No Bookmarks Exist.
Call to order. 00:00:05
The May 29th special council meeting of the Floyd County Council. Please stand for the pleasure. 00:00:07
Of the United States of America to the Republic, for the States, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for 00:00:15
all. 00:00:20
Let the record reflect that we have a full quorum here today. Anyone from the public wish to speak before we get started. 00:00:30
All right, seeing none, we'll jump right in. 00:00:39
New business 11A and 1B Floyd County Council EMS funding Motion to approve item 1A and B as advertised Second. 00:00:42
We have a motion, a second for 1A and B discussion. 00:00:53
Yeah, I just, I have two questions. Well, one's a statement, one's a question. 00:00:59
And I know this was asked last week, but. 00:01:05
I just want to make sure everybody is still on the same page if they either one Ameripro or Highlander. 00:01:08
Specifically Highlander because it is in the mayor pro's contract if they are in breach of contract. 00:01:17
Anytime between June 1st. 00:01:22
Through the end of the two years and seven months. 00:01:25
Everybody's understanding that there's no way out of that. 00:01:32
Contract. Is that correct? 00:01:35
I mean, that's the way I understand it. 00:01:40
OK. I'll take silence as I guess yes. And then the second thing is just the statement that. 00:01:45
Current news article. 00:01:53
Yesterday. 00:01:55
Maybe the day before. I just find it interesting that. 00:01:59
The Advisory Board, the EMS Advisory Board had two persons on it. 00:02:04
With direct interest and direct benefit. 00:02:09
From the Highlander contract. 00:02:14
So I just really wanted that to be on record as well. I find that. 00:02:16
A little interesting that that you would sit on an Advisory Board and then benefit both in rank and. 00:02:21
Monetarily. 00:02:28
From your advice to the Commissioners. 00:02:30
That's all. 00:02:34
I'll just say it again. 00:02:37
It bothered bothered me 2023 It bothers me now that one taxing unit is giving a lot of money to another taxing unit. 00:02:39
However, like I stated the last time, the Commissioners made the contracts. 00:02:50
I feel like it's my job on this body to find a way to fund those contracts. 00:02:55
But I do like I say, I, I it bothers me real bad that to think that one taxing unit, Floyd County, Floyd County government is 00:03:00
given another taxing unit, Highlander Fire. 00:03:06
Since 2023. 00:03:12
Ending in 2027 about 1,000,005. 00:03:15
And if that's what we're going to do, as I stated before, that's what we're going to do. Why don't we, why don't we give money to 00:03:18
do all the Floyd County Schools? 00:03:22
I mean, there's six other taxi units that we could start giving money to. That's that's just a statement. So anyhow, I will honor 00:03:26
what I said the other night. 00:03:31
Any further discussion or questions? 00:03:40
Alright, we do have a. 00:03:43
780,000 dollars, 707 and six cents is what's left for the remainder this year. We have a commitment from Legacy Foundation for 00:03:48
500,000 and we have 128,333 left in our budgeted line for EMS service for this year leaving 150 2003 7371. 00:03:58
To be determined. 00:04:09
From a source or source says. 00:04:12
A&B. 00:04:17
Yeah, I I suggest we get that from riverboat, I think the riverboat. 00:04:24
Is somewhere in the neighborhood of 353 hundred 350,000. 00:04:30
That it is we would. We would have to. 00:04:36
You have to create a line for it. I knew that the rainy day the interest fund, the 9119. 00:04:41
Remainder balance was in play. 00:04:50
So I don't know which funds. So I have lines for all of them. I just need to know which funds we intend to use. 00:04:55
The 9119 is an untouched fund that hasn't pushed for fiscal years and it has 150,700 and 5962 cents left in it. That would 00:05:01
actually close out that fund and only leave about $1600 that you would have to pull from somewhere else. 00:05:10
The rainy day fund itself. 00:05:21
Has a. 00:05:24
It's actually closer to think 2.7 that's available due to the fact that it has the CARES money. 00:05:26
So like I said, we have to create a line there. 00:05:34
And that would be. We do have a line listed for. 00:05:39
So we can create a lot. That's where the council chooses to pull the money from them. 00:05:42
Other places. 00:05:49
Do you have a line for riverboat? 00:05:51
I'm not opposed to using the hospital fund the 9119. 00:06:04
