No Bookmarks Exist.
Point of session of the Floyd County Commissioners and Council together, if you will, please silence your cell phones and stand to 00:00:00
join me in the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:04
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:10
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We have one posted agenda item. I do have one special agenda item for the 00:00:16
commissioners that I'd like to take care of here at the beginning of this. It's unrelated to EMS. It's a carryover from our last 00:00:23
meeting with regards to the Southern Indiana transit system. If I can get a unanimous vote from the commissioners to add this to 00:00:29
our agenda. 00:00:36
So moved. 00:00:43
All in favor, aye, All right. And that is a carryover from our last meeting, which was resolution number for 2025 for ongoing 00:00:44
funding. 00:00:49
I'd like to get a motion to approve. 00:00:56
I get second on that. 00:00:59
I'll second that. All in favor. Aye? Aye. All opposed, Aye. 00:01:02
OK. So we have passage on that with two in favor and one opposed. And if you'd like to hang out until after the meeting, we can 00:01:07
get signatures for you on that. 00:01:11
All right. Thank you. Meeting to moving to the matter at hand with regards to EMS. 00:01:16
I'd like to just briefly start where we ended off, just to see if you had any headway on any of the funding mechanisms that we had 00:01:23
discussed previously. 00:01:27
I believe we did, but we do have two resolutions moving to the legacy foundation and also a letter of request that is in the works 00:01:33
on that. Does anyone want to summarize where we are on that? 00:01:39
Either the resolutions for funding or the letter on the. 00:01:47
Legacy foundation. 00:01:51
The resolutions have been drawn up. They're available. 00:01:53
Denise, were you in touch with the foundation? I have drawn up a letter requesting that the Legacy Foundation. 00:01:59
Look at giving us $500,000 of the 5% spend rate for 2024. And I can read that. I can also send it out. I wasn't ready to send it 00:02:11
out yet because I was waiting. 00:02:19
For Steve Barks to. 00:02:27
To verify some of the numbers, I think they're very directional. Is that fair to say, Steve? 00:02:30
And so I can read this, I can send it out. 00:02:38
If you don't mind, I'd like to read it if that's OK. 00:02:42
This is to the Floyd County Legacy Foundation Board. Dear Board members, 'cause I as I am sure most of you are aware, Floyd County 00:02:48
is currently addressing the situation with our current EMS provider. The contract for New Chapel expires on May 31st, 2024. The 00:02:56
cost to put a new plan in place. 00:03:03
To provide EMS service for all Floyd County. 00:03:13
Minus the city is substantially higher than has been paid in the past. The council and the commissioners would like to request 00:03:17
$500,000 from the 2024 spend rate, which is approximately 850,000. I think it's a little more than that, Steve, now that we've 00:03:25
looked at the numbers more closely, but I said approximately to support the unanticipated EMS expense for 2024. This would then 00:03:32
leave the commissioners and councils time to address. 00:03:40
A sustainable revenue source for the future. This would also leave the Floyd County Legacy Foundation with approximately 350,000 00:03:48
to grant out to worthy, worthy applicants for 2024. 00:03:55
It might again, maybe a little bit more than that. The principal was a little bit more than I calculated. These numbers aren't. 00:04:03
We realize that this is highly unusual, a highly unusual request, and that you are currently in in the middle of your grant cycle, 00:04:11
but these funds would be go a long way to helping the county in an effort to cover the cost of EMS in 2024. 00:04:19
We do not want this to be an ongoing request, just a one time distribution of the spin rate only. 00:04:29
We realized the foundation was established to grant worthy applicants in Floyd County to make our county a better place to live, 00:04:37
work and play and was not meant to cover ongoing operating expenses in Floyd County. We appreciate your consideration to this 00:04:44
request and would appreciate if you would let us know your ability to grant this request by May 31st and I have left room for all 00:04:52
of us to sign this. 00:04:59
Or whoever is in agreement that this that we should move forward with this request from the legacy foundation. So that's what I 00:05:07
have in hand and I did talk with. 00:05:14
With Steve about it, so in verifying those, you feel like the numbers are perhaps in excess of that, yes to what, to what amount. 00:05:23
I did it based on 17,000,000 and the actual balance at this point is 17.8 million. 00:05:30
890 is what he said. 00:05:40
Yes. So you're right. Yes. So we would still request the 500 and they would have about 390,000 to give out instead of instead of 00:05:45
my letter of approximately 350. 00:05:52
So close. close to 400,000 to the grand out still. 00:06:00
So Steve, when is the next meeting of the Legacy Foundation? 00:06:05
We're waiting on for the Matrix come back from the. 00:06:09
From the Community Foundation to determine what the scale was. So you may. 00:06:14
I would shoot the middle of May. 00:06:22
But the request, as you know AL is around 900,000. 00:06:25
This year. 00:06:30
So that means that we have to go back. 00:06:33
We look at all that in our meeting as to what amount we give each organization. 00:06:36
Yeah, we're, yeah or you could just, we could just reduce by a certain percentage based upon what we what we have to give. But I'm 00:06:43
sure that we discussed on that. I'm going to suggest that based upon the outcome of of tonight's meeting wherever we go with that 00:06:51
that maybe we ask for a special meeting on that just to address this question. 00:06:58
I mean, Dale's also a member of that. Would you be opposed to that special meeting of the legacy foundation board? 00:07:06
I generally don't like it. 00:07:13
Just because I think it's setting a bad precedent. 00:07:15
That was as Denise. 00:07:19
Help in a resolution it was a certain intent was for that legacy foundation to be and now we're setting a precedent and my fear is 00:07:21
going forward it's going to be an ongoing thing year after year which was never the intent of the legacy. So I'm generally not in 00:07:30
favor I'm not saying I would noted but would you be opposed to moving and having a special meeting to discuss that with that. 00:07:38
So perhaps again depending on how we proceed. 00:07:48
OK. 00:07:54
Anything further on funding sources? 00:07:55
Well known or unknown well we do have the less less the rest of the contract. 00:08:00
That was budgeted 280, well, I think was budgeted 222-2220. So that's about $120,000 that could be applied seven months and should 00:08:06
be applied. And then we have river vote. Of course we have the what, the remnant of what? We don't know what the total number is 00:08:12
of Lois is going to return. 00:08:19
To the general fund that she. 00:08:26
That we addressed a couple meetings ago. Some of that gets about 150. I think I saw this interest walk in. I don't know if you 00:08:30
have any update numbers on. 00:08:34
And it was $368,000 total. 00:08:40
Should we have any idea what remains of that? 00:08:46
About 160 my calculation because. 00:08:50
Appropriated 190 for the sheriff for his project. 00:08:53
So that'd be about 160 left. 00:09:00
And again, those funds would not just be for. 00:09:02
The remainder of this year, but also might carry over to next year perhaps. 00:09:06
Or not? Is that a one time thing, Lois? 00:09:11
I mean, not not hers, but I'm talking about the money that you're adding up. With regards to that'd be 100 and change leftover 00:09:14
from the duration of this year's contract. 00:09:19
From Lois Riverboat, I don't know. 00:09:25
So that be I'm talking about the seven month period that that's at hand. Understood Cousin. 00:09:28
I think we're pretty much in agreement that we're going to have to. 00:09:34
Impose some kind of a EMS tax. 00:09:38
I think in order to sustain this whole EMS thing going forward. 00:09:42
So that's going to be a. 00:09:46
The pressing matter is getting funded through December 1, right? 00:09:48
And I think the if there is a. 00:09:54
EMS Lit. I think they're obviously that's going to be a very lengthy discussion with a lot of public input. 00:09:57
And we got about, does that have to be, I think it has to be done by October 31 in order to get the revenue for next year I think. 00:10:02
And I think part of that discussion needs to have a sunset built into that. 00:10:11
Depending on what the, depending on what how we go forward, but again just so if we don't come to terms on how we're going to 00:10:16
provide EMS long term that that would also sunset. 00:10:22
Over 500,000 that's 780 now and it's 780 you want for duration this year depends on on what route we go. 00:10:34
According to the the compromise that we're going to talk about tonight, the remaining seven months would be 546,581 June through 00:10:44
December. 00:10:48
So we're real close to that. 00:10:54
The funds available. 00:10:56
Do you agree, Jim? 00:10:58
I want to go ahead and make a motion. 00:11:00
I want to make a motion that the Council respect the authority of the Commissioners and, at the suggestion of the EMS Board, that 00:11:06
we approve funding for option one. 00:11:11
To be paid for 2024. 00:11:17
Via Riverboat 125 the recorders additional funds, which should be 126. 00:11:21
The current EMS budget, what's left should be 128,000. 00:11:28
That would leave 442 ask. 00:11:33
Of the. 00:11:36
Legacy foundation. 00:11:38
And then rainy day 74419 for the total of eight 95419 for the remainder of this year with discussion. 00:11:40
Along with the commissioners regarding broadband money and continued legacy funds for 2025 and 2026 plus other. 00:11:51
Grant monies and things like that that may be coming in to us. 00:12:00
Opioid funds, we might be getting some of those. 00:12:03
2nd. 00:12:08
Get your warehouse pain. 00:12:15
She made the motion. That's that's us. 00:12:20
Discussion on that, Yes, absolutely. 00:12:23
Doesn't look like that's the option that we were. 00:12:30
Coming into this meeting, expect an option 6. Going back to option one, I'm not really particularly fond of option one because it 00:12:33
totally eliminates Hollander Fire District in any kind of service. 00:12:39
So I'm not. I'm not in favor of that. 00:12:47
I tend to agree that the Commissioners came up with. 00:12:54
Option one, what? Three months ago? Two months ago? 00:12:57
And so therefore I would. 00:13:01
Be with Connie at that. It's a it's what the commissioners ask. It's our job to fund what they requested. 00:13:06
And. 00:13:13
So. 00:13:17
There we are. 00:13:18
There was just a lot in that motion. 00:13:24
Would you like to restate it? Yeah, if you would, Please. Absolutely. 00:13:28
Just the numbers or the whole thing? 00:13:33
I get the part about option one, that there was some other things that you listed there for some other funding sources that I 00:13:37
didn't. 00:13:40
I didn't care for 2024 riverboat funding should be 125,000 recorders. Additional funds, 126,000 should be left in there after we 00:13:44
paid the sheriff's. 00:13:51
The current EMS budget should be 128,000 left in that. 00:13:59
That would leave the ask of the legacy balance 442,000. 00:14:05
And then that would leave rainy day. We could use 74,419 for a total of 895 for 19. 00:14:11
What was that rainy day again? I'm sorry I missed it. 00:14:19
74419 Thank you. 00:14:21
Is there any further discussion or questions on on that motion? 00:14:38
Seeing none all in favor, say aye, Aye. 00:14:44
Any opposed? Can we show hands? 00:14:47
Show of hands for opposed, Tommy, what are you doing? 00:14:50
That motion fails. 00:14:53
I'll make a second motion. 00:14:59
That the Council respect the authority of the Commissioners and approve funding for option 2, which again is not enough 00:15:01
ambulances, but. 00:15:04
The total is 546,581 funding to come from Riverboat 125 recorders. 00:15:09
Balance of 126,000. 00:15:18
The current EMS budget. 00:15:21
128. 00:15:24
1000 that would put the legacy balance 75. 00:15:27
1581. 00:15:34
And. 00:15:37
Rainy day would be. 00:15:44
What, 16,000? 00:15:54
91,092 thousand. 00:15:59
2nd. 00:16:02
Have motion a second? Any discussion on option 2? 00:16:03
All in favor of show of hands. 00:16:11
Opposed. 00:16:14
Motion fails. 00:16:15
Can we get to the discussion of option 6? 00:16:18
I would also like to present to. 00:16:23
Resolutions. 00:16:27
To be identical to the Highlander resolution in 2023. 00:16:30
One for Georgetown Township at 500,000 and the second one to New Omni Township Fire District for 500,000 so that they can purchase 00:16:34
2 ambulances as well to get them equal to Highlander at this point. 00:16:41
2nd that motion. 00:16:53
Any discussion on that? 00:16:56
That money to come from CARES ACT money. 00:16:57
Because that's where Highlanders came from. 00:17:00
Seeing no discussion. 00:17:09
I know I'm not part of the vote on this. 00:17:12
It's two separate resolutions, one for Georgetown Montreal. 00:17:15
Amounts of $500,000 each. Purchase of maintenances for their. 00:17:21
For their districts. 00:17:27
I think Brad had something. 00:17:30
Did they? 00:17:33
So this is the purchase analysis for those two fire districts, is that right? 00:17:36
Yes. 00:17:40
Did they ask for analysis to be purchased for them? 00:17:41
No. But at last week's meeting, we said that we were going to get the Fire Districts up to an equal playing field, and in order to 00:17:45
do that, with Highlander having two ambulances, Georgetown should get 2. 00:17:51
As should New Omni Township. 00:17:58
Do they have currently have any amuses? 00:18:00
I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. 00:18:03
It takes a little while to get everybody up to speed and get those ambulances in. 00:18:06
But do they currently have any ambulances? 00:18:09
Again, not sure what that has to do with anything. 00:18:12
So do you know the answer to it? 00:18:16
I'm gonna say no. 00:18:18
Have they budgeted for any illnesses in the past? 00:18:22
They wouldn't need to because they weren't doing it, but if we're going to get everybody on the same playing field. 00:18:28
That's discussion to happen. So they have any transport numbers. 00:18:34
Come again? Do they have any transport numbers? 00:18:38
What do you mean? Do they have transport numbers? They don't even have ambulances yet. 00:18:41
But they will so that we can get them equal to higher. 00:18:46
Fire district. You know what level certification they have regarding being able to do EMS? OK, this I'm going to. By the time 00:18:49
they're purchased, they'll be up to par with Highlander. 00:18:54
We're gonna get them all equal. I have questions. I'm not sure why you're stopping the discussion. 00:19:01
Because are we going to talk about Highlanders certification level and where they're at and did they budget frameless? 00:19:07
