No Bookmarks Exist.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:04
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:10
All right. Thank you. New business take call for nominations for election of the President. 00:00:17
I like to nominate. 00:00:24
Alchemy a second. All right, I have a motion a second. All in favor, aye? Aye. 00:00:26
Thank you very much. It's been a pleasure serving 2023 and I'll double down my efforts for 2024, particularly making sure that 00:00:34
door is open before the meeting starts. 00:00:40
Now we'll take a call for Vice President. I'd like to nominate John Schellenberger for Vice President and I will second that all 00:00:46
in favor, aye. 00:00:50
All right. Thank you, gentlemen. Next we want to announce the Floyd County appointments for 2024. 00:00:56
These have all been decided beforehand, but we do want to run through these. 00:01:05
So I'm going to take page one and then John, if you'll do page two, OK, so. 00:01:12
President will be out Cable vice president John Schellenberger, attorney Rick Fox service officer Marty Snyder. 00:01:20
The ABC board Steve Roberts, Community Action of Southern Indiana. La Micro. Martin. 00:01:27
Weights and Measures. Steve Ingram. 00:01:33
Floyd County Community Action. 00:01:36
Committee John Schellenberger. 00:01:39
RH Regional Planning. 00:01:42
Council we Don lop. 00:01:45
Kept the board of directors John Schoenberger. 00:01:47
Kept a transportation technical coordinating elements committee or Commission. I think it's a committee. Your ratio, your ETA. 00:01:50
Horseshoe Foundation, now Knavel. 00:01:55
Floyd County Police bargaining, Jason Sharp, Regional Housing Committee, Nick Creevy Youth Shelter, Alkanable Legacy Foundation, 00:02:00
Bill White. 00:02:05
And Legacy Foundation Alcohol Planning Commission Jason Sharp motion to approve, I'll say all in favor, aye. 00:02:11
OK for the Redevelopment Authority yearly and see Roberts, Ray Chan and Bill White. 00:02:21
For the Redevelopment Commissioner. 00:02:27
The Redevelopment Commission is Robert Wolseley, Rich Bowling and myself. 00:02:31
The River Hills is myself. 00:02:37
Chris Welch, La Micra Martin, Jeremy Kramer and Sean Carruthers. 00:02:40
The Peter Boa is David Riley, Martin Schmidt and Michelle Cutter. 00:02:45
And for the Planning Commission is Victoria Unruh and the Floyd County BCA is Lee is Larry Beetle Hauser. 00:02:51
All right. Seek a motion to approve motion to approve those, and I'll second all in favor, aye? 00:02:59
All right. I believe that was all the business that we had. Does that cover all the bases, Susannah? 00:03:06
All right. Motion to adjourn. All right. 00:03:11
We back in five. 00:03:15
Oh, sure. 00:03:25
All right. Welcome to the Board of Commissioners of Floyd County. First meeting for the year 2024. I think I knew a couple of 00:03:28
other people joined us. So I think we'll do the pledge again. Doesn't hurt. 00:03:33
Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible liberty and 00:03:42
justice for all. 00:03:47
All right. Welcome everyone. Thank you for being here. If you'll please silence your cell phones. 00:03:53
And join me in a moment of silence. 00:04:00
For individual prayer, meditation, or reflection. 00:04:03
Thank everyone again for being here. We have a relatively short agenda tonight and we're going to have ample time for public 00:04:26
comment. 00:04:30
So, to begin with, Director of Operations Planning Don Lott. 00:04:36
Good evening. First item I have is a contract of ideology. It's our renewal of their contract. They do marketing and assist with 00:04:46
websites for us and other items. 00:04:51
And so that amount for this renewal is 36,000. 00:04:57
It's gonna be, it's gonna be by Mr. Fox and everything. 00:05:03
Is in order. How many years have they been? This is their second year, second year, OK. Was there a big jump in price on that 00:05:06
actually reduction? 00:05:10
OK. Motion to approve. I'll second it all in favor. Aye, aye. Thank you. Second, I'm just a real quick update on the Charlestown 00:05:15
Rd. Trail project. 00:05:21
Nick Creepy was at and meeting with Kipta. We had that project in two phases, one in 2024, one in 2026. There's been some funding 00:05:27
that's become available through INDOT. 00:05:34
It's going to move the project from March of this year letting to July in dots working with us through that. There will be a 00:05:41
engineering contract for construction engineering RFP that's went out for inspection, but it's looking like at the least it's an 00:05:47
8020. 00:05:53
Match which we were going to have to put more in because if it was kept to funds and it's possibility of even a 9010 match 00:05:59
according to. So we'll give you more information as we get it, but looks like that project can actually be done. It'll be done 00:06:06
