No Bookmarks Exist.
Council meeting 6:00 PM and we're going to start it at about 6:22. Please stand for the pledge. 00:00:02
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:10
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:15
I let the record show that we have all members here. Tony, are you still with us? 00:00:25
Tony is on teams. 00:00:30
I'm still with you, OK? 00:00:34
Excellent. All right. 00:00:36
Just a second here. 00:00:40
Lord, can you roll the screen for me, Mom? 00:00:43
Logged out. Thank you so much. 00:00:46
Mr. Bagshaw, would you lead us in prayer, please? Yes. Last right. Oh, Lord Jesus, we thank you for. 00:00:49
Today, this day, we thank you, Lord, survive the soul eclipse yesterday, one night. 00:00:56
Wonder that you put in the sky yesterday. 00:01:01
Lord, be with us today. We always want to thank you for. 00:01:04
For freedom and liberty that we can meet an open meeting like this and we can have have conversation, we can meet, make decisions. 00:01:08
Or please give us the wisdom and the knowledge to make prudent choices for the betterment of our community. 00:01:16
Lord be with our soldiers, sailors and airmen Marines today as they defend freedom around the world. Lord God, please be with our 00:01:21
first responders. 00:01:25
And keep them safe as they keep us safe. In your name. Amen. 00:01:30
Entertain a motion to accept the agenda for tonight. 00:01:36
I have an agenda item that might possibly be on. 00:01:41
Do we need to? 00:01:46
Put a item at the end. I think it's #11 in regards to. 00:01:48
EMS funding know what I mean by that is I believe that it might be helpful to give some direction to the commissioners as they are 00:01:54
meeting with the mayor pro on what we. 00:02:00
Either are or not willing to fund. 00:02:06
I think it's important to be on the record why they are moving forward negotiations if. 00:02:08
Measure. The council doesn't feel that's appropriate right now. That's fine, but I won't really throw it out there. 00:02:13
Do you think we need to take that up a second? 00:02:18
The motion to. 00:02:21
2nd for discussion or. 00:02:24
No. 00:02:27
To talk about EMS funding item 11, we have a motion in a second to add item 11 for. 00:02:29
Discussion of EMS. 00:02:36
Any discussion on that? 00:02:38
Hearing none, all in favor, say aye, aye. 00:02:45
I hear you. Thank you, John. 00:02:48
Motion to approve the minutes is advertised. 00:02:51
I have a motion and a second to approve the minutes from March 12th, 2024 meeting. 00:02:54
Any discussion? 00:03:01
All in favor. 00:03:03
Aye. Any opposed? 00:03:05
That carries. 00:03:07
Public comment. 00:03:10
Anybody from the public, you should have sat down. Anybody from the public wish to speak. 00:03:15
All right, chair, if you are. 00:03:19
On her own business, she had unbudgeted jail expenses, so. 00:03:23
Can you put Micah? 00:03:28
A sheriff can pull mic up. 00:03:30
Thank you. Appreciate it. 00:03:32
Any questions? 00:03:38
Can you refresh us on how much you need us to appropriate? 00:03:41
Issue and then you had up to 50,000 which I don't think is going to be that, but it was up to 50 for the water pipes. 00:03:46
And you said how much for the? 00:03:56
192. 00:03:58
Want to make sure I heard that right. 00:04:00
And you've scoured your budget and you have that is correct. It's not budgeted item. 00:04:03
That the Commissioners are responsible for the building and the Council. 00:04:08
Yes, Sir. 00:04:11
Lois gave us a e-mail about some extra cash in the general fund is. 00:04:16
Where do we want to entertain that? Or a different funding source, or what? So that's also for discussion. Or? 00:04:22
I'll make a motion. I'll make a motion to. 00:04:32
Fund Do we have this advertised? 00:04:37
To find. 00:04:40
There's enough advertised though. 00:04:43
Yeah, we over advertised just like we did the last time for the. 00:04:47
To fund the 50,000 and 192,000 which is 102 hundred and. 00:04:52
$42,000. 00:04:58
And I will keep you apprised of. 00:05:02
If we don't use all of it and that sort of thing because. 00:05:06
Once again, I start doing the work. You never know. But yes, I will keep you apprised of everything out of the general fund using 00:05:08
Lois's correction. 00:05:13
2nd for discussion. 00:05:19
Which was 300. Let's see here. I had some notes in the neighborhood, 350,000. 00:05:22
Well, not. 00:05:28
It was, But she wanted. She wanted some back. 00:05:32
Their possibility that she would take something back, so this would use a good majority of it. 00:05:35
Right, let's keep books straight. It's returning it all and then may come back and ask. 00:05:41
Yeah. And again, I'm open to we're in discussion, is that right, Danny? Yes. OK. I'm open to a different funding source and I also 00:05:46
would like to you did there was another. 00:05:51
So you came to us with water pipes, IT and. 00:05:59
We've already covered the other issue, right. So, so that's my point was you've already covered the other issue within your budget 00:06:03
and and thank you, I wanted to. 00:06:06
Recognize that for you. So is this the proper way to fund this? 00:06:10
I've already expressed my opinion. I think there's still potential for at least some of this funds come out of the commissary 00:06:19
fund, but no one else seems to jump in on that opinion. But I'll still waste that. I think there's a lot of unknown expenses. 00:06:24
There's a lot of similar related expenses. 00:06:29
Maybe not all of this, but part of it, there's another option out here, this. 00:06:34
Last council meeting we had the commissioners took back that 200,000 for the Gold Bond. 00:06:39
That's uncommitted funds. Why don't we look at that as a possibility to help fund some of these expenses? 00:06:47
Was that other general or the edit fund Was that? 00:06:53
We also have. 00:07:03
The information I got from our attorney. 00:07:06
Is that? 00:07:08
He sees no break in the building authority providing maintenance for that building. 00:07:10
Now, we did slash their budget this year. 00:07:15
But according to Steve. 00:07:19
That contract. 00:07:23
And I have it in my e-mail. 00:07:25
Still still shows them providing. 00:07:28
I don't think they've done that since the renovation. 00:07:29
But again, that was never corrected. 00:07:32
I'm not sure if that. 00:07:37
Makes a difference in anything or not, but I'm sorry if I may provided you what or not providing. 00:07:38
The I'm not going to take. It does say provides maintenance for that building. 00:07:45
So this may not be considered maintenance. This may be above and beyond. 00:07:51
This, this is above, my opinion is above and beyond. I spoke to Chuck. Chuck is obviously helping us in terms of the water pipes 00:07:55
and getting that second quote, if you will. 00:08:00
So they are helping, but that's above and beyond. You know they also have a contract. I'm sure if you've looked at they do certain 00:08:05
they do maintenance within our building and the jail, but also there's certain things they do not do that's outlined in that 00:08:09
contract. 00:08:13
So now to be clear, this 192, that's a firm bid, right? 00:08:18
It's the cost. I mean, again, things happen when you do, when you start doing work. 00:08:24
But then what I understand is what I understand. Correct me if I'm wrong, it's 50,000 was to. 00:08:29
Get a bid, you're talking two separate things now I'm asking 192 is a fixed bid and I understand there may be overages or maybe 00:08:36
under that's it issue that's you've got a bid on that in hand. 00:08:42
But the 50,000 is just kind of out there which I told you that's that's going to cost to get an estimate from that member. I had 00:08:50
the quote my hand when I was at last meeting, it's up to 50,000 but I believe in several other people believe that was high. 00:08:57
And so I've asked Chuck, and he's doing it right now currently, to get another quote to see if that's. 00:09:04
The right cost to start the bid process for that project. 00:09:09
But it so I guess to your point Dale, is it just? 00:09:13
Up to 50,000 for the engineering of. 00:09:17
Looking into how much it would cost to move the water lines. So there's going to be another additional expense. 00:09:20
Beyond the up to 50, that is correct and you all advise at that point in time we might have to wait. We just that be a discussion 00:09:25
after the point. 00:09:29
And maybe Jim, that's that's where it comes in to some mean. 00:09:33
Some of the ideas that you have go bond or commissary to address those issues that might be that too. You know I. 00:09:37
I mean all options need to be on the table for sure, but. 00:09:45
You know, I think I guess what I'm trying to say is there's not this, this is, this is not going to be the end of the water line 00:09:48
issue just because we're spending up to 50. 00:09:52
1000 No Sir, OK. 00:09:57
Well, I don't want to. 00:10:02
Big. 00:10:04
$50,000 for an engineering study to move for water lines. 00:10:06
And most of y'all know I'm involved with the building process. 00:10:11
And we got a engineering estimate for like 68 or 9000 to do the whole mechanical system, all the whole new build. 00:10:16
So I just questioned that 50,000 to get a engineering report to move four water lines, you're more than welcome to look at that 00:10:25
bid originally. And when we get the second bid, you're more welcome. Anybody this board can look at it? I thought it was high 00:10:30
myself, but I'm not an engineer. 00:10:34
This is more than just moving water pipes. It's an engineering part of what you saw when you took a tour of it. 00:10:39
Of the work that will have to be done and moving those. 00:10:46
I said get a plumbing contractor and have it done by Monday. 00:10:51
That's 4/4 inch lines. 00:10:58
All right, we have a motion in a second. Do you want to? 00:11:02
Keep it the same out of general fund. I mean, we can't really. 00:11:05
Target, it's all going to be on the same pot. So it's just out of general fund, but I will just point out all you need to erase 00:11:10
that off that board over there. 00:11:14
Remove it now, yeah? 00:11:19
Well, I mean, again, I'm open. 00:11:21
I am too, Jim, do you want much to? 00:11:23
You want to. 00:11:26
You want to. 00:11:28
See if we can get any money of that go bond. 00:11:31
I think we should be looking at that option. 00:11:35
Is it? Yeah. Well, how do we look at? 00:11:38
That's what I don't know. We got to talk to Don. 00:11:41
To see if they've already. 00:11:44
Could that be only said the last means uncommitted funds and they had to come back to us to even get it approved for anything, so 00:11:48
it shouldn't be committed? 00:11:51
They've been going to. 00:11:55
You want to do half of half of it for them and half of it for us. 00:11:58
Or you want to do all of it? I'll resend my motion if you want to make a motion, Jim. 00:12:03
Yeah, Well, I still think there's. 00:12:08
Funds available the commissary funds not really necessarily full paying the full amount. 00:12:12
I want to make a motion. 00:12:17
Well, the there's a motion and 2nd on the floor. 00:12:22
I asked a question. The sheriff is is. 00:12:26
Is there? Is there a willingness to to? 00:12:30
Use the commerce commissary funds for the up to $50,000. Not at this time. There's not able to look at that. That's why we did the 00:12:34
first project. 00:12:38
And to cover that cost, if there's any extra cost, we would look at it again to cover those costs. But our everyday budgetary 00:12:41
items that we do, it's. 00:12:45
Where we're at, I guess where I am is. 00:12:50
We're just delaying this again and again, and I think there's issues that need to be addressed. I think that we can look at the 00:12:54
Gold Bond as a reimbursement. 00:12:57
To what we do today, we can use the go bonds possibly for that or used to GO bond for for EMS funding. So I think there's 00:13:01
definitely options here, yeah. 00:13:05
So motion in a second. So we have a motion in a second. Anymore discussion. 00:13:11
And obviously if. 00:13:18
It comes in less than 50,000 then we're. 00:13:20
We're not. We're saying up to 50 in this emotion. Is that how you phrase it? I believe I believe she did. I'm not sure that's how. 00:13:23
That's what I restate it real quick. And then do we need to appropriate this into a specific line item into the shares budget? 00:13:31
Yes, I think we do. Can you? 00:13:39
1000. 00:13:46
53000. 00:13:51
14, OK. 00:13:52
So yeah, I'll restate my motion I. 00:13:55
And should we do these in two separate line items 14 and 15? 00:13:59
Yeah, let's do that 14 and 15. 00:14:04
I'll make a motion to appropriate. 00:14:07
50,000. 00:14:12
Into line item 1000, zero zero five 3014 up to 50,000. I'll just leave it at that that that's my first motion. 00:14:14
And I second, but do we need to resend the first one or is that a clarification the 1st? 00:14:26
I'm rescinding my first motion. 00:14:33
Any discussion on that? 00:14:40
All in favor? Say aye. Aye. All opposed. 00:14:47
Aye, the second motion is to appropriate 192,000. 00:14:50
Into line item 1000 zero 053000 line 15. 00:14:59
For $192,000. 00:15:06
And that second point and point of clarification, did that first motion carry OK, I'm sorry. 00:15:09
So I second the second motion, have a motion and a second. 00:15:14
