sure he's good with it. 00:27:56
Did you not prepare the resolution? I didn't. I looked at the resolution at one point, but that was. 00:28:04
Before we had the plan and the plat and the legal description. 00:28:10
I've seen that, but it is here now and we we've done prepared it and it's with the resolution. 00:28:14
Yeah, good. Yeah, Yeah. I'll take a look at it after the meeting, I'm sure. 00:28:23
We have anything you can revise, amend it, OK. 00:28:28
This just gets the process started. 00:28:31
OK. I'll make a motion to approve Resolution 2024, Dash 05 second. 00:28:34
Any other discussion? 00:28:40
So if we do need to amend it, Justin's not a problem. 00:28:41
It's just it's a declaratory resolution. If you need to amend it, it'll. 00:28:44
You know, I mean, it's going to the next step, if you will. It'll hold up that step if we do, but we'll know it, OK? 00:28:48
Do we need to make a anything in the motion that allows you to make some changes but make sure it's not substantial changes? 00:28:54
I'd rather I looked at the resolution and like I said, I just didn't see the plan that's with it. 00:29:03
OK. I think if you want to approve it. 00:29:11
If you guys have looked at it, I'm comfortable with it, but just I'm with, I'm with bread. I want to, I want you to earn your 00:29:14
money. 00:29:18
Okay, I'm good. All right. All those in favor say aye, aye. Motion carries. All right, Theresa, do you have like all the originals 00:29:24
for us to sign or do you want me OK? 00:29:30
So I can pull them out of that. 00:29:35
We don't have anything else on the agenda unless you guys have it. 00:29:37
Anything before? 00:29:42
Otherwise, we'll entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved second by Brad, pause. 00:29:46
All right. Thank you, gentlemen. 00:29:54
Best of luck when you go to playing Commission. 00:29:57
Do we need to go to that dawn? Any reason? 00:30:00
Do we need to? 00:30:02
Yeah, Council will go to but we would love to see you. 00:30:05
Absolutely. 00:30:09
OK, Yeah. 00:30:11
No, you have. 00:30:14
I'll do it. It's probably OK. 00:30:18
I'm just going to. 00:30:23
Yeah, yeah. 00:30:25
About the plan. 00:30:28
Do you have my contact list? 00:30:34
Once it once it starts approaching this step to get to the County Council. 00:30:37
The heavy paper. 00:30:44
I'll tell you who you need to work. 00:30:47
And get with them and see what they. 00:30:57
Yeah, I was looking at everything. I sent you another e-mail. 00:31:00
The rest of the stuff but. 00:31:03
No, I don't think the resolution, but I don't think I ever saw the plane. 00:31:11
You'll you'll fill out the date. 00:31:18
There's a couple in a couple of people that's going to be. I just haven't looked at it in the. 00:31:20
That might be a little bit of a challenge to explain to it. Explain that to him. 00:31:26
I guess, I mean, I don't see any wrecks. Alright, you have a good one. 00:31:34
Sorry I was late. The traffic is. 00:31:38
I'm sure it's a new good one to look at. I'll I'll look at it when I get back to my desk. 00:31:41
Yeah, but no. OK. 00:31:44
All right. 00:31:48
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Three of them. 00:31:51
All right. 00:31:56
You're welcome. 00:31:59
Yeah. 00:32:06
Probably need to spend some time on. Yeah, they'll notice that's not just. 00:32:07
They don't. I don't remember. 00:32:16
I know I was. 00:32:19
Getting on it. 00:32:22
So they've already, they've already talked about that. 00:32:26
Something do that. But Greg and I had talked and I thought Greg and I and I have an e-mail from him and I thought we were on it. 00:32:29
Yeah, yeah, he was just talking about that's right for right now. 00:32:34
But Kevin still, I know he's gone, so we can deal with Kevin stuff because it probably was. There may be other subjective things. 00:32:41
My issues are. 00:32:50
Good. 00:32:53
I'm sure they will. 00:32:55
All right, we're starting to hear, starting to do a little something. 00:33:00
Yeah. 00:33:09
There's always something right, So. 00:33:11
To me, it's we have those. 00:33:14
Well, we have our. 00:33:17
Well. 00:33:21
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