with less local local monies than what we had originally planned and sooner. 00:06:13
And with the project go ahead, we got all have we purchased all the right aways and easements and all that, everything is ready 00:06:20
right away, utilities been relocated and so. 00:06:25
It is ready to go through in dot, letting in dot would let it and then manage the financials and then we would just work with 00:06:31
their inspector in terms of. 00:06:36
The inspection of project and this starts. We're about some trust Rd. in the. 00:06:43
It would connect with the Kevin Hammersmith Park and County Line. 00:06:49
Going directly up the County line and that's as far as it goes in, yeah, I would stop there at the at the crossroads between 00:06:54
County Line and Charleston. 00:06:58
Good job. OK. And that had been in jeopardy of some delay because of our internal funding, correct? 00:07:03
Our internal funding and also in our crypto funding. 00:07:12
But we were able to, we were able to get that funding for 26 and then dot has funds that they have made available to actually do 00:07:16
it all now in one, one, one phase. So all right, well, job well done on that. 00:07:23
Nick, creepy one, probably deserved a lot of credit because he was he's kind of shepherd that. So good deal. Thank you, Don. 00:07:32
All right, Boarding committee reports. 00:07:40
All right. So we're not going to have any EMS meetings until after the RFP. 00:07:45
Or turn in in February. 00:07:53
We get those back in, we'll start having those meetings again mid February. February 1st is when we're supposed to get the RFP's 00:07:55
and I believe it's February 5th maybe. 00:08:00
OK. Yeah, we'll have a meeting on February 5th and we'll have a. 00:08:08
Another one, I think 13. 00:08:11
Let's see. 00:08:16
December 28th attended the Joint Commissioner and Council meeting and immediately afterwards attended the Council meeting that 00:08:18
immediately preceded our joint meeting. 00:08:23
I had a couple opportunities to spend some time with our employees for some couple Christmas luncheons. 00:08:28
Which is nice. I mean, we got a very dedicated group of county employees, so it was good to spend a little bit of time with them. 00:08:34
That's all I got today. 00:08:37
John, OK. 00:08:42
I got it down just a couple paragraphs here. Again, attended the joint meeting, council meeting on 12/28 and we had a good time 00:08:47
with our taking our operations. 00:08:53
Employees out as well as we had pizza with our Rd. department last Friday, I think it was. 00:09:00
Had a good time and also very good pizza too so. 00:09:08
And the other thing is that last week Don and Nick and myself we met with mainstream to talk about the next level phase four for 00:09:10
broadband, a very good, very productive meeting. And so we're trying to digest that and hoping that we'll be talking with one of 00:09:19
the other carriers vendors as well to see what's what kind of plans they have phase for phase four. 00:09:28
There's a there's another program called Bead, which is a broadband equalization access. 00:09:37
Whatever, I forget what the D is. 00:09:44
But it's coming from the from the federal government. So we've got between okra and bead, there are several opportunities for us 00:09:45
to complete the broadband in Floyd County. So that's all I have. 00:09:51
12/23 I attended a breakfast with Nomad St. Ministry Down on Oak St. New Albany. They do ongoing important work trying to help the 00:09:59
homeless situation in New Albus Lloyd County. 00:10:04
1227 Attended the swearing in ceremony for our newly elected County officials 12/28 joint meeting that evening. Attended the 00:10:10
swearing in of Councilwoman Stephanie Griffith. 00:10:16
A 12/29 met with newly sworn in City Councilman Chris Fitzgerald. He's District 4 and. 00:10:23
Trying to see where we could work together on the northern part of the Grant Line corridor, which runs through his district, but 00:10:33
also a. 00:10:37
Incorporates the Grant line, Rd. frontage of the Annex and the. 00:10:42
The park there, so. 00:10:48
And then again, a couple good holiday gatherings with some of our employees. So I look forward to a busy, productive 2024. 00:10:50
I need approval of the commissioners meeting minutes for December 19, 2023. Motion to approve. I'll second all in favor. 00:11:01
Approval of Payroll and claims. 00:11:11
All in order motion to approve. I'll second all in favor. Aye. We also had a storm water meeting at 4:30 PM this evening. Our next 00:11:14
meeting will be January 16th, 2024 at 6:00 PM. 00:11:20
Do we have any public? 00:11:29
Officials who would like to comment tonight. 00:11:32
County Council, I just want to say hope everybody had a great holiday season and looking forward to working with Y'all next year 00:11:40
and going forward. 00:11:44
