No Bookmarks Exist.
County Council, hopefully any council meeting. Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. | 00:00:02 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and. | 00:00:06 | |
To the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:11 | |
The records show that we have six of seven present and I believe we have one on teams meeting. | 00:00:24 | |
Yeah, OK. | 00:00:31 | |
I just received a message he's not going to make it. | 00:00:33 | |
OK, All right, so. | 00:00:36 | |
We do have quorum tonight. | 00:00:40 | |
Mr. Tran, would you lead us in prayer, please? | 00:00:44 | |
Bow your heads in prayer with me, please. Dear Heavenly Father, we give you thanks and praise for your mighty works. | 00:00:47 | |
You're loving, you're you're good, you're gracious. | 00:00:56 | |
And you're faithful, and we thank you for all that you've done for us. We thank you for this county. We thank you for our elected | 00:00:59 | |
officials, our businesses, our churches, our families, those who keep us safe, and the individuals that make our community the | 00:01:06 | |
great place that as it is. | 00:01:13 | |
I pray for our world, and I lift up those less fortunate and those who are suffering, and I ask that you would bring peace, | 00:01:21 | |
comfort, and stability as only you can do. And as we enter the season labeled as Thanksgiving, we realize that every day is a day | 00:01:27 | |
of Thanksgiving because Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy is with us at all times. And for the little things that we take for | 00:01:34 | |
granted, we say thank you. | 00:01:41 | |
I pray for this Council meeting tonight. We ask that you would give us the wisdom. | 00:01:49 | |
And the guidance as we deliberate the items that are on the agenda and that we may we make every decision. | 00:01:53 | |
That would be for our benefit and for your glory. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. | 00:02:04 | |
All right. Has everybody had a chance to look over the agenda for tonight? | 00:02:14 | |
Second motion is second to accept the agenda. Any discussion. | 00:02:21 | |
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? | 00:02:26 | |
That carries October 16th council meeting minutes. | 00:02:30 | |
And budget adoption minutes. | 00:02:36 | |
I would accept Council meeting minutes 1016 and budget options 10/16. | 00:02:40 | |
I'll second that we have a motion and a second for both meetings on October 16th. Any discussion? | 00:02:48 | |
All in favor say aye. Any opposed that carries? | 00:02:55 | |
Is there anyone from the public that would like to speak tonight before we get started? | 00:03:00 | |
All right, seeing none, we'll jump into Mr. Matt Lords. | 00:03:06 | |
I would like to quote that be amended to 1000 instead of 2. | 00:03:12 | |
I think we. | 00:03:20 | |
Expected to get a little more grant money than we actually did so alone in that required match. | 00:03:23 | |
The Avenue clothings on. | 00:03:30 | |
Item B. I'm happy to enter any of those. | 00:03:33 | |
So you're requesting 1000 in item A instead of 2000. | 00:03:38 | |
I'll make a motion to approve 1A at $1000. Second motion a second for one A. Any discussion or questions for Mr. Lorge? | 00:03:43 | |
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:03:55 | |
That carries. | 00:03:58 | |
B to B, we had a very busy year. | 00:04:02 | |
Normal. So we've had some related expensive connected to that. | 00:04:10 | |
We came to make it as well, so in other words, we got 100,000 over what we were budgeted for this year. | 00:04:22 | |
I'll make a motion to approve 1B. | 00:04:38 | |
We have a motion and a second for 1B. | 00:04:41 | |
Questions or discussions? The public Defender. | 00:04:45 | |
So that you get a more like where we approved our. | 00:04:51 | |
Rachel make out to fill up finish out some years I won't be spelled. | 00:04:57 | |
A lot of those are appealed. We have to contract those out on an hourly basis. So we've had a rise in the number of termination of | 00:05:02 | |
plan or life cases and also with the number of jury trials we've had that resulted in a lot more than normal in terms of turning a | 00:05:08 | |
pallet for you. | 00:05:15 | |
So the appeals. | 00:05:23 | |
Contracted out to a different attorney. | 00:05:24 | |
We it's a lot harder to do it in house because of the multiple Co defendants that get tried and that rules out a lot of people on | 00:05:28 | |
a given case. So it's just easier to basically do that out on an hourly basis. | 00:05:35 | |
And we have probably about 1/2 a dozen people who use on a regular basis for that. | 00:05:44 | |
This is probably not the appropriate time, but. | 00:05:51 | |
I thought about it. Do you is there any tracking mechanism for the hours that serves the public defender? | 00:05:53 | |
What's the name? I bought a normal contractual. | 00:05:59 | |
Yeah, this one, I think we're paying what, 7 year, 580 thousand, Yeah, 7474 a year. Is there any tracking mechanism of actual how | 00:06:04 | |
many hours that they actually put in per year? | 00:06:11 | |
So that's how we comply with the Commission standard for the economy. | 00:06:22 | |
OK. So the Commission doesn't factor in how much or how little time they might work on any given K. They could care about the | 00:06:29 | |
number of kids that you've given to value. | 00:06:34 | |
OK, Any further discussions? | 00:06:43 | |
Right, we have a motion in a second for 1B. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:06:48 | |
Thank you. Thank you. | 00:06:55 | |
Mr. | 00:06:56 | |
Good evening, Don Loft, Director, Operations. First is a request for additional appropriation edit. | 00:07:07 | |
