No Bookmarks Exist.
Before Floyd County Council meeting to order, please stand for the pledge. 00:00:02
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:07
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:12
Or you're just full of it to my heart. 00:00:19
Let the record show that we have a full quorum tonight. 00:00:24
Mr. Bagshaw, will you lead us in prayer? 00:00:28
OK. 00:00:30
Oh Lord Jesus, we thank you today for living in the land of liberty and freedom. 00:00:32
Well, we thank you for our freedom that we we can assemble an open meetings such as this without fear of retribution. I'll be 00:00:39
thank you for all our blessings for the day of this day that you bless this bountifully will be with us tonight. Give us the 00:00:47
wisdom and the knowledge to make prudent choices concerning the community and oh Lord, be with our soldiers, sailors and airmen 00:00:54
Marines as they defend freedom around the world. Please be with our first responders, please EMS fire and keep them safe. 00:01:02
God, as they keep us safe. And oh Lord, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem today. In your name, Amen. Amen. 00:01:09
Acceptance of tonight's agenda. 00:01:17
Move to approve. 00:01:20
That motion a second. Any discussion on tonight's agenda? 00:01:23
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:01:27
That carries we have. 00:01:30
Two minutes to approve, May 14th council minutes and May 29th special meeting minutes. 00:01:33
I'll make a motion to approve both. 00:01:42
Motion a second to approve both. Any discussion on either of those? 00:01:46
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:01:51
That passes anyone from the public wish to speak. 00:01:54
All right, seeing none, we will move on. 00:02:00
New business. 00:02:03
Ronnie. 00:02:05
I'll speak for Mr. Donaldoff. 00:02:08
Yeah, I'm here to ask for the. 00:02:12
What was it local funds appropriation for? 00:02:16
Local streets. 00:02:21
I'll make a motion for one. 00:02:24
AB and C. 00:02:29
2nd, I have a motion for one A/B and C, additional appropriation, new line item and additional appropriation into that line item. 00:02:30
Any discussion on those? I think most everybody got a e-mail from Don. Any other questions I might have I would forward to him but 00:02:37
I don't have any. 00:02:44
All in favor of one AB and C say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:02:54
Those carries I can't hear. 00:02:59
Wood County Wick. 00:03:03
Good evening. Good evening. I'm Krista Comer the. 00:03:10
Finance coordinator for WIC. 00:03:14
And I'm requesting. 00:03:17
The amount shown to just be moved in line items so that my coordinator and one of our registered dieticians can. 00:03:19
Get a raise. Currently, our coordinator is the lowest paid coordinator in the state of Indiana. 00:03:27
And this is just. 00:03:34
This is state requested because we're trying to get hours closer to where they should be. I think you all got these as well. 00:03:37
Like our coordinator, the average hourly rate is $34.45 and she's paid 20, six, $7.76. With this raise she will get to $29.15. And 00:03:47
then in our new budget which starts October 1st, I put in for them to get a 3% raise as well. 00:03:58
Haven't heard back from state on that, but that will put her at just over $30.00 an hour, which is still below the state average 00:04:10
but is within their one standard deviation that they want us to be. And very similarly with Kristen, which is our CPA currently 00:04:16
she is a. 00:04:22
The average is 2927 an hour and she is at 2326. 00:04:29
With her raise it will get her to 2442 an hour. With the standard deviation it's $24.81. So I'm getting her there by October 1st 00:04:36
as long as state allows it. But we're just trying to get them even close because we are one of the lowest paying counties so even 00:04:44
if we approve tonight, if the state doesn't approve it goes nowhere. 00:04:52
They've already talked about future things. Got it. The future October 1st would be the. 00:05:01
On top of this, the 3% on top, but they have already there's a e-mail I think that you all received as well or I gave it to them 00:05:08
where she does say or her finance person that the small wage would be fine as long as funding is there. We do have the funding 00:05:16
because we had a slight turnover and so there was about a month where one of our positions was open. So the funding is covered by 00:05:25
us. And then it said if they need approval from us, they can send that. But I figured this e-mail showed that they approved it so. 00:05:33
Motion to approve 2A and B 2nd. 00:05:43
Motion and a second to approve 2A and B, any discussion or questions? This is totally grant funded, right? Yes, totally grant 00:05:45
funded. And like I said, we have the funds, I just need to move the money around to make it OK. 00:05:52
Anyone else? 00:06:01
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:06:03
That carries. Thank you. 00:06:06
Mr. Matt Dennison. 00:06:08
Hello. 00:06:13
Hello, just a request to add some money for our line item that we used to pay referees and administrators of our leagues and 00:06:14
programs. 00:06:18
Motion to approve three a second. 00:06:24
Motion is second for 3A questions or discussion. 00:06:26
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed thank you that carries. 00:06:32
And see Danita here. I spoke to her on the phone. I believe it was last Friday. The state has. 00:06:37
Raise the. 00:06:45
Daily amount. 00:06:47
To pay. 00:06:49
People who run jury. 00:06:51
And. 00:06:53
They've had a couple more jury trials than expected already. She believes this amount will get through the year, but the numbers 00:06:55
probably going to look a little different for next year because of the state mandated. 00:07:01
Increase in juror pay. Move to approve for a second. 00:07:07
Motion a second for for a any discussion questions. I'll just make a statement that I've said I've been on record many times that 00:07:13
a lot of things we do it on this body were mandated by the state and so therefore we can't. 00:07:19
Make a lot of cuts in it. We do the best we can, but so many things are mandated by the statement. From what I read on that 00:07:27
supporting doc, they doubled the pay for the jurors at state level and we have to we have to fund it. And you're right, Danny, 00:07:32
there has been. 00:07:37
Three or four, maybe five jury trials this summer already. So I've had since COVID, we're trying to judges are trying to catch up, 00:07:43
I think. 00:07:46
Anything else? 00:07:53
All in favor of four a say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:07:55
Carries. 00:07:58
Steve Burks I didn't see here as well. He's asking for a. 00:08:01
Transfer, decrease in tax statement printing and an increase in office supplies for a. 00:08:06
Printer copier machine. 00:08:12
Did it look like anybody else that it that he already purchased the copier? 00:08:16
That I think he was referring to. 00:08:22
I think that's true, Brad. OK. 00:08:25
I think it's already he's already purchased because the other one failed. 00:08:27
And he needs to pay the vendor I son. 00:08:31
$2000.00 for a copy or shoes. 00:08:37
Like a lot I don't know. 00:08:40
I'm sure we can ask for documentation, but I know the big ones are. 00:08:43
Expensive printing, as he does. 00:08:47
Yeah. I mean, it's a transfer, so he's got he's got the money, yeah. 00:08:50
You know, it's a big purchase. Yeah, it is. 00:08:55
We have a motion in a second. I'm sorry, I don't think we did yet. 00:09:02
I don't think so. Let's back up. Thank you. 00:09:06
So we're looking for a motion for I moved to approve 5A. 00:09:10
I'll second have a motion in a second for the transfer. 00:09:16
Any further discussion? 00:09:20
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:09:23
That carries. 00:09:27
Mr. Lawrence. 00:09:31
Good evening. 00:09:34
I sent you a copy of the letter. 00:09:35
Indiana could opponent attorney, which is quite an outfit. 00:09:43
Outlining some compliance. 00:09:48
You know department so. 00:09:52
I prepared a memorandum that I debuted. 00:09:54
Outlining. 00:09:57
What's going on with all of that? 00:10:00
And some other updates in our department. And then in this afternoon, I emailed a what I felt was a fiscal year impact based on 00:10:02
what the Commission was proposing. I don't know if all of your team out, if you have not, I have to copy it. I'm happy to. 00:10:10
Shout out to you or with you. With you here. 00:10:19
That is, is this a? 00:10:29
If I remember correctly, when speaking to the state public defender director, that's his Title I. 00:10:33
There is this like a warning letter like hey, you're out of compliance, we need to get into compliance or or is this beyond the 00:10:42
warning to work? We're at the risk. 00:10:47
The the way that he he's a little ambiguous in his wording I. 00:10:52
Mean that we did not. 00:10:57
Hotel the television of the 1000 by the September meeting that it could affect how they left it. We invoked unless we could. 00:11:01
Which would be the current quarter of the. 00:11:12
That they were notified of the privilege with a few weeks ago, based on two recent survey responses. 00:11:15
It's so easy to only come up. They've not been outstanding for a while or anything, so we're trying to. 00:11:22
Stay on top of it, stay in compliance, come in and we are going to talk with the Commission to be one of the cross counties 00:11:30
elected to be participating in this community reimbursement as well for the other kind of thing on top of everything because that 00:11:37
would get good county at least another 100,000 a year and reinvestment. 00:11:44
Do you think it's feasible to send a letter back saying we will? 00:11:59
Entertain this during our next budget cycle, um. 00:12:07
But since we're in mid budget season, we'd rather put this off. I mean, do you think that's that's something we could do and then 00:12:11
see what kind of response we get if they say no, We, we, you got, you got to do this now. 00:12:18
We don't want to risk, we know that we don't want to risk not getting that 40% and maybe we can even say that in the letter. We 00:12:27
don't want to risk not getting the 40%, but we'd rather entertain this during the next budget. 00:12:36
Cycle. I mean I took. 00:12:44
I think part of the that you saw in the memorandum to a several outlined in there and one up in the superior two attorney. 00:12:47
Be invaded at only 50% full time equivalent based on the pay. 00:12:56
The already. 00:13:02
Like substantially out of compliance with K plug dandruff. So it's. 00:13:04
Felt like they were kind of hinting that I would do something about that soon rather than later. 00:13:10
But are they're, they're not getting reimbursement, are they? 00:13:18
They are not at the time. 00:13:22
Right. So, so they're wanting, so the Commission wants us to raise it because of their caseload. 00:13:24
But they're not getting any reimbursement. But they will next year if the state Legislature passes the new. 00:13:30
That's correct. If they pack that and they include us in the pilot, that would be the invite in the future. 00:13:38
But right now the only real vote to the extent that they work felony cases. So there are felony cases filed, not as many as the 00:13:45
other courts, but there are some. So to the extent that. 00:13:52
We pay them to work both cases of the coordinate chair that did get a new but it's not the mid. 00:14:00
I don't know what's everybody else think. 00:14:09
I think it's a problem. We already got our stuff from Baker Tilly shown us. We got an estimated $2.7 million deficit next year. 00:14:14
That's not including the jail, which is another half, $1,000,000. 00:14:21
Where is this all going to come from? 00:14:28
It's a big concern, I mean. 00:14:30
I don't know, in order to get out of this, do we want to reconsider? 00:14:34
Eliminating those raises for the prosecutor's office, since that's what this is tied to. 00:14:39
I mean, I just don't know how we're going to afford all these things because right now prosecutors not coming out of the general 00:14:45
funds planned to next year. That's 62,000 on top of this 93,000 that. That alone is 150,000 more on top of the deficit. We don't 00:14:50
have a plan, let alone some of these other things that's already on the agenda. Another half, $1,000,000. We want to try to renege 00:14:56
for this year. 00:15:01
Where's it all coming from? I mean, are we going to create another new tax? We know we're going to pass a new EMS tax for next 00:15:07
year. 00:15:11
I don't see how we're going to get on board for a second tax here. 00:15:15
Look at ways to cut this budget. 00:15:19
Yeah, this really isn't 60. It's really only 20 to us what he's asking for now. 00:15:24
This year, for next year, I'm looking at next budget. Oh, you're looking at next budget, Yeah. 00:15:30
It is. 00:15:37
Do you feel like we're going to risk a? 00:15:49
Running into. 00:15:53
I think we don't want to lose reimbursement because that's going to cost more than. 00:15:55
Mm-hmm. 00:16:01
Tell us what you're doing without it. And this year alone I've gotten three different ones, I think to us at this point and they 00:16:04
the one relating to visit in March. So I entered it at the time I got it and they sent me that letter in May. But that just tells 00:16:12