Thank you very much. We reciprocate those feelings. 00:11:49
Hope we can keep up with our joint meetings. 00:11:53
Any public comments tonight? 00:11:57
Yep. 00:11:59
Good evening gentlemen. Joseph Moore, Georgetown Township. First, I know I wish you good holidays and Christmas last time and. 00:12:08
Our statement I disagree with you guys sometimes on issues, but I appreciate the amount of effort and work you put in, including 00:12:16
outside of this, remember? So I've noticed that. 00:12:21
Two things that were discussed one last time and one this time. Did you say there would be meetings on the new EMS expansion on 00:12:27
February 5th and 13th? Is that what I heard? 00:12:32
Those will be the scheduled meetings for the EMS board. 5th I believe is a workshop. That's what we just opened up the bids and 00:12:39
talk about it and then we have a meeting, Jason, is that right? Yeah, the regular scheduled meeting I believe is the 13th. 00:12:45
I've seen interest. I've heard from people because my. 00:12:51
Community environment. I've seen it on social media. 00:12:55
People are interested in this. I presume there's going to be some public notice or public meetings before decisions are made, or 00:12:58
is that going to be in the course of a regular commissioner meeting? 00:13:03
Any idea? 00:13:09
Well, the EMS board meetings are open to the public directions, so the Advisory Board meetings are open to the public. 00:13:10
Our joint meetings with the Council are open to the public, I will say that. 00:13:18
You know, there are none scheduled at the moment because we don't know who the new council president is going to be and whether 00:13:23
they'll wish to, you know, continue with those. My hope is that they are. 00:13:27
And I have committed to at least one of those meetings before we make a final decision on that. I understand the they're open, but 00:13:32
considering some people aren't want to be involved, but there's a limit to their. I won't say apathy versus time, but for the 00:13:38
meetings that where you guys or anybody who makes the actual decision voting to approve of a contract or bid or to expend money. 00:13:44
I'd like to keep track of that so I can make sure people know if they want to save up their appearance for the big game, if you 00:13:51
know what I mean. 00:13:57
But I think they're all important, so I do too. So I, you know, football games are four quarters for a reason, right? So I I, I 00:14:04
encourage involvement whenever anyone from the public with an interest can be here. 00:14:10
And I guarantee that whether they speak at the first meeting or the last meeting. 00:14:17
Those thoughts will be taken into consideration. You're speaking to the choir, but I'm saying that some people don't show up until 00:14:21
the Super Bowl. Understood anyhow. 00:14:26
The so I appreciate that. The other thing is when you mentioned last time about the bank withdrawing the building offer for any 00:14:30
county building downtown. 00:14:35
I mentioned this once before, if I made a note, I just wanted to remind you, please in any consideration you give to a new 00:14:41
building, new facility, it's got a parking has to be a priority. It can't just be an adequate parking for the employees and maybe 00:14:46
a couple of spots. 00:14:52
It's got to be enough that people conducting their business or for meetings they can partners, judges. The one building the was it 00:14:58
the Pearl St. White House. The White House. That one harbor parking situation because it wasn't even enough parking for the 00:15:04
employees within a reasonable distance. So I'm just saying please. 00:15:10
Number one, I appreciate our ongoing football analogy, but I'll kill it here with this one. But one of the the things on the 00:15:18
learning curve in public versus private is you know, our, our private business open 2 new facilities last year. Nobody knew about 00:15:23
that until we had a ribbon cutting. 00:15:29
Publicly, every step along the way it has to be public, which is great. I applaud that and I welcome it. But that means if we're 00:15:36
actually looking at a building such as the old White House, we have to publicly acknowledge that we're doing that. Even though 00:15:42
part of the process is looking at the parking. It invites people to say, well, have you looked at the parking, have you looked at 00:15:48
the parking? And so you know that is something that probably would have been ruled out very, very quickly and actually was as one 00:15:54
of the larger, but. 00:15:59
It's just a little bit different when you're doing things publicly versus privately because you're kind of thinking out loud and 00:16:06
in front of. 00:16:09
Anyone else? 00:16:41
I'll look for a motion to adjourn. So moved. All right, second, second. 00:16:44