For the next line, any discussion on that? 00:15:18
Seeing none all in favor, say aye. All opposed. 00:15:25
That carries. 00:15:29
And I'm sorry, Tony's on the line. I'm not sure how Tony is voted because I haven't heard him. 00:15:31
Do we need to? I'm voting in. I'm voting in the affirmative. There's such a time that. 00:15:38
Delay. 00:15:44
We'll try to wait for you next time, Tony. 00:15:48
OK, I just didn't want to be disruptive. Just vote about 10 seconds before everybody else. 00:15:51
Thank you, Sheriff. Thank you very much, Lauren Broderick. 00:16:00
Step right up. 00:16:05
Thank you for having me. I'll keep this short and sweet. I know you guys have had a busy night. My name is Warren Broderick and 00:16:34
I'm the new Executive Director of Casa County. Today, I'm here to share with you the significant impact of Casa's work in our 00:16:39
community. Casa is a dedicated organization advocating for the best interests of abuse and neglected children right here in Floyd 00:16:44
County. 00:16:49
They are involved, These children are involved in the Floyd County court system and we have been instrumental in providing a voice 00:16:55
to these vulnerable children and ensuring their well-being. 00:16:59
Since our inception as a standalone nonprofit in 2019, Casa has remained steadfast in its mission to recruit, train and support 00:17:05
volunteers to serve as court appointed special advocates for youth right here in our community. 00:17:12
These volunteers are everyday citizens of Floyd County. They serve as beacons of hope for children inside and outside the 00:17:19
courtroom. 00:17:23
Casa volunteers build relationships with children experiencing foster care. 00:17:28
They find out about their lives. 00:17:32
They ensure that their wishes and desires are always and they provide the court with robust and sound information so the court can 00:17:34
make well-rounded decisions about the child and their future. 00:17:40
The Casa volunteer also promotes a safe and stable adult relationship that the child can rely upon. 00:17:47
Ultimately promoting resilience within the child. 00:17:55
Casa volunteers willingly walk into a child's trauma and spend at least 15 hours a month getting to know their child. 00:17:58
And providing critical resources to them and attending court on their behalf. 00:18:06
In the face of COVID-19, we faced a lot of adversity. 00:18:14
Significant challenges including losing 2/3 of our volunteer force as well as financial stability. 00:18:18
However, with this invaluable support of the Legacy Foundation and this esteemed council, we were able to regroup and launch a 00:18:25
successful volunteer recruitment Dr. and public awareness campaign. 00:18:31
Resulting in an additional 14 dedicated volunteers from 2021 to 2022. 00:18:37
Today, I'm proud to report that our organization has grown substantially. We have a total of 11 staff members, 40 volunteers 00:18:44
strong, working tirelessly to represent children in our child welfare system. 00:18:50
In 2023, we serve 471 children and we keep on serving. 00:18:57
We are now serving not only children in need of services or chins cases, but we are also serving children who have informal 00:19:04
adjustment cases as well, providing critical intervention for at risk families and working in collaboration with DCS and other 00:19:09
mental health service providers. 00:19:15
These dedicated individuals who are a part of our staff and volunteers continue to stand in these hard spaces knowing that this 00:19:22
community needs people who are willing to invest in children and combat trauma inflicted by adverse childhood experiences. 00:19:29
However, we recognize that our work can only be sustained with the support of our community. 00:19:38
We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support of this Council, which has been critical in our ability to continue our 00:19:43
necessary and worthwhile work, however. 00:19:48
Despite our progress, the reality is we have 60 children who are waiting to be matched with a Casa volunteer that they desperately 00:19:54
need. So this evening I asked for your help. I asked for you to join in encouraging our community to become champions for these 00:19:59
children. 00:20:05
And help us build a more robust and compassionate Floyd County for the next generation. 00:20:11
Thank you for your support. 00:20:16
Thank you so much. 00:20:18
You might have any comments or questions before we let her go. 00:20:20
Yeah, it's probably in here. 00:20:24
Lauren, what? How many? 00:20:27
Casa volunteers, do we have again in our community, how many, how many members have stepped up and said I want to help out. We 00:20:29
have 40 right now going strong. What's your target? 00:20:34
We need about 40 more volunteers in order to meet the demands of our wait list. 00:20:40
OK. 00:20:48
Oh, wow. 00:20:50
It's unfortunate that I need is there, but it's also fortunate to see people stepping up. Thank you for bringing this to our 00:20:51
attention and awareness of you all. We've come a long way. When I first joined Casa in 2021, we had over 300 children on our wait 00:20:57
list. So we are we're making some really strong strides. 00:21:02
So I just want to say thanks to you, your leadership, and to the to the whole Casa group and to the volunteers. 00:21:09
You're doing a job that. 00:21:15
It's kind of forgotten in our community and you guys are meeting the needs right there and it's. 00:21:17
Thank you to you and your team. 00:21:23
Thank you so much. Thank you. 00:21:26
Next we have Judge Granger. I don't see where. 00:21:29
There she is. 00:21:34
She she just needs a line transfer and her veterans Court user fees it is outside of. 00:21:40
Category, so it does require. 00:21:49
Approval Motion to Approve 2A. 00:21:52
The motion is second. Any discussion on the transfer. 00:21:56
All in favor, Say aye. Any opposed? Aye. 00:21:59
That carries. Good job, Tony. Thank you. 00:22:04
Mr. Drives. 00:22:07
I have a staff member who has paid through the opioid settlement money. 00:22:17
I need a money appropriated so I can continue to pay her her salary and benefits. 00:22:21
Motion to Approve 3A. 00:22:26
Have a motion and a second for 3A. Any discussion. 00:22:29
Yeah, because this is how the opioid restricted abatement I. 00:22:34
Is this, is this something that you have to get approval for them from a different board or just just you you are, do you have? 00:22:38
Do you have the ability to work within these parameters in and of yourself, or is this a did you have to get approval from the 00:22:48
community corrections board? 00:22:52
Approval J Rack, sorry. 00:22:56
Yes, and we did approve that. 00:23:00
Any further discussion? 00:23:04
All in favor of three a say aye. Any opposed? 00:23:07
That carries. 00:23:12
Thank you. Thank you, Charlotte. 00:23:13
Good evening. 00:23:23
I'm on the agenda to request 2 new line items from a fund number that was appropriated a few weeks ago for an ECHO grant. We 00:23:26
received $60,000 for a three-year grant to hire a peer recovery coach specialist. 00:23:33
Motion to Approve for ABC. 00:23:43
And date. 00:23:46
Now those are different the. 00:23:49
It's all that the same grant? No. Oh, I'm sorry, 4A MB A/B. 00:23:51
Tag it. Thank you. Have a motion for 4A and 4B Any discussion. 00:23:58
More questions? 00:24:03
All in favor, Say aye. Any opposed? Aye. 00:24:06
Series when I first presented the health First Indiana. 00:24:09
Grant to the council. The commissioners hadn't opted in yet because their time schedule was different than the counties, and I 00:24:15
said I would be coming back to move funds around and that's what I'm doing with C&D. 00:24:21
Motion to Approve 4C and D. 00:24:28
Have a motion a second for 4C and D? Any discussion? 00:24:32
Charlotte, what would that? 00:24:37
That fund balance, what'd that start out at 700 right under, right around $800,000 and we put 10% back for the building and the 00:24:39
rest of it, we appropriated that. I am coming back and forth because as we're going through the process, we're coming up with new 00:24:44
programs that we want to start. We're limiting some of the other ones. So I'll be constantly changing moving funds around 00:24:50
throughout the year. 00:24:56
So 10% was the Max that you could put back, that is correct? 00:25:02
Thank you. 00:25:09
Any further discussion? 00:25:11
All in favor of 4C and D say aye. Any opposed? 00:25:13
That carries. Thank you. Appreciate guys. 00:25:19
He was here. We ran out of time on the. 00:25:23
Motion to Approve 5/8. 00:25:28
Second motion a second for 5A. 00:25:31
Any discussion? 00:25:35
All in favor, Say aye, Aye. 00:25:37
All opposed, Any opposed that carries. 00:25:40
Mr. Brinkworth, are you? 00:25:46
Another pinch hitter tonight. 00:25:51
There we go. 00:25:52
Hello, my name is Rachel Dooley. I'm representing John G Green Court today for the county surveyor's office. We are just trying 00:25:54
to. 00:25:57
Instill a new ordinance for our fee schedule and to update our fees for our office. 00:26:01
Motion to Approve 7 SO 6A. 00:26:05
2nd. 00:26:10
Got a motion a second? Any discussion? Yes, I. 00:26:12
Who drafted the ordinance? And then was it? Was it approved by our council? 00:26:16
This went back and forth. What did we meet? 00:26:21
Oh, months ago. So it's been to the surveyors association in Indy and back and. 00:26:25
Commissioner, side and back and so this is where we've landed and. 00:26:32
I'm really happy with the outcome of this because it is entirely needed for our office to have something as a ordinance for future 00:26:37
use and everything. 00:26:41
Any further discussion? 00:26:47
All in favor of line item six say aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:26:49
That carries. 00:26:55
Mr. Dennison. 00:26:57
All the things, good evening. All the things before you are one of our two non recurring funds 1178. There was not a budget 00:27:03
submitted for those at the end of last year. So just a request to get that moved into those lines for 2024. We have some things 00:27:10
coming up soon we'll be using some of that money at various parks and projects motion to approve 7-8. 00:27:18
Second motion and a second for seven a any discussion. 00:27:26
Hearing none all in favor, say aye. 00:27:33
Aye. Any opposed that carries. Thank you guys. Thank you. Thank you. 00:27:36
Motion for. 00:27:42
You don't want another pinch hitter. 00:27:44
Not sure I see one. 00:27:48
We have a motion. 00:27:51
2nd it's a transfer. 00:27:53
Any discussion? 00:27:57
All in favor, Say aye, Aye. 00:28:00
Any opposed that carries? 00:28:02
Leah. 00:28:07
So stepping in for Leah is myself, Michelle Portwood and the request is to approve the increases for two individuals in her 00:28:13
department that were hired in lower than the entry level rate because they were very new in career, they were hired at 95%. So 00:28:22
Open Door Use services is 100% grant funded and the salaries are already included. 00:28:32
In their budget. 00:28:41
Motion to Approve 98. 00:28:43
Second, the motion is second, any discussion? Yeah, this is just to affirm what we kind of did. We were apprised of this via 00:28:46
e-mail and I think we just needed to affirm this in an open meeting. Is that correct? 00:28:52
All right. Thank you. All in favor, say aye, aye. 00:28:59
Aye. Any opposed? 00:29:03
That carries. 00:29:05
Floyd County Council, we have ordinance for transfers. 00:29:07
Motion to approve second. 00:29:14
10/8 motion a second. There were only two on them, right? 00:29:15
OK. Any discussion? 00:29:27
All in favor, Say aye, Aye. 00:29:31
Any opposed that carries 10B Continue discussion on hiring. 00:29:34
Danny, I think I had a question on that. 00:29:39
And maybe I missed something that have you gotten a in writing anything that we're we picked one back and forth. 00:29:42
On the. 00:29:50
And it's it's basically the form that they use now with some added verbiage. You want to speak to that? 00:29:51
It's basically it's a form for the department head or elected official to complete. First it's me gathering that information and 00:30:00
giving it to you guys. So it rewards some of the questions, but it it's intention is to create a clearer path as to is the 00:30:09
position 100% needed, Need it on a full time basis, those types of things. 00:30:18
So. 00:30:30
We just need to continue to have this as a discussion item until you get us, uh, something in writing that we all can review. Did 00:30:32
you all not see the full? 00:30:36
Maybe I maybe I missed it. I've seen it originally. Did I see that? 00:30:41
Not long after our last meeting. OK, yeah, I seen one. I can resend it to everyone. 00:30:47
I'll look for that's on me. I I just apparently missed it. 00:30:53
So do we need to? We want to take action because I haven't even seen it. 00:30:57
I think the department heads know for now. 00:31:04
That we're going to be. 00:31:07
For a little bit more information than what we've been getting, so we can carry it over if you want. 00:31:08
Give everybody a chance to look at it and then we can approve it. 00:31:13
At our next meeting, anyone has old business or you always want to keep it as new. Does it matter? I don't. Let's let's enter it 00:31:18
in as new business for the next meeting. 00:31:22
Yeah, we'll just. 00:31:29
