No Bookmarks Exist.
Hey, you like to welcome everybody? 00:00:15
The Albany Township Fire Board public meeting, sorry we're a little bit late, ran over in our executive meeting. 00:00:18
I'd like to call a meeting to order, do roll call. Start down there with you, Mr. Wiseman. 00:00:25
Jennifer Kern, Eric Furnish, Daryl Mills, Chris Wireless. 00:00:32
OK, meetings in order. We all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, please. 00:00:40
United States of America to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:48
Of course we don't have a printed agenda, so. 00:01:10
So we'll do. 00:01:15
War. And he called me in, Gordon. 00:01:18
OK, then we'll do minutes. We'll prove minutes. 00:01:22
Trying to get our agenda pulled up here. Sorry we didn't have our printed copies. 00:01:27
OK, now we're going to. 00:01:41
Board had a chance to read all the minutes from our last meeting so. 00:01:45
We don't have printed copies, we don't have a printer, but any any questions or any board members any questions about the. 00:01:50
Minutes from the last meeting. 00:01:58
And just to be clear, we have the meeting minutes since. 00:02:00
Our last regular meeting in the special meeting since then, So we have January 17th, February 15th and March 14th of 24. They were 00:02:07
all sent by e-mail I. 00:02:12
So does he, by having changes to those. 00:02:21
Anybody having changes in minutes? 00:02:24
OK, entertain a motion to approve the minutes. 00:02:26
Make a motion to approve minutes. 00:02:30
Second OK, Motion approved by Chris Wiseman. 00:02:32
Any discussion? 00:02:35
By Chris Lawrence and do we have any discussion? 00:02:37
Will those be posted online for the public to see? 00:02:42
Do we know that? 00:02:45
We don't have printed copies. 00:02:47
We can. 00:02:49
Not sure what medium we would use for that, but I didn't know if that went through the clerk's office or how that. 00:02:51
We do have to. We do post these with State Board of Accounts and I assume they'd be available for for for open records. 00:02:58
All right. All in favor of the Minutes. Say aye. Aye. 00:03:08
Any opposed? 00:03:14
Nay, motion carries. They'll be coming around for signature. 00:03:15
Financial management, I'll let me think, OK. 00:03:25
All right, we're going to. 00:03:28
Go over review our financial statements for the last quarter and Eric furnished our financial Secretary will roll over those. 00:03:29
All right. 00:03:39
I'll be sitting around for signatures. For review and signatures, we've got a. 00:03:44
Our W Banco statement for our general checking. 00:03:50
And we've got a. 00:03:57
We've got that for the first three months of the year, so that'll be passed around. So that'll be the month of January, February 00:04:00
and March. 00:04:04
We also have our new Washington State Bank account. 00:04:11
Statement as of the end of the first quarter. That's a quarterly statement, so with W Banco. 00:04:14
At the end of March, we had a total of 782,317 spot 79. 00:04:22
And with new Washington State Bank in our savings, we got 121,630 spot 91. 00:04:30
And. 00:04:38
We also have CDs of around 480,000, but we don't get statements on those. So I'm going to pass these around for review and 00:04:42
signature and it it'll show all the outstanding or all the. 00:04:49
Disbursements checks during the First quarter. 00:04:57
I think the board's already reviewed these. We had them emailed to us earlier. Is there any? 00:05:03
Everyone entertain a motion for the. 00:05:18
Financially approved. 00:05:21
Motion for Rule of Financial Records. 00:05:23
I have second. 00:05:26
Second motion by Ben Fee to approve the financial seconded by Chris Swearens. Any discussion on the financials. 00:05:29
048, So we're passing them around. Do I have any questions? 00:05:39
Also included in that is that well. 00:05:45
We'll do another one for. 00:05:48
We'll do another one for this, OK, We'll do that. 00:05:52
So this will just be the bank statements where we got a motion. So we'll do that. 00:05:55
OK. 00:06:00
All favor of the motion. 00:06:02
Except the financial statement, say aye. 00:06:05
Aye, aye. All opposed. 00:06:08
Site Night. 00:06:11
Motion carries. 00:06:13
Also have the. 00:06:16
The printouts for the general account as I've been to the quarter, the debt service account, and the cumulative fire. 00:06:18
And I will forward those. 00:06:28
To be reviewed. 00:06:33
And it also has an accounts payable voucher showing everything that has. 00:06:38
Been written during the quarter. 00:06:43
OK. OK. Thank you. 00:07:05
Did you get that all out there? 00:07:10
I'm also going to pass around our annual financial report that was just completed at the end of February and. 00:07:23
That's been distributed by e-mail and. 00:07:33
It's our gateway report. 00:07:38
We have to file in the Indiana Gateway Government Unit system. 00:07:40
So provide that as well. 00:07:45
I think we worked till, yeah, let's wait till these come through. 00:08:08
Resigning. 00:08:16
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Bye, bye. 00:08:19
I think we approve. 00:09:55
I think we, you know we should approve that in the accounts payable in the Ledger. 00:09:57
Everybody will make a motion for the gateway. 00:10:06
Catering Report Ledger, Ledger and Motion Counts table. 00:10:09
That's from State Board of accounts on our audit. 00:10:15
Motion to accept the. 00:10:19
Reports from the State Board of Accounts I'll second. 00:10:21
Motion and second made by Jennifer. Any discussion? 00:10:24
No discussion. All in favor, say aye. All opposed motion come. 00:10:31
I am pleased to announce that we. 00:10:36
We just went through an audit. 00:10:42
We had a an earlier we had an early investigation audit, kind of a forensic audit tied to the investigation of Jamie, no? 00:10:45
And that came out clean and then we have a regular, we are regularly audit either on a three-year or a five year basis. This time 00:10:56
it it, it went five years and that audit started in December. 00:11:05
And we just wrapped that up in in March and we've got a clean result on that. 00:11:14
All the board members should have gotten from the audit State Board of Accounts, a report on any you know, anything from that. 00:11:22
It wasn't a perfect audit. There is no such thing as a perfect audit, but there were no material findings and anything that had 00:11:33
been flagged from prior audit had been corrected in the meantime. So we're really happy to report that we're through with that 00:11:40
process. It was a huge undertaking. 00:11:46
It does give me confidence that the state of Indiana is doing what they need to do to help. 00:11:54
You know, guide municipalities and ensure that the taxpayer money is being used properly. So anyways, I just wanted that you all 00:11:59
should have gotten an e-mail on that, but I wanted to everybody get there for Mr. Schuler with SBA. 00:12:06
OK, so anyways, glad to be done again. Huge undertaking and. 00:12:13
But necessary situation and and glad we're able to kind of focus on other things now. 00:12:22
And that's it for financial report. 00:12:29