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I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:04
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:10
All right. Thank you. New business take call for nominations for election of the President. 00:00:17
I like to nominate. 00:00:24
Alchemy a second. All right, I have a motion a second. All in favor, aye? Aye. 00:00:26
Thank you very much. It's been a pleasure serving 2023 and I'll double down my efforts for 2024, particularly making sure that 00:00:34
door is open before the meeting starts. 00:00:40
Now we'll take a call for Vice President. I'd like to nominate John Schellenberger for Vice President and I will second that all 00:00:46
in favor, aye. 00:00:50
All right. Thank you, gentlemen. Next we want to announce the Floyd County appointments for 2024. 00:00:56
These have all been decided beforehand, but we do want to run through these. 00:01:05
So I'm going to take page one and then John, if you'll do page two, OK, so. 00:01:12
President will be out Cable vice president John Schellenberger, attorney Rick Fox service officer Marty Snyder. 00:01:20
The ABC board Steve Roberts, Community Action of Southern Indiana. La Micro. Martin. 00:01:27
Weights and Measures. Steve Ingram. 00:01:33
Floyd County Community Action. 00:01:36
Committee John Schellenberger. 00:01:39
RH Regional Planning. 00:01:42
Council we Don lop. 00:01:45
Kept the board of directors John Schoenberger. 00:01:47
Kept a transportation technical coordinating elements committee or Commission. I think it's a committee. Your ratio, your ETA. 00:01:50
Horseshoe Foundation, now Knavel. 00:01:55
Floyd County Police bargaining, Jason Sharp, Regional Housing Committee, Nick Creevy Youth Shelter, Alkanable Legacy Foundation, 00:02:00
Bill White. 00:02:05
And Legacy Foundation Alcohol Planning Commission Jason Sharp motion to approve, I'll say all in favor, aye. 00:02:11
OK for the Redevelopment Authority yearly and see Roberts, Ray Chan and Bill White. 00:02:21
For the Redevelopment Commissioner. 00:02:27
The Redevelopment Commission is Robert Wolseley, Rich Bowling and myself. 00:02:31
The River Hills is myself. 00:02:37
Chris Welch, La Micra Martin, Jeremy Kramer and Sean Carruthers. 00:02:40
The Peter Boa is David Riley, Martin Schmidt and Michelle Cutter. 00:02:45
And for the Planning Commission is Victoria Unruh and the Floyd County BCA is Lee is Larry Beetle Hauser. 00:02:51
All right. Seek a motion to approve motion to approve those, and I'll second all in favor, aye? 00:02:59
All right. I believe that was all the business that we had. Does that cover all the bases, Susannah? 00:03:06
All right. Motion to adjourn. All right. 00:03:11
We back in five. 00:03:15
Oh, sure. 00:03:25
All right. Welcome to the Board of Commissioners of Floyd County. First meeting for the year 2024. I think I knew a couple of 00:03:28
other people joined us. So I think we'll do the pledge again. Doesn't hurt. 00:03:33
Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible liberty and 00:03:42
justice for all. 00:03:47
All right. Welcome everyone. Thank you for being here. If you'll please silence your cell phones. 00:03:53
And join me in a moment of silence. 00:04:00
For individual prayer, meditation, or reflection. 00:04:03
Thank everyone again for being here. We have a relatively short agenda tonight and we're going to have ample time for public 00:04:26
comment. 00:04:30
So, to begin with, Director of Operations Planning Don Lott. 00:04:36
Good evening. First item I have is a contract of ideology. It's our renewal of their contract. They do marketing and assist with 00:04:46
websites for us and other items. 00:04:51
And so that amount for this renewal is 36,000. 00:04:57
It's gonna be, it's gonna be by Mr. Fox and everything. 00:05:03
Is in order. How many years have they been? This is their second year, second year, OK. Was there a big jump in price on that 00:05:06
actually reduction? 00:05:10
OK. Motion to approve. I'll second it all in favor. Aye, aye. Thank you. Second, I'm just a real quick update on the Charlestown 00:05:15
Rd. Trail project. 00:05:21
Nick Creepy was at and meeting with Kipta. We had that project in two phases, one in 2024, one in 2026. There's been some funding 00:05:27
that's become available through INDOT. 00:05:34
It's going to move the project from March of this year letting to July in dots working with us through that. There will be a 00:05:41
engineering contract for construction engineering RFP that's went out for inspection, but it's looking like at the least it's an 00:05:47
8020. 00:05:53
Match which we were going to have to put more in because if it was kept to funds and it's possibility of even a 9010 match 00:05:59
according to. So we'll give you more information as we get it, but looks like that project can actually be done. It'll be done 00:06:06