For capital improvements of 25,000, utilities of 40,000, maintenance of 40,000 and telephone for 40,000 total being $145,000. This | 00:07:13 | |
is basically just a cover year in expenses. I don't expect the. | 00:07:20 | |
These to actually be all spent and they'll just revert back into the. | 00:07:28 | |
Cash on hand at the end of the year. | 00:07:34 | |
But it would we're we are actually in the red right now on utilities. | 00:07:35 | |
There'll be another distribution, there'll be another distribution in December, there'll be two, two more distributions. So you're | 00:07:43 | |
you're appropriately inappropriate are the appropriate power at it still has about $225,000. So you think you'll be okay at year | 00:07:48 | |
end. | 00:07:54 | |
So your projections that you'll be in the in the red at your end, No, no, just right now we're at the line items are right now | 00:08:00 | |
should be a minimum of 80,000 to the good. Yeah, what we have already appropriated and what we have coming in, in this request we | 00:08:06 | |
should be around 80,000. | 00:08:12 | |
Can you tell us what the capital improvements are? | 00:08:20 | |
There's some projects there going on at the Weiss building right now that that will go from fall go from winter to to. | 00:08:22 | |
To next year. | 00:08:32 | |
Motion to approve to a. | 00:08:37 | |
Second motion a second for 2A. Any further discussion or questions? | 00:08:38 | |
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:08:45 | |
That carries 2B2B is a request out of the 99152 county general capital improvement 135 thousand O 92 and that is for an upcoming. | 00:08:48 | |
Contract for architect and engineering services. | 00:09:04 | |
Associated with the Ius and Lab space outer Gnome park. | 00:09:07 | |
Motion to approve. | 00:09:17 | |
2nd. | 00:09:20 | |
Have a motion and a second for to be any questions or discussion for them. | 00:09:22 | |
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? | 00:09:28 | |
That carries. Thank you. Have a good night. Don, can I have another question for you? I don't know if this is appropriate. If it's | 00:09:31 | |
not, let me know. ARPA monies, we have to have those committed by year end. Are we, are we on track to have all those dollars | 00:09:38 | |
committed and where are we going to commit those two? | 00:09:44 | |
Commissioners are having discussions about that. They've been having discussions for about about a month now. | 00:09:51 | |
They haven't given me an indication. | 00:09:58 | |
What their final decision is going to be, But as you said, it all has to be obligated by December 31st of this year and spent by | 00:10:01 | |
December 31st of 2026. | 00:10:06 | |
So they, they're very aware of that schedule and I would anticipate that myself or Nick or someone will be here in December to | 00:10:12 | |
obligate the remainder. I, I would like to put that on the agenda for Friday so that we can at least start to understand we can so | 00:10:18 | |
we don't get to the last minute and then. | 00:10:24 | |
Not agree with something that's going on that with the spectrum. | 00:10:31 | |
Initiative that happened just this past week. | 00:10:37 | |
I know there was some money set aside for Internet on there. Is that still something that we need to keep in? That's still being | 00:10:41 | |
discussed by the commissioners how the process will need to take place as they need to place that into their implementation plan. | 00:10:49 | |
So which that would more than likely either happen at their next meeting or by their December 4th meeting. | 00:10:57 | |
I would have to have those would have to happen. I'm going to make an assumption we'll go out and then that you'll probably have | 00:11:06 | |
more than one meeting in December. | 00:11:09 | |
Most traditionally, you do so either at your regular meeting in December or one of your you know. | 00:11:13 | |
Cleanup meeting, so to speak, in December that. | 00:11:20 | |
Someone will come here and ask for those additional preparations. There's a pretty large amount of monies that aren't, it's right | 00:11:22 | |
about $1.8 million I was thinking about. So I know that they're having discussions on infrastructure and broadband and. | 00:11:29 | |
Things like that, but they haven't come to a decision on what they're going to allocate them. | 00:11:37 | |
Is it appropriate to ask for that to be put on the agenda for Friday? | 00:11:42 | |
Yeah, I think it can be a good discussion. | 00:11:47 | |
That's all. Thanks. | 00:11:51 | |
Thanks for your information. | 00:11:55 | |
Michelle, Europe. | 00:11:57 | |
So I'm here on behalf of Leah Pesaroski and Open Door Youth Services. She received a very nice federal grant in the amount of | 00:12:05 | |
$160,000 to hire 3 part-time childcare supervisors. | 00:12:14 | |
So there's no benefits that go along with these positions? | 00:12:25 | |
She already sent an e-mail or we sent an e-mail. | 00:12:29 | |
To the Job Classification and Compensation Committee and because they were all federal funds that was agreed to. So now it's | 00:12:35 | |
before the full council to agree to those three positions. Motion to approve the three positions for the Open Door Youth Services | 00:12:41 | |
2nd. | 00:12:47 | |
Have a motion a second. Any further discussion as always. Is this grant going to be renewable? | 00:12:54 | |
I do not know the answer to that. I guess my question is these positions go away if the grant don't happen again next year or the | 00:13:02 | |
year after. Well, you know, there's a couple of things in play. They have to have the children that support the need and then they | 00:13:07 | |
also have to have the grant money. | 00:13:13 | |
So it's it's a balancing act. | 00:13:18 | |
And she's really good about writing for grants. | 00:13:24 | |