me to really. 00:16:20
Ramping it up, kinda. 00:16:29
Keep counties in compliance and have changed the voting percentage. 00:16:32
Do you have any thoughts? 00:16:37
I think we should be very direct with them. I think we should send them a letter and be very direct and I think we should say. 00:16:42
We don't want to risk our 40%. We know there is legislation that could be passed next year that could help us with some of this 00:16:49
and we're willing to look at this in our 2025 budget and see what kind of answer we get from them. 00:16:58
I think we should take a very direct approach. 00:17:08
I have just declared by this isn't it? 00:17:12
The letter flow to the value pack. 00:17:15
Is what? 00:17:18
So. 00:17:23
So right now the Commission is going to process the deputy. 00:17:27
The Cloud County participate then. 00:17:30
That pilot couldn't even. 00:17:34
Is there a date for that? Is there a date when we'll know? 00:17:40
Sometime this year and then I think they start and a year from now. 00:17:46
So like both quarters, we will start with using that with the like. 00:17:53
The third quarter of 25. 00:17:59
Would. Would not. 00:18:05
Bringing this into their words, Compliance. 00:18:07
A risk that Floyd County being chosen as a pilot county in your opinion? That's my concern. But I think the better overall 00:18:11
picture. Look, they wanted to tackle pot and they don't want to show that all these counties are getting a big benefit from it. 00:18:20
And part of our agreement if we get that, if we're doing a lot of data tracking with regard to those cases. 00:18:29
And so one thing we've done which would offset the. 00:18:38
As we've agreed to track that data anyway. 00:18:45
And it changed that. 00:18:48
The reimbursed 25% of the position in our office left out. 00:18:51
So we're pulling in another 10,000 or so there and doing that I. 00:18:58
And also we increase our event. 00:19:05
Recently from the county to reflect our new office, so that should be reflected on this quarter. 00:19:09
That we increased our office space by about 50% with this move and that means we. 00:19:14
The county is charging 50% highly rate that I think could send our reimbursement by probably another. 00:19:22
15,000 a year, so I think it was. 00:19:29
Between those two moods where we're trying to pull in all we can, every place we can. 00:19:32
Try to offset things like that to come up. 00:19:39
I know we're not. We, we can't be the only county that has this issue because if I'm not mistaken. 00:19:44
The state runs there. 00:19:51
Budget year in the middle of our count, our calendar year and budget year coincide where theirs doesn't. So I think their raises 00:19:54
and stuff go in effect what July 1st. Do they understand the challenges that that puts on the counties that they're asking for us 00:20:01
to come into compliance halfway through a budget year that we don't have money budgeted for that? Do they understand that? I 00:20:09
think, I think they do. And like I thought I'm willing to take with conflict of plugs and send them. 00:20:16
Can we do this later please? Later if you'd like me to get that and try and see what the response is. 00:20:25
I'm just trying to convey what I'm being told to the. 00:20:32
Body and you can tell me how you want to handle that. 00:20:36
I don't know. I don't know what the right answer is. 00:20:45
I would. I'm just going to make a suggestion because. 00:20:53
I don't have the. 00:20:56
The state mall in front of me, but we've talked about this the last few years. 00:20:58
And. 00:21:03
I think the the language in the state law and correct me if I if I'm not going to say this right is. 00:21:07
Not that the pay has to be equal, but it has to be. 00:21:13
I don't know. close isn't a legal term, but it has to be. 00:21:18
Comparable, Comparable, or near or within a range of. 00:21:21
So. 00:21:27
Maybe we. 00:21:30
Maybe we should send a letter? 00:21:31
Ask if you know. 00:21:33
Or say that we're going to be including it in our budget. 00:21:36
And see how that goes over while we. 00:21:41
Search for that state law that gives us guidance on. 00:21:45
If we have to be 100% equal or if we have to have. 00:21:48
Parity within a range or do you know that I included the the compensation of salary or contractual public offenders and elect to 00:21:52
the state pays for that and that's what the Commission operates off of. 00:22:03
And so it says that. 00:22:16
Did y'all be potentially comparable? 00:22:20
Substantially comparable. 00:22:25
That's the language, so they took. 00:22:27
And I would have the stock through those salaries in the court that computers are working on content loads of 75% full time 00:22:34
equivalent. They just took that average number. 00:22:40
Took a time .75 and that's how they advise you know we know what you all attorneys do right? You leave the language in the Gray 00:22:47
area so you get you can argue it more and get bill more hours. We understand that's what this is I'm just messing with. 00:22:54
Any other suggestions for? 00:23:03
How to move forward here or? 00:23:06
I mean, it's a risk, you know, we've got. 00:23:09
The risk of piling onto an already, you know. 00:23:12
Big deficit we've got to deal with, but we also there's a risk of, you know, non compliance, which is, you know, another. 00:23:15
Skating leather and then. 00:23:23
A potential Passover of the pilot program. I just, you know, it's, it's really. 00:23:25
It's a risk. 00:23:32
What evangelism is it that we're involved in? Power program? 00:23:43
They were going to do that when? 00:23:51
******* guys up. 00:23:53
Six months ago. 00:23:55
When we told they were going to start reimbursing up to up 40% for misdemeanor public defenders. 00:23:57
I think it would be to admit they're not touching, but. 00:24:05
In any event, that Bill did not get out of. I think it was exactly of the kind. 00:24:14
And then after that. 00:24:20
The Commission worked out something. 00:24:22
They were getting funded for a limited pilot so that they could use the data to tell you how that helped the county and then 00:24:27
revisit the issue after so many years of collecting. 00:24:32
So what? Because we moved four misdemeanor attorneys down onto your staff, didn't we? Not staff, but under your purview because 00:24:38
they used to be under Judge Hancock's purview. 00:24:43
There are two of them. 2332 or three? Yeah, 3. 00:24:48
So how much, how much the pilot program, how much reimbursement are we looking at? Did you say $100,000? Did I read that hate me? 00:24:54
At least. 00:25:02
Half of that. 00:25:07
And along with any related expenses that are not covered, such as contractual attorneys, appeal to that capital. 00:25:17
So once you Add all that up that. 00:25:25
I think that at least 100,000 you know. 00:25:27
I don't know. I'm beginning to think the risk is, is higher than the amount that we've got on the table here. I don't know. I 00:25:31
mean, I came in here thinking we really needed to. 00:25:36
To put this off. 00:25:43
The risk might be greater than the reward here. 00:25:45
But it's almost like playing poker. It is We may not. We may or may not get this. 00:25:50
This reimbursed. I know they're dangling the carrot, but we don't know if we're going to actually catch it. 00:25:56
For a big payoff. I don't know if y'all play poker but. 00:26:04
Pretty good. It's pretty good payoff. 00:26:09
Then if you get into next year and you go out and you go out. 00:26:12
Really before budgets get. 00:26:22
Nail down, but we did about 100. 00:26:24
110,000 a quarter right now. 00:26:27
So about 438,000, I think it was last year. So with the new demeanor added on top of that. 00:26:30
You know guys. 00:26:40
550 range if we get it, probably the 550,000 range. Yeah, this is, I mean this goes back to what Dale was saying earlier. I mean, 00:26:42
sometimes our hands are just so tied by what legislation is. It's just. 00:26:48
Is there a deadline when we need to act? 00:26:56
On this. 00:26:59
Come again? Is there a deadline when we need to act on this? 00:27:01
They have a meeting. 00:27:09
June 12th, Maya and he understood that we wouldn't likely be able to with. 00:27:19
Bond with a plan by then. 00:27:23
And then? 00:27:27
But I've done his last sentence. Otherwise the Commission would affect another year to have been resolved, whether it's a plan for 00:27:29
compliance before the next quarterly meeting on September 26th. 00:27:35
So that tells me. 00:27:42
Before they get to the September year. 00:27:47
OK, I don't know. I just feel like if we don't act, they've already told us their expectations. 00:27:49
A letter. And if we don't act, it's to me it's a signal that they would pass this over. I'm not saying that's what they would do, 00:27:56
but if we don't, you know, I get the feeling that that's that's kind of where we are. I don't know how many more warnings we can 00:28:01
get in. 00:28:07
We're more than likely going to paint it anyway, whether it's. 00:28:15
Now or in September, so. 00:28:19
Yeah. I mean, I completely understand where Jim is. We had a lot of work to do with our budget, with our budgets. But I think this 00:28:21
is comes down to a risk versus reward. I'm going to make a motion to approve a. 00:28:27
I'm not sure exactly what. 00:28:34
It is that we're approving. 00:28:37
Because the number six is a little vague, but is there particular language that I need to include in the motion? 00:28:40
He's got numbers, Brad in that list. 00:28:50
And so we'll do the appropriation next month. This is just basically saying, OK, and then next month. 00:28:56
You said you were appropriated an additional 100,000. 00:29:20
We can't use that additional 100 to go ahead. 00:29:23
No, not for this year. 00:29:28
It's only 60,000 dollars $60,125.00 that we need to create. 00:29:31
To the general fund, I think at 92156. 00:29:39
And then from our supplemental fund, we're paying from all nine the voting fund for one of the conditions. 00:29:44
So we will be and that's before reimbursement, correct? 00:29:52
Correct. I would expect that half of that difference between the two and 71 will come in because we have juggled in the the 00:29:57
general denominator. 00:30:03
So the total after reimbursement is 71,713. 00:30:15
That's for the full year though, but we need to appropriate reimbursement. So yeah, you'll need to appropriate the higher number. 00:30:20
You wouldn't have to do that this year. 00:30:27
It's just five months, right? 00:30:30
Come again? How much do we need to appropriate 92,100? 00:30:31
And that would cover the county's cost for the year. You've got 10 or so back during this year. 00:30:39
Fun committing as part of our quarterly reimbursement payment. 00:30:49
And then the second-half would come in the third quarter of 25. 00:30:54
But really just to increase the next, the last five months of the year. Your last e-mail says it's roughly 10,000 per attorney. 00:30:58
Times three is 32,000. 00:31:04
$31.30, right. So that's just to get us through December 31st to 24, right? 00:31:10
That's not for everyone. 00:31:19
Never mind. 00:31:22
I recall my I recall my question. 00:31:25
So this. 00:31:30
This number right here, each one looks like 10 of them. 00:31:31
$7215 That's a yearly raise, which that won't be Rd. directed to January 1. 00:31:35
And start. 00:31:42
This says an increase of 7201, fifty 7200 and one $200.00 and $215 for about 10. Then there's three at 12,000. It's a change. 00:31:44
So. But that's a yearly increase. 00:31:57
So that would be prorated from. 00:31:59
June till December. 00:32:01
Excuse me, the e-mail? Are you talking about the e-mail I sent earlier? 00:32:04
Person what? What each other? 00:32:11
Attorneys going to be getting. 00:32:13
First Standard $7215.00 * 10. 00:32:15
That's for the entire year though, right? It would be. 00:32:20
Felony attorney down there it would be. 00:32:24
$6012.50 Fifty cent. 00:32:29
For the time. 00:32:33
But that would cover. 00:32:36
Five months of the year that will be paid during that. 00:32:38
The appropriation. 00:33:03
And none of these people get benefits. 00:33:09
Good. 00:33:12
So I still don't know the fun number, the line number. 00:33:18
Yeah, but here's the amount we need to appropriate. 00:33:35
We don't make the motion being paid. 00:33:39
There is one involved in $6012.50 instead of watching black this 17,000. 00:33:57
$6012.50 for the Foundation. 00:34:06
And then 123 at 12,000. 00:34:15
10,000. 00:34:20
That the supporting document 6A, is this for the rest of this year or is this annually? Is this? 00:34:45
The number. 00:34:55
I was asking 727215 is that for the rest of this year? 00:34:58
This one of those should be 1000. 00:35:08
Should be less, right? This isn't right. And that's that, that is for the end of this year, the rest of this year. 00:35:12
OK. 00:35:30
So 6000. 00:35:33
$6012.50 Whatever it does, $7000 and then that equals the 6125 and then how much for the ones that are the other three? The other 00:35:36
three would be $10,677.10 Thirty 232323150. 00:35:48
So you want to make a motion with this to appropriate. I don't want to make a motion, but I think we should make a motion. I think 00:36:01
we should make a motion. 00:36:05
I'll make it a few more. 00:36:10
Go for it. OK, I'll make a motion to appropriate. 00:36:12
A total. 00:36:18