I'm here for options. Would you like to vote on this or do you want to You want to keep talking about it? 00:19:16
If you've got some more discussion points, go right ahead. 00:19:24
I have questions but it don't seem to be either a any answers to them or obviously be you guys don't want to talk about it. 00:19:27
We'll talk about it. Go ahead with your questions. 00:19:34
It's OK to talk about it now and ask questions. 00:19:37
I have no further questions right now. 00:19:43
I was curious though. I think you're saying $500,000 each, but I think the. 00:19:45
When it was approved before it was 250 for Greenville, 250 for Lafayette, is that correct? I think that was right. So wouldn't it 00:19:50
be 250? 00:19:54
For New Albany, 250 for Georgetown, if we were going to propose such a thing, well, I thought about that. However, when they 00:19:59
merged, technically now they have 500,000 and two ambulances. 00:20:05
It's 2 districts. I mean, it's two townships though, that they're covering, not just one. 00:20:12
Probably not ready yet and and Georgetown we need to hear from them and I think that's in a I'm going to call it a 15 step process 00:20:48
here that's probably step you know five or six or eight we need, we're still at 1:00. So I think we need to get past one and work 00:20:55
into that for sure. But doing that right now I think is is. 00:21:01
Not about the appropriate course of action. 00:21:09
I'll just add to that. I think it was laid out very. 00:21:14
Clearly in option six that Al sent out that. 00:21:19
For the next seven months that we would be looking at how we are going to move forward and at that time I'm not opposed to looking 00:21:24
at that option if that is what the task force says that that's how we're going to move forward with with with providing ambulance 00:21:31
service in our county, but. 00:21:38
That that's, I think you took that way literally and doing that just immediately, that's something we need to be looking at on on 00:21:46
in the future, but not tonight. My concern is how long does it take to. 00:21:53
Get a contract to order ambulances and even have them delivered. That's a long time so to get them up to par. 00:22:02
It's going to take a while to do that. 00:22:11
But that needs to be part of the discussion. 00:22:14
And it needs to start sooner than later. We've been talking about EMS forever. That's why I'm throwing out the motions. 00:22:17
Let's make a decision today. 00:22:24
But I think that if you're going to do that, I think it needs to be fair and equal amongst all the districts. 00:22:29
Do I think that's overkill? Absolutely. 00:22:36
But I also. 00:22:39
Think it should be equal. 00:22:41
Any further discussion? 00:22:48
By show of hands on the two resolutions all in favor. 00:22:51
All opposed. 00:22:55
That motion fails. 00:22:57
I make a motion that we hear option 6 from Al. 00:23:03
All right. So we'll. 00:23:07
I don't need to be a motion formally about it, but I think we're. 00:23:09
Well. 00:23:14
You know, over a long weekend I tried to put together a compromise this this option 6 is not represent my first. 00:23:18
Choice and how we provide coverage, but I think it's our best option at this moment to ensure coverage for all of Floyd County. 00:23:27
Beginning June 1st when our current contract expires. So I sent this out Sunday giving everybody a little bit of time to look 00:23:34
through that, so. 00:23:39
This would be a seven month and two year contract. I stayed it that way just as a reminder that that first seven months is going 00:23:45
to allow us to true up the budget years. Somehow we got out of sync with regards to our budgets and our contract years. I'm sure 00:23:51
that was through probably just an extension with new Chapel at one point in time. 00:23:58
But for the first. 00:24:06
Seven months of that contract. 00:24:08
I'm recommending that we would employ option 2 with America Pro to cover the entire county with two ALS 24/7 units and one ALS 00:24:11
Quick response vehicle. 00:24:16
I think this would allow adequate time to further explore the possibility of a more comprehensive unified EMS system, whether that 00:24:22
end up being fire based, county based, outsourced. But it gives us time to get the task force together to actually explore those 00:24:27
options. 00:24:32
It also gives us more time to coordinate efforts with dispatch. Spoke with the sheriff about that earlier today. Whatever we do, 00:24:38
we need to make sure that we're on the exact same page on that. That gives time for training and and possibly even a new hire and 00:24:44
dispatch if they're going to be more anticipated call numbers on that adequate time for Highlander Fire to ramp up with regards to 00:24:51
personnel certification and training. 00:24:57
I think that option that we put together has. 00:25:06
Broad Buy In spoke with. 00:25:10
Board President Darrell Mills from New Omni Township Board President Michael Moody from Georgetown spoke with Chief Klein over the 00:25:13
weekend on this. 00:25:17
And everyone seemed to be accepting of the principles with regards to this. So for the first seven months, AMERIPRO would cover 00:25:23
with two ALS 24/7 units and one ALS quick response vehicle. Thereafter, 4 years two and three, 2025 and 26 respectively, we would 00:25:30
revert back to option 5 which was presented by Mr. Striegel. 00:25:36
One or two meetings ago, I can't recall now where Highlander Fire would take on their district. 00:25:44
And Ameripro would continue with coverage for those additional two years for New Albany Township and Georgetown Township and 00:25:51
Franklin Township. 00:25:55
For the stipends that I presented below. 00:26:01
Brad, you're correct. New Omni Township is kind of in transition itself and trying to decide how they're going to go forward with 00:26:06
not only EMS but Fire Protection first. 00:26:11
And Georgetown would need the time to assess whether or not they want to provide EMS service in the future as well. So. 00:26:17
You guys and your districts would have the coverage. It's my understanding that Franklin's also may be exploring a fire. 00:26:25
District itself I'm. That's rumor mill stuff. So but. 00:26:31
Or $78,083 a month for years two and three. The total, including the subsidy for Highlander Fire Protection and Ameripro, would be 00:27:08
115 to 580, three $0.33 per month, or $1,387,000 annually. 00:27:16
So it's two years and seven months of protection. 00:27:26
During that first seven months, Floyd County would actually. 00:27:29
We have more coverage than they've had under the new Chapel contractor because we would have full time 2 ambulances, full-time 00:27:33
chase car. 00:27:37
And some informal backup from Highlanders, they start to ramp up so. 00:27:41
That's it in a nutshell. I do want to speak further with regards to the task force, just because I didn't send this out in the 00:27:49
e-mail, but my intention would be for that to be formed and meet sometime in the first. 00:27:54
In June, I think within before the end of the summer, before the leaves start falling on the trees, we would know whether or not 00:27:59
we're going to get buying in cooperation from all of these departments or whether or not that's going to be practical or not. And 00:28:06
if it is, then I think we look forward to some way to purposefully long term fund that through an EMS LIT or other options that 00:28:14
have been discussed if it's apparent that it's not going to be practical to bring everybody together in the. 00:28:21
Long run that I think in the short term we might still want to entertain an EMS. 00:28:29
Local income tax will have its sunset at the end of 2027 and slowly start putting the onus on the fire district levees with 00:28:34
regards to funding the EMS. One other thing that Connie's point I. 00:28:41
I think it's imperative that we. 00:28:49
As we go down these roads, we do treat all the districts with fairness and if they do decide at some point in time that they're 00:28:52
going to take on EMS funding on their own, then I think they do deserve the equivalent of of the ambulances that were provided for 00:28:58
Highlander fire if they decide. 00:29:04
They don't want the ambulances then perhaps we should consider a cash stipend and the equivalent of that if they're going to be 00:29:11
outsourcing. But they need to be treated equally going forward. Thankfully. I mean, I think this, this compromise would give us 00:29:16
two years, seven months in order to get all of those ducks in a row for them. 00:29:22
There's also a provision that we talked about with regards to amending the fire district ordinances. 00:29:29
To allow for EMS services that are customary and the day-to-day duties of the Firehouse. 00:29:35
But also making sure that any financial obligations that they would incur would would be. 00:29:41
Overseen by the commissioners. And I think that should go into place sooner rather than later, Rick. And I've discussed possibly 00:29:47
being able to do that within the next 10 to 14 days. And I'd like for that to be all three districts at the same time, so that all 00:29:54
three districts are treated very fairly from this point forward in step with one another. 00:30:00
So. 00:30:08
Again, I think this is a true compromise because I'm not seeing anybody smile about it. That means not nobody got everything that 00:30:10
they wanted. 00:30:13
But. 00:30:18
I think this makes sense financially and again. 00:30:19
Absolutely would account for EMS service for everyone in the county. 00:30:24
For the next two years, seven months. 00:30:29
So. 00:30:31
Let me ask a question. Let me ask a question. 00:30:36
So the first year would be for seven months. 00:30:40
For seven months. 00:30:43
Seven months and Ameripro would be providing service for all of Floyd County except for New Albany. 00:30:46
Said, you know, is that correct? Except for the city of New Albany, correct? 00:30:54
And then we'll and then. 00:30:57
Year two or two and three? 00:31:01
Then that's when Highlander then would be they would be, they would they would assist in, is that correct? 00:31:04
For years 2025 and 26 you would have. 00:31:10
Ameripro providing service for New Albany Township, Georgetown Township, Franklin Township. Highlander would be taking care of 00:31:16
their district, but again, within this seven months coming up, it's my expectation that Ameripro would be signing formal aid 00:31:24
agreements with Highlander Fire to go into effect January 1. My hope would also be that we can get New Albany City to the table as 00:31:32
they're already run by Ameripro or contracted with Ameripro. My hope would be that Ameripro might help facilitate. 00:31:40
Negotiations between the city of New Albany and the county with regards to formal aid agreements. OK, so would there be some type 00:31:48
of a subsidy given to a Highlander because, you know, they've got the vehicles, the ambulances, they got the equipment? 00:31:57
But they need to staff up. 00:32:05
So how do they do that? Well, I think, I think 1 answer that would be the they got the vehicles that that is a huge part of their 00:32:08
stipend. I think there would be an expectation since they received those vehicles that they would be more than willing to give. 00:32:15
Some aid in an informal fashion to. 00:32:22
The rest of the county. 00:32:26
I'm not close minded to that possibility, but I would like for it to be data-driven. In other words, I would like for Chief Klein 00:32:28
or whomever to come before us and say these are the new hires that we have based upon these new responsibilities. This is the cost 00:32:34
of it and this is where we have a shortcoming with regards to our our current budget. So I'm not, I'm not close to that, but I 00:32:39
would like for it to be. 00:32:45
A line item data-driven proposal. 00:32:53
So I don't think we can just blindly say, yes, we're going to give you $15,000 a month through the rest of this year because we 00:32:56
really don't know where that money would be going. 00:33:00
OK, so there's a little bit of faith and trust. I understand that. I understand that. 00:33:07
But I guess my concern is that we're asking them to step up in 2024, but. 00:33:13
We're not giving them funds in order to do any hiring to staff up because I've heard criticism. 00:33:20
Here and from the public about, well, you know right now you've got three people and you respond to it was a ambulance call. So 00:33:27
you got two people in the ambulance, you only got one on the engine. You know, that's criticism that happens, happens in 00:33:34
Highlander, I believe it also happens in Georgetown as well whenever they respond with a brush truck. So I think there needs to be 00:33:40
some type of a stipend to help them to to staff up. 00:33:47
In 2024. 00:33:54
And again, I'm OK with that, but it has to be based on factual. 00:33:56
You know how much You know? This is who we've hired. This is what it costs. 00:34:01
And this is where our budget falls short of. 00:34:05
That need. 00:34:09
So again, I just, I don't think it makes sense to just grab a number and say, Oh no, no, I totally agree. I totally agree. But I 00:34:13
mean, is that something we can approach? Is that is that unreasonable? 00:34:18
Request I think. I think the date is there. Yeah, I have not seen it well. Let me explain. 00:34:23
When Highlander was asked to put something forth and they came forth with like an 802800 and 2000, that was for to run 2 analysis. 00:34:32
If they're going to. 00:34:41
Be a backup for seven months. 00:34:43
To Ameripro. 00:34:48
Then they would require one analyst which would be half of that 401. You can prorate that for seven months and that would be your 00:34:52
figure that's they've already done the numbers based on what they need to pay for billing and for call volume and everything 00:34:59
they've they've done that Ameripro was very clear in their their option that they are very confident that they can handle the 00:35:06
entire county on option 2 without any need for formal backup. 00:35:13
So. 00:35:20
Again, I don't know what informal backup would look like. My hope would be that it would be more collegial and and trying to get 00:35:24
again aid agreements in place I. 00:35:29
And I think it would have to be significantly less than just a prorate of one ambulance. 00:35:35
OK, there's. 00:35:42
Couple issues. 00:35:44
One option to being. 00:35:45
Advocated for is less than. 00:35:48
Contractionally less than what we have right now. 00:35:51
Which is a bit of an issue. And secondly, the option six. I don't see where it gets a highlighter anywhere in this scenario this 00:35:55
year at all. 00:36:01
And so I just, you know, I have a I have a real concern with that. 00:36:10
And this doesn't have any. I mean, I don't even know how you would go about putting this in writing it's, you know, I would 00:36:16
suggest a contract that it's binding, but. 00:36:21
You know, we've got to. 00:36:27
We're not even, we're not even there yet when it comes to. 00:36:28
Putting things in writing. 00:36:31