Any further questions? | 00:13:29 | |
All in favor of three a say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:13:31 | |
That carries. Thank you. | 00:13:35 | |
This is Tommy. | 00:13:39 | |
Good evening. | 00:13:43 | |
Good evening. | 00:13:44 | |
4A's a request for additional appropriations to. | 00:13:46 | |
Fulfill some council obligations. | 00:13:50 | |
Through the remainder of the year. | 00:13:54 | |
Can you be more specific? | 00:14:00 | |
Believe that it was Baker Tilly Baker Tilly and that would have been included in the supporting documents. | 00:14:02 | |
Motion to report. | 00:14:09 | |
Second motion a second for for a. Any further questions? | 00:14:11 | |
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:14:17 | |
Cherries. | 00:14:20 | |
4B is for an additional appropriation in the opioid unrestricted fund, which the commissioners. | 00:14:22 | |
Created a computer oversight committee for that. Oversight committee did take in requests for equipment purchases that are | 00:14:30 | |
specifically geared towards fighting the opioid epidemic in this area. Commissioners did approve the list of equipment that was | 00:14:38 | |
requested by the different law enforcement agencies in the area, so this is just an appropriation to fulfill that regard. | 00:14:46 | |
Is that was that supporting documents? | 00:14:53 | |
List motion to approve be. | 00:14:58 | |
So we just trust the commissioners here that they did the right thing. | 00:15:04 | |
I'm sure they will provide it for you myself. Sure. I mean when I see missile lightning is $320,000 that's a lot for | 00:15:07 | |
miscellaneous. I didn't realize is this oh this is the unrestricted fund not restricted. This is the one that they put in | 00:15:13 | |
protective custody to be utilized. | 00:15:19 | |
Yeah, I kind of like support the influx. | 00:15:26 | |
Exactly. | 00:15:31 | |
I mean, that's three. Do you know, I'm not opposed to it. I just, you know. | 00:15:34 | |
If you would like the criminal element of our community to know the tools that will be utilizing to fight against them, I'm more | 00:15:39 | |
than happy to publicize that as a line title meant. | 00:15:44 | |
Is that what you stood up to say? Sure. | 00:15:50 | |
If that is your preference to title the purchases. | 00:15:55 | |
As opposed to tattling them as miscellaneous equipment, request that. | 00:15:59 | |
We can send you the list of equipment, we just can't. | 00:16:05 | |
Title this line by that. | 00:16:09 | |
I request that. | 00:16:13 | |
I'd be happy to provide it to you probably. | 00:16:14 | |
Private. | 00:16:17 | |
I think we have a motion. You have a motion, I'll second. OK, we have a motion and a second for four being any any further | 00:16:21 | |
questions or discussion? | 00:16:26 | |
All right, all in favor, Say aye, aye. Any opposed? | 00:16:32 | |
Or be carries. | 00:16:36 | |
I am covering AJ rack request. | 00:16:38 | |
On behalf of. | 00:16:41 | |
Judge. Judge Stiller. | 00:16:45 | |
And it is an additional appropriation to. | 00:16:47 | |
It says medical services, but it's specific to a provider that they already contract with. | 00:16:51 | |
Care service. | 00:16:58 | |
Yes, I never can remember the name of it. | 00:17:00 | |
We talked about that meeting. | 00:17:06 | |
Motion to approve Second. | 00:17:10 | |
We have a motion, a second for 4C. Any discussion? | 00:17:12 | |
All in favor say aye. | 00:17:17 | |
Opposed. | 00:17:19 | |
I'm additionally covering your request for transfers if you report 3. | 00:17:21 | |
They just have some line transfers that are crossing categories. | 00:17:26 | |
Where we'll be decreasing office supplies and jury supplies and increasing their guardian. That light of mine. Motion to approve | 00:17:30 | |
4D and E. 2nd I have a motion and a second for 4D and E. | 00:17:36 | |
Questions or discussion? | 00:17:44 | |
All in favor say aye. | 00:17:47 | |
Any opposed? | 00:17:49 | |
That was carried. | 00:17:51 | |
We have an additional transfer for Superior Court 3 where we will again be just transferring. | 00:17:53 | |
And crossing category lines they would not utilize. My apology. Thank you. | 00:17:58 | |
2nd I have a motion second for F&G for EMA. Any discussion? | 00:18:06 | |
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:18:14 | |
Motion to approve HNI. | 00:18:18 | |
And I'll second. | 00:18:23 | |
Have a motion and a second for H and I. | 00:18:25 | |
Any discussion? | 00:18:28 | |
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? | 00:18:31 | |
Thank you. | 00:18:35 | |
Item 5 is Floyd County. | 00:18:37 | |
Council transfers on 5A and B is 2025 meeting dates. | 00:18:39 | |
A motion to approve 5A. | 00:18:53 | |
Second motion a second for 5A. Any discussion on the transfers? | 00:18:59 | |
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:19:05 | |
That carries. | 00:19:08 | |
Meeting dates. | 00:19:12 | |
There was one. | 00:19:13 | |
And then, but in November, our November meeting calls on veteran's day. | 00:19:23 | |
PCA has the Monday schedule. | 00:19:29 | |
So Wednesday. | 00:19:32 | |
The day after change it or maybe later. Do you know what that date is? | 00:19:34 | |
So it's wealthy or? | 00:19:46 | |
12th. | 00:19:54 | |
Is that right? | 00:19:57 | |
Is November 12th is the Wednesday, so November 11th of course is. | 00:20:04 | |
Play. | 00:20:11 | |
Motion to approve meeting dates for 2025 by BIG. | 00:20:15 | |
So I guess I have a motion and a second for 2025 council meeting dates. Any further discussion? | 00:20:20 | |
All in favor say aye aye. | 00:20:29 | |
Any opposed? | 00:20:31 | |
Like carrots? | 00:20:32 | |
While on the subject of meeting dates, I would request that the Council begin discussions concerning a clean up meeting for the | 00:20:34 | |
