No Bookmarks Exist.
Floyd County Commissioners to order if you will please stand to join me with the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:02
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:10
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:16
I don't know if you have a main switch over there, we don't have our screens up. 00:00:25
Here, that's OK. And if you have cell phones, if you'll please. 00:00:28
Put those away or indoor them. 00:00:33
Yes, I didn't know if you had a main switch. 00:00:40
All right, if everyone will please join me in a moment of silence, individual. 00:00:45
Prayer, thought, meditation before we get tonight's agenda underway. 00:00:50
All right. Thank you. We actually have two meetings tonight and our first is going to be for the public hearing for the petition 00:01:10
to partially vacate an easement. 00:01:14
We need a public hearing to begin on that, which I'm calling to order. 00:01:19
Now, rather than the total commissioners meeting, so if we have anyone to speak to that. 00:01:24
Please come forward. 00:01:29
Alan Applegate. 00:01:32
Stalking in Ogden and Jeffersonville, IN with Jody Wilson, who's here next to me. 00:01:33
Seeking to vacate a 10 foot portion of a 30 foot wide drainage easement in Shagbark subdivision. Do you have the petition in your 00:01:40
packages or anything? I brought some drawings of the. 00:01:47
This is the public hearing to see if there's any public comment on that, and I'll close out in a minute and then we'll have you up 00:01:56
to present formally. That's my fault. I wasn't clear on that, so that's OK. We'll look. The public comment is everything's cool. 00:02:02
You're on top. You're entitled to that. Do we have any anyone else from the public with a supportive or contrary view to that? 00:02:10
Yes. 00:02:14
Thank you, Joseph Moore, George Championship. 00:02:26
My only concern as always is make sure it doesn't impede the actual storm where to run off at all that that smiling concern. 00:02:28
All right. 00:02:39
Any other public comment on the public hearing? 00:02:41
Hearing none, I'm going to adjourn that meeting. 00:02:45
And. 00:02:48
Now we'll reconvene with the commissioners meeting, and we've already had the Pledge of Allegiance in a moment of silence, so 00:02:50
we'll proceed directly into where we were before with public hearing. Petition to partially vacate easement, Floyd County 00:02:56
Ordinance 2024, Dash 29. 00:03:02
Please come forward. 00:03:08
Again, for the record, Alan Applegate was talking to Noggin in Jeffersonville, and I have Mr. Jody Wilson, one of the petitioners. 00:03:12
In connection with. 00:03:20
A request to partially vacate a stormwater drainage easement. A10 foot portion of a 30 foot wide storm water easement. They've 00:03:22
been the owners of the property at 3 O 27 Shack Park Trail since 2020, but I think Jody's parents owned the property for many 00:03:28
years before that. 00:03:35
As to there, there should be. 00:03:42
A copy of the plat in your petition that did bring some extra copies if you wanted to look at them. And I have the notice of 00:03:46
public hearing. 00:03:51
IPL series 2017. 00:03:58
And it's pretty straightforward, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Mrs. Wilson trying to build a new house and the driveway would go on this 10 foot 00:04:05
portion. That way a successor purchaser might not be freaked out that the driveway is on quality and easement as to easement. 00:04:15
Is to invasion of drainage or the ability to drain. 00:04:27
Believe there's a 20 foot easement on property subdivision adjoining this and with the vacation of this 10 feet, there's still 20 00:04:31
feet of drainage easement on on this side of the plant. So a 40 foot remains after the vacation of the 10 foot and I did not bring 00:04:40
an engineer, Jody could tell you that the drainage appears to not go that down that easement but rather down **** Park. 00:04:48
Towards the front of the subdivision. 00:04:58
And. 00:05:01
We did not notify any adjoiners because under the statute you're to notify a joiners or property. 00:05:02
Adjacent to what you're seeking to be vacated and he's only asking to have the 10 foot portion between this building set back line 00:05:11
and his rear set back line. So even on his property, some of that easement will remain at the feet. 00:05:18
So there. 00:05:26
There's no reason to notify by statute any adjoining properties, but we did publish and I think that's our only legal requirements 00:05:27
before presenting to you with that, I would. 00:05:33
Open for questions about commissioners. We'll do our best to answer. 00:05:40
I have no questions. John, Jason. 00:05:47
Any other comments, discussion not I'll look for a motion to approve easement. Motion to approve county orders 2024 that's 29. 00:05:52
Petition to partially vacate easements and sisters. We don't need an enhanced consent, do we, Rich? 00:06:01
We do not need unanimous consent on this, do we? 00:06:07
I can do if you want to. 00:06:12
They let's have the. 00:06:14
Unanimous consent. 00:06:17
I'll second OK, a motion in a second to pass this with unanimous consent. All in favor, aye? 00:06:18
Aye. 00:06:25
Thank you all. Thank you very much. 00:06:26
Appreciate it. All right, Next step, Matt construction, Laurie Pellman. 00:06:29
Requesting Old Vincent's road closure for additional geotechnical and soil testing. 00:06:35
I'm actually not worried about that, I'm working. 00:06:44
We currently have a contract with Floyd County to do slide repairs along with Ben since and there's a roughly half mile section 00:06:48
north or uphill northwest of Captain Frank where the slides are be repaired as part of that contract. This initial phase we need 00:06:54
to go in and capture some additional geotechnical data and then we'll open the road back up, complete the design and then proceed 00:07:00
with the work next spring. 00:07:07
So this will be closed to the top. 00:07:13
From basically Captain Frank to. 00:07:16
2495 old Vincennes, which is first house kind of through there, so there'll be local access from both ends. 00:07:20
And the total, it should take us three to four days. 00:07:26
To complete this initial drilling operation. 00:07:29
Aren't there a couple homes between those two closure closure points? 00:07:33
There will be between the between the closure points as shown on the plan, but we can truncate that down for this piece and keep 00:07:37
local access as long as you keep that and this is not altering the. 00:07:44
The timetable on this project at all correct, correct. 00:07:52
All right. And thank you for providing us with the map, including the detours. We had plenty of time to look at that, so. 00:07:56
Any questions? 00:08:04
So we asked him for specific days that you want to close it down or ideally we would like to close into December 2nd, 3rd, 00:08:05
somewhere in there as far as the start. If that's if that's not too far down the park, far enough down the road, we'd like to 00:08:11
close the December 2nd and then we'd reopen later that week. What I would suggest is we've had a lot of times where we've done 00:08:17
this and then weather or whatever. So why don't you give us those dates and some backup dates and that way if those days don't 00:08:23
work, then you have it but you. 00:08:29
Backup plan, Yeah, this should be pretty independent of rain for the most part. We're drilling down from sandwich. So all of our 00:08:35
work will be from the roadway. So as long as we can be there in, in appropriate weather gear safely, then I don't think that would 00:08:41
that would hamper this particular operation, OK. 00:08:46
Motion then to approve for Mac to grow closure on old Vince ends for the geotechnical soil testing on December 2nd and 3rd. 00:08:53
2nd through I guess would be the 5th is 4. 00:09:03
December 7th through the 5th. 00:09:09
I was like, OK. 00:09:11
All in favor, aye aye. 00:09:13
Thank you very much. 00:09:16
Number three of the director of operations and playing down lock 3A has been taken off of the agenda tonight correct on the Clark 00:09:19
County. 00:09:23
Our EMC, we're not going to be covering that tonight. 00:09:28
No, they they have. 00:09:31
Just to give you of an update, they have reviewed their their needs in terms of. 00:09:34
Utility relocation and found that they have they're all within. 00:09:42
Their their standard depth. So once they realize that they are, they do not need to come in and ask for funding for that 00:09:46
relocation. So they're going to take that on themselves, OK. 00:09:53
That can be completely taken off the. 00:10:02
All right. Thank you. 00:10:05
First thing I have is a renewal of our ideology contract balance. 00:10:07
Howie, he's been working with us for I think the past three to four years. 00:10:11
Same contract with the same dollar amount regarding social media management. 00:10:18
Media relations and outreach campaigns and website updates. 00:10:24
And that amounts 36 three thousand a month for 36,000. 00:10:30
Motion to approve the contract with Ideology. 00:10:36
I'll second the motion is second by means of discussion. I'll just say I've been very pleased with these products and we hope to 00:10:40
keep him a lot busier in 2025. Yeah, he's he's done a very good job for the for the for the county. The motion is second. All in 00:10:46
favor, aye. 00:10:52
Second item I have is FCO. 00:10:59