All right. Thank you. Eric. Is there any new business to be brought before the board? 00:12:31
Any old business we need to clear up? 00:12:40
So we're starting with old business, yeah. 00:12:43
In your business. 00:12:49
Everybody needs to go over. I think we don't really have anything. I think we pretty much. 00:12:51
Covered it. 00:12:56
If I got any new business to bring up? 00:13:02
I do. I would like for us to have a revised capital asset policy in place that's a little more comprehensive. 00:13:06
I had emailed that out to everybody for review and. 00:13:17
My. 00:13:24
My suggestion? We require 2 signatures on checks that are $5000 or more. 00:13:25
So we have 3 instances on this capital asset policy. 00:13:32
That we can insert an amount and my suggestion is to use 5000 for that. So one, I just wanted to confirm that everybody was good 00:13:37
with the wording on this if they were fine with it and then secondly if they were fine with 5000 as the amounts used. 00:13:46
So if we renovate a building or improve a bit an existing building. 00:13:57
If it exceeds 5000, it would have to be in our capital asset policy. If it's below that, it could be, we could list it in there. 00:14:02
It's optional and then the same thing if we buy machinery or equipment. 00:14:11
Or if we have new construction that exceeds 5000, it would have to be listed, but if it's less than that, we could list it. Of 00:14:17
course the policy that I came up with that it's it's a temp template from others, but obviously any land purchases or building 00:14:25
purchases regardless of value would be added to the capital asset policy list. 00:14:32
So want to get people's blessing on the wording? 00:14:43
Wanted to get a get your blessing on the wording if there's any changes and then also the amount of money. 00:14:49
That we are stipulating. 00:15:00
Where, where it would take in that, we'd have to list that in our capital asset policy. 00:15:03
Do you have additional printed copies of that? 00:15:07
Eric, did this come on the recommendation of the State Board of Accounts? 00:15:18
Yes, they wanted, they wanted a revised policy in place. 00:15:22
Reading, I'll just mention to the general public. 00:15:47
This also stipulates, you know not only are we going to record capital assets as they're purchased or renovations are made et 00:15:51
cetera, but an inventory of these assets will be conducted at least every two years. 00:15:58
And this is focused on assets that are more durable in nature. 00:16:06
So think land, buildings, improvements, machinery, furniture. 00:16:10
Construction, That kind of thing. 00:16:16
If I had a chance to read it any more time. 00:16:28
About you all down there, y'all we're doing good. 00:16:33
Doing good. Any if we can take a motion first before we have our discussion. Anybody wants to make a motion? 00:16:36
Motion to accept the capital assets policy motion like to 2nd that Eric for a second. 00:16:45
Any discussion? 00:16:52
I would like to discuss item three. I think the amount on that one should be a little bit lower. 00:16:54
With some of the firefighting equipment, that can be expensive. 00:17:00
I think we should have a running inventory on SCBA's and. 00:17:04
Education equipment. Some of that might not make the $5000 mark, but would be purchased out. I'd like to lower that down to the 00:17:11
1000. 00:17:14
And keep in mind. 00:17:18
And this may or may not change your your input, but we. 00:17:20
If it's a wear item like turn out year, we generally don't list that because it has a very short, useful life I. 00:17:25
So does that. 00:17:36
Fact, You know, I think canisters are long enough that. 00:17:38
What's people's thoughts on the 1000 for item 3? 00:18:14
I agree with them. 00:18:18
I'm in agreement. 00:18:21
Aggressive. 00:18:22
I'm good with that. I'm good, OK? 00:18:25
**** it's unanimous. Everybody agrees we'll change that to 1000. 00:18:29
Should we make a new motion with the with our amounts in here, you can amend it, just amend it, right? 00:18:37
Any other? Any more discussion? 00:18:46
Any other questions? 00:18:48
So we're amending the motion to have item number two be $5000 and that's the renovating. 00:18:51
Item three, well we approved the motion blank and now we're putting in the dollars amount under the amendment. Yeah, so with the 00:18:59
amended motion, item 2, the cost of improving or renovating an existing building or improvements that would be 5000. 00:19:07
Machinery or equipment. 00:19:16
And furniture would be 1000 or more. 00:19:19
And in new construction projects in excess of 5000? 00:19:22
BJP. 00:19:34
All in favor of the motion with the amendments? Say aye, aye. All opposed. 00:19:41
Motion carries. 00:19:49
You got to copy for us to sign on, Jerry. 00:19:54
I do OK. 00:19:56
This one. 00:19:59
No. 00:20:01
The wipe there is not. 00:20:10
He was helpful into this. 00:21:48
He's all caught up here. 00:22:16
We're at the public, OK? 00:22:21
All right, anybody from the public would like to speak, come on up to the microphone, State your name and address and. 00:22:24
Looks like we're moving on. Good time. So come on up and. 00:22:32
We'll entertain public input at this point. 00:22:36
Bye. 00:22:42
OK. 00:22:46
Good evening. I wasn't wasn't totally sure if there was a spot on the agenda for a general update. 00:22:51
And I just wanted to offer that, if that. 00:22:59
Sure, Prudent. OK. 00:23:01
Just wanted to give you an update. We have since I believe the last time we've met, we've talked at length about getting the 00:23:05
change from a split company model for your fire department over to a dedicated engine company that out of station one that is 00:23:12
something that is in progress. We're working. That change has been made and has been filled with overtime in large part from our 00:23:20
current firefighters that have worked in a dual capacity in the past. 00:23:27
That has been a very positive change for the service that I think. 00:23:35
The New Albany Township Fire District Fire District is receiving. We have initiated a hiring process to fill those positions on a 00:23:39
full time basis. That process applications of leave are due at the end of the month with an interview scheduled with Chief 00:23:45
Franklin and. 00:23:51
Through the middle of June with a PT standard. 00:23:59
Like I said, an interview process. 00:24:04
We're hopeful to get through that process quickly so that we can have those full time folks in place as quickly as possible. 00:24:07
I did include in the. 00:24:15
Information that was sent over that was requested a budget for the rest of the year. I didn't know if the board has had an 00:24:19
opportunity to look that over, give any thoughts, offer any feedback or if that would be something that we could get an approval 00:24:24
on at this meeting. 00:24:30
Any questions? 00:24:40
How many men are on? 00:24:43
Crew tonight. Right now. I'm sorry. How many guys do you have on the ladder truck right now? Should be at this moment, I'm not 00:24:44
sure. I know we've had a three on today because of the. 00:24:50
Fact that we're scheduling overtime. 00:24:56