Either one is OK with me. 00:06:09
We have paid ambulance services out of that home for so the line doesn't already exist. It would just be. 00:06:13
Appropriating it to that lines that we could transfer it into new fund that was created. 00:06:19
$1600 from elsewhere. 00:06:26
A consideration might just be cool. 00:06:29
About 16 from the interest fund where? 00:06:31
Other portion of ambulance he's came from. 00:06:35
So that you're not touching rainy day, you're not touching the general fund. 00:06:38
It's just a thought that Gloria and I discussed this morning. 00:06:42
Ability to. 00:06:47
Do we know how the 150 thousand got into the hospital fund? 00:06:52
Meaning left after all of the transfers and creations of different foundations. 00:06:56
And never got completely empty. Up until 2019 we used it for some EMS funding. After 2019 it purchased a couple sheriff's vehicles 00:07:02
and then it had. 00:07:07
It's not a, it's there's no other revenues coming into that. 00:07:15
For that fund, literally there have been no transactions in or out in. 00:07:19
48 months nearly. 00:07:24
So it's just money that just sits and does nothing for anybody at this point. 00:07:28
And would allow the council to finish funding the rest of the year without having to touch. 00:07:32
Our rainy day reserves for our country. 00:07:38
Yeah, I'm, I'm in support of doing that. I mean, let's just close that account out. It's yeah, it's a gift that we have and this 00:07:42
way it's been used and we won't get lost again down the road. 00:07:47
You wanna make a motion for that? Well, we have, we have a motion. I just know that it used to be that when the sheriff's vehicles 00:07:54
were purchased from that fund, there any reimbursement, any insurance reimbursement all had to go back to that fund. But since you 00:08:01
know nearly the four years you're talking about something would have gotten purchased or used or spent in that time. And so 00:08:08
considering that that's been dormant for that long. 00:08:15
I would think that that's not a factor. 00:08:22
Do we have a line item that I that we need to read into the motion? 00:08:26
The line item, let's write it down, is going to be 9119. That's the phone number. 00:08:30
000. 00:08:37
3000. 00:08:39
09 and the amount that's currently in that fund is? 00:08:41
150,759. 00:08:48
That leaves a remainder of $1614.09 to be pulled from somewhere else. 00:08:54
1000 How much? 00:09:02
$14.09. 00:09:04
So 1614.09. 00:09:07
And like I. 00:09:13
The interest fund already has aligned for EMS and. 00:09:14
That's a minimal amount that could be pulled. 00:09:18
Unless you have a different fund that you would prefer. 00:09:23
The interest fund is where we're getting the remaining EMS monies from. 00:09:29
Pulled and transferred to the other funds waiting to be appropriated once all this passes. OK. 00:09:34
So there's a balance of about $20,000 unappropriated in that fund and that fund. 00:09:39
It's so minimal that. 00:09:58
Not sure it really matters if it comes from interest or. 00:10:00
Yeah, riverboat or whatever. So does anybody have a preference on that? 00:10:03
I think doing from interest, since there's already a line there keeps it clean, but. 00:10:08
Is it suffice to just say it comes from the interest in your next line items that OK, so I'll make I'm in the motion my original 00:10:13
motion to include the remaining amount of 152 three 7371I. 00:10:21
The remaining. 00:10:30
Amount coming from the hospital fund 9119-000-3000-09 to close out that account and the tune of 150 thousand 755 and $0.62. 00:10:33
I've also amended to include the remaining balance of $1614.09 to come out of the EMS line item and interest fund. 00:10:47
I'll 2nd you already second the first one so he'll 2nd. 00:10:58
All right. Does everybody understand the amended motion because I'm not going to be able to repeat that word for word, but is 00:11:07
there any questions or discussion as far as that goes? 00:11:12
And that's just to clarify that is item 1A and B with the amendment of where the determined source is. 00:11:18
Everybody good. 00:11:29
I'm gonna do a show of hands. All in favor, Raise your hand. 00:11:30
All opposed. 00:11:35
That passes. 00:11:36
Anything else before we open up the public comment? 00:11:40
Yeah, I'll just say that I think this is a. 00:11:44
A good opportunity to give fire Firebase DMS. 00:11:47
The time to to shine in our community. 00:11:52