2024 I'm sorry, 2024 thirty and it's an amendment and the last amendment to our ARP implementation plan. 00:11:04
As you may or may not be aware of, the county commissioners are responsible for the funding and the planning of those funds. 00:11:16
There's approximately. 00:11:20
About $1.9 million left. 00:11:27
In that fund recommending tonight to. 00:11:31
Have 800,000 of that go for building expenses that would be allocated at the county building authority through a sub recipient 00:11:36
agreement. 859,109 dollars $191.00 to right away for bridge 51. 00:11:44
And then one 1,000,406, one million 416,501 be appropriated to open since slide. Now those numbers are over what the 1.9 is 00:11:52
there's a reimbursement. 00:12:00
$1.1 million to bridge 51 right away. 00:12:10
In reviewing the federal guidelines, there's a supplement versus. 00:12:14
Supplant statement regarding federal aid projects while that I think could be. 00:12:20
Upon it could be argued that we are meeting that requirement. I think it's in the best nature just to stay away from that in terms 00:12:30
of a possible repayment of of funds if it was deemed and audit. 00:12:36
We have. 00:12:42
That amount of money already in a project through a bonds. So we're going to just take that money, bring that over, hey. 00:12:44
And then just basically reallocate those funds back. 00:12:53
And so that's the recommendation. 00:12:58
We do have a December 31st, 2024 in terms of obligating. 00:13:00
Having these funds obligated and that means under contract, so. 00:13:05
The sub recipient agreement would meet that requirement. 00:13:09
And then the ovens and slide already has a contractual contract with it, so it will meet them as well. 00:13:13
So does this then eliminate the? 00:13:22
600,000 We have reserved for broadband. 00:13:25
Yes, OK. 00:13:28
Unfortunately. 00:13:30
I I will say, I think I said something out. There's some opportunities I think open to the commissioners in the future. 00:13:35
Especially if you're in talks with the council on on the past years that the county has taken on. 00:13:41
Items that have been moved because of budget restrictions in 2012 and 2016. 00:13:50
To have opportunity to address the possible funding source through Edit for broadband. 00:13:56
And also the broadband. 00:14:05
The infrastructure. Infrastructure. Sorry, excuse me, infrastructure. 00:14:07
Improvement zones that would allow for basically. 00:14:13
Essence of personal property tax abatement for providers as well. So there's those two options. 00:14:17
I understand, I know that that we have. 00:14:23
Primarily 1 vendor mainstream that they've presented to us, but. 00:14:27
They want what they submitted to the to the IPO for the bead. And so if they're waiting on the federal government to I guess, 00:14:32
verify those last addresses. And you know, not only have I reached out to the end of the commissioners as well, and I'm still 00:14:39
hoping that we will. And I know times of the essence done, you know. 00:14:46
And I understand what we have to do here, but I still feel like like we still have have to give it a chance on this part of it. So 00:14:55
we're waiting for the FCC to do their part so they can validate those addresses and the IPO to go ahead and. 00:15:02
And still award something. 00:15:11
By the 1st of December or the first couple weeks of December, so. 00:15:14
OK. And we will in my estimation need to make a. 00:15:20
Vote on this tonight so that we can. 00:15:23
Keep this ball moving because this is going to have to go before the council once and or twice as well and before us once and or 00:15:26
twice and the calendar is. 00:15:31
Working against us on this so I think Don's for my part is identified. 00:15:38
Very arguably the three greatest needs before the county with regards to this. 00:15:45
And we do have other options. 00:15:50
On the broadband so. 00:15:54
We'll be looking to make a vote on this tonight. Jason, do you have any comments? No, I think, I think Don for all the work 00:15:57
getting all these things identified and. 00:16:01
You know, I think we help. 00:16:07
Pretty strong for a while, wait and see what was going to happen with broadband so. 00:16:09
Here's where we are. 00:16:13
OK. I'd like to proceed with a motion for unanimous consent on this. If we don't get that, then we'll put it to a vote without 00:16:16
unanimous consent for passage tonight. 00:16:21
So do I have a motion to pass with unanimous consent? 00:16:26
Yeah, I'll support the motion. The past Floyd County Ordinance 2024-30 amendment to ARP Implementation Plan with unanimous 00:16:31
consent. 00:16:35
Do I have a second to do so? 00:16:42
OK. Just a point of order. If I call for a vote with unanimous consent and it fails, can I then vote for call for a vote without 00:16:45
unanimous consent? 00:16:50
Or by definition, if I call for unanimous consent, that's 2 to one, then it's passes with one and we go to the next reading, 00:16:56
correct? 00:16:59
What? Yes. I mean, you, you called for a vote with unanimous consent and there wasn't a second. So you I was going to 2nd it, 00:17:03
which is unusual coming from the chair, but I believe it's within my purview to do so. But if that fails, does that preclude a 00:17:08
second vote? 00:17:13
Tonight I I would. 00:17:19
Not second that because you already know it's not going to pass. 00:17:22
Well, we do things all the time, but. 00:17:26
I'm OK with proceeding then with a vote for passage. 00:17:29
Yeah, I'll make a motion to approve Floyd County Ordinance 2024-30 amendment to ARP implementation plan. 00:17:34
Get a second on that. 00:17:43
I will second that. All in favor, aye. Opposed, aye. 00:17:45
Coat and I'll talk with President Short on the Council and see whether or not they'll require a special meeting of the 00:17:50
commissioners to have a second vote prior to our next scheduled meeting so that they can stay on track to finish what they need to 00:17:57
do by the end of the year. OK, thank you. All right. And then just a FYLI, excuse me. Tomorrow at IUS is the next big pitch 00:18:03
contest. 00:18:09
With Bayou SE Nova Park, we've got 8 entrepreneurs that are going to be pitching their ideas. 00:18:16
We're not only space value of. 00:18:23
Space in over park but also some funding to help. 00:18:25
Build our entrepreneurial businesses and so, so. 00:18:29
Letting you know that. 00:18:32
And. 00:18:34
Appreciate your time. All right, thank you very much. Next on the agenda is storm water director. We're actually have we have a 00:18:36
one person who signed it for public comment on that. So we'll have public comment from Mr. Dale Mann before we. 00:18:43
Go into formal. 00:18:53
The reason I'm up here, that ordinance is 57 pages long. 00:18:56
The changes. For one individual to find the changes, you can't do it. You got to keep reading and reading and reading. And I also 00:19:01
reached out and asked for the changes. I never really got a decent answer. 00:19:07
So I think if we got an ordinance this long lease, italicize it, underline it or something to change in the ordinance so we can 00:19:14
read it and understand where it is and what it says. 00:19:19
And that disorders, it's awful long. 00:19:25
For somebody to read. 00:19:27
And that's all I'm asking for for the public where we can read the whole ordinance and see what the changes are in the ordinance. 00:19:29
That's all I'm asking. Thank you. 00:19:37
Now we'll have formal introduction of the ordinance, Mr. Chris Moore. 00:19:41
Thank you. 00:19:59
Thank you, commissioners, for having us tonight. Chris Moore, County stormwater director. With me. I have Kaden Cunningham with 00:20:16
OHM. He is the consultant. The Stormwater Board has that helped us put the revisions of this ordinance together. 00:20:23
This is a revision of an ordinance. 00:20:31
Stormwater ordinance was approved in 2019 for the new rules and regulations from EPA and IDEM. They are requiring us to revise our 00:20:34
ordinances to match what their ordinances have in it. The more technical questions Kaden can answer those. You were also given a 00:20:42
small sheet that showed what those few changes were and everything else. 00:20:50
IDEM has given Floyd County a deadline of. 00:21:00
September. 00:21:04
28th to get this done, with the heavy lift of getting the ordinance changed and revised and everything else, we asked for an 00:21:05
extension. They have granted us an extension till the end of the month of November. After that, she's not offering any more 00:21:12
extensions and we would then be in violation of IM and EPA rules and guidelines. The to answer Mr. Mann's concerns, the ordinance 00:21:20
was on the Floyd County website in two different places for. 00:21:27
Approximately 2 weeks for public to view it and. 00:21:35
Understand it and be able to ask questions. There was number specific questions asked of me about a certain topic like this change 00:21:40
or that change. It was just where is this located on the website which we provided through the e-mail and everything else so. 00:21:47
One engineer, local engineer, did have some questions. We were able to answer those and give them a response back to their 00:21:56
concerns about it and everything else. Once again, this was approved by the same water board. 00:22:03
To move forward to the commissioners tonight for their approval, and if you have technical questions about the ordinance and what 00:22:12