I don't know if we still have 3 on at this moment. 00:24:58
No, I've got checked with the chief before the meeting, yet we have one. 00:25:00
After 8:00 there is a 0. 00:25:04
There's no fire coverage tonight. Well, we have fire coverage, so we're just playing that dual role. Still we're working towards. 00:25:07
I'm confused if we have fire coverage and we have 0 firefighters that. 00:25:13
So we have the firefighters that are on duty, as we have for the last 18 years on duty where they're on duty for the for the 00:25:21
department. They're working throughout the district. 00:25:26
And on the inferences. 00:25:32
We also have off duty personnel that will respond in if there's an addition, if there's an additional need. 00:25:34
That's not the way I understand it. 00:25:42
That's not the way I understand we're supposed to have firefighters at the Firehouse where we provide a Firehouse waiting for. 00:25:45
Someone to come off an ambulance back to the Firehouse, come off the ambulance. 00:25:53
And put on turn out year is is not what a homeowner wants to hear. 00:25:59
Under the impression that we were going to have a dedicated 3 main crew 24/7 and that is what we're working towards, yes Sir. 00:26:06
I thought that's what you said in your press conference. 00:26:13
We are then we would have that effective March 25th. We have to establish that on our schedule March 25th and because we're 00:26:17
filling that with overtime, how many times has that not been filled, I would have to get a number for you. 00:26:23
I pretty much know the number. 00:26:30
But thank you for that. Let me ask you a question, Sir. 00:26:34
We're a far district board. 00:26:39
Yes, for house bars respond to traffic accidents, et cetera. 00:26:40
If there's zero firefighters at the Firehouse. 00:26:48
And you said there's people out on ambulances. Yes, it'll come back to the far house. Yes. Switch gear and get on a fire truck. 00:26:51
Yes, Sir. 00:26:56
And my law enforcement background and emergency responses. Time is of the essence. One minute can make a difference. 00:27:01
You're going to tell me that you think that? 00:27:09
It's fair to the public that we, I don't I don't misunderstand this is not this is not the the the type of service that I look to 00:27:12
provide on your behalf. This is the this is the type of service that this board has received for the last 18 years And and we're 00:27:21
trying to make a change to give you what you would expect. Well I don't know if it's what we expect but what we pay for. 00:27:29
With taxpayer money, what would pay for is for fire service. Yes Sir. And I believe you receive fire service. It's not the 00:27:39
immediate getting out the door within two minutes. 00:27:46
That's getting far service in New Albany Township. 00:27:54
I would not say so, Sir. No. 00:27:57
That's all I have. That's that's the big thing was. 00:27:59
When you first came out with it, it was going to be a dedicated 3 main Creek. Yes, that was March 25th. Yes, for a month and a 00:28:02
half man, but you're still making progress. 00:28:06
Yes, but we have requested, I believe in writing maybe four times to meet with this board to discuss this progress and we've not 00:28:10
been able to sit down other than with Mr. Fee and Mr. Swearens. 00:28:16
We're trying to make this this move. 00:28:23
And understandably, we've put these positions in as of March to fill these positions on overtime, but we've got nine positions now 00:28:27
that suddenly weren't there before. We're diligently trying to fill these roles. But I can't move forward without some sort of 00:28:34
understanding from this board that that's going to be acceptable and we're going to be able to continue. If I hire people, they 00:28:41
have to know that they're going to have a job. Well, I I respect that, but also. 00:28:49
You have requested to meet with the board. I know you met with a couple of board members. 00:28:56
But. 00:29:03
I requested, I think some other board members, We've also requested a lot from you as far as financial records, training records, 00:29:06
a lot of stuff. We've requested that. 00:29:11
And gave you ample time to get it back to us. And we received nothing, so why would we meet? 00:29:16
We forwarded. You had a deadline on that. 00:29:24
Yes, Sir. And when did we get that and and when when did we get it? We had that to you last week. And what was the deadline for 00:29:27
public, What was the deadline that we requested? I don't recall. The letter came out that was within March 31st was the deadline 00:29:33
to turn that back to us and we got it last week and we were very clear that we were working through our audit with the State Board 00:29:39
of Accounts as you have. So we're going to try to try to make sure that if we're submitting documents and information to you that 00:29:45
is accurate. 00:29:51
As we've worked through that, you've seen the type of information that we've been able to provide. 00:29:58
Would you agree with me that new Army Township citizens have not been receiving adequate fire service? I believe that in instances 00:30:04
the New Albany Township Fire District has received more services than what they've had, you know, under contract. But there's been 00:30:10
instances where that is fell short fell short if if I could just you'll have to forgive me. All right. So I'm kind of new to being 00:30:16
on this board, but. 00:30:23
And I know laws and contracts, but I don't know the firefighting side of it. Yes, ma'am. So as I'm reviewing these contracts, I 00:30:30
just want to make sure that I, I have a full understanding of what the contract is between New Chapel and New Albany Township. And 00:30:37
I thought it was just the original contract, but then I found there was an amendment and and you were at that board meeting back 00:30:45
in July 2021 where the board authorized an additional payment of 270. 00:30:53
$5000, correct. Do you remember that? OK? 00:31:01
What it shows that you were there with with. 00:31:07
Chief Jamie Knoll at the time. I really don't want to get into those specifics. April, I'm sorry. I'm the attorney for New Chapel. 00:31:09
I don't want my clients happy to answer any questions. Go ahead and introduce yourself. I'm sorry. 00:31:17
Department. So I'll be happy to have those conversations with you if you want, but I really don't want my client. 00:31:24
Basically interrogated at this moment. What? I will say no, no, I just, I think when he's a lawyer it's a little different. Can I 00:31:33
ask you the question? 00:31:38
Theaters, yes, absolutely. So I'm, I'm referring back to this meeting in July of 2021 when. 00:31:43
The board here authorized the additional $275,000 which has been paid, which is being paid each year. 00:31:49
But according to the Minutes. 00:31:57
Part of that additional appropriation was to ensure that Bud Rd. was going to be staffed. 00:32:00
At all times, I don't have a copy of that amendment in our documents. 00:32:07
I don't believe. 00:32:12
I haven't went through many documents and what I do want to say is you know. 00:32:15
President Mills. 00:32:20
A lot of the documents that you asked. 00:32:21