end of December calendar if needed. | 00:20:39 | |
We can look now if everybody's OK with that. | 00:20:46 | |
So advertise. | 00:20:58 | |
Do we want to do it late, like the 30th? | 00:21:07 | |
Monday 30th. | 00:21:14 | |
Yep, check everything else. | 00:21:23 | |
Don't you have to have time to go in the system and do the work? | 00:21:29 | |
Yes, but we work all day, the 30th and the 31st. | 00:21:34 | |
And there won't be much. | 00:21:38 | |
Last year, Gloria. | 00:21:43 | |
And I do. | 00:21:45 | |
Excellent job creating November and December department stay on top of their. | 00:21:49 | |
OK, cool. | 00:21:54 | |
We just started auditing them today actually. | 00:21:57 | |
You'll see a lot of data in the first meeting of December. | 00:22:02 | |
Right now, if I find that it's not so. | 00:22:13 | |
Pencil in for 6:00 PM and then. | 00:22:17 | |
We have to. | 00:22:19 | |
Can you send out an invite for that out as well please? | 00:22:22 | |
All right, any committee reports? | 00:22:36 | |
I have one. I met, we met with the. | 00:22:40 | |
Well, last meeting, but then we got one more meeting for the Legacy Foundation. | 00:22:44 | |
I would like to commend. | 00:22:48 | |
Legacy Board. | 00:22:51 | |
Members past and present for the good work that they've done. | 00:22:54 | |
We started in 2020 or $14,700,000 that's original investment. | 00:22:59 | |
We've given out 2,000,100 and $100 one note 2,100,000. | 00:23:07 | |
$221.00 including 500,000 this year to EMS. | 00:23:13 | |
And we have a value right now, 15 million, 492 in the legacy. And so as I stated in public, I won't state, I commend the board | 00:23:19 | |
members of the Legacy Foundation past and present for #1 setting a good investment strategy and #2 keeping the. | 00:23:28 | |
The spin rate low at 3% and then even coming in under the spin rate. So I commend the boards like I say past and present. | 00:23:40 | |
So it's growing pretty good even though we've had over $2,000,000 dispersion. | 00:23:51 | |
Thank you. Tony, do you have anything? No, Denise. | 00:23:59 | |
Yeah, not for that, but I was just just reminding me. | 00:24:03 | |
Last year we had a issue with our. | 00:24:08 | |
Nomination for the building authority. We found out they met in January before we even have our. | 00:24:11 | |
Appointments. Do we? Can we add that to the December agenda? | 00:24:17 | |
Right. | 00:24:22 | |
We'll we'll put on the agenda for and if. | 00:24:27 | |
If anyone has recommendations for anybody that. | 00:24:33 | |
Wants to serve or whatever. Just e-mail those in. | 00:24:35 | |
Umm, beforehand so we can. | 00:24:38 | |
Right. | 00:24:43 | |
You have somebody maybe add their contact information so if any council members want to give them a call. | 00:24:47 | |
Speak with him first. | 00:24:52 | |
Anything else? Jim, Connie. | 00:24:56 | |
I just want to put everybody. | 00:24:58 | |
Let everybody know next month. | 00:25:00 | |
Will be coming to the council for the appropriations for the grant money from the J Rack. They have been notified. We had six top | 00:25:05 | |
winners. | 00:25:10 | |
And it came in just under what we approved for the grant award money, so. | 00:25:16 | |
Kind of exciting, we'll have a little get together that's in the works to present those checks, but that will be coming next month | 00:25:23 | |
to appropriate that those funds. | 00:25:28 | |
The only update I really have is. | 00:25:36 | |
Still working with the road department, we've. | 00:25:42 | |
Gotten some attorneys working on cleaning up language. | 00:25:44 | |
Doing that attorney thing and besides that we're. | 00:25:49 | |
Most of it is down to. | 00:25:53 | |
The financial part? | 00:25:56 | |
Is the health department, is the health insurance, How's that? That's off the table. | 00:25:59 | |
OK, so we're we're just down to. | 00:26:04 | |
The basic increase at this point, and I think most other things are. | 00:26:09 | |
Will be cleaned up with language. | 00:26:17 | |
But we should have that for. | 00:26:20 | |
The next next meeting for consideration. So as soon as I get get that I'll send out. | 00:26:23 | |
Details on that. | 00:26:29 | |
But that's all I have, so any. | 00:26:33 | |
Anybody from the public? | 00:26:35 | |
I guess I'm public. Steve O Sheriff will allow it, Yes. So two things. The first one is a lot of good things happen with Jay Rack | 00:26:41 | |
and a lot of a lot of folks involved in that parting it up and collaborating and doing a lot of good stuff. Almost specifically | 00:26:47 | |
thank Connie for her work with the grants that she just did. She took a lot on. | 00:26:52 | |
With that and her and the board that that was selected to helper, but specifically you, you did a really good job and I want to | 00:26:58 | |
thank you publicly because you know why you doing that That's going to help these organizations help the people in the community | 00:27:05 | |
as we battle the mentalist and addiction as we keep moving forward in our society and what's going on in our community locally. So | 00:27:11 | |
thank you for that. The other thing is, remember I came back with several months ago about the server room. | 00:27:17 | |
Pipes over that. So we finally are able to move forward a little bit with that. So we're getting some quotes. | 00:27:24 | |
Steve Brooks, County Treasurer Today is last state for taxes if you didn't get him in. | 00:28:00 | |
It cost you 5% more and then 29 days 10% more. So I'll check your records and make sure have a great day. | 00:28:04 | |
Anybody else? | 00:28:13 | |
I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved. | 00:28:15 | |
We are. | 00:28:18 |