possible changes were, I would ask you to direct those questions to Mr. Kennedy. 00:22:17
Any questions, comments or discussion? 00:22:30
I'll make a motion that we with unanimous consent approach. 00:22:38
Plug any orders 2024 Dash 27 revised stormwater ordinance. Just one comment on my part. 00:22:42
Thank you for your work on this and I know time is of the essence, Mister man. I have a list of the changes that were made and so 00:22:53
you can have my copy after tonight's meeting and then going forward I think when possible. 00:22:59
And we do have these revisions from time to time. 00:23:07
We'll try to post red line changes or italicize changes for public scrutiny closer to real time on these, if not before the 00:23:11
meetings. So sometimes we don't get those until a day or two before, even though things are posted on the agenda. But your point 00:23:18
is taken, and I'll put this aside so you can have this list when we're done with tonight's meeting, OK? 00:23:25
Motion a second. All in favor? Aye aye. 00:23:34
All right. Thank you. Thank you. 00:23:38
All right. Building and Development director Mr. Nick Creedy. 00:23:41
Good evening. 00:23:50
The first item I have for you tonight. 00:23:52
Is FCR 2024-20. This is a resolution for the safe streets for all planning granite that we received. It is in support of Vision 0, 00:23:55
which is a goal. 00:24:03
Of achieving 0 traffic fatalities and serious injuries by the year of 2050. 00:24:13
This is in line with in docs goal and this was. 00:24:18
A requirement of that planning grant, so we have that. 00:24:23
And it is also consistent with our comprehensive plan. 00:24:28
OK, any questions, concerns, comments? Motion to approve Floyd County Resolution 2024-20, Safe Streets for All in support of 00:24:34
Vision 0. 00:24:39
Good work on that motion. Is second all in favor? Aye aye. 00:24:46
The next item I have is a administrative settlement for the Bridge 51 right of way acquisition. This is for Parcel 11. 00:24:52
The administrative settlement amount of $6125.00 above the appraised value and review. I provided you with a letter of 00:25:03
recommendation from the. 00:25:09
Appraisal. 00:25:16
Agent. 00:25:18
Justifying that cost. 00:25:20
And I just request approval for that so I can get it back and we. 00:25:22
Acquire that property for and keep the project moving. 00:25:26
Make motion to approve. Second. All right, motion a second. Any further discussion? 00:25:31
I'll just comment. Yeah, the rationalization is that we're going to be coming under legal fees with this. 00:25:37
Yeah, the legal fees would would far outweigh the. 00:25:43
Additional cost here. 00:25:47
Yeah, all in favor, aye, aye. 00:25:48
And then the final thing I have for tonight is an agreement for General Services. 00:25:53
For a planned unit development traffic study in the. 00:25:59
Point Area Strand is the consultant for this. The amount is $10,000. 00:26:03
The developer has. 00:26:11
Provided a check for that amount, we are nearly the. 00:26:15
Agent with the contract, but we are not paying for it. It is the. 00:26:20
Developer, thank you for clarifying that. Look for a motion to approve. 00:26:24
So moved second all in favor, aye? 00:26:29
Thank you. Strong work, county engineer Horatio, your ETF. 00:26:33
Good evening. 00:26:40
You have in front of you there. 00:26:43
The contract for designing some of the members for Bridge 27. 00:26:46
They are failing and they need to be repaired. 00:26:52
Instead of doing the whole design, Civil Con is gonna redesign the end supports. 00:26:56
And install a pre design steel bridge they are requesting. They have They are requesting for the design $97,500 which I think is 00:27:03
fair. 00:27:10
And then after that, once it's approved, we want to be looking for. 00:27:17
Help from in dot. 00:27:24
Which is possible to get this bridge replaced entirely and have? 00:27:26
Basically a brand new. 00:27:31
I need a motion. 00:27:34
To accept. 00:27:36
The next cost is at significant reduction to the previous concept, correct? 00:27:41
Sir, because when I request them at the past meeting, we accept the boxing. 00:27:45
RL Box and. 00:27:52
Agreement we have to cancel the contract. 00:27:55
That they had it was a. 00:27:58
For $200,000. 00:28:01
So basically this is happening. 00:28:02
We're going to have a redesign. 00:28:06
Supports and it's going to be a pre design still bridge so it will be no cost for the sign event. 00:28:09
It's going to be with the package when they. 00:28:17
We buy the bridge. 00:28:20
OK. Thank you for a motion to approve. Motion to approve Bridge 27 rehab on Georgetown, Greenville Rd. agreement, I'll second. 00:28:22
And real quick, Jersey Park over. 00:28:31
I haven't even voted on this yet. No, no, it's out of just to update you on the situation with. 00:28:36
Justin Bieber is working and everybody's happy. 00:28:44
OK, it's not completed yet. 00:28:48
OK. 00:28:50
So everyone is. 00:28:52
OK. Thank you. OK, motion and a second all in favor. 00:28:54
All right, Good job on. 00:29:00
Cost containment on that Sheriff Steve Bush. 00:29:03
How y'all doing so before years? I was on the agenda last time in reference to the. 00:29:10
Labels case of the Franklin's of your building. So come back again as requested. I've had some several conversations since that 00:29:14
time. We talked about EMA going that building and investment early. I think we've come to some potential resolution of other areas 00:29:21
for those two offices. So I'm here to request that space again and if you have any questions. 00:29:28
There's a couple comments. I just I would ask you to forego any major renovation until. 00:29:36
We have some clarity in early 2025 on the concept on. 00:29:43
What we're going to be doing at the courthouse. 00:29:48
And I talked with you last week. 00:29:51
Talking about even. 00:29:54
Revising that space, I don't think that's going to be a real option, but I just wouldn't start swinging hammers over there anytime 00:29:56
too soon. 00:29:59
And the other request would be that you'd be looking to use some of that space for training relocation from Pineview. Yeah. So the 00:30:03
goal was to get our train room out of Pineview into that space down the hallway or in the hallway, you know, behind the security 00:30:09
door. So yes, if we can do that, and I'm in favor of this. So 2 clarifications on those. One, obviously, funding, we can discuss 00:30:16
that an hour later, maybe how that looks or not as far as any renovations. 00:30:22
Are you talking paint, carpet, or? 00:30:29
The time they get out, January is still gonna be so. 00:30:33
To after that, so when you come. 00:30:35
Back or talk to you personally. 00:30:37
How do you want to move forward? You can talk with me personally about it or any of the other commissioners, but you know, if 00:30:39
there's a sea change or they decide that, hey, they've got this great concept where they can incorporate that space and. 00:30:44
Your painting nails would be lost perhaps, but that probably at least a couple years down the road so well. 00:30:50
That's why I could clarify, because we'll do. 00:30:56
You know, the idea is to move in maybe a wall or two, if that mainly paint carpet, probably most likely. So you know, the the 00:30:58
diagram that I I submitted is kind of what we were looking at. I think it does require maybe a wall or two. How to go back and 00:31:04
look at it if we got some in there. Look at that. If that's even required the front of the building or you know, we have signings 00:31:10
to go up. You know, that's a cost and put science Sheriff's Office. 00:31:16
Paint, carpet and then like I said, maybe a wall or two. So cost is not going to be a whole lot, but there is some stuff that. 00:31:23
Needs to be done before. I mean if the main if the main issue was was there gonna be somebody else looking for the space and we 00:31:29
might get in front of line. 00:31:34
In front of you guys then the answer is no. If that space is there to be used, then I think it's by the share. 00:31:39
Department, but I think you can appreciate for my previous conversation, there's still a little bit of a. 00:31:44
Chance that they might come up with a plan that says. 00:31:50
This is what we can do, but we require that space. I think I have that answer probably with you before the end of the year, maybe 00:31:55
even before. 00:31:58
You know, the second week in December. 00:32:03
But I'm more than prepared to say that. I think you know. 00:32:06
The space would be yours and no one else is in the county. 00:32:10
If the building is still there. 00:32:14
OK. 00:32:16
Yeah, I wouldn't have a problem with like some paint. 00:32:18
Stuff like that. But you know, even like a drywall wall is not that big of a deal. I mean, we're not doing yeah. So I'm saying 00:32:21
having block walls a little bit different, but. 00:32:26
You know, is it? 00:32:31
We've talked about, I did the walkthrough yesterday. I feel satisfied with what we discussed. So yeah. 00:32:32
I'm good with it. 00:32:39
And I would reserve discussion of funding for another night. 00:32:41
Yeah, perfect. You need a vote or? 00:32:44
If you wanted to bind us with the boat all in favor, I mean. 00:32:47
On the record, Yeah. Yeah. All in favor, Aye. Aye. Thank you. And I'll just stay in contact with what we do. 00:32:52
Thank you very much. 00:32:59
County Auditor Diana Topping. 00:33:01