Of $92,156.30. 00:36:21
To be distributed in the fund and departments. 00:36:26
As. 00:36:33
On the supplemental document. 00:36:35
Adjust check for. 00:36:38
What Matt just gave us. 00:36:40
I'll give you this document. 00:36:43
No, I'm telling the voting plan to cover that. 00:36:49
That one is too many of them. The 12105, yeah. 00:36:58
In Nebraska. 00:37:02
Request for the go ahead. You have a motion on the table. No, that's my motion. Second discussion purposes, we have a motion and a 00:37:12
second. 00:37:17
Go ahead. 00:37:23
My question was what you just said about the additional $6012.50 coming out your supplemental. Are you planning on doing that? 00:37:24
Next month tonight, What if it's OK with you? 00:37:32
So that needs to be a separate motion, you think? 00:37:39
Are included in the original 1. 00:37:44
Because I don't think that got covered. Yeah, I didn't cover that in my original motion. 00:37:46
I don't know the number for the supplemental fund. 00:37:52
$12.50 or something. Yeah, I got the, I got the $6012.50, but I don't know the supplemental number. 00:37:56
1200. 00:38:06
So that's an additional 6000 so that we're we're approaching almost 198,000. Are we still good then can include benefits like 00:38:13
either any, any. 00:38:17
The only one that gets benefits. 00:38:26
27.6 Benefits. 00:38:29
Another contract deploys I think, aren't they? 00:38:35
Aren't they contract employees? 00:38:39
So we don't have to worry about 5:30 contractors. 00:38:42
Administrative Coordinator. Administrator. 00:38:49
They don't get benefits. 00:38:56
Receive any form of benefits. 00:39:00
Contract contract attorney, contract employees. So Jim, to your point, we don't have to worry about those 10. 00:39:03
Well, I here we go again. That's Denise. 00:39:14
Said we're compelled by the state and I'll just, maybe I'll just run my mouth too much, but this is almost like in stores. I mean, 00:39:17
we have to do this or we're going to lose 40%. It's like the state just comes down and just does stuff. 00:39:24
It's frustrating just to be, and then I'll just say it. They said it burned # their chest. We're sitting on $3 billion cash 00:39:32
reserves and put all, every county in the entire state is in the same situation we're in, except maybe Harrison County because 00:39:37
they got to vote. 00:39:41
I can certainly understand why you. 00:39:46
I'll repeat, we have a major deficit here. Even this year we got a $1.5 million deficit. 00:39:51
Not including the jail. 00:39:57
I mean, we're going to have to, we really need to look at some cuts. And as I said, we can eliminate this problem if we. 00:40:00
Reverse the role on the prosecutor's office, which would save us additional money on top of this. We got to start looking at ways 00:40:07
to save money. We just can't keep leading this deficit. You've got to do something. 00:40:13
Asking, yeah. Is that what's driving this increase? Is that Week 8? 00:40:25
The prosecutors lawyers increases. 00:40:29
About two years ago. So they do it every so often and I just did it in March. 00:40:36
That was prior to the prosecutors. So, so undoing that, Jim, I'm not sure is gonna. 00:40:43
It mattered the caseload, the number he's throwing out based on the current, the new salaries, though for the prosecutors. I don't 00:40:50
know. I'm I'm asking Jim, I know you. So is it is it prosecutors office salaries that are that we're trying to keep or is it 00:40:57
caseload? Is it both? How is it weighted? 00:41:03
It doesn't have anything to do with the case plan. We do have case load limitation. 00:41:12
That we can't over a time case. 00:41:18
Part of our compliance. 00:41:22
But another pilot that that they the whatever that language was to dance to dentally comparable to what the equivalent practical 00:41:24
substantially. 00:41:29
Compare comparable to the prosecutor. 00:41:35
OK, So it is Jim, right. And here's another thing. When we passed that prosecutor raises, we didn't have this information yet with 00:41:38
our employee benefit study. I mean, we we go back and do the comparisons. They don't pay the same pension match that we do their 00:41:47
their healthcare matches considerably higher. So just per employee that's $4060 per person. 00:41:55
So when we're just comparing salaries with Clark County, that's not fair when we start looking at we're paying better benefits. So 00:42:05
I think one more thing that would have helped justify not approving those prosecutor raises. They haven't proven that they're 00:42:11
having a high turnover with the prosecutors office. They have been justified it that way. They were just doing a comparison to 00:42:17
Clark County salaries. 00:42:23
Which is in one of the higher ones I guess. They were probably cherry picking. You get the best deal they could get. 00:42:30
The Commission just do whatever it's worth. They do not. 00:42:36
Factor and the benefit. 00:42:39
Down. 00:42:45
All right, we have a. 00:42:54
If we include the supplemental, no, I don't. I don't even know what I want to do. I don't even know if I want to make. 00:42:56
We're really knocking on the door of 100,000 here too. Yeah, so, so maybe we should just sit on this for a month. Maybe I'll send 00:43:04
my motion, sit on this for a month and see. 00:43:11
If we come back to the same place, I don't know what. What's everybody else think? 00:43:18
I mean. 00:43:27
I don't I don't know what a month will get us. 00:43:30
Just some more time to roll it over in our heads about how we're going to handle. 00:43:33
All these. 00:43:38
Yeah, we'll still be at the same place probably. 00:43:40
We probably will. 00:43:44
I think if we if we're going to consider doing this tonight that we may want to. 00:43:46
Do it in two steps because if we exceed. 00:43:51
The 100,000 that we're going to be in a different situation, so we may want to do half this month and half next month or something 00:43:56
if. 00:43:59
And then make the appropriations. As long as you make the appropriations for the end of the year, that's all that matters. 00:44:07
So. 00:44:14
They estate give you the blessing of. 00:44:19
We get to the last day of the year and we don't get the appropriation. 00:44:23
Yeah. 00:44:29
It's much easier to sit here and say, yeah, we approve it than it is to actually appropriate the money. That's what bothers me. 00:44:38
So I can make it that motion and we all sit here and approve it and next month we bring up the appropriate and then the money 00:44:46
don't get appropriated. 00:44:50
That's my point. 00:44:54
I hear exactly what you're saying, Gloria. I do. 00:44:56
But this is a tough situation. 00:45:00
It would be. 00:45:05
But don't we don't we do that we get a consensus and then. 00:45:08
A week later, we. 00:45:12
Take the action 2 weeks later, a month in this case. We've done that. We've done it before. There's no other appropriations on 00:45:14
this agenda tonight. 00:45:18
So we're going to be under the threshold. 00:45:23
We decided that that's what we want to do tonight. 00:45:25
So I'm just going to point out. 00:45:35
A couple more things in that letter. 00:45:38
I guess. 00:45:40
They gave the option of lowering the FTE. 00:45:43
However. 00:45:47
That lowers your caseload. 00:45:48
And if that's the case, then that means they're going to have to hire. 00:45:52
Additional public defenders. 00:45:56
At the 60,000 instead of the 92 or whatever it is so. 00:46:00
Just gonna throw that out there too. 00:46:07
Because they can. I mean, if we're not going to be in compliance and we lower the case load. 00:46:10
We're gonna have to hire some more public defenders to get back into compliance. 00:46:16
And another thing to point out. 00:46:22
This says that the pay parity survey indicated the average their averaging deputy prosecutor compensation pay. 00:46:24
Well, you said that. 00:46:33
Survey was two years old, right? 00:46:34
Two years ago, the last time we sent the survey and I think that when we came to you all and you include the. 00:46:37
Contract 30. 00:46:44
But then we just did another survey. 00:46:48
In my and that's what I found to them to tell me that 60 days later. 00:46:51
I did want to make sure it was a current survey because that was going to be problematic to. 00:46:59
We would be going up again, yeah. 00:47:07
Yeah. 00:47:12
And then keep in mind too, the letter also says. 00:47:15
If you give a 3% to the prosecutors, you might want to budget at 3% to the public defenders. 00:47:19
To keep them in compliance. 00:47:27
That's what how Mr. Mason. 00:47:31
That's often overlooked whenever. 00:47:40
Prosecutors office received something that. 00:47:43
Public defender's offices. 00:47:48
Coming to knocking. 00:47:51
OK. I'll amend my motion to include the. 00:47:56
Fund 1200 for 6000. 00:48:01
01250 so it includes. 00:48:05
The whole the whole amount. 00:48:09
2nd. 00:48:14
All right. We have an amended motion and 2nd. 00:48:15
Anymore. 00:48:20
I guess one question. 00:48:23
Yeah, I'm always going to settle. All right, We might as well just go ahead and. 00:48:25
Did you bring it to their attention or did the state bring it to your attention that, hey, you're out of compliance? 00:48:31
They brought to your attention it wasn't like you went nothing personal, but you didn't go. Hey, you know what like a union would 00:48:38
do? 00:48:42
But no state reached out to you and said, hey, Matt, you've got a problem down there. 00:48:50
And what the what the **** deputy to? 00:48:57
I just filled that in. I think I contacted. 00:49:06
God in his office for that. I can't remember 5 concerts, but either way I got that information, filled it out and sent it back. 00:49:09
And then I think to Brads point, maybe it should be addressed that they're going to do that. They should. 00:49:20
They should keep in mind budget cycles instead of. 00:49:25
Milk here while we're already in trouble, and here in the middle. 00:49:28
Four months before budget adoption, we got to come up. 00:49:36
Close to 100,000. 00:49:39
Potentially avoid out of the department how to in the budget that go one time. 00:49:42
See if there's anything in the equivalent of practical value to project that at the same time at the budget cycle so that. 00:49:48
We're not getting that notice with anybody in compliance. I look at the number and they'll say it looks like they match up more or 00:49:56
less and we wouldn't have that middle mid year edges. 00:50:02
So Connie just brought up a good point while while you were speaking it out. 00:50:09
This may have gotten overloaded off. Anybody solve it? At the very end of Mr. Masons letter it says if we don't approve it before 00:50:14
tomorrow then they want to know a plan. 00:50:19
Before. 00:50:25
September 26. 00:50:27
And that's when they're going to be considering reimbursements for the second quarter of this year. 00:50:30
So. 00:50:34
To me that sounds like we're putting into jeopardy reimbursements that are for this time period here. 00:50:36
Thanks for pointing it out. I did read that, but I forgot about it. I did too. I'm reading it. Just said that too, just a few 00:50:45
minutes ago. Yeah, except for the timeline. I think he was asked by Tony and he didn't quite. Anyway, enough said on that. Yes, 00:50:51
this this this last pair draft does clarify. 00:50:57
And it's a bit. 00:51:04
Pushy. 00:51:06
Probably the most pushy part of it. I think we'll be able to count your commitment when we look at. 00:51:08
Right. 00:51:19
Call for the vote question. 00:51:21
Any further discussion or questions, it's got to be done by tomorrow morning and you better be on the phone and tell him tonight. 00:51:25
All in favor say aye aye opposed. 00:51:35
That passes. 00:51:39
Thank you very much. 00:51:41
Floyd County ordinance. 00:51:45
20/24/05 for transfers. 00:51:48
Motion is second. Any discussion? 00:51:52
All in favor say aye. 00:51:55
7B is the hiring form Danny I've kind of I think the hold up last time I've read it. I don't have any issues with it. I make a 00:51:57
motion to approve it. Second that motion to 2nd to approve 7B the hiring form that HR will be. 00:52:05
718 Yep. 00:52:15
Any further discussion on any of that? 00:52:17
All in favor say aye aye, that passes. 00:52:20
Discussion on budget cuts for Perth and building authority. 00:52:24
So I I would like to have a discussion about putting those two cuts back into our, our budget. 00:52:31
For 2024. 00:52:41
I have spoke to Aaron at the building authority and they expect full payment on January 1. 00:52:43
January, July 1. And if they don't get it, there will be some serious ramifications. 00:52:52
And that includes. 00:53:00
Well, maybe we should have Aaron speak well to build off that or sideline that. 00:53:03
Wasn't there a committee it was that was looking into this? Is there an update on that? Yeah, We, we met Thursday deal Thursday. 00:53:09
Yeah, with with Mr. Combs was in the room, as was well, some others. I. 00:53:15
Yeah, there was. 00:53:25
There was a lot of things. 00:53:28
Aired out I. 00:53:30
And. 00:53:33
I spoke with Commissioner Sharp today and. 00:53:36
He would like to. 00:53:40
See, everybody put some skin in the game. 00:53:43
For the building authority. 00:53:47
For the rest of the year. So he is proposing umm. 00:53:49
The commissioners put in, I believe we're 250,000 for the rest of the year. 00:53:54