Top have a couple questions for you. Yeah, the 2 units on option 2 that was given by Ameripro, are those both paramedic units? 00:36:35
They listed them as two ALS units that were following the provisions of the RFP. Well, there were, and I'm sorry, go ahead. 00:36:45
That's and then and that quick, the quick response vehicle was also as defined in the RFP. Well, I only asked because originally 00:36:53
in the RFP they responded with three paramedic ambulances and a paramedic response car and then the other option option two was. 00:37:01
22 paramedic ambulances with a paramedic response car and if we have two paramedics ambulances, I'm not sure why we would need a 00:37:10
paramedic response card. 00:37:13
Secondly, I I'll just say I really don't think that this is enough ambulances to properly cover Floyd County. I mean if we look 00:37:19
back in 2017 when the original contract was written with a new Chapel EMS, they came back in 2019 and said you know we're getting 00:37:27
too many calls and not enough squads available. So they added the half ambulance for peak hours and that was before COVID and 00:37:34
everything else and we we still have an aging population. 00:37:42
Would you be more comfortable formally adding? 00:38:16
But the command who usually makes proposals like for operational plans never did so so. 00:38:50
And I have another concern with that, because I know didn't they just Max out their fire levy? 00:39:00
Recently. 00:39:06
Highlander. 00:39:08
He has permission. They ask permission to raise their levy or consider raising it. 00:39:10
But I don't believe that that. 00:39:16
Yeah, that they took an action to Max it out, but I do believe they also went into the State House and was able to recapture 00:39:18
$1,000,000 that they lost out on that they weren't going to get because of the consolidation. So I'm not sure what that's been 00:39:23
appropriated for, but that could be used as well. I mean they're offering to provide the service. So I do have a question on that 00:39:28
line of thinking. 00:39:33
I guess. 00:39:39
The way I'm processing it. 00:39:42
And correct me where I'm wrong. 00:39:47
You'd be OK with providing a stipend. 00:39:49
Or a subsidy to a for profit company like Ameripro? 00:39:55
But you're not OK with subsidizing? 00:40:02
Highlander I'm OK with subsidizing and contractual service. I'm not OK with subsidizing another taxing district. 00:40:06
That provides a service for us, OK, that receives tax money, yes, But they don't receive tax money primarily for this. 00:40:14
OK, so I. 00:40:24
Al, I guess the question I have. 00:40:27
Here is what? What is? What is the hesitation for option five? What is the main hang up? 00:40:31
I don't think Highway is going to be ready. I think that there and that during that quick transition we're going to have. 00:40:37
Service that would be less than what it would be seven months from now, once everybody's had a chance to get everything organized, 00:40:50
dispatch organized. 00:40:55
Backup plans organized. That is my main hesitation. And after a discussion again, I'm not gonna get into the particulars of a 00:41:02
private conversation. But. 00:41:07
My gut feeling was that the chief Klein was happy to have the extra time to organize as well. 00:41:15
I will say that there's another option here if. 00:41:22
That could satisfy Commissioner Sharp's concerns and yours as well, which is we could go with option one for the first seven 00:41:26
months. 00:41:30
Of that contract, Ameripro was very, very hesitant to do that during discussions because they were. 00:41:34
Afraid that they would not be able to hire a new crew for seven months only because they're going to hire somebody and say, hey, 00:41:42
your job may not be there in seven months, but I could ask them to look at that again. That would be a 100 and 27917 per month or 00:41:48
eight 95419 through the end of the year. 00:41:53
Um, but. 00:42:01
I'm also again willing to. 00:42:04
Listen to what? 00:42:07
Type of monthly stipend. 00:42:10
Factually in data, it looks like Highlander would need to run. 00:42:13
One unit. 00:42:17
But again I have. 00:42:18
I'd like for that to be more of a backup because again, I've got dispatch to worry about South. We're going out to one provider 00:42:21
rather than two during that time and I just think it gives everybody a chance to. 00:42:26
To succeed. 00:42:34
What if? 00:42:36
Yeah, in 2023. 00:42:38
How was Highlander performing? 00:42:42
They were doing back up to New Chapel. 00:42:44
Correct. 00:42:47
They were. They were. 00:42:50
They were responding to all emergencies in. 00:42:55
Health emergencies in. 00:42:58
Lafayette and Greenville. 00:43:01
Everyone. 00:43:03
How are they performing to find how do you want response times? 00:43:07
No, no, I'm trying to answer your question. 00:43:11
But in 2023, technically. 00:43:15
They were supposed to be back up for New Chapel. 00:43:19
It's not. That's not a fair statement. Yeah. No. So they were already going to cover and that's. I guess maybe that's where I'm 00:43:21
confused because I was under the impression that Highlander was just. 00:43:27
Doing their thing as a backup to who we contracted with, which was New Chapel at the time. 00:43:34
Not that they were taking the entire district for Highlander. 00:43:43
Well, for Highlander, Lafayette. 00:43:48
And Greenville were responding for emergency calls. 00:43:51
For Highlander, OK, every one of them. 00:43:56
Same way with Georgetown. 00:43:59
Georgetown responded to all the emergency calls for Georgetown. Is that is that right, Mr. Moody? 00:44:01
Yes, OK. So then my next statement would be. 00:44:06
They didn't get a stipend in 2023, but yet they were responding to all of their calls anyway. 00:44:10
They had. 00:44:18
827 dispatches. 00:44:19
And EMS transports to a hospital facility in 2023 was 30. 00:44:22
And they weren't getting a stipend from the county at that point. So they obviously have the money to do their area because that's 00:44:31
what they did last year. 00:44:35
And then for the first quarter 24, so far they've had 166 dispatches with 11 transports to a hospital. You said how many, how many 00:44:40
did they have in 2023 yet? 00:44:46
Dispatches were 827 for Highlander. For Highlander, yes, OK. 00:44:53
I dispute that. 00:45:00
And transports to a hospital facility was 30. 00:45:01
I cannot comment on that this came from. 00:45:06
Jeremy Klein and Orwell It was carbon copy to Jeremy Klein, but it looks like it came from Ryan Houchin. 00:45:09
Today. Today. 00:45:17
I haven't seen it. 00:45:19
I'm going by the data that was collected. 00:45:21
Into the last, the last St. the last nine months of 2022 and the first three months of 2023 which would have been a year even 00:45:23
though it's not starting calendar year. These are 23 and first quarter 24. 00:45:31
Can you say I'm sorry, you said how many? I'm looking at around 800. 00:45:42
And 58127 dispatches 30 transports for 23. 00:45:46
You had another. 00:45:56
So. 00:46:00
What if we? 00:46:02
Did a modification to five or six. It doesn't matter which one we're on at this point to get. 00:46:05
To. 00:46:14
Offer a stipend to Highlander. 00:46:17
To staff up because. 00:46:19
There if they were to provide EMS service. 00:46:23
Technically taken away from the fireside, which is not there. 00:46:29
They need to staff up in order to not. 00:46:33
Not take away from that. 00:46:36
They have been because they don't want to leave their people without service, so. 00:46:38
The number of transports is irrelevant to the extent that it's not a service that they should be doing alone, because it's the 00:46:45
county's responsibility to provide that service, and because that service has been inadequate. They are filling in the gaps on 00:46:52
their dime. And I'm glad they do, but it's not appropriate that they did that. They do that to the extent that we asked them to 00:46:58
continue that. 00:47:04
So I come back to Ali's point of not feeling like Highlander would be ready. What if we I? 00:47:11
Give us stipend this year for the next seven months, prorated off of the 401 to run a truck. 00:47:21
So that they in the event. 00:47:28
Not in the event when they became. 00:47:31
AOS certified. 00:47:36
Whether that's however many weeks or months down the line when they become. 00:47:38
ALS certified and check the boxes. 00:47:43
Then they become primary, but they. 00:47:47
Obviously, if option two is where we're going to go with the Maripro, option 2 will need some assistance because it's less 00:47:49
contractually than what we are what we have right now and Highlander would be that assistance. It's actually not less 00:47:56
contractually, I mean, because we have 2 1/2, but the half is not full time as far as I'm well here. Here's why I say it is. It's 00:48:03
2 1/2 contractually aimless with New Chapel. 00:48:10
We only have two and a fly car. On option two you can't transport with a family car. You don't. That's not an ambulance, but that 00:48:17
that half ambulance is, I believe not full time, is it? Is it a full time equivalent towards? 00:48:24
I'm talking about with new travel. It's seven days a week, 12 hours a day, I believe, yeah, but it's not full time. 00:48:33
It's but. 00:48:41
You have 2 1/2 or you have two. 00:48:42
What's less that's less by half truck. I'd also like to point out that one of the key differences between what we're asking from 00:48:44
Ameriprol and New Chapel is that and I still don't think it's enough ambulances, but that those trucks are dedicated for 911 calls 00:48:52
only from Ameripro where currently from New Chapel they can make other runs. But at the same time, you know I. 00:48:59
There's a yin and Yang with that. You know, because when you're paying for two ambulances, that's what you're gonna get. And if 00:49:07
they're tied up on a motor vehicle crash, I don't know when the next ambulance is coming, but. 00:49:12
And we do have contractual oversight that they'll actually be geographically within the county. That's correct. So that's that's 00:49:19
my point. I think we have more staffing with that. 00:49:24
So we have done the numbers with the two ambulances from Ameripro and and the in the chase car. 00:49:30
And this hyphen, which would be $230,000 to Highlander for the remainder of the seven lots. 00:49:42
OK. 00:49:57
So and and I believe if we can get the money from the legacy Foundation, it's completely doable. 00:49:59
I have a question. You said 230,000? 00:50:11
For seven months. 00:50:15
I'm coming up with one 16669. 00:50:17
And that's based on Brad's 200,000 for running just one truck. I'm sorry, that was you're right, I did the whole 400. So 116 is 00:50:21
right. Thank you. 00:50:26
For one truck I thought it was 400,000 for one truck based off of 802 for two trucks. 00:50:33
Let's get back to this. I don't think it's 200,000 for one truck, is it? 00:50:43
It's no, it's it's it's 401. But you have to prorate that out for seven months, right? She says 200,000 and prorated that. That's 00:50:47
where I'm trying to clarify. It's 400,000 prorated would be $233,333. 00:50:54
We would, we would have to prorate it out to 105,000. 00:51:02
Is what that would be. 00:51:07
For the rest of the year, I believe once I did that wrong. 00:51:09
401, well again to Alice point, we need to get to that number and it needs to be a hard number that is you know data-driven, but. 00:51:12
Also has to be carried forward for Georgetown and for New Albany Township. Maybe not in this year. 00:51:22
We need to have a Ledger going on for that. That has to be true up at some point in time or they pay it back or they pay it back. 00:51:32
Yeah. There's a reconciliation on that, some sort of record. Yeah, yeah. 00:51:40
But we realize we're not asking that of Ameripro. 00:51:45
But their reconciliation is not what we're asking for. Mayor Pro Maripro is a for profit company making money off of us even 00:51:49
though our tax dollars go into that contract. 00:51:53
And people have insurance, they have a higher rate. We're not reconciling with them, but we want to reconcile with with. 00:51:58
Highlighter or giving mine a Both, but only one has to be on the reconciliation. You're not giving money to Ameripro, you're 00:52:04
exchanging it for a service. It's not the same thing. You you When you buy a service, you also divest yourself of a lot of things. 00:52:12
When you don't have to hire, you don't have to retain, you don't have to purchase new equipment. Equipment that I've heard 00:52:19
described as an asset continues to deteriorate year after year after year. It has to be kept up. 00:52:27
Has to be replaced, so there are a lot of things that again, you don't have to deal with when you. 00:52:35
Sign a contract and outsource something. 00:52:42
I'm not saying one is all good and one is all bad. I'm just saying to say that it's all bad to have a contract with somebody I 00:52:46
don't think is fair. I didn't say that. 00:52:50
So I. 00:52:55
Again, we're going to have difficulty going forward now because we were down a member. I would like to make a motion. 00:52:59
I'd like to make a motion. 00:53:04
I'd like to make a motion that we move forward with option 6. 00:53:06
But that we do include Highlander as a backup. 00:53:12
To to to Ameripro even in year one. Not a primary but a backup and give some time to staff up. 00:53:16
To get their certifications I. 00:53:26
And and my motion also includes getting all of this in writing and writing in a in a binding. 00:53:30
In a binding contract for the three-year period, both with. 00:53:40
Ameripro and with. 00:53:48
And then? 00:53:57
At this point is that we move forward with option 6. 00:54:33
And that we. 00:54:38
Take a ask, ask for some. 00:54:41
Direction on numbers. 00:54:45
As far as this type in that they would need to be able to staff up to be the backup for the seven months. 00:54:48
But all of this has got to be put in writing, is my point. 00:54:53
So that's my motion. 00:54:58
And I guess I'm trying to give you direction and Tony had to leave. So I mean my point of order would be is that you now have six 00:55:03
rather than seven and whether or not you want to. 00:55:07
Yeah, have such emotion entertained tonight or not. 00:55:13
We probably should be. 00:55:17
Oh, we're in discussion. 00:55:20
Can I just vent? Actually, she has a motion. OK, there's no second. Do you want to just. I'll just. I'll just. 00:55:22
Yeah. 00:55:31
Can I just vent my frustration for a while? I think others for me. I'll speak for me. 00:55:33
This whole thing has, in my mind, has been driven by emotions and passion. 00:55:39
And. 00:55:46
The Mississippi Committee put out ARP. 00:55:48
Basically in my mind, with a poison pill for New Chapel that they really couldn't compete because of that pill of proving their 00:55:53
financial viability. 00:55:59
So therefore we we technically only had one bid, which is Maripro and at at the midnight hour Highlander fire comes in. And I 00:56:06
might add, not one person from administration that stood at that podium, not one. 00:56:14
And give us their presentation. 00:56:25
There's been others, but not one person from administration leadership of Island Fire stood at that podium. 00:56:27