with less local local monies than what we had originally planned and sooner. 00:06:13
And with the project go ahead, we got all have we purchased all the right aways and easements and all that, everything is ready 00:06:20
right away, utilities been relocated and so. 00:06:25
It is ready to go through in dot, letting in dot would let it and then manage the financials and then we would just work with 00:06:31
their inspector in terms of. 00:06:36
The inspection of project and this starts. We're about some trust Rd. in the. 00:06:43
It would connect with the Kevin Hammersmith Park and County Line. 00:06:49
Going directly up the County line and that's as far as it goes in, yeah, I would stop there at the at the crossroads between 00:06:54
County Line and Charleston. 00:06:58
Good job. OK. And that had been in jeopardy of some delay because of our internal funding, correct? 00:07:03
Our internal funding and also in our crypto funding. 00:07:12
But we were able to, we were able to get that funding for 26 and then dot has funds that they have made available to actually do 00:07:16
it all now in one, one, one phase. So all right, well, job well done on that. 00:07:23
Nick, creepy one, probably deserved a lot of credit because he was he's kind of shepherd that. So good deal. Thank you, Don. 00:07:32
All right, Boarding committee reports. 00:07:40
All right. So we're not going to have any EMS meetings until after the RFP. 00:07:45
Or turn in in February. 00:07:53
We get those back in, we'll start having those meetings again mid February. February 1st is when we're supposed to get the RFP's 00:07:55
and I believe it's February 5th maybe. 00:08:00
OK. Yeah, we'll have a meeting on February 5th and we'll have a. 00:08:08
Another one, I think 13. 00:08:11
Let's see. 00:08:16
December 28th attended the Joint Commissioner and Council meeting and immediately afterwards attended the Council meeting that 00:08:18
immediately preceded our joint meeting. 00:08:23
I had a couple opportunities to spend some time with our employees for some couple Christmas luncheons. 00:08:28
Which is nice. I mean, we got a very dedicated group of county employees, so it was good to spend a little bit of time with them. 00:08:34
That's all I got today. 00:08:37
John, OK. 00:08:42
I got it down just a couple paragraphs here. Again, attended the joint meeting, council meeting on 12/28 and we had a good time 00:08:47
with our taking our operations. 00:08:53
Employees out as well as we had pizza with our Rd. department last Friday, I think it was. 00:09:00
Had a good time and also very good pizza too so. 00:09:08
And the other thing is that last week Don and Nick and myself we met with mainstream to talk about the next level phase four for 00:09:10
broadband, a very good, very productive meeting. And so we're trying to digest that and hoping that we'll be talking with one of 00:09:19
the other carriers vendors as well to see what's what kind of plans they have phase for phase four. 00:09:28
There's a there's another program called Bead, which is a broadband equalization access. 00:09:37
Whatever, I forget what the D is. 00:09:44
But it's coming from the from the federal government. So we've got between okra and bead, there are several opportunities for us 00:09:45
to complete the broadband in Floyd County. So that's all I have. 00:09:51
12/23 I attended a breakfast with Nomad St. Ministry Down on Oak St. New Albany. They do ongoing important work trying to help the 00:09:59
homeless situation in New Albus Lloyd County. 00:10:04
1227 Attended the swearing in ceremony for our newly elected County officials 12/28 joint meeting that evening. Attended the 00:10:10
swearing in of Councilwoman Stephanie Griffith. 00:10:16
A 12/29 met with newly sworn in City Councilman Chris Fitzgerald. He's District 4 and. 00:10:23
Trying to see where we could work together on the northern part of the Grant Line corridor, which runs through his district, but 00:10:33
also a. 00:10:37
Incorporates the Grant line, Rd. frontage of the Annex and the. 00:10:42
The park there, so. 00:10:48
And then again, a couple good holiday gatherings with some of our employees. So I look forward to a busy, productive 2024. 00:10:50
I need approval of the commissioners meeting minutes for December 19, 2023. Motion to approve. I'll second all in favor. 00:11:01
Approval of Payroll and claims. 00:11:11
All in order motion to approve. I'll second all in favor. Aye. We also had a storm water meeting at 4:30 PM this evening. Our next 00:11:14
meeting will be January 16th, 2024 at 6:00 PM. 00:11:20
Do we have any public? 00:11:29
Officials who would like to comment tonight. 00:11:32
County Council, I just want to say hope everybody had a great holiday season and looking forward to working with Y'all next year 00:11:40
and going forward. 00:11:44