We'll just, I guess we'll enter. 00:31:31
Just keep it on the. 00:31:34
Yeah, since it's discussion, do we want to just take it to the next one or just add it as a new item for? 00:31:37
Form will be introduced for the next meeting, so it can be just listed as a new item. Discussion added as a new item for the next 00:31:42
meeting and maybe we can send it out in the support documentation. Did you? So that makes it easier. 00:31:50
If you can't find it, let me know. We'll resend it. Yeah. Beforehand as well. So it is. So it is a. We are going to take action on 00:31:58
a next meeting, OK? 00:32:02
Yeah. Next meeting next month, yeah, yeah. 00:32:07
Mr. Chairman I. 00:32:11
You know you all know how to do paper stuff. 00:32:14
And in my packet here, did we approve minutes of the last meeting we did? 00:32:17
We did some of my memories at my short term memories leaving already and and we added item 11. 00:32:22
Did we not add that We did, We did. I don't remember. 00:32:30
At the beginning of this meeting, we added item 11. We approve the Minutes. 00:32:35
Item 11 is. 00:32:40
DMS funding discussion Yeah. So I I think it's. 00:32:51
Do I just want to be able to discuss? 00:32:56
Based on. 00:32:59
Where we are in our discussions, is it, is it appropriate to give? 00:33:01
A consensus to the Commissioners based on what the majority of the Council is willing to fund. 00:33:05
Maybe that helps them understand how they need to negotiate. 00:33:13
If we don't find that tonight is the the appropriate way to to move forward with a vote, fine. But I wanted I wanted to at least 00:33:17
discuss that because if I'm, if I'm, if I'm a Commissioner, I would want to know. 00:33:23
What? What if I'm going to negotiate what can be funded? 00:33:30
So I'm obviously throwing her to the to the rest of the council as to. 00:33:34
Do do we feel like it is appropriate to at least be on the record to say? 00:33:40
We are going to fund something or not funds. It's not inappropriate. 00:33:46
And I'll just say as well that I talked with David Burdock today of the AIC, President, Director of the AIC. 00:33:50
And about the situation and. 00:34:05
He he, he, he said something very clear to me that I thought was good and he said. 00:34:09
The commissioner should not enter into a contract without an appropriation now, he said. Should not. 00:34:17
He didn't say it's legal or it's not. I I don't know what the legal standing is on that. 00:34:24
But he said should not so. 00:34:31
I think it is important for them to at least understand. 00:34:35
Where the majority of us stand on this issue. 00:34:40
And what we're willing to do. 00:34:44
And and I'll, I'll, I'll start the discussion I mean. 00:34:47
Listen, I think that the. 00:34:52
The hybrid solution is the. 00:34:56
Best financial solution? 00:34:59
And and I think it's very a very viable solution as well. 00:35:01
I think the only way that I could ever get behind. 00:35:09
A private provider solution is to agree to that. We're going to have to put a tax increase in place because I'm not willing to 00:35:14
drain our coffers. 00:35:19
Of all of our money. 00:35:23
So I'll, I'll just say that up front. 00:35:25
And I said this at our Monday night meeting. 00:35:28
I don't think anybody here is looking at. 00:35:32
Practice service. 00:35:35
The forever. 00:35:37
I and I might if if I'm wrong somebody correct me, but I think. 00:35:39
I think we're past that. We're just looking at them for. 00:35:42
But even to come up with $3 million over the next two years is a lot of money. 00:35:46
And knowing that we already have a shortfall in our current budget. 00:35:52
We're going to write. We're going to rate our rainy day. 00:35:56
Well, I think the unknown here is. 00:36:02
Highlander is asking for 802,000. 00:36:05
And. 00:36:09
You have to thank the rest of the county is going to cost at least that much so now we're. 00:36:13
We're at a higher number than we would be. We just mayor pro. 00:36:18
From the start. 00:36:23
I mean if if we have two townships, it's 800,800. 00:36:25
Then we're definitely going to be at 800,000 for the rest of the county. 00:36:29
When you say the rest. 00:36:34
What townships are you referring to? 00:36:36
Within their in their plan, it does cover Franklin, at least the. 00:36:40
I'm going to understand that least covers half of Franklin. 00:36:44
Have you seen their application for the ALS certification? 00:36:47
Not sure that has anything. 00:36:51
They're leaving. They're leaving Franklin out of that application, so that skews the numbers. 00:36:52
So, well, I just. 00:36:59
I guess I the ALS goes to the to the fire department. It doesn't. It doesn't pertain to townships. 00:37:02
So I guess I'm really confused at that comment to get ALS certification. 00:37:08
You have to meet so many parameters. 00:37:14
They put in parameters for X number of paramedics and X number of EMT's based on what they were going to provide service for. 00:37:18
Which did not include Franklin. Which did not include New Orleans Township. Which means they're going to have to come up with 00:37:28
hiring even more people. 00:37:32
If they're going to add that portion of Franklin. 00:37:37
But on their application I am under the impression that it wasn't on there. 00:37:40
On their plan, it does. It says at least. At least it says the upper half of Franklin. 00:37:44
And if you if you pay attention to the statements that they made, it does include that. 00:37:50
At least please. 00:37:55
Part of Franklin, which is the upper half. 00:37:57
That's but that's their statements. That's not their application for certification. 00:37:59
OK. Again the the certification is for the fire department. 00:38:04
They can go, they they have a mutual aid to give and they may be called out of county. 00:38:10
For something if that that Township that they're called out to is not covered in that, but they can still provide ALS 00:38:15
certification or ALS. 00:38:19
If, if they had the staffing on that truck to do so. So I think it's not. 00:38:23
Not the same as what I'm getting. 00:38:28
But there are There were only 11 transports in Franklin Township last year. 00:38:33
And I think that. 00:38:38
Although those 11 people probably have loved ones absolutely would. 00:38:40
Require EMS service? Absolutely. They don't need to be. 00:38:46
Bless you. They don't need to be underserved or. 00:38:51
Left without service. 00:38:55
But there can be a. 00:38:57
MO U between the provider on the hill and. 00:39:00
Harrison County. 00:39:05
But those kind of things take time and they're not in place yet. 00:39:07
So they need to be in place before we go that way. 00:39:12
And by June 1, it's not going to happen. You know how hard it is to get that many different entities together in one room? 00:39:16
For a purpose. 00:39:25
Mortise. 00:39:27
There needs to be a clear. There needs to be some clarity on whether or not. 00:39:29
Islanders proposal includes Franklin Township. 00:39:33
Half of it, all of it, or nothing. 00:39:36
We'll get that cleared up. 00:39:38
Because it seems like that keeps coming up. 00:39:40
Yes, it does not include New Orleans Township. I think that's why the term hybrid keeps coming up. 00:39:42
That we need to see if American pro. 00:39:47
What they're willing to do. 00:39:50
Down there. 00:39:52
Mr. Mills was here. 00:39:53
They are in a. 00:39:55
If I can say it. 00:39:59
This way a rebuilding phase of their their department that's going to take some time. 00:40:01
So maybe a two year. 00:40:05
Contract with Ameripro. 00:40:08
For that Township is is is appropriate might be. 00:40:10
What does that look like? What does that cost? And you know, I. 00:40:14
Look like. 00:40:19
Because I'm not sure if it's going to cost the same amount. 00:40:20
We'll have to see what they're willing to do. 00:40:26
You know, in addition to what you said there, there they, you know, in statements I talked with Jeremy, they're going to cover all 00:40:28
the not the knobs, the hill. 00:40:32
Which actually picks up some New Albany Township. 00:40:37
There's districts running along Skyline and a lot of those neighborhoods. 00:40:40
Are actually part of New Albany Township. 00:40:43
Not just Lafayette. 00:40:46
So it's going to cover you in a little extra than what? 00:40:49
Being taken to account here and it makes a lot of sense that Ameripro and Highlander work together because they already have an MO 00:40:52
U. 00:40:55
I know. 00:40:59
A few weeks ago. 00:41:01
American Pro had no ambulances available in the city of New Albany and they called Highlander and Highlander went down to I 00:41:04
believe it was Manor Market in New Albany, downtown New Albany and transported to Clark County. 00:41:08
It happens. 00:41:14
And I think it's appropriate that a hybrid system, they can feed off each other. 00:41:15
I guess I'm on record saying that I'm not willing to fund. 00:41:24
A product provider to provide EMS. 00:41:29
For the all of the county minus the city of New Albany. 00:41:34
Actually, I tend to agree with Mr. Short that. 00:41:43
We're already aware that their their ask is 800-800-2000 I think is their *** Highlander. 00:41:47
That exclusion of the Township and. 00:41:54
Doctor, Knavel said a minute ago. 00:41:56
They don't have any information but. 00:41:59
Their bid, as per this evening is 1.4 million. 00:42:01
800 thousand were already speaking for for Highlander. 00:42:06
And I'll bet you it's at least 600. So we're right back to where other we got a hybrid or or county provider. 00:42:10
The impact to the. 00:42:18
So the citizens are the same in my mind. 00:42:20
And I'll just go ahead and state it. I've been thinking about for a long time. 00:42:23
I told a lot of people that know me that it's just it troubles me that. 00:42:28
This big old distraction with new Chapel that we can hire them for $675,000 less for the same RP and I would also state. 00:42:33
Brad and Denise that. 00:42:45
If Highlander fire was able to. 00:42:47
Commit to the IFP. They would have done it when when the RP's were open. That would have been one of the three. 00:42:50
There was two. There would have been three if they had the ability to service the RFP. 00:42:57
So I I think it's a In my mind it's a. It's a stopgap. We want to. 00:43:03
Look at this as a task force or ever how it works out but. 00:43:11
And of course we don't have any data back, but I would conclude we're not going to save money by having. 00:43:16
County owned EMS. 00:43:22
And I know we talked about having. It's always been a problem with private and generally in my mind. 00:43:25
Private industry usually does better than government entities, except for a few things in this world. 00:43:32
They tend to do better. 00:43:39
More efficient. They do a better product. They do better. I mean, I could. 00:43:41
I'm sure there's people that's disappointed with. 00:43:45
EMS And by the way, I don't, I haven't heard of anybody. 00:43:48
That has been unhappy with. 00:43:52
New Chapel. 00:43:54
Or new Chapel EMS I I haven't heard anybody that's that said. I'm just you know. 00:43:56
Maybe there, and I will. And American Pro has their issues. You're right, Brad, they have their issues. 00:44:02
My son made the comment a month or two ago that he works in an industrial park. 00:44:07
And a lady sat in his office and had a heart attack. 00:44:12
It was 20 minutes for America Pro to get there and they're in the city. 00:44:16
The industrial park is in the city. 00:44:20
So I think, I think we all. 00:44:22
And personally I think that we got this concept that. 00:44:25
Fire base or stand alone EMS is going to be the. 00:44:30
The the answer all. 00:44:34
Matter of fact, I'll just reference the sheriff and he'll probably respond, but anyhow, the sheriff said he told us a while back 00:44:38
that he finally had his jail staff full staff of Corrections officer and he said it lasted one day and named short three or four. 00:44:45
So we all know this problem with EMS technology technicians and and ALS certified people and there's a nation we've been told 00:44:52
there's a nationwide shortage. So as far as a county run EMS. 00:44:59
Keeping and retaining the voice, I don't see there going to be an advantage over a private amount, but we do have to. We have this 00:45:08
problem of right now, June 1, we don't have ambulance service, EMS service, employee county. 00:45:14
That's the problem. 00:45:21
And as far as when the numbers come back from the mayor pro, First off, are they going to be willing to? 00:45:23
Take on just one Township. 00:45:29
When the RP stated the whole Township of the whole. 00:45:32
And so I don't see the difference in cost with $802,000 ask already in place from Lafayette and then the additional cost from 00:45:36
Ameripro to service New Albany Township and. 00:45:42
Possibly Franklin Township. 00:45:49
I don't see there's gonna be a cost savings. 00:45:51
Other than it will put Lafayette fire in charge. 00:45:53
Ambulance service in their area. 00:45:58
Thing. 00:46:00
Only thing I see that. 00:46:02
Beneficial to the residents of. 00:46:04
Highlander Fire District is they have an in-house ambulance service. 00:46:08
But that's the only benefactors to them, to this. 00:46:12
Discussion in my mind. 00:46:16
When you mentioned about the RFP and them not applying, I mean that that. 00:46:20