And I just feel like this whole thing has been emotion and passion and not really data-driven and if whatever we do here because 00:56:34
of. 00:56:38
I'll call it the distraction and you all know what I'm talking about. It's going to cost the taxpayers of Floyd County on cost a 00:56:43
couple of $1,000,000 more in the next two years than we should have paid. 00:56:48
And that's just that's just my little rant for the night. 00:56:54
I'll just say that I'm I'm not driven by emotion. 00:56:58
At all here I'm driven totally by the numbers. 00:57:02
And I feel like I'm making. 00:57:05
Decisions based on absolutely. 00:57:09
Denise, I don't get an argument, but would you would you agree that you are biased toward Highlander fire? 00:57:13
You wouldn't agree with that? 00:57:21
OK. I would not agree with that. OK. 00:57:23
Al, I think we're close. 00:57:28
I do think we're close. I think that, I think that. 00:57:31
Biggest hang up if I am processing all this. 00:57:34
Correctly is that there is a hesitancy to. 00:57:39
Allow Highlander to. 00:57:45
Be a part of the primary solution come June 1st. 00:57:47
I'm trying to work a scenario where they become. 00:57:52
A part of a backup system. 00:57:56
To Ameripro until such time that they get all of the certification and staffing that they need to adequately provide. 00:57:58
Service primarily in their district. I'd like to see them not be restricted to operate EMS within their district and outside 00:58:08
through MO use and that sort of thing. Because Ameripro and Highlander are going to need each other. They need each other now, you 00:58:14
know there's many runs where Ameripro has used Highlander and vice versa, so they. 00:58:21
You know, they I'm looking for a scenario that I think we're really close that includes Highlander. 00:58:28
At some level and if we want to call it a backup for this year. 00:58:35
With what they need the stipend in order to or the subsidy in order to staff up. 00:58:40
That's not they don't. If they don't have that, they can't staff up. 00:58:45
Yeah. And I see the logic in that. It's just I need to have the data to tell me exactly what that is. I don't think just turning 00:58:49
over $33,000 or even a fraction of that. So it's going to be what the responsibility is, so. 00:58:55
Again. 00:59:04
What what works for me is the seven month, two year contract with Ameripro. We've got the seven months at some point during that 00:59:06
seven months. 00:59:10
When? 00:59:15
Highlander has their paperwork in order. At that point, then yes, a prorated stipend I think is reasonable. 00:59:16
But it's the chicken or the egg. I mean they need to have it in order to staff up. I don't think they need any extra funding in 00:59:24
order to get the certifications in order, right? I mean they they've already applied for those. I'm not sure about that in 00:59:30
particular, but they would need it to be a problem to be a backup service and a primary service they would need to staff up. And 00:59:37
so the the number that I heard was 12. So what I'd like to see is what to 12 new hires. 00:59:43
Cost over seven months to recruit, train and maintain over that seven months. That's what I think is the fair number. 00:59:51
I think that can be given to you in short order. 00:59:59
I'm sure that that can happen. 01:00:03
Just one last comment. 01:00:05
As far as Dale I, you know what? 01:00:08
Obviously appreciate your your, your take on it. I would say that Highlander is has was asked. 01:00:10
To put something forward. 01:00:18
They didn't come in at the 11th hour. They were asked to put something forth. Who asked? EMS Advisory Board. They asked them to 01:00:19
put something forward. So it wasn't like they came in to try to derail something. I guess my point would be at the time I left the 01:00:27
room and talked several people in the hall. If they were prepared to do RMP, they would have submitted the RFP. 01:00:34
And he did not cover the whole county. Fire was not interested in covering the whole. Why aren't they interested in covering 01:00:43
They're only covering Lafayette and Greenville, and that's what they're still. Why would that be? 01:00:49
A better solution than we probably ever had in this county as far as the number of ambulances that we are going to have to cover 01:02:36
the county. So I just want to say thank you and kudos to those people who have really done their homework met with the right 01:02:44
people to move this forward. And I feel like we have given some as well and I I agree, I think we're close. I think we need to get 01:02:52
some things in writing and. 01:03:00
I think we can maybe get this done that the next meeting out. 01:03:09
So, well, my only point of clarification to to your statement Dale would be that there was number intentional poison pill put into 01:03:13
the RFP process, but it was absolutely a call to anyone with a fire service that wanted to respond to that proposal, but. 01:03:22
I'm not going to in good conscience and a good steward of taxpayer money do business with somebody who can't prove financial 01:03:32
solvency. So and that was that was a situation that was unique to New Chapel. So that's I understand, but I. 01:03:39
And I've stated previously I took in private to people that. 01:03:48
There's nobody in this room that can guarantee that there are probably in business a year from now. 01:03:52
Because businesses come and go all the time, so that. 01:03:57
That metrics is not appropriate in my mind. Well because we can't guarantee a metro it's going to be a business. America Pro is 01:04:01
not currently being investigated by multiple. 01:04:05
Agencies, federal and state. So in any event, I think that's a little bit of an apple and an orange. 01:04:13
Again, I agree that we're close. Before asking for public comment, I would like to get us to secure. I just got one more question 01:04:20
is, is there an estimated? 01:04:25
Time frame that Highlander would stand on their own without a subsidy. 01:04:31
Do we have any like? 01:04:35
I think, I think my estimation on that is that. 01:04:39
You know the option that I put forward is. 01:04:41
A2 year, seven month deal for all parties involved. So it takes us through 2026. 01:04:45
And if we again have a task force that indicates that we're going to have a some sort of unified EMS county wide system. 01:04:50
Yeah, I think it's incumbent upon the people. 01:04:57
At this das to. 01:05:01
Find a funding source for that if it becomes apparent that. 01:05:03
Everyone wants to have home rule then, I think at the end of 2026. 01:05:08
All the districts need to be on notice that. 01:05:13
They might be expected to provide EMS service through their levees. 01:05:16
That would include Highlander. 01:05:23
I just have two more points. 01:05:26
By giving. 01:05:29
Highlander, a stipend. 01:05:31
If that's what you're going to call it for 24. 01:05:33
It really is option #5 with one less truck. 01:05:36
But also the half a ambulance that's quoted in their option 5. 01:05:42
Was only 10 hours for five days a week. 01:05:48
Not 12 hours for seven days a week. 01:05:52
So, umm. 01:05:55
Yeah, I think that number needs to be parsed out between. 01:05:56
You and Brad perhaps on that exactly what that would look like. 01:06:01
It's about 3 people that are coming at it from a slightly different angle, which is good. So to see exactly what that number would 01:06:04
look like and again, it's really again the the chief advantage to me on option 6 is we get that extra coverage for the entire 01:06:12
county. Ameripro would still be covering for, they would be the primary coverage for Highlander Fire Protection District during 01:06:19
the first seven months of transition, which again they weren't getting paid in 23 to be a backup. I just confused. 01:06:26
I think at that point in time, their point is that they weren't being asked to ramp up for Takeover. 01:06:34
Just one more thing for me, I will state I'm prepared right now to fund through December. 01:06:44
If that's what we want to do, option one or two. 01:06:51
Was that we talked about because that's him, That's the important thing right now because like the EMS tax that we're talking 01:06:54
about, that won't happen until later in the year anyway. But right now, 30 days from today or 31 days, 60% of the county don't 01:06:59
have any coverage. 01:07:05
Yeah, I think the and I appreciate that. I think the issue is that I don't think Ameripro is going to sign a seven month contract, 01:07:12
I understand that. So. So I think it's imperative that we set our next. 01:07:17
Meeting either Friday, Saturday or Monday. 01:07:24
Or Tuesday or Wednesday. 01:07:31
Hang and get down to this. 01:07:33
And I think we are close, I think option 6, but with the proviso of some sort of acceptable stipend based upon the math that's 01:07:37
going to come out of this, I think it needs to be looked at more thoroughly than just, you know, here at the table in the next 5 01:07:44
minutes. Yeah, Al, I would just say that before we schedule the next meeting, I think there needs to be some movement on that. 01:07:51
Obviously, data that you requested from Highlander, as well as some amendments of ordinances that would allow Highlander to 01:07:57
operate EMSI think there were some legal. 01:08:04
I said we we had conversations on that today and we feel like that can be done. 01:08:10
So some short order, right, So some movement on that as well as the data and then maybe a revision just to six or two, five, 01:08:15
whatever option we are. I think those things as long as we have that data shared before the next meeting, I think it the next 01:08:20
meeting can be productive. But if we do, if we schedule a meeting like by Friday, I'm not sure that we'll come together before 01:08:25
then. All the weekends have been productive. 01:08:30
This is the penultimate meeting on this subject though, right? What I'm saying is I think we can get to a consensus to to actually 01:08:38
land the plane. 01:08:42
Meeting with. 01:08:47
We can look at next Wednesday, Thursday. We can do a week from Friday, but. 01:08:48
You know. 01:08:56
Ameripro is going to have to start moving assets into the area. 01:08:59
And again we keep saying 5 or 6 or whatever, but again the chief provision among six is that we have that seven month transition 01:09:04
period which again I think is imperative on this. 01:09:09
Rather than a 30 days and change. 01:09:15
So I don't know is everybody has their. 01:09:18
Their calendar before them, actually. 01:09:22
My one of my sons is graduating from Purdue next Friday, so I cannot do next Friday. Next Monday we have Baker Tilly. 01:09:26
Tuesday is Election Day. 01:09:35
I think Wednesday or Thursday is fine for me. I can make myself available. 01:09:39
Wednesday is better for me. Wednesday the 8th, What's the room situation look like on Wednesday? 01:09:43
And are we talking five o'clock 5:00 next Wednesday? 01:09:54
So 5:00 PM. 01:10:05
On the 8th and Mr. Fox and I will. 01:10:09
Show you what those the amendments look like or can look like at that point in time. 01:10:13
Mr. Striegel and this Moon, can you guys get together and do a little math? 01:10:20
And make sure that you guys are on the same page with regards to what that stipend should look like. 01:10:26
Sure, as far to the to the fire, to Highlander. 01:10:32
Yeah, we can share some information, you know, on that. And then again, I think the only thing we might be lacking consensus on is 01:10:37
when that stipend should should begin. 01:10:41
I think that would be an appropriate amount of data to answer that question. It would be the data provided by a Highlander. They'd 01:10:47
probably give an answer to that, OK. 01:10:51
So Wednesday the 8th at 5:00 PM. 01:10:58
I have one closing statement I'm going to make on behalf of someone in the audience. A young lady had to request in a minute. But 01:11:04
before that, do you have any public comment tonight? 01:11:09
Mister Man. 01:11:15
I'll say it again, I got more things to say than this. 01:11:21
Georgetown had the best system. We had no problems. It's all Highlander District in Greenville. It's always got this problem. 01:11:26
We had new camp. I'm not right on Newcastle. We had Maracro would still be good. Georgetown Fire Department is there first. 01:11:34
Then then America will be their second and they were the backup and they work fine for us. And I don't know what's wrong with your 01:11:41
all theory, but then another thing far based, we talk far based or private. I've been taught and everyone here has been taught 01:11:46
that so most of the time it's cheaper. 01:11:52
To go to private services. 01:11:58
Government service. It's always this. Prove me different. Y'all haven't never proved nothing. If we went far based all the way 01:12:00
through the county, how much would that cost us? 01:12:05
If every fire district had ambulance service in the county, what would be the final number? 01:12:10
That would cost a taxpayer. Nobody showed it to us. 01:12:16
We haven't seen the numbers of y'all bringing up here now and I've been almost all these meetings. 01:12:19
If it's run by the government, it's gonna cost the public tax first, more than private. You've been talking. 01:12:24
And this is the same thing. 01:12:29
We just want service in the customer's degree to our field contract. That's what we ought to be doing instead of fighting over 01:12:31
this right now and I'm getting talked to these meetings. 01:12:36
And I don't know you guys, you're working yourself to death. And they already agreed to do something. All you had to do was pay 01:12:43
for it. And you just show me. Show the public the numbers. If we had off our base DMS in our county, through each fire district, 01:12:49
how much would it cost? Would it be 100 cheaper than 105 million American pros offered us today? Thank you. 01:12:56
Thanks. 01:13:04
Seabrook's treasure. Two points. One, it was all my understanding, the commissioners about a contract and the council pays for it. 01:13:09
Very simple, whatever that was. Secondly, you're banking on. 01:13:15
$500,000 from Legacy Foundation. I'm one vote of five and if it if you're banking on that. 01:13:23
On those votes. 01:13:32
I want you to think about that because, again, I'm one vote. 01:13:34
Mission Ables one vote and Dale's one vote. We have two other votes. So think about that as you're putting all these numbers 01:13:39
together. 01:13:43
I I. 01:13:55
Tim Harson, Edward Field, Polina. 01:14:01
I've spent my life being a teacher, so I'm used to setting expectations higher than what I think will be achieved. That's what I 01:14:05
do in the classroom. But I'm going to sit that for y'all. Today. I was really dismayed. Couldn't make it. Last Tuesday my son was 01:14:12
in town. But Sunday when I watched your last meeting, I was dismayed that the gentleman from New Chapel was invited to the podium 01:14:19
and listened to your comments today. 01:14:27
And watching the division among you. 01:14:34
I think it's maybe time we talk about ethics a little bit. 01:14:37