So he's he's proposing that the commissioners pay 100 and the council pays 100 and the building authority take 50 from there. 00:54:00
Umm, cash on hand or? 00:54:08
When you say the Commissioners are going to come up with 100,000. 00:54:14
Where's that from? Because it's coming out of the Commissioner's. 00:54:20
Didn't they get cut out of edit? 00:54:24
No, it got cut out of the Commissioner. Is it general fund or edit Where? Where did it get cut? General fund? Commissioner's 00:54:26
department? 00:54:29
Diana sent a. 00:54:34
Note it was 1000 O 68 three 1010. 00:54:37
So it got cut out of. 00:54:42
The General Fund Commissioner's department. 00:54:44
250,000 so when he says skin in the game, where is he getting the 100,000 from? From here? 00:54:48
From the general, he's not giving me a phone number. He said that he spoke with Don today and they discussed some some different 00:54:54
areas and. 00:54:58
Don assured him that they could take care of their portion of it for the rest of the year, but he did not give me a phone number. 00:55:03
Or is the building authority willing to put up the 50,000? I don't know if. 00:55:10
Jason has spoken with anyone from there or not but. 00:55:17
I spoke to him not long. 00:55:21
Before our meeting started so. 00:55:22
I don't mean to put you on the spot, but I know you shook your head no. Is that? Is that a? 00:55:27
Situation that come up or emergency situations that may come up. 00:55:41
So. 00:55:47
If I came to do is your management meeting, I said hey, I don't have any. 00:55:56
So. 00:56:30
Can we move forward by advertising? 00:56:42
Appropriation of 250,000. 00:56:48
For the. 00:56:51
June 25th joint meeting. 00:56:54
And Danny, can we leave it to you to figure out where those funds, what funds are going to come from or to work a deal with? 00:56:59
Aaron. 00:57:09
Yeah, I mean, we'll continue discussions. 00:57:15
I'm curious, you said something about ramifications. I mean, what? 00:57:21
Jason, can you come to the? 00:57:29
I mean, Karen, we're talking. 00:57:32
There will be a future contract. 00:57:35
So there will be a breach of contract and then? 00:57:38
We will decide what that breach of contract entails. 00:57:42
The Commissioners. 00:57:46
We have an agreement with the commissioners on our side of that agreement was. 00:57:47
All done properly and on time. 00:57:52
Up on our side of that so. 00:57:55
This is the other side that if it's not a building. 00:57:57
There's a breach of contract. 00:57:59
And there will be. 00:58:01
And what are the ramifications of a breach of contract? The most common one we've talked about that would probably come to light 00:58:04
would be the US turning over management of the jail. So as you all know, we, we as of right now, take care of the jail. Well, it 00:58:10
would be the the entire complex that houses New Albany. 00:58:17
Police Department as well. So we would probably turn management of that facility back over. 00:58:24
So again, I'd like to that sounds really easy, but that comes with the cancellation of a lot of contracts and that comes with 00:58:34
taking utilities out of our names so forth. 00:58:39
So again, I'd like to see us go ahead and pay this money this year and work with the building authority up front to try to get an 00:58:46
agreement to what 2025 budget looks like. And maybe if we still feel like that their cash balance is too high, we can address that 00:58:53
during the 2025 budget. 00:59:00
You're on a different once you're all in agreement, we have to have hours adopted this week and then we have to have it to the 00:59:12
commissioners by July 1, right? 00:59:16
For 2025 for the 25. 00:59:21
Until I have asked Al to if he could include us. 00:59:26
In some discussions before they approve the contract with the amount of with the budget that's going to be included for in the 00:59:31
contract for 2025. So again, there's no to clear up there's no contract for 2020. We have a long term contract already signed, but 00:59:38
the budget process is part of that. I've got a question. I didn't ask this one last week because I just thought about it. But what 00:59:46
what if you all present? 00:59:53
A budget or a lease? 01:00:01
Number and the Commissioner said no. 01:00:03
Then there are provisions in there for how that plays out. 01:00:06
I think by July 25th if we have not. 01:00:12
We have not come to an agreement on that. And I think at July, by July 25th and then it reverts back to the following year. We 01:00:15
have more time to figure that out, but obviously at the. 01:00:20
July 25th. 01:00:26
That becomes a referred factor last year. What are your, what cash reserves are you holding right now? We believe that to be right 01:00:28
around 180, which is somewhere around which is not 13%, I believe is the #13% of the annual budget. 01:00:37
Number that we're holding now. 01:00:47
And that is a, that is a number that was said this in the meeting as well. That's a number that we inherited along with the money 01:00:49
that was spent on 2050. So for the last two years we've actually spent money out of cash reserves because we've been over budget. 01:00:56
So we haven't come and asked for appropriations. We've actually it's not been an insane amount out of our out of our cash reserves 01:01:02
to cover those short thoughts. 01:01:07
You concur with that, did you? Did the committee look? 01:01:15
I thought the last thing we saw it was over 400,000, kind of thought that would, but I slept since then. Well, that's back in 01:01:18
November, so I don't know what's changed since then, but that's what it was back at that point. That's they only get payments 01:01:24
twice a year. So if you look at it mid year, if you're looking at it in August, they still have to pay four months, five months of 01:01:31
their operating expenses out of that. 01:01:38
What you're looking at, right Gem, when we were looking at November, they just had one year left of one month left, one month 01:01:45
left. 01:01:49
So I would have guessed you were probably close to right on that 400 before the project 2050 money. 01:01:56
Because we had it somewhere around that number, we spent $250,000. 01:02:02
On project 2050. 01:02:07
And again, that was all money that when we came on four years ago was there so. 01:02:09
So we put some skin in the game with Project 2050. 01:02:15
And there when our skin lost that so. 01:02:19
But yeah, the number probably was close to 400 at that point. Now it is not. 01:02:24
It is right around 180. 01:02:29
Is everybody OK with? 01:02:34
Having her having Gloria advertised, she has to do it by Thursday. 01:02:38
For the 250. 01:02:44
We'll discuss this in the joint. 01:02:48
Meeting. 01:02:51
And. 01:02:52
I again have asked Al that we be included in all of us or some of us, whatever that looks like, be included in the budget process. 01:02:55
Where the building authority? 01:03:06
Right. It just this hasn't been a pretty process and it needs to be handled up front, not in the back end. 01:03:10
I mean, I think. 01:03:19
To build on that, I think there needs to be action taken, voted up or down on on that to restore that, because I think there is. 01:03:21
The commissioners need to get back to us with where they plan to get the 100,000. 01:03:32
You know, where do we plan to restore it? The other 150 and then? 01:03:36
I think we might get legal to look into. 01:03:42
If there's no action. 01:03:46
There's a breach. 01:03:48
What does that do? 01:03:51
For us. 01:03:53
So yeah, I mean, I think we've got a couple of weeks to. 01:03:54
Figure that out. So I'm not opposed to. 01:03:58
What you're asking, But I think we need to up it up the enemy a little, get some documentation and some interpretations so we can 01:04:02
vote it up or down. 01:04:06
OK. 01:04:13
I think, I don't know if it's during the meeting or after the meeting. We. 01:04:15
I spoke to Dale. 01:04:21
About using Q cap money, I'm not sure if that's available or if that's only for a capital outlay or? 01:04:24
I think Al was pretty clear that he. 01:04:33
Al was pretty clear that he was only going to use that money for for. 01:04:36
Building. 01:04:41
The new maybe it is legal, I don't know who's working. 01:04:43
Another some strict parameters that might fall under, I don't know. I mean, we can take a look at that. Yeah, that's another 01:04:47
question we're going to try to get into, I think to Denise's point. 01:04:52
Whatever how we figure out this 250, it still needs to be published. Yes, before Thursday. Advertising. 01:05:00
Well, we got two weeks. 01:05:08
About two weeks, June 25th. 01:05:12
Yeah. Well, another alternative is those go bonds that the commissioners. 01:05:15
Backed out on paying us close to $500,000 that's still sitting. That's not supposed to be appropriated yet. 01:05:22
There's another alternative. 01:05:30
OK. 01:05:37
Well, I think where we're at is we just need to advertise, we need to make sure we understand where we're getting the money from 01:05:38
before we get into that meeting. 01:05:43
On the 25th and if we're not going to. 01:05:49
Appropriate the additional money and there's going to be a breach. We need to understand what the ramifications of that is. 01:05:53
To ask her question in reverse, is anybody opposed to having us on the 25th joint meeting agenda? 01:06:00
I won't be here but. 01:06:07
Yeah, I think it needs to be on there. 01:06:08
But it's an issue needs to be resolved. 01:06:11
We're going to set up a Zoom link for that meeting because some of us are going to be out of town. 01:06:18
Previously. 01:06:23
Said and I have no problem with it being on on there. 01:06:25
Well, I think. 01:06:30
A number of us have to be. 01:06:33
Present in order for that to be. 01:06:35
Who also be here on the 25th? 01:06:38
Physically here. 01:06:41
Are you Dale? Are you here? I'm not. I'm pretty sure I am. I'm. 01:06:43
I think 5 times I think I'm here. 01:06:47
OK, OK, thank. 01:06:50
Five has to be present, two can be remote. I think that's. 01:06:53
But OK, 4:00 isn't it? 01:06:57
Yes, I understand technology. 01:07:00
So the other thing that was in that was the perf discussion about reinstating the perf amount that was cut. 01:07:06
Again. 01:07:18
We can't. 01:07:22
It that expense is going to incur. 01:07:25
Her, because the Commissioners have not. 01:07:28
Cut perf in any fashion. They haven't changed the policy, so that is going to occur. We don't have to do that. 01:07:34
On the 25th we could. 01:07:42
We can wait till the end of the year. 01:07:45
But that expense is going to. 01:07:47
Be a carpet incurred. If no action is taken, we're going to have to absorb that expense because it's being paid. 01:07:50
What the commissioners not changing their policy, It's being paid. 01:07:57
So all we did was just cut a fund. 01:08:01
And we're going to deal with it at the end of the year. 01:08:05
So maybe we need to talk to the Commissioners about that. 01:08:11
I think they're pretty clear they're not going to change the policy so. 01:08:14
And I I would agree with you. 01:08:17
That we need to talk to commissioners on it because I don't think I think it's kind of getting lost as to why some of that went 01:08:20
down the way it did and it was because the commissioners. 01:08:25
Do a lot of contract negotiation and say here you go, pay for this and figure out how. 01:08:31
You know. 01:08:37
So I definitely think that that's. 01:08:40
That's a good call is, you know, we definitely need to talk to the commissioners. They have other funds. 01:08:43
That they can pull from and have a little more skin in the game since they're the ones contracting with the health insurance, you 01:08:48
know, agreeing to the. 01:08:52
Handbooks and all of that. 01:08:56
Will someone reach out to them to have them come with a game plan on the 25th? 01:09:01
On this particular issue. 01:09:08
Thank you. Can we go ahead and advertise for that to be reappropriated as well? 01:09:12
Yes. 01:09:21
Yes. 01:09:22
Does it? Does it matter for the? 01:09:28
For the advertisement. 01:09:31
I guess on this you know that where the building authority, so right on the student is miscellaneous and. 01:09:33
But I think we do need to have a real. 01:09:43
Get down and dirty with the commissioners about how we're going to move forward with both of these items. 01:09:46
So, well, correct me if I'm wrong, Dale, we were pretty clear. 01:09:53
With Commissioner Sharp and. 01:09:58
Mr. Combs, who just left that. 01:10:01
The process isn't going to be the same in the budget cycle look the same. 01:10:03
There's going to be no. 01:10:06
They can disagree all they want. 01:10:08
That the numbers aren't inflated. 01:10:12
But we've done the homework. 01:10:15
And it's it's just not going to, it's not going to look the same. It's been increasing. 01:10:17
By big amounts each of the last four or five years and it's not. 01:10:23
I don't think we can. 01:10:28
Let that go again in the same fashion. 01:10:30
Knowing. 01:10:34
That there's cash carryover we. 01:10:35
They're not maintaining the jail. 01:10:41
The sheriff came to us for money for repairs. They're they might be doing small stuff in there, I don't know, nothing. 01:10:43
So let. I mean they want to turn over the. 01:10:50
Maintenance to to whoever I don't know but. 01:10:53
There's a real big disconnect and I'll, I'll just lay it out there. 01:10:57
That. 01:11:02