I would say that. 00:11:57
For those that may not, for colleagues that may not have been able to get behind it, just keep an open mind and hopefully we'll be 00:11:59
able to see this work. 00:12:03
For the community and a place to build from this in years to come. 00:12:09
I I did find out recently that I. 00:12:16
Highlander Fire Protection District did get their ALS certification. 00:12:18
And so. 00:12:23
Those are those were some concerns that some of us may have had, but they they got that certification. 00:12:25
And I would say that, you know, it's not uncommon for some taxing units to give money to another taxing unit. 00:12:33
It happens in Township government, it happens, you know, a lot. It's more common. You think, I believe this building here was 00:12:42
purchased by the county and was given money to the school corporation and both are tax units. So it's it's not uncommon for taxing 00:12:48
units to. 00:12:53
You know, pay to other taxing units for an asset or a service. 00:13:00
And I'll finish by saying that. 00:13:05
You know, I believe that the Firebase model will look back and be judged to be a successful thing. And and if it's not, I don't 00:13:09
believe it would be on the backs of the men and women that would provide the service. I think it would be because local elected 00:13:15
officials. 00:13:20
Gotten away. 00:13:27
And would cause it to to not succeed. 00:13:28
But I think this is a. 00:13:32
A good day for Floyd County and you know I. 00:13:34
Will have a countrywide EMS protection come June 1st. Well, I would like to add to that just a little bit, just briefly, just 00:13:36
actual live experience. Last week I had a neighbor. 00:13:41
They had emergency services and Highlander fire. 00:13:47
Got there more than 3 minutes earlier than new Chapel and. 00:13:51
That 3 minutes can be critical in certain situations. That's exactly why I support. 00:13:55
Them, because you know how quickly they respond, how critical that is. 00:14:01
I guess I will just ask how any local? 00:14:11
Elected official can impede. 00:14:14
Highlander EMS at this point when they have an unimpeded. 00:14:17
Two year and seven month contract that we can. 00:14:20
They they could never leave the Firehouse and there's nothing we could do about it. So I think to. 00:14:25
Jump the shark and say if it fails it's going to be elected officials fault. 00:14:33
Is a little disingenuous, but. 00:14:38
They've got every opportunity to do exactly what they said they're going to do. 00:14:43
And. 00:14:46
We have no way to hold them accountable at this point so. 00:14:49
Does anybody else have anything before we go to public? 00:14:52
Yeah, I would just say I'm not seeing anybody out. I didn't mention anybody by name. And it's it's not current. It could be 00:14:55
future, we have election year, it could be anytime down the line. So I would just say that, you know, I didn't, I didn't mean that 00:15:01
towards any particular person. I just personally believe that if it was to fail, it'd be on the, on the politicians and not the 00:15:07
not the men and women that provide the service. 00:15:13
Anyone from the public like to speak? 00:15:20
Sheriff Steve Bush, I just want to let this body know that. 00:15:25
So I think there's ongoing discussions. 00:16:37
Are there anything, is there anything that's not in place, that needs to be in place that we need to be aware of? Well, there's 00:16:40
things that need, I mean, the body, the entities need to make sure that they're at the table to agree to MO use to make sure that 00:16:46
Fire Protection, is there any mess protection? 00:16:51
I don't want to speak on behalf of any other entity. 00:16:57
From the Ms. standpoint, I think in terms of, yeah, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but yeah, I think EMS is OK. I think the fires we 00:17:35
need really concentrate more. So I know it's a bit more than what you're talking about tonight, but I just want to. 00:17:39
To let you all know that what we're doing from a dispatching standpoint from the. 00:17:44
Move things forward a little bit and have a discussion, open discussions in terms of the protection that's going to be there. 00:17:50
OK. Thank you. Thank you. 00:17:57
Last call for public comment. 00:18:00
I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved second. 00:18:03
All in favor, aye? 00:18:06
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Call to order. 00:00:05