Now, before Mr. Fox comes up here, we all know that ethical and legal are two different things, right? So. 01:14:41
Going to template like it is, is it ethical for anybody who received money or help in their campaign from Jamie Knowles or New 01:14:50
Chapel to be involved in this discussion at all? 01:14:57
100% agree with Miss Mayfield from last week. Ambulance service should not be political. 01:15:04
I know this is a lot to ask. 01:15:12
But I really do believe that if you're going to be an ethical politician. 01:15:15
And you got money or campaign help from those people. You should excuse yourself from this discussion and you should excuse 01:15:20
yourself from the vote just to add a little. 01:15:27
Ending to the FBI Indictments are not emotions and distractions. Thank you very much. 01:15:36
Any other public comment? 01:15:45
Closing comments from anyone. 01:15:48
Right. I just want to say something, you know, we look at. 01:15:51
What America Pro wants to charge us and all that, OK? 01:15:56
But I think what a lot of people forget is that. 01:16:00
You've got there's reimbursement for the for these transports. 01:16:03
And so that this is on top of that. 01:16:08
And we've reached, I've reached out to a gentleman who does building for quite a few counties and there's an estimated revenue of 01:16:12
1.5 million and this is based upon our demographics, it's a very conservative. So you got 1.5 million on top of whatever, whatever 01:16:20
we're paying that. So Danny, to to address your concern about stipends at some point in time, you know you look at the end of the 01:16:27
year, you look at what's what's being brought in from the, from the bill and the insurance. 01:16:34
And maybe a stipend is not needed. So at the end of the year we can always reconcile if, if. 01:16:42
If we give them, if we give them a stipend, we always, we can always reconcile that. But again, we all need to realize that 01:16:47
there's that there's billing from the, from the, from the ambulances for, for their compensation for, for making a transport and 01:16:52
responding. 01:16:57
Jim. 01:17:05
I'll just have to say there was a discussion by Dale about bias and I do think I do carry a bias for Highlander Fire District 01:17:08
because I live in Lafayette Township. I've seen the response times that they've had. They've been far better than what we're 01:17:15
getting for these public services. And then going back to the same point that John talks about. 01:17:23
Ameripro is going to charge double the rates for the same runs. 01:17:31
Is what Hollander Fire is going to charge, so there's going to be a lot of additional out of pocket expenses. 01:17:35
If we do that, so be his person and people within my district. I'm going to lookout for their best interest. So yeah, I definitely 01:17:42
am biased for Highlander Fire District. 01:17:48
Mr. Bagshaw, I'm done. You are expended. 01:17:55
All right. I just have a concern that. 01:17:58
At the end of the day. 01:18:02
If Highlander is going to do their district and we're going to get Georgetown and Newham Township up to par to do their own 01:18:05
districts, this is going to cost a whole lot of dollars out of the county. You're already at 500,000 for Georgetown and 500,000 01:18:13
for New Albany to get 2 ambulances apiece. To be fair, then you're going to talk about a stipend on top of that. 01:18:21
To be fair. 01:18:30
And are they? 01:18:33
Gonna all have mutual aid contracts, and if so, are they gonna be able to talk to each other via radios, via whatever it is? 01:18:35
The communication is going to have to be there and I think bottom dollar is going to be. 01:18:43
Even more. 01:18:49
To run three different. 01:18:52
Departments. 01:18:53
Danny Yeah, I've got. I've got a. 01:18:55
Comment specifically, Mr. Harbison. 01:18:58
I I've been on this board for six years. 01:19:02
And I have never voted on a new Chapel contract. 01:19:07
It's been rolled over every time it's come up. 01:19:11
That's not even our function. 01:19:15
As the Council. 01:19:18
The commissioners do the contracts, we fund them. 01:19:19
The person that you're Speaking of. 01:19:25
Is divested and no longer a part of that organization. We're not even talking about that organization. They're not even an option 01:19:29
on our table right now. 01:19:32
We're talking about two entities here. 01:19:38
So for you to bring that up. 01:19:40
Is pretty far off base, especially when you could have dug just a little bit further to see the contributions of everybody sitting 01:19:42
up here and where they come from and and a lot of that would really open your eyes. 01:19:48
So. 01:19:55
Go one step further before you start pointing fingers and. 01:19:56
You'll see whose interest lies where. That's all I got. 01:20:02
It's sharp. 01:20:06
How many special meetings have we had at this point? 01:20:10
Today just it's a legitimate question. 01:20:12
How many special meetings have we had? 01:20:17
5-6 Too many, We are. 01:20:19
Right at the 30 day mark and. 01:20:23
I tell you, I feel bad for the people of this county sitting here and watching this right now it's it's just turned into a bit of 01:20:27
a debacle. But when we talk about ramping up fire districts and to provide EMS service, I think it's important for us to recognize 01:20:33
that we still have one Township that has no fire district at all and that would be Franklin Township. So we need to keep that in 01:20:39
mind. We don't want to leave those people out out there and. 01:20:45
I know for years I've heard John say, well they need to be cross trained. Well, are they gonna be cross trained or they're not 01:21:34
gonna be cross trained? That it'd be nice to ask these questions and be able to get it from the command staff. 01:21:39
And you know, ambulances have to come on offline, even brand new ambulances because recalls, you know, general maintenance 01:22:20
accidents happen, you name it. So just something to think about moving forward. 01:22:27
All right. Thank you. 01:22:34
Well, I think we've had. 01:22:37
As many special meetings as we've needed and we'll have as many as we need to get this done. We have two issues. We need coverage 01:22:39
for ambulances for everybody in the county on June 1st so that when someone calls 911 there will be a response. 01:22:46
Then we have a long term issue so that we prove ourselves a little bit more diligent than in the past when people just signed a 01:22:54
contract and walked away. We need a long term solution as well. 01:22:58
The nice thing about these meetings, as ugly as they can get sometimes to an observers that. 01:23:04
There's there are no backroom deals going on. I mean, everything is happening here in front of the public, which is I think the 01:23:09
beauty of the United States Constitution and the Indiana Constitution. We don't have executive power vested in one person. You 01:23:16
have it in three. You've got a legislative body that deserves input as well because everybody here represents hundreds, sometimes 01:23:24
thousands of people who voted to send the option. So it ain't always pretty, but it is what you get and. 01:23:31
The one thing that I won't impugn anybody up here is about their motive to try to do what's best for the people in the county. 01:23:39
That we live in and again I think we're close to getting settlement on what we're going to have not only for the short term but 01:23:46
also plan to get a longer term pathway. My name was invoked, I just want to you were invoked, my name was OK And then I've got one 01:23:53
further comment. OK, go ahead. No, no, go ahead. I just wanted to say in reference to the presentation, presentation that was put 01:24:01
forth that Jason was referring to that. 01:24:08
That we talked about some meetings back. 01:24:16
Was in reference to the presentation that the board from Highlander put put together and they signed the, the board signed that 01:24:19
presentation. It was given to the Mississippi advisor board and to the commissioners. I understand that some of the commissioners 01:24:25
didn't look at that. 01:24:32
And didn't look at that data. So it wasn't my presentation, it was a presentation that was given by the board. 01:24:38
And the board members have been to the Highlander board members been to most of these meetings. 01:24:48
So if there's a questions that we have. 01:24:52
Some of us that have and Jason if you have them, I would recommend that you go out and talk to chief client or some of the board 01:24:55
members you know as a commissioner I would hope that you would go out and talk to him to see what they could do and. 01:25:01
Not ignore the data that's been given, all right, We we could go on all night because we enjoy it so much. 01:25:08
Our county clerk is here and she would like for everybody to go vote. 01:25:16
So some of us here are up for reelection and the turn out has been low and. 01:25:21
Whether you believe it or not, politicians like high turnouts. So please go out and vote. I mean, it's, yeah, it's a nice 01:25:28
constitutional right, but if you don't use it, it's so all right, motion to adjourn. 01:25:35
Thank you. 01:25:45
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Point of session of the Floyd County Commissioners and Council together, if you will, please silence your cell phones and stand to 00:00:00
join me in the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:04
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:10
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We have one posted agenda item. I do have one special agenda item for the 00:00:16
commissioners that I'd like to take care of here at the beginning of this. It's unrelated to EMS. It's a carryover from our last 00:00:23
meeting with regards to the Southern Indiana transit system. If I can get a unanimous vote from the commissioners to add this to 00:00:29
our agenda. 00:00:36
So moved. 00:00:43
All in favor, aye, All right. And that is a carryover from our last meeting, which was resolution number for 2025 for ongoing 00:00:44
funding. 00:00:49
I'd like to get a motion to approve. 00:00:56
I get second on that. 00:00:59
I'll second that. All in favor. Aye? Aye. All opposed, Aye. 00:01:02
OK. So we have passage on that with two in favor and one opposed. And if you'd like to hang out until after the meeting, we can 00:01:07
get signatures for you on that. 00:01:11
All right. Thank you. Meeting to moving to the matter at hand with regards to EMS. 00:01:16
I'd like to just briefly start where we ended off, just to see if you had any headway on any of the funding mechanisms that we had 00:01:23
discussed previously. 00:01:27
I believe we did, but we do have two resolutions moving to the legacy foundation and also a letter of request that is in the works 00:01:33
on that. Does anyone want to summarize where we are on that? 00:01:39
Either the resolutions for funding or the letter on the. 00:01:47
Legacy foundation. 00:01:51
The resolutions have been drawn up. They're available. 00:01:53
Denise, were you in touch with the foundation? I have drawn up a letter requesting that the Legacy Foundation. 00:01:59
Look at giving us $500,000 of the 5% spend rate for 2024. And I can read that. I can also send it out. I wasn't ready to send it 00:02:11
out yet because I was waiting. 00:02:19
For Steve Barks to. 00:02:27
To verify some of the numbers, I think they're very directional. Is that fair to say, Steve? 00:02:30
And so I can read this, I can send it out. 00:02:38
If you don't mind, I'd like to read it if that's OK. 00:02:42
This is to the Floyd County Legacy Foundation Board. Dear Board members, 'cause I as I am sure most of you are aware, Floyd County 00:02:48
is currently addressing the situation with our current EMS provider. The contract for New Chapel expires on May 31st, 2024. The 00:02:56
cost to put a new plan in place. 00:03:03
To provide EMS service for all Floyd County. 00:03:13
Minus the city is substantially higher than has been paid in the past. The council and the commissioners would like to request 00:03:17
$500,000 from the 2024 spend rate, which is approximately 850,000. I think it's a little more than that, Steve, now that we've 00:03:25
looked at the numbers more closely, but I said approximately to support the unanticipated EMS expense for 2024. This would then 00:03:32
leave the commissioners and councils time to address. 00:03:40
A sustainable revenue source for the future. This would also leave the Floyd County Legacy Foundation with approximately 350,000 00:03:48
to grant out to worthy, worthy applicants for 2024. 00:03:55
It might again, maybe a little bit more than that. The principal was a little bit more than I calculated. These numbers aren't. 00:04:03
We realize that this is highly unusual, a highly unusual request, and that you are currently in in the middle of your grant cycle, 00:04:11
but these funds would be go a long way to helping the county in an effort to cover the cost of EMS in 2024. 00:04:19
We do not want this to be an ongoing request, just a one time distribution of the spin rate only. 00:04:29
We realized the foundation was established to grant worthy applicants in Floyd County to make our county a better place to live, 00:04:37
work and play and was not meant to cover ongoing operating expenses in Floyd County. We appreciate your consideration to this 00:04:44
request and would appreciate if you would let us know your ability to grant this request by May 31st and I have left room for all 00:04:52
of us to sign this. 00:04:59
Or whoever is in agreement that this that we should move forward with this request from the legacy foundation. So that's what I 00:05:07
have in hand and I did talk with. 00:05:14
With Steve about it, so in verifying those, you feel like the numbers are perhaps in excess of that, yes to what, to what amount. 00:05:23
I did it based on 17,000,000 and the actual balance at this point is 17.8 million. 00:05:30
890 is what he said. 00:05:40
Yes. So you're right. Yes. So we would still request the 500 and they would have about 390,000 to give out instead of instead of 00:05:45
my letter of approximately 350. 00:05:52
So close. close to 400,000 to the grand out still. 00:06:00
So Steve, when is the next meeting of the Legacy Foundation? 00:06:05
We're waiting on for the Matrix come back from the. 00:06:09
From the Community Foundation to determine what the scale was. So you may. 00:06:14
I would shoot the middle of May. 00:06:22
But the request, as you know AL is around 900,000. 00:06:25
This year. 00:06:30
So that means that we have to go back. 00:06:33
We look at all that in our meeting as to what amount we give each organization. 00:06:36
Yeah, we're, yeah or you could just, we could just reduce by a certain percentage based upon what we what we have to give. But I'm 00:06:43
sure that we discussed on that. I'm going to suggest that based upon the outcome of of tonight's meeting wherever we go with that 00:06:51
that maybe we ask for a special meeting on that just to address this question. 00:06:58