Prosecutor Hurdle We'll be doing an intervention in that case. 00:32:57
So we're working pretty diligently. So the inability to meet that deadline, it was I I did have some communications with April. 00:33:00
Let her know, hey, I hope the board will give us some grace because we don't have these documents we have. 00:33:05
Haven't been able to mine the data. I wished you would have conveyed that to us before the 31st deadline. All that came. Even 00:33:12
after that we could have learned a little bit if you just communicated something. I understand and also I find that. 00:33:18
I don't know but. 00:33:25
I've been around for a while, you all know. 00:33:27
There's no backup system and I know state police sees it, they they seized one of our vehicles, one of our assets. 00:33:30
And there's no backup system, no iCloud, no thumb drives that you could provide U.S. financial records from. State police shut you 00:33:37
all down. 00:33:41
I know that I understand what you're saying that the the manner in which this was handled prior to last August. 00:33:48
I think it's remarkable and I don't totally understand how it all worked even prior. 00:33:58
The best I can do is give you what I can and I am doing everything I can to provide. 00:34:05
Understanding some moving forward, we're we're willing and interested in in putting these protections in place and making regular 00:34:11
reports to the board as as you would require. But I can't go back and do undo things that I wasn't responsible for. 00:34:19
Will absolutely take the responsibility for everything that we've. 00:34:29
Tried to put in place as of late and and how we move forward well I think it started in June of 2023. 00:34:34
The State Police investigation with Mr. Null. 00:34:42
And you took over, I think January 4th as CEO. 00:34:45
February 8th Okay and here we are in May and. 00:34:53
Nothing's changed in my opinion from my reviews. We still don't have fire service. 00:34:56
We don't need ambulances coming from. 00:35:02
If they got patients, how are they going to respond back to the Firehouse to get on a fire truck? I don't. I don't. I don't see 00:35:05
how that works. 00:35:09
So to me, you're in clear violation of our contract to provide far service. I would say that this is how this relationship has 00:35:15
worked since its inception in 2006. 00:35:20
Former Chief Gnome made it very clear to us who worked for the department that the Board was in agreement with the fact that we 00:35:26
provide primary EMS service and was in agreement with the fact that firefighters would work in a split company model. 00:35:33
Understanding since January and February that that is not the expectation of this board. We're working to change that. We wouldn't 00:35:42
live up to your expectation, Matt. I got to inject this. I have to, I've been on the Board about 14 years. 00:35:49
And it's never, ever been stated by you. 00:35:58
Jamie Knoll. 00:36:03
Paul Holcomb, who's been at Army. I've never heard of a split model that was never explained to anyone on the board since I've 00:36:05
been a member. 00:36:09
Is that true? Would you agree that's a true statement? I don't know if that's a true statement for me. Or did you ever tell us 00:36:14
that it was a split model? I was not in a position to explain anything to the board. Well, not you. You were there at that meeting 00:36:20
where we approved the 275,000. You brought me a cup of coffee. I remember it clearly. And you worked the meetings and you could 00:36:26
have called and told us. You don't have any problem reaching out to me now. 00:36:32
No, Sir, the dynamic has changed. It's changed for me too. Thank you. 00:36:39
Thank you. Just a. 00:36:45
Right here Matt and the letter that you sent us on April 10th and it's, yeah, I mean you even admit it right here with a dedicated 00:36:46
staffing in place and it's not, it's not in place the the the positions are in place on our scheduling system now. I mean do you 00:36:53
all feel in if we have a vacant site when I'm sorry. 00:37:00
I can get your dates if you'd like. 00:37:09
I like that. OK. I'd like to say when you all have actually been on the truck, my friend. OK. 00:37:11
That's not a problem. Does anybody else have anything? 00:37:18
Anybody else have any questions? 00:37:23
We don't have access to any of the firehouses anymore. 00:37:24
We can change that. That's not a problem. 00:37:27
What we would do? Why was it changed without even telling us that we can't get in the Firehouse? I don't believe that the board 00:37:32
has ever had access. 00:37:36
You've never been in our door system. We've always given the generic. I used to have access. There was always a generic code that 00:37:40
was given to the president. 00:37:44
That was always the practice. 00:37:49
But we can be happy to give access, full access to everybody. We'll just need to get some information for the door system and 00:37:51
Deputy Chief Open will take care of that. 00:37:56
Well, there's a multitude of issues in my opinion. 00:38:05
Anything else? 00:38:13
My wife make a motion. 00:38:15
Well, it's also great to continue. 00:38:17
Go ahead, go ahead. 00:38:23
The motion is that the only Township Fire Protection District Board terminates the current Fire Protection contract with New 00:38:25
Chapel Fire effective at 6:00 PM on May 31st, 2024. 00:38:31
Motion by. 00:38:41
Chris Wiseman. 00:38:42
Vacate the current contract with New Chapel Fire. 00:38:44
Do I have second? 00:38:48
Seconded by Chris Swearens. Any discussion? 00:38:50
No discussion. All in favor? Say aye. Aye. All opposed. 00:38:57
Motion carries. 00:39:04
With that having been done, I would like to make a motion to enter into MO Us with neighboring fire companies immediately so that 00:39:13
our residents have Fire Protection services. 00:39:18
And those would be with New Albany Township Fire Protection District. The current ones are with New Chapel. 00:39:26
So we have a motion for MO use from Eric Furnish, second by Ben Fee. Any discussion on? 00:39:34
Mous with the surrounding fire districts for. 00:39:41
Fire Protection. 00:39:45
No discussion all in favor of the motion. Say aye. 00:39:49
Aye, all opposed. 00:39:53
Motion carries. 00:39:55
I can see that over here. 00:40:02
Do you have any other motions? 00:40:15
Did you didn't, did she? 00:40:21
I want to make a motion to proceed with starting our own fire company. 00:40:23
New Albany Township Fire Protection District Fire Company and moving forward with that in accordance with state statute. 00:40:29
We've got a second and a third. 00:40:39
Any discussion? 00:40:43
On the motion any discussion. 00:40:45
All in favor. 00:40:49
Of the only Township fire district forming its own fire department. All in favor? Say aye. Aye. All opposed. 00:40:50
Motion carries. 00:40:59
The other board business. If not, I'll entertain a motion to adjourn the board. 00:41:04
Shahid Kapoor. 00:41:12
I'll make a motion with dirt. I'll second. 00:41:15
Motion to adjourn. Been seconded. Any discussion motion carries. We're all done. 6:47 PM. 00:41:19