Good evening. On October 16th, the County Council will pass a new local income tax, public safety, local income tax. We will start 00:33:07
collecting on this movable income. 00:33:12
Tax starting January of 2025. So we do need to have a fund in place to house those new collections. So I have SCO 20/24/28 00:33:18
establishing the non reverting fund for the Public Safety Lit fund #1170. 00:33:26
Motion to approve with unanswered consent, 2024 Dash 28. 00:33:36
To sanction, I'm reverting Fund for Public safety #1170. 00:33:40
I'll second. OK, I have a motion and 2nd all in favor, aye. 00:33:45
Thank you. 00:33:50
All right, board and committee reports. 00:33:53
Jason Yeah. So on November 11th, I attended the veteran's day ceremony hosted by the veterans. 00:33:56
For its war on the New at the New Albany Veterans Memorials. 00:34:02
A way to get back to the community or something, some way to volunteer. That's a great place to do so. And then of course on 00:34:36
November 15th, you joined, attended the joint meeting between the commissioners and the council. And then today the bargaining 00:34:43
committee met with the collective bargaining. I'm sorry amongst ourselves to discuss the correct or the road offs. Sorry, the 00:34:50
roadway workers. I'll get it out eventually here. The roadway workers contract. This is coming up so. 00:34:57
Negotiations are still ongoing, so hopefully we'll have that wrapped up soon though. 00:35:05
OK. Thank you. Thank you. 00:35:09
OK Thursday attended the our monthly J Rack meeting on Tuesday the 12th. 00:35:11
Attended the Southern Indiana Works at quarterly meeting. 00:35:18
Last Thursday attended the Indiana County Commissioner's monthly Zoom meeting. 00:35:22
Attended the joint County Ken Council and meeting on the 15th. We had our redevelopment meeting today. 00:35:27
Again, I joined Jason with bargaining and we had our solid waste meeting at 4:30. 00:35:35
And one final thing is that, you know, we we've got openings for the New Albany Fire District. And so I've been kind of doing some 00:35:42
preliminary with the people and I found out yesterday, yesterday that there was a fire board meeting. 00:35:49
At Georgetown Firehouse, I think it's a 630. I don't have a lot of details, but I think to discuss Georgetown and New Albany fire 00:35:56
creating the fire territory. So that's the first I heard about that. But anyway, but that the meetings Thursday night at 6:30 at 00:36:03
the I think it's station #2 in Georgetown, so. 00:36:10
Thank you 11 seven took. 00:36:19
Called our buildings representative regarding the downtown projects 11/8. Attended the closing on the Chase building along with 00:36:22
attorney Fox. 00:36:27
Later that afternoon, I attended a Floyd County Legacy Foundation meeting 11/9, Attended and spoke at the new Ashley Mariah Park 00:36:35
Playground installation at Georgetown 11-12 joined John and Jason at our new parks opening the Bob Lane Park in Georgetown. 00:36:44
11:13 Meeting of the Caesars Foundation. Later that day we had a very short notice meeting on the standard and poor bond rating. 00:36:53
Folks who called a meeting with us and I think that went very well in large part to Dan. 00:37:03
Toppings, presentation and preparation on that 11/14, meeting with Michelle Allen Reeds Architects regarding downtown projects. 00:37:08
Later that afternoon, meeting with the Open Door Youth Shelter folks, joint meeting on 11/15 and an extensive walking tour of 00:37:16
downtown real estate on November 15th. Stay tuned. 00:37:24
Approval of the Commissioners meeting minutes for November 5/20/24. 00:37:34
So moved second, OK, all in favor, aye, and approval of payroll and claims. 00:37:39
Motion proof second. 00:37:46
And motion a second all in favor earlier today we did have. 00:37:48
Recycling meeting at 4:30 and I'll take a motion for approval of the two. 00:37:53
Excuse me? 00:38:00
We don't have any other minutes that we need to approve tonight. Do where do we? 00:38:01
OK, so we're good on that. Our next meeting of the Commissioners will be Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 at 6:00 PM. 00:38:05
Do we have any comment from any government officials here this evening? I see Mr. Bagshaw and Mr. Bush was already up and. 00:38:11
I'll just give you a quick update on the jail in terms of population. So we're sitting around 339 right now. 00:38:20
So it's kind of just fluctuating right there. 00:38:27
Going up or just evaluating every single day basically and every week. So we'll keep you abreast of that since you'll oversee the 00:38:30
jail in terms of the population working. So with the course and the prosecutor as we move forward, we have about 20 federal 00:38:36
inmates, which brings in money to the general fund and we also have about 10 DLC inmates and two from other jurisdictions. 00:38:43
So we're sitting pretty good at the moment, but it still keeps rising. So there's some concerns. This year it's gone up probably. 00:38:50
Around 60 to 70 inmates, whatever reason. 00:38:56
OK, so inquiring minds, we want to know capacity. 00:38:59
Total, yeah, 369 I can hold. So we're sitting. 00:39:03
Not dangerously close, but really close. So we're like I said, that's what we're always evaluating from that. 00:39:08
Of what we're doing, you know, pharmaceutical costs are going up as well. This past month it kind of doubled, whatever reason. So 00:39:13
we're evaluating that as well because those are going to be some expenses down the road as well. 00:39:18
OK. Thank you. Thank. 00:39:23
Nothing, Mr. Bagshaw. 00:39:25
All right, I know we did have someone who wanted to speak during public comment. Mr. Max Nice. 00:39:29
This regarding a closure of Binford Rd. On. 00:39:36
December 4th, 2024, between 1800 and Zero 100 out, yes, yeah, we're producing a film. We're starting production already in 00:39:40
Kentucky. We're shooting in Indiana too, and we'd like to shut down that road, simulate some rain, and it'll be intermittent 00:39:47
traffic, so we'll let people through their local. 00:39:53
Takes normally take 5 to 7 minutes, so that's when we shut down the road. Whenever people needed to pass after we call CUT, 00:40:00
they're welcome to drive to their homes or exhibit for Rd. onto State Street. 00:40:06
Comment on the Sheriff Bush. 00:40:12
Sure, Miss Warren, can you notify city dispatch? 00:40:28
And. 00:40:35
We would like a cameo from this world in the the production if at all possible. We are actually work on the. 00:40:36
She can be innocent bystander, number one or victim #3. 00:40:43
She doesn't have her card yet though. 00:40:49
All right, so look for a motion to approve. So moved. 00:40:55
All in favor, aye? 00:40:59
Thank you. Break away. 00:41:01
Public comment. 00:41:03
Yes. 00:41:05
Joseph Moore, George Township. 00:41:12
Jason was talking before the meeting with somebody. I mentioned you gentlemen, but just want to remind you an entire disposal 00:41:14
program that Grant. 00:41:18
The link that I got from the state, if you click it, it says the webinar has a couple webinar links and the one coming up this 00:41:23
Monday the 25th from 1:00 to 2:00 PM. 00:41:29
If you're interested in the program and suggested you and I'm Mr. Massengal, take a look at that webinar 'cause it gives a lot of 00:41:35
breakdown on the application process and this is free money. They're gonna give it to somebody for these tires. So I'm hoping we 00:41:42
get it. Thank you. And just just to follow up on that, Mister Massengill is looking into the program, so thank you. 00:41:48
Dale man yards down the Saturday I went to the dedication to palm our new Firehouse. 00:42:03
It was pretty good. 00:42:08
A lot of people there. 00:42:10
And they dedicated that Firehouse are still Volunteer Fire Department. 00:42:12
And something was brought up. It had nothing to do with the meeting. 00:42:16
But our Fire Chief? 00:42:20
That we paid for 10 weeks for. 00:42:22
There's a lot of rumors going around now that he's tied between, you know? 00:42:25
And that needs to come out to the public. That cost us a lot of money. 00:42:30
He cost us a lot of money and attorney fees. 00:42:34
And his salary, why he wasn't working? 00:42:37
And it needs to come out to clear the rumors up. I don't know what happened there. And those people out there don't know that 00:42:40
there any Cord County taxpayers don't know what happen. 00:42:43
But it needs to come out and y'all can make that come out. 00:42:47
Tribune's acid come out. Several people ask for that to come out. 00:42:51
And I think it's fair to the taxpayers that we paid it. 00:42:55
To find out what we paid our money and why they dismissed. 00:42:58
The Fire Chief, thank you. Thank you. 00:43:01
All right, any other public comment? 00:43:06
Motion to adjourn. Any other closing comments from? 00:43:08
Commissioners, you want a motion to adjourn? I got that. One thing I wanted to say is I just wanted to thank everybody who. 00:43:14
Vote on Election Day and I'm just, I feel very honored and privileged to be able to continue to serve just three foot county 00:43:19
commissioners. So thank you All right, And I'll just echo Mr. Bagshaw's wishes for everyone to have a great Thanksgiving with. 00:43:26
Peace and family. 00:43:33
Now we'll entertain your motion. Still wouldn't adjourn. Motion to adjourn any seconds. Yeah, I'll second. All right. Thank you. 00:43:35