Thank you very much. We reciprocate those feelings. 00:11:49
Hope we can keep up with our joint meetings. 00:11:53
Any public comments tonight? 00:11:57
Yep. 00:11:59
Good evening gentlemen. Joseph Moore, Georgetown Township. First, I know I wish you good holidays and Christmas last time and. 00:12:08
Our statement I disagree with you guys sometimes on issues, but I appreciate the amount of effort and work you put in, including 00:12:16
outside of this, remember? So I've noticed that. 00:12:21
Two things that were discussed one last time and one this time. Did you say there would be meetings on the new EMS expansion on 00:12:27
February 5th and 13th? Is that what I heard? 00:12:32
Those will be the scheduled meetings for the EMS board. 5th I believe is a workshop. That's what we just opened up the bids and 00:12:39
talk about it and then we have a meeting, Jason, is that right? Yeah, the regular scheduled meeting I believe is the 13th. 00:12:45
I've seen interest. I've heard from people because my. 00:12:51
Community environment. I've seen it on social media. 00:12:55
People are interested in this. I presume there's going to be some public notice or public meetings before decisions are made, or 00:12:58
is that going to be in the course of a regular commissioner meeting? 00:13:03
Any idea? 00:13:09
Well, the EMS board meetings are open to the public directions, so the Advisory Board meetings are open to the public. 00:13:10
Our joint meetings with the Council are open to the public, I will say that. 00:13:18
You know, there are none scheduled at the moment because we don't know who the new council president is going to be and whether 00:13:23
they'll wish to, you know, continue with those. My hope is that they are. 00:13:27
And I have committed to at least one of those meetings before we make a final decision on that. I understand the they're open, but 00:13:32
considering some people aren't want to be involved, but there's a limit to their. I won't say apathy versus time, but for the 00:13:38
meetings that where you guys or anybody who makes the actual decision voting to approve of a contract or bid or to expend money. 00:13:44
I'd like to keep track of that so I can make sure people know if they want to save up their appearance for the big game, if you 00:13:51
know what I mean. 00:13:57
But I think they're all important, so I do too. So I, you know, football games are four quarters for a reason, right? So I I, I 00:14:04
encourage involvement whenever anyone from the public with an interest can be here. 00:14:10
And I guarantee that whether they speak at the first meeting or the last meeting. 00:14:17
Those thoughts will be taken into consideration. You're speaking to the choir, but I'm saying that some people don't show up until 00:14:21
the Super Bowl. Understood anyhow. 00:14:26
The so I appreciate that. The other thing is when you mentioned last time about the bank withdrawing the building offer for any 00:14:30
county building downtown. 00:14:35
I mentioned this once before, if I made a note, I just wanted to remind you, please in any consideration you give to a new 00:14:41
building, new facility, it's got a parking has to be a priority. It can't just be an adequate parking for the employees and maybe 00:14:46
a couple of spots. 00:14:52
It's got to be enough that people conducting their business or for meetings they can partners, judges. The one building the was it 00:14:58
the Pearl St. White House. The White House. That one harbor parking situation because it wasn't even enough parking for the 00:15:04
employees within a reasonable distance. So I'm just saying please. 00:15:10
Number one, I appreciate our ongoing football analogy, but I'll kill it here with this one. But one of the the things on the 00:15:18
learning curve in public versus private is you know, our, our private business open 2 new facilities last year. Nobody knew about 00:15:23
that until we had a ribbon cutting. 00:15:29
Publicly, every step along the way it has to be public, which is great. I applaud that and I welcome it. But that means if we're 00:15:36
actually looking at a building such as the old White House, we have to publicly acknowledge that we're doing that. Even though 00:15:42
part of the process is looking at the parking. It invites people to say, well, have you looked at the parking, have you looked at 00:15:48
the parking? And so you know that is something that probably would have been ruled out very, very quickly and actually was as one 00:15:54
of the larger, but. 00:15:59
It's just a little bit different when you're doing things publicly versus privately because you're kind of thinking out loud and 00:16:06
in front of. 00:16:09
Anyone else? 00:16:41
I'll look for a motion to adjourn. So moved. All right, second, second. 00:16:44
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