I mean, Dale's also a member of that. Would you be opposed to that special meeting of the legacy foundation board? 00:07:06
I generally don't like it. 00:07:13
Just because I think it's setting a bad precedent. 00:07:15
That was as Denise. 00:07:19
Help in a resolution it was a certain intent was for that legacy foundation to be and now we're setting a precedent and my fear is 00:07:21
going forward it's going to be an ongoing thing year after year which was never the intent of the legacy. So I'm generally not in 00:07:30
favor I'm not saying I would noted but would you be opposed to moving and having a special meeting to discuss that with that. 00:07:38
So perhaps again depending on how we proceed. 00:07:48
OK. 00:07:54
Anything further on funding sources? 00:07:55
Well known or unknown well we do have the less less the rest of the contract. 00:08:00
That was budgeted 280, well, I think was budgeted 222-2220. So that's about $120,000 that could be applied seven months and should 00:08:06
be applied. And then we have river vote. Of course we have the what, the remnant of what? We don't know what the total number is 00:08:12
of Lois is going to return. 00:08:19
To the general fund that she. 00:08:26
That we addressed a couple meetings ago. Some of that gets about 150. I think I saw this interest walk in. I don't know if you 00:08:30
have any update numbers on. 00:08:34
And it was $368,000 total. 00:08:40
Should we have any idea what remains of that? 00:08:46
About 160 my calculation because. 00:08:50
Appropriated 190 for the sheriff for his project. 00:08:53
So that'd be about 160 left. 00:09:00
And again, those funds would not just be for. 00:09:02
The remainder of this year, but also might carry over to next year perhaps. 00:09:06
Or not? Is that a one time thing, Lois? 00:09:11
I mean, not not hers, but I'm talking about the money that you're adding up. With regards to that'd be 100 and change leftover 00:09:14
from the duration of this year's contract. 00:09:19
From Lois Riverboat, I don't know. 00:09:25
So that be I'm talking about the seven month period that that's at hand. Understood Cousin. 00:09:28
I think we're pretty much in agreement that we're going to have to. 00:09:34
Impose some kind of a EMS tax. 00:09:38
I think in order to sustain this whole EMS thing going forward. 00:09:42
So that's going to be a. 00:09:46
The pressing matter is getting funded through December 1, right? 00:09:48
And I think the if there is a. 00:09:54
EMS Lit. I think they're obviously that's going to be a very lengthy discussion with a lot of public input. 00:09:57
And we got about, does that have to be, I think it has to be done by October 31 in order to get the revenue for next year I think. 00:10:02
And I think part of that discussion needs to have a sunset built into that. 00:10:11
Depending on what the, depending on what how we go forward, but again just so if we don't come to terms on how we're going to 00:10:16
provide EMS long term that that would also sunset. 00:10:22
Over 500,000 that's 780 now and it's 780 you want for duration this year depends on on what route we go. 00:10:34
According to the the compromise that we're going to talk about tonight, the remaining seven months would be 546,581 June through 00:10:44
December. 00:10:48
So we're real close to that. 00:10:54
The funds available. 00:10:56
Do you agree, Jim? 00:10:58
I want to go ahead and make a motion. 00:11:00
I want to make a motion that the Council respect the authority of the Commissioners and, at the suggestion of the EMS Board, that 00:11:06
we approve funding for option one. 00:11:11
To be paid for 2024. 00:11:17
Via Riverboat 125 the recorders additional funds, which should be 126. 00:11:21
The current EMS budget, what's left should be 128,000. 00:11:28
That would leave 442 ask. 00:11:33
Of the. 00:11:36
Legacy foundation. 00:11:38
And then rainy day 74419 for the total of eight 95419 for the remainder of this year with discussion. 00:11:40
Along with the commissioners regarding broadband money and continued legacy funds for 2025 and 2026 plus other. 00:11:51
Grant monies and things like that that may be coming in to us. 00:12:00
Opioid funds, we might be getting some of those. 00:12:03
2nd. 00:12:08
Get your warehouse pain. 00:12:15
She made the motion. That's that's us. 00:12:20
Discussion on that, Yes, absolutely. 00:12:23
Doesn't look like that's the option that we were. 00:12:30
Coming into this meeting, expect an option 6. Going back to option one, I'm not really particularly fond of option one because it 00:12:33
totally eliminates Hollander Fire District in any kind of service. 00:12:39
So I'm not. I'm not in favor of that. 00:12:47
I tend to agree that the Commissioners came up with. 00:12:54
Option one, what? Three months ago? Two months ago? 00:12:57
And so therefore I would. 00:13:01
Be with Connie at that. It's a it's what the commissioners ask. It's our job to fund what they requested. 00:13:06
And. 00:13:13
So. 00:13:17
There we are. 00:13:18
There was just a lot in that motion. 00:13:24
Would you like to restate it? Yeah, if you would, Please. Absolutely. 00:13:28
Just the numbers or the whole thing? 00:13:33
I get the part about option one, that there was some other things that you listed there for some other funding sources that I 00:13:37
didn't. 00:13:40
I didn't care for 2024 riverboat funding should be 125,000 recorders. Additional funds, 126,000 should be left in there after we 00:13:44
paid the sheriff's. 00:13:51
The current EMS budget should be 128,000 left in that. 00:13:59
That would leave the ask of the legacy balance 442,000. 00:14:05
And then that would leave rainy day. We could use 74,419 for a total of 895 for 19. 00:14:11
What was that rainy day again? I'm sorry I missed it. 00:14:19
74419 Thank you. 00:14:21
Is there any further discussion or questions on on that motion? 00:14:38
Seeing none all in favor, say aye, Aye. 00:14:44
Any opposed? Can we show hands? 00:14:47
Show of hands for opposed, Tommy, what are you doing? 00:14:50
That motion fails. 00:14:53
I'll make a second motion. 00:14:59
That the Council respect the authority of the Commissioners and approve funding for option 2, which again is not enough 00:15:01
ambulances, but. 00:15:04
The total is 546,581 funding to come from Riverboat 125 recorders. 00:15:09
Balance of 126,000. 00:15:18
The current EMS budget. 00:15:21
128. 00:15:24
1000 that would put the legacy balance 75. 00:15:27
1581. 00:15:34
And. 00:15:37
Rainy day would be. 00:15:44
What, 16,000? 00:15:54
91,092 thousand. 00:15:59
2nd. 00:16:02
Have motion a second? Any discussion on option 2? 00:16:03
All in favor of show of hands. 00:16:11
Opposed. 00:16:14
Motion fails. 00:16:15
Can we get to the discussion of option 6? 00:16:18
I would also like to present to. 00:16:23
Resolutions. 00:16:27
To be identical to the Highlander resolution in 2023. 00:16:30
One for Georgetown Township at 500,000 and the second one to New Omni Township Fire District for 500,000 so that they can purchase 00:16:34
2 ambulances as well to get them equal to Highlander at this point. 00:16:41
2nd that motion. 00:16:53
Any discussion on that? 00:16:56
That money to come from CARES ACT money. 00:16:57
Because that's where Highlanders came from. 00:17:00
Seeing no discussion. 00:17:09
I know I'm not part of the vote on this. 00:17:12
It's two separate resolutions, one for Georgetown Montreal. 00:17:15
Amounts of $500,000 each. Purchase of maintenances for their. 00:17:21
For their districts. 00:17:27
I think Brad had something. 00:17:30
Did they? 00:17:33
So this is the purchase analysis for those two fire districts, is that right? 00:17:36
Yes. 00:17:40
Did they ask for analysis to be purchased for them? 00:17:41
No. But at last week's meeting, we said that we were going to get the Fire Districts up to an equal playing field, and in order to 00:17:45
do that, with Highlander having two ambulances, Georgetown should get 2. 00:17:51
As should New Omni Township. 00:17:58
Do they have currently have any amuses? 00:18:00
I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. 00:18:03
It takes a little while to get everybody up to speed and get those ambulances in. 00:18:06
But do they currently have any ambulances? 00:18:09
Again, not sure what that has to do with anything. 00:18:12
So do you know the answer to it? 00:18:16
I'm gonna say no. 00:18:18
Have they budgeted for any illnesses in the past? 00:18:22
They wouldn't need to because they weren't doing it, but if we're going to get everybody on the same playing field. 00:18:28
That's discussion to happen. So they have any transport numbers. 00:18:34
Come again? Do they have any transport numbers? 00:18:38
What do you mean? Do they have transport numbers? They don't even have ambulances yet. 00:18:41
But they will so that we can get them equal to higher. 00:18:46
Fire district. You know what level certification they have regarding being able to do EMS? OK, this I'm going to. By the time 00:18:49
they're purchased, they'll be up to par with Highlander. 00:18:54
We're gonna get them all equal. I have questions. I'm not sure why you're stopping the discussion. 00:19:01
Because are we going to talk about Highlanders certification level and where they're at and did they budget frameless? 00:19:07
I'm here for options. Would you like to vote on this or do you want to You want to keep talking about it? 00:19:16
If you've got some more discussion points, go right ahead. 00:19:24
I have questions but it don't seem to be either a any answers to them or obviously be you guys don't want to talk about it. 00:19:27
We'll talk about it. Go ahead with your questions. 00:19:34
It's OK to talk about it now and ask questions. 00:19:37
I have no further questions right now. 00:19:43
I was curious though. I think you're saying $500,000 each, but I think the. 00:19:45
When it was approved before it was 250 for Greenville, 250 for Lafayette, is that correct? I think that was right. So wouldn't it 00:19:50
be 250? 00:19:54
For New Albany, 250 for Georgetown, if we were going to propose such a thing, well, I thought about that. However, when they 00:19:59
merged, technically now they have 500,000 and two ambulances. 00:20:05
It's 2 districts. I mean, it's two townships though, that they're covering, not just one. 00:20:12
Probably not ready yet and and Georgetown we need to hear from them and I think that's in a I'm going to call it a 15 step process 00:20:48
here that's probably step you know five or six or eight we need, we're still at 1:00. So I think we need to get past one and work 00:20:55
into that for sure. But doing that right now I think is is. 00:21:01
Not about the appropriate course of action. 00:21:09
I'll just add to that. I think it was laid out very. 00:21:14
Clearly in option six that Al sent out that. 00:21:19
For the next seven months that we would be looking at how we are going to move forward and at that time I'm not opposed to looking 00:21:24
at that option if that is what the task force says that that's how we're going to move forward with with with providing ambulance 00:21:31
service in our county, but. 00:21:38
That that's, I think you took that way literally and doing that just immediately, that's something we need to be looking at on on 00:21:46
in the future, but not tonight. My concern is how long does it take to. 00:21:53
Get a contract to order ambulances and even have them delivered. That's a long time so to get them up to par. 00:22:02
It's going to take a while to do that. 00:22:11
But that needs to be part of the discussion. 00:22:14
And it needs to start sooner than later. We've been talking about EMS forever. That's why I'm throwing out the motions. 00:22:17
Let's make a decision today. 00:22:24
But I think that if you're going to do that, I think it needs to be fair and equal amongst all the districts. 00:22:29
Do I think that's overkill? Absolutely. 00:22:36
But I also. 00:22:39
Think it should be equal. 00:22:41
Any further discussion? 00:22:48
By show of hands on the two resolutions all in favor. 00:22:51
All opposed. 00:22:55
That motion fails. 00:22:57
I make a motion that we hear option 6 from Al. 00:23:03
All right. So we'll. 00:23:07
I don't need to be a motion formally about it, but I think we're. 00:23:09
Well. 00:23:14
You know, over a long weekend I tried to put together a compromise this this option 6 is not represent my first. 00:23:18
Choice and how we provide coverage, but I think it's our best option at this moment to ensure coverage for all of Floyd County. 00:23:27
Beginning June 1st when our current contract expires. So I sent this out Sunday giving everybody a little bit of time to look 00:23:34
through that, so. 00:23:39
This would be a seven month and two year contract. I stayed it that way just as a reminder that that first seven months is going 00:23:45
to allow us to true up the budget years. Somehow we got out of sync with regards to our budgets and our contract years. I'm sure 00:23:51
that was through probably just an extension with new Chapel at one point in time. 00:23:58
But for the first. 00:24:06
Seven months of that contract. 00:24:08
I'm recommending that we would employ option 2 with America Pro to cover the entire county with two ALS 24/7 units and one ALS 00:24:11
Quick response vehicle. 00:24:16
I think this would allow adequate time to further explore the possibility of a more comprehensive unified EMS system, whether that 00:24:22
end up being fire based, county based, outsourced. But it gives us time to get the task force together to actually explore those 00:24:27
options. 00:24:32
It also gives us more time to coordinate efforts with dispatch. Spoke with the sheriff about that earlier today. Whatever we do, 00:24:38
we need to make sure that we're on the exact same page on that. That gives time for training and and possibly even a new hire and 00:24:44
dispatch if they're going to be more anticipated call numbers on that adequate time for Highlander Fire to ramp up with regards to 00:24:51
personnel certification and training. 00:24:57
I think that option that we put together has. 00:25:06
Broad Buy In spoke with. 00:25:10
Board President Darrell Mills from New Omni Township Board President Michael Moody from Georgetown spoke with Chief Klein over the 00:25:13
weekend on this. 00:25:17
And everyone seemed to be accepting of the principles with regards to this. So for the first seven months, AMERIPRO would cover 00:25:23
with two ALS 24/7 units and one ALS quick response vehicle. Thereafter, 4 years two and three, 2025 and 26 respectively, we would 00:25:30
revert back to option 5 which was presented by Mr. Striegel. 00:25:36
One or two meetings ago, I can't recall now where Highlander Fire would take on their district. 00:25:44
And Ameripro would continue with coverage for those additional two years for New Albany Township and Georgetown Township and 00:25:51
Franklin Township. 00:25:55
For the stipends that I presented below. 00:26:01
Brad, you're correct. New Omni Township is kind of in transition itself and trying to decide how they're going to go forward with 00:26:06
not only EMS but Fire Protection first. 00:26:11