They carry a chip on their shoulder that they own the building. 01:11:05
OK, I guess technically, legally they do. 01:11:11
But. 01:11:14
They are appointed and they can be removed and the taxpayers of this county own that building. 01:11:16
Not a board who sits there and makes decisions and they need to work with us on the budget for that building going forward until 01:11:23
either we get on the same page or they're no longer needed to maintain that building. 01:11:31
I've had it with this is our building and you're going to do what we tell you to do, that is. 01:11:42
So far out in left field from the way we need to be working together, we have tried and tried. 01:11:49
To work with them. 01:11:55
And we get attitude all the time and. 01:11:57
That relationships got to change. 01:12:02
And we've got to get on the same page going forward because? 01:12:05
It's not, it's not a good working relationship right now. Well, I think in that in that meeting as well. 01:12:09
They didn't like to be compared to the animal shelter, but it's very similar to the animal shelter. 01:12:15
Or former animal shelter. 01:12:21
Where they set their own budget, they say, oh by the way, this is the budget fund. 01:12:22
What the funders should never have any impact in input on what what we're funding is just this is what you're doing and you're 01:12:27
going to pay for it. 01:12:31
And so. 01:12:35
I think, Brad, you might have mentioned that we need our Denise, that we need to have some input in this process of what they're 01:12:37
doing. 01:12:41
Never happened in the past. It's going to have to happen. 01:12:47
Short period of time. 01:12:50
We told them we don't want your employees on the county roads, but. 01:12:52
You treat your employees different than county employees get treated, and they know it. 01:12:59
And you know your health insurance. 01:13:03
Payments not the same you know perf like. 01:13:08
They're not on our salary ordinance. We want, we've discussed this so many times before, but if there's a, there's a disconnect 01:13:12
there, we can't, we can't make that. 01:13:16
Finally, over the chasm to. 01:13:22
To get together it's, it's wild. We did the analysis before, reminded everybody it was like 90,000 over the last five years that 01:13:25
they overbuilt us for insurance. They don't even have the employees contribute anything to the insurance, which the rest of the 01:13:32
county does. So those two things alone, plus I have a big issue with them creating that. 01:13:38
Pension or whatever they have when they're not even county employees or anything, their contract. That's the whole point you 01:13:46
contract something is to eliminate benefits such as that to save money yet they're just. 01:13:51
Tacking onto this thing more and more, it's ridiculous. 01:13:58
That's why we come in with these cuts. Like I'll ask the commissioners to come ready to discuss both issues at the at the joint 01:14:02
meeting. 01:14:06
I mean, if we don't, if we don't. 01:14:13
Hey, you know, put the other 250 in. We need to have a plan once again, the commissioners can go to that go fund. I mean that's a 01:14:17
half $1,000,000. I mean, let's listen right here since about half a million between the two the pension and the. 01:14:24
The building authority. 01:14:31
So the auditor is asked for some guidance for budgets for department heads. 01:14:37
Did you all see the e-mail today about? 01:14:48
I guess she'd be rather than. 01:14:52
Ask for what they want instead of keeping things static and. 01:14:54
Asking for additioners. 01:14:59
Right. So we can discuss that we can discuss. 01:15:01
Any kind of. 01:15:07
Cola. 01:15:10
Anybody have any ideas? 01:15:16
I don't see how we cannot put a freeze on these budgets at a minimum, because we already know. 01:15:24
Once again, next year it's forecasted at $2.7 million deficit. That's not counting any of this stuff for the building authority 01:15:32
perf here. Any of these raises that just getting approved right now? 01:15:38
This thing is growing and growing. We got to do something. Put a freeze to that. 01:15:45
Also, I'll go ahead and put my. I'll throw mine out there right now, I'd say with the. 01:15:50
The cost of living, I'm proposing a 2%. I'm done reading some forecasts for next year or they're anywhere from 2.3 to 2.5%, but I 01:15:56
don't see how we can afford to continue to pay out 3%. 01:16:03
In addition to that, I mean we payout longevity fee, pay that to employees that can help offset some of that too because I mean 01:16:10
half the counties in that benefit study do not even offer longevity pay. 01:16:17
Outside of contracted Sheriff's Department. So I think these are things we need to do try to keep this budget down. So Jim, just I 01:16:25
just want to clarify to make sure I heard you right. Are you saying that the budgets are frozen and only put a 2% in for Co-op? 01:16:33
That's what I'm suggesting, yeah. I just want to make sure I understand. 01:16:40
In their money but they they have to freeze their well I mean we're we really need to start I mean that's the starting point I 01:16:48
think we need to look and see where that actual numbers are because. 01:16:52
I if, if we're not going to do anything, we're going to create a new tax. I mean, let's decide are we going to create a new tax or 01:16:58
are we going to try to seriously try to do some budget cuts? This is kind of what we talked about in the first quarter of. 01:17:05
Digging in deeper. 01:17:14
On the departments that he covered for last year and see like. 01:17:15
It's like the need is probably going to need another $30,000 next year for jury pay. 01:17:20
We know. We know that's probably going to happen, so she can justify that. We understand that. 01:17:26
But where? 01:17:32
You know every other line, is it staying the same? Has it been spent? You know we. 01:17:34
I'll be dropping somewhere else. 01:17:38
That's where, and I don't know, I don't want to jump really ahead into assignments, but I. 01:17:43
I would be OK. 01:17:50
Keeping mostly the way they were because we're familiar with them. If we want to switch up, that's fine, but. 01:17:53
Since we're a little bit more familiar with the inner workings. 01:18:00
And we can compare. 01:18:04
So every year I have a question. Does does anybody disagree with John's recommendation? 01:18:06
I don't know. 01:18:13
I'm good with it. 01:18:16
I don't, but I would. 01:18:18
I think I'm curious to see. 01:18:20
What they come to us with. 01:18:23
I really am I I think that. 01:18:26
I think there are some that will probably. 01:18:32
Try to pinch some pennies. 01:18:34
Or maintain constant. 01:18:36
But I would really like to see what they come to us with. 01:18:39
I really would. 01:18:43
We don't have to approve it. 01:18:44
But that that would. 01:18:47
Initiate some additional discussion. 01:18:50
Actually, we've discussed many times. 01:18:53
Right now a lot is that. 01:18:56
We all know the biggest part of the budget is labor costs. 01:18:58
And they could tweak around the pulse. He's I've said since I've been sitting on this council that. 01:19:02
You know, we look at your budget and said you don't. Last year you had $1000 for postage. 01:19:06
And it's right here, you only use 500. Can you get away with 7:50 this year? That's not really cutting budgets. No, no, you're 01:19:11
right. 01:19:15
And so anything as far as freezing to dim point to Freezing is like the. 01:19:20
Of course, a lot of its contracts anyway that you can't change, it's just. 01:19:27
You know, contract services. 01:19:30
Unlike paper costs and shredding costs, and those are going to stay pretty static, I think then a lot of it is contract stuff like 01:19:32
software. 01:19:37
The sheriff talked about the licensing agreements. I mean, you can't do anything about that. That is it is what it is. 01:19:42
Well, my thought with the freeze is that's the starting point. I think we seriously got to look at that and say and then look what 01:19:49
that deficit is going to be. I mean. 01:19:54
Decide if we're going to live with that. 01:19:59
Brad, where you're going to say something just a second ago, I didn't want to skip over you. What I was going to suggest is that. 01:20:01
You brought up a point about, you know, jury pay or whatever in the clerks. You know, we could, we could decide to put that in or 01:20:09
we could decide and, and you know, make a list of things that we don't put in and have them come to us. You know, in that year, in 01:20:16
2025 with a dis appropriation and start to see the trend of how much do you actually need, you know, instead of front loading that 01:20:23
because that's a new expense and we can handle it that way if we needed to, you know, keep a little bit more eye on that. 01:20:30
On those increases, that's all I was going to suggest. 01:20:38
Is anybody opposed to? 01:20:43
The assignments. 01:20:45
Keep your budget flat. 01:20:48
That's correct. 01:20:54
That's our starting .81%. 01:21:02
Of the budget. 01:21:06
His salaries and benefits. 01:21:09
So if you're going to cut. 01:21:12
You got to cut people, you got cut benefits, you got to cut something. 01:21:14
To Dale's point. 01:21:20
I mean supplies are $800,000 out of 21 million. 01:21:22
You can harp on supplies all day long. 01:21:30
And we want to harp on supplies, don't get me wrong. 01:21:32
But. 01:21:37
That's not where you're going to get in. 01:21:42
Anybody opposed to what Danny suggested leaving us the same? 01:21:48
Does anybody want to switch up and come off of anybody? What the public defender? 01:21:51
I'll tell you, I'll keep it. 01:21:58
I didn't have much last year, but if you want to leave it that way, I am. 01:22:03
Now sometimes speak up if you want to make a change. 01:22:09
I think I'd like to be on the shares. 01:22:14
Dale and Connie were on there last year. I mean, I guess we could have three, could we Not if somebody doesn't want to get off. 01:22:20
I only had two. See why not? 01:22:28
There we go. No, I had three. 01:22:30
And I've got a couple singles like clerk and auditor if anybody wants to join those. 01:22:40
No problem. 01:22:47
I I would like to. 01:22:55
You could have my spot. 01:22:58
OK, I'll stay in the loop on my own. 01:23:00
Oh man though. 01:23:05
Sure do they have? Do they feed you? But Stan brings coffee and Donuts, man, why not give that up? 01:23:10
You can't get up the groceries, Dale. 01:23:16
Hold on. 01:23:19
He never brought me Donuts. 01:23:21
I'm pretty sure we're cutting that anyway, you know, out budget so. 01:23:24
It's gonna get cut anyhow. Don't worry about our budget. 01:23:30
Tony, do you mind if I join Corners Budget with you? No, go right here. I don't mind at all. 01:23:37
Thank you. Put add me to the corner with Tony please. 01:23:43
Denise, are you going to be preparing the council budget? 01:23:50
I can, I can do that or somebody else can. I don't care. We're all going to look at it so. 01:23:56
Yeah, it's a carry on. 01:24:02
Yeah, I'll do it and. 01:24:05
Add Danny to. 01:24:09
Community Corrections. 01:24:12
OK. Yeah, I'll go on that one. 01:24:15
Any other changes? 01:24:24
When will we get the? 01:24:27
First drafts and. 01:24:30
By June 28th. 01:24:34
So. 01:24:43
Once we get a first. 01:24:45
Brown will Baker Tilly put that into is and Baker Tilly will have the analysis of. 01:24:48
EMS lit um. 01:24:59
Fire District. 01:25:03
Tax the whole analysis of. 01:25:04
That should be next. This time next week will definitely be about the, you know, before the joint meeting. 01:25:08
Are we going to put that on the 25th meeting? I was just going to, I was going to put it out as information that'll be for us to 01:25:18
discuss how we want to move forward as council. 01:25:23
With taxing we can we can discuss it on the 25th at the joint meeting. 01:25:29
But you know, I hope to e-mail that out to everyone. 01:25:36
Days before not, not the budgets, just we're talking about the fire the the analysis of all the different revenue sources. Yes, 01:25:39
depending on when they get it out, it may not be conducive to talk about on the 25th. I just don't know. As soon as I get it, I'll 01:25:46
send it out and everybody can review it and. 01:25:52
And go from there. 01:26:00
If you have any other. 01:26:02
Questions or ideas you want them to look at? 01:26:04
Let me know one more. 01:26:09
Go from there or something. 01:26:12
Everybody good. I was curious about since we're saying EMS, I mean I saw something in the paper from Al that they're going to have 01:26:14
a special Commission EMS. 01:26:18
Committee. 01:26:22
Our task force has. 01:26:24
There had been a correspondence with the. 01:26:27
Are us like representations? Yeah, I'm going to sit on that committee. 01:26:29
OK, I hadn't heard it was council president or designee, so I'm going to sit on it for the Ranger this year. 01:26:34
Are those going to be advertised? I would hope so. 01:26:45
I mean they should be. 01:26:49
The EMS. The EMS, yeah, it should be a public meeting here. Should be people standing around there if I want to be. 01:26:51
I'll watch them online. 01:26:58
Capability. 01:27:00
All right. Does anybody have anything else? 01:27:02
Are we in committee reports? 01:27:04
Committee, go ahead. The EMA Advisory Board met in their quarterly meeting a couple of weeks ago and just wanted to update you on 01:27:07