The RFP was only for the whole county. It wasn't for they didn't give the Highlander Fire District, nor approach the Highlander 00:46:25
Fire District and getting a quote for just their region. 00:46:30
And that was shown very clearly when the Advisory Board themselves ignored what the Commissioner said. 00:46:36
And wanted to take this into account because the Commissioners were dead content to them. 00:46:42
To not even consider this as an option, I do believe that the Highland Fire District will give better service. They've already 00:46:47
shown that in comparison when you said there's no problem with New Chapel where their response times. 00:46:52
Have been shown to be better than the New Chapel and New Chapel's got a location right out there on Paoli Pike. We're going to get 00:46:58
better service with that. 00:47:02
So I'm not the cost. Yes, may be the same, but I brought this other issue up before. No one seems to still want to address this. 00:47:06
Is the fees that Ameripro is charging is? 00:47:13
Of what New Chapel is going to charge. And we're finding out that that double is going to be about how they're only going to cover 00:47:18
about what Highlander Fire District is charged and so people are going to be paying a. 00:47:23
Significant amount of money out of pocket, so I think it's in the best interest. 00:47:29
So back to Brad. I support the Firebase EMS. 00:47:33
I don't want to support a countrywide, however I'm going to make this caveat personally. 00:47:38
We cannot pull the funding out of Highlander Fire District. It's got to come from the county and that's the only way I will 00:47:43
support that if it comes. 00:47:46
Out of the Highlander Fire District funds for the next two years to hide this tax, it's going to probably be coming down the road. 00:47:50
I won't support it, but I I 100% support the the fire base service. I think it's going to be the best for my district. 00:47:57
Especially, and I'm know I'm representing the whole county, but this is the only service being provided for that region right now, 00:48:04
so that's what I think it's the best option. 00:48:08
You know, Jim, there's go ahead. I'm sorry. 00:48:14
County already gave. 00:48:17
One fire department a half $1,000,000. 00:48:19
You know, maybe if. 00:48:24
But half a million to Georgetown. Half a million to Lanesville. 1/2 a million to. 00:48:27
New Albany. Maybe they can all get behind doing their own emailing service, I don't know. 00:48:32
But I've had to deal with. 00:48:41
E-mail. 00:48:44
More often in the last 30 days than I have in my. 00:48:47
Almost 50 years. 00:48:52
It takes a certain kind of person. 00:48:59
To even be an EMT, much less run. 00:49:03
An e-mail service. 00:49:07
And. 00:49:09
To split the county. 00:49:14
And have one company cover part and part and then the other one covered this one. 00:49:16
The middle, I just see a lot of gaps happening. I see a lot of. 00:49:25
Things falling through the cracks and that that really worries me because again. 00:49:31
You know, you're right. We're talking about. 00:49:36
People's lives. 00:49:38
We only have eleven runs in Franklin Township. 00:49:41
I can guarantee of those 11 people's families. 00:49:44
Are pretty darn thankful that somebody showed up. 00:49:47
So you know we're gonna charge based on a run volume. 00:49:53
Of EMS or are we going to run? 00:50:00
Do it based on population. 00:50:03
So there's just there's too many ifs, there's too many pieces that need to come together. 00:50:05
To make sure that it's a well oiled machine and they're just not there. 00:50:11
They're just not there. People are going to get left. 00:50:16
So I'm not for Firebase. 00:50:21
And for privatizing it for two years so that we can get the right thing in place. 00:50:25
And that can be the Floyd County legacy. 00:50:31
We can do it right the first time. We don't have to piece meal it together. 00:50:34
And maybe people will come down and say, hey, I want my stuff to work like Floyd County. 00:50:38
I would say that. 00:50:46
I just want to be clear about the eleven runs in Franklin. Ones too many, of course, when it comes to EMS. So I'm not. I'm not 00:50:48
diminishing the. 00:50:52
That it's not important. 00:50:56
That run I was referring to. 00:50:57
11 runs as in. That is a manageable number based on whether you want to contract with. 00:51:01
Harrison County. 00:51:08
Or if it is Highlander, or if it's a private provider, it's a manageable number I. 00:51:10
That we can address it wasn't. 00:51:16
It wasn't to under score the the non importance of those runs. Of course every life is important. We don't even have a fire 00:51:20
department to negotiate with. 00:51:25
Right, exactly. And it in Franklin Township because I think Danny may have said it, somebody may have said it. Lastly, they don't 00:51:31
have a fire department and they're not a district and even if they, you know, I ran the numbers some time back, even if they 00:51:36
became a district, it doesn't produce enough revenue. 00:51:41
To even hire one person full time. 00:51:46
You know, and what's one person going to do anyway? You know. So it's it's really, you know, Franklin is an anomaly. So it's not 00:51:49
something that can't be handled. Of course we can handle it, but it's just. 00:51:54
One of those things where? 00:51:59
It, it has to be looked, it has to be covered, Jim, to your point, I think the reason why you're seeing those numbers in billing. 00:52:02
Is because Ameripro is a private provider just like any private provider. They're in it for profit. Those numbers are there so 00:52:09
they can make a profit. 00:52:13
Any fire based solution is going to is not going to be in it for profit. They're going to be in it to cover their cost because 00:52:18
they it's it's service over profit. 00:52:22
When it comes to based. 00:52:26
If the opposite applies, when you do private provider, it is profit over service happens over and over and over again. 00:52:28
Another point, Connie, just so you know. 00:52:36
I was on the previous EMS Advisory Board. Georgetown was offered. 00:52:40
On Hamlets. 00:52:44
County was going to purchase them one. They turned it down. 00:52:45
They turned down numerous times and they made numerous comments that they're not in the EMS business, they don't want to be in EMS 00:52:48
business. 00:52:50
So until Georgetown is ready to be a part of the solution. 00:52:53
To this they seem to have always be against. 00:52:58
Something they were against the. 00:53:02
For about four years ago, they were against. 00:53:04
Fire merger. 00:53:06
They be. They have. 00:53:08
Been against. 00:53:10
This EMS, they were against the purchase of the ambulance and they were against, you know, they're against this plan. 00:53:12
That their own IAF. 00:53:18
Union endorses FIRE based EMS yet yet they are against. 00:53:21
Their own union, the issue their. 00:53:25
They have gone against their own union. They issue their charter based on. 00:53:27
Their stance so. 00:53:30
I'll just say one more thing even when we. 00:53:33
I sat right here when we was talking about the FIT study. 00:53:37
And. 00:53:40
Doing a little math in my head at that time was talking about 3 ambulances. 00:53:42
And Sheriff tells us we've got to have three employees for every job to. 00:53:46
To maintain that staff 24/7 365. So if we got 3-1 ambulance take six people, 3 animals takes 18 people, throw in two or three 00:53:51
supervisors. At that time I was my little Michael head I was thinking about. 00:53:59
Well over $1,000,000 in just. 00:54:08
Salary in benefits, not including the equipment. 00:54:10
So we recognize then it's going to cost us a lot of money and actually until tonight I didn't know there was an EMS. 00:54:14
Lit in our toolbox that we could use. 00:54:22
There is state statute says we can use an EMS to let and it will come directly to us and we don't have to share it with the other 00:54:25
districts and we need Baker Tilly to give us the numbers on that. How much would it cost per? 00:54:31
You know that the the 100,000 you make 100,000 it costs what how much the General Assembly also last year effective January 1st 00:54:38
this year made it possible for. 00:54:44
Fire departments. 00:54:51
Their levy for. 00:54:53
Emergency services. 00:54:55
That has. We haven't talked about that one pile. 00:54:58
They're still going back to taxpayers. One was taxpayer, tax levy and fire district are. 00:55:01
EMS lit taxes disagree. It still effects the taxpayer. Don't disagree. But if you are a fire department wanting to offer emergency 00:55:07
services. 00:55:11
Would that not make? 00:55:17
Perfect sense to have the. 00:55:18
The levy comes straight to you. 00:55:21
And you handle it instead of coming through us. 00:55:24
That that would be the way to handle fire based EMS if that's the way. 00:55:27
We chose to go, but here's here's my other. 00:55:32
Couple points here is. 00:55:34
We can't even decide. 00:55:38
Which way we want to go? 00:55:41
Or what we're capable of. 00:55:42
And to me. 00:55:45
Just because of services private doesn't mean that the service quality is less. 00:55:49
And I feel like. 00:55:58
Did somebody say that? 00:56:00
Brad alluded to. 00:56:02
Better quality? 00:56:04
We can go back and review the minutes. I'm not going to get into it, but. 00:56:06
I feel like. 00:56:13
Not only can we not decide on funding, we can't decide on. 00:56:15
Which way we want to go or who we want to pull in? Perhaps New Albany Township would want to do ambulance service. 00:56:18
In a couple years, once. 00:56:27
They get their. 00:56:29
Situation straightened out and they can do. 00:56:30
Produce off the levee. 00:56:33
As the General Assembly has prescribed. 00:56:35
But. 00:56:38
We are getting so short on time. 00:56:41
We had an attorney stand up here. 00:56:44
Now when the attorneys talk for 20 minutes. 00:56:47
That's a bad sign. 00:56:50
When they start throwing a help. 00:56:51
IC and case law and precedent and stuff. 00:56:54
I mean, do we want to get down to three days to go and have an emergency meeting? 00:57:00
American needs to know because they got to bring in a couple more trucks, probably and. 00:57:06
To hire some more people or move people around or something. 00:57:10
I just, I think we're just getting so close to the edge and. 00:57:12
I'm not saying Firebase does. 00:57:17
The answer or not? 00:57:19
But I don't want to. 00:57:22
I don't like gap in coverage. I don't like. 00:57:25
You know, bad service here. Decent service there. 00:57:28
Funding from a bunch of different sources. 00:57:33
So I know everybody's. 00:57:36
You know, drew the line where they even want to be. 00:57:42
I'm not there yet. I'm just, I don't think any of us are there. 00:57:47
We I think we need to give ourselves a little time to. 00:57:51
Get where we want to go. 00:57:55
Just like I've been saying. So the next generation isn't impacted adversely. 00:57:57
If Firebase is the answer, then the fire departments. 00:58:05
Need to do that through their level. 00:58:10
I I did some math there while we were talking because he's saying it's going to be the same whichever way we go. It's not. It's 00:58:13
not. 00:58:17
It's there's an 8 at least an $800,000 savings over the two year period. 00:58:21
With fire based and a. 00:58:29
A contract with Amir. 00:58:34
For New Operating Township, I have to respectfully disagree. You don't even know what that contract is. You said 600,000, I based 00:58:37
it under on the 600,000 I could be able. I don't have a contract. I understand that these are just, I'm just saying there is a 00:58:42
savings. 00:58:47
I don't have the contract either. I wish we would have had those numbers, but we didn't tonight. So maybe we need those numbers 00:58:52
before. Commissioners are looking at 1.4. So that's the baseline. Yeah, I know. 00:58:58
We're talking about taking out 802,000 for a Highlander fire that only leaves 600,000 left. 00:59:04
In my mind we're taking out 800,000. Their contract to cover the whole city, county is 1.4 million. 00:59:10
And we're saying. 00:59:17
We're saying that Highlander Fire wants to. 00:59:19
Protect two maybe Part 3 townships. 00:59:22
That other townships, I mean, so 1.4 to cover the whole county, 802,000 to cover 3 townships maybe. 00:59:29
Once got a markup in it and one doesn't, you can't just take that off the top. That doesn't work like that. 00:59:37
Doesn't work, Doesn't work. Mr. Chairman, I make. I'm going to make a motion. 00:59:44
So it's on record. Excuse me. Oh, go ahead, Tony. Sorry. 00:59:48
I know there's a story I've been trying to get in. 00:59:52
We can't see if you raised your hand over there Tony, so. 00:59:56
I'll just keep it short and sweet. I'll keep it short and sweet. Just want to reiterate what I said earlier that I fully support 01:00:00
the Fire base EMS. I believe that will be better served up. 01:00:07
Will we will be well served. Let me say that we will be well served by the fire departments of the county and just to address this 01:00:14
task force. 01:00:19
That that's been mentioned several times tonight. 01:00:25
I don't know that that's the answer. 01:00:33
We are part of the answer because we had a an Advisory Board filled with good professional people. 01:00:36