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County Council, hopefully any council meeting. Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. | 00:00:02 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and. | 00:00:06 | |
To the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:11 | |
The records show that we have six of seven present and I believe we have one on teams meeting. | 00:00:24 | |
Yeah, OK. | 00:00:31 | |
I just received a message he's not going to make it. | 00:00:33 | |
OK, All right, so. | 00:00:36 | |
We do have quorum tonight. | 00:00:40 | |
Mr. Tran, would you lead us in prayer, please? | 00:00:44 | |
Bow your heads in prayer with me, please. Dear Heavenly Father, we give you thanks and praise for your mighty works. | 00:00:47 | |
You're loving, you're you're good, you're gracious. | 00:00:56 | |
And you're faithful, and we thank you for all that you've done for us. We thank you for this county. We thank you for our elected | 00:00:59 | |
officials, our businesses, our churches, our families, those who keep us safe, and the individuals that make our community the | 00:01:06 | |
great place that as it is. | 00:01:13 | |
I pray for our world, and I lift up those less fortunate and those who are suffering, and I ask that you would bring peace, | 00:01:21 | |
comfort, and stability as only you can do. And as we enter the season labeled as Thanksgiving, we realize that every day is a day | 00:01:27 | |
of Thanksgiving because Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy is with us at all times. And for the little things that we take for | 00:01:34 | |
granted, we say thank you. | 00:01:41 | |
I pray for this Council meeting tonight. We ask that you would give us the wisdom. | 00:01:49 | |
And the guidance as we deliberate the items that are on the agenda and that we may we make every decision. | 00:01:53 | |
That would be for our benefit and for your glory. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. | 00:02:04 | |
All right. Has everybody had a chance to look over the agenda for tonight? | 00:02:14 | |
Second motion is second to accept the agenda. Any discussion. | 00:02:21 | |
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? | 00:02:26 | |
That carries October 16th council meeting minutes. | 00:02:30 | |
And budget adoption minutes. | 00:02:36 | |
I would accept Council meeting minutes 1016 and budget options 10/16. | 00:02:40 | |
I'll second that we have a motion and a second for both meetings on October 16th. Any discussion? | 00:02:48 | |
All in favor say aye. Any opposed that carries? | 00:02:55 | |
Is there anyone from the public that would like to speak tonight before we get started? | 00:03:00 | |
All right, seeing none, we'll jump into Mr. Matt Lords. | 00:03:06 | |
I would like to quote that be amended to 1000 instead of 2. | 00:03:12 | |
I think we. | 00:03:20 | |
Expected to get a little more grant money than we actually did so alone in that required match. | 00:03:23 | |
The Avenue clothings on. | 00:03:30 | |
Item B. I'm happy to enter any of those. | 00:03:33 | |
So you're requesting 1000 in item A instead of 2000. | 00:03:38 | |
I'll make a motion to approve 1A at $1000. Second motion a second for one A. Any discussion or questions for Mr. Lorge? | 00:03:43 | |
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:03:55 | |
That carries. | 00:03:58 | |
B to B, we had a very busy year. | 00:04:02 | |
Normal. So we've had some related expensive connected to that. | 00:04:10 | |
We came to make it as well, so in other words, we got 100,000 over what we were budgeted for this year. | 00:04:22 | |
I'll make a motion to approve 1B. | 00:04:38 | |
We have a motion and a second for 1B. | 00:04:41 | |
Questions or discussions? The public Defender. | 00:04:45 | |
So that you get a more like where we approved our. | 00:04:51 | |
Rachel make out to fill up finish out some years I won't be spelled. | 00:04:57 | |
A lot of those are appealed. We have to contract those out on an hourly basis. So we've had a rise in the number of termination of | 00:05:02 | |
plan or life cases and also with the number of jury trials we've had that resulted in a lot more than normal in terms of turning a | 00:05:08 | |
pallet for you. | 00:05:15 | |
So the appeals. | 00:05:23 | |
Contracted out to a different attorney. | 00:05:24 | |
We it's a lot harder to do it in house because of the multiple Co defendants that get tried and that rules out a lot of people on | 00:05:28 | |
a given case. So it's just easier to basically do that out on an hourly basis. | 00:05:35 | |
And we have probably about 1/2 a dozen people who use on a regular basis for that. | 00:05:44 | |
This is probably not the appropriate time, but. | 00:05:51 | |
I thought about it. Do you is there any tracking mechanism for the hours that serves the public defender? | 00:05:53 | |
What's the name? I bought a normal contractual. | 00:05:59 | |
Yeah, this one, I think we're paying what, 7 year, 580 thousand, Yeah, 7474 a year. Is there any tracking mechanism of actual how | 00:06:04 | |
many hours that they actually put in per year? | 00:06:11 | |
So that's how we comply with the Commission standard for the economy. | 00:06:22 | |
OK. So the Commission doesn't factor in how much or how little time they might work on any given K. They could care about the | 00:06:29 | |
number of kids that you've given to value. | 00:06:34 | |
OK, Any further discussions? | 00:06:43 | |
Right, we have a motion in a second for 1B. All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:06:48 | |
Thank you. Thank you. | 00:06:55 | |
Mr. | 00:06:56 | |
Good evening, Don Loft, Director, Operations. First is a request for additional appropriation edit. | 00:07:07 | |