the the new position of Deputy Director, which Jason Mock. 01:27:14
Is feeling doing an excellent job. He's very involved instituting some training things. He's doing a good job. So it was, I think 01:27:23
it was a win win for us to to create that position. So that was good. 01:27:30
Do we have any updates on the bargaining units? I know we discussed that. 01:27:40
Yeah. 01:27:45
I requested some information today with Gloria on corrections salaries, so we're putting together. 01:27:49
For our next round of I guess negotiations, so still ongoing. 01:27:59
Road officers have they've they've taken it back to their. 01:28:07
Approved what we counter offered so. 01:28:12
So when are we going to? 01:28:15
Commissioners as soon as commissioners. 01:28:18
And we don't have the final written draft. 01:28:21
Friends with the attorneys and commissioners now, what is the increase? 01:28:25
Do you have it? 01:28:31
Yeah, sure. 01:28:36
First of the three-year contract, the first year's $5000 replacement. 01:28:38
I'm wrong, but I think to believe it's a three-year contract for first years of $5000 amounts which equates about an 8.2% increase 01:28:49
and then? 01:28:54
Is this for again the road, the police, the road up 5%, the second, third? 01:28:59
And that's to keep pace with other police departments, True. 01:29:06
What's the dollar amount increase for 2025? 01:29:10
Well, Jim was more on pace of of. 01:29:16
Forecasting the raises from the lucky party groups in both of them, depending on what happened, correction is about I think about 01:29:19
100,000 but it could be less of I don't know, but it's somewhere close to that. 01:29:23
What would Baker Tilly have built into their projections that would they be using a 3% year increase on their projections? 01:29:29
So yeah, we probably need when it comes to the council, that breakdown, what that difference is gonna be, plus all the other added 01:29:38
benefits that were approved uniforms and I don't know about that. 01:29:45
They could actually change the individual person's salary and it would roll right into the. 01:29:52
A model, so I don't know how that works. 01:30:02
Would like to have told me. 01:30:07
But yeah, we're going to have to do, we're going to have to do it individually because. 01:30:10
Definitely can't just say put a 2 1/2 percent increase in. 01:30:14
Or 2% increase. 01:30:19
Didn't you have anything else? 01:30:23
I'm good, Jim. 01:30:26
Yep. 01:30:28
Motion to adjourn. Second question. 01:30:31
Oh, I'm sorry. 01:30:36
We did the beginning so. But anyways, I guess the first thing I have to ask, are we going to have to buy candles? 01:30:38
Coming up in the next month if they're going to turn out lights. 01:30:45
That joke. So have a generator. 01:30:48
We may have some generic bad jokes. My apologies. I do not. Seriously, though, I do not like you put in the middle from the 01:30:51
Sheriff's Office standpoint in terms of whether we're going to have maintenance in the jail or not or turn lights on or off. 01:30:57
To be honest, I don't care for that. If you all want to work with us and talk about having our own maintenance and the Franken 01:31:04
things they're building, that's probably a good idea. The county owns that building and the building authority owns the main 01:31:09
county building, so I think that's worth a discussion. 01:31:14
But I don't like to be put in the middle in terms of when it comes to public safety, in terms of. 01:31:20
Back and forth of the budget and money's going back and forth, not dispute with anybody's take on either side, but we don't need 01:31:24
to be put in the middle of that just. 01:31:29
Thank you. 01:31:36
Anybody else? 01:31:37
We have a motion to adjourn and. 01:31:40
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Before Floyd County Council meeting to order, please stand for the pledge. 00:00:02
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:07
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:12
Or you're just full of it to my heart. 00:00:19
Let the record show that we have a full quorum tonight. 00:00:24
Mr. Bagshaw, will you lead us in prayer? 00:00:28
OK. 00:00:30
Oh Lord Jesus, we thank you today for living in the land of liberty and freedom. 00:00:32
Well, we thank you for our freedom that we we can assemble an open meetings such as this without fear of retribution. I'll be 00:00:39
thank you for all our blessings for the day of this day that you bless this bountifully will be with us tonight. Give us the 00:00:47
wisdom and the knowledge to make prudent choices concerning the community and oh Lord, be with our soldiers, sailors and airmen 00:00:54
Marines as they defend freedom around the world. Please be with our first responders, please EMS fire and keep them safe. 00:01:02
God, as they keep us safe. And oh Lord, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem today. In your name, Amen. Amen. 00:01:09
Acceptance of tonight's agenda. 00:01:17
Move to approve. 00:01:20
That motion a second. Any discussion on tonight's agenda? 00:01:23
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:01:27
That carries we have. 00:01:30
Two minutes to approve, May 14th council minutes and May 29th special meeting minutes. 00:01:33
I'll make a motion to approve both. 00:01:42
Motion a second to approve both. Any discussion on either of those? 00:01:46
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:01:51
That passes anyone from the public wish to speak. 00:01:54
All right, seeing none, we will move on. 00:02:00
New business. 00:02:03
Ronnie. 00:02:05
I'll speak for Mr. Donaldoff. 00:02:08
Yeah, I'm here to ask for the. 00:02:12
What was it local funds appropriation for? 00:02:16
Local streets. 00:02:21
I'll make a motion for one. 00:02:24
AB and C. 00:02:29
2nd, I have a motion for one A/B and C, additional appropriation, new line item and additional appropriation into that line item. 00:02:30
Any discussion on those? I think most everybody got a e-mail from Don. Any other questions I might have I would forward to him but 00:02:37
I don't have any. 00:02:44
All in favor of one AB and C say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:02:54
Those carries I can't hear. 00:02:59
Wood County Wick. 00:03:03
Good evening. Good evening. I'm Krista Comer the. 00:03:10
Finance coordinator for WIC. 00:03:14
And I'm requesting. 00:03:17
The amount shown to just be moved in line items so that my coordinator and one of our registered dieticians can. 00:03:19
Get a raise. Currently, our coordinator is the lowest paid coordinator in the state of Indiana. 00:03:27
And this is just. 00:03:34
This is state requested because we're trying to get hours closer to where they should be. I think you all got these as well. 00:03:37
Like our coordinator, the average hourly rate is $34.45 and she's paid 20, six, $7.76. With this raise she will get to $29.15. And 00:03:47
then in our new budget which starts October 1st, I put in for them to get a 3% raise as well. 00:03:58
Haven't heard back from state on that, but that will put her at just over $30.00 an hour, which is still below the state average 00:04:10
but is within their one standard deviation that they want us to be. And very similarly with Kristen, which is our CPA currently 00:04:16
she is a. 00:04:22
The average is 2927 an hour and she is at 2326. 00:04:29
With her raise it will get her to 2442 an hour. With the standard deviation it's $24.81. So I'm getting her there by October 1st 00:04:36
as long as state allows it. But we're just trying to get them even close because we are one of the lowest paying counties so even 00:04:44
if we approve tonight, if the state doesn't approve it goes nowhere. 00:04:52
They've already talked about future things. Got it. The future October 1st would be the. 00:05:01
On top of this, the 3% on top, but they have already there's a e-mail I think that you all received as well or I gave it to them 00:05:08
where she does say or her finance person that the small wage would be fine as long as funding is there. We do have the funding 00:05:16
because we had a slight turnover and so there was about a month where one of our positions was open. So the funding is covered by 00:05:25
us. And then it said if they need approval from us, they can send that. But I figured this e-mail showed that they approved it so. 00:05:33
Motion to approve 2A and B 2nd. 00:05:43
Motion and a second to approve 2A and B, any discussion or questions? This is totally grant funded, right? Yes, totally grant 00:05:45
funded. And like I said, we have the funds, I just need to move the money around to make it OK. 00:05:52
Anyone else? 00:06:01
All in favor say aye. Any opposed? 00:06:03
That carries. Thank you. 00:06:06
Mr. Matt Dennison. 00:06:08
Hello. 00:06:13
Hello, just a request to add some money for our line item that we used to pay referees and administrators of our leagues and 00:06:14
programs. 00:06:18
Motion to approve three a second. 00:06:24
Motion is second for 3A questions or discussion. 00:06:26
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed thank you that carries. 00:06:32
And see Danita here. I spoke to her on the phone. I believe it was last Friday. The state has. 00:06:37
Raise the. 00:06:45
Daily amount. 00:06:47
To pay. 00:06:49
People who run jury. 00:06:51
And. 00:06:53
They've had a couple more jury trials than expected already. She believes this amount will get through the year, but the numbers 00:06:55
probably going to look a little different for next year because of the state mandated. 00:07:01
Increase in juror pay. Move to approve for a second. 00:07:07
Motion a second for for a any discussion questions. I'll just make a statement that I've said I've been on record many times that 00:07:13
a lot of things we do it on this body were mandated by the state and so therefore we can't. 00:07:19
Make a lot of cuts in it. We do the best we can, but so many things are mandated by the statement. From what I read on that 00:07:27
supporting doc, they doubled the pay for the jurors at state level and we have to we have to fund it. And you're right, Danny, 00:07:32
there has been. 00:07:37
Three or four, maybe five jury trials this summer already. So I've had since COVID, we're trying to judges are trying to catch up, 00:07:43
I think. 00:07:46
Anything else? 00:07:53
All in favor of four a say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:07:55
Carries. 00:07:58
Steve Burks I didn't see here as well. He's asking for a. 00:08:01
Transfer, decrease in tax statement printing and an increase in office supplies for a. 00:08:06
Printer copier machine. 00:08:12
Did it look like anybody else that it that he already purchased the copier? 00:08:16
That I think he was referring to. 00:08:22
I think that's true, Brad. OK. 00:08:25
I think it's already he's already purchased because the other one failed. 00:08:27
And he needs to pay the vendor I son. 00:08:31
$2000.00 for a copy or shoes. 00:08:37
Like a lot I don't know. 00:08:40
I'm sure we can ask for documentation, but I know the big ones are. 00:08:43
Expensive printing, as he does. 00:08:47
Yeah. I mean, it's a transfer, so he's got he's got the money, yeah. 00:08:50
You know, it's a big purchase. Yeah, it is. 00:08:55
We have a motion in a second. I'm sorry, I don't think we did yet. 00:09:02
I don't think so. Let's back up. Thank you. 00:09:06
So we're looking for a motion for I moved to approve 5A. 00:09:10
I'll second have a motion in a second for the transfer. 00:09:16
Any further discussion? 00:09:20
All in favor say aye aye. Any opposed? 00:09:23
That carries. 00:09:27
Mr. Lawrence. 00:09:31
Good evening. 00:09:34
I sent you a copy of the letter. 00:09:35
Indiana could opponent attorney, which is quite an outfit. 00:09:43
Outlining some compliance. 00:09:48
You know department so. 00:09:52
I prepared a memorandum that I debuted. 00:09:54
Outlining. 00:09:57
What's going on with all of that? 00:10:00
And some other updates in our department. And then in this afternoon, I emailed a what I felt was a fiscal year impact based on 00:10:02
what the Commission was proposing. I don't know if all of your team out, if you have not, I have to copy it. I'm happy to. 00:10:10
Shout out to you or with you. With you here. 00:10:19
That is, is this a? 00:10:29
If I remember correctly, when speaking to the state public defender director, that's his Title I. 00:10:33
There is this like a warning letter like hey, you're out of compliance, we need to get into compliance or or is this beyond the 00:10:42
warning to work? We're at the risk. 00:10:47
The the way that he he's a little ambiguous in his wording I. 00:10:52
Mean that we did not. 00:10:57
Hotel the television of the 1000 by the September meeting that it could affect how they left it. We invoked unless we could. 00:11:01
Which would be the current quarter of the. 00:11:12
That they were notified of the privilege with a few weeks ago, based on two recent survey responses. 00:11:15
It's so easy to only come up. They've not been outstanding for a while or anything, so we're trying to. 00:11:22
Stay on top of it, stay in compliance, come in and we are going to talk with the Commission to be one of the cross counties 00:11:30
elected to be participating in this community reimbursement as well for the other kind of thing on top of everything because that 00:11:37