Who gave an opinion? 01:00:44
And look what happened there. 01:00:47
So I support the Firebase CMS. 01:00:50
Thank you. 01:00:55
So my motion is that. 01:00:57
That we send a message that we that we're clear to the Commissioners that the Council is. 01:01:02
Not in favor of. 01:01:09
Funding proprietor. 01:01:12
For the whole county. 01:01:18
There's more discussion needs to be had, more data needs to be had. And I'm in favor of a hybrid system, but my motion is that the 01:01:22
council doesn't. 01:01:26
Sent it notifies the the Commissioners that. 01:01:29
That we are to not we're not in favor of funding. 01:01:33
A private provider. 01:01:37
For the whole county. 01:01:39
I I would support it if we put the amendment that we are not going to pull the funds from the Hollander Fire District to cover 01:01:43
that the next couple years, that funding. 01:01:48
I'll support it, but if that's not part of. 01:01:52
And I won't go for it. 01:01:55
It's fine, yeah. I mean, we're going to need to discuss. 01:02:00
How it's funded down the road, but I can amend it. 01:02:03
I meant to say that. 01:02:07
The council doesn't support. 01:02:09
Funding a private provider solution for the whole county. 01:02:11
With the notion that. 01:02:14
If it goes fire based. 01:02:18
That it that it does. The liability does not fall on Highlander themselves. I could accept that. 01:02:20
When you say, how are you talking about? 01:02:28
She's on my cares act. 01:02:33
Is that what you're? I thought we said Hollander Fire District and you just say hung. 01:02:35
Because I mean technically. 01:02:40
However, her districts don't pay for EMS for everybody else because we don't pay into that money. 01:02:43
So we're going to have a motion without funding source. 01:02:50
No emotion is that. 01:02:54
It's We are synonym. We are on record. 01:02:56
The Council is on record. 01:03:00
Telling the Commissioners what we are. 01:03:02
Not willing to fund. 01:03:04
We're not willing to fund. 01:03:05
A private provider. 01:03:07
County wide, but we already have caveats. 01:03:09
To them. So are we going to send the conditioners? 01:03:13
We went this way but. 01:03:21
If we choose the fund in the future this way. 01:03:24
Then we got to go back and start all over again because that's what we're hearing. 01:03:26
With your motion, we've already got a caveat attached to it. 01:03:32
That's not going to be. 01:03:35
Part of the motion. 01:03:37
So I would respectfully. 01:03:42
Ask that if we're going to do a motion which is a non binding. 01:03:47
This is how the Council. 01:03:53
We should we should attach some funding toward it. 01:03:57
Where that's going to come from, If you don't want to do that, that's fine, but I want to go on record and say that, well, we 01:04:01
don't know what what we're funding. 01:04:04
Yet we don't know what Ameripro was willing to do for New Albany Township. We need. But there's more discussion. 01:04:09
I'm pretty sure the commissioners all know who is for Highlander and who is not. 01:04:22
The point is that I talked with David. 01:04:28
Murdoch But I'll burn off today. And he said that. 01:04:31
The Commissioner should not. 01:04:36
Enter into a contract without an appropriation. Now legally can they do that? I don't know what the legal. 01:04:39
Talk is, but they haven't entered into one yet, no. 01:04:46
They haven't. 01:04:52
Jim, would you like to make a motion so it satisfies? 01:04:54
I mean, I I can resend mine if you want to make a motion that satisfies what you were referring to, yeah. I'm not sure how well I 01:04:58
can phrase it, but I'll resend that motion. 01:05:02
I mean, I'd like to make the motion to send to the Commissioners that we will not support A. 01:05:08
Full county funded EMS service with the mayor pro. 01:05:14
That we want the EMS far based honor district. 01:05:20
To cover that territory. 01:05:24
But the funding will not come from the Hollander Fire District to cover their cost over any of these years. 01:05:27
OK. Does that make sense that doesn't? 01:05:35
I second it. 01:05:39
Discussion. 01:05:41
Yeah. 01:05:45
I cannot believe that you guys are going to vote to leave out two townships with no EMS coverage. That just blows my mind. 01:05:47
All right, we're going, we're going to have. 01:05:56
You can't make a statement like that and then call for the vote. That's not because you can sit here and argue for days and days 01:06:01
and days. That's not the motion that Connie that he made, he said. 01:06:06
So this motion is really senseless. 01:06:13
We don't know. There's too many unknowns out there that we can't make an educated decision on yet. 01:06:19
That's just, that's the way it is. Al stated earlier in our meeting that they're getting the number just without the Hollander 01:06:25
Fire District. So they are entertaining that. I can tell you as a business person that. 01:06:31
They're not going to cut it in half just because they're going to still want to make some money. 01:06:37
So they're going to charge a higher. 01:06:42
Because they're going to have less customers. 01:06:46
Supply and demand, economics, the whole 9 yards. I want to say for the record that. 01:06:50
This is this is pushing us closer and closer to legal action. 01:06:55
Whatever that looks like. 01:06:59
There's no way. 01:07:01
That the commissioners put their attorney up here to talk to us. 01:07:02
If they haven't gone down that road, I don't know that, but I can I. 01:07:07
I've been around lawyers enough to know that that was posturing and we are dangerously close to to getting. 01:07:10
To the 11th hour and not have an EMS service. 01:07:22
Does it? Does it make more sense to wait till we get the quote from the? 01:07:26
New Albany town from Ameripro about New Albany Township to make this, absolutely, I think it really isn't going to matter because 01:07:32
the commissioners have a final say. So. But I mean I would wait till you have numbers because if it's more than we're going to pay 01:07:37
more for a split service then. 01:07:43
Just hiring a mayor pro to do it for two years. 01:07:50
Now we're talking about separate issue which is funding. 01:07:53
We're not the motions, nothing to do with funding. It's about we need to send the commissioners a, you know, a message. 01:07:55
That's what this is about. Well then the message really needs to be that you want Firebase DMS ran by a Highlander period and a 01:08:02
sentence. 01:08:06
Because that's about about money. Because that's it has to be this is our role in this and. 01:08:10
And Brad, I do think we need to wait. 01:08:19
To vote on this until after we get. 01:08:22
A number from a mayor probe. I think that makes the most sense. 01:08:25
I still, I I want to just make sure everybody understands, I think. 01:08:32
That we have a refiable. 01:08:37
Cheaper solution? Possibly. I guess the that possibility is what's making me say this, that there could be a possibility that it's 01:08:41
not going to be cheaper. I don't see how it can't be, but I think we have a viable solution. 01:08:49
That is cheaper for our constituents in. 01:08:57
Not only. 01:09:01
The way we're paying for the service, but also in the service that they're going to have to pay for out of their pocket. 01:09:04
So I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. 01:09:11
Abstain from the vote for tonight. 01:09:15
For more data, For more data. 01:09:19
That was the question that I had earlier about this discussion is, is it appropriate to take a take action tonight? 01:09:24
Or not. 01:09:30
Well, I think it was a good discussion. Honestly, I did. I think it was a good discussion. I think we need to have these honest, 01:09:33
open discussions and I'm not sure they're happening. 01:09:37
With everybody withdrawal motion. 01:09:42
That's fine, yeah. I can withdraw until we get more information at our next meeting. 01:09:45
OK, Yeah, I would draw him a second. Of course. Yeah, we just need to, we need to continue to move this conversation forward. 01:09:50
However that looks. I think there's a lot of moving parts and a lot of information will be coming out almost daily. 01:09:55
So if you get those quotes and Al hasn't sent them along, I would ask you to do that. And also I truly believe we need to get 01:10:03
Baker Tilly involved in this discussion like ASAP. 01:10:09
Not only for a projection of what this looks like for our finances, but also. 01:10:17
On the tax. 01:10:22
Levy or on the tax LIT side of things. 01:10:23
Yeah, I'll make contact with him tomorrow and. 01:10:29
See if they can expedite some stuff for us. 01:10:33
One more thing I. 01:10:36
The Commissioners have already made this decision in my mind. 01:10:38
It's just our job to figure out how to fund it. That's what our job is. 01:10:42
And so. 01:10:45
They may be amicable to this idea, but they basically already made their decision. They. 01:10:48
For their own reasons, the biggest one was that. 01:10:53
New Chapel didn't provide financial statements. 01:10:56
And I understand that. And like I said, it does trouble me that we're paying a lot more money for EMS service, but it is what it 01:11:00
is. But the commissioners have made their decision. 01:11:05
This body has to figure out how we're going to pay for it. 01:11:11
Bottom line. 01:11:14
And I guess it's. 01:11:16
The guy from Spa. 01:11:18
He said they cannot enter, they could, and then we're gonna have some legal issues. If they entered into a contract, there's not a 01:11:24
funding source, there's gonna be a legal issue. 01:11:28
And who wins in legal issues of attorneys? Nobody else wins. 01:11:32
It's not a good, it's not a good position for any of us to be in and we don't want to get there. 01:11:36
We don't. I don't think the commissioners are going to want to enter into a contract without a funding source. 01:11:42
I think that would be well, I think. Ill advised I think. 01:11:47
I don't want to speak for you, Brad, but your motion tonight in my mind is sending a clear message to the commissioners You need 01:11:52
to fix something else out. 01:11:56
Because you're not going to get funded. 01:11:59
I think that's what I don't want to speak for you, but that's what I think. 01:12:01
Is that this is what we're prepared to fund and we're not prepared to fund anything else. So you guys better get yourself 01:12:05
together. It helps them to understand what to negotiate for. 01:12:09
That's my point, that's my point. If we're looking if, if we want to move towards a hybrid system, then it understands what they 01:12:14
need to. 01:12:17
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Council meeting 6:00 PM and we're going to start it at about 6:22. Please stand for the pledge. 00:00:02
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:10
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:15
I let the record show that we have all members here. Tony, are you still with us? 00:00:25
Tony is on teams. 00:00:30
I'm still with you, OK? 00:00:34
Excellent. All right. 00:00:36
Just a second here. 00:00:40
Lord, can you roll the screen for me, Mom? 00:00:43
Logged out. Thank you so much. 00:00:46
Mr. Bagshaw, would you lead us in prayer, please? Yes. Last right. Oh, Lord Jesus, we thank you for. 00:00:49
Today, this day, we thank you, Lord, survive the soul eclipse yesterday, one night. 00:00:56
Wonder that you put in the sky yesterday. 00:01:01
Lord, be with us today. We always want to thank you for. 00:01:04
For freedom and liberty that we can meet an open meeting like this and we can have have conversation, we can meet, make decisions. 00:01:08
Or please give us the wisdom and the knowledge to make prudent choices for the betterment of our community. 00:01:16
Lord be with our soldiers, sailors and airmen Marines today as they defend freedom around the world. Lord God, please be with our 00:01:21
first responders. 00:01:25
And keep them safe as they keep us safe. In your name. Amen. 00:01:30
Entertain a motion to accept the agenda for tonight. 00:01:36
I have an agenda item that might possibly be on. 00:01:41
Do we need to? 00:01:46
Put a item at the end. I think it's #11 in regards to. 00:01:48
EMS funding know what I mean by that is I believe that it might be helpful to give some direction to the commissioners as they are 00:01:54
meeting with the mayor pro on what we. 00:02:00
Either are or not willing to fund. 00:02:06
I think it's important to be on the record why they are moving forward negotiations if. 00:02:08
Measure. The council doesn't feel that's appropriate right now. That's fine, but I won't really throw it out there. 00:02:13
Do you think we need to take that up a second? 00:02:18
The motion to. 00:02:21
2nd for discussion or. 00:02:24
No. 00:02:27
To talk about EMS funding item 11, we have a motion in a second to add item 11 for. 00:02:29
Discussion of EMS. 00:02:36
Any discussion on that? 00:02:38
Hearing none, all in favor, say aye, aye. 00:02:45
I hear you. Thank you, John. 00:02:48
Motion to approve the minutes is advertised. 00:02:51
I have a motion and a second to approve the minutes from March 12th, 2024 meeting. 00:02:54
Any discussion? 00:03:01
All in favor. 00:03:03
Aye. Any opposed? 00:03:05
That carries. 00:03:07
Public comment. 00:03:10
Anybody from the public, you should have sat down. Anybody from the public wish to speak. 00:03:15