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Floyd County Commissioners to order if you will please stand to join me with the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:02
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:10
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:16
I don't know if you have a main switch over there, we don't have our screens up. 00:00:25
Here, that's OK. And if you have cell phones, if you'll please. 00:00:28
Put those away or indoor them. 00:00:33
Yes, I didn't know if you had a main switch. 00:00:40
All right, if everyone will please join me in a moment of silence, individual. 00:00:45
Prayer, thought, meditation before we get tonight's agenda underway. 00:00:50
All right. Thank you. We actually have two meetings tonight and our first is going to be for the public hearing for the petition 00:01:10
to partially vacate an easement. 00:01:14
We need a public hearing to begin on that, which I'm calling to order. 00:01:19
Now, rather than the total commissioners meeting, so if we have anyone to speak to that. 00:01:24
Please come forward. 00:01:29
Alan Applegate. 00:01:32
Stalking in Ogden and Jeffersonville, IN with Jody Wilson, who's here next to me. 00:01:33
Seeking to vacate a 10 foot portion of a 30 foot wide drainage easement in Shagbark subdivision. Do you have the petition in your 00:01:40
packages or anything? I brought some drawings of the. 00:01:47
This is the public hearing to see if there's any public comment on that, and I'll close out in a minute and then we'll have you up 00:01:56
to present formally. That's my fault. I wasn't clear on that, so that's OK. We'll look. The public comment is everything's cool. 00:02:02
You're on top. You're entitled to that. Do we have any anyone else from the public with a supportive or contrary view to that? 00:02:10
Yes. 00:02:14
Thank you, Joseph Moore, George Championship. 00:02:26
My only concern as always is make sure it doesn't impede the actual storm where to run off at all that that smiling concern. 00:02:28
All right. 00:02:39
Any other public comment on the public hearing? 00:02:41
Hearing none, I'm going to adjourn that meeting. 00:02:45
And. 00:02:48
Now we'll reconvene with the commissioners meeting, and we've already had the Pledge of Allegiance in a moment of silence, so 00:02:50
we'll proceed directly into where we were before with public hearing. Petition to partially vacate easement, Floyd County 00:02:56
Ordinance 2024, Dash 29. 00:03:02
Please come forward. 00:03:08
Again, for the record, Alan Applegate was talking to Noggin in Jeffersonville, and I have Mr. Jody Wilson, one of the petitioners. 00:03:12
In connection with. 00:03:20
A request to partially vacate a stormwater drainage easement. A10 foot portion of a 30 foot wide storm water easement. They've 00:03:22
been the owners of the property at 3 O 27 Shack Park Trail since 2020, but I think Jody's parents owned the property for many 00:03:28
years before that. 00:03:35
As to there, there should be. 00:03:42
A copy of the plat in your petition that did bring some extra copies if you wanted to look at them. And I have the notice of 00:03:46
public hearing. 00:03:51
IPL series 2017. 00:03:58
And it's pretty straightforward, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Mrs. Wilson trying to build a new house and the driveway would go on this 10 foot 00:04:05
portion. That way a successor purchaser might not be freaked out that the driveway is on quality and easement as to easement. 00:04:15
Is to invasion of drainage or the ability to drain. 00:04:27
Believe there's a 20 foot easement on property subdivision adjoining this and with the vacation of this 10 feet, there's still 20 00:04:31
feet of drainage easement on on this side of the plant. So a 40 foot remains after the vacation of the 10 foot and I did not bring 00:04:40
an engineer, Jody could tell you that the drainage appears to not go that down that easement but rather down **** Park. 00:04:48
Towards the front of the subdivision. 00:04:58
And. 00:05:01
We did not notify any adjoiners because under the statute you're to notify a joiners or property. 00:05:02
Adjacent to what you're seeking to be vacated and he's only asking to have the 10 foot portion between this building set back line 00:05:11
and his rear set back line. So even on his property, some of that easement will remain at the feet. 00:05:18
So there. 00:05:26
There's no reason to notify by statute any adjoining properties, but we did publish and I think that's our only legal requirements 00:05:27
before presenting to you with that, I would. 00:05:33
Open for questions about commissioners. We'll do our best to answer. 00:05:40
I have no questions. John, Jason. 00:05:47
Any other comments, discussion not I'll look for a motion to approve easement. Motion to approve county orders 2024 that's 29. 00:05:52
Petition to partially vacate easements and sisters. We don't need an enhanced consent, do we, Rich? 00:06:01
We do not need unanimous consent on this, do we? 00:06:07
I can do if you want to. 00:06:12
They let's have the. 00:06:14
Unanimous consent. 00:06:17
I'll second OK, a motion in a second to pass this with unanimous consent. All in favor, aye? 00:06:18
Aye. 00:06:25
Thank you all. Thank you very much. 00:06:26
Appreciate it. All right, Next step, Matt construction, Laurie Pellman. 00:06:29
Requesting Old Vincent's road closure for additional geotechnical and soil testing. 00:06:35
I'm actually not worried about that, I'm working. 00:06:44
We currently have a contract with Floyd County to do slide repairs along with Ben since and there's a roughly half mile section 00:06:48
north or uphill northwest of Captain Frank where the slides are be repaired as part of that contract. This initial phase we need 00:06:54
to go in and capture some additional geotechnical data and then we'll open the road back up, complete the design and then proceed 00:07:00
with the work next spring. 00:07:07
So this will be closed to the top. 00:07:13
From basically Captain Frank to. 00:07:16
2495 old Vincennes, which is first house kind of through there, so there'll be local access from both ends. 00:07:20
And the total, it should take us three to four days. 00:07:26
To complete this initial drilling operation. 00:07:29
Aren't there a couple homes between those two closure closure points? 00:07:33
There will be between the between the closure points as shown on the plan, but we can truncate that down for this piece and keep 00:07:37
local access as long as you keep that and this is not altering the. 00:07:44
The timetable on this project at all correct, correct. 00:07:52
All right. And thank you for providing us with the map, including the detours. We had plenty of time to look at that, so. 00:07:56
Any questions? 00:08:04
So we asked him for specific days that you want to close it down or ideally we would like to close into December 2nd, 3rd, 00:08:05
somewhere in there as far as the start. If that's if that's not too far down the park, far enough down the road, we'd like to 00:08:11
close the December 2nd and then we'd reopen later that week. What I would suggest is we've had a lot of times where we've done 00:08:17
this and then weather or whatever. So why don't you give us those dates and some backup dates and that way if those days don't 00:08:23
work, then you have it but you. 00:08:29
Backup plan, Yeah, this should be pretty independent of rain for the most part. We're drilling down from sandwich. So all of our 00:08:35
work will be from the roadway. So as long as we can be there in, in appropriate weather gear safely, then I don't think that would 00:08:41
that would hamper this particular operation, OK. 00:08:46
Motion then to approve for Mac to grow closure on old Vince ends for the geotechnical soil testing on December 2nd and 3rd. 00:08:53
2nd through I guess would be the 5th is 4. 00:09:03
December 7th through the 5th. 00:09:09
I was like, OK. 00:09:11
All in favor, aye aye. 00:09:13
Thank you very much. 00:09:16
Number three of the director of operations and playing down lock 3A has been taken off of the agenda tonight correct on the Clark 00:09:19
County. 00:09:23
Our EMC, we're not going to be covering that tonight. 00:09:28
No, they they have. 00:09:31
Just to give you of an update, they have reviewed their their needs in terms of. 00:09:34
Utility relocation and found that they have they're all within. 00:09:42
Their their standard depth. So once they realize that they are, they do not need to come in and ask for funding for that 00:09:46
relocation. So they're going to take that on themselves, OK. 00:09:53
That can be completely taken off the. 00:10:02
All right. Thank you. 00:10:05
First thing I have is a renewal of our ideology contract balance. 00:10:07
Howie, he's been working with us for I think the past three to four years. 00:10:11
Same contract with the same dollar amount regarding social media management. 00:10:18
Media relations and outreach campaigns and website updates. 00:10:24
And that amounts 36 three thousand a month for 36,000. 00:10:30
Motion to approve the contract with Ideology. 00:10:36
I'll second the motion is second by means of discussion. I'll just say I've been very pleased with these products and we hope to 00:10:40
keep him a lot busier in 2025. Yeah, he's he's done a very good job for the for the for the county. The motion is second. All in 00:10:46
favor, aye. 00:10:52
Second item I have is FCO. 00:10:59