would get good county at least another 100,000 a year and reinvestment. 00:11:44
Do you think it's feasible to send a letter back saying we will? 00:11:59
Entertain this during our next budget cycle, um. 00:12:07
But since we're in mid budget season, we'd rather put this off. I mean, do you think that's that's something we could do and then 00:12:11
see what kind of response we get if they say no, We, we, you got, you got to do this now. 00:12:18
We don't want to risk, we know that we don't want to risk not getting that 40% and maybe we can even say that in the letter. We 00:12:27
don't want to risk not getting the 40%, but we'd rather entertain this during the next budget. 00:12:36
Cycle. I mean I took. 00:12:44
I think part of the that you saw in the memorandum to a several outlined in there and one up in the superior two attorney. 00:12:47
Be invaded at only 50% full time equivalent based on the pay. 00:12:56
The already. 00:13:02
Like substantially out of compliance with K plug dandruff. So it's. 00:13:04
Felt like they were kind of hinting that I would do something about that soon rather than later. 00:13:10
But are they're, they're not getting reimbursement, are they? 00:13:18
They are not at the time. 00:13:22
Right. So, so they're wanting, so the Commission wants us to raise it because of their caseload. 00:13:24
But they're not getting any reimbursement. But they will next year if the state Legislature passes the new. 00:13:30
That's correct. If they pack that and they include us in the pilot, that would be the invite in the future. 00:13:38
But right now the only real vote to the extent that they work felony cases. So there are felony cases filed, not as many as the 00:13:45
other courts, but there are some. So to the extent that. 00:13:52
We pay them to work both cases of the coordinate chair that did get a new but it's not the mid. 00:14:00
I don't know what's everybody else think. 00:14:09
I think it's a problem. We already got our stuff from Baker Tilly shown us. We got an estimated $2.7 million deficit next year. 00:14:14
That's not including the jail, which is another half, $1,000,000. 00:14:21
Where is this all going to come from? 00:14:28
It's a big concern, I mean. 00:14:30
I don't know, in order to get out of this, do we want to reconsider? 00:14:34
Eliminating those raises for the prosecutor's office, since that's what this is tied to. 00:14:39
I mean, I just don't know how we're going to afford all these things because right now prosecutors not coming out of the general 00:14:45
funds planned to next year. That's 62,000 on top of this 93,000 that. That alone is 150,000 more on top of the deficit. We don't 00:14:50
have a plan, let alone some of these other things that's already on the agenda. Another half, $1,000,000. We want to try to renege 00:14:56
for this year. 00:15:01
Where's it all coming from? I mean, are we going to create another new tax? We know we're going to pass a new EMS tax for next 00:15:07
year. 00:15:11
I don't see how we're going to get on board for a second tax here. 00:15:15
Look at ways to cut this budget. 00:15:19
Yeah, this really isn't 60. It's really only 20 to us what he's asking for now. 00:15:24
This year, for next year, I'm looking at next budget. Oh, you're looking at next budget, Yeah. 00:15:30
It is. 00:15:37
Do you feel like we're going to risk a? 00:15:49
Running into. 00:15:53
I think we don't want to lose reimbursement because that's going to cost more than. 00:15:55
Mm-hmm. 00:16:01
Tell us what you're doing without it. And this year alone I've gotten three different ones, I think to us at this point and they 00:16:04
the one relating to visit in March. So I entered it at the time I got it and they sent me that letter in May. But that just tells 00:16:12
me to really. 00:16:20
Ramping it up, kinda. 00:16:29
Keep counties in compliance and have changed the voting percentage. 00:16:32
Do you have any thoughts? 00:16:37
I think we should be very direct with them. I think we should send them a letter and be very direct and I think we should say. 00:16:42
We don't want to risk our 40%. We know there is legislation that could be passed next year that could help us with some of this 00:16:49
and we're willing to look at this in our 2025 budget and see what kind of answer we get from them. 00:16:58
I think we should take a very direct approach. 00:17:08
I have just declared by this isn't it? 00:17:12
The letter flow to the value pack. 00:17:15
Is what? 00:17:18
So. 00:17:23
So right now the Commission is going to process the deputy. 00:17:27
The Cloud County participate then. 00:17:30
That pilot couldn't even. 00:17:34
Is there a date for that? Is there a date when we'll know? 00:17:40
Sometime this year and then I think they start and a year from now. 00:17:46
So like both quarters, we will start with using that with the like. 00:17:53
The third quarter of 25. 00:17:59
Would. Would not. 00:18:05
Bringing this into their words, Compliance. 00:18:07
A risk that Floyd County being chosen as a pilot county in your opinion? That's my concern. But I think the better overall 00:18:11
picture. Look, they wanted to tackle pot and they don't want to show that all these counties are getting a big benefit from it. 00:18:20
And part of our agreement if we get that, if we're doing a lot of data tracking with regard to those cases. 00:18:29
And so one thing we've done which would offset the. 00:18:38
As we've agreed to track that data anyway. 00:18:45
And it changed that. 00:18:48
The reimbursed 25% of the position in our office left out. 00:18:51
So we're pulling in another 10,000 or so there and doing that I. 00:18:58
And also we increase our event. 00:19:05
Recently from the county to reflect our new office, so that should be reflected on this quarter. 00:19:09
That we increased our office space by about 50% with this move and that means we. 00:19:14
The county is charging 50% highly rate that I think could send our reimbursement by probably another. 00:19:22
15,000 a year, so I think it was. 00:19:29
Between those two moods where we're trying to pull in all we can, every place we can. 00:19:32
Try to offset things like that to come up. 00:19:39
I know we're not. We, we can't be the only county that has this issue because if I'm not mistaken. 00:19:44
The state runs there. 00:19:51
Budget year in the middle of our count, our calendar year and budget year coincide where theirs doesn't. So I think their raises 00:19:54
and stuff go in effect what July 1st. Do they understand the challenges that that puts on the counties that they're asking for us 00:20:01
to come into compliance halfway through a budget year that we don't have money budgeted for that? Do they understand that? I 00:20:09
think, I think they do. And like I thought I'm willing to take with conflict of plugs and send them. 00:20:16
Can we do this later please? Later if you'd like me to get that and try and see what the response is. 00:20:25
I'm just trying to convey what I'm being told to the. 00:20:32
Body and you can tell me how you want to handle that. 00:20:36
I don't know. I don't know what the right answer is. 00:20:45
I would. I'm just going to make a suggestion because. 00:20:53
I don't have the. 00:20:56
The state mall in front of me, but we've talked about this the last few years. 00:20:58
And. 00:21:03
I think the the language in the state law and correct me if I if I'm not going to say this right is. 00:21:07
Not that the pay has to be equal, but it has to be. 00:21:13
I don't know. close isn't a legal term, but it has to be. 00:21:18
Comparable, Comparable, or near or within a range of. 00:21:21
So. 00:21:27
Maybe we. 00:21:30
Maybe we should send a letter? 00:21:31
Ask if you know. 00:21:33
Or say that we're going to be including it in our budget. 00:21:36
And see how that goes over while we. 00:21:41
Search for that state law that gives us guidance on. 00:21:45
If we have to be 100% equal or if we have to have. 00:21:48
Parity within a range or do you know that I included the the compensation of salary or contractual public offenders and elect to 00:21:52
the state pays for that and that's what the Commission operates off of. 00:22:03
And so it says that. 00:22:16
Did y'all be potentially comparable? 00:22:20
Substantially comparable. 00:22:25
That's the language, so they took. 00:22:27
And I would have the stock through those salaries in the court that computers are working on content loads of 75% full time 00:22:34
equivalent. They just took that average number. 00:22:40
Took a time .75 and that's how they advise you know we know what you all attorneys do right? You leave the language in the Gray 00:22:47
area so you get you can argue it more and get bill more hours. We understand that's what this is I'm just messing with. 00:22:54
Any other suggestions for? 00:23:03
How to move forward here or? 00:23:06
I mean, it's a risk, you know, we've got. 00:23:09
The risk of piling onto an already, you know. 00:23:12
Big deficit we've got to deal with, but we also there's a risk of, you know, non compliance, which is, you know, another. 00:23:15
Skating leather and then. 00:23:23
A potential Passover of the pilot program. I just, you know, it's, it's really. 00:23:25
It's a risk. 00:23:32
What evangelism is it that we're involved in? Power program? 00:23:43
They were going to do that when? 00:23:51
******* guys up. 00:23:53
Six months ago. 00:23:55
When we told they were going to start reimbursing up to up 40% for misdemeanor public defenders. 00:23:57
I think it would be to admit they're not touching, but. 00:24:05
In any event, that Bill did not get out of. I think it was exactly of the kind. 00:24:14
And then after that. 00:24:20
The Commission worked out something. 00:24:22
They were getting funded for a limited pilot so that they could use the data to tell you how that helped the county and then 00:24:27
revisit the issue after so many years of collecting. 00:24:32
So what? Because we moved four misdemeanor attorneys down onto your staff, didn't we? Not staff, but under your purview because 00:24:38
they used to be under Judge Hancock's purview. 00:24:43
There are two of them. 2332 or three? Yeah, 3. 00:24:48
So how much, how much the pilot program, how much reimbursement are we looking at? Did you say $100,000? Did I read that hate me? 00:24:54
At least. 00:25:02
Half of that. 00:25:07
And along with any related expenses that are not covered, such as contractual attorneys, appeal to that capital. 00:25:17
So once you Add all that up that. 00:25:25
I think that at least 100,000 you know. 00:25:27
I don't know. I'm beginning to think the risk is, is higher than the amount that we've got on the table here. I don't know. I 00:25:31
mean, I came in here thinking we really needed to. 00:25:36
To put this off. 00:25:43
The risk might be greater than the reward here. 00:25:45
But it's almost like playing poker. It is We may not. We may or may not get this. 00:25:50
This reimbursed. I know they're dangling the carrot, but we don't know if we're going to actually catch it. 00:25:56
For a big payoff. I don't know if y'all play poker but. 00:26:04
Pretty good. It's pretty good payoff. 00:26:09
Then if you get into next year and you go out and you go out. 00:26:12
Really before budgets get. 00:26:22
Nail down, but we did about 100. 00:26:24
110,000 a quarter right now. 00:26:27
So about 438,000, I think it was last year. So with the new demeanor added on top of that. 00:26:30
You know guys. 00:26:40
550 range if we get it, probably the 550,000 range. Yeah, this is, I mean this goes back to what Dale was saying earlier. I mean, 00:26:42
sometimes our hands are just so tied by what legislation is. It's just. 00:26:48
Is there a deadline when we need to act? 00:26:56
On this. 00:26:59
Come again? Is there a deadline when we need to act on this? 00:27:01
They have a meeting. 00:27:09
June 12th, Maya and he understood that we wouldn't likely be able to with. 00:27:19
Bond with a plan by then. 00:27:23
And then? 00:27:27
But I've done his last sentence. Otherwise the Commission would affect another year to have been resolved, whether it's a plan for 00:27:29
compliance before the next quarterly meeting on September 26th. 00:27:35
So that tells me. 00:27:42
Before they get to the September year. 00:27:47
OK, I don't know. I just feel like if we don't act, they've already told us their expectations. 00:27:49
A letter. And if we don't act, it's to me it's a signal that they would pass this over. I'm not saying that's what they would do, 00:27:56
but if we don't, you know, I get the feeling that that's that's kind of where we are. I don't know how many more warnings we can 00:28:01
get in. 00:28:07
We're more than likely going to paint it anyway, whether it's. 00:28:15
Now or in September, so. 00:28:19
Yeah. I mean, I completely understand where Jim is. We had a lot of work to do with our budget, with our budgets. But I think this 00:28:21
is comes down to a risk versus reward. I'm going to make a motion to approve a. 00:28:27
I'm not sure exactly what. 00:28:34
It is that we're approving. 00:28:37
Because the number six is a little vague, but is there particular language that I need to include in the motion? 00:28:40
He's got numbers, Brad in that list. 00:28:50
And so we'll do the appropriation next month. This is just basically saying, OK, and then next month. 00:28:56