The May 29th special council meeting of the Floyd County Council. Please stand for the pleasure. 00:00:07
Of the United States of America to the Republic, for the States, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for 00:00:15
all. 00:00:20
Let the record reflect that we have a full quorum here today. Anyone from the public wish to speak before we get started. 00:00:30
All right, seeing none, we'll jump right in. 00:00:39
New business 11A and 1B Floyd County Council EMS funding Motion to approve item 1A and B as advertised Second. 00:00:42
We have a motion, a second for 1A and B discussion. 00:00:53
Yeah, I just, I have two questions. Well, one's a statement, one's a question. 00:00:59
And I know this was asked last week, but. 00:01:05
I just want to make sure everybody is still on the same page if they either one Ameripro or Highlander. 00:01:08
Specifically Highlander because it is in the mayor pro's contract if they are in breach of contract. 00:01:17
Anytime between June 1st. 00:01:22
Through the end of the two years and seven months. 00:01:25
Everybody's understanding that there's no way out of that. 00:01:32
Contract. Is that correct? 00:01:35
I mean, that's the way I understand it. 00:01:40
OK. I'll take silence as I guess yes. And then the second thing is just the statement that. 00:01:45
Current news article. 00:01:53
Yesterday. 00:01:55
Maybe the day before. I just find it interesting that. 00:01:59
The Advisory Board, the EMS Advisory Board had two persons on it. 00:02:04
With direct interest and direct benefit. 00:02:09
From the Highlander contract. 00:02:14
So I just really wanted that to be on record as well. I find that. 00:02:16
A little interesting that that you would sit on an Advisory Board and then benefit both in rank and. 00:02:21
Monetarily. 00:02:28
From your advice to the Commissioners. 00:02:30
That's all. 00:02:34
I'll just say it again. 00:02:37
It bothered bothered me 2023 It bothers me now that one taxing unit is giving a lot of money to another taxing unit. 00:02:39
However, like I stated the last time, the Commissioners made the contracts. 00:02:50
I feel like it's my job on this body to find a way to fund those contracts. 00:02:55
But I do like I say, I, I it bothers me real bad that to think that one taxing unit, Floyd County, Floyd County government is 00:03:00
given another taxing unit, Highlander Fire. 00:03:06
Since 2023. 00:03:12
Ending in 2027 about 1,000,005. 00:03:15
And if that's what we're going to do, as I stated before, that's what we're going to do. Why don't we, why don't we give money to 00:03:18
do all the Floyd County Schools? 00:03:22
I mean, there's six other taxi units that we could start giving money to. That's that's just a statement. So anyhow, I will honor 00:03:26
what I said the other night. 00:03:31
Any further discussion or questions? 00:03:40
Alright, we do have a. 00:03:43
780,000 dollars, 707 and six cents is what's left for the remainder this year. We have a commitment from Legacy Foundation for 00:03:48
500,000 and we have 128,333 left in our budgeted line for EMS service for this year leaving 150 2003 7371. 00:03:58
To be determined. 00:04:09
From a source or source says. 00:04:12
A&B. 00:04:17
Yeah, I I suggest we get that from riverboat, I think the riverboat. 00:04:24
Is somewhere in the neighborhood of 353 hundred 350,000. 00:04:30
That it is we would. We would have to. 00:04:36
You have to create a line for it. I knew that the rainy day the interest fund, the 9119. 00:04:41
Remainder balance was in play. 00:04:50
So I don't know which funds. So I have lines for all of them. I just need to know which funds we intend to use. 00:04:55
The 9119 is an untouched fund that hasn't pushed for fiscal years and it has 150,700 and 5962 cents left in it. That would 00:05:01
actually close out that fund and only leave about $1600 that you would have to pull from somewhere else. 00:05:10
The rainy day fund itself. 00:05:21
Has a. 00:05:24
It's actually closer to think 2.7 that's available due to the fact that it has the CARES money. 00:05:26
So like I said, we have to create a line there. 00:05:34
And that would be. We do have a line listed for. 00:05:39
So we can create a lot. That's where the council chooses to pull the money from them. 00:05:42
Other places. 00:05:49
Do you have a line for riverboat? 00:05:51
I'm not opposed to using the hospital fund the 9119. 00:06:04
