Start Position
Mr. Seabrook opened the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance.   Roll Call. Present: Steve Bush, Mark Seabrook, Charles Freiberger.   Also Present:  Scott Clark, Auditor; Rick Fox, Attorney; Jim Wathen, County Council President; John Schellenberger, County Council; Sandy Duley, Commissioner’s Administrative Assistant   Old Business:
Rick Fox – Draw up an agreement to share GIS information with the City – Mr. Fox reviewed, expand system for both private & business
Finish appointments (RH Regional Planning Commission) - Tabled
Appointment to Weights & Measures (Mr. Ingram’s resignation effective 2/3/14)
Community Corrections – Board Appointments   New Business   1.
Contract for Courts regarding Title IV-D monthly reimbursements – John Now with Maximus – Plan reviewed, Clerk & Prosecutor receive but Courts do not, claiming for courts. Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. Motion passed unanimously.   2.
Rexann Farris – Cars for Probation – tabled no one present   3.
Christy Eurton – Use of the old Commissioners Office – sent email for permission to use for early voting, asking for a key.  Currently have ebooMotion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.  Motion passed unanimously.               Mr. Fox met with Christy & Loughmeyer an additional space for early voting.     4.
Cheryl Mills – County Insurance – feedback – upfront cost are being requested for tests or surgery before anything is done.  Service receiving and quality is not.  Mr. Seabrook asked if the tests were at Floyd Memorial and we have an agreement with them.  Mr. Clark asked Cheryl to give him the names and he will be happy to work with them to get these issues resolved.  Mr. Seabrook thanked her for the information.   5.
FC Plan Commission’s Unfavorable Recommendation (Thieneman Apartments) – Don Thieneman stated they are withdrawing their request.  Thanked Don Lopp; direction this board is going – disappointing that this board does not follow their Urban Planner.  Plan to widen Old Vincennes Road is outdated.  Quoted Mr. Maymon’s response.  Mr. Fox asked that Mr. Thieneman understood by withdrawing he waves their right t their 90 days voting. 6.
Keith Mull – Speaking for the “Concerned Citizens of Floyds Knobs” – Mr. Prifogal when can he come back and reapply.  Joseph Moore – thanked the Commissioners for listening to the people.  George Mouser – Questioned if this is legal for him to withdraw at the last minute.  Mr. Fox stated he spoke to Mr. Hancock and he would have to wait one year. 7.
Rick Fox – Mitigation Plans Community Park/Falling Run Creek – Mr. fox reviewed the   project – for the Durgy Road project – along the creek between Community Park and the 4H fairgrounds will be stabilized, planting will be done.  Mr. Seabrook stated this is not the project the City has proposed for the retention in the area.  Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.  Motion passed unanimously. 8.
Purdue Lease & Contractual Agreement – Melissa Marida - Motion: the contractual services agreement, Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.  Motion passed unanimously.  The lease is lower and the area of the building that will be utilized was reviewed.  Motion: for, Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. 9.
Jill Saegesser – CDBG Grant Approval – working with the Health Department on issues found in Scenic Valley – if could sponsor CDBG wastewater grant – pre-application – due 3-14 – area have to meet certain income criteria.  Project cost $340,000 applying for 80% of.    Mr. Freiberger stated we will try to find the funding if not the residents will have to pay for themselves.  Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush. 10.
Operations Report:      Don Lopp   1.      Highway Department – Sick Bank Policy requested Change – longtime employee who is experiencing a severe illness and the employees; employees to be able to donate their vacation; personal days and comp time.  Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. Mr. Clark stated by doing this it may shortchange the county.  Mr. lopp stated vacation does personal days do not but those days are earned  Floyd County Resolution – (FCR-2014-III) Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger. Motion passed unanimously.     2.      Floyd County Ordinance – Cost Saving Program for Highway Department (FCO – 2014-I)  tabled   3.
Old Vincennes Road Project Update – tree cutting this week, 2 purchase orders Edwardsville water & strands and associates.  Motion: Both purchase orders, Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.   4.      North Luther Connector Project Update -   5.
Bridge 23 Change Order – Becky  Change order reviewed $6148.80 under $8566.25 under 4957.60 County to pay full amount Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.   Addendum -   6.
Bridge 60 Changer Order Update – Designer has  agreed to pay $7900 for the joint that was not partMotion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.     7.
Bridge 80 Project Update   8.
Bridge 506 Update   9.
Charlestown Road Park Update – meetings with HO associations in regards to design $65000 - $70000   10.
Floyd County Land Bank – request from a couple of non profits for the land that the commissioners own by the tax sales.  Motion: to review and then bring back , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.   11.
Commissioner Departmental Budgets Update - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.   12.
Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.   Mr. Fox questioned why we would reimburse Edwardsville Water to use our easements.Motion: , Action: Table, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.   13.  Letter to Proceed Strand – Old Vincennes Rd   14.  Letter to Proceed Edwardsville Water  - Old Vincennes Rd   11.
39° North – 3 year renewal contract approval - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush. 12.
Additional Bond Approval (FC Redevelopment Commission member)Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush. 13.
2013 Year End Report of Yellow Ambulance Service – Mr. Seabrook acknowledged.  Mr. Freiberger asked if any negatives to us.  14.       Receipt of the Jan. Report of the Veterans Service Officer – Mr. Glen Hammack – Mr. Seabrook acknowledged 15.       Receipt of the Jan. 16-Feb. 15 Report of Weights & Measures, Mr. James Ingram - Mr. Seabrook acknowledged 16.       Approval of the Jan. 21st Commissioners Minutes - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.     17.       Approval of Payrolls & Claims - Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Steve Bush, Seconded by Charles Freiberger.     18.       Attest that the only item discussed in the 02/18/14 Executive Session was job performance - Mr. Seabrook acknowledged    Motion: , Action: Approve, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.
Mr. Freiberger thanked everyone for coming.
Mr. Seabrook thanked everyone for being here and for their patience.
Mr. Clark – av system is now working and is in fine shape.  It is working with webmaster to setup links to view on our
Jim Wathen – considering 200 computers – lease purchase type of purchase – all would be on windows 8; Council did a general consensus that we were behind this; his son strongly recommends not to do the jump from XP to windows 8; windows 7 is much cheaper and will be supported for many years; would like to sit down with Mr. Walker if there is time.  Mr. Clark stated the contract has been signed and sent.             Mr. Lopp stated Mr. Walker presented to the Council it has been brought to Mr. Seabrook to sign and it was signed.  Mr. Fox reviewed the contract and his concerned with the indemnity clause.  I t was brought to the Council as a discussion item.  Mr. Wathen stated Mr. Walker presented a couple of different avenues for the cost of the annual lease.
George Mouser – Spoke to Mr. Thieneman’s criticized Mr. Maymon; Mr. Loughmiller interjected that mr. Thieneman could withdraw because there was not a full board, questioned Mr. Loughmiller’s performance over the years.
Motion: 7:26 pm, Action: Adjourn, Moved by Charles Freiberger, Seconded by Steve Bush.                   4:15 Stormwater
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