For capital improvements of 25,000, utilities of 40,000, maintenance of 40,000 and telephone for 40,000 total being $145,000. This | 00:07:13 | |
is basically just a cover year in expenses. I don't expect the. | 00:07:20 | |
These to actually be all spent and they'll just revert back into the. | 00:07:28 | |
Cash on hand at the end of the year. | 00:07:34 | |
But it would we're we are actually in the red right now on utilities. | 00:07:35 | |
There'll be another distribution, there'll be another distribution in December, there'll be two, two more distributions. So you're | 00:07:43 | |
you're appropriately inappropriate are the appropriate power at it still has about $225,000. So you think you'll be okay at year | 00:07:48 | |
end. | 00:07:54 | |
So your projections that you'll be in the in the red at your end, No, no, just right now we're at the line items are right now | 00:08:00 | |
should be a minimum of 80,000 to the good. Yeah, what we have already appropriated and what we have coming in, in this request we | 00:08:06 | |
should be around 80,000. | 00:08:12 | |
Can you tell us what the capital improvements are? | 00:08:20 | |
There's some projects there going on at the Weiss building right now that that will go from fall go from winter to to. | 00:08:22 | |
To next year. | 00:08:32 | |
Motion to approve to a. | 00:08:37 | |
Second motion a second for 2A. Any further discussion or questions? | 00:08:38 | |
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:08:45 | |
That carries 2B2B is a request out of the 99152 county general capital improvement 135 thousand O 92 and that is for an upcoming. | 00:08:48 | |
Contract for architect and engineering services. | 00:09:04 | |
Associated with the Ius and Lab space outer Gnome park. | 00:09:07 | |
Motion to approve. | 00:09:17 | |
2nd. | 00:09:20 | |
Have a motion and a second for to be any questions or discussion for them. | 00:09:22 | |
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? | 00:09:28 | |
That carries. Thank you. Have a good night. Don, can I have another question for you? I don't know if this is appropriate. If it's | 00:09:31 | |
not, let me know. ARPA monies, we have to have those committed by year end. Are we, are we on track to have all those dollars | 00:09:38 | |
committed and where are we going to commit those two? | 00:09:44 | |
Commissioners are having discussions about that. They've been having discussions for about about a month now. | 00:09:51 | |
They haven't given me an indication. | 00:09:58 | |
What their final decision is going to be, But as you said, it all has to be obligated by December 31st of this year and spent by | 00:10:01 | |
December 31st of 2026. | 00:10:06 | |
So they, they're very aware of that schedule and I would anticipate that myself or Nick or someone will be here in December to | 00:10:12 | |
obligate the remainder. I, I would like to put that on the agenda for Friday so that we can at least start to understand we can so | 00:10:18 | |
we don't get to the last minute and then. | 00:10:24 | |
Not agree with something that's going on that with the spectrum. | 00:10:31 | |
Initiative that happened just this past week. | 00:10:37 | |
I know there was some money set aside for Internet on there. Is that still something that we need to keep in? That's still being | 00:10:41 | |
discussed by the commissioners how the process will need to take place as they need to place that into their implementation plan. | 00:10:49 | |
So which that would more than likely either happen at their next meeting or by their December 4th meeting. | 00:10:57 | |
I would have to have those would have to happen. I'm going to make an assumption we'll go out and then that you'll probably have | 00:11:06 | |
more than one meeting in December. | 00:11:09 | |
Most traditionally, you do so either at your regular meeting in December or one of your you know. | 00:11:13 | |
Cleanup meeting, so to speak, in December that. | 00:11:20 | |
Someone will come here and ask for those additional preparations. There's a pretty large amount of monies that aren't, it's right | 00:11:22 | |
about $1.8 million I was thinking about. So I know that they're having discussions on infrastructure and broadband and. | 00:11:29 | |
Things like that, but they haven't come to a decision on what they're going to allocate them. | 00:11:37 | |
Is it appropriate to ask for that to be put on the agenda for Friday? | 00:11:42 | |
Yeah, I think it can be a good discussion. | 00:11:47 | |
That's all. Thanks. | 00:11:51 | |
Thanks for your information. | 00:11:55 | |
Michelle, Europe. | 00:11:57 | |
So I'm here on behalf of Leah Pesaroski and Open Door Youth Services. She received a very nice federal grant in the amount of | 00:12:05 | |
$160,000 to hire 3 part-time childcare supervisors. | 00:12:14 | |
So there's no benefits that go along with these positions? | 00:12:25 | |
She already sent an e-mail or we sent an e-mail. | 00:12:29 | |
To the Job Classification and Compensation Committee and because they were all federal funds that was agreed to. So now it's | 00:12:35 | |
before the full council to agree to those three positions. Motion to approve the three positions for the Open Door Youth Services | 00:12:41 | |
2nd. | 00:12:47 | |
Have a motion a second. Any further discussion as always. Is this grant going to be renewable? | 00:12:54 | |
I do not know the answer to that. I guess my question is these positions go away if the grant don't happen again next year or the | 00:13:02 | |
year after. Well, you know, there's a couple of things in play. They have to have the children that support the need and then they | 00:13:07 | |
also have to have the grant money. | 00:13:13 | |
So it's it's a balancing act. | 00:13:18 | |