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Hey, you like to welcome everybody? 00:00:15
The Albany Township Fire Board public meeting, sorry we're a little bit late, ran over in our executive meeting. 00:00:18
I'd like to call a meeting to order, do roll call. Start down there with you, Mr. Wiseman. 00:00:25
Jennifer Kern, Eric Furnish, Daryl Mills, Chris Wireless. 00:00:32
OK, meetings in order. We all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, please. 00:00:40
United States of America to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:48
Of course we don't have a printed agenda, so. 00:01:10
So we'll do. 00:01:15
War. And he called me in, Gordon. 00:01:18
OK, then we'll do minutes. We'll prove minutes. 00:01:22
Trying to get our agenda pulled up here. Sorry we didn't have our printed copies. 00:01:27
OK, now we're going to. 00:01:41
Board had a chance to read all the minutes from our last meeting so. 00:01:45
We don't have printed copies, we don't have a printer, but any any questions or any board members any questions about the. 00:01:50
Minutes from the last meeting. 00:01:58
And just to be clear, we have the meeting minutes since. 00:02:00
Our last regular meeting in the special meeting since then, So we have January 17th, February 15th and March 14th of 24. They were 00:02:07
all sent by e-mail I. 00:02:12
So does he, by having changes to those. 00:02:21
Anybody having changes in minutes? 00:02:24
OK, entertain a motion to approve the minutes. 00:02:26
Make a motion to approve minutes. 00:02:30
Second OK, Motion approved by Chris Wiseman. 00:02:32
Any discussion? 00:02:35
By Chris Lawrence and do we have any discussion? 00:02:37
Will those be posted online for the public to see? 00:02:42
Do we know that? 00:02:45
We don't have printed copies. 00:02:47
We can. 00:02:49
Not sure what medium we would use for that, but I didn't know if that went through the clerk's office or how that. 00:02:51
We do have to. We do post these with State Board of Accounts and I assume they'd be available for for for open records. 00:02:58
All right. All in favor of the Minutes. Say aye. Aye. 00:03:08
Any opposed? 00:03:14
Nay, motion carries. They'll be coming around for signature. 00:03:15
Financial management, I'll let me think, OK. 00:03:25
All right, we're going to. 00:03:28
Go over review our financial statements for the last quarter and Eric furnished our financial Secretary will roll over those. 00:03:29
All right. 00:03:39
I'll be sitting around for signatures. For review and signatures, we've got a. 00:03:44
Our W Banco statement for our general checking. 00:03:50
And we've got a. 00:03:57
We've got that for the first three months of the year, so that'll be passed around. So that'll be the month of January, February 00:04:00
and March. 00:04:04
We also have our new Washington State Bank account. 00:04:11
Statement as of the end of the first quarter. That's a quarterly statement, so with W Banco. 00:04:14
At the end of March, we had a total of 782,317 spot 79. 00:04:22
And with new Washington State Bank in our savings, we got 121,630 spot 91. 00:04:30
And. 00:04:38
We also have CDs of around 480,000, but we don't get statements on those. So I'm going to pass these around for review and 00:04:42
signature and it it'll show all the outstanding or all the. 00:04:49
Disbursements checks during the First quarter. 00:04:57
I think the board's already reviewed these. We had them emailed to us earlier. Is there any? 00:05:03
Everyone entertain a motion for the. 00:05:18
Financially approved. 00:05:21
Motion for Rule of Financial Records. 00:05:23
I have second. 00:05:26
Second motion by Ben Fee to approve the financial seconded by Chris Swearens. Any discussion on the financials. 00:05:29
048, So we're passing them around. Do I have any questions? 00:05:39
Also included in that is that well. 00:05:45
We'll do another one for. 00:05:48
We'll do another one for this, OK, We'll do that. 00:05:52
So this will just be the bank statements where we got a motion. So we'll do that. 00:05:55
OK. 00:06:00
All favor of the motion. 00:06:02
Except the financial statement, say aye. 00:06:05
Aye, aye. All opposed. 00:06:08
Site Night. 00:06:11
Motion carries. 00:06:13
Also have the. 00:06:16
The printouts for the general account as I've been to the quarter, the debt service account, and the cumulative fire. 00:06:18
And I will forward those. 00:06:28
To be reviewed. 00:06:33
And it also has an accounts payable voucher showing everything that has. 00:06:38
Been written during the quarter. 00:06:43
OK. OK. Thank you. 00:07:05
Did you get that all out there? 00:07:10
I'm also going to pass around our annual financial report that was just completed at the end of February and. 00:07:23
That's been distributed by e-mail and. 00:07:33
It's our gateway report. 00:07:38
We have to file in the Indiana Gateway Government Unit system. 00:07:40
So provide that as well. 00:07:45
I think we worked till, yeah, let's wait till these come through. 00:08:08
Resigning. 00:08:16
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Bye, bye. 00:08:19
I think we approve. 00:09:55
I think we, you know we should approve that in the accounts payable in the Ledger. 00:09:57
Everybody will make a motion for the gateway. 00:10:06
Catering Report Ledger, Ledger and Motion Counts table. 00:10:09
That's from State Board of accounts on our audit. 00:10:15
Motion to accept the. 00:10:19
Reports from the State Board of Accounts I'll second. 00:10:21
Motion and second made by Jennifer. Any discussion? 00:10:24
No discussion. All in favor, say aye. All opposed motion come. 00:10:31
I am pleased to announce that we. 00:10:36
We just went through an audit. 00:10:42
We had a an earlier we had an early investigation audit, kind of a forensic audit tied to the investigation of Jamie, no? 00:10:45
And that came out clean and then we have a regular, we are regularly audit either on a three-year or a five year basis. This time 00:10:56
it it, it went five years and that audit started in December. 00:11:05
And we just wrapped that up in in March and we've got a clean result on that. 00:11:14
All the board members should have gotten from the audit State Board of Accounts, a report on any you know, anything from that. 00:11:22
It wasn't a perfect audit. There is no such thing as a perfect audit, but there were no material findings and anything that had 00:11:33
been flagged from prior audit had been corrected in the meantime. So we're really happy to report that we're through with that 00:11:40
process. It was a huge undertaking. 00:11:46
It does give me confidence that the state of Indiana is doing what they need to do to help. 00:11:54
You know, guide municipalities and ensure that the taxpayer money is being used properly. So anyways, I just wanted that you all 00:11:59
should have gotten an e-mail on that, but I wanted to everybody get there for Mr. Schuler with SBA. 00:12:06
OK, so anyways, glad to be done again. Huge undertaking and. 00:12:13
But necessary situation and and glad we're able to kind of focus on other things now. 00:12:22
And that's it for financial report. 00:12:29