All right, chair, if you are. 00:03:19
On her own business, she had unbudgeted jail expenses, so. 00:03:23
Can you put Micah? 00:03:28
A sheriff can pull mic up. 00:03:30
Thank you. Appreciate it. 00:03:32
Any questions? 00:03:38
Can you refresh us on how much you need us to appropriate? 00:03:41
Issue and then you had up to 50,000 which I don't think is going to be that, but it was up to 50 for the water pipes. 00:03:46
And you said how much for the? 00:03:56
192. 00:03:58
Want to make sure I heard that right. 00:04:00
And you've scoured your budget and you have that is correct. It's not budgeted item. 00:04:03
That the Commissioners are responsible for the building and the Council. 00:04:08
Yes, Sir. 00:04:11
Lois gave us a e-mail about some extra cash in the general fund is. 00:04:16
Where do we want to entertain that? Or a different funding source, or what? So that's also for discussion. Or? 00:04:22
I'll make a motion. I'll make a motion to. 00:04:32
Fund Do we have this advertised? 00:04:37
To find. 00:04:40
There's enough advertised though. 00:04:43
Yeah, we over advertised just like we did the last time for the. 00:04:47
To fund the 50,000 and 192,000 which is 102 hundred and. 00:04:52
$42,000. 00:04:58
And I will keep you apprised of. 00:05:02
If we don't use all of it and that sort of thing because. 00:05:06
Once again, I start doing the work. You never know. But yes, I will keep you apprised of everything out of the general fund using 00:05:08
Lois's correction. 00:05:13
2nd for discussion. 00:05:19
Which was 300. Let's see here. I had some notes in the neighborhood, 350,000. 00:05:22
Well, not. 00:05:28
It was, But she wanted. She wanted some back. 00:05:32
Their possibility that she would take something back, so this would use a good majority of it. 00:05:35
Right, let's keep books straight. It's returning it all and then may come back and ask. 00:05:41
Yeah. And again, I'm open to we're in discussion, is that right, Danny? Yes. OK. I'm open to a different funding source and I also 00:05:46
would like to you did there was another. 00:05:51
So you came to us with water pipes, IT and. 00:05:59
We've already covered the other issue, right. So, so that's my point was you've already covered the other issue within your budget 00:06:03
and and thank you, I wanted to. 00:06:06
Recognize that for you. So is this the proper way to fund this? 00:06:10
I've already expressed my opinion. I think there's still potential for at least some of this funds come out of the commissary 00:06:19
fund, but no one else seems to jump in on that opinion. But I'll still waste that. I think there's a lot of unknown expenses. 00:06:24
There's a lot of similar related expenses. 00:06:29
Maybe not all of this, but part of it, there's another option out here, this. 00:06:34
Last council meeting we had the commissioners took back that 200,000 for the Gold Bond. 00:06:39
That's uncommitted funds. Why don't we look at that as a possibility to help fund some of these expenses? 00:06:47
Was that other general or the edit fund Was that? 00:06:53
We also have. 00:07:03
The information I got from our attorney. 00:07:06
Is that? 00:07:08
He sees no break in the building authority providing maintenance for that building. 00:07:10
Now, we did slash their budget this year. 00:07:15
But according to Steve. 00:07:19
That contract. 00:07:23
And I have it in my e-mail. 00:07:25
Still still shows them providing. 00:07:28
I don't think they've done that since the renovation. 00:07:29
But again, that was never corrected. 00:07:32
I'm not sure if that. 00:07:37
Makes a difference in anything or not, but I'm sorry if I may provided you what or not providing. 00:07:38
The I'm not going to take. It does say provides maintenance for that building. 00:07:45
So this may not be considered maintenance. This may be above and beyond. 00:07:51
This, this is above, my opinion is above and beyond. I spoke to Chuck. Chuck is obviously helping us in terms of the water pipes 00:07:55
and getting that second quote, if you will. 00:08:00
So they are helping, but that's above and beyond. You know they also have a contract. I'm sure if you've looked at they do certain 00:08:05
they do maintenance within our building and the jail, but also there's certain things they do not do that's outlined in that 00:08:09
contract. 00:08:13
So now to be clear, this 192, that's a firm bid, right? 00:08:18
It's the cost. I mean, again, things happen when you do, when you start doing work. 00:08:24
But then what I understand is what I understand. Correct me if I'm wrong, it's 50,000 was to. 00:08:29
Get a bid, you're talking two separate things now I'm asking 192 is a fixed bid and I understand there may be overages or maybe 00:08:36
under that's it issue that's you've got a bid on that in hand. 00:08:42
But the 50,000 is just kind of out there which I told you that's that's going to cost to get an estimate from that member. I had 00:08:50
the quote my hand when I was at last meeting, it's up to 50,000 but I believe in several other people believe that was high. 00:08:57
And so I've asked Chuck, and he's doing it right now currently, to get another quote to see if that's. 00:09:04
The right cost to start the bid process for that project. 00:09:09
But it so I guess to your point Dale, is it just? 00:09:13
Up to 50,000 for the engineering of. 00:09:17
Looking into how much it would cost to move the water lines. So there's going to be another additional expense. 00:09:20
Beyond the up to 50, that is correct and you all advise at that point in time we might have to wait. We just that be a discussion 00:09:25
after the point. 00:09:29
And maybe Jim, that's that's where it comes in to some mean. 00:09:33
Some of the ideas that you have go bond or commissary to address those issues that might be that too. You know I. 00:09:37
I mean all options need to be on the table for sure, but. 00:09:45
You know, I think I guess what I'm trying to say is there's not this, this is, this is not going to be the end of the water line 00:09:48
issue just because we're spending up to 50. 00:09:52
1000 No Sir, OK. 00:09:57
Well, I don't want to. 00:10:02
Big. 00:10:04
$50,000 for an engineering study to move for water lines. 00:10:06
And most of y'all know I'm involved with the building process. 00:10:11
And we got a engineering estimate for like 68 or 9000 to do the whole mechanical system, all the whole new build. 00:10:16
So I just questioned that 50,000 to get a engineering report to move four water lines, you're more than welcome to look at that 00:10:25
bid originally. And when we get the second bid, you're more welcome. Anybody this board can look at it? I thought it was high 00:10:30
myself, but I'm not an engineer. 00:10:34
This is more than just moving water pipes. It's an engineering part of what you saw when you took a tour of it. 00:10:39
Of the work that will have to be done and moving those. 00:10:46
I said get a plumbing contractor and have it done by Monday. 00:10:51
That's 4/4 inch lines. 00:10:58
All right, we have a motion in a second. Do you want to? 00:11:02
Keep it the same out of general fund. I mean, we can't really. 00:11:05
Target, it's all going to be on the same pot. So it's just out of general fund, but I will just point out all you need to erase 00:11:10
that off that board over there. 00:11:14
Remove it now, yeah? 00:11:19
Well, I mean, again, I'm open. 00:11:21
I am too, Jim, do you want much to? 00:11:23
You want to. 00:11:26
You want to. 00:11:28
See if we can get any money of that go bond. 00:11:31
I think we should be looking at that option. 00:11:35
Is it? Yeah. Well, how do we look at? 00:11:38
That's what I don't know. We got to talk to Don. 00:11:41
To see if they've already. 00:11:44
Could that be only said the last means uncommitted funds and they had to come back to us to even get it approved for anything, so 00:11:48
it shouldn't be committed? 00:11:51
They've been going to. 00:11:55
You want to do half of half of it for them and half of it for us. 00:11:58
Or you want to do all of it? I'll resend my motion if you want to make a motion, Jim. 00:12:03
Yeah, Well, I still think there's. 00:12:08
Funds available the commissary funds not really necessarily full paying the full amount. 00:12:12
I want to make a motion. 00:12:17
Well, the there's a motion and 2nd on the floor. 00:12:22
I asked a question. The sheriff is is. 00:12:26
Is there? Is there a willingness to to? 00:12:30
Use the commerce commissary funds for the up to $50,000. Not at this time. There's not able to look at that. That's why we did the 00:12:34
first project. 00:12:38
And to cover that cost, if there's any extra cost, we would look at it again to cover those costs. But our everyday budgetary 00:12:41
items that we do, it's. 00:12:45
Where we're at, I guess where I am is. 00:12:50
We're just delaying this again and again, and I think there's issues that need to be addressed. I think that we can look at the 00:12:54
Gold Bond as a reimbursement. 00:12:57
To what we do today, we can use the go bonds possibly for that or used to GO bond for for EMS funding. So I think there's 00:13:01
definitely options here, yeah. 00:13:05
So motion in a second. So we have a motion in a second. Anymore discussion. 00:13:11
And obviously if. 00:13:18
It comes in less than 50,000 then we're. 00:13:20
We're not. We're saying up to 50 in this emotion. Is that how you phrase it? I believe I believe she did. I'm not sure that's how. 00:13:23
That's what I restate it real quick. And then do we need to appropriate this into a specific line item into the shares budget? 00:13:31
Yes, I think we do. Can you? 00:13:39
1000. 00:13:46
53000. 00:13:51
14, OK. 00:13:52
So yeah, I'll restate my motion I. 00:13:55
And should we do these in two separate line items 14 and 15? 00:13:59
Yeah, let's do that 14 and 15. 00:14:04
I'll make a motion to appropriate. 00:14:07
50,000. 00:14:12
Into line item 1000, zero zero five 3014 up to 50,000. I'll just leave it at that that that's my first motion. 00:14:14
And I second, but do we need to resend the first one or is that a clarification the 1st? 00:14:26
I'm rescinding my first motion. 00:14:33
Any discussion on that? 00:14:40
All in favor? Say aye. Aye. All opposed. 00:14:47
Aye, the second motion is to appropriate 192,000. 00:14:50
Into line item 1000 zero 053000 line 15. 00:14:59
For $192,000. 00:15:06
And that second point and point of clarification, did that first motion carry OK, I'm sorry. 00:15:09
So I second the second motion, have a motion and a second. 00:15:14
For the next line, any discussion on that? 00:15:18
Seeing none all in favor, say aye. All opposed. 00:15:25
That carries. 00:15:29
And I'm sorry, Tony's on the line. I'm not sure how Tony is voted because I haven't heard him. 00:15:31
Do we need to? I'm voting in. I'm voting in the affirmative. There's such a time that. 00:15:38
Delay. 00:15:44
We'll try to wait for you next time, Tony. 00:15:48
OK, I just didn't want to be disruptive. Just vote about 10 seconds before everybody else. 00:15:51
Thank you, Sheriff. Thank you very much, Lauren Broderick. 00:16:00
Step right up. 00:16:05
Thank you for having me. I'll keep this short and sweet. I know you guys have had a busy night. My name is Warren Broderick and 00:16:34
I'm the new Executive Director of Casa County. Today, I'm here to share with you the significant impact of Casa's work in our 00:16:39
community. Casa is a dedicated organization advocating for the best interests of abuse and neglected children right here in Floyd 00:16:44
County. 00:16:49
They are involved, These children are involved in the Floyd County court system and we have been instrumental in providing a voice 00:16:55
to these vulnerable children and ensuring their well-being. 00:16:59
Since our inception as a standalone nonprofit in 2019, Casa has remained steadfast in its mission to recruit, train and support 00:17:05
volunteers to serve as court appointed special advocates for youth right here in our community. 00:17:12
These volunteers are everyday citizens of Floyd County. They serve as beacons of hope for children inside and outside the 00:17:19
courtroom. 00:17:23
Casa volunteers build relationships with children experiencing foster care. 00:17:28
They find out about their lives. 00:17:32
They ensure that their wishes and desires are always and they provide the court with robust and sound information so the court can 00:17:34
make well-rounded decisions about the child and their future. 00:17:40
The Casa volunteer also promotes a safe and stable adult relationship that the child can rely upon. 00:17:47
Ultimately promoting resilience within the child. 00:17:55
Casa volunteers willingly walk into a child's trauma and spend at least 15 hours a month getting to know their child. 00:17:58
And providing critical resources to them and attending court on their behalf. 00:18:06
In the face of COVID-19, we faced a lot of adversity. 00:18:14
Significant challenges including losing 2/3 of our volunteer force as well as financial stability. 00:18:18
However, with this invaluable support of the Legacy Foundation and this esteemed council, we were able to regroup and launch a 00:18:25
successful volunteer recruitment Dr. and public awareness campaign. 00:18:31