2024 I'm sorry, 2024 thirty and it's an amendment and the last amendment to our ARP implementation plan. 00:11:04
As you may or may not be aware of, the county commissioners are responsible for the funding and the planning of those funds. 00:11:16
There's approximately. 00:11:20
About $1.9 million left. 00:11:27
In that fund recommending tonight to. 00:11:31
Have 800,000 of that go for building expenses that would be allocated at the county building authority through a sub recipient 00:11:36
agreement. 859,109 dollars $191.00 to right away for bridge 51. 00:11:44
And then one 1,000,406, one million 416,501 be appropriated to open since slide. Now those numbers are over what the 1.9 is 00:11:52
there's a reimbursement. 00:12:00
$1.1 million to bridge 51 right away. 00:12:10
In reviewing the federal guidelines, there's a supplement versus. 00:12:14
Supplant statement regarding federal aid projects while that I think could be. 00:12:20
Upon it could be argued that we are meeting that requirement. I think it's in the best nature just to stay away from that in terms 00:12:30
of a possible repayment of of funds if it was deemed and audit. 00:12:36
We have. 00:12:42
That amount of money already in a project through a bonds. So we're going to just take that money, bring that over, hey. 00:12:44
And then just basically reallocate those funds back. 00:12:53
And so that's the recommendation. 00:12:58
We do have a December 31st, 2024 in terms of obligating. 00:13:00
Having these funds obligated and that means under contract, so. 00:13:05
The sub recipient agreement would meet that requirement. 00:13:09
And then the ovens and slide already has a contractual contract with it, so it will meet them as well. 00:13:13
So does this then eliminate the? 00:13:22
600,000 We have reserved for broadband. 00:13:25
Yes, OK. 00:13:28
Unfortunately. 00:13:30
I I will say, I think I said something out. There's some opportunities I think open to the commissioners in the future. 00:13:35
Especially if you're in talks with the council on on the past years that the county has taken on. 00:13:41
Items that have been moved because of budget restrictions in 2012 and 2016. 00:13:50
To have opportunity to address the possible funding source through Edit for broadband. 00:13:56
And also the broadband. 00:14:05
The infrastructure. Infrastructure. Sorry, excuse me, infrastructure. 00:14:07
Improvement zones that would allow for basically. 00:14:13
Essence of personal property tax abatement for providers as well. So there's those two options. 00:14:17
I understand, I know that that we have. 00:14:23
Primarily 1 vendor mainstream that they've presented to us, but. 00:14:27
They want what they submitted to the to the IPO for the bead. And so if they're waiting on the federal government to I guess, 00:14:32
verify those last addresses. And you know, not only have I reached out to the end of the commissioners as well, and I'm still 00:14:39
hoping that we will. And I know times of the essence done, you know. 00:14:46
And I understand what we have to do here, but I still feel like like we still have have to give it a chance on this part of it. So 00:14:55
we're waiting for the FCC to do their part so they can validate those addresses and the IPO to go ahead and. 00:15:02
And still award something. 00:15:11
By the 1st of December or the first couple weeks of December, so. 00:15:14
OK. And we will in my estimation need to make a. 00:15:20
Vote on this tonight so that we can. 00:15:23
Keep this ball moving because this is going to have to go before the council once and or twice as well and before us once and or 00:15:26
twice and the calendar is. 00:15:31
Working against us on this so I think Don's for my part is identified. 00:15:38
Very arguably the three greatest needs before the county with regards to this. 00:15:45
And we do have other options. 00:15:50
On the broadband so. 00:15:54
We'll be looking to make a vote on this tonight. Jason, do you have any comments? No, I think, I think Don for all the work 00:15:57
getting all these things identified and. 00:16:01
You know, I think we help. 00:16:07
Pretty strong for a while, wait and see what was going to happen with broadband so. 00:16:09
Here's where we are. 00:16:13
OK. I'd like to proceed with a motion for unanimous consent on this. If we don't get that, then we'll put it to a vote without 00:16:16
unanimous consent for passage tonight. 00:16:21
So do I have a motion to pass with unanimous consent? 00:16:26
Yeah, I'll support the motion. The past Floyd County Ordinance 2024-30 amendment to ARP Implementation Plan with unanimous 00:16:31
consent. 00:16:35
Do I have a second to do so? 00:16:42
OK. Just a point of order. If I call for a vote with unanimous consent and it fails, can I then vote for call for a vote without 00:16:45
unanimous consent? 00:16:50
Or by definition, if I call for unanimous consent, that's 2 to one, then it's passes with one and we go to the next reading, 00:16:56
correct? 00:16:59
What? Yes. I mean, you, you called for a vote with unanimous consent and there wasn't a second. So you I was going to 2nd it, 00:17:03
which is unusual coming from the chair, but I believe it's within my purview to do so. But if that fails, does that preclude a 00:17:08
second vote? 00:17:13
Tonight I I would. 00:17:19
Not second that because you already know it's not going to pass. 00:17:22
Well, we do things all the time, but. 00:17:26
I'm OK with proceeding then with a vote for passage. 00:17:29
Yeah, I'll make a motion to approve Floyd County Ordinance 2024-30 amendment to ARP implementation plan. 00:17:34
Get a second on that. 00:17:43
I will second that. All in favor, aye. Opposed, aye. 00:17:45
Coat and I'll talk with President Short on the Council and see whether or not they'll require a special meeting of the 00:17:50
commissioners to have a second vote prior to our next scheduled meeting so that they can stay on track to finish what they need to 00:17:57
do by the end of the year. OK, thank you. All right. And then just a FYLI, excuse me. Tomorrow at IUS is the next big pitch 00:18:03
contest. 00:18:09
With Bayou SE Nova Park, we've got 8 entrepreneurs that are going to be pitching their ideas. 00:18:16
We're not only space value of. 00:18:23
Space in over park but also some funding to help. 00:18:25
Build our entrepreneurial businesses and so, so. 00:18:29
Letting you know that. 00:18:32
And. 00:18:34
Appreciate your time. All right, thank you very much. Next on the agenda is storm water director. We're actually have we have a 00:18:36
one person who signed it for public comment on that. So we'll have public comment from Mr. Dale Mann before we. 00:18:43
Go into formal. 00:18:53
The reason I'm up here, that ordinance is 57 pages long. 00:18:56
The changes. For one individual to find the changes, you can't do it. You got to keep reading and reading and reading. And I also 00:19:01
reached out and asked for the changes. I never really got a decent answer. 00:19:07
So I think if we got an ordinance this long lease, italicize it, underline it or something to change in the ordinance so we can 00:19:14
read it and understand where it is and what it says. 00:19:19
And that disorders, it's awful long. 00:19:25
For somebody to read. 00:19:27
And that's all I'm asking for for the public where we can read the whole ordinance and see what the changes are in the ordinance. 00:19:29
That's all I'm asking. Thank you. 00:19:37
Now we'll have formal introduction of the ordinance, Mr. Chris Moore. 00:19:41
Thank you. 00:19:59
Thank you, commissioners, for having us tonight. Chris Moore, County stormwater director. With me. I have Kaden Cunningham with 00:20:16
OHM. He is the consultant. The Stormwater Board has that helped us put the revisions of this ordinance together. 00:20:23
This is a revision of an ordinance. 00:20:31
Stormwater ordinance was approved in 2019 for the new rules and regulations from EPA and IDEM. They are requiring us to revise our 00:20:34
ordinances to match what their ordinances have in it. The more technical questions Kaden can answer those. You were also given a 00:20:42
small sheet that showed what those few changes were and everything else. 00:20:50
IDEM has given Floyd County a deadline of. 00:21:00
September. 00:21:04
28th to get this done, with the heavy lift of getting the ordinance changed and revised and everything else, we asked for an 00:21:05
extension. They have granted us an extension till the end of the month of November. After that, she's not offering any more 00:21:12
extensions and we would then be in violation of IM and EPA rules and guidelines. The to answer Mr. Mann's concerns, the ordinance 00:21:20
was on the Floyd County website in two different places for. 00:21:27
Approximately 2 weeks for public to view it and. 00:21:35
Understand it and be able to ask questions. There was number specific questions asked of me about a certain topic like this change 00:21:40
or that change. It was just where is this located on the website which we provided through the e-mail and everything else so. 00:21:47
One engineer, local engineer, did have some questions. We were able to answer those and give them a response back to their 00:21:56
concerns about it and everything else. Once again, this was approved by the same water board. 00:22:03
To move forward to the commissioners tonight for their approval, and if you have technical questions about the ordinance and what 00:22:12