And she's really good about writing for grants. | 00:13:24 | |
Any further questions? | 00:13:29 | |
All in favor of three a say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:13:31 | |
That carries. Thank you. | 00:13:35 | |
This is Tommy. | 00:13:39 | |
Good evening. | 00:13:43 | |
Good evening. | 00:13:44 | |
4A's a request for additional appropriations to. | 00:13:46 | |
Fulfill some council obligations. | 00:13:50 | |
Through the remainder of the year. | 00:13:54 | |
Can you be more specific? | 00:14:00 | |
Believe that it was Baker Tilly Baker Tilly and that would have been included in the supporting documents. | 00:14:02 | |
Motion to report. | 00:14:09 | |
Second motion a second for for a. Any further questions? | 00:14:11 | |
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:14:17 | |
Cherries. | 00:14:20 | |
4B is for an additional appropriation in the opioid unrestricted fund, which the commissioners. | 00:14:22 | |
Created a computer oversight committee for that. Oversight committee did take in requests for equipment purchases that are | 00:14:30 | |
specifically geared towards fighting the opioid epidemic in this area. Commissioners did approve the list of equipment that was | 00:14:38 | |
requested by the different law enforcement agencies in the area, so this is just an appropriation to fulfill that regard. | 00:14:46 | |
Is that was that supporting documents? | 00:14:53 | |
List motion to approve be. | 00:14:58 | |
So we just trust the commissioners here that they did the right thing. | 00:15:04 | |
I'm sure they will provide it for you myself. Sure. I mean when I see missile lightning is $320,000 that's a lot for | 00:15:07 | |
miscellaneous. I didn't realize is this oh this is the unrestricted fund not restricted. This is the one that they put in | 00:15:13 | |
protective custody to be utilized. | 00:15:19 | |
Yeah, I kind of like support the influx. | 00:15:26 | |
Exactly. | 00:15:31 | |
I mean, that's three. Do you know, I'm not opposed to it. I just, you know. | 00:15:34 | |
If you would like the criminal element of our community to know the tools that will be utilizing to fight against them, I'm more | 00:15:39 | |
than happy to publicize that as a line title meant. | 00:15:44 | |
Is that what you stood up to say? Sure. | 00:15:50 | |
If that is your preference to title the purchases. | 00:15:55 | |
As opposed to tattling them as miscellaneous equipment, request that. | 00:15:59 | |
We can send you the list of equipment, we just can't. | 00:16:05 | |
Title this line by that. | 00:16:09 | |
I request that. | 00:16:13 | |
I'd be happy to provide it to you probably. | 00:16:14 | |
Private. | 00:16:17 | |
I think we have a motion. You have a motion, I'll second. OK, we have a motion and a second for four being any any further | 00:16:21 | |
questions or discussion? | 00:16:26 | |
All right, all in favor, Say aye, aye. Any opposed? | 00:16:32 | |
Or be carries. | 00:16:36 | |
I am covering AJ rack request. | 00:16:38 | |
On behalf of. | 00:16:41 | |
Judge. Judge Stiller. | 00:16:45 | |
And it is an additional appropriation to. | 00:16:47 | |
It says medical services, but it's specific to a provider that they already contract with. | 00:16:51 | |
Care service. | 00:16:58 | |
Yes, I never can remember the name of it. | 00:17:00 | |
We talked about that meeting. | 00:17:06 | |
Motion to approve Second. | 00:17:10 | |
We have a motion, a second for 4C. Any discussion? | 00:17:12 | |
All in favor say aye. | 00:17:17 | |
Opposed. | 00:17:19 | |
I'm additionally covering your request for transfers if you report 3. | 00:17:21 | |
They just have some line transfers that are crossing categories. | 00:17:26 | |
Where we'll be decreasing office supplies and jury supplies and increasing their guardian. That light of mine. Motion to approve | 00:17:30 | |
4D and E. 2nd I have a motion and a second for 4D and E. | 00:17:36 | |
Questions or discussion? | 00:17:44 | |
All in favor say aye. | 00:17:47 | |
Any opposed? | 00:17:49 | |
That was carried. | 00:17:51 | |
We have an additional transfer for Superior Court 3 where we will again be just transferring. | 00:17:53 | |
And crossing category lines they would not utilize. My apology. Thank you. | 00:17:58 | |
2nd I have a motion second for F&G for EMA. Any discussion? | 00:18:06 | |
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:18:14 | |
Motion to approve HNI. | 00:18:18 | |
And I'll second. | 00:18:23 | |
Have a motion and a second for H and I. | 00:18:25 | |
Any discussion? | 00:18:28 | |
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? | 00:18:31 | |
Thank you. | 00:18:35 | |
Item 5 is Floyd County. | 00:18:37 | |
Council transfers on 5A and B is 2025 meeting dates. | 00:18:39 | |
A motion to approve 5A. | 00:18:53 | |
Second motion a second for 5A. Any discussion on the transfers? | 00:18:59 | |
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? | 00:19:05 | |
That carries. | 00:19:08 | |
Meeting dates. | 00:19:12 | |
There was one. | 00:19:13 | |
And then, but in November, our November meeting calls on veteran's day. | 00:19:23 | |
PCA has the Monday schedule. | 00:19:29 | |
So Wednesday. | 00:19:32 | |
The day after change it or maybe later. Do you know what that date is? | 00:19:34 | |
So it's wealthy or? | 00:19:46 | |
12th. | 00:19:54 | |
Is that right? | 00:19:57 | |
Is November 12th is the Wednesday, so November 11th of course is. | 00:20:04 | |
Play. | 00:20:11 | |
Motion to approve meeting dates for 2025 by BIG. | 00:20:15 | |
So I guess I have a motion and a second for 2025 council meeting dates. Any further discussion? | 00:20:20 | |
All in favor say aye aye. | 00:20:29 | |
Any opposed? | 00:20:31 | |
Like carrots? | 00:20:32 | |