Resulting in an additional 14 dedicated volunteers from 2021 to 2022. 00:18:37
Today, I'm proud to report that our organization has grown substantially. We have a total of 11 staff members, 40 volunteers 00:18:44
strong, working tirelessly to represent children in our child welfare system. 00:18:50
In 2023, we serve 471 children and we keep on serving. 00:18:57
We are now serving not only children in need of services or chins cases, but we are also serving children who have informal 00:19:04
adjustment cases as well, providing critical intervention for at risk families and working in collaboration with DCS and other 00:19:09
mental health service providers. 00:19:15
These dedicated individuals who are a part of our staff and volunteers continue to stand in these hard spaces knowing that this 00:19:22
community needs people who are willing to invest in children and combat trauma inflicted by adverse childhood experiences. 00:19:29
However, we recognize that our work can only be sustained with the support of our community. 00:19:38
We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support of this Council, which has been critical in our ability to continue our 00:19:43
necessary and worthwhile work, however. 00:19:48
Despite our progress, the reality is we have 60 children who are waiting to be matched with a Casa volunteer that they desperately 00:19:54
need. So this evening I asked for your help. I asked for you to join in encouraging our community to become champions for these 00:19:59
children. 00:20:05
And help us build a more robust and compassionate Floyd County for the next generation. 00:20:11
Thank you for your support. 00:20:16
Thank you so much. 00:20:18
You might have any comments or questions before we let her go. 00:20:20
Yeah, it's probably in here. 00:20:24
Lauren, what? How many? 00:20:27
Casa volunteers, do we have again in our community, how many, how many members have stepped up and said I want to help out. We 00:20:29
have 40 right now going strong. What's your target? 00:20:34
We need about 40 more volunteers in order to meet the demands of our wait list. 00:20:40
OK. 00:20:48
Oh, wow. 00:20:50
It's unfortunate that I need is there, but it's also fortunate to see people stepping up. Thank you for bringing this to our 00:20:51
attention and awareness of you all. We've come a long way. When I first joined Casa in 2021, we had over 300 children on our wait 00:20:57
list. So we are we're making some really strong strides. 00:21:02
So I just want to say thanks to you, your leadership, and to the to the whole Casa group and to the volunteers. 00:21:09
You're doing a job that. 00:21:15
It's kind of forgotten in our community and you guys are meeting the needs right there and it's. 00:21:17
Thank you to you and your team. 00:21:23
Thank you so much. Thank you. 00:21:26
Next we have Judge Granger. I don't see where. 00:21:29
There she is. 00:21:34
She she just needs a line transfer and her veterans Court user fees it is outside of. 00:21:40
Category, so it does require. 00:21:49
Approval Motion to Approve 2A. 00:21:52
The motion is second. Any discussion on the transfer. 00:21:56
All in favor, Say aye. Any opposed? Aye. 00:21:59
That carries. Good job, Tony. Thank you. 00:22:04
Mr. Drives. 00:22:07
I have a staff member who has paid through the opioid settlement money. 00:22:17
I need a money appropriated so I can continue to pay her her salary and benefits. 00:22:21
Motion to Approve 3A. 00:22:26
Have a motion and a second for 3A. Any discussion. 00:22:29
Yeah, because this is how the opioid restricted abatement I. 00:22:34
Is this, is this something that you have to get approval for them from a different board or just just you you are, do you have? 00:22:38
Do you have the ability to work within these parameters in and of yourself, or is this a did you have to get approval from the 00:22:48
community corrections board? 00:22:52
Approval J Rack, sorry. 00:22:56
Yes, and we did approve that. 00:23:00
Any further discussion? 00:23:04
All in favor of three a say aye. Any opposed? 00:23:07
That carries. 00:23:12
Thank you. Thank you, Charlotte. 00:23:13
Good evening. 00:23:23
I'm on the agenda to request 2 new line items from a fund number that was appropriated a few weeks ago for an ECHO grant. We 00:23:26
received $60,000 for a three-year grant to hire a peer recovery coach specialist. 00:23:33
Motion to Approve for ABC. 00:23:43
And date. 00:23:46
Now those are different the. 00:23:49
It's all that the same grant? No. Oh, I'm sorry, 4A MB A/B. 00:23:51
Tag it. Thank you. Have a motion for 4A and 4B Any discussion. 00:23:58
More questions? 00:24:03
All in favor, Say aye. Any opposed? Aye. 00:24:06
Series when I first presented the health First Indiana. 00:24:09
Grant to the council. The commissioners hadn't opted in yet because their time schedule was different than the counties, and I 00:24:15
said I would be coming back to move funds around and that's what I'm doing with C&D. 00:24:21
Motion to Approve 4C and D. 00:24:28
Have a motion a second for 4C and D? Any discussion? 00:24:32
Charlotte, what would that? 00:24:37
That fund balance, what'd that start out at 700 right under, right around $800,000 and we put 10% back for the building and the 00:24:39
rest of it, we appropriated that. I am coming back and forth because as we're going through the process, we're coming up with new 00:24:44
programs that we want to start. We're limiting some of the other ones. So I'll be constantly changing moving funds around 00:24:50
throughout the year. 00:24:56
So 10% was the Max that you could put back, that is correct? 00:25:02
Thank you. 00:25:09
Any further discussion? 00:25:11
All in favor of 4C and D say aye. Any opposed? 00:25:13
That carries. Thank you. Appreciate guys. 00:25:19
He was here. We ran out of time on the. 00:25:23
Motion to Approve 5/8. 00:25:28
Second motion a second for 5A. 00:25:31
Any discussion? 00:25:35
All in favor, Say aye, Aye. 00:25:37
All opposed, Any opposed that carries. 00:25:40
Mr. Brinkworth, are you? 00:25:46
Another pinch hitter tonight. 00:25:51
There we go. 00:25:52
Hello, my name is Rachel Dooley. I'm representing John G Green Court today for the county surveyor's office. We are just trying 00:25:54
to. 00:25:57
Instill a new ordinance for our fee schedule and to update our fees for our office. 00:26:01
Motion to Approve 7 SO 6A. 00:26:05
2nd. 00:26:10
Got a motion a second? Any discussion? Yes, I. 00:26:12
Who drafted the ordinance? And then was it? Was it approved by our council? 00:26:16
This went back and forth. What did we meet? 00:26:21
Oh, months ago. So it's been to the surveyors association in Indy and back and. 00:26:25
Commissioner, side and back and so this is where we've landed and. 00:26:32
I'm really happy with the outcome of this because it is entirely needed for our office to have something as a ordinance for future 00:26:37
use and everything. 00:26:41
Any further discussion? 00:26:47
All in favor of line item six say aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:26:49
That carries. 00:26:55
Mr. Dennison. 00:26:57
All the things, good evening. All the things before you are one of our two non recurring funds 1178. There was not a budget 00:27:03
submitted for those at the end of last year. So just a request to get that moved into those lines for 2024. We have some things 00:27:10
coming up soon we'll be using some of that money at various parks and projects motion to approve 7-8. 00:27:18
Second motion and a second for seven a any discussion. 00:27:26
Hearing none all in favor, say aye. 00:27:33
Aye. Any opposed that carries. Thank you guys. Thank you. Thank you. 00:27:36
Motion for. 00:27:42
You don't want another pinch hitter. 00:27:44
Not sure I see one. 00:27:48
We have a motion. 00:27:51
2nd it's a transfer. 00:27:53
Any discussion? 00:27:57
All in favor, Say aye, Aye. 00:28:00
Any opposed that carries? 00:28:02
Leah. 00:28:07
So stepping in for Leah is myself, Michelle Portwood and the request is to approve the increases for two individuals in her 00:28:13
department that were hired in lower than the entry level rate because they were very new in career, they were hired at 95%. So 00:28:22
Open Door Use services is 100% grant funded and the salaries are already included. 00:28:32
In their budget. 00:28:41
Motion to Approve 98. 00:28:43
Second, the motion is second, any discussion? Yeah, this is just to affirm what we kind of did. We were apprised of this via 00:28:46
e-mail and I think we just needed to affirm this in an open meeting. Is that correct? 00:28:52
All right. Thank you. All in favor, say aye, aye. 00:28:59
Aye. Any opposed? 00:29:03
That carries. 00:29:05
Floyd County Council, we have ordinance for transfers. 00:29:07
Motion to approve second. 00:29:14
10/8 motion a second. There were only two on them, right? 00:29:15
OK. Any discussion? 00:29:27
All in favor, Say aye, Aye. 00:29:31
Any opposed that carries 10B Continue discussion on hiring. 00:29:34
Danny, I think I had a question on that. 00:29:39
And maybe I missed something that have you gotten a in writing anything that we're we picked one back and forth. 00:29:42
On the. 00:29:50
And it's it's basically the form that they use now with some added verbiage. You want to speak to that? 00:29:51
It's basically it's a form for the department head or elected official to complete. First it's me gathering that information and 00:30:00
giving it to you guys. So it rewards some of the questions, but it it's intention is to create a clearer path as to is the 00:30:09
position 100% needed, Need it on a full time basis, those types of things. 00:30:18
So. 00:30:30
We just need to continue to have this as a discussion item until you get us, uh, something in writing that we all can review. Did 00:30:32
you all not see the full? 00:30:36
Maybe I maybe I missed it. I've seen it originally. Did I see that? 00:30:41
Not long after our last meeting. OK, yeah, I seen one. I can resend it to everyone. 00:30:47
I'll look for that's on me. I I just apparently missed it. 00:30:53
So do we need to? We want to take action because I haven't even seen it. 00:30:57
I think the department heads know for now. 00:31:04
That we're going to be. 00:31:07
For a little bit more information than what we've been getting, so we can carry it over if you want. 00:31:08
Give everybody a chance to look at it and then we can approve it. 00:31:13
At our next meeting, anyone has old business or you always want to keep it as new. Does it matter? I don't. Let's let's enter it 00:31:18
in as new business for the next meeting. 00:31:22
Yeah, we'll just. 00:31:29
We'll just, I guess we'll enter. 00:31:31
Just keep it on the. 00:31:34
Yeah, since it's discussion, do we want to just take it to the next one or just add it as a new item for? 00:31:37
Form will be introduced for the next meeting, so it can be just listed as a new item. Discussion added as a new item for the next 00:31:42
meeting and maybe we can send it out in the support documentation. Did you? So that makes it easier. 00:31:50
If you can't find it, let me know. We'll resend it. Yeah. Beforehand as well. So it is. So it is a. We are going to take action on 00:31:58
a next meeting, OK? 00:32:02
Yeah. Next meeting next month, yeah, yeah. 00:32:07
Mr. Chairman I. 00:32:11
You know you all know how to do paper stuff. 00:32:14
And in my packet here, did we approve minutes of the last meeting we did? 00:32:17
We did some of my memories at my short term memories leaving already and and we added item 11. 00:32:22
Did we not add that We did, We did. I don't remember. 00:32:30
At the beginning of this meeting, we added item 11. We approve the Minutes. 00:32:35
Item 11 is. 00:32:40
DMS funding discussion Yeah. So I I think it's. 00:32:51
Do I just want to be able to discuss? 00:32:56
Based on. 00:32:59
Where we are in our discussions, is it, is it appropriate to give? 00:33:01
A consensus to the Commissioners based on what the majority of the Council is willing to fund. 00:33:05
Maybe that helps them understand how they need to negotiate. 00:33:13
If we don't find that tonight is the the appropriate way to to move forward with a vote, fine. But I wanted I wanted to at least 00:33:17
discuss that because if I'm, if I'm, if I'm a Commissioner, I would want to know. 00:33:23
What? What if I'm going to negotiate what can be funded? 00:33:30
So I'm obviously throwing her to the to the rest of the council as to. 00:33:34
Do do we feel like it is appropriate to at least be on the record to say? 00:33:40
We are going to fund something or not funds. It's not inappropriate. 00:33:46
And I'll just say as well that I talked with David Burdock today of the AIC, President, Director of the AIC. 00:33:50
And about the situation and. 00:34:05
He he, he, he said something very clear to me that I thought was good and he said. 00:34:09
The commissioner should not enter into a contract without an appropriation now, he said. Should not. 00:34:17
He didn't say it's legal or it's not. I I don't know what the legal standing is on that. 00:34:24
But he said should not so. 00:34:31
I think it is important for them to at least understand. 00:34:35
Where the majority of us stand on this issue. 00:34:40
And what we're willing to do. 00:34:44
And and I'll, I'll, I'll start the discussion I mean. 00:34:47
Listen, I think that the. 00:34:52