And Georgetown would need the time to assess whether or not they want to provide EMS service in the future as well. So. 00:26:17
You guys and your districts would have the coverage. It's my understanding that Franklin's also may be exploring a fire. 00:26:25
District itself I'm. That's rumor mill stuff. So but. 00:26:31
Or $78,083 a month for years two and three. The total, including the subsidy for Highlander Fire Protection and Ameripro, would be 00:27:08
115 to 580, three $0.33 per month, or $1,387,000 annually. 00:27:16
So it's two years and seven months of protection. 00:27:26
During that first seven months, Floyd County would actually. 00:27:29
We have more coverage than they've had under the new Chapel contractor because we would have full time 2 ambulances, full-time 00:27:33
chase car. 00:27:37
And some informal backup from Highlanders, they start to ramp up so. 00:27:41
That's it in a nutshell. I do want to speak further with regards to the task force, just because I didn't send this out in the 00:27:49
e-mail, but my intention would be for that to be formed and meet sometime in the first. 00:27:54
In June, I think within before the end of the summer, before the leaves start falling on the trees, we would know whether or not 00:27:59
we're going to get buying in cooperation from all of these departments or whether or not that's going to be practical or not. And 00:28:06
if it is, then I think we look forward to some way to purposefully long term fund that through an EMS LIT or other options that 00:28:14
have been discussed if it's apparent that it's not going to be practical to bring everybody together in the. 00:28:21
Long run that I think in the short term we might still want to entertain an EMS. 00:28:29
Local income tax will have its sunset at the end of 2027 and slowly start putting the onus on the fire district levees with 00:28:34
regards to funding the EMS. One other thing that Connie's point I. 00:28:41
I think it's imperative that we. 00:28:49
As we go down these roads, we do treat all the districts with fairness and if they do decide at some point in time that they're 00:28:52
going to take on EMS funding on their own, then I think they do deserve the equivalent of of the ambulances that were provided for 00:28:58
Highlander fire if they decide. 00:29:04
They don't want the ambulances then perhaps we should consider a cash stipend and the equivalent of that if they're going to be 00:29:11
outsourcing. But they need to be treated equally going forward. Thankfully. I mean, I think this, this compromise would give us 00:29:16
two years, seven months in order to get all of those ducks in a row for them. 00:29:22
There's also a provision that we talked about with regards to amending the fire district ordinances. 00:29:29
To allow for EMS services that are customary and the day-to-day duties of the Firehouse. 00:29:35
But also making sure that any financial obligations that they would incur would would be. 00:29:41
Overseen by the commissioners. And I think that should go into place sooner rather than later, Rick. And I've discussed possibly 00:29:47
being able to do that within the next 10 to 14 days. And I'd like for that to be all three districts at the same time, so that all 00:29:54
three districts are treated very fairly from this point forward in step with one another. 00:30:00
So. 00:30:08
Again, I think this is a true compromise because I'm not seeing anybody smile about it. That means not nobody got everything that 00:30:10
they wanted. 00:30:13
But. 00:30:18
I think this makes sense financially and again. 00:30:19
Absolutely would account for EMS service for everyone in the county. 00:30:24
For the next two years, seven months. 00:30:29
So. 00:30:31
Let me ask a question. Let me ask a question. 00:30:36
So the first year would be for seven months. 00:30:40
For seven months. 00:30:43
Seven months and Ameripro would be providing service for all of Floyd County except for New Albany. 00:30:46
Said, you know, is that correct? Except for the city of New Albany, correct? 00:30:54
And then we'll and then. 00:30:57
Year two or two and three? 00:31:01
Then that's when Highlander then would be they would be, they would they would assist in, is that correct? 00:31:04
For years 2025 and 26 you would have. 00:31:10
Ameripro providing service for New Albany Township, Georgetown Township, Franklin Township. Highlander would be taking care of 00:31:16
their district, but again, within this seven months coming up, it's my expectation that Ameripro would be signing formal aid 00:31:24
agreements with Highlander Fire to go into effect January 1. My hope would also be that we can get New Albany City to the table as 00:31:32
they're already run by Ameripro or contracted with Ameripro. My hope would be that Ameripro might help facilitate. 00:31:40
Negotiations between the city of New Albany and the county with regards to formal aid agreements. OK, so would there be some type 00:31:48
of a subsidy given to a Highlander because, you know, they've got the vehicles, the ambulances, they got the equipment? 00:31:57
But they need to staff up. 00:32:05
So how do they do that? Well, I think, I think 1 answer that would be the they got the vehicles that that is a huge part of their 00:32:08
stipend. I think there would be an expectation since they received those vehicles that they would be more than willing to give. 00:32:15
Some aid in an informal fashion to. 00:32:22
The rest of the county. 00:32:26
I'm not close minded to that possibility, but I would like for it to be data-driven. In other words, I would like for Chief Klein 00:32:28
or whomever to come before us and say these are the new hires that we have based upon these new responsibilities. This is the cost 00:32:34
of it and this is where we have a shortcoming with regards to our our current budget. So I'm not, I'm not close to that, but I 00:32:39
would like for it to be. 00:32:45
A line item data-driven proposal. 00:32:53
So I don't think we can just blindly say, yes, we're going to give you $15,000 a month through the rest of this year because we 00:32:56
really don't know where that money would be going. 00:33:00
OK, so there's a little bit of faith and trust. I understand that. I understand that. 00:33:07
But I guess my concern is that we're asking them to step up in 2024, but. 00:33:13
We're not giving them funds in order to do any hiring to staff up because I've heard criticism. 00:33:20
Here and from the public about, well, you know right now you've got three people and you respond to it was a ambulance call. So 00:33:27
you got two people in the ambulance, you only got one on the engine. You know, that's criticism that happens, happens in 00:33:34
Highlander, I believe it also happens in Georgetown as well whenever they respond with a brush truck. So I think there needs to be 00:33:40
some type of a stipend to help them to to staff up. 00:33:47
In 2024. 00:33:54
And again, I'm OK with that, but it has to be based on factual. 00:33:56
You know how much You know? This is who we've hired. This is what it costs. 00:34:01
And this is where our budget falls short of. 00:34:05
That need. 00:34:09
So again, I just, I don't think it makes sense to just grab a number and say, Oh no, no, I totally agree. I totally agree. But I 00:34:13
mean, is that something we can approach? Is that is that unreasonable? 00:34:18
Request I think. I think the date is there. Yeah, I have not seen it well. Let me explain. 00:34:23
When Highlander was asked to put something forth and they came forth with like an 802800 and 2000, that was for to run 2 analysis. 00:34:32
If they're going to. 00:34:41
Be a backup for seven months. 00:34:43
To Ameripro. 00:34:48
Then they would require one analyst which would be half of that 401. You can prorate that for seven months and that would be your 00:34:52
figure that's they've already done the numbers based on what they need to pay for billing and for call volume and everything 00:34:59
they've they've done that Ameripro was very clear in their their option that they are very confident that they can handle the 00:35:06
entire county on option 2 without any need for formal backup. 00:35:13
So. 00:35:20
Again, I don't know what informal backup would look like. My hope would be that it would be more collegial and and trying to get 00:35:24
again aid agreements in place I. 00:35:29
And I think it would have to be significantly less than just a prorate of one ambulance. 00:35:35
OK, there's. 00:35:42
Couple issues. 00:35:44
One option to being. 00:35:45
Advocated for is less than. 00:35:48
Contractionally less than what we have right now. 00:35:51
Which is a bit of an issue. And secondly, the option six. I don't see where it gets a highlighter anywhere in this scenario this 00:35:55
year at all. 00:36:01
And so I just, you know, I have a I have a real concern with that. 00:36:10
And this doesn't have any. I mean, I don't even know how you would go about putting this in writing it's, you know, I would 00:36:16
suggest a contract that it's binding, but. 00:36:21
You know, we've got to. 00:36:27
We're not even, we're not even there yet when it comes to. 00:36:28
Putting things in writing. 00:36:31
Top have a couple questions for you. Yeah, the 2 units on option 2 that was given by Ameripro, are those both paramedic units? 00:36:35
They listed them as two ALS units that were following the provisions of the RFP. Well, there were, and I'm sorry, go ahead. 00:36:45
That's and then and that quick, the quick response vehicle was also as defined in the RFP. Well, I only asked because originally 00:36:53
in the RFP they responded with three paramedic ambulances and a paramedic response car and then the other option option two was. 00:37:01
22 paramedic ambulances with a paramedic response car and if we have two paramedics ambulances, I'm not sure why we would need a 00:37:10
paramedic response card. 00:37:13
Secondly, I I'll just say I really don't think that this is enough ambulances to properly cover Floyd County. I mean if we look 00:37:19
back in 2017 when the original contract was written with a new Chapel EMS, they came back in 2019 and said you know we're getting 00:37:27
too many calls and not enough squads available. So they added the half ambulance for peak hours and that was before COVID and 00:37:34
everything else and we we still have an aging population. 00:37:42
Would you be more comfortable formally adding? 00:38:16
But the command who usually makes proposals like for operational plans never did so so. 00:38:50
And I have another concern with that, because I know didn't they just Max out their fire levy? 00:39:00
Recently. 00:39:06
Highlander. 00:39:08
He has permission. They ask permission to raise their levy or consider raising it. 00:39:10
But I don't believe that that. 00:39:16
Yeah, that they took an action to Max it out, but I do believe they also went into the State House and was able to recapture 00:39:18
$1,000,000 that they lost out on that they weren't going to get because of the consolidation. So I'm not sure what that's been 00:39:23
appropriated for, but that could be used as well. I mean they're offering to provide the service. So I do have a question on that 00:39:28
line of thinking. 00:39:33
I guess. 00:39:39
The way I'm processing it. 00:39:42
And correct me where I'm wrong. 00:39:47
You'd be OK with providing a stipend. 00:39:49
Or a subsidy to a for profit company like Ameripro? 00:39:55
But you're not OK with subsidizing? 00:40:02
Highlander I'm OK with subsidizing and contractual service. I'm not OK with subsidizing another taxing district. 00:40:06
That provides a service for us, OK, that receives tax money, yes, But they don't receive tax money primarily for this. 00:40:14
OK, so I. 00:40:24
Al, I guess the question I have. 00:40:27
Here is what? What is? What is the hesitation for option five? What is the main hang up? 00:40:31
I don't think Highway is going to be ready. I think that there and that during that quick transition we're going to have. 00:40:37
Service that would be less than what it would be seven months from now, once everybody's had a chance to get everything organized, 00:40:50
dispatch organized. 00:40:55
Backup plans organized. That is my main hesitation. And after a discussion again, I'm not gonna get into the particulars of a 00:41:02
private conversation. But. 00:41:07
My gut feeling was that the chief Klein was happy to have the extra time to organize as well. 00:41:15
I will say that there's another option here if. 00:41:22
That could satisfy Commissioner Sharp's concerns and yours as well, which is we could go with option one for the first seven 00:41:26
months. 00:41:30
Of that contract, Ameripro was very, very hesitant to do that during discussions because they were. 00:41:34
Afraid that they would not be able to hire a new crew for seven months only because they're going to hire somebody and say, hey, 00:41:42
your job may not be there in seven months, but I could ask them to look at that again. That would be a 100 and 27917 per month or 00:41:48
eight 95419 through the end of the year. 00:41:53
Um, but. 00:42:01
I'm also again willing to. 00:42:04
Listen to what? 00:42:07
Type of monthly stipend. 00:42:10
Factually in data, it looks like Highlander would need to run. 00:42:13
One unit. 00:42:17
But again I have. 00:42:18
I'd like for that to be more of a backup because again, I've got dispatch to worry about South. We're going out to one provider 00:42:21
rather than two during that time and I just think it gives everybody a chance to. 00:42:26
To succeed. 00:42:34
What if? 00:42:36
Yeah, in 2023. 00:42:38
How was Highlander performing? 00:42:42
They were doing back up to New Chapel. 00:42:44
Correct. 00:42:47
They were. They were. 00:42:50
They were responding to all emergencies in. 00:42:55
Health emergencies in. 00:42:58
Lafayette and Greenville. 00:43:01
Everyone. 00:43:03
How are they performing to find how do you want response times? 00:43:07
No, no, I'm trying to answer your question. 00:43:11
But in 2023, technically. 00:43:15
They were supposed to be back up for New Chapel. 00:43:19
It's not. That's not a fair statement. Yeah. No. So they were already going to cover and that's. I guess maybe that's where I'm 00:43:21
confused because I was under the impression that Highlander was just. 00:43:27
Doing their thing as a backup to who we contracted with, which was New Chapel at the time. 00:43:34
Not that they were taking the entire district for Highlander. 00:43:43
Well, for Highlander, Lafayette. 00:43:48
And Greenville were responding for emergency calls. 00:43:51
For Highlander, OK, every one of them. 00:43:56
Same way with Georgetown. 00:43:59
Georgetown responded to all the emergency calls for Georgetown. Is that is that right, Mr. Moody? 00:44:01
Yes, OK. So then my next statement would be. 00:44:06
They didn't get a stipend in 2023, but yet they were responding to all of their calls anyway. 00:44:10
They had. 00:44:18
827 dispatches. 00:44:19
And EMS transports to a hospital facility in 2023 was 30. 00:44:22
And they weren't getting a stipend from the county at that point. So they obviously have the money to do their area because that's 00:44:31