All right. Thank you. Eric. Is there any new business to be brought before the board? 00:12:31
Any old business we need to clear up? 00:12:40
So we're starting with old business, yeah. 00:12:43
In your business. 00:12:49
Everybody needs to go over. I think we don't really have anything. I think we pretty much. 00:12:51
Covered it. 00:12:56
If I got any new business to bring up? 00:13:02
I do. I would like for us to have a revised capital asset policy in place that's a little more comprehensive. 00:13:06
I had emailed that out to everybody for review and. 00:13:17
My. 00:13:24
My suggestion? We require 2 signatures on checks that are $5000 or more. 00:13:25
So we have 3 instances on this capital asset policy. 00:13:32
That we can insert an amount and my suggestion is to use 5000 for that. So one, I just wanted to confirm that everybody was good 00:13:37
with the wording on this if they were fine with it and then secondly if they were fine with 5000 as the amounts used. 00:13:46
So if we renovate a building or improve a bit an existing building. 00:13:57
If it exceeds 5000, it would have to be in our capital asset policy. If it's below that, it could be, we could list it in there. 00:14:02
It's optional and then the same thing if we buy machinery or equipment. 00:14:11
Or if we have new construction that exceeds 5000, it would have to be listed, but if it's less than that, we could list it. Of 00:14:17
course the policy that I came up with that it's it's a temp template from others, but obviously any land purchases or building 00:14:25
purchases regardless of value would be added to the capital asset policy list. 00:14:32
So want to get people's blessing on the wording? 00:14:43
Wanted to get a get your blessing on the wording if there's any changes and then also the amount of money. 00:14:49
That we are stipulating. 00:15:00
Where, where it would take in that, we'd have to list that in our capital asset policy. 00:15:03
Do you have additional printed copies of that? 00:15:07
Eric, did this come on the recommendation of the State Board of Accounts? 00:15:18
Yes, they wanted, they wanted a revised policy in place. 00:15:22
Reading, I'll just mention to the general public. 00:15:47
This also stipulates, you know not only are we going to record capital assets as they're purchased or renovations are made et 00:15:51
cetera, but an inventory of these assets will be conducted at least every two years. 00:15:58
And this is focused on assets that are more durable in nature. 00:16:06
So think land, buildings, improvements, machinery, furniture. 00:16:10
Construction, That kind of thing. 00:16:16
If I had a chance to read it any more time. 00:16:28
About you all down there, y'all we're doing good. 00:16:33
Doing good. Any if we can take a motion first before we have our discussion. Anybody wants to make a motion? 00:16:36
Motion to accept the capital assets policy motion like to 2nd that Eric for a second. 00:16:45
Any discussion? 00:16:52
I would like to discuss item three. I think the amount on that one should be a little bit lower. 00:16:54
With some of the firefighting equipment, that can be expensive. 00:17:00
I think we should have a running inventory on SCBA's and. 00:17:04
Education equipment. Some of that might not make the $5000 mark, but would be purchased out. I'd like to lower that down to the 00:17:11
1000. 00:17:14
And keep in mind. 00:17:18
And this may or may not change your your input, but we. 00:17:20
If it's a wear item like turn out year, we generally don't list that because it has a very short, useful life I. 00:17:25
So does that. 00:17:36
Fact, You know, I think canisters are long enough that. 00:17:38
What's people's thoughts on the 1000 for item 3? 00:18:14
I agree with them. 00:18:18
I'm in agreement. 00:18:21
Aggressive. 00:18:22
I'm good with that. I'm good, OK? 00:18:25
**** it's unanimous. Everybody agrees we'll change that to 1000. 00:18:29
Should we make a new motion with the with our amounts in here, you can amend it, just amend it, right? 00:18:37
Any other? Any more discussion? 00:18:46
Any other questions? 00:18:48
So we're amending the motion to have item number two be $5000 and that's the renovating. 00:18:51
Item three, well we approved the motion blank and now we're putting in the dollars amount under the amendment. Yeah, so with the 00:18:59
amended motion, item 2, the cost of improving or renovating an existing building or improvements that would be 5000. 00:19:07
Machinery or equipment. 00:19:16
And furniture would be 1000 or more. 00:19:19
And in new construction projects in excess of 5000? 00:19:22
BJP. 00:19:34
All in favor of the motion with the amendments? Say aye, aye. All opposed. 00:19:41
Motion carries. 00:19:49
You got to copy for us to sign on, Jerry. 00:19:54
I do OK. 00:19:56
This one. 00:19:59
No. 00:20:01
The wipe there is not. 00:20:10
He was helpful into this. 00:21:48
He's all caught up here. 00:22:16
We're at the public, OK? 00:22:21
All right, anybody from the public would like to speak, come on up to the microphone, State your name and address and. 00:22:24
Looks like we're moving on. Good time. So come on up and. 00:22:32
We'll entertain public input at this point. 00:22:36
Bye. 00:22:42
OK. 00:22:46
Good evening. I wasn't wasn't totally sure if there was a spot on the agenda for a general update. 00:22:51
And I just wanted to offer that, if that. 00:22:59
Sure, Prudent. OK. 00:23:01
Just wanted to give you an update. We have since I believe the last time we've met, we've talked at length about getting the 00:23:05
change from a split company model for your fire department over to a dedicated engine company that out of station one that is 00:23:12
something that is in progress. We're working. That change has been made and has been filled with overtime in large part from our 00:23:20
current firefighters that have worked in a dual capacity in the past. 00:23:27
That has been a very positive change for the service that I think. 00:23:35
The New Albany Township Fire District Fire District is receiving. We have initiated a hiring process to fill those positions on a 00:23:39
full time basis. That process applications of leave are due at the end of the month with an interview scheduled with Chief 00:23:45
Franklin and. 00:23:51
Through the middle of June with a PT standard. 00:23:59
Like I said, an interview process. 00:24:04
We're hopeful to get through that process quickly so that we can have those full time folks in place as quickly as possible. 00:24:07
I did include in the. 00:24:15
Information that was sent over that was requested a budget for the rest of the year. I didn't know if the board has had an 00:24:19
opportunity to look that over, give any thoughts, offer any feedback or if that would be something that we could get an approval 00:24:24
on at this meeting. 00:24:30
Any questions? 00:24:40
How many men are on? 00:24:43
Crew tonight. Right now. I'm sorry. How many guys do you have on the ladder truck right now? Should be at this moment, I'm not 00:24:44
sure. I know we've had a three on today because of the. 00:24:50
Fact that we're scheduling overtime. 00:24:56