The hybrid solution is the. 00:34:56
Best financial solution? 00:34:59
And and I think it's very a very viable solution as well. 00:35:01
I think the only way that I could ever get behind. 00:35:09
A private provider solution is to agree to that. We're going to have to put a tax increase in place because I'm not willing to 00:35:14
drain our coffers. 00:35:19
Of all of our money. 00:35:23
So I'll, I'll just say that up front. 00:35:25
And I said this at our Monday night meeting. 00:35:28
I don't think anybody here is looking at. 00:35:32
Practice service. 00:35:35
The forever. 00:35:37
I and I might if if I'm wrong somebody correct me, but I think. 00:35:39
I think we're past that. We're just looking at them for. 00:35:42
But even to come up with $3 million over the next two years is a lot of money. 00:35:46
And knowing that we already have a shortfall in our current budget. 00:35:52
We're going to write. We're going to rate our rainy day. 00:35:56
Well, I think the unknown here is. 00:36:02
Highlander is asking for 802,000. 00:36:05
And. 00:36:09
You have to thank the rest of the county is going to cost at least that much so now we're. 00:36:13
We're at a higher number than we would be. We just mayor pro. 00:36:18
From the start. 00:36:23
I mean if if we have two townships, it's 800,800. 00:36:25
Then we're definitely going to be at 800,000 for the rest of the county. 00:36:29
When you say the rest. 00:36:34
What townships are you referring to? 00:36:36
Within their in their plan, it does cover Franklin, at least the. 00:36:40
I'm going to understand that least covers half of Franklin. 00:36:44
Have you seen their application for the ALS certification? 00:36:47
Not sure that has anything. 00:36:51
They're leaving. They're leaving Franklin out of that application, so that skews the numbers. 00:36:52
So, well, I just. 00:36:59
I guess I the ALS goes to the to the fire department. It doesn't. It doesn't pertain to townships. 00:37:02
So I guess I'm really confused at that comment to get ALS certification. 00:37:08
You have to meet so many parameters. 00:37:14
They put in parameters for X number of paramedics and X number of EMT's based on what they were going to provide service for. 00:37:18
Which did not include Franklin. Which did not include New Orleans Township. Which means they're going to have to come up with 00:37:28
hiring even more people. 00:37:32
If they're going to add that portion of Franklin. 00:37:37
But on their application I am under the impression that it wasn't on there. 00:37:40
On their plan, it does. It says at least. At least it says the upper half of Franklin. 00:37:44
And if you if you pay attention to the statements that they made, it does include that. 00:37:50
At least please. 00:37:55
Part of Franklin, which is the upper half. 00:37:57
That's but that's their statements. That's not their application for certification. 00:37:59
OK. Again the the certification is for the fire department. 00:38:04
They can go, they they have a mutual aid to give and they may be called out of county. 00:38:10
For something if that that Township that they're called out to is not covered in that, but they can still provide ALS 00:38:15
certification or ALS. 00:38:19
If, if they had the staffing on that truck to do so. So I think it's not. 00:38:23
Not the same as what I'm getting. 00:38:28
But there are There were only 11 transports in Franklin Township last year. 00:38:33
And I think that. 00:38:38
Although those 11 people probably have loved ones absolutely would. 00:38:40
Require EMS service? Absolutely. They don't need to be. 00:38:46
Bless you. They don't need to be underserved or. 00:38:51
Left without service. 00:38:55
But there can be a. 00:38:57
MO U between the provider on the hill and. 00:39:00
Harrison County. 00:39:05
But those kind of things take time and they're not in place yet. 00:39:07
So they need to be in place before we go that way. 00:39:12
And by June 1, it's not going to happen. You know how hard it is to get that many different entities together in one room? 00:39:16
For a purpose. 00:39:25
Mortise. 00:39:27
There needs to be a clear. There needs to be some clarity on whether or not. 00:39:29
Islanders proposal includes Franklin Township. 00:39:33
Half of it, all of it, or nothing. 00:39:36
We'll get that cleared up. 00:39:38
Because it seems like that keeps coming up. 00:39:40
Yes, it does not include New Orleans Township. I think that's why the term hybrid keeps coming up. 00:39:42
That we need to see if American pro. 00:39:47
What they're willing to do. 00:39:50
Down there. 00:39:52
Mr. Mills was here. 00:39:53
They are in a. 00:39:55
If I can say it. 00:39:59
This way a rebuilding phase of their their department that's going to take some time. 00:40:01
So maybe a two year. 00:40:05
Contract with Ameripro. 00:40:08
For that Township is is is appropriate might be. 00:40:10
What does that look like? What does that cost? And you know, I. 00:40:14
Look like. 00:40:19
Because I'm not sure if it's going to cost the same amount. 00:40:20
We'll have to see what they're willing to do. 00:40:26
You know, in addition to what you said there, there they, you know, in statements I talked with Jeremy, they're going to cover all 00:40:28
the not the knobs, the hill. 00:40:32
Which actually picks up some New Albany Township. 00:40:37
There's districts running along Skyline and a lot of those neighborhoods. 00:40:40
Are actually part of New Albany Township. 00:40:43
Not just Lafayette. 00:40:46
So it's going to cover you in a little extra than what? 00:40:49
Being taken to account here and it makes a lot of sense that Ameripro and Highlander work together because they already have an MO 00:40:52
U. 00:40:55
I know. 00:40:59
A few weeks ago. 00:41:01
American Pro had no ambulances available in the city of New Albany and they called Highlander and Highlander went down to I 00:41:04
believe it was Manor Market in New Albany, downtown New Albany and transported to Clark County. 00:41:08
It happens. 00:41:14
And I think it's appropriate that a hybrid system, they can feed off each other. 00:41:15
I guess I'm on record saying that I'm not willing to fund. 00:41:24
A product provider to provide EMS. 00:41:29
For the all of the county minus the city of New Albany. 00:41:34
Actually, I tend to agree with Mr. Short that. 00:41:43
We're already aware that their their ask is 800-800-2000 I think is their *** Highlander. 00:41:47
That exclusion of the Township and. 00:41:54
Doctor, Knavel said a minute ago. 00:41:56
They don't have any information but. 00:41:59
Their bid, as per this evening is 1.4 million. 00:42:01
800 thousand were already speaking for for Highlander. 00:42:06
And I'll bet you it's at least 600. So we're right back to where other we got a hybrid or or county provider. 00:42:10
The impact to the. 00:42:18
So the citizens are the same in my mind. 00:42:20
And I'll just go ahead and state it. I've been thinking about for a long time. 00:42:23
I told a lot of people that know me that it's just it troubles me that. 00:42:28
This big old distraction with new Chapel that we can hire them for $675,000 less for the same RP and I would also state. 00:42:33
Brad and Denise that. 00:42:45
If Highlander fire was able to. 00:42:47
Commit to the IFP. They would have done it when when the RP's were open. That would have been one of the three. 00:42:50
There was two. There would have been three if they had the ability to service the RFP. 00:42:57
So I I think it's a In my mind it's a. It's a stopgap. We want to. 00:43:03
Look at this as a task force or ever how it works out but. 00:43:11
And of course we don't have any data back, but I would conclude we're not going to save money by having. 00:43:16
County owned EMS. 00:43:22
And I know we talked about having. It's always been a problem with private and generally in my mind. 00:43:25
Private industry usually does better than government entities, except for a few things in this world. 00:43:32
They tend to do better. 00:43:39
More efficient. They do a better product. They do better. I mean, I could. 00:43:41
I'm sure there's people that's disappointed with. 00:43:45
EMS And by the way, I don't, I haven't heard of anybody. 00:43:48
That has been unhappy with. 00:43:52
New Chapel. 00:43:54
Or new Chapel EMS I I haven't heard anybody that's that said. I'm just you know. 00:43:56
Maybe there, and I will. And American Pro has their issues. You're right, Brad, they have their issues. 00:44:02
My son made the comment a month or two ago that he works in an industrial park. 00:44:07
And a lady sat in his office and had a heart attack. 00:44:12
It was 20 minutes for America Pro to get there and they're in the city. 00:44:16
The industrial park is in the city. 00:44:20
So I think, I think we all. 00:44:22
And personally I think that we got this concept that. 00:44:25
Fire base or stand alone EMS is going to be the. 00:44:30
The the answer all. 00:44:34
Matter of fact, I'll just reference the sheriff and he'll probably respond, but anyhow, the sheriff said he told us a while back 00:44:38
that he finally had his jail staff full staff of Corrections officer and he said it lasted one day and named short three or four. 00:44:45
So we all know this problem with EMS technology technicians and and ALS certified people and there's a nation we've been told 00:44:52
there's a nationwide shortage. So as far as a county run EMS. 00:44:59
Keeping and retaining the voice, I don't see there going to be an advantage over a private amount, but we do have to. We have this 00:45:08
problem of right now, June 1, we don't have ambulance service, EMS service, employee county. 00:45:14
That's the problem. 00:45:21
And as far as when the numbers come back from the mayor pro, First off, are they going to be willing to? 00:45:23
Take on just one Township. 00:45:29
When the RP stated the whole Township of the whole. 00:45:32
And so I don't see the difference in cost with $802,000 ask already in place from Lafayette and then the additional cost from 00:45:36
Ameripro to service New Albany Township and. 00:45:42
Possibly Franklin Township. 00:45:49
I don't see there's gonna be a cost savings. 00:45:51
Other than it will put Lafayette fire in charge. 00:45:53
Ambulance service in their area. 00:45:58
Thing. 00:46:00
Only thing I see that. 00:46:02
Beneficial to the residents of. 00:46:04
Highlander Fire District is they have an in-house ambulance service. 00:46:08
But that's the only benefactors to them, to this. 00:46:12
Discussion in my mind. 00:46:16
When you mentioned about the RFP and them not applying, I mean that that. 00:46:20
The RFP was only for the whole county. It wasn't for they didn't give the Highlander Fire District, nor approach the Highlander 00:46:25
Fire District and getting a quote for just their region. 00:46:30
And that was shown very clearly when the Advisory Board themselves ignored what the Commissioner said. 00:46:36
And wanted to take this into account because the Commissioners were dead content to them. 00:46:42
To not even consider this as an option, I do believe that the Highland Fire District will give better service. They've already 00:46:47
shown that in comparison when you said there's no problem with New Chapel where their response times. 00:46:52
Have been shown to be better than the New Chapel and New Chapel's got a location right out there on Paoli Pike. We're going to get 00:46:58
better service with that. 00:47:02
So I'm not the cost. Yes, may be the same, but I brought this other issue up before. No one seems to still want to address this. 00:47:06
Is the fees that Ameripro is charging is? 00:47:13
Of what New Chapel is going to charge. And we're finding out that that double is going to be about how they're only going to cover 00:47:18
about what Highlander Fire District is charged and so people are going to be paying a. 00:47:23
Significant amount of money out of pocket, so I think it's in the best interest. 00:47:29
So back to Brad. I support the Firebase EMS. 00:47:33
I don't want to support a countrywide, however I'm going to make this caveat personally. 00:47:38
We cannot pull the funding out of Highlander Fire District. It's got to come from the county and that's the only way I will 00:47:43
support that if it comes. 00:47:46
Out of the Highlander Fire District funds for the next two years to hide this tax, it's going to probably be coming down the road. 00:47:50
I won't support it, but I I 100% support the the fire base service. I think it's going to be the best for my district. 00:47:57
Especially, and I'm know I'm representing the whole county, but this is the only service being provided for that region right now, 00:48:04
so that's what I think it's the best option. 00:48:08
You know, Jim, there's go ahead. I'm sorry. 00:48:14
County already gave. 00:48:17
One fire department a half $1,000,000. 00:48:19
You know, maybe if. 00:48:24
But half a million to Georgetown. Half a million to Lanesville. 1/2 a million to. 00:48:27
New Albany. Maybe they can all get behind doing their own emailing service, I don't know. 00:48:32
But I've had to deal with. 00:48:41
E-mail. 00:48:44
More often in the last 30 days than I have in my. 00:48:47
Almost 50 years. 00:48:52
It takes a certain kind of person. 00:48:59
To even be an EMT, much less run. 00:49:03