what they did last year. 00:44:35
And then for the first quarter 24, so far they've had 166 dispatches with 11 transports to a hospital. You said how many, how many 00:44:40
did they have in 2023 yet? 00:44:46
Dispatches were 827 for Highlander. For Highlander, yes, OK. 00:44:53
I dispute that. 00:45:00
And transports to a hospital facility was 30. 00:45:01
I cannot comment on that this came from. 00:45:06
Jeremy Klein and Orwell It was carbon copy to Jeremy Klein, but it looks like it came from Ryan Houchin. 00:45:09
Today. Today. 00:45:17
I haven't seen it. 00:45:19
I'm going by the data that was collected. 00:45:21
Into the last, the last St. the last nine months of 2022 and the first three months of 2023 which would have been a year even 00:45:23
though it's not starting calendar year. These are 23 and first quarter 24. 00:45:31
Can you say I'm sorry, you said how many? I'm looking at around 800. 00:45:42
And 58127 dispatches 30 transports for 23. 00:45:46
You had another. 00:45:56
So. 00:46:00
What if we? 00:46:02
Did a modification to five or six. It doesn't matter which one we're on at this point to get. 00:46:05
To. 00:46:14
Offer a stipend to Highlander. 00:46:17
To staff up because. 00:46:19
There if they were to provide EMS service. 00:46:23
Technically taken away from the fireside, which is not there. 00:46:29
They need to staff up in order to not. 00:46:33
Not take away from that. 00:46:36
They have been because they don't want to leave their people without service, so. 00:46:38
The number of transports is irrelevant to the extent that it's not a service that they should be doing alone, because it's the 00:46:45
county's responsibility to provide that service, and because that service has been inadequate. They are filling in the gaps on 00:46:52
their dime. And I'm glad they do, but it's not appropriate that they did that. They do that to the extent that we asked them to 00:46:58
continue that. 00:47:04
So I come back to Ali's point of not feeling like Highlander would be ready. What if we I? 00:47:11
Give us stipend this year for the next seven months, prorated off of the 401 to run a truck. 00:47:21
So that they in the event. 00:47:28
Not in the event when they became. 00:47:31
AOS certified. 00:47:36
Whether that's however many weeks or months down the line when they become. 00:47:38
ALS certified and check the boxes. 00:47:43
Then they become primary, but they. 00:47:47
Obviously, if option two is where we're going to go with the Maripro, option 2 will need some assistance because it's less 00:47:49
contractually than what we are what we have right now and Highlander would be that assistance. It's actually not less 00:47:56
contractually, I mean, because we have 2 1/2, but the half is not full time as far as I'm well here. Here's why I say it is. It's 00:48:03
2 1/2 contractually aimless with New Chapel. 00:48:10
We only have two and a fly car. On option two you can't transport with a family car. You don't. That's not an ambulance, but that 00:48:17
that half ambulance is, I believe not full time, is it? Is it a full time equivalent towards? 00:48:24
I'm talking about with new travel. It's seven days a week, 12 hours a day, I believe, yeah, but it's not full time. 00:48:33
It's but. 00:48:41
You have 2 1/2 or you have two. 00:48:42
What's less that's less by half truck. I'd also like to point out that one of the key differences between what we're asking from 00:48:44
Ameriprol and New Chapel is that and I still don't think it's enough ambulances, but that those trucks are dedicated for 911 calls 00:48:52
only from Ameripro where currently from New Chapel they can make other runs. But at the same time, you know I. 00:48:59
There's a yin and Yang with that. You know, because when you're paying for two ambulances, that's what you're gonna get. And if 00:49:07
they're tied up on a motor vehicle crash, I don't know when the next ambulance is coming, but. 00:49:12
And we do have contractual oversight that they'll actually be geographically within the county. That's correct. So that's that's 00:49:19
my point. I think we have more staffing with that. 00:49:24
So we have done the numbers with the two ambulances from Ameripro and and the in the chase car. 00:49:30
And this hyphen, which would be $230,000 to Highlander for the remainder of the seven lots. 00:49:42
OK. 00:49:57
So and and I believe if we can get the money from the legacy Foundation, it's completely doable. 00:49:59
I have a question. You said 230,000? 00:50:11
For seven months. 00:50:15
I'm coming up with one 16669. 00:50:17
And that's based on Brad's 200,000 for running just one truck. I'm sorry, that was you're right, I did the whole 400. So 116 is 00:50:21
right. Thank you. 00:50:26
For one truck I thought it was 400,000 for one truck based off of 802 for two trucks. 00:50:33
Let's get back to this. I don't think it's 200,000 for one truck, is it? 00:50:43
It's no, it's it's it's 401. But you have to prorate that out for seven months, right? She says 200,000 and prorated that. That's 00:50:47
where I'm trying to clarify. It's 400,000 prorated would be $233,333. 00:50:54
We would, we would have to prorate it out to 105,000. 00:51:02
Is what that would be. 00:51:07
For the rest of the year, I believe once I did that wrong. 00:51:09
401, well again to Alice point, we need to get to that number and it needs to be a hard number that is you know data-driven, but. 00:51:12
Also has to be carried forward for Georgetown and for New Albany Township. Maybe not in this year. 00:51:22
We need to have a Ledger going on for that. That has to be true up at some point in time or they pay it back or they pay it back. 00:51:32
Yeah. There's a reconciliation on that, some sort of record. Yeah, yeah. 00:51:40
But we realize we're not asking that of Ameripro. 00:51:45
But their reconciliation is not what we're asking for. Mayor Pro Maripro is a for profit company making money off of us even 00:51:49
though our tax dollars go into that contract. 00:51:53
And people have insurance, they have a higher rate. We're not reconciling with them, but we want to reconcile with with. 00:51:58
Highlighter or giving mine a Both, but only one has to be on the reconciliation. You're not giving money to Ameripro, you're 00:52:04
exchanging it for a service. It's not the same thing. You you When you buy a service, you also divest yourself of a lot of things. 00:52:12
When you don't have to hire, you don't have to retain, you don't have to purchase new equipment. Equipment that I've heard 00:52:19
described as an asset continues to deteriorate year after year after year. It has to be kept up. 00:52:27
Has to be replaced, so there are a lot of things that again, you don't have to deal with when you. 00:52:35
Sign a contract and outsource something. 00:52:42
I'm not saying one is all good and one is all bad. I'm just saying to say that it's all bad to have a contract with somebody I 00:52:46
don't think is fair. I didn't say that. 00:52:50
So I. 00:52:55
Again, we're going to have difficulty going forward now because we were down a member. I would like to make a motion. 00:52:59
I'd like to make a motion. 00:53:04
I'd like to make a motion that we move forward with option 6. 00:53:06
But that we do include Highlander as a backup. 00:53:12
To to to Ameripro even in year one. Not a primary but a backup and give some time to staff up. 00:53:16
To get their certifications I. 00:53:26
And and my motion also includes getting all of this in writing and writing in a in a binding. 00:53:30
In a binding contract for the three-year period, both with. 00:53:40
Ameripro and with. 00:53:48
And then? 00:53:57
At this point is that we move forward with option 6. 00:54:33
And that we. 00:54:38
Take a ask, ask for some. 00:54:41
Direction on numbers. 00:54:45
As far as this type in that they would need to be able to staff up to be the backup for the seven months. 00:54:48
But all of this has got to be put in writing, is my point. 00:54:53
So that's my motion. 00:54:58
And I guess I'm trying to give you direction and Tony had to leave. So I mean my point of order would be is that you now have six 00:55:03
rather than seven and whether or not you want to. 00:55:07
Yeah, have such emotion entertained tonight or not. 00:55:13
We probably should be. 00:55:17
Oh, we're in discussion. 00:55:20
Can I just vent? Actually, she has a motion. OK, there's no second. Do you want to just. I'll just. I'll just. 00:55:22
Yeah. 00:55:31
Can I just vent my frustration for a while? I think others for me. I'll speak for me. 00:55:33
This whole thing has, in my mind, has been driven by emotions and passion. 00:55:39
And. 00:55:46
The Mississippi Committee put out ARP. 00:55:48
Basically in my mind, with a poison pill for New Chapel that they really couldn't compete because of that pill of proving their 00:55:53
financial viability. 00:55:59
So therefore we we technically only had one bid, which is Maripro and at at the midnight hour Highlander fire comes in. And I 00:56:06
might add, not one person from administration that stood at that podium, not one. 00:56:14
And give us their presentation. 00:56:25
There's been others, but not one person from administration leadership of Island Fire stood at that podium. 00:56:27
And I just feel like this whole thing has been emotion and passion and not really data-driven and if whatever we do here because 00:56:34
of. 00:56:38
I'll call it the distraction and you all know what I'm talking about. It's going to cost the taxpayers of Floyd County on cost a 00:56:43
couple of $1,000,000 more in the next two years than we should have paid. 00:56:48
And that's just that's just my little rant for the night. 00:56:54
I'll just say that I'm I'm not driven by emotion. 00:56:58
At all here I'm driven totally by the numbers. 00:57:02
And I feel like I'm making. 00:57:05
Decisions based on absolutely. 00:57:09
Denise, I don't get an argument, but would you would you agree that you are biased toward Highlander fire? 00:57:13
You wouldn't agree with that? 00:57:21
OK. I would not agree with that. OK. 00:57:23
Al, I think we're close. 00:57:28
I do think we're close. I think that, I think that. 00:57:31
Biggest hang up if I am processing all this. 00:57:34
Correctly is that there is a hesitancy to. 00:57:39
Allow Highlander to. 00:57:45
Be a part of the primary solution come June 1st. 00:57:47
I'm trying to work a scenario where they become. 00:57:52
A part of a backup system. 00:57:56
To Ameripro until such time that they get all of the certification and staffing that they need to adequately provide. 00:57:58
Service primarily in their district. I'd like to see them not be restricted to operate EMS within their district and outside 00:58:08
through MO use and that sort of thing. Because Ameripro and Highlander are going to need each other. They need each other now, you 00:58:14
know there's many runs where Ameripro has used Highlander and vice versa, so they. 00:58:21
You know, they I'm looking for a scenario that I think we're really close that includes Highlander. 00:58:28
At some level and if we want to call it a backup for this year. 00:58:35
With what they need the stipend in order to or the subsidy in order to staff up. 00:58:40
That's not they don't. If they don't have that, they can't staff up. 00:58:45
Yeah. And I see the logic in that. It's just I need to have the data to tell me exactly what that is. I don't think just turning 00:58:49
over $33,000 or even a fraction of that. So it's going to be what the responsibility is, so. 00:58:55
Again. 00:59:04
What what works for me is the seven month, two year contract with Ameripro. We've got the seven months at some point during that 00:59:06
seven months. 00:59:10
When? 00:59:15
Highlander has their paperwork in order. At that point, then yes, a prorated stipend I think is reasonable. 00:59:16
But it's the chicken or the egg. I mean they need to have it in order to staff up. I don't think they need any extra funding in 00:59:24
order to get the certifications in order, right? I mean they they've already applied for those. I'm not sure about that in 00:59:30
particular, but they would need it to be a problem to be a backup service and a primary service they would need to staff up. And 00:59:37
so the the number that I heard was 12. So what I'd like to see is what to 12 new hires. 00:59:43
Cost over seven months to recruit, train and maintain over that seven months. That's what I think is the fair number. 00:59:51
I think that can be given to you in short order. 00:59:59
I'm sure that that can happen. 01:00:03
Just one last comment. 01:00:05
As far as Dale I, you know what? 01:00:08
Obviously appreciate your your, your take on it. I would say that Highlander is has was asked. 01:00:10
To put something forward. 01:00:18
They didn't come in at the 11th hour. They were asked to put something forth. Who asked? EMS Advisory Board. They asked them to 01:00:19
put something forward. So it wasn't like they came in to try to derail something. I guess my point would be at the time I left the 01:00:27
room and talked several people in the hall. If they were prepared to do RMP, they would have submitted the RFP. 01:00:34
And he did not cover the whole county. Fire was not interested in covering the whole. Why aren't they interested in covering 01:00:43
They're only covering Lafayette and Greenville, and that's what they're still. Why would that be? 01:00:49
A better solution than we probably ever had in this county as far as the number of ambulances that we are going to have to cover 01:02:36
the county. So I just want to say thank you and kudos to those people who have really done their homework met with the right 01:02:44
people to move this forward. And I feel like we have given some as well and I I agree, I think we're close. I think we need to get 01:02:52
some things in writing and. 01:03:00
I think we can maybe get this done that the next meeting out. 01:03:09
So, well, my only point of clarification to to your statement Dale would be that there was number intentional poison pill put into 01:03:13
the RFP process, but it was absolutely a call to anyone with a fire service that wanted to respond to that proposal, but. 01:03:22
I'm not going to in good conscience and a good steward of taxpayer money do business with somebody who can't prove financial 01:03:32
solvency. So and that was that was a situation that was unique to New Chapel. So that's I understand, but I. 01:03:39
And I've stated previously I took in private to people that. 01:03:48
There's nobody in this room that can guarantee that there are probably in business a year from now. 01:03:52
Because businesses come and go all the time, so that. 01:03:57
That metrics is not appropriate in my mind. Well because we can't guarantee a metro it's going to be a business. America Pro is 01:04:01
not currently being investigated by multiple. 01:04:05
Agencies, federal and state. So in any event, I think that's a little bit of an apple and an orange. 01:04:13
Again, I agree that we're close. Before asking for public comment, I would like to get us to secure. I just got one more question