I don't know if we still have 3 on at this moment. 00:24:58
No, I've got checked with the chief before the meeting, yet we have one. 00:25:00
After 8:00 there is a 0. 00:25:04
There's no fire coverage tonight. Well, we have fire coverage, so we're just playing that dual role. Still we're working towards. 00:25:07
I'm confused if we have fire coverage and we have 0 firefighters that. 00:25:13
So we have the firefighters that are on duty, as we have for the last 18 years on duty where they're on duty for the for the 00:25:21
department. They're working throughout the district. 00:25:26
And on the inferences. 00:25:32
We also have off duty personnel that will respond in if there's an addition, if there's an additional need. 00:25:34
That's not the way I understand it. 00:25:42
That's not the way I understand we're supposed to have firefighters at the Firehouse where we provide a Firehouse waiting for. 00:25:45
Someone to come off an ambulance back to the Firehouse, come off the ambulance. 00:25:53
And put on turn out year is is not what a homeowner wants to hear. 00:25:59
Under the impression that we were going to have a dedicated 3 main crew 24/7 and that is what we're working towards, yes Sir. 00:26:06
I thought that's what you said in your press conference. 00:26:13
We are then we would have that effective March 25th. We have to establish that on our schedule March 25th and because we're 00:26:17
filling that with overtime, how many times has that not been filled, I would have to get a number for you. 00:26:23
I pretty much know the number. 00:26:30
But thank you for that. Let me ask you a question, Sir. 00:26:34
We're a far district board. 00:26:39
Yes, for house bars respond to traffic accidents, et cetera. 00:26:40
If there's zero firefighters at the Firehouse. 00:26:48
And you said there's people out on ambulances. Yes, it'll come back to the far house. Yes. Switch gear and get on a fire truck. 00:26:51
Yes, Sir. 00:26:56
And my law enforcement background and emergency responses. Time is of the essence. One minute can make a difference. 00:27:01
You're going to tell me that you think that? 00:27:09
It's fair to the public that we, I don't I don't misunderstand this is not this is not the the the type of service that I look to 00:27:12
provide on your behalf. This is the this is the type of service that this board has received for the last 18 years And and we're 00:27:21
trying to make a change to give you what you would expect. Well I don't know if it's what we expect but what we pay for. 00:27:29
With taxpayer money, what would pay for is for fire service. Yes Sir. And I believe you receive fire service. It's not the 00:27:39
immediate getting out the door within two minutes. 00:27:46
That's getting far service in New Albany Township. 00:27:54
I would not say so, Sir. No. 00:27:57
That's all I have. That's that's the big thing was. 00:27:59
When you first came out with it, it was going to be a dedicated 3 main Creek. Yes, that was March 25th. Yes, for a month and a 00:28:02
half man, but you're still making progress. 00:28:06
Yes, but we have requested, I believe in writing maybe four times to meet with this board to discuss this progress and we've not 00:28:10
been able to sit down other than with Mr. Fee and Mr. Swearens. 00:28:16
We're trying to make this this move. 00:28:23
And understandably, we've put these positions in as of March to fill these positions on overtime, but we've got nine positions now 00:28:27
that suddenly weren't there before. We're diligently trying to fill these roles. But I can't move forward without some sort of 00:28:34
understanding from this board that that's going to be acceptable and we're going to be able to continue. If I hire people, they 00:28:41
have to know that they're going to have a job. Well, I I respect that, but also. 00:28:49
You have requested to meet with the board. I know you met with a couple of board members. 00:28:56
But. 00:29:03
I requested, I think some other board members, We've also requested a lot from you as far as financial records, training records, 00:29:06
a lot of stuff. We've requested that. 00:29:11
And gave you ample time to get it back to us. And we received nothing, so why would we meet? 00:29:16
We forwarded. You had a deadline on that. 00:29:24
Yes, Sir. And when did we get that and and when when did we get it? We had that to you last week. And what was the deadline for 00:29:27
public, What was the deadline that we requested? I don't recall. The letter came out that was within March 31st was the deadline 00:29:33
to turn that back to us and we got it last week and we were very clear that we were working through our audit with the State Board 00:29:39
of Accounts as you have. So we're going to try to try to make sure that if we're submitting documents and information to you that 00:29:45
is accurate. 00:29:51
As we've worked through that, you've seen the type of information that we've been able to provide. 00:29:58
Would you agree with me that new Army Township citizens have not been receiving adequate fire service? I believe that in instances 00:30:04
the New Albany Township Fire District has received more services than what they've had, you know, under contract. But there's been 00:30:10
instances where that is fell short fell short if if I could just you'll have to forgive me. All right. So I'm kind of new to being 00:30:16
on this board, but. 00:30:23
And I know laws and contracts, but I don't know the firefighting side of it. Yes, ma'am. So as I'm reviewing these contracts, I 00:30:30
just want to make sure that I, I have a full understanding of what the contract is between New Chapel and New Albany Township. And 00:30:37
I thought it was just the original contract, but then I found there was an amendment and and you were at that board meeting back 00:30:45
in July 2021 where the board authorized an additional payment of 270. 00:30:53
$5000, correct. Do you remember that? OK? 00:31:01
What it shows that you were there with with. 00:31:07
Chief Jamie Knoll at the time. I really don't want to get into those specifics. April, I'm sorry. I'm the attorney for New Chapel. 00:31:09
I don't want my clients happy to answer any questions. Go ahead and introduce yourself. I'm sorry. 00:31:17
Department. So I'll be happy to have those conversations with you if you want, but I really don't want my client. 00:31:24
Basically interrogated at this moment. What? I will say no, no, I just, I think when he's a lawyer it's a little different. Can I 00:31:33
ask you the question? 00:31:38
Theaters, yes, absolutely. So I'm, I'm referring back to this meeting in July of 2021 when. 00:31:43
The board here authorized the additional $275,000 which has been paid, which is being paid each year. 00:31:49
But according to the Minutes. 00:31:57
Part of that additional appropriation was to ensure that Bud Rd. was going to be staffed. 00:32:00
At all times, I don't have a copy of that amendment in our documents. 00:32:07
I don't believe. 00:32:12
I haven't went through many documents and what I do want to say is you know. 00:32:15
President Mills. 00:32:20
A lot of the documents that you asked. 00:32:21