possible changes were, I would ask you to direct those questions to Mr. Kennedy. 00:22:17
Any questions, comments or discussion? 00:22:30
I'll make a motion that we with unanimous consent approach. 00:22:38
Plug any orders 2024 Dash 27 revised stormwater ordinance. Just one comment on my part. 00:22:42
Thank you for your work on this and I know time is of the essence, Mister man. I have a list of the changes that were made and so 00:22:53
you can have my copy after tonight's meeting and then going forward I think when possible. 00:22:59
And we do have these revisions from time to time. 00:23:07
We'll try to post red line changes or italicize changes for public scrutiny closer to real time on these, if not before the 00:23:11
meetings. So sometimes we don't get those until a day or two before, even though things are posted on the agenda. But your point 00:23:18
is taken, and I'll put this aside so you can have this list when we're done with tonight's meeting, OK? 00:23:25
Motion a second. All in favor? Aye aye. 00:23:34
All right. Thank you. Thank you. 00:23:38
All right. Building and Development director Mr. Nick Creedy. 00:23:41
Good evening. 00:23:50
The first item I have for you tonight. 00:23:52
Is FCR 2024-20. This is a resolution for the safe streets for all planning granite that we received. It is in support of Vision 0, 00:23:55
which is a goal. 00:24:03
Of achieving 0 traffic fatalities and serious injuries by the year of 2050. 00:24:13
This is in line with in docs goal and this was. 00:24:18
A requirement of that planning grant, so we have that. 00:24:23
And it is also consistent with our comprehensive plan. 00:24:28
OK, any questions, concerns, comments? Motion to approve Floyd County Resolution 2024-20, Safe Streets for All in support of 00:24:34
Vision 0. 00:24:39
Good work on that motion. Is second all in favor? Aye aye. 00:24:46
The next item I have is a administrative settlement for the Bridge 51 right of way acquisition. This is for Parcel 11. 00:24:52
The administrative settlement amount of $6125.00 above the appraised value and review. I provided you with a letter of 00:25:03
recommendation from the. 00:25:09
Appraisal. 00:25:16
Agent. 00:25:18
Justifying that cost. 00:25:20
And I just request approval for that so I can get it back and we. 00:25:22
Acquire that property for and keep the project moving. 00:25:26
Make motion to approve. Second. All right, motion a second. Any further discussion? 00:25:31
I'll just comment. Yeah, the rationalization is that we're going to be coming under legal fees with this. 00:25:37
Yeah, the legal fees would would far outweigh the. 00:25:43
Additional cost here. 00:25:47
Yeah, all in favor, aye, aye. 00:25:48
And then the final thing I have for tonight is an agreement for General Services. 00:25:53
For a planned unit development traffic study in the. 00:25:59
Point Area Strand is the consultant for this. The amount is $10,000. 00:26:03
The developer has. 00:26:11
Provided a check for that amount, we are nearly the. 00:26:15
Agent with the contract, but we are not paying for it. It is the. 00:26:20
Developer, thank you for clarifying that. Look for a motion to approve. 00:26:24
So moved second all in favor, aye? 00:26:29
Thank you. Strong work, county engineer Horatio, your ETF. 00:26:33
Good evening. 00:26:40
You have in front of you there. 00:26:43
The contract for designing some of the members for Bridge 27. 00:26:46
They are failing and they need to be repaired. 00:26:52
Instead of doing the whole design, Civil Con is gonna redesign the end supports. 00:26:56
And install a pre design steel bridge they are requesting. They have They are requesting for the design $97,500 which I think is 00:27:03
fair. 00:27:10
And then after that, once it's approved, we want to be looking for. 00:27:17
Help from in dot. 00:27:24
Which is possible to get this bridge replaced entirely and have? 00:27:26
Basically a brand new. 00:27:31
I need a motion. 00:27:34
To accept. 00:27:36
The next cost is at significant reduction to the previous concept, correct? 00:27:41
Sir, because when I request them at the past meeting, we accept the boxing. 00:27:45
RL Box and. 00:27:52
Agreement we have to cancel the contract. 00:27:55
That they had it was a. 00:27:58
For $200,000. 00:28:01
So basically this is happening. 00:28:02
We're going to have a redesign. 00:28:06
Supports and it's going to be a pre design still bridge so it will be no cost for the sign event. 00:28:09
It's going to be with the package when they. 00:28:17
We buy the bridge. 00:28:20
OK. Thank you for a motion to approve. Motion to approve Bridge 27 rehab on Georgetown, Greenville Rd. agreement, I'll second. 00:28:22
And real quick, Jersey Park over. 00:28:31
I haven't even voted on this yet. No, no, it's out of just to update you on the situation with. 00:28:36
Justin Bieber is working and everybody's happy. 00:28:44
OK, it's not completed yet. 00:28:48
OK. 00:28:50
So everyone is. 00:28:52
OK. Thank you. OK, motion and a second all in favor. 00:28:54
All right, Good job on. 00:29:00
Cost containment on that Sheriff Steve Bush. 00:29:03
How y'all doing so before years? I was on the agenda last time in reference to the. 00:29:10
Labels case of the Franklin's of your building. So come back again as requested. I've had some several conversations since that 00:29:14
time. We talked about EMA going that building and investment early. I think we've come to some potential resolution of other areas 00:29:21
for those two offices. So I'm here to request that space again and if you have any questions. 00:29:28
There's a couple comments. I just I would ask you to forego any major renovation until. 00:29:36
We have some clarity in early 2025 on the concept on. 00:29:43
What we're going to be doing at the courthouse. 00:29:48
And I talked with you last week. 00:29:51
Talking about even. 00:29:54
Revising that space, I don't think that's going to be a real option, but I just wouldn't start swinging hammers over there anytime 00:29:56
too soon. 00:29:59
And the other request would be that you'd be looking to use some of that space for training relocation from Pineview. Yeah. So the 00:30:03
goal was to get our train room out of Pineview into that space down the hallway or in the hallway, you know, behind the security 00:30:09
door. So yes, if we can do that, and I'm in favor of this. So 2 clarifications on those. One, obviously, funding, we can discuss 00:30:16
that an hour later, maybe how that looks or not as far as any renovations. 00:30:22
Are you talking paint, carpet, or? 00:30:29
The time they get out, January is still gonna be so. 00:30:33
To after that, so when you come. 00:30:35
Back or talk to you personally. 00:30:37
How do you want to move forward? You can talk with me personally about it or any of the other commissioners, but you know, if 00:30:39
there's a sea change or they decide that, hey, they've got this great concept where they can incorporate that space and. 00:30:44
Your painting nails would be lost perhaps, but that probably at least a couple years down the road so well. 00:30:50
That's why I could clarify, because we'll do. 00:30:56
You know, the idea is to move in maybe a wall or two, if that mainly paint carpet, probably most likely. So you know, the the 00:30:58
diagram that I I submitted is kind of what we were looking at. I think it does require maybe a wall or two. How to go back and 00:31:04
look at it if we got some in there. Look at that. If that's even required the front of the building or you know, we have signings 00:31:10
to go up. You know, that's a cost and put science Sheriff's Office. 00:31:16
Paint, carpet and then like I said, maybe a wall or two. So cost is not going to be a whole lot, but there is some stuff that. 00:31:23
Needs to be done before. I mean if the main if the main issue was was there gonna be somebody else looking for the space and we 00:31:29
might get in front of line. 00:31:34
In front of you guys then the answer is no. If that space is there to be used, then I think it's by the share. 00:31:39
Department, but I think you can appreciate for my previous conversation, there's still a little bit of a. 00:31:44
Chance that they might come up with a plan that says. 00:31:50
This is what we can do, but we require that space. I think I have that answer probably with you before the end of the year, maybe 00:31:55
even before. 00:31:58
You know, the second week in December. 00:32:03
But I'm more than prepared to say that. I think you know. 00:32:06
The space would be yours and no one else is in the county. 00:32:10
If the building is still there. 00:32:14
OK. 00:32:16
Yeah, I wouldn't have a problem with like some paint. 00:32:18
Stuff like that. But you know, even like a drywall wall is not that big of a deal. I mean, we're not doing yeah. So I'm saying 00:32:21
having block walls a little bit different, but. 00:32:26
You know, is it? 00:32:31
We've talked about, I did the walkthrough yesterday. I feel satisfied with what we discussed. So yeah. 00:32:32
I'm good with it. 00:32:39
And I would reserve discussion of funding for another night. 00:32:41
Yeah, perfect. You need a vote or? 00:32:44
If you wanted to bind us with the boat all in favor, I mean. 00:32:47
On the record, Yeah. Yeah. All in favor, Aye. Aye. Thank you. And I'll just stay in contact with what we do. 00:32:52
Thank you very much. 00:32:59
County Auditor Diana Topping. 00:33:01