Either one is OK with me. 00:06:09
We have paid ambulance services out of that home for so the line doesn't already exist. It would just be. 00:06:13
Appropriating it to that lines that we could transfer it into new fund that was created. 00:06:19
$1600 from elsewhere. 00:06:26
A consideration might just be cool. 00:06:29
About 16 from the interest fund where? 00:06:31
Other portion of ambulance he's came from. 00:06:35
So that you're not touching rainy day, you're not touching the general fund. 00:06:38
It's just a thought that Gloria and I discussed this morning. 00:06:42
Ability to. 00:06:47
Do we know how the 150 thousand got into the hospital fund? 00:06:52
Meaning left after all of the transfers and creations of different foundations. 00:06:56
And never got completely empty. Up until 2019 we used it for some EMS funding. After 2019 it purchased a couple sheriff's vehicles 00:07:02
and then it had. 00:07:07
It's not a, it's there's no other revenues coming into that. 00:07:15
For that fund, literally there have been no transactions in or out in. 00:07:19
48 months nearly. 00:07:24
So it's just money that just sits and does nothing for anybody at this point. 00:07:28
And would allow the council to finish funding the rest of the year without having to touch. 00:07:32
Our rainy day reserves for our country. 00:07:38
Yeah, I'm, I'm in support of doing that. I mean, let's just close that account out. It's yeah, it's a gift that we have and this 00:07:42
way it's been used and we won't get lost again down the road. 00:07:47
You wanna make a motion for that? Well, we have, we have a motion. I just know that it used to be that when the sheriff's vehicles 00:07:54
were purchased from that fund, there any reimbursement, any insurance reimbursement all had to go back to that fund. But since you 00:08:01
know nearly the four years you're talking about something would have gotten purchased or used or spent in that time. And so 00:08:08
considering that that's been dormant for that long. 00:08:15
I would think that that's not a factor. 00:08:22
Do we have a line item that I that we need to read into the motion? 00:08:26
The line item, let's write it down, is going to be 9119. That's the phone number. 00:08:30
000. 00:08:37
3000. 00:08:39
09 and the amount that's currently in that fund is? 00:08:41
150,759. 00:08:48
That leaves a remainder of $1614.09 to be pulled from somewhere else. 00:08:54
1000 How much? 00:09:02
$14.09. 00:09:04
So 1614.09. 00:09:07
And like I. 00:09:13
The interest fund already has aligned for EMS and. 00:09:14
That's a minimal amount that could be pulled. 00:09:18
Unless you have a different fund that you would prefer. 00:09:23
The interest fund is where we're getting the remaining EMS monies from. 00:09:29
Pulled and transferred to the other funds waiting to be appropriated once all this passes. OK. 00:09:34
So there's a balance of about $20,000 unappropriated in that fund and that fund. 00:09:39
It's so minimal that. 00:09:58
Not sure it really matters if it comes from interest or. 00:10:00
Yeah, riverboat or whatever. So does anybody have a preference on that? 00:10:03
I think doing from interest, since there's already a line there keeps it clean, but. 00:10:08
Is it suffice to just say it comes from the interest in your next line items that OK, so I'll make I'm in the motion my original 00:10:13
motion to include the remaining amount of 152 three 7371I. 00:10:21
The remaining. 00:10:30
Amount coming from the hospital fund 9119-000-3000-09 to close out that account and the tune of 150 thousand 755 and $0.62. 00:10:33
I've also amended to include the remaining balance of $1614.09 to come out of the EMS line item and interest fund. 00:10:47
I'll 2nd you already second the first one so he'll 2nd. 00:10:58
All right. Does everybody understand the amended motion because I'm not going to be able to repeat that word for word, but is 00:11:07
there any questions or discussion as far as that goes? 00:11:12
And that's just to clarify that is item 1A and B with the amendment of where the determined source is. 00:11:18
Everybody good. 00:11:29
I'm gonna do a show of hands. All in favor, Raise your hand. 00:11:30
All opposed. 00:11:35
That passes. 00:11:36
Anything else before we open up the public comment? 00:11:40
Yeah, I'll just say that I think this is a. 00:11:44
A good opportunity to give fire Firebase DMS. 00:11:47
The time to to shine in our community. 00:11:52