While on the subject of meeting dates, I would request that the Council begin discussions concerning a clean up meeting for the | 00:20:34 | |
end of December calendar if needed. | 00:20:39 | |
We can look now if everybody's OK with that. | 00:20:46 | |
So advertise. | 00:20:58 | |
Do we want to do it late, like the 30th? | 00:21:07 | |
Monday 30th. | 00:21:14 | |
Yep, check everything else. | 00:21:23 | |
Don't you have to have time to go in the system and do the work? | 00:21:29 | |
Yes, but we work all day, the 30th and the 31st. | 00:21:34 | |
And there won't be much. | 00:21:38 | |
Last year, Gloria. | 00:21:43 | |
And I do. | 00:21:45 | |
Excellent job creating November and December department stay on top of their. | 00:21:49 | |
OK, cool. | 00:21:54 | |
We just started auditing them today actually. | 00:21:57 | |
You'll see a lot of data in the first meeting of December. | 00:22:02 | |
Right now, if I find that it's not so. | 00:22:13 | |
Pencil in for 6:00 PM and then. | 00:22:17 | |
We have to. | 00:22:19 | |
Can you send out an invite for that out as well please? | 00:22:22 | |
All right, any committee reports? | 00:22:36 | |
I have one. I met, we met with the. | 00:22:40 | |
Well, last meeting, but then we got one more meeting for the Legacy Foundation. | 00:22:44 | |
I would like to commend. | 00:22:48 | |
Legacy Board. | 00:22:51 | |
Members past and present for the good work that they've done. | 00:22:54 | |
We started in 2020 or $14,700,000 that's original investment. | 00:22:59 | |
We've given out 2,000,100 and $100 one note 2,100,000. | 00:23:07 | |
$221.00 including 500,000 this year to EMS. | 00:23:13 | |
And we have a value right now, 15 million, 492 in the legacy. And so as I stated in public, I won't state, I commend the board | 00:23:19 | |
members of the Legacy Foundation past and present for #1 setting a good investment strategy and #2 keeping the. | 00:23:28 | |
The spin rate low at 3% and then even coming in under the spin rate. So I commend the boards like I say past and present. | 00:23:40 | |
So it's growing pretty good even though we've had over $2,000,000 dispersion. | 00:23:51 | |
Thank you. Tony, do you have anything? No, Denise. | 00:23:59 | |
Yeah, not for that, but I was just just reminding me. | 00:24:03 | |
Last year we had a issue with our. | 00:24:08 | |
Nomination for the building authority. We found out they met in January before we even have our. | 00:24:11 | |
Appointments. Do we? Can we add that to the December agenda? | 00:24:17 | |
Right. | 00:24:22 | |
We'll we'll put on the agenda for and if. | 00:24:27 | |
If anyone has recommendations for anybody that. | 00:24:33 | |
Wants to serve or whatever. Just e-mail those in. | 00:24:35 | |
Umm, beforehand so we can. | 00:24:38 | |
Right. | 00:24:43 | |
You have somebody maybe add their contact information so if any council members want to give them a call. | 00:24:47 | |
Speak with him first. | 00:24:52 | |
Anything else? Jim, Connie. | 00:24:56 | |
I just want to put everybody. | 00:24:58 | |
Let everybody know next month. | 00:25:00 | |
Will be coming to the council for the appropriations for the grant money from the J Rack. They have been notified. We had six top | 00:25:05 | |
winners. | 00:25:10 | |
And it came in just under what we approved for the grant award money, so. | 00:25:16 | |
Kind of exciting, we'll have a little get together that's in the works to present those checks, but that will be coming next month | 00:25:23 | |
to appropriate that those funds. | 00:25:28 | |
The only update I really have is. | 00:25:36 | |
Still working with the road department, we've. | 00:25:42 | |
Gotten some attorneys working on cleaning up language. | 00:25:44 | |
Doing that attorney thing and besides that we're. | 00:25:49 | |
Most of it is down to. | 00:25:53 | |
The financial part? | 00:25:56 | |
Is the health department, is the health insurance, How's that? That's off the table. | 00:25:59 | |
OK, so we're we're just down to. | 00:26:04 | |
The basic increase at this point, and I think most other things are. | 00:26:09 | |
Will be cleaned up with language. | 00:26:17 | |
But we should have that for. | 00:26:20 | |
The next next meeting for consideration. So as soon as I get get that I'll send out. | 00:26:23 | |
Details on that. | 00:26:29 | |
But that's all I have, so any. | 00:26:33 | |
Anybody from the public? | 00:26:35 | |
I guess I'm public. Steve O Sheriff will allow it, Yes. So two things. The first one is a lot of good things happen with Jay Rack | 00:26:41 | |
and a lot of a lot of folks involved in that parting it up and collaborating and doing a lot of good stuff. Almost specifically | 00:26:47 | |
thank Connie for her work with the grants that she just did. She took a lot on. | 00:26:52 | |
With that and her and the board that that was selected to helper, but specifically you, you did a really good job and I want to | 00:26:58 | |
thank you publicly because you know why you doing that That's going to help these organizations help the people in the community | 00:27:05 | |
as we battle the mentalist and addiction as we keep moving forward in our society and what's going on in our community locally. So | 00:27:11 | |
thank you for that. The other thing is, remember I came back with several months ago about the server room. | 00:27:17 | |
Pipes over that. So we finally are able to move forward a little bit with that. So we're getting some quotes. | 00:27:24 | |
Steve Brooks, County Treasurer Today is last state for taxes if you didn't get him in. | 00:28:00 | |
It cost you 5% more and then 29 days 10% more. So I'll check your records and make sure have a great day. | 00:28:04 | |
Anybody else? | 00:28:13 | |
I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved. | 00:28:15 | |
We are. | 00:28:18 |