Prosecutor Hurdle We'll be doing an intervention in that case. 00:32:57
So we're working pretty diligently. So the inability to meet that deadline, it was I I did have some communications with April. 00:33:00
Let her know, hey, I hope the board will give us some grace because we don't have these documents we have. 00:33:05
Haven't been able to mine the data. I wished you would have conveyed that to us before the 31st deadline. All that came. Even 00:33:12
after that we could have learned a little bit if you just communicated something. I understand and also I find that. 00:33:18
I don't know but. 00:33:25
I've been around for a while, you all know. 00:33:27
There's no backup system and I know state police sees it, they they seized one of our vehicles, one of our assets. 00:33:30
And there's no backup system, no iCloud, no thumb drives that you could provide U.S. financial records from. State police shut you 00:33:37
all down. 00:33:41
I know that I understand what you're saying that the the manner in which this was handled prior to last August. 00:33:48
I think it's remarkable and I don't totally understand how it all worked even prior. 00:33:58
The best I can do is give you what I can and I am doing everything I can to provide. 00:34:05
Understanding some moving forward, we're we're willing and interested in in putting these protections in place and making regular 00:34:11
reports to the board as as you would require. But I can't go back and do undo things that I wasn't responsible for. 00:34:19
Will absolutely take the responsibility for everything that we've. 00:34:29
Tried to put in place as of late and and how we move forward well I think it started in June of 2023. 00:34:34
The State Police investigation with Mr. Null. 00:34:42
And you took over, I think January 4th as CEO. 00:34:45
February 8th Okay and here we are in May and. 00:34:53
Nothing's changed in my opinion from my reviews. We still don't have fire service. 00:34:56
We don't need ambulances coming from. 00:35:02
If they got patients, how are they going to respond back to the Firehouse to get on a fire truck? I don't. I don't. I don't see 00:35:05
how that works. 00:35:09
So to me, you're in clear violation of our contract to provide far service. I would say that this is how this relationship has 00:35:15
worked since its inception in 2006. 00:35:20
Former Chief Gnome made it very clear to us who worked for the department that the Board was in agreement with the fact that we 00:35:26
provide primary EMS service and was in agreement with the fact that firefighters would work in a split company model. 00:35:33
Understanding since January and February that that is not the expectation of this board. We're working to change that. We wouldn't 00:35:42
live up to your expectation, Matt. I got to inject this. I have to, I've been on the Board about 14 years. 00:35:49
And it's never, ever been stated by you. 00:35:58
Jamie Knoll. 00:36:03
Paul Holcomb, who's been at Army. I've never heard of a split model that was never explained to anyone on the board since I've 00:36:05
been a member. 00:36:09
Is that true? Would you agree that's a true statement? I don't know if that's a true statement for me. Or did you ever tell us 00:36:14
that it was a split model? I was not in a position to explain anything to the board. Well, not you. You were there at that meeting 00:36:20
where we approved the 275,000. You brought me a cup of coffee. I remember it clearly. And you worked the meetings and you could 00:36:26
have called and told us. You don't have any problem reaching out to me now. 00:36:32
No, Sir, the dynamic has changed. It's changed for me too. Thank you. 00:36:39
Thank you. Just a. 00:36:45
Right here Matt and the letter that you sent us on April 10th and it's, yeah, I mean you even admit it right here with a dedicated 00:36:46
staffing in place and it's not, it's not in place the the the positions are in place on our scheduling system now. I mean do you 00:36:53
all feel in if we have a vacant site when I'm sorry. 00:37:00
I can get your dates if you'd like. 00:37:09
I like that. OK. I'd like to say when you all have actually been on the truck, my friend. OK. 00:37:11
That's not a problem. Does anybody else have anything? 00:37:18
Anybody else have any questions? 00:37:23
We don't have access to any of the firehouses anymore. 00:37:24
We can change that. That's not a problem. 00:37:27
What we would do? Why was it changed without even telling us that we can't get in the Firehouse? I don't believe that the board 00:37:32
has ever had access. 00:37:36
You've never been in our door system. We've always given the generic. I used to have access. There was always a generic code that 00:37:40
was given to the president. 00:37:44
That was always the practice. 00:37:49
But we can be happy to give access, full access to everybody. We'll just need to get some information for the door system and 00:37:51
Deputy Chief Open will take care of that. 00:37:56
Well, there's a multitude of issues in my opinion. 00:38:05
Anything else? 00:38:13
My wife make a motion. 00:38:15
Well, it's also great to continue. 00:38:17
Go ahead, go ahead. 00:38:23
The motion is that the only Township Fire Protection District Board terminates the current Fire Protection contract with New 00:38:25
Chapel Fire effective at 6:00 PM on May 31st, 2024. 00:38:31
Motion by. 00:38:41
Chris Wiseman. 00:38:42
Vacate the current contract with New Chapel Fire. 00:38:44
Do I have second? 00:38:48
Seconded by Chris Swearens. Any discussion? 00:38:50
No discussion. All in favor? Say aye. Aye. All opposed. 00:38:57
Motion carries. 00:39:04
With that having been done, I would like to make a motion to enter into MO Us with neighboring fire companies immediately so that 00:39:13
our residents have Fire Protection services. 00:39:18
And those would be with New Albany Township Fire Protection District. The current ones are with New Chapel. 00:39:26
So we have a motion for MO use from Eric Furnish, second by Ben Fee. Any discussion on? 00:39:34
Mous with the surrounding fire districts for. 00:39:41
Fire Protection. 00:39:45
No discussion all in favor of the motion. Say aye. 00:39:49
Aye, all opposed. 00:39:53
Motion carries. 00:39:55
I can see that over here. 00:40:02
Do you have any other motions? 00:40:15
Did you didn't, did she? 00:40:21
I want to make a motion to proceed with starting our own fire company. 00:40:23
New Albany Township Fire Protection District Fire Company and moving forward with that in accordance with state statute. 00:40:29
We've got a second and a third. 00:40:39
Any discussion? 00:40:43
On the motion any discussion. 00:40:45
All in favor. 00:40:49
Of the only Township fire district forming its own fire department. All in favor? Say aye. Aye. All opposed. 00:40:50
Motion carries. 00:40:59
The other board business. If not, I'll entertain a motion to adjourn the board. 00:41:04
Shahid Kapoor. 00:41:12
I'll make a motion with dirt. I'll second. 00:41:15
Motion to adjourn. Been seconded. Any discussion motion carries. We're all done. 6:47 PM. 00:41:19
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