You said you were appropriated an additional 100,000. 00:29:20
We can't use that additional 100 to go ahead. 00:29:23
No, not for this year. 00:29:28
It's only 60,000 dollars $60,125.00 that we need to create. 00:29:31
To the general fund, I think at 92156. 00:29:39
And then from our supplemental fund, we're paying from all nine the voting fund for one of the conditions. 00:29:44
So we will be and that's before reimbursement, correct? 00:29:52
Correct. I would expect that half of that difference between the two and 71 will come in because we have juggled in the the 00:29:57
general denominator. 00:30:03
So the total after reimbursement is 71,713. 00:30:15
That's for the full year though, but we need to appropriate reimbursement. So yeah, you'll need to appropriate the higher number. 00:30:20
You wouldn't have to do that this year. 00:30:27
It's just five months, right? 00:30:30
Come again? How much do we need to appropriate 92,100? 00:30:31
And that would cover the county's cost for the year. You've got 10 or so back during this year. 00:30:39
Fun committing as part of our quarterly reimbursement payment. 00:30:49
And then the second-half would come in the third quarter of 25. 00:30:54
But really just to increase the next, the last five months of the year. Your last e-mail says it's roughly 10,000 per attorney. 00:30:58
Times three is 32,000. 00:31:04
$31.30, right. So that's just to get us through December 31st to 24, right? 00:31:10
That's not for everyone. 00:31:19
Never mind. 00:31:22
I recall my I recall my question. 00:31:25
So this. 00:31:30
This number right here, each one looks like 10 of them. 00:31:31
$7215 That's a yearly raise, which that won't be Rd. directed to January 1. 00:31:35
And start. 00:31:42
This says an increase of 7201, fifty 7200 and one $200.00 and $215 for about 10. Then there's three at 12,000. It's a change. 00:31:44
So. But that's a yearly increase. 00:31:57
So that would be prorated from. 00:31:59
June till December. 00:32:01
Excuse me, the e-mail? Are you talking about the e-mail I sent earlier? 00:32:04
Person what? What each other? 00:32:11
Attorneys going to be getting. 00:32:13
First Standard $7215.00 * 10. 00:32:15
That's for the entire year though, right? It would be. 00:32:20
Felony attorney down there it would be. 00:32:24
$6012.50 Fifty cent. 00:32:29
For the time. 00:32:33
But that would cover. 00:32:36
Five months of the year that will be paid during that. 00:32:38
The appropriation. 00:33:03
And none of these people get benefits. 00:33:09
Good. 00:33:12
So I still don't know the fun number, the line number. 00:33:18
Yeah, but here's the amount we need to appropriate. 00:33:35
We don't make the motion being paid. 00:33:39
There is one involved in $6012.50 instead of watching black this 17,000. 00:33:57
$6012.50 for the Foundation. 00:34:06
And then 123 at 12,000. 00:34:15
10,000. 00:34:20
That the supporting document 6A, is this for the rest of this year or is this annually? Is this? 00:34:45
The number. 00:34:55
I was asking 727215 is that for the rest of this year? 00:34:58
This one of those should be 1000. 00:35:08
Should be less, right? This isn't right. And that's that, that is for the end of this year, the rest of this year. 00:35:12
OK. 00:35:30
So 6000. 00:35:33
$6012.50 Whatever it does, $7000 and then that equals the 6125 and then how much for the ones that are the other three? The other 00:35:36
three would be $10,677.10 Thirty 232323150. 00:35:48
So you want to make a motion with this to appropriate. I don't want to make a motion, but I think we should make a motion. I think 00:36:01
we should make a motion. 00:36:05
I'll make it a few more. 00:36:10
Go for it. OK, I'll make a motion to appropriate. 00:36:12
A total. 00:36:18
Of $92,156.30. 00:36:21
To be distributed in the fund and departments. 00:36:26
As. 00:36:33
On the supplemental document. 00:36:35
Adjust check for. 00:36:38
What Matt just gave us. 00:36:40
I'll give you this document. 00:36:43
No, I'm telling the voting plan to cover that. 00:36:49
That one is too many of them. The 12105, yeah. 00:36:58
In Nebraska. 00:37:02
Request for the go ahead. You have a motion on the table. No, that's my motion. Second discussion purposes, we have a motion and a 00:37:12
second. 00:37:17
Go ahead. 00:37:23
My question was what you just said about the additional $6012.50 coming out your supplemental. Are you planning on doing that? 00:37:24
Next month tonight, What if it's OK with you? 00:37:32
So that needs to be a separate motion, you think? 00:37:39
Are included in the original 1. 00:37:44
Because I don't think that got covered. Yeah, I didn't cover that in my original motion. 00:37:46
I don't know the number for the supplemental fund. 00:37:52
$12.50 or something. Yeah, I got the, I got the $6012.50, but I don't know the supplemental number. 00:37:56
1200. 00:38:06
So that's an additional 6000 so that we're we're approaching almost 198,000. Are we still good then can include benefits like 00:38:13
either any, any. 00:38:17
The only one that gets benefits. 00:38:26
27.6 Benefits. 00:38:29
Another contract deploys I think, aren't they? 00:38:35
Aren't they contract employees? 00:38:39
So we don't have to worry about 5:30 contractors. 00:38:42
Administrative Coordinator. Administrator. 00:38:49
They don't get benefits. 00:38:56
Receive any form of benefits. 00:39:00
Contract contract attorney, contract employees. So Jim, to your point, we don't have to worry about those 10. 00:39:03
Well, I here we go again. That's Denise. 00:39:14
Said we're compelled by the state and I'll just, maybe I'll just run my mouth too much, but this is almost like in stores. I mean, 00:39:17
we have to do this or we're going to lose 40%. It's like the state just comes down and just does stuff. 00:39:24
It's frustrating just to be, and then I'll just say it. They said it burned # their chest. We're sitting on $3 billion cash 00:39:32
reserves and put all, every county in the entire state is in the same situation we're in, except maybe Harrison County because 00:39:37
they got to vote. 00:39:41
I can certainly understand why you. 00:39:46
I'll repeat, we have a major deficit here. Even this year we got a $1.5 million deficit. 00:39:51
Not including the jail. 00:39:57
I mean, we're going to have to, we really need to look at some cuts. And as I said, we can eliminate this problem if we. 00:40:00
Reverse the role on the prosecutor's office, which would save us additional money on top of this. We got to start looking at ways 00:40:07
to save money. We just can't keep leading this deficit. You've got to do something. 00:40:13
Asking, yeah. Is that what's driving this increase? Is that Week 8? 00:40:25
The prosecutors lawyers increases. 00:40:29
About two years ago. So they do it every so often and I just did it in March. 00:40:36
That was prior to the prosecutors. So, so undoing that, Jim, I'm not sure is gonna. 00:40:43
It mattered the caseload, the number he's throwing out based on the current, the new salaries, though for the prosecutors. I don't 00:40:50
know. I'm I'm asking Jim, I know you. So is it is it prosecutors office salaries that are that we're trying to keep or is it 00:40:57
caseload? Is it both? How is it weighted? 00:41:03
It doesn't have anything to do with the case plan. We do have case load limitation. 00:41:12
That we can't over a time case. 00:41:18
Part of our compliance. 00:41:22
But another pilot that that they the whatever that language was to dance to dentally comparable to what the equivalent practical 00:41:24
substantially. 00:41:29
Compare comparable to the prosecutor. 00:41:35
OK, So it is Jim, right. And here's another thing. When we passed that prosecutor raises, we didn't have this information yet with 00:41:38
our employee benefit study. I mean, we we go back and do the comparisons. They don't pay the same pension match that we do their 00:41:47
their healthcare matches considerably higher. So just per employee that's $4060 per person. 00:41:55
So when we're just comparing salaries with Clark County, that's not fair when we start looking at we're paying better benefits. So 00:42:05
I think one more thing that would have helped justify not approving those prosecutor raises. They haven't proven that they're 00:42:11
having a high turnover with the prosecutors office. They have been justified it that way. They were just doing a comparison to 00:42:17
Clark County salaries. 00:42:23
Which is in one of the higher ones I guess. They were probably cherry picking. You get the best deal they could get. 00:42:30
The Commission just do whatever it's worth. They do not. 00:42:36
Factor and the benefit. 00:42:39
Down. 00:42:45
All right, we have a. 00:42:54
If we include the supplemental, no, I don't. I don't even know what I want to do. I don't even know if I want to make. 00:42:56
We're really knocking on the door of 100,000 here too. Yeah, so, so maybe we should just sit on this for a month. Maybe I'll send 00:43:04
my motion, sit on this for a month and see. 00:43:11
If we come back to the same place, I don't know what. What's everybody else think? 00:43:18
I mean. 00:43:27
I don't I don't know what a month will get us. 00:43:30
Just some more time to roll it over in our heads about how we're going to handle. 00:43:33
All these. 00:43:38
Yeah, we'll still be at the same place probably. 00:43:40
We probably will. 00:43:44
I think if we if we're going to consider doing this tonight that we may want to. 00:43:46
Do it in two steps because if we exceed. 00:43:51
The 100,000 that we're going to be in a different situation, so we may want to do half this month and half next month or something 00:43:56
if. 00:43:59
And then make the appropriations. As long as you make the appropriations for the end of the year, that's all that matters. 00:44:07
So. 00:44:14
They estate give you the blessing of. 00:44:19
We get to the last day of the year and we don't get the appropriation. 00:44:23
Yeah. 00:44:29
It's much easier to sit here and say, yeah, we approve it than it is to actually appropriate the money. That's what bothers me. 00:44:38
So I can make it that motion and we all sit here and approve it and next month we bring up the appropriate and then the money 00:44:46
don't get appropriated. 00:44:50
That's my point. 00:44:54
I hear exactly what you're saying, Gloria. I do. 00:44:56
But this is a tough situation. 00:45:00
It would be. 00:45:05
But don't we don't we do that we get a consensus and then. 00:45:08
A week later, we. 00:45:12
Take the action 2 weeks later, a month in this case. We've done that. We've done it before. There's no other appropriations on 00:45:14
this agenda tonight. 00:45:18
So we're going to be under the threshold. 00:45:23
We decided that that's what we want to do tonight. 00:45:25
So I'm just going to point out. 00:45:35
A couple more things in that letter. 00:45:38
I guess. 00:45:40
They gave the option of lowering the FTE. 00:45:43
However. 00:45:47
That lowers your caseload. 00:45:48
And if that's the case, then that means they're going to have to hire. 00:45:52
Additional public defenders. 00:45:56
At the 60,000 instead of the 92 or whatever it is so. 00:46:00
Just gonna throw that out there too. 00:46:07
Because they can. I mean, if we're not going to be in compliance and we lower the case load. 00:46:10
We're gonna have to hire some more public defenders to get back into compliance. 00:46:16
And another thing to point out. 00:46:22
This says that the pay parity survey indicated the average their averaging deputy prosecutor compensation pay. 00:46:24
Well, you said that. 00:46:33
Survey was two years old, right? 00:46:34
Two years ago, the last time we sent the survey and I think that when we came to you all and you include the. 00:46:37
Contract 30. 00:46:44
But then we just did another survey. 00:46:48
In my and that's what I found to them to tell me that 60 days later. 00:46:51
I did want to make sure it was a current survey because that was going to be problematic to. 00:46:59
We would be going up again, yeah. 00:47:07
Yeah. 00:47:12
And then keep in mind too, the letter also says. 00:47:15
If you give a 3% to the prosecutors, you might want to budget at 3% to the public defenders. 00:47:19
To keep them in compliance. 00:47:27
That's what how Mr. Mason. 00:47:31
That's often overlooked whenever. 00:47:40
Prosecutors office received something that. 00:47:43
Public defender's offices. 00:47:48
Coming to knocking. 00:47:51
OK. I'll amend my motion to include the. 00:47:56
Fund 1200 for 6000. 00:48:01
01250 so it includes. 00:48:05
The whole the whole amount. 00:48:09
2nd. 00:48:14
All right. We have an amended motion and 2nd. 00:48:15
Anymore. 00:48:20
I guess one question. 00:48:23
Yeah, I'm always going to settle. All right, We might as well just go ahead and. 00:48:25
Did you bring it to their attention or did the state bring it to your attention that, hey, you're out of compliance? 00:48:31
They brought to your attention it wasn't like you went nothing personal, but you didn't go. Hey, you know what like a union would 00:48:38
do? 00:48:42
But no state reached out to you and said, hey, Matt, you've got a problem down there. 00:48:50
And what the what the **** deputy to? 00:48:57
I just filled that in. I think I contacted. 00:49:06
God in his office for that. I can't remember 5 concerts, but either way I got that information, filled it out and sent it back.