I would say that. 00:11:57
For those that may not, for colleagues that may not have been able to get behind it, just keep an open mind and hopefully we'll be 00:11:59
able to see this work. 00:12:03
For the community and a place to build from this in years to come. 00:12:09
I I did find out recently that I. 00:12:16
Highlander Fire Protection District did get their ALS certification. 00:12:18
And so. 00:12:23
Those are those were some concerns that some of us may have had, but they they got that certification. 00:12:25
And I would say that, you know, it's not uncommon for some taxing units to give money to another taxing unit. 00:12:33
It happens in Township government, it happens, you know, a lot. It's more common. You think, I believe this building here was 00:12:42
purchased by the county and was given money to the school corporation and both are tax units. So it's it's not uncommon for taxing 00:12:48
units to. 00:12:53
You know, pay to other taxing units for an asset or a service. 00:13:00
And I'll finish by saying that. 00:13:05
You know, I believe that the Firebase model will look back and be judged to be a successful thing. And and if it's not, I don't 00:13:09
believe it would be on the backs of the men and women that would provide the service. I think it would be because local elected 00:13:15
officials. 00:13:20
Gotten away. 00:13:27
And would cause it to to not succeed. 00:13:28
But I think this is a. 00:13:32
A good day for Floyd County and you know I. 00:13:34
Will have a countrywide EMS protection come June 1st. Well, I would like to add to that just a little bit, just briefly, just 00:13:36
actual live experience. Last week I had a neighbor. 00:13:41
They had emergency services and Highlander fire. 00:13:47
Got there more than 3 minutes earlier than new Chapel and. 00:13:51
That 3 minutes can be critical in certain situations. That's exactly why I support. 00:13:55
Them, because you know how quickly they respond, how critical that is. 00:14:01
I guess I will just ask how any local? 00:14:11
Elected official can impede. 00:14:14
Highlander EMS at this point when they have an unimpeded. 00:14:17
Two year and seven month contract that we can. 00:14:20
They they could never leave the Firehouse and there's nothing we could do about it. So I think to. 00:14:25
Jump the shark and say if it fails it's going to be elected officials fault. 00:14:33
Is a little disingenuous, but. 00:14:38
They've got every opportunity to do exactly what they said they're going to do. 00:14:43
And. 00:14:46
We have no way to hold them accountable at this point so. 00:14:49
Does anybody else have anything before we go to public? 00:14:52
Yeah, I would just say I'm not seeing anybody out. I didn't mention anybody by name. And it's it's not current. It could be 00:14:55
future, we have election year, it could be anytime down the line. So I would just say that, you know, I didn't, I didn't mean that 00:15:01
towards any particular person. I just personally believe that if it was to fail, it'd be on the, on the politicians and not the 00:15:07
not the men and women that provide the service. 00:15:13
Anyone from the public like to speak? 00:15:20
Sheriff Steve Bush, I just want to let this body know that. 00:15:25
So I think there's ongoing discussions. 00:16:37
Are there anything, is there anything that's not in place, that needs to be in place that we need to be aware of? Well, there's 00:16:40
things that need, I mean, the body, the entities need to make sure that they're at the table to agree to MO use to make sure that 00:16:46
Fire Protection, is there any mess protection? 00:16:51
I don't want to speak on behalf of any other entity. 00:16:57
From the Ms. standpoint, I think in terms of, yeah, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but yeah, I think EMS is OK. I think the fires we 00:17:35
need really concentrate more. So I know it's a bit more than what you're talking about tonight, but I just want to. 00:17:39
To let you all know that what we're doing from a dispatching standpoint from the. 00:17:44
Move things forward a little bit and have a discussion, open discussions in terms of the protection that's going to be there. 00:17:50
OK. Thank you. Thank you. 00:17:57
Last call for public comment. 00:18:00
I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved second. 00:18:03
All in favor, aye? 00:18:06
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