Good evening. On October 16th, the County Council will pass a new local income tax, public safety, local income tax. We will start 00:33:07
collecting on this movable income. 00:33:12
Tax starting January of 2025. So we do need to have a fund in place to house those new collections. So I have SCO 20/24/28 00:33:18
establishing the non reverting fund for the Public Safety Lit fund #1170. 00:33:26
Motion to approve with unanswered consent, 2024 Dash 28. 00:33:36
To sanction, I'm reverting Fund for Public safety #1170. 00:33:40
I'll second. OK, I have a motion and 2nd all in favor, aye. 00:33:45
Thank you. 00:33:50
All right, board and committee reports. 00:33:53
Jason Yeah. So on November 11th, I attended the veteran's day ceremony hosted by the veterans. 00:33:56
For its war on the New at the New Albany Veterans Memorials. 00:34:02
A way to get back to the community or something, some way to volunteer. That's a great place to do so. And then of course on 00:34:36
November 15th, you joined, attended the joint meeting between the commissioners and the council. And then today the bargaining 00:34:43
committee met with the collective bargaining. I'm sorry amongst ourselves to discuss the correct or the road offs. Sorry, the 00:34:50
roadway workers. I'll get it out eventually here. The roadway workers contract. This is coming up so. 00:34:57
Negotiations are still ongoing, so hopefully we'll have that wrapped up soon though. 00:35:05
OK. Thank you. Thank you. 00:35:09
OK Thursday attended the our monthly J Rack meeting on Tuesday the 12th. 00:35:11
Attended the Southern Indiana Works at quarterly meeting. 00:35:18
Last Thursday attended the Indiana County Commissioner's monthly Zoom meeting. 00:35:22
Attended the joint County Ken Council and meeting on the 15th. We had our redevelopment meeting today. 00:35:27
Again, I joined Jason with bargaining and we had our solid waste meeting at 4:30. 00:35:35
And one final thing is that, you know, we we've got openings for the New Albany Fire District. And so I've been kind of doing some 00:35:42
preliminary with the people and I found out yesterday, yesterday that there was a fire board meeting. 00:35:49
At Georgetown Firehouse, I think it's a 630. I don't have a lot of details, but I think to discuss Georgetown and New Albany fire 00:35:56
creating the fire territory. So that's the first I heard about that. But anyway, but that the meetings Thursday night at 6:30 at 00:36:03
the I think it's station #2 in Georgetown, so. 00:36:10
Thank you 11 seven took. 00:36:19
Called our buildings representative regarding the downtown projects 11/8. Attended the closing on the Chase building along with 00:36:22
attorney Fox. 00:36:27
Later that afternoon, I attended a Floyd County Legacy Foundation meeting 11/9, Attended and spoke at the new Ashley Mariah Park 00:36:35
Playground installation at Georgetown 11-12 joined John and Jason at our new parks opening the Bob Lane Park in Georgetown. 00:36:44
11:13 Meeting of the Caesars Foundation. Later that day we had a very short notice meeting on the standard and poor bond rating. 00:36:53
Folks who called a meeting with us and I think that went very well in large part to Dan. 00:37:03
Toppings, presentation and preparation on that 11/14, meeting with Michelle Allen Reeds Architects regarding downtown projects. 00:37:08
Later that afternoon, meeting with the Open Door Youth Shelter folks, joint meeting on 11/15 and an extensive walking tour of 00:37:16
downtown real estate on November 15th. Stay tuned. 00:37:24
Approval of the Commissioners meeting minutes for November 5/20/24. 00:37:34
So moved second, OK, all in favor, aye, and approval of payroll and claims. 00:37:39
Motion proof second. 00:37:46
And motion a second all in favor earlier today we did have. 00:37:48
Recycling meeting at 4:30 and I'll take a motion for approval of the two. 00:37:53
Excuse me? 00:38:00
We don't have any other minutes that we need to approve tonight. Do where do we? 00:38:01
OK, so we're good on that. Our next meeting of the Commissioners will be Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 at 6:00 PM. 00:38:05
Do we have any comment from any government officials here this evening? I see Mr. Bagshaw and Mr. Bush was already up and. 00:38:11
I'll just give you a quick update on the jail in terms of population. So we're sitting around 339 right now. 00:38:20
So it's kind of just fluctuating right there. 00:38:27
Going up or just evaluating every single day basically and every week. So we'll keep you abreast of that since you'll oversee the 00:38:30
jail in terms of the population working. So with the course and the prosecutor as we move forward, we have about 20 federal 00:38:36
inmates, which brings in money to the general fund and we also have about 10 DLC inmates and two from other jurisdictions. 00:38:43
So we're sitting pretty good at the moment, but it still keeps rising. So there's some concerns. This year it's gone up probably. 00:38:50
Around 60 to 70 inmates, whatever reason. 00:38:56
OK, so inquiring minds, we want to know capacity. 00:38:59
Total, yeah, 369 I can hold. So we're sitting. 00:39:03
Not dangerously close, but really close. So we're like I said, that's what we're always evaluating from that. 00:39:08
Of what we're doing, you know, pharmaceutical costs are going up as well. This past month it kind of doubled, whatever reason. So 00:39:13
we're evaluating that as well because those are going to be some expenses down the road as well. 00:39:18
OK. Thank you. Thank. 00:39:23
Nothing, Mr. Bagshaw. 00:39:25
All right, I know we did have someone who wanted to speak during public comment. Mr. Max Nice. 00:39:29
This regarding a closure of Binford Rd. On. 00:39:36
December 4th, 2024, between 1800 and Zero 100 out, yes, yeah, we're producing a film. We're starting production already in 00:39:40
Kentucky. We're shooting in Indiana too, and we'd like to shut down that road, simulate some rain, and it'll be intermittent 00:39:47
traffic, so we'll let people through their local. 00:39:53
Takes normally take 5 to 7 minutes, so that's when we shut down the road. Whenever people needed to pass after we call CUT, 00:40:00
they're welcome to drive to their homes or exhibit for Rd. onto State Street. 00:40:06
Comment on the Sheriff Bush. 00:40:12
Sure, Miss Warren, can you notify city dispatch? 00:40:28
And. 00:40:35
We would like a cameo from this world in the the production if at all possible. We are actually work on the. 00:40:36
She can be innocent bystander, number one or victim #3. 00:40:43
She doesn't have her card yet though. 00:40:49
All right, so look for a motion to approve. So moved. 00:40:55
All in favor, aye? 00:40:59
Thank you. Break away. 00:41:01
Public comment. 00:41:03
Yes. 00:41:05
Joseph Moore, George Township. 00:41:12
Jason was talking before the meeting with somebody. I mentioned you gentlemen, but just want to remind you an entire disposal 00:41:14
program that Grant. 00:41:18
The link that I got from the state, if you click it, it says the webinar has a couple webinar links and the one coming up this 00:41:23
Monday the 25th from 1:00 to 2:00 PM. 00:41:29
If you're interested in the program and suggested you and I'm Mr. Massengal, take a look at that webinar 'cause it gives a lot of 00:41:35
breakdown on the application process and this is free money. They're gonna give it to somebody for these tires. So I'm hoping we 00:41:42
get it. Thank you. And just just to follow up on that, Mister Massengill is looking into the program, so thank you. 00:41:48
Dale man yards down the Saturday I went to the dedication to palm our new Firehouse. 00:42:03
It was pretty good. 00:42:08
A lot of people there. 00:42:10
And they dedicated that Firehouse are still Volunteer Fire Department. 00:42:12
And something was brought up. It had nothing to do with the meeting. 00:42:16
But our Fire Chief? 00:42:20
That we paid for 10 weeks for. 00:42:22
There's a lot of rumors going around now that he's tied between, you know? 00:42:25
And that needs to come out to the public. That cost us a lot of money. 00:42:30
He cost us a lot of money and attorney fees. 00:42:34
And his salary, why he wasn't working? 00:42:37
And it needs to come out to clear the rumors up. I don't know what happened there. And those people out there don't know that 00:42:40
there any Cord County taxpayers don't know what happen. 00:42:43
But it needs to come out and y'all can make that come out. 00:42:47
Tribune's acid come out. Several people ask for that to come out. 00:42:51
And I think it's fair to the taxpayers that we paid it. 00:42:55
To find out what we paid our money and why they dismissed. 00:42:58
The Fire Chief, thank you. Thank you. 00:43:01
All right, any other public comment? 00:43:06
Motion to adjourn. Any other closing comments from? 00:43:08
Commissioners, you want a motion to adjourn? I got that. One thing I wanted to say is I just wanted to thank everybody who. 00:43:14
Vote on Election Day and I'm just, I feel very honored and privileged to be able to continue to serve just three foot county 00:43:19
commissioners. So thank you All right, And I'll just echo Mr. Bagshaw's wishes for everyone to have a great Thanksgiving with. 00:43:26
Peace and family. 00:43:33
Now we'll entertain your motion. Still wouldn't adjourn. Motion to adjourn any seconds. Yeah, I'll second. All right. Thank you